THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, Merch 22, 1958 § (SPORT FROM BRITAIN | Dark Horse Entries | yu wih lh ls 8 | fh |guard and linebacker positions Be Brighton Is Hot Spot' "acing Classic | ™ SpORTS IN BRIEFS "iets wow | ways-dangerous Ferraris of Italy FREDERICKSBURG Va. (AP) . {and two "sleepers" from Eng- YOUNG BOXER DIES eleven defeated Spain 200 Wed- Russ Sullivan, 32-year-old out On English Hockey Scene xb Sin mhus wavs cr ™ nou sh 8 nt that 5 hi Si Sri ot, |in Saturday's Florida Grand Prix Wednesday reported the death of World Soccer Cup fournamet, [onal seball hi eh By RUSSELL ELMAN The team's roster of 10 Cana-|of Endurance, the top North 30 Indian youth who struck his epag Ay OQUETTE TRIAL onal Base a cai hat yeahs | | (head on the floor of box! | BRIGHTON, England (CP) -- |dians and two Britons maintained American sports car race. [ea its toh a God's| MONTREAL (CP) -- Montreal jon the voluntary retired list. He i D by w LIF Ev doy night ex Itheir hold on Brighton's affec-| Ferrari, with a three-car entry| | ¥ AA vey ay Nght Sacen 3" tions" with an impressive string and drivers from the cream 3 Lake Narrows Reserve. They Alouettes announced Thursday hit -316 last season. pt PFE (1) (tc permanent residents Of Post - war championships and |the world's crop, must be given said the victim was Joseph Carl-ithat Jim Keyser, star lineman, FAMED CRICKETER DEAD a pack the Brighton sports stadium [currently boast the largest sup-|a favored role in the 12-hour gon Chapman, 20. He died Satur. with University of Virginia for| MELBOURNE (AP) -- Former Bll Dh rer loud and uninhibited en- Porters' club in a league that has speed battle. ay 5 the Lave, 360 miles three seasons, will report to the Australian test cricketer Vernon sl couragement to a hockey team, two teams in the populous Lon-| The Italian factory won the northeast of here. |Big Four Football Union club's Ransford died Wednesday on the 1 Bright iti Rav r|don area. |world's championship last year BLANK SPANIAR * |tryout camp this summer. Keyser eve of his 73rd birthday. Rated: righton citizens have a S0CCer| "wo nger fans, less familiar and took the lead this year with NK NIARDS is 22 years old, weighs 220 pounds as one of Australia's best left- club that looks ripe for promotion with the game's finer points, are |a one-two finish in the 1,000 kilo- FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) and is five feet, 10 inches tall. hand batsmen, he played 20 tests, to the Footia) Leaget's Second s vocal and partisan as their metre race Jan. 26 in Buenos -- Germany's national soccer He probably will be tested at/10 of them against England, |Divisien, 28 in ig ap pre elders. Whitby Dunlops, en route Aires, the first of seven races op|~ es Valine Me Te nad a to Oslo and the world champion. the world's champ calen- 8 ships, were greeted on their visit|dar. Sebring is the second. M8 generous allotment of public M ts here think, how-! | t ighton with a lusty chorus of | Many experts here think, how: . - oy i fo i" : Saga may ul 3 ri : FOR Qua! Imy PRODUCTS 4 But once past the turnstiles, ter Jaguar may pull a surprise 4 i > DISLIKE CHECKS [ter Jag yD P 15 'they transform themselves into {in the Sebring race. Both cars| Ti : the most severely hockey-bitten Accustomed to wide-open play are unknown quantities in racing) Mos Hw, |community east of Newfound- and a minimum of bodychecks, | competition but both are arousing 4 , Mert = i RD) | land. the Brighton supporters disap-|a lot of interest. \| : SNR EE Ne he had a Hockey moved Nnimy's aretut deters | That Spell Top Performance SCORE NO GIANT-KILLER IN HIS '58 DEBUT [im ever since anew "lhe tactics and sour oer io . | swimming pool was converted in- |dignation every time a Tiger was Be evil e Back on the mound for the | Score pitches