#4--For Rent Estete For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale (45--Real Estate For Sale 47--Automobiles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale 150--Articles For Sale THE DAILY TIMES GAZETTE, Saturday, Manch n 1958 13 THREE fice "roomed apartment. orth Oshawa ares. WILL trade for a house near Oshawa ALLSTATE ; Auto Insurance Save up up| SE spring coat, size Ts SEML formal sr bri idesmaid dress win ! noo, hurch and Shopping an 85-acre farm. Hydro and: water . to 20 per cent. Nine months to hone jacket and mittens, mauve, size vate DAB, for a clean. qulst couple; ab- Centre. Phone 3 RA S046. P 60% throughout, Fred Roberts, Cresswell th fo personal service st your Rome. cal rie RA Ji2305, 0, 50--Articles For Sale 52--Legal Notices stainer. Apply 17 Park Road South S-------- Ont. 6c RA 5.2802. Apr. §{HOOVER Vacuum Cleaners, Free home 0 . aT TE oy sel aod oh Y; oi Pe a Ee TN lit level, attached garage iT Dadue soli. Folie sad DASier, Hoi|demonsirations, Complete Qispiay of GED an, Saba ae a ture. RA 3.3271. fo foi. | FIVE - zoom bungalow en Woodcrest FULL PRICE \IiX Foi iV. Sach oan Tape] $35,000, holf cosh, gorage, condition North Oshawa Motors, Taun-|Sieshers ang polshets, prem Crom rion , 81 King W. RA 5.5121. Street South, Apr. € Avenus, $78 monthly. Apply 32 Simeos 1 1 ,000 t 12, 750) [pryment. Priced to sell fast. RA 5:1644,| snack bor, motel, ond bun- |ton' Road East. RA 8-147] Gm|3530 Ww. No Wey Rota Sam Jost LaF rt ud Sou TTT RTT) Sto [0] March 25 galow, 1956 Buick 4-door hardtop, "eo 174 Mary Street, Oshawa. Phone RA NINE piece dining Toom a suite fair | suites, greatly reduced, $54.08 up. Easy er niu ad |NEW, modern, five - room brick bun | ht-room brick |$1900. RA 35-6765. 5-1202. condition: lay space er, terms. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 A: Apply 399 Wilson Bord re DOWN PAYMENT |galow. Large kitchen with dinette. | 312,500, ight-ro0 : 49 Mercury half ton "pick-up truck, EE ~ good; kitchen range; % bed and spring; [Simcoe South. April '21 ome, central, for income 65¢| THREE piece chesterfield, wine and 1 dresser; Lloyd carriage, like BOW: (Ch TE RFIELDS 3 27. and sofa beds, $89 ONTARIO Close to Olive Avenue and Wilson Road | ; bargain, RA 8.5455. ' | 81, 350 to $1 800 see this. green. Fairly good condition. RA 5.1273, stroller; e size crib. 122 el up, Kroehler, Sklar, ete. Choice of me:| |S I b d shopping. Low down sa se-------- payment. RA 56031 $f $13,500, $6000 down or i8 your car keepin you broker Cu . Evi Care eater Soi Tori ns and colors. Out. ihey gol Easy DRY STONE WALL - " " -- m™ 4 4 space er, ol , BU e rms. ul forced air oll heated, on eity| Ridgewoy Ave, northwest | oT for sale 100 x 200, with well. 3 negrest offer, for spotless six- Rambler. Rambler won't crowd your [AIR compressor, . aise ¥ bhai Apacs pring ge er ein A hn South: Home er Cntral Park Boulevard] section, one block from Sep- mile south of Trull's Store, Courtice.| "0" {iy "bungalow, |Earagy. ls easy to park. yet has six portable compressor. P. sacrifice ger. 520. RA 3-9695 after 6 p.m. 660 PROTECTION WORKS RA 5 1326. ote! Public Schools. W Phone MO 82436 661 9 oy? passenger room and comfort, exclusive for quick sale. 236 Frontense Avenue, er 2 Pm. 2" |BEDROOM suites, $29 up. Spring sale arate ond Public 00ls. e OUR Batis rig rh Sewers Neor new shopping centre, safety construction and reclining seats. |RA 59216 Apr, 8 WE pay cash for all "good used furni- {now on! Choice of finishes. Easy terms ONTARIO HOSPITAL, ore going to build a few [FOUR building lots 4 | Small down payment or trade no fur ture and clothing. Also sell and ex-|Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe ' 11 and water, ciose to bus, school and| $5,300, $2,000 down, four til June, up to 3 years CONVERTIBLE "baby Rokolo, may be change. 