18 THE PARLY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, Merch 22, 1958 Change Of Statue's Site Causes Row In London By HAL COOPER {Jimmy the Two to make way for |Chelsea Hospital and set him up LONDON (AP) -- A dreadful a new statue of Sir Walter Ra-|in front of the National Gallery, row has broken out here over a|leigh, It added that the king's | too. proposed change in site for a statue would be re-sited at the | What may have been the next- | statue of King James II. foreign office, | to-last-word came from historian Leading artists, architects and The to . do that followed got |George Macaulay Travelyan, who | art lovers are beating each other | Jimmy the Two more attention wanted James left with Washing- over the head with adjectives, |than at any time since 1688, when [ton for this reason: citations from history and even he was run off the throne. The | "It seems to me peculiarly suit cold logic, Letters have been first shot was fired by Roger Ful- (able to have the statue of the written to the papers. Statements (ford, a writer of royal histories, |man whom we got rid of on one have been made in Parliament. who thundered in a letter to The |side and the man who got rid of So far Jimmy the Two--as he Times: us on the other. is known to the Cockney element | "Let the king continue to stand is still firmly planted next to close to George Washington so YC George Washington in front of the | that American visitors may gaze STAY AT HOME National Gallery, overshadowed with respect on that Stuart sov- by the towering Nelson Monu- ereign who, when Duke of York, AND STILL ATTEND THE ment in Trafalgar Square. Sentl- [gave his name to their most fa- ment on what to do with him mous eity." OSHAWA KIWANIS seems divided among four pro-| Painter Thomas Bodkin, former positions: director of the National Art Gall- 1. Leave him where he is. ery of Ireland, pointed out that 2. Pack him off to arty-smarty [17th - century sculptor Grinling Chelsea. |Gibbons designed the James 3. Set him up in front of the statue as half of a pair, the other foreign office, (half being his brother, King 4, Chuck him in the Thames, | Charles 1I. MAKE WAY FOR RALEIGH BRING CHARLES IN The rumpus was touched off | Instead of moving James, Bod- March 4 when the ministry of kin contended, the ministry works announced in the House of should bring Charles in from his Commons it plans to move present site in front of the Royal STATION OSHAWA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 6.30 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT OVER 400 NEW ARTICLES VALUE OVER $7,500.00 WILL BE SOLD TO THE - |Page, O. Beckett and Arvilla at- tended a family gathering in HIGHEST BIDDER A complete list of ell articles TYRONE | honor of 0. Beckett's birthday at {the home of his son, Mr. and for sale and the names of mer- chants and firms donating the MRS. W. RAHM |Mrs. John Beckett, ugog Is- | article will eppear in this pap- " (land, Saturday. Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome er . . . Tuesday, March 25. TYRONE -- Mr. and Mrs. A. and boys, Solina, were dinner Youngman and boys were Supper| guests of Mr, and Mrs. John guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett, groome, ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' WORK IN | OUR COMMUNITY Solina. Mr. and Mrs. A. Marshall and Jimmy, Humber Bay, visited very Sussessful Bidder will have @ FREE CHANCE on & . . « Mr, and Mrs. T, Scott. Mr, and Mrs. M. Stasinski,| FRIGIDAIRE AUTOMATIC DRYER Mr. and Mrs, John Mitruk and EATON UNITY DAY SPECIALS MONDAY IT'S EATON'S FOR FABRICS! Special Features for Monday! Mill Clearance! 