to San Francisco | out two and walking two. Giant to a winter skating surface in|dumped by fair means or foul. first time since he suffered a | Giant Dusty Rhodes. Score | won, 6-5, to earn their fourth |1935, But the game really caught! Many expressed their preference serious eye injury last sum- | worked three innings, gave up | straight exhibition victory over lon with the arrival of Canadian |for visiting Russian and Czech " . mer, Cleveland southpaw Herb | two runs on two hits, striking | Indians. [servicemen during the Second teams who sought unsuccessfully | ns it £ A " A SERS ~|World War. to match the Tigers at their own f pl lier in the sea- STARS IN SERVICES brand, of play eazlier In the s OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS Waterloo Team "5 b.vcs,,,, ave "Lise ty tr elon member of In Overtime KRISSA BROS. here," says Alan Weeks, the stad- the British league, Brighton re. ; ° Takes Lead In ium's publicity director. "Our|cruits most of its players directly | PEMBROKE (CP) -- Belleville ; : tanding: Lime 13, Blue 12, Red 11,2034; Algers 3 - 3343; Wa 217; | rink was the principal recreation | from senior and junior ranks in|nMcFarlands defeated Pembroke || Here is the FINA family of quality motor eils and lubricants, Glunding: Lic 13, Blis 22, 0A; BRET Davis Bey 1 + 2001 . centre for the Canadians." It was Canada through the efforts of Lumber Kings 21 in overtime|] They are the finest products available, develeped to service reen 10, Brown 10, Coral 10, Purple 9,|7-Up | Grey 8, Orange 8, Tan 7, Pink 7, Silver Canada Bread 3 - 3577; Goch 1. nn; - in ourne visited by such uniformed NHL |Harvey (Red) Stapleford, trade Thursday night to win the On- every type of vehicle -- under any conditions -- and to main. 7, Gold 8, Black 6, White 6, Mauve 5,(Bolahoods 3 ° 3336; Powe 15 oo {mainstays as Turk Broda, Sid commission for Ontario in Lon- ario Hockey Association Senior Al tain FINA's reputation os the pace-setter in automotive lubri« Yallow 3, Beige 4, Rose 3 and Maroon, 5 371; Smiths 1,340; OBL| TORONTO (CP) -- Waterloo Abel and Roy Conacher, among don and former coach of the de-| eastern series championship 4-1 cation. " Points Taken: Blue 3, Rose 0; Lime|3 3277; Post Office 1. 3260; A and F : other players {funct Streatham entry. |with one game tied, McFarlands 3, Mauve 0; Brown 3, Beige 0; Purple 3, Bia ome 1 3115; Collis 2 - 3210; Majors took the lead in. team| when Brighton Tigers resumed A eurrent Brighton favorite, (meet the Northern Ontario win- UNIVERSAL MULTIGRADE Wnta 0; Groen 3, Silver 0; Yellow 2 WCHL! (Foam Captains; There standings in the open five - pin thelr activities in the British Na- however is 35. year old Johnny ners next week. MOTOR OIL re range 3: Coral 0; Black 3, Gold 0.4 be a meeting ofteam capatind "2 nowling tournament at the Cana- tional Hockey League in 1946 un-|Oxley, possibly the best British-| Barton Bradley scored the win-| Canada's top quality multigrade motor oil, specially formu: High Doubles: Olive Shortt 487 (366, Ci" Alloy Office, The meeting 18 of the | ain National Sportsmen's show der coach Bobby Lee, formerly |born player the league ever saw, ning goal in overtime on a break- (| joted for today's modern high-compression engines FINA BILL KRISSA ft arin. Godman th ts Biol Spite sha ve Mental tt 7 OY ling 8 five, 0, Montreal Royals and Quebec who emerged, from retirement away after stating the puck tom | UNIVERSAL is an ll season" a). gives year "ound grote C 239, : Ev. nol : . : . | s be ; v path 423 (225); Chris Allen 412 (240); you send a representative, urscay might, |Aces, they had a-large and ini- this season when the Tiger de-/a Pembroke defenceman. tion under all driving conditions. Available in SAE 5W-20 and 160 Simcoe §, RA 5-8651 Bo Clemence 405 (265) and Audrey! Lemon League: We have only one game block of 5,906. {tiated following of fans. fence was crippled by injuries. | Belleville scored the only goal 10W-30, (For API service MM - MS), Gimblett 405 (231) guiprit this week in the persn of W.