446 Simcoe Street South. RA Street South. April 2! WwW. homes. in. this idee) lacetion |shopping. $1350 each. RA 5-6031. 65!) room bungalow, Prestonville. on balance. Try Rambler today ut|used as bassinetie, rocker, walker, high is 313) after hours RA 56782. Avr. 12|oNp, FT HITBY, ONTARIO eh E furnished light hi Sed or Oe obplicarts uri {1¥ you wish to buy oF sell, in Oshawa $4,800, $1,200 down, Jew. | Wellma RA 3-443), n hairs Street East, been ui yo LARGE ya3 spate eater, Almost new | aon Bn ew 13 x 760 black i] SEALED FIXED SUM TEN- furnishes *Vhitby, consul na C! 0 5 yo " vi a ---------- | 2 LARS refrigerator, washing facilities.| ith choice of colors through- for 25 Prince Street. RA 3.2612. Mar 3| castle, four large room home, [ug Plymouth Savoy, two-door, LARGE oak flat-top office desk, bar. KA 53931. 6f| ONE racer bicycle, in good condition.| DER will be received by the Excellent parking. Very central. Suit! o\ Tioce gre three-bedroom |goUSES, farms and business propert plenty of fruit trees (der two-tone, black ahd white Sai fain, $45. Phone RA 54558 or see at DWARF and standard size fruit trees, RA 3.7882. 68 undersigned until 4 p.m. able jo one or couple. 31 Elgin East. | Sa : | oii -- mcoe Street Nort apples, pears, eic., from the world's MOTOR and boat, for sale. R . RA 33807 i| bungalows with the new Pier- Janied for clients, on RA, 33512 S FARA AS 49 Oldsmobile sedan, good clean car, DO it now! All wool three ply twist largest nursery and orchard company. | e. RA _ ES, Time on SIX - room, two - siorey brick home, son sliding windows, ond | lo 3G") Mar. 28] V also 1947 Monarch sedan. cheap Urant|, oadioom installed wall to wall by Order now for spring planting. Local ing, in good condition. Apply 1295 WEDNESDAY, oll heated, garage, cent Don Howe, hardwood trim-work in no- oo) ro burtation, RA 58161 from hi tackless method including felt under. agent will call at your convenience. |. qo Street. ply 2 APRIL 23rd, 1958 Real Estate, RA 5.7732. Immediate pos-| 4,0] finish, Phone RA THREE four-room self- -containe pa | -- pad, for a room ¥ x 12' for the unheard RA 5-9597 March uC . a session, good condition. 66 ments, good ravenue, central J nA | FARM > pecial deluxe, custom radio, [of price of $135, Phone for salesman | yoy petri "Werlinghouse | D all - wave TV antenna, nil for the construction of Dry g . {only $12,900. W, McAuley Realtor, / hts, windshield washers,|to call with samples and estimate of Sacrifice, $25. RA 8.8180, March26| Stone Wall Protection Work TAREE - room, self - contained apart-| 650132512, evenings RA 88228 65! £! ' h Na Way R aq Butomatic washer or dryer from Park- y 34 e Wo tection s ment in apartment house. Three-piece a ----- ood 'mechanical condition. |cost for your rooms Nu Way RUE 884 way Television, 918 Simcoe North. to 820 off matiresses -- Bigs. ct the Ontario Hospital, -- : See us for these, We [RA 58522 after 7 o'clock or call at|Carpet Sales, 1 ary Street. RA April 20Serta, Marshall, Restonic, 397 46% Whitby, Ontario bath, Furnished or unfurnished 724 Simcoe Street South Apr. 305-1202 LARGE size wooden crib, good condi. 3%" sizes. Out they Go! Barons' Home | vate entrance. Large closets, kitchen] a ii ---- cupboards Heavy duty wired Rove | kiow them and where '5 Chev. Belair, GM radio, two Jone, FRIGIDAIRE GUC ian ane ne tion. Very reasonable. Phone RA 8.8281. c[Euishings. $2¢ Simcoe South. Aur. 21 A Bid Bond made poyoble to and refrige a 4 5 , - i m, ing | t ey are. {rery clean, low mileage car guarantee, Kelly, 81 King W. April 19]. [fbn and kitchen! This includes the Honourcble the Provin THREE - roomed self-contained ba ment apartment, private entrance, na- tural fireplace, heavy duty wiring, Tv| Laundry room. Apply 23 Gibb Street ge : Apt [17 846 SIMCOE ST. N {erm Try Stew ellman's Po pad Lac Teves bir 3 = ORCHARD ew" Wee 3 Pak two piece chesterfield, bedroom suite, | cial Treasurer of Ontafio in Cox pesmi ' . eo ------e eid, » c , ess, Spring, en suite, cof t THR room, unfurnis ed a ign YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT A HOME OF YOUR ow! RA 3.2911 |1955 Chrysler Windsor e, two tone (ft. Built by GM. Easy Sarma, aMAC lock, 1 mile north Whitby. Walirens. pring, Kiel ip Bula, co a e omount of $12,000 must in duplex on Ld finish. White Il tires, power brakes. (plan. Kelly TV. R - . Apri MOTOR and boat for sale. RA Pay ui !lite, smoker, etc. Baron's Home Fur.