10 THE DAILY TIMES-SATETTL Saturday, Merch 32, 1980 TTT Car. Production il ss | i Change Slight Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity | Change Slight By hop change in Canada's auto. Jecline outnumbered advances by 371 to %77 em Stock Sales ; ; Jute o" Toronto Stock Exchange this week. Issues un Sicks 2 Bouzan 3 4 00 0 B WN 3 4 4 4 / 7 ; 7 AY {motive scene this week, Ward's anfed tisiied fob 000, down from th dBi. h 3 Boyar 845 820 5 22000 8 --1 ..m. s.l80 hia | Automotive Reports said Friday. h $.145,000, 0! » impsons 5 g ----- 1 a pit; " | ? gz "week's 80000. Tota) forthe SKD Mig 3 13 ; J Broul Rest =] AE i 2 we Ib Z 4 i ? | The statistical publication esti- week's 8,256,000, Total sales for the year 0 3 BD art 125,947,000. (Quotations im cents unless Somville pr } " Brahrst A 0 3 ; : er a pong ori a " [cars and 1,165 trucks -- a "min Southam hn 12% Brunsman 0200 1 Brunswick 2160 -10 " M0 Maneast U 33700 !imum 1.5' per cent decrease". {from last week's 7,154 cars and : 8 wis 200 200 00 20 200 Buffad + 5% faralge 121300 +3 1 M Industrials 4 4 dar 3000 n 20% Bunker Hill / 1, 219 trucks. | Operations are "normal" at all- plants this week, Ward's said, comparable fo last week when | five-day assembly was performed !by the nation's manufacturers. | Ward's predicted 33,000 cars land trucks will be produced this month compared to 31,135 in Feb- ruary and 33,097 in January. "Present industry rate of output is 1,650 units daily, on a five-day per week basis." To date this year, car produc- tion totals 74,787 units, a decline of 22 per cent from the 96,361 turned out in the same week in Week The Canadian Press ey low Clase Change mes low Sales Tes Le Low rom fy | 2 cme TRIS WY $0 lemme 1988 sock Sales High Low Closes Change High Low A and B § Propane 4300 y 3 4 Cable 4508 PR BS PO Pg Si Soren a" 0 Siw Tan Bu Simp cum suas y 3 - ey . amp Alla Dist me lu oA Suptest pr : bo 4] C Astoria 19080 Algoma. on ! Switson : C Dyno 12365 Agema C Malart 6350 A 2 pr y ' Tamblyn » C N Ines 3350 'Analog JorOm Bk 12400 yl 2 3 2, 514 or ron Aug Pulp pr 128 S304 Mw Sui 1 Tor Iron A y 1 4 L ) T Fin A $48le 48% sina T Fin Spe Trans C PL boo Trans Mt 4 ( 3 «0 Cassiar Trans PPL n 4 Cayzor Union Ace " Cent Pat Un Ac 2 pr 9 -- U Cent Pore Un Gas 7 6 Cheskirk 1 B ~FRondangunBata = - THOUSANDS { i Chester 700 Chib (Jae 29438 Chib-Kay 2100 Bowater 1 5 400 Chib M 14590 ur Ina y } y 5 5 5 Chimo i Braz » ar Tnk / 3 : Chrom 2108 ! 4 diy | Truck output in 1938 totals 13,» p | / } "% Coch Will s 250 vi Vi 4 f | Br Tank 20 0 ) : 290 3 3! Cody-R 8600 \ Di 229 0s ¥ 4 i a f 1084 units, a 29-per-cent drop from Bright pr $ : a f . ) 1 Coin Lake 135 wt " ' : ' . {1957's 18,395 units in the cor ' Wat Equip $6 Coldstm 500 2 xX Goldvue 11000 " s ' 1h j i Westeel 4 Colomae N Harri 7000 : 4 i § iid (responding period. West C Brew 31 $30 3 ; 5 N High $100 t froc A 105 y 25 y N Hoseo 2750 19 3 1 3 i | Trlr ib Ficus J UB i Phim ms i %B-s 3 UNEMPLOYMENT CHARTED General Electric esion B 1683 C Denison 20325 } Newlund 13428 The abov h shows th d of work appli d ¢ Discorry aso P 3 N Nanas mm Bw jobless. 