THE DALY TIMES-GAZIVTE, Thursdey, Merch 20, 1958 J Combines Win In Canning Plant Playoff Series Will Not Open BOWMANVILLE -- Canadian BOWMANVILLE -- Bowman-| WIDEN GAP Canners Limited of Hamilton yes- ville - Orono Combines won| Less than a minute later terday announced with regret that their best-of-seven Lakeshore B.0.C.'s Keith West matched it|their Bowmanville plant would Intermediate "A" hockey play-| with a 15-foot screen shot at the - - Of Chinese Communism not be operating in 1958. In for- atrocities °ffs in convincing fashion last|{right corner, after eluding his ; mer years the plant canned lo. MANVILLE Taw. Leshe pi bi sommit | "Behind | Dight by defeating Lindsay checks at the blueline. Chuck cally grown peas and corn. was 4 missionary ri China for Communism is the force of the Muskies 11-2, to win the series Armstrong, Don Mercer and The situation will have a serious nearly 20 years, gave a gripping devil," he asserted. 43. Junior West added singles in the effect on the production of some eyewitness report of the Chive» "An {llustration of a true hi half the period fo ge 150 farmers in a Widespread area, suid hl] rding to well informed Communist Revolution, in an ad- Chrisiian which I shall never for- . acco! dress at the Lions Centre Lues- get was that of a young man who! Winner of a best-of-five series|lead. sources. Last year, approximate- os between Napanee and Bobcay-! Junior West opened the scor-|ly 1500 acres of land in Durham aay mgt, who is Executive Yisind bis lie Whe taken before eon. That series begins to- ing in the final period as|County was set aside for growing Director of the Freedom Founda- refused when commanded to beat Might. However, there is a pos-|B.0.C.'s continued their aggres- peas and corn which went to the tion of Canada, was guest speak- the former colonel of his Nation. SiPility the OHA will change this sive onslaught. Syd Arnold Bowmanville plant. . er at the Spring Inter-Club meet- alist regiment who had perse-|'© 2 round robin series, as was completed his hat trick at the| A ghutdown will also reduce ing of the Rotary, Lions and cuted him because he was a previously planned. 5-minute mark, when he scored | employment for many casual Kinsmen clubs. Christian, |RECORD CROWD fon a penalty shot, the first in workers, mostly women, who "One Sunday morning at day-| "When he would not obey the] piore than 1160 pereons, ie the league this season. {for the past several years have break we were awakened by the command he was beaten until al-| t FINAL BiD {largest crowd to see a league {had steady work at the plant noise of machine guns! We rush- most dead. And it was some , | Jack Graham clicked for the during the canning season. 4 game this season, watched the led to the windows and saw a months later before he was well! pin ber: final Lindsay goal at 7.54. His| A company official said the : ; thrilling contest. Mem f y B | machine-gun on the little pagoda enough to stand again. When the Litdsay Reserve Army Band| sizzling 15-foot blast from the | reason for the shutdown was due hill just outside our city. They again taken before the BOWMANVILLE and DISTRICT! Staff Reporter -- D. GLYNN -- MA 3-3186 | Graphic Story Is Told Aofond Combi will their | | Eastern Ontario title against the C CGIT GROUP IS AFFILIATED WITH WMS row from the left, group presi- | michael, Sandra Skelton, Joy | Young, Janice Godfrey; back dent, Joanne Chidley, Susan | Gleeson; middle row, Elizabeth Jw. Linda Bovie, Rosemary Robertson, Margaret Killen, | Kerton, Elinor Jack, Carol Har- Killen, y Georgina McCarthy, Darleen Gibson, Carol Smith, | man, Marilyn Freed, Kathy El- | Ruth Benson, Bonnie Heaslip. Carol Wichman, / Lyn Car- | lott, Marleen Gibson, Valerie Completing the study of | Japan this group of CGIT girls were affillated with the WMS on Wednesday evening at St. Paul's United Church. Front _--Photo by John Mills From One of Canada's Scientific Laboratories Comes Report of a Wonderful Discovery We invite 500 Men and Women Who Suffer Loss of Hair, Dandruff and Itchy Scalp to Try New 'X-200', Doctors' New Formula Development Helps Stimulate HAIR GROWTH When Hair Loss Is Due to These Conditions AJAX AND PICKERING GENERAL HOSPITAL AJAX, ONTARIO ANNUAL CORPORATION MEETING Notice is hereby given thet « general meeting of the share- holders of Ajax end Pickering General Hospital will be held ot 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25th, 1958, in the Nurses' Residence. Members end ell interested persons are cordially invited to sttend. T. H. HOUGHTON, K. D. MORLEY, Lh retary President end Chairman of the Boerd. same | face-off circle bounced into the|to heavy inventory. The pack last i e al to rt their fired a few rounds of 'dummy' Commissar he still refused tol Woe 2 oly club. Y They played| corner off the pads of goalie|vear was extremely heavy and ammunition, something like a {were to give him t r Muskie flected Keith West's shot 1into|heavy inventory of manufactur- their arrival," he said in des- clothes and set him free. game * Sneoyrage el Rn corner at 15.18, for his sec- ed goods which has necessitated cribing the invasion of Southern) | him the Commissar said, 'young| 1h B.0.C's.