| tained apartment accompany the tender. Street, private bath and amirance, een: IN THIS RAPIDLY GROWING COMMUNITY, NPE like mew. Phone RA Cow w= aq ii" and Marconi portable 6gc Mishings, 424 Simcoe Street South.! A Performance Bond mede tral, One child welcome. Apply 11 OPEN EVENINGS 5.756 08¢| Veale $129, Full warranty, Kelly TV i April 211 out by an approved Guaranty sri: = NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT a Di : the | - 81 King West. RA 5-512. Apr. 19 USED © all PERSIAN lamb coat, Black, "full Tength, | CLE dB rego er For a new Chevrolét, Oldsmo- | FRIGIDAIRE hot water "tank, 40 ml. Fy le a Rs 25 "us size 12. Phone RA 3-216 Compaty ne Deporiment TV ¥ neluding elements, yr. warranty, 0 ) france, heavy wiring, TV serial, auto YOUR OWN BRICK HOME ON 75 FT. A J SCHATZ bile, Cadilloc or OK. Used free with new washer and dryer. home, Phillips, Westinghouse, Sylvania, EIGHT piece dining roomie vine! emount of 100% of the ten- t Business couple. RA J matic washer, Bus p | Kelly TV. RA 55121. Apr. 19 Motorola, Admiral and RCA Victor atiinciuding mattress and springs, one| der will be required from the 5.5445 after 5 April 4 A T Cc Ser . LANDSCAPED LO Cors come and see Iv Interference on No 3d can be, PATkway Television, 318 simeos North | florLe "pCi RA 30 SPR" tok | successful tenderer, GENOSHA Hote: -- permanent guests Realtor - General Insurance "HARRY" PELESHOK eliminated with No. 3 "Barrie Watkins ____ 68b Welcome, $15 ard 318 Jeauly. ful bole] CARRIES $62 MONTHLY HARR i [Trap exclusive Kelly TV. April 19 CHANNEL 17 aerial, completely install-| FRIGIDAIRE deluxe ciothes drvers, © Ons, specifications with Service, showers, bath, Pp or NOW Whitby Professional Building at FREE CHE Chantel I serial. with 4 ule year warranty, City licenced, new '58 models. Sale $189, Kelly Frig tender -form attached ond T ; k and ONLY $150 DOWN RA 5-8461 MO 8-3337 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES every rotor aerial installed, Kelly TV gle § y pr. 19 idaire, 81 King W. RA 55121. - April 19! tender envelope may be ob- iit BG Adults, 728 Cedar TO RESERVE ONE OF THE FEW AVAILABLE LOTS RA 5.6501 RA 53121. 24 hr. service April 19 bio ob BR Th Jakes, SINGER sewing machine, treadle good tained on application to the 3 - Pickering 590 FRIGIDAIRE heavy duty ranges, four y machines, estimates free. song carriage, like new. Phone RA| Department of Public: Works, Street, RA 54092 after 5.30. Mar. 29/ March28 teed rebuilt " S27 1 pulse ® Sip burner with broiler, $200 value. Sale goniale" Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv or 587 Louisa' Street 5! Ontario, Room 6527, East ONE bedroom apartments, choice of M 10 744 WHITBY : 19149. Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King W A 19 FUR coat, grey kidskin 0, two, completely modern, television PRICES FRO F ALWAYS Ap Dice RA S100. PHL 19010; tr To Brey kigsiin, cos dig, sat Parliament Buildings, Toron- ion dBi ai ig TAR Wy NSPECTION OPEN HOUSE [SAVE $160 on new Beatty washer and JILTON rug. @ [RL perfect condi |; in new condition. RA 55453 6c! to 2, Ontario, and 'may be . 4 MODEL HOME NOW OPEN FOR | C 25 dryer. Kelly TV, your authorized Beatty >: i |TWO girls' coats, size 12, red and) Viewed ot Room 6527 first floor, $70. Immediate possession | 0 THIS WEEKEND dealer. 