25 Towneden by the Dominion Bureau figs and 'Sales Up In 1957 13258 50 8 3 e N Mylam 174175 2 2 _ National Em loyment Service over a period of nine years. : = : Newnor 5500 s 5 4 P Sr 2.10 ar TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian New Rouyn 3500 3 General Electric Co. Ltd. had net i Senator 2 income in 1957 of $11,079,879 or v7 L Nipising 8 $58.37 per common share, com- oO : Investors Lack bres i SO oe Morrison 12700 1 3 Noranda A 1936. Mosher 1900 : E Norgold Sales billea totalled $260,028, 3000 Negus 6716 Normetal I of ih Nichol 5000 5% 54 5% -- W Norpax 19 rin eelir 1 358, 'up five per cent, and net in- Persh 3000 Norsyne come represented 4.3 cents on the PTI PTR TO + Leis ade Bele F 5 "ww y $107% 10% Wstn 6pc pr 95 195 195 ' 3 : West A wis 3435 $42 40 a West Cop 1385 $12 1% 10) Cent 6534 © and D 3 al 'Pow 865 970 60% Cal Pow § pr 10 $102 102% Can Cem 2684 328% 2% CCC Stone 345 38% 8% Can Folls A 240 $20 CI Fndry CIF 44 Can. Life 2 C Marcon! Cat Nant . C Westghse > Pac C Paper Red Pop 4000 9% 9 i] N C Pack B D_ollclon I gh 5" +14 Noman z sales dollar compared with 4.4 pont 5 Sanorm 13000 64 5 i 1 2 | cents, CSL i Int Pap ? 4 8 Con Sud 31186 ors A Du 12600 206 4 | By RON ANDREWS 803 issues traded, 277 advanced, SPS CSL 280 $1214 12% Int Util 1025 25 % C Tungsten 8035 5 a Norvalie 1 10% Canadian Press Staff Writer [371 declined and 155 remained Can. Wire 3 2 ig Bu lob ine 305 Conwest wd 20 0 Nudul 3500 6 7 14% | Although spring is officially unchanged. . op Corp {here, investors of Canadian stock| Index changes at Toronto: In| M Ww J H r. m. enry Sed laid 6 | a FY SS felelolololo fo Tole Tete Io) I++ Cdn Brew 3850 $28 37h Price Br 2100 1 -- : Cop-Man : 8 7 "w 7 Cdn, Brew pr 2 284 m™ Third CG Inv 400 $5 4 Coprand L Ogama ' ¢ markets are not expecting the dustrials up 1.17 to 423.75; golds | Pet a TRE . Coulee ; 7 11% rally which usually shows at this off .06 to 77.44: base metals off General Monager of dn_ C Cournor 113 9 br 108 $200 » : 20% WH Crestacr ' 9s0 575 time of year. At least not for a'53 to 12; western oils off 1.63 C C175 pr 20 Crotior " 7 <1] y 1 while to 128.49 OSHAWA WOooD 1260 490 480 A Jo . 3 49, Com 120 430 ®0: 48 "400 Acme Gas 3300 Crowpnt i {died 2; 34 3 The markets in general this Index changes at Montreal: 45 70 70 70 67 AR PL Daering 20 : 42 (week gave no indications of mov- Banks off .25 to 45.24: utilities PR D = 2, MH yy y Ao On DBD t D'Aragon ! + 2000 44 ing ahead although coppers broke off 3 to 136.4; industrials off 1.5 uc TD. 00 $11 11 1 1 4 Anglo-Am 3500 Pe Cout ] i 500 4 a a dismal record to push higher to 243.2; combined off 1.1 to 960 316 14 18 3 Batley : 4 =n 3 E'Eldona 1 s ' 3 "* as bullish news about the indus- 207.6; papers off 14.52 to 1113.47; | is pleased to announce Bail 8 5% pr 70 2% 22% -- % a: SE : Paymast 3 try Tiitered through the bearish golds id % to 68.34. n | the appointment of an a p ' 8 reports. | eeks volumes: 326,307 indus- | 9 Suh fata 2000 . 8 Perron . % | On the whole, however, there trials and 1,850,472 mines com. | x 5 $103 » : Pioneer 54 115 was little to enthuse about in five pared with 314,187 industrials and| 8 [1 8 Calaita 0 es 4 E Amph! 000 8 7 Yh Pitch Ore : y "| sessions! ss trading : 1,418,157 mines. Of 352 issues con wis 88 2180 118 Cal Ed ! ) 1 fos! Mal 5 : Pon Rou 0 0 "® close Friday there were miore|traded, 105 advanced, 143 de- an Pet pr 1212 $15 4 i 7 East Met Pr Bord } on stocks down on the week than clined and 104 were unchanged. 