\ Guelph Majors, who bowled B,- -- - p-- = lof the first period but Pembroke Ovens 243, Ethel Denby 241, Grace Cry OFUC LEAGUE 1822, dropped to second place {tied it in the second and the Singles: Mets Quantrell 261, June Bryant with a score of ¥ 22, » derman 335, Vers Burr 221, Mayme| Team Stindings: Rookies T488:[, on 5 | [teams battled on even terms un- Bradley 315. Hazel Peaker 214, Daisy Calypsos 73.357; Kabobs 73.031; Elec Galt Majors, with a 5809 total, oe own e en S 1 e A Dae Y (0) h FINA D | A Brain 213, Mavis Irwin 212, Bea Colvin|Hustiers 0; Bo-Peeps 3, Skippers Li oo third-place and Hamilton | Bradley came up with the win our snawa eaiers re 208, Muriel Magill 207, M Fleming 204, 70,506. % pric 4 ! ; : Ladies' high single: A. Shaw 286 Majors, 5,773, in fourth | Johnny Muretich sent Belleville Laila Gibson 213, F. Schoeneau 202 and) Ladiex' high wakle: A rh . : ited A 0 M 7 A . ly he lead but Di Menard arg Ebbs dies' h Gimblett (239 'oronto Cird's continu 0 n da al st u as into the lead but Dennis Menar LADIES MAJOR "B" LEAGUE 260 308) roTS triple: 4, Gunblet spot in the men's open y g n tied it while Lumber Kings were AL CREECH ANDY RUIS TOM SIBLOCK Two weeks of bowling left unt) the views high tiple; B. Thacuuk (238, hoig op PL 13 16 ERS Oyen short handed playoffs an e race Is qu ose. 1247, 211) 694 VISIO! 5 | I J a _ NB! inla aL . a ¥ ® ¥ Binwells 'defeated Whites for. all four > over 300: G. Bull 302 ek ot 4676. In second was an- HOUSTON: 1%, 3 AP) Au that He NBA puting Vidlated an = McFarlands had an edge in 1180 Simcoe St. N., RA 5.7521 449 Ritson Rd, 5, RA 5-946) 627 Simcoe St. 5, RA B-8361 points and climbed right into first) Over 200: A. Snaw 286. 218; D Blig ther Toronto team, Neptune three-month xing dispute ende accepted practice that champions play throughout the game but place, with Bums and Hendersons 2 gon 279: A. Gimblett 269, 239, Jou 9 pide a r Riko Y.ake Le Thursday as lightweight champ- would be required to defend their | ..o given a rough time by E Y very close secon Taylor 263; G. Coo 58, 202; a ecreation irkian LaKe . le volve i OT ix » . " seam points: Bints 4 Nesbitts 0; czuk 247, 236, 211; M. Slanina 228; E. o, held third place ion Joe Brows Fecelyed approve) Holes nce id il months Pembroke goalie Andy Payette D BOUCKLE KRISSA BROS. HARRY DOVE ywells 4, Whites 0; Western Tire 3, \white 223; B. Hollyhead 225; D. Col: & : or a title mate ere May onths, Brown defended his title). kicked out 36 shots. Belle Auto-Mogle Wash Ltd, ig Motos City 1 % Disens. 1: bot Bi H. hutton 25 od i Sf: Toronto squads, Lakeview and against Ralph Dupas of New Or. three times last year ville's Gordie Bell handled 27 116 Bond St. West, RA 5.0322 160 Simcoe St. 5, RA 5.8651 792 Simcoe St. 8, RA 5.531) Team Standings: Saywells 21 - 39; oH. irner. 208; J. Reynard 207; Tew Toronto Hobby Centre, led Jeans. The compromise conditions are -- ---- Burns 20 . 50; Hendersons 20 - 31i'p 'Sager 20d the ladies division three - game) rp Morgan, state box. that the Brown - Dupas contract Bints 15 + 50; Mitchells 14 - 47; Western| Lemon League: B. Baxter 67. |event standings. Windsor recrea- fe OHSS stoner. asmounced ap- Will not have a rematch clause ELECTED PRESIDENT Tire 14 - 52; Whites 13 - 58; Motor City PLAZA LADIES' LEAGUE . M i . 4 10 - 14; Disneys 7 - 46; Nesbitts 6 - 46.| only three girls hit the 600 this week tion and London Cutly Tops were proval in Austin after receiving and that the winner will meet! ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- Rus- » ™ Over 700: June Pollard 709; Grace and they are Isabelle King 673 (230, in third and fourth spot after ....ic of a poll + National |l.ane within 90 days. Viscusi said sell R. Wood, vete v 75)3 y 's : w o ' ICSUILS poll among Nationa ) scusi se t , veteran oarsman, Farrell 719, with a lovely 367 single. 275); Lil Wright 621 (204, 232); and Lois bowling blocks of 2,957 and 2,753 Boxing 'Association officials on a the contract has not been signed coach and rowing executive, Mon- Nice going Grace. Shaw 608 (208, 203). 1 600: Nancy Love 682; Irene 200 Scores: Barb McFeeters 252, Mil- respectively, proposed compromise of the dis- but that Dupas has telegraphed day was elected president of St Over Severs 675; Lois Fillmore 630; Mike jie Atchison 250, Blanche Norton 232, -) ; . Pilatzke 645; Bea Alexander 638; Doris Susie Greer 231, Melva Dalton 225, Ev High block to date is a 1,359 pute. an acceptance of terms for the ( atharines Rowing Club. He suc- Bowen 630; Verna Harding 605; Rose Redpath 224, 215, Irene Severs and {otal rolled by G Marsh of Ham-| myo NBA last January an- May 7 fight. |ceeds C. A. (Alex) Champion, Kehoe 603; Alice Northey 601 Myrtle Hickson 223, Ev Stata 222, Elsie 1,00 i the major division. Kirk- | £ , ----_-------------------------------------------- m------ Lemon Leaguers: Vera Bint 89; Meta smith 221, Hazel Bannon 219, Eileen 2 nounced that Brown would lose Hagerman 87. Clark 218, Shirley Oliver | ar, Dorts land Lake's D. Lane holds the ,.. (itle unless he agreed by OSHAWA STORE LEAGUE Clark and Carol Wright , Ellen An- high singles score of 382. 7 _ There were quite a few high games derson 208, Audrey Hodgson 206, 203, NEN Sngies S00re of Ti | March 20 to defend the champ tuned in this week and the one person Amelie Vincent, Ethel Freeman, Marg ionship by April 20 against Kenny who topped the list was 5, Claus with| Logan and Elsie Boughton 204, Vi Tay-| Lane, Muskegon, Mich.,, econ- . very dab 18 triple and lor 207, Mary Nicholls 202, Vera Begg N C k | singles or and She. De iin Bice | and Marj Vaughan 201. Millie Atchison ame Ic eters tender. £31 are as follows: H, Cornish 769 just hit 250 for her Key Chain. Lou Viscusi, manager of vesbi k all f ts from one 58 oi Kl Tue ten ik fog pois iow) For Bermuda Tour [srown, "rejected he' NA de. 740 (272), J. Strank 714 (264), B. 696 (309), V. Trimble os oi Staners 4, Aces 0; Plaza Belles 4. |mands on grounds a champion | 0. Bo-Peeps 3, Skippers 1; TORONTO (CP) Burn, | { 58 , Go-Getters 1; Mad Caps 3.secretary of the Ontario Cricket had a right to bargain for the A. Davidson 669 (254), vA ; Canaries 3, Crowns 1; Fly Association. announced Thursda best bout among the top two or P. Hodgson 866 (285), A. Hill 664 (255), ers 3, Boxers 1. ' Yithree contenders, He also argued A. Kuney 663 (200), B. Manning 662, Sta Fiyers, B - Wh; Salt the names of 13 players who id d sil (389), E. Allison 662 (261), W. Bathe ers 12 - 98 ad Caps = 10,458; TT - 639, F. Gates 659, E. Carswell 653 (256), | Puffs 11 - 9811; Crowns 10 . 9993; Aces, have accepted invitations to take R, Powell 651 (255). Single games only [9 - 10,485; Canaries 9 - 10,340; Plaza part in this summer's oucket . A Wentherhead 313, O. Coakwell 291, Belles 9-953; Jeits 8 - 9701; Go-Get- tour of Bermuda which he has (gy 1@ erwin J. Bradford 275, R, Keeler 275, J, Craw- ters 8 - 9524; Wildcats 7 - 9667; Hust. organized at the request of the 7; Hu ford 273, J. Zak 260, T, Ti 62, | lers 6 - 9850; Bo-Peeps 6 - 9353; Boxers, gp Ti eg Morrison 3 : 9405; Skippers 5 - 9121 and Busy Bermuda Cricket Association. 