81 King W. RA 55121. April 19/ONE Coleman oil stove, rose, as new. Phone' 5;1763 %b The lowest or any tender 25 Grenfell Street. apply apartment ) CALL OUR REPRESENTATIVE WALTER MITTLER One black Hudson Seal coat, size 16 J . CONVERT your old aerial to new ro: phone RA 8.1102 68h FOUR burner electric stove, heavy or phone RA 8.8402 651 To RECT TO : ¢ N NVE ROOM with board or without, ladies | EROOKLIN 291, OR COME DIREC y FO a 2 Used Cars tator, with new all channel Aekia), com CA Seve. Twi Day months ol duty, oven control, $35 RA 5-6430. 68h not necessarily accepted, ighw Wes ochra y " 59.50, | G. ve, , : -- 3hway pletely installed, 1 yr. warr is 68 [LAMPS -- trilite, table, boudoir and J. D. MILLAR, tl , good meals. Five min-| hg py ies walk from hospital or Geperal MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION Street, Get your dollars to choose from Kelly TV, RA 55121. April 19 350. Phone RA 57760 J Si|LAwPs - irilite. table, Soudely and Serr iLLAR, Motors Reasonable price Laundry. | vorth Inspect our Model | | ide- hesterfield, nylon PIANO accordian, 120 bass, three sets B h Te AH] 651 wor 5p u TRADE UP OR DOWN BEIGE Hide-a-bed chesterfiel 0 A pe I as, Lice. Barons Home Furnishings, " (Engineering), Mei BROOKLIN = ow Homes. N.H.A. Mortgages Liens Paid Off cover, like new. Two walnut living O% he lent dit TWO nice rooms, closets, laundry fa-| | 5 4 room chairs. Home evenings, 239 black and white, excellent condition, co corre PT PYY T Fry x Department of Public ow down payments lean Cars Wanted : " 7c $150 or nearest offer. RA 3-9938 68h WESTINGHOUSE electric stove, four y > Clea y : Grooms Avenue. ve . burners and oven, in excellent condi Works, Ontario cilities, close to bus. Child care given) EQ if desired. Phone RA 5-0241 Apr. 18 SATOK REAL ESTATE LTD $12 00 FULL PRICE . BICYCLES, tricycles, new and used; HARDWOOD, cut in stove lengths, $88 ion; also one double white porcelain ONE or two furnished or unfurnished ONTARIO'S LARGEST SUBURBAN REALTORS / Hoa otors [also repairs and parts for all makes per_ton, 3 lons or more delivered free kitchen sink with taps. RA 52618. 68b Parliament Buildings, ii I Bg. ng a 3 Beautiful six-room ranch- 137 Ki cr W Draytons' Cycle, 204 Bond Sprect 2 Se Barclay Transport Ltd. Pickering 7 SORTABLE typewriter, like new, $40 Fronds 2, Ont¥rio, i 15 - a -- a) y . . in . --- - 68f Also cash register in very good condi. | i sty'e home Three bed c 32> WE buy, sell and exchange used fur tion, snap. Phone RA fy ; arch 19, 1958, bath RA 5-0732 oy F444 Simcoe BEACH automatic range, new 74 cubic niture. 'RA 33271. App TTS April 14] 6% MPLETELY fu hed | in ooms modern tile th, 3 1 [ COMPLETELY rnishe ower oa LUXURY, COMFORT, PRESTIGE spacious v Or dining Mor 7 Street South Apr. 10 ft. frig, 21" Motorola TV, two 17" TV HOF rT rr ld, ment with "private entrance. 1 GE floor polisher, metal utility table piece bath, central. suit (we adi GLENWOOD CRESCENT area, modern kitche One - WE will pay cash for all good used a nq jump North Oshawa Motors, Taun-'den tractor, like new. Apply 826 Simcoe (Continued on Page 14) only. Phone RA 3-3398 after 5 p.m. 65 : : acre } nd < furniture and clothing: also sell and ex- (;n Road East. RA 8-147! 68h North, Phone RA 5.6868 694 FOUR . room apartment for rent, 74 Never before have | had the pleasure of selling such a beautiful Clos eh + Bus sor "ee hange. 