54" "'Featherhead" Rayon (Spun) Crease-Resist! Hand-Washable! Much Below Usual Price! This is a finely woven Celanese fabric in lovely monotone colours, It has en attractive dull finish end comes in a Spring weight that handles well. We've oPPORTUNI Greatly Reduced! Better-Selling Ends-of-Lines ! Half-Price | Reg. .65 to 1.60 Designed in simple and easy-to-keep-lovely "Maple Key". . . the pattern so proudly displayed this year in many of Canada's modern settings. In practical and increasingly popular stainless steel flatware , , . polished to a lovely gleaming finish. At these unusually low prices ! EATON Opportunity Day Special, each . . ec } TO 80 / Special, each 2 Describes Help For Handicapped MRS. W. SEYMOUR Correspondent PICKERING BEACH -- The Home and School Association met nd | Tuesday night at Paradise School. | IMr, McLeod's room won the at- tendance banner. | ed The speaker for the evening | was R. Tiplady, director of pub- lic relations for the Society for Crippled Civilians, After a film showing their | training centre in Toronto, Mr. Tiplady gave a brief history of| the progress made by the so- ciety, He told how the organization ted 22 years ago with one children, Mrs. Paul Kowalski, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubyk and Diane Congratulations to Mr, a Mrs. Gordon White on the birth of a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Park visit relatives in Peterborough on Bunday Mr. and Mrs. R. Paterson and children, Maple Grove, visited Mr, C. W. Woodley and Mr. and Mrs. James Woodley. John Wilson and Allan attended the funeral on Monday of Mrs. Russell Spinks, Oshawa. Others who called at the Armstrong Star Funeral Home were Mrs. man, one truck and no money, | J. : Wilson, Mrs. W. Henry, Mrs. until today when it is operating Arthur Rahm and Mr. and Mrs, With over 200 handicapped peo- Walter Rahm. ple, a fleet of 18 trucks, six out- Choir practice will be held let stores and a training centre. Pupils from Mr, McLeod's room Wednesday, Mar, 26, at 8 p.m. for os a music 4 the demonstrated two square dances. 4 Those taking part were: Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Herb Atkins and Feld, Karen Webb, Ram Tomlin- i hawa, call | son, Pearl Smith, Arthur Stew- HR, Ov, Caied on Mr art, Jackie Fowler, Wilfred Sene, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hooper Hans Herman Myre. and family visited Mr. and Mrs, | €. H. McQuinn, NEED VITAMIN | Mr. and Mrs. George Sears Everyone benefits from a daily and Debbie, New Toronto, at serving of citrus fruit or tomato Mr. and Mrs. Karl Colbary's, juice, for its Vitamin C content, Mrs. Albert Wood underwent an operation in Memorial Hospi- tal on Monday. A speedy recov- ery is hoped for her. Special, each Salad Fork Pastry Fork Cold Meat Fork Table Knife , , . Hollow Handle Fruit Knife . . , Hollow Handle Butter Spreaders Sugar Shell Reg. .75 Reg. .85 Reg. 1.60 87 42 80 32 37 37 50 37 37 Teaspoons Reg. .65 Reg.- .75 Reg. .75 Reg. 1.00 Reg. .75 Reg. .75 Reg.1.60 80 Reg. .75 37 24-piece Set consisting of 6 each, knives, forks, dessert spoons and teaspoons. Reg. 21.90. 1 SPECIAL 10.95. Phone RA 5-7373 EATON'S Mall Level, Dept 515 Dessert Spoons Soup Spoons Js Table Spoons Reg. 1.50 Bouillon Spoons J2 37 37 Reg. 1.45 Reg. .75 Reg. .75 lce Tea Spoons Berry Spoons 'buy' at the price--for dresses or two- Powder, Mid-Grey, Ton, Light Navy, Day Special, (Celanese) hond-washable Celanese rayon crepe dress , , . for blouses or two-piecers! Dessert Forks for a sell-out, . secured it in a fine range of the sea- son's smart shades. It's a marvellous piecers, for skirts and sports shirts, and for home-decor purposes os well, White, Aqua, Yellow, Soft-Pink, Beige, Violet, Navy, Black, EATON Opportunity 4 Yard @ . Mill Clearance! 7" pi) C 42" Rayon Crepe Ordinarily, Yard, 1.29 An excellent 'buy' for your wardrobe , thousands of yards of a beautiful, EATON'S has cleared from the mill, A lovely weave with the right Randle for the soft, pretty lines of the chemise- Spring shades, too! Fresh, clear hues of Yellow, Light Beige, Melon, Aqua, Red, Charcoal, ond Summer-White and priced EATON Opportunity Day Special, Special Low Prices! 'Domestic' Deluxe Zig-Zag Mrs. G. Phare suffered a slight troke on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ott, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Coombes. Mr. and Mrs, W. Vivian and children visited Mr, and Mrs. D. Vivian, Bowmanville, on Sunday. Club 49 held a quilting this week at-Mrs. G, Alldread's Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brad- ley were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Cook were dinner guests of Mrs. W. J. Mil- ler and Beth, Oshawa. INSURANCE Check these special introductory prices . , Sewing Machines . exceptionally low for a zig zag machine with so