20 4 20 20 CS Oil wis 12300 East Min reston { i ri em ek Cdn. Salt 100 $20 320 8x. Fr 30 Bas a a » Presi |up and only industrials managed Cdn Atl Ol 2478 Eldrich 2 Pronto wis [to gain on index at Toronto - C Cuietn 700 0 9 1 El sol 1 : 5680 " : Campbell Chibougamau and ual a wis 20 7 Eureka 6 » Opemiska were among the best L] . gd. Dy TE Ww : Falcon 35338 ici ME 500 50 st |winners in the list of copper C High Cr 7125 55 43 d 27 [stocks at Toronto, each climbing B k Di (] C Homestd 3691 I 80 45 = 3 ss 60 cents, ) (0) er, 1eS c Husky Jove 10 960 Fest T 2 11 BLOW TO NICKELS 3035 $304 29% 30 sky wis 2880 Fed Kirk 8 ? Qu V] A Con Gas A 60 $106 106 C Prospect 8773 Fla Con : A 00 90 5 70 | "Nickels received a setback | MONTREAL (CP) -- George Copp Clark 165 450 450 450 5% $ Williston 400 3 Francur Hh 6 6 8 " 7 3 ne MeCuals, 2 retired Cana. 8 750 Monday when International dian Army major - general and Corby vt 955 SIT 17 17% -- W Nat 783 Frobishr : 3 : ; 1 1 50 Ganse oil 767 : G v 6 3 56 36 i! Crestbrk 200 168° 165° 168 415 19 Gaitwin 8 |Nickel, the world's largest pro prominent Montreal stockbroker, 725 65 60 60 --8 0 Cent Del 29833 5 : Galk 3 4 MH --S Rainville 1000 ' Sh Bf Be Sr wm 0 8 EZ Br ELE § [oan fen cnt Frida Stor et Crown Zell 200 $45% 44 "% om Pete » 5 2 Genex 8 12 1 Renable 5 5 C N Davis A 4 Conro 8 Geo Scien zn Rexspar 2 |Inco lost $1.75 on the week, clos- fr. McCuaig retired in 1950 as, Mr. Stanley L. Gomme Tig Td A Be. i" ing a 742s Broom st Company, mca] to to we o D Coal pr ! x A He pi 'S an ompany mem ers D Bridge 7 n % 23% 20% C East Cr 1600 33 3 29 Glacier 6450 Roche 6100 9 The markets received a tech-| ¢ (10 Montreal pany, Canadian OSHAWA WOOD Dom a J C Mic Mac 3400 0 0 9 Rockwin 29405 ® nical boost from Wall Street in| on 4 $ 5 3 tock e | Rowan Con Bi H] {midweek when the New York ex-| exchanges PRODUCTS He retired from the a Cl ord 225 820 20 2 360 San Ant 940 52 82 44 |change announced that short In-| 1945 ag chairman of the officers tores 2192 $54 : Sand Riv 41000 [terest totalled 4,460,660 shares as : : Mr. Gomme brings with ar 493 $11% 11% . 1 3 Sheep Cr 1300 35 f March 14 %-v. high selection and appraisal board. iTest lo SBN BC aN + W Do 10s 815 840 +20 100 500 Sherritt 10008 433 408 I° Tee i) a year or the He also was commandant at him many years of exper- 4 oronto e H : A a he 5 : Sil Miller 22700 3 2 owost 2 the year, Pha Yoo gamp. Borden, ON, during the | ience in millwork and in y 3000 econd Worl rr stBtedl 0 78 75 7s 10 Pe. 1 Gull Lead 4 i % Bn 7 Sisco 13380 58 6 8,145,000 shares compared with|™ g vivors include his wife and the building supply bus- son Inv 488 833 33 33 + W Gen Pets 100 Gunmar 4 ! J Sloean YR Ls g z - |B236,000 the previous week. O of a daughter. A civilian funeral | iness in general. 