416 Simcoe Street South. RA 17 inch TV, excellent condition, $50. Pri: 11 6¥D baby carriage PeHeet cond] Bond Street East. Phone RA 5.0212 bi home Owner mov ng out of city brings this quality ranch Gimp i "TED CAMPIN" 5.8131, After hours RA 56782. April 7 vate sale. Phone MO 8-664, W is tion. RA 3.4886 69a FIGHT MALARIA NEW house, eight rooms. RA 81720. home for sole. Situated in the beautiful Ans C - GIRL'S pink RIO DE JANE 692 her lovely he this 7-rcom 3 th : For A Better Buy On A New OAT KITS AWNINGS, piain colors, oF Bay WFipss, | SiRLS pink spring coat, navy suit, 10. © JANEIRO (AP)--The Nod ive reason. | + Jurreunded by other lovely homes, this /.room An $9,000 FULL PRICE or etier Buy Mn y B Prompt service. Free estimates. Order fent condi soat, oan: blue grey, excel. United States and Brazil are MODE i aed om part. breezeway and double garage takes second ploc 4 re 5 i Chevrolet, Olsmobile $56.00 ond Up now far early delivery. Chair and table on "" mapping a campaign to wipe out g Jelly hol tu ntrance fo rcoms -- edrooms t 1 " m-- nga cs tion. "390 and $105. RA 8.3676. Mar. § Oshawa. The centre hall plan features o la rance foyer iaros: livir oom; A Cadillac or O.K. Used Open evenings ond Week. (rentals. Cleve Foz, 'd12 Simeoe Nosy malaria in this country. An agree- FIVE room apartment on Simeoe With adjoining vitrolite tiled powder room and large coat closets larg ving 19 dining C t ends Ishava a PI OLD DRAMATIST ment has been signed under Street, $75 monthly. Available April 1. This entrance opens into the largest and most beautiful living modern kitchen, beth ara I LADY'S grey spring coat, quite heavy William Congreve. the 18th cen- which tl Uni og denicka at RA 85161 64f 1 o } | In nice residential area near Brooklin cloth, very good condition, Just been : } whic he nited States will Call J. Penicka a room | have had the privilege of seeing. Dutch fireplace with hace J tial o 'ea ONTARIO MOTOR Morine Storage Supply Ltd. | cleaned. Phone RA 58498, eb tury English dramatist, was a make avai'able $592,000 for Bra- Few - rl if Sho Ei completely mirrored wall. Large picture windows both front and Ing SALES Phone 87 CHESTERFIELD and chair, good con. 1AW student before turning to lit- zil"s immediate use in the pro- sas monthly. Phone RA c-6305. 63) Teor, built in valance boxes, plenty; of light and tastefully decor Call Cliff Chorlton evenings | RA 5.64501 Res. RA 5.5574 Maorch24 dition. RA 5.3210 #7 erature, gram. ated. 13' x 17' dining rcom forming on L, while the living room RA 5.2182 April - ADDING machine, Remington Rand, - rpc DOWNTOWS beauty parlor premises, taal A } orm " Ee ng rem chine, Remington Rand also can be used as offices and resi-| Qives you @ feeling of spaciousness and luxury fou in few RA 5 , - Po almost mew, in excellent © 5 dence. RA 5-5380 3 homes. Exrta large and modern kitchen with dinette separated ' B46 'i MO 8:3337 PETERBOROUGH ra 369 atter 6 pm 66 = - -- SAY s h counter, i RETINg PIANO d condition, $50, Two brand FURNISHED bed wiiag room. pri-| With drop cupboards and pass-through counter, nothing missing, SABYAN MOTOR BOATS a Rg TE J vate bath, broadloom, nicely furnished.| and a joy for a woman to work in. 3 very large bedrooms with Member Local Reol Estate $40 each. MA 32155 67¢ Phone RA 5-3093 Mar. 25 1 4 sitrolite tiled throo | roo io eloty 1d. large wardrobe closets pc. vitrolite tiled bathroom, tool room, > 1 Cedarstrip, aluminum, mould To ae iT Coes Tie a SELF - contained apartment, three and double garage complete the first floor. Broadloom through &%9a ed plywood, fibreglas. home. This includes chesterfield, bed rooms and bath. Phone RA 55746. 63 o,¢ except kitchen and bathroom mfortable recreation room STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN Mo ul dedmahogany room suite, TV. refrigerator, kitchen TWO - roomed apartment, unfurnish-| complete with massive bor and kitchenette suggests relaxation 46--Real Estate Wanted SALES & SERVIC hull. Evi de motors seis, washer, electiie Tange, occasional; T x adults, every convenience central for the cooler weather, and the door leading frem the recreation hou SE, wanted five or six rooms, $500 1 334 RITSON RD. S. TEE NEE TRAILERS. Fini hi Batons Fig Ts FOR | SELF SAREE Toad BURT room to the attractive us o at rear offers plenty of convenience dai ite Box 3, Times-Gazette. 