many impressive features! Make your sewing hours a dream with this versatile machine, that will whisk through your chores and, with the flick of the lever, provide you with a host of stitches, both decorative and useful, Modern designed exterior is finished in blue and silver grey, cabinets are beautifully finished in walnut or limed ook. See these very low prices, check the pressive features, then come on down and inspect them for yourself ® Automatic push-buttgn reverse switch. ¢ Dial stitch length regulator, ® Push-button drop feed. ¢ Dial tension control. ¢ Lever for zig zag work, buttonholes, overcasting, applique, sewing on buttons, decorative stitching, ete, @ Sewing lessons Included, given in our sewing centre. ¢ Usable on 25 or 60 cycle current. Sympathy is extended from Tyrone community to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Werry, on the death of their infant child, a twin Mrs. G. Estabrook, Courtice, visited Mr, and Mrs, Alf. Knowl- ton Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McQuinn and family visited friends at Frenchman's Bay. Congratulations to Mr, Oliver Beckett, who celebrated his 82nd birthday, St. Patrick's Day. Mr, and Mrs, J, C. Cook visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Ted McBride, Brampton, Mrs. J. C, Cook, Sr., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cook, Georgetown, and also called on Mr. and Mrs George Wills, Inglewood, this week. Mr. and Mrs, E, A, Virtue and John visited Mr, and Mrs. H. Wonnacott and Ross, Toronto, and also visited Miss Jeanette Rowland at Toronto General Hospital, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Penwar- den and children, and Mr. and Mrs. W., Vaneyk, Long Sault, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Paul Vaneyk. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread and Maxine, Mr. and Mrs. Daw- son Beckett and family, Fred EATON Opportunity Day Special In handsome, two-tone portable carrying case each 1290.00 -- In highly polished limed oak or walnut finish cabinet each 150.00 EATON'S Budget Plan Terms May Be Arranged If Desired EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 520 PHONE RA 5.7373 We Have The Lowest Fire Insurance Rates In Oshawa No other Insurance Company can match this offer. Complete coverage for your home, including: Fire, Wind - Storm, Smoke Damage, Etc. "Immediate Claims Adjustment" DONALD H. HOWE INSURANCE AGENCY Top Mattresses A challenge to insomnia, this Serta "Ambassador" provides caressing comfort to enfold you in dreamy luxury, Made by craftsmen to an excellent design, featuring:-- Fashion Wise . . . Muskrat Jackets (Dyed) For the few extra days of cold weather or on added ottraction to your new Easter outfit, Two different designs to choose from at a very low price. Flank Muskrat Jacket (mink-dyed), 00 Jpportunity Day Special, each Centre-back Northern Muskrat ved), EATON Jpportunity Day wer oo €5€).00 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 248 PHONE RA 5.7373 1] A LEN \ A | : Owl Our New ib | BRIDAL SALON For complete privacy. The finest in Bridal Gowns, Bridesmaids' Dresses and Accessories, individually Jacket (mink- Beautiful heavy-duty imported cotton cover, a modern stripe with "Lurex" metallic thread, gives fine appearance and long weer, Sisol pad insulators, extra thick to prevent "coil-feel" and te keep felt from dropping through the springs. Upholstered in many layers of new white cotton felt for truly luxurious comfort, 252 highly tempered steel coil springs (in 54" size) for the necessary support and long-lasting resiliency, Available In standard 39", 48" and 54" sizes et this one low price Ordinarily 59.50 50 EATON Opportunity Day [ Speciol, each ........... vi EATON'S Budget Plan Terms With NO DOWN PAYMENT May Be Arranged If Desired Matching Box Spring styled. Designed to give the correct support to the "Ambassador", ond moke a continental bed of outstanding comfort and - durability, \® * ® A EATON Opportunity Day: Special, 7 Nn box spring, 39 50 ah... BRIDA ALON : Set of 6 hardwood legs, 5.00 L S sweets EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 271 PHONE RA 5.7373 "In The Heart of Downtown Oshawa" : : : 26 Simcoe St. South RA 5-2722 2) 7373 - .