| Captain Junior West comple-| It is several years since the This was the beginning of two man, if all Christians were such igi He 208 ony "Euro. ted his hat trick with only allocal plant was closed for an en. n Communists for Rev. Mr. Millin./Communism'."" Rev. Miliin was 1 goal ead maining. He blasted a short tions, caused by excessive inven- During that time he watched the introduced by Lion Lloyd Ayre, 30 A Shared Sigal Zoeat| srive past O'Brien during a tory. It is believed the Port Hope 34 munists called themselves, try vote of thanks to the speaker for | the cage. | 'Minor Hocke Lea es reform and co-operation policies his highly inspiring address. GRAB EARLY LEAD -- | BAN ROCK "N' ROLLER | . | AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS | Y gu were In control. Kinsmen Club presided at the at 73 seconds with a sizzling P S ddl British rock 'n' roller Tomm John Mills. R tative--Phone Ajax 426 | » "Then the curtain fell, One day meeting since his club members| backhand drive that sailed into ioneer d Steele was banned Monday night ohn Mills, Represeplative--LI"hone A) | a great change took place in the were hosts. Entertainment was| the top corner past outstretched earing n asSon city. Collaborators and fellow- provided by the Lions Club. Ro-|goalie Joe O'Brien. Gerry Rob- the rewards of authority and re- served by the Home and School'at the midway mark, while] WINNIPEG (CP) -- A ploneer | must be cancelled on the ground Hockey games scheduled for this/to be held on Saturday, March|sponsibility by the Communists, |Club. B.0.C.'s had a man advantage. western firm that built the first | that Steele would have a bad ef- ' n week are as follows: [29 at Memorial Arena. Proceed-| awakened to find they had lost| Head table guests were: Bud The partisan crowd went wild saddles for the mounted police | fect on South African youth. ' Stud e their jobs, and In their places Oke, Lions secretary; Don Stutt, when Syd Arnold made it 3-0 at/and rode into prominence as al --mm---- dapan 1e$ | New Plant | League: 7.00 a.m, Canadians vs. go x 2 stast the bi i |Leafs (Mug Series); 7.50 a.m.,| The Atoms will start the nig "Courts of law were abolished. Slemon, Rotary president; Fred| shorthanded. Old West has been sold to east- AJAX (Staff) -- In an impres- |B. Hawks vs. Winners of R. gif with Tei game Reginuing ait was now announced that a new Cole, Lions president; Rev, Leslie, Goalie Ross Hawe stopped ern interests and may move its : b 7 | Wings and Rangers. 00 p.m, and will play '°€:Iphase in the establishment of Millin, Lloyd Ayre, and George Lindsay marksmen twice in the head uarters to Toronto. 5 dian Girls in Training were af- Bantam League: 8.50 am. 15-minute periods. The Pee Wee Communist China had begun. All|Vice, Rotary secretary. | opening minutes of the middle] The sale of the Great West Sad- filiated with the Women's Mis- ' | " | slonary Society at St. Paul's Unit Braves; 9.35 am. Tigers vs./8.00 p.m. and will play three, 15-| 4. f indoctri v . + " ed Church Wednesday JAX (Staff) A st as | (Moy Series). ? owiedle y undergo a course of indoctrina- Dick Merkley and George Down-| sure goals. Then Ross McGill here in 1869, was announced Burch OY oonestlay Sh. AJAX (Sis start Was cubs (Mug Series). minute periods. ham. Members of the Inter-Club broke their scoreless streak at 5 Tuesday. Purchasers are a group study of Japan other new plant in the Slough ,.¢ yg Bisons (Mug Series); underway at approximately 9.00] le's C Aig 5 . z oid : " : Ph s ! Series); 3 ; e's Courts". The Communists They are Charles Cattran, Kins- 7 Mrs. Joyce Smith, president of Estates Ltd. industrial subdivi-ly; 3p am. Bears vs. Indians p.m. and they will also play Pd members a' families oo Cuter Tr, Bob Sort Jipte Tost Save twine 3 ey ng oo sisted by Mrs. Joan Ensoll.|a completion date in early June.| wfiGoet League: 8.00 p.m. The Lions Midget League wil ne. f Badges were presented to each .The factory will be the new paijers vs, Comets; 3.50 p.m. hold their championship game ego _o A circle signifies the world, the pany that is presently located in "A)j wMyg Series games will be will play three, 15 - minute Cross represents the gospel ofla wartime building south of|i; 00 15. minute periods each and periods. 1 1 1a rel 1g four-fold purpose of CGIT, and clalizes in plating, anodizing andj, ic The winners of this week's at the end of regulation time, the rays of light and waves sym-| kindred operations. [Mug Series will play on Satur-|one five - minute overtime period privilege of sending light of the more floor space and much bet-/The times for these games will|still tied sudden death overtime| gospel from sea to sea. ter working conditions, sald gen- he set at a later date. {will be played. OTTAWA (CP)--A new order officers, the retirement age day. The plant covers 11,000) Arrangements are all set for|close the 1957-58 Minor Hockey will further reduce the strength 55 for brigadiers and above. In| square feet and is of pre- the Bowmanville Recreation De-!season here in Bowmanville. jor Canada's militia, it was some trade categories, the retire- | . blocks with brick front. |dians pulled an upset by defeat.