7 534 1 585 § Gen Pet A 900 b Jun w 3 c a_i ------ Fo Piay 242 biti Br Tote + % ! Gr Plains 500 4 Gwillim : Stanleigh 55440 is |service is to be held here Mon- Fanny F 1115 81514 15 15% 9 15 Highwood 7500 22 3 % 19 Ha 5 814 9 Se 204 9 0il Com anies |day. ! Fed Grain 230 $29% 29 22 Home Oil A 2554 ar-Mi $ -- i Fed Grain pr 150 $27 if 2% 7 Home Oil B 2305 53 1 Hasaga L Starratt 20000 (30 P Fleet Mig 52 3 HBOIG 3360 5 Headwy 5 . Steeloy 6 5 5 9 4°] Ford (US) 1 39 Humber 6100 Heath 3 3 Sleep 2 no 10 9 'Drop Subsidies Ford A x Jump Pnd 4000 29 22 Heva 1 3 Sturgeon Foundation 0 $19% 1 Jupiter 2500 5 High-Bell Sud Cont Y% 6 TORONTO (CP) -- Two major {oil companies Friday dropped Fraser 430 $244 24 - Hollinger % Sullivan Fr Pete pr 2260 815 81s LI Pete Hoyle ! 3 3 3 3 Sunburst : ni Gatineau 1490 $32 31% 31M -- 4 32 Majtrans Hud Bay 3 " 5 Surf Inlet 000 : 1 (their subsidies to Toronto area 4 Gat 5 pc pr 90 $103 102 102 1 3 Maiigod Juan Pam 9 9 9 §rivanite 11578 5 1 " | dealers Tat Su 35 $108 108 108 --1 edal 9 Ry. Lake 2 n Th K h & C L d Jen Bake. 700 | 36% 6% 64 + % Midcon 7% 68 Inspirtn 55 8 Taurcan 52825 60 4 : * » The moves were made by Im- omson ernag an 0. | . Dynam 350 $56 85% 35% -- % Mill City u 22 24 Int Nickel 208 54 71 744 Taur vt 1 perial Oil Limited and Regent . 7 UU -- Uo Nat Pete 200 200 -- 2 50 Int Ran ; % 2 Bn +] Teck-H : Refining (Canada) Limited in an 6% + W "5% N Bristol 25 28 Irish Cop 105 § Temag 5 | i KS AND N 35 $145 5 +2 ; N Chamb 8100 119 3 Iron Bay 700 168 Thom L 5, effort to bring to an end a gas- STOC A BONDS Goodyear pr 110 $46% 464% 464 N Concord 644 23 28 nn B Jacobus 100 ; Tiara a1 |oline price war in which the price GL Paper 2610 $334 31% 3244 --1% N Con 39300 30 Jaye Exp. 33300 | %® Tomoill 19 lof standard gasoline has been cut GL Power 315 $20 20 20 +34 N Davies 1500 19 Jeanette +4 ; rx 13 E Member Toronto Stock Exchange GN Gas 725 STH TW N Gas Exp 2260 127 Jellicoe 3 19% s Ri 4 1 to 31.9 cents from 44 cents in 9 GN G 2.80 pr $41 N Superior 1503 124 1 Jobutke ¥4% xh 16 |some instances. GN G wits 1540 350 325 340 ortheal 1775 14% Sn lin --in ; Jolie : GN G B wis 4455 310 280 300 +40 N COlls 50 290 290 +40 ' Jonsmith ' . The effect of the move by Im- 16 King Street West, Oshawo GW Coal B 275 $8 NCO wis 11s 110 110 +8 Jowsey 39 i CHL Mining ie wo |Pperial Oil was to restore its Great West 425 81 12 13 wt 1 NCO pr $30 30 30 Kenville S48 S 4 J AS ey on 514 wholesale price to dealers to the Phone RA 5-1104 sreyh 10, Northld ul Kerr Add Estella d Greyhound Fh 31 20% 30% + = n id 04 Kilembe +3 2 Un Keno 36 340 normal level. It did not repres- H Dauch 100 un 3 Okalta 150 142 14 158 19 om 3 gy Za, 5 ss |ent an increase in the wholesale § 325 St 2% ! Pac Pete 6660 $17% 16% ion + 7 Rik jg BM ) 7pp C pH [price, as reported previously. AL NER aa ks ad 2a 22 Kirk Town 3 | The gasoline price cuts have Tap Inv 400 Peruv Oils 5 9 v1 Labrador te 4 > 7 121 |been effective in the Toronto dis- Imp 313 ; Petrol g : Labrados 00" 100 ; 6 [trict for the last week. Imp 8101 $394 WW 3 Phillips 3 3 Jake Cin Weed 1B | b 3380 bo 3 - hy Ponder 28 28 Lake Ling 5 Provo Gas 1 1 L Osu Reef Exp 3 8 ob L Shore Richwll : 1 5 100 I wer Rocky Peta 22388 3 4 La Luz valite 7007 ed 14 Royalite pr 100 -1 Tamaace Inland Gas 775 3 7% 6 Sapphire 3000 68 3 Lencourt 900 7 6 Yellorex lnind G. wis 350 323 39 Sapph debs 360 30% 3 : Lexindin § an 8 4 Yk Bear Inland G pr 0 3 Scurry 4328 - 3 9 a 30 8 . 