63f OSHAWA, ONT, 5 ji : p ings, 424 Simcoe Street South. April 13 i e partly furnished for outdoor living. Comfcrteble den, plenty of storage space PAR; vated fo. rent within 15 miles TEL. RAndolph 3-346] Loyoway pian, no finance [5 Nks and cabinets, colored bath, children welcome, private entrance completes this home which is stiuated on a beautfiu ly landscaped house and barn uP ed wood March26 Shaiges Fectory _ approved Mis Dreisure brig hi oF kid RA 52783 66f| ot with double paved drive Box 7, Times-Gazette 65 ee ror 4 Susely Ltd pipe. and fitings. Nnstaliations Chins plorage 0/C io DPlY 110. iServes and RA 3-7088. Apr. 18 Hants Bir A BL electric stovi This property is only a few years old and immaculate in every HAVE $9000 cash for house. Desire Brocklin, Ontario © grigerator, and sink. 'Suit lady or g way, and will be a source of comfort and pride for the purchaser, ane Dedroom und bath on main floor SPECIAL OFFER ro Sn, ter) Ws ol Te a Abstainers. Apply 224 Bruce! (Contact this office for further particulars, - 67¢ one | be pgs hid man reet est rs PY Open evenings and weekends. |goves. Also sell and exchange 19 RL or gentieman wanted for one EXCLUSIVE AGENT 47 --Automobiles For Sale 1 ONLY April17 Prince Street, RA 8.1131, March10 a igi |B. F. Goodrich Stores, tires, batteries, room with light housekeeping duties [ss 5 ontise deluxe sedan, two tone, ex- / : * B Five minutes from bus stop. Apply " ptionally good condition, | i 57 S B : Five minutes axe. one owner. Ra sess aa: €clal buiC FLO-FOLD Bae A oy, ei, FIVE room apartment, commit A - 551 86 Meteor Rideau 4 door, tritone, auto 2-tone paint, white walls, VERTICAL BLINDS HOUSEROLD furnishings. We buy, sell furnished, also TV. Apply 8% Masson 374 Simcoe St. S. Dial 3-9329 or 5-655 SE pianymission, custom grado. power brakes, cushioned dash Modern - attractive versatile, and exchange. For furniture bargains Street Filth After 5:30 Dial Street North Ryd Y moos board, radio, back-up lights, lightweight. All aluminum contact community Furniture Store, TWO bedroom apartment, stove and ter al n last + o % 6.000 ' also your Necchi-Bernina Sewing Ma Toltrator. in new. Duliding. adits! - | loud Metcalf 5-6983 Everett Elliott 3.9290 Joe Maga 5-9191 | Ford Tudor, green with white caps, |* P03 C S20 COVES: fireproof, Dustproot, economi- [ching dealer, 19 Prince Street. Phone vy 21 Gib & white wall tires, really clean, mechan original miles ca', Fadeproof RA 8-1131. After 6 phone RA 5.1423. | only. 15 Gibbon Street. Apply ' te 67¢ 69¢ lcally perfect. Only $1395. Seaway Will sell ot wholesale price. 220 JOHNSTON AVE ADT 16 bon Street 7 Motors, oy te § bon CE -- tors, opposite Shopping Centre. 69f THREE - room apartment. Close to as 51 Ch 0) Tru RA 5-6 39 FOUR burner gas stove, good condi 37 Ford deluxe, automatic transmis 51 Chev. Custom Truck -61 or ARAL price Bn a TR ses dNipm # i OSHAWA S NEWEST DEVELOPMENT Yon, fustom radio, beautiful one owner 2-TON April 4 Ey 5.7783 or 128 Barry Avenue 671 Spring sale price, only $1945. Sea | condition. AT Sp e--o = rk slog | THREE 3 rE way Motors, opposite Shopping Centre : or FOLKMANN' S THE VERY BEST COSTS NO MORE ing machine, $50 monthly. RA ' after 6 or Saturday fo LATE [20 Dodge sedan. black, white SUPERTEST t ( 2 3 condition. } : nA THREE - room apartment. Reasonable | S a e a2 I ra cepted, finance can be a a SE 1'W SWINTER SEAL" ws "KRYLASTIC": wectherprooied Storm quiet H. M. Hartwig 35 ilson Road South Screen windows. "WINTER SEAL uminum Combination rent. Available now. Suitable fi Popp anged. Ap West, RA 5.3777. 67 a wi} orough Drive ' couple. 