62. J. Hardy 257 5. . . . Team Poinis and Pinfall for the Bees 3 - 9602 | 'They include A. W. Keir of St. Has Anaemia, 4 |Catharines CC and Husein Nak- Two Upstart Teams Seek |= ens. To Quit Ring [ | (natehes. including a two . day OTTAWA (CP) -- Gale Kerwin, . |match against an all-Bermuda Ottawa boxer who now fights ou! ert n u na eleven, have been scheduled. of Valley Stream, N.Y., has come hod . EE nae ---- | down with anaemia and will tem- Canadian Press Staff Writer [Division club has appeared at . |porarily give up his ring eareer. LONDON (CP) -- Two upstart Wembley Stadium ince 1049 ORFU Champions Kerwin, 23, complained of loss soccer teams will try Saturday to when Leicester City reached the of speed and power here Tues- be the first in eight years to final, May Play Game |day night after his bout with crash their way into the Football! yuST THREE FIT | {Davey Dupas of New Orleans Association Cup final, the blue-|" The Feb. 6 Munich air crash, With P St whom Kerwin defeated by a split Lidsel Cormi ribbon affair usually decided by which killed eight Manchester 1 Io ars | decision. ee Dera 1 First Division squads. United players and injured seven, LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- B. F.| Dr. K. Kuwayti, who examined ~Door Hardtop Playing on neutral ground at pag left only three members of (Spike) Kearns, president of the|th® lightweight in Ottawa Thurs- Birmingham, Manchester United the first team fit for the match-- Ontario Rugby Football Union day, said Gale has. anaemia, | sends its patchwork lineup of un- goalkeeper Harry Gregg, right|Senior league, says that the sen- In a report disclosed by Percy tried youngsters and survivors. of hack Bill Foulkes and forward|ior ORFU champions of 1958 may| Kerwin, the boxers father, the last month's Munich plane disas- Bobby Charlton. A new injury play an all-star team of the Cana-|90Ctor said "Gale is a sick boy ter against Fulham, one of the worry is little Ernie Taylor,|dian players belonging to Cana-| 2nd needs plenty of rest. He won't strongest Second Division sides. newly-acquired inside right who!dian Football League teams not: fight again for awhile." In Manchester, Bolton Wanderers jas pulled a thigh muscle. involved in the Grey Cup final at| The father said 'we knew Gale face Blackburn Rovers, another Both Bolton and He ckburn] | i team bidding for promotion 1 Vancouver, |was sick even before the fight| ; tion, have key players on the side: Kearns said Th i ./was started but he wouldn't ad- J] o An all - Second Division finalljines The hig loss to Bolton is teryiew: oe Bursdey lu an lost it. I'm afraid Gale will not GREAT DAYS! ED ether Dn wae absence of their centre for- tion of my own. It will have to be| be able to fight Larry Boardman ee | EDSELenration DAYS at your : | ward and captain, Nat Lofthouse, ratified, of course by the CFL|Dext month. | . Ford-Edsel dealers! Great news! 1958 Edsel it will be the first time a Second who has a badly-hurt shoulder j [ | la > ' 8 . |and our league who will meet in] Kerwin was scheduled to go Ronnie Clayton, skipper of the Kitchener next Monday." against Boardman April 11 in| prices start Just above the low-priced field! HOCKEY'S BIG 7 {Rovers and England's stylish | Kearns' ti t ' | Boston. ° {right half, has a chipped knee cap| suggestion stems from °°" "* 00 . x Li Re RE the proposal hy league has made ) rea | erence The wn that is really new is the top value By THE CANADIAN PRESS sence would severely weaken) inner face the loser of the Big| Yvon Durelle Must > a il Banpary thie Serve ie Be, the ies of ™ e sel. Only Edsel offers all the 's Di thei fl A 4 a piggy bio Moore given 2 Suton {Four soni dival In a post season F Ti game. In view of the heavy cost Rest or R Month y important new advances such as Teletouch Thursday night to boost his total « ' . . 'involved figured at $15,000] ge lear in the National Hockey Bob' Cowie Dies Kearns FREE Sl Mu dg MoxCTON (CP) -- Yvon Pur. | by hi Drive; the world's newest V-8 engines; : ) . gestion. elle, British Empire light-heavy- é in & WwW fp / oN i .adiusti . 