5 Yukeno int Bronze 100 $10 0 Secur Free 6430 47 CH fe Int Pete EX1) E . s South U 2605 Inter Pl 213 S44 - 4 Spooner 21700 Inv Syn A 254 $12% 3 ' Stanwell 6549 2 Kelly D A 10 460 to Kelly D wis 2600 110 100 + Tex Cal 1 3514 34 -- WU 5 f 1 Gape op L to N Trans Can 3 7 Nn A ws m Ei " Yukon Con $500 Labatt 1100 $2034 204, 204 -- %% Triad ol 6500 4 . Lakeland 3000 320 305 320 +8 L Un Oils 14121 3 L 9 3 Ikelnd debs 533 $8414 8214 83 + W Julean 0 4 3 ; Laura Scc 515 $19ia 1914 19% + 4 Wayne Si BUSINESS IN U. S. ot Lob 1 pr 1105 $304 30 304 -- 3 Westburne 7900 3 ugar E ee Lob new A 830 $24}a 24% 25 Wespac 13643 29 17 Lob new B 5418 $24% 23% W Maygill 2505 cin th ETS RR sem aii s FE Anti-Recession Potion Boost Seen Mass-Har 75 $6 ' Windfall : 12 CHATHAM (CP) -- Depressed RO ' : is giving away | W Can OG 1257 Mass Har p 22 : Wn Oh prices of *many farm products Maxwe 202 5 ' Ld . A J A McCabe A 30 5 Curb B C may mean an increase in sugar $ § A : MeCol " a. Damoysie 1700 13 Mixed Y ompanies beet production in Southwestern| | ffi : : 8 Sharp, New Mere chip a : Ontario, Norman Belanger, vice-| | 28 « SEER \ w " Mex LP pr 29% $I b ETRE . By WALTER BREEDE Jr. | Week 3 go shesd wits massive president of the Ontario Sugar |} SPEEDWELL Mid West 250 160 130. 133 - : NEW YORK (AP) -- What's advertising drive against reces-|Beet Growers' Marketing Board, : ; v wy Milos wis 6% 3 = GA U.S. business doing to halt reces- Sion. It will be conducted in much caiq Friday. Sad ; BICYCLES Milt Brick 2 Acad U 2500 8 Molson A 5 A : pro Bg li 2 sion? the same way as the council's] He told the annual meeting of Mont Loco $15 3 5% 1 Akaitcho 1100 45 : : oy : {public service campaigns in be- district sugar beet producers that # Yaa 3 Py eT pa Ej 7 6 Alba Expl 1000 5 4 4 dl Se While Washington talked abil half of traffic safety, bettericyryent prices of $1.10 a bushel : : ] ' for every age group Nat Drug 300 $124 12 1 Alfom wis 3i80 4 ry ER Be businessmen Schools and broader church at- for cern and $1.30 a bushel for APTA and every purpose! Nat. Groc pr 70 yay, Am-Larder 1000 131 around the United States this lendance. Its aim is to combat wheat has revived farmers' inter- SE North $57.50--onty 28 N Hos B b Amal Rare 1925 1) +5 = sobsc N st Car 2% $21 : A re ] week 'were quietly concocting JeeeStion fears and spur con: est in the possibilities of growing - wigan \ [ No x Gas 1 Anacon 18166 . some potent anti - recession sumer buying. sugar beets. More than 15,000 J 5, 95--only 10 sbeerip: hy ire 1 1 9 5 8 - ; J" - ' North Star 124 12% 1 1 | yr nn Sy ? 5 medicine of their own. ~ MAIN DETERREN1 {acres has already been contrac-| | tiem. ® N Star wis 3 350 3 3 Ansil 1800 1 i 2 For the most part, the magic. (pe deterrent to consumer buy- {ted for sugar beet production this! ; N St wis 56 - Apex Res 2700 formula for this medicine was ing is the constant rise in living year, he said. All you have to do is sell a few subscriptions - Mr. Belanger said that because. for The Globe and Mail! Register in The to everyone you think might give on N St wis 57 2 4 ( 335 + 3 Arcadia 19500 : : Nor' Phone 3445 315 3 : 5 7 Arcad wits 5400 10 1 compounded of three main in- ¢osts The government's latest r Ai) Nor Pio 3 3 = : r 40 - SE avstsae a . ! of the increasing in stability of Globe and Mail Bicycle Club by sending in the order! Get on the phone! Call ify ds N til pr o Ara $i 7 gredients: Product