630 King West RA 5.37 1. Phone RA 5.3240 én! Cor. Wilson and Olive Doors. (See the new Jal-O-See). "KOOL LITE AWNINGS" -- room apartment, two be YES, FOLKS, WE HAVE A NEW ONE 55 Pontiac deluxe, fordor sedan, orig 68c Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies. See the newest Kitchen, cupboards installed . c inal dark blu i vate bath, entrance, two children EACH YEAR, BUT WE FEEL SURE THIS er. Only $1375, Seaway Motors apposite 38 Automobiles Wanted | \-adiustable awnings. "KOOL-SIDE" -- Awnings and Canopies. Shopping Centre AU omol ties ante They open and close from inside." "BEAUTI-DOR' -- Shower 4 irk Avenue, RA| me SIF DW NN IS THE BIGGEST AND THE BEST YET ! TTT ; #49 gives you choice of '41 Dodge. '41 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want enclosures, Fireplace Equipment and Wrought Iron Railings and i rtment by Apri Hillsdal e Terrace is located on Rossland Road East--a specifi- Chev, or "38 Chev., two with new cars for wrecking Apr, 8 furnishings Toronto prices, y PY ners, Central, Stove , plates. Seaway Motors, oppos door or! cal ly engineered development of appre ximately 2 | its | |ping Centre otors, opposite Shop. wip t™ pay cash for best la-ton 68 McMillan Drive, side ; §9f J a Cher pograpt tself well to ronch oLin vs ond. split ot GMC pick-up truck. Around 1950 FURNISHED bedre in e F lends itself we ) yle b 3 Sf 51 Ford deluxe tudor, original black model Nov dealo: s pr K +: Street home. Close to hospital and 'downtown level houses with a 'grect variety of house pl finish, tops in transportation, needs a West 84 , s : fl. All lots in Hillsdale Terrace are N.H.A ved ond, best of |8ood polish job. $205. Seaway Motors, TOP CASH FOR 15 PRINCE STREET RA 5-4632 opposite Shopping Centre 691 LES EVENISS -- RA 3-2707 DON HOWE -- RA 5.0313 furnished rooms, centr 1 all, municipal services including sewer, storm sewer, curbs pe Apply M8 King and gutter, street lighting, roads cre cc ott y paid for by the 33 Plymouth coupe, blue and white | YOUR CAR with custom radio fender nix 1 : nircoss, WwW ide. white wall tires, new slip covers, only We Pay Off Liens Becouse of the excellent location { quality constru > 795. Seaway: Motors, oppos hopping -- Trade Up Or Down Modern four and five these homes they have a high lending value with N.} ving | Lentre 6" We Need Your Cor A EY) ee : ge March 28 ine. the amozingly low down payment of 195? Plymouth, Al condition, small de. --5 Today [ room apartment, elec- | the a oly np posit take over payments. 112 Athol ee Us Today » Street, Whitby 68b MACKIE ipped. Best trically equipped. Bes $1 000 DOWN [ac ETE. | MOTOR SALES | | ior 290. and ' {mission, radio, windshield washer and| Wilson Road South, RA 5-5743 | [ {many r extras. One owner, '58 li aprl0 | | $105. RA 8-8676. That is oll it tokes to mova into a new 3-bedroom brick bunga- |f¥ise: Eick Whitt! HA a T i i | c Api 1{ low completa with: olf extios, such es Tolceg. gir oil eb | HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR 4 laundry tubs, copper plumbing, ook and tile floors, | t 53 Bu c | t 53 Buick special, four-door, pri . N | heater, arborite kitchen counters, stainless steel kitchen sink dition, Apply 121 John Street, 'Whitby | GOOD CLEAN M P FOR ONTARI APARTMENT and many, many other extras 0. Greenfield 69a | CARS . if | G Ne. feel fortunate indeed in being able to offer the public this a3 Lasentan Pontiac sedan §, lovely | Any make or r= C. t nineteen thousand original 2 Spacious five-room self-con wonderful value in such o first-class location os we have de miles, GM deixe radio. pant. inal DODD MOTOR "eRLES p ih {MIKE STARR has made his voice heard ot Ottawa on behalf of Rl ¢ ¥ c C r \¢ lo thes | I: will Q n ' A ul tained electrically equipped, seribeg JH wever, how long Hi value wil ) and so on original, best offer. RA 314 Park Rd. S. RA 3-9421 the average citizen. He has helped shape the policies that il h § {iat 0%- Qu , $0 make arrangement to get complete det } g dha "Wy SY peared, ge Ri