3 Joints. HE Jov Hes 2 league. Won Plate Twice [ -- -------- weight champion, has been or-| big, safe, self. adjusting brakes; single Teammate Henri (Pocket Rocket) TORONTO (CP) -- Robert Sparta Soccer Club der by Jocions » tks it easy \ ks control Dial-Temp air system. Richard picked up an assist to Wright Ralston (Bob) Cowie, 85, | Ld gd N urelle boat 10 Tony It's easier to trad E take over sole possession of sec- who won the King's Plate twice Imports Two Pla ers |i n ony of New York by a TKO, x Sier lo race-up to Edsel . . . and you ond place. in successive years, died in Sr y {in a 10-round bout last Friday, | can afford Edsel luxury and performance at The leaders: pital Thursday night. | TORONTO (CP)--British soc.| Durelle was examined Thurs-| " : ) ) G A Pts. Mr. Cowie, who moved to To cer players Benny Cairns and|day by Dr. Leigh Ramsgy, an eye ' a price far less than you'd guess. Moore, Montreal 35 46 81 |ronto from Edinburgh, Scotland, Bob McEwan arrived here Wed. specialist, and Dr. J. A. Fowness. | Drive 1958 k DSEL H. Richard, Montreal 27 50 77 in 1908 was prominent in Ontario nesday to join the National Soc-| Durelle's right eye was bruised | e eee Bathgate, New York 30 46 76 throughbred racing circles until|cer League club Sparta. |during the fight. The injury is not r= Howe, Detroit 32 72 [1955 when ill-health forced him to| Cairns, a 25-year-old left {believed serious. : J J Horvath, Boston 29 63 |retire, He sold his stock to To- last played or a 08 en, halt Chris Shaban, manager of al the one car that 18 really new! See your Nn kitzenuerger, Chicago 30 3 3 Foslo indystslalist E. P. Taylor. Scottish League, first division. Baie Ste. Anne, N.B., boxer, said FpSeL Delvecchio, Detroit 20 37 57 e entered racing in 1912 and McEwan, a c -forw y row! : -- m------ in 1931 his colt Frothblower won with Limerick of og in Tig BE Duuree gis Nn i OU S10 Say 7 MRVHE 614 SUNSOIE SN AUN Model, Op IONal tl adi if on int) . . {the 50 Guineas. The next year his Ireland League earlier this sea- rest. He has fought 13 times in 14 Week-End Ski filly Queensway was the winner. gon. | months. » In addition to winning the ~---- -- EH a {King's Plate in 1931, Frothblower Snow Reports zi, Ui, iim, fee ™ BUY AT REASONABLE PRICES TORONTO (CP) Twenty-one Breeders' Stake at Old Woodbine Ontario ski centres Thursday re Park. busi Mr. Cowl VIGOR GASOLINE rted snow good enough to ski s a businessman, Mr. Cowie < ; g |S Some reported OO con- built a successful trade in novel- STANDARD NEW SUPER HIGH TEST hy] ditions. ties, importing from all over ghe | - 3 "= The following conditions were World to his Toronto office for 9/10¢ f iy reported, depth of snow in nearly 40 years. | 9/10¢ | 4 J A ! inches: , A ------------ . € | 4 w Fresh snow on packed base: wy | " ' oe : Collingwood, 8; Dagmar, 9, and Maritime Colleges GAL. GAL. A : : D EA 3 F R : @ Larder Lake, 22 Packed snow: Eugenia, 9; Kirk- Plan Grid League | TAX INCLUDED TAX INCLUDED fand Lake, 18; Midland, 20; New- s 3 2. LA market, 5; Orangeville - Hockley SACKVILLE, N.B. (CP)--Four| Stove Oil can be purchased in any amount at this station Valley and Orangeville - Cedar universities agreed to form al "OPEN EVERY EVENING AND SUNDAYS" Springs 5: Limberlost, 18; Sud- Maritime Canadian football 1 bury, 7; Peterborough, 4 and To- le during a meeting of the Tonto-Summit Maritime Intercollegiate Athletic Granular snow: Barrie, 4; Co- Union here Pours 8 B aver Valley, -8 St, Thomas, Mount Allison, the| untsville, 5; Oshawa, 4, anc ersity of New Brunswick | Owen Sound, 4 oy ounewick and| STATION Dunstan's University, Char-| Fresh mow: Lake of Bays, 12, loltelown, all annousced ~they| King St. E. . , , at the Townline | 428 KING ST. W., RA 5-8141 301 DUNDAS ST. W.-- RA 3-7746 -- MO 8-3331 and , 10. would enter teams. RAINBOW LEAGUE (night: Pedlars 4 - 3312 Souler 1. Ds. Ww dealer