ey ment consumer price index tells the returns in other crops, 30,000 coupon below--retum it to us T@PAY--and and relatives. di kg gpg ic Ocedn Sup 1600 814% 1 Atlas Yk 2000 : 7 \ % H cost and price reduction, and story in vivid terms: Living costs oc mav be contracted for su-| we will send you official subscription forms you to win @ new bicycle! Show this offer to e Jockey " 3300 in 3 AtinR $700 y ¥ 3 "hard sell. {at an all-time high with food at gar beet production before plant. by the next mail. Meantime, show this offer Mom and Dad, and get them 16 help you, too! a Coy SE ubelle 0 3 - ' f the totem pole 13 H 0 Jock B pr 220 $T% Aumacho = 9300 1 1 SEARS' PLAN the top of pole, ling time. Y. our » Sk a I 3 Acmigue 60 3 YD Sears, Roebuck and Company| Farm prices have recovered wll wan » bisyols dor Surg Suringense dow ws miss a minute! 635 $119% 1 109 Junor Noe i » offered this prescription: Cut from their lows of two years ago. ATOMIC REACTOR any papers or any moneyl 38 7 TW - 4 Baki la rem A go Ss prices on hundreds of tems Fi isp Jig drought 8 thing ol Minister Admiid. All rol fd Ea ee owe 2320 $3 3 y a a dt merchandise and ease up on In- ers "| X We NE x Pow Corp , 288 $5914 9% -- 1 Parvue ail Io BB J stalment buying terms. . jin the southwest are, enjoying ment the United States has| R 4 : " 3 Gite (ele sadn Premium 2 : 290 B Metals 6600 3 4 iif the Bank of their best spring business in five agreed to bear $350,000 of the! & : \ ad : a i BM Soo 28 In California, the Bank o ta wo : Bicycle Club Registration Form Re is pr 6 Paska rn 38a a) - America is helping contractors OF six years. cost of installing an atomic reac- oy ; BE {The Globe ond Moil, R : Beaucage ) : : "sell" home owners on improve-| While economists, financiers/tor in Pakistan. ; Ge = | 140 King St. W., Toronto, Ont. 11090 $13% 134 : rd : : : -- 3 | 5 . Roe AV on 469 $1 Beav Lod ) 7 ' 1 ments ranging from installation and politicians * were trying to 3 3 i | want to win a "SPEEDWELL* bicycle. Roe 5%pc 4 Belcher 0 10 155 5 Font . | 3 3 Please register my name and send Royal Bank 4432 3% 53 1 Bolte 0 17 ' 78 or of a basement playroom or cab- guess when the recession would a better - than - seasonal increase 1 N of official order forms and rules of Te ° hep Roy on is 50 2 : Rethim 300 ; inet kitchen to the addition of an hit bottom sales executives this this spring because of the logjam N 4 CA mr a a' Bevan ) 2 lila uy 18 oy entire wing to be financed, week spotted a few encouraging of work delayed by bad weather § ¥ $ + Name StMaurice 2 : y 3 8 Bicrof - 12 WR 0 naturally, with a loan from the trends earlier in the year. kL RR } arte Ri salada-8 FSM lia 3 teop #40 : } 17 P bank Donald R. Cough, vice-president Not so good is the latest news STANDARD AND, JUNIOR SIDEWALK BICYCLES 3 BICY! jada-S B Balada be 1125 ; t : 8 ! 5 Directors of the Advertising of American Radiator and Stand. from Detroit. Despite production . for small boys ond ho Shawin 612 5% + » ou : : 8 Council, an organization of big ad ard Sanitary Corporation, said the cuts, new car inventories are fast 3 Jon ond ne bo BLE . shawn A pr 100 . 1480 wo» agencies and clients, voted this construction industry should show approaching the $00,000 mark, Tess snsnane