that new home started immediately for early occu ov. ja Pontiac convertile, automatic April2 ; in the past few months have lowered income taxes, increased . Ci f smission, radio, washers, all new . | pensions, impro y very central Phone RA OUR COURTEOUS itres, A-1 condition. RA $3661. eos 39--Automobile Repairs h pe E proved Unemployment Insurance measures ond 5.5761 ofter 6 p.m - : encouraged Human Betterment for all Canadians. |'57 Deluxe Pontiac, immaculate, auto-| BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES 67¢ SALES REPRESENTATIVES matle, white-walls, tu-tone. Trade con-| LTD. i MIKE STARR has been an untiring worker at Ottawa on behalf sidered, terms available. Must sell this 45--Real Estate For Sale WILL BE ONLY TOO PLEASED week. Pickering 209 after §. 5 1271 Simcoe North | . of his own people. His job as Member of Parliament for Ontario per 100; 3-ft.!inch size, 25 Meroon for $8.98, or for $6.98, or 17; {het 3 $34.95 per 100. $22.95 pe: 100 $32.95 per 100 FREE ONE RED SPTRAFA SHRUB (2 ft.) FOR EARLY ORDERS ALSO CANADA'S FINEST (OLORED GARDEN GUIDE JONES BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERIES ») Q REAL ESTATE BOWMANYILLE Phone Day or Night MArket 3.3345) ONTARIO RA 5-6412 DP Ts ory. | oi : EC ------_ $30 000 37 Mercury four-door hard-top, auto PHONE RA 3.4475 ¢ Riding is close to his hecrt ond every bit as important to him arage, air conditioned oil, hardwood, fi t Be i Naows ete. Can} q | in Ford i : Bie ua, fara or A iadbe AT YOUR CONVENIENCE ase, pve WA Lan RLY Re Tie lignin IAIKE STARR has beccme o national f hout losing h ning = : Fo ol ut n 16 th Totest tvpe ec ent. - D - national figure without losin 5 come GO Dunnles Go! And look al this loves | OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Jive, wi > ™ He at Wellman's, wl ates pe equipment. 20 / SAGE La id he i Foi Tar bg Tag | ------ | SON Realtor agg ee TR ke ? Be Tet SO Eon Eos ih bibl A Home Improvement Month Is Here! Monday March 31 $11.800. New brick hou se in Orono, large ' Lying room, thbee ooms, , miders After h i p L U M B E RB S laundry tubs. decorated throughout Frank MeCame Xa 8 8521 rank Sw R 767 put your best into it. We have all the materials apply W vot Howard Oke RA 5.5598 and tools you'll want to make your home a shining Aon Perhaps your steps need bricking, your door needs OCTORS. "PLANT A HEDGE" - "ORDER NOW" WILL RE HELD AT THE painting, your walls need repairing, your floors : = for you. Drive down to see us now. hn LARGE 7-ROOM | § CHINESE ELM | PRIVET Jr NULTIFLORA CITY HALL ON MARCH 28 - 29, 1958 y | PROGRESSIVE CONSERVA 'CK BLDG. EN raed Feces QUICK DELIVERY -- TO 30 MILES TIVE 2- -inch size, 100 for growth--th . . 1 POLLS ARE OPEN FROM 8 AM. T condition on big lot, h size, hardy Kind: Applications are to be in by 0 6 P.M. ated next ci dig parking 98; for $6.49, or $15.95; 18. Business Mr. Henry Chapman Soh Phone RA 8.103 San Plumbing Inspector [™ LUMBER {of 0 Lid 4 3 30 Simese St. Seuth RRR TO GIVE COMPLETE DETAILS matic transmission, radio, power steer %. brakes, as his other Parliementary duties 56 Chev., two tone, outstanding value, Mx-room bungalow ARRAN i -- ------------ 3 average man and woman. He is respected from coort to coast eal Mr. Markham. collect AMherst Fails 671 RA 5.6588 RA 8.5117 living JoUm. Tee Dedroomb moder ours please calk And McCULLOUGH LUMBER is ready to help you Apply W Irwin, Builder. or phone -- . 4 y PLUMBER'S EXAMINATIONS example. VOTE STARR nti X BUSINESSMEN! SMIPPED AT TRE PROPER PLANTING TIME) need finishing. We'll show you how or do the job Easy-- Fastest Growing rrediom Zoned Commerc Ie 2-ft. inch size, 100 for For Inf i d Assit Call Th C i 5 an En Moh on 1768 OUGH ~~ = 5a "ii" Harwood St 75 Simece St. North 107 Byron St. Phene 307 Phere RA £-1174 Phone MO 8-4831 1270 SIMCOE ST.N.* 724. RAZ 301 NNN Nh an