| Strength of the reserve army and other ranks. | (Games Night rr : op Hockey Playoft ing the Rams 42, has been steadily declining in re-| Officials said they could not es- : : | -- fficers and AJAX -- The regular meeting Willing Workers . . . some 41,000 -- 7,000 of der will reduce the strength of o Series Tied Up z In the first Midget League (34000 other ranks--compared to the militia. In some units, there | omen's Club of Ajax was held : in the Corral Room of the Plaza a [noon the Dodgers scored in the GLORIA MILLER [ BOWMANVILLE pus March 17, 1958. Correspondent | The annual jobey. The soldiers standing near|y.iyeen periods, and during the| Ross Hawe. Gerry Robinson de-|the company finds itself with a few firecrackers, to { ded 4 | i "Pointing a steady finger atl on encouragement for Lindsay ond goal of the night. {reduction of the 1958 pack. na. years in the hands of the Chinese as you are, there would be no pean hockey veteran Syd Ar-|minute and four seconds re-|tire season under similar eondi- a. (Liberation Army, as the Com- Lioz Walter Rundle moved a pine attack. scramble at the left corner of Plant will operate for tomatoes. for the first three months they | President Jake Brown of the, Arnold put Combines in front | PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) . . |from appearing in the Pretoria ' : Firm Is Sold [city hall. The city council decided ( | : . travellers, who had been given tarians were guests. Dinner was inson clicked for their next goal 12-8 that the advertised show Girls Com lete B ildi Of | BOWMANVILLE Minor partment's Minor Hockey Night p uilding Saturday, March 22, Pee Wee ings will get underway at 7.00 trained agents had taken over. |Kinsmen secretary; Dr. Keith 13.29, while both clubs were supplier of horse harness for the sive ceremony a group of Cana-| Lions vs. Winners of Pirates and/game is scheduled to start atte people would be required to] Guests at the meeting were stanza on what would have beer dlery Company Limited, founded | m la " § o a A tion: ning. The girls had completed the made on the construction of an-| "s1om League: 10.45 a.m., Bar- The Bantam game will get Mr, Millin told of the "Peo- Committee were introduced. minutes even, when he poked a!of eastern businessmen headed the WMS received the girls as-|sion on Wednesday morning with (Mug Series). three, 15-minute periods. aaginst each other, and forced Stevens, Rotary. girl symbolizing world friendship. home of Cametoid Ltd. a com- g.phang vs, Dodgers. starting at 10.00 p.m. and they Jesus, the diamond stands for the Bayly street. The company spe-|y ij he played on an elimination| If any of the games are ted Cut D Agai bolize the Christians' task and| The move will provide much|day, March 29, in the morning. will be played. If the teams are u own gain as = |eral manager W. B. Stratton to- MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT | These games will bring to a to take effect late this summer [ranges from 45 for lieutenants to | : BPW Club Pla fabricated steel and concrete learned Wednesday. | ment age is 60 for both officers MIDGET LEAGUE cent" yeats. It now stands at timate by how much the new or-| of the Business and Professional Meet At Raglan ame played last Saturday after- 47,000 three years ago. might be no decrease but, over-| to | Restaurant om Monday evening, |last minute of play to defeat the RAGLAN -- The March meet- | The new order decrees that|all, there would be a reduction some upsets in last Saturday's comets, 4-3, only 1» pus, soul iy miliita|of hundreds and perhaps thou games the playoff picture in the unit's strength may over-age sands. Bantam and Pee Wee leagues ae second Midge) § one or iu low, phy Sloal Saegoriet. At No decrease in RCAF reserve has really become confused. In |oq the Orphans, 34, to move into|bataniishment. sent oa 5|strength is planned. It 'mow ihe | Mrs. Clayton Miller with only one Bantam league four teams ols possession of first place In |ooer Comme ey oe! § Man-|gtands at about 5,100 or some 500 be | member absent. are tied for the 'last playoff spot |i. playoff standings po t 1 rr ay 1 Over age less than a year ago. Mrs. Plerson gave the treasur. and in the Pee Wee league three "y, 'sho Midget game played last | go yenear: Dr po Condition.) |er's report. Plans were made for |teams are tied for the last play-\nronqay "afterncon the Comets |, Fetirement age from the mili- The 'beautiful tablecloth {the auction sale which is to take Off spot. | defeated the Orphans 6-0 to move Ua Jarier according io rank and| donated by Mrs. Kathleen Bell to | Place May 10. Because the pro-| Ektra games have been sched- into a second place tie with the ai oe Sonera yy hy 55 if the club, will be on display at[cceds of the sale are to go to-|uled to try and clear the way for Dodgers. I os For | "Games Night", snd the draw ards the new basement of the |Minor Hockey Night on March - 2 ers. or. will take place during the eve- church, Ted Jackson of Port 2. Perry, is donating his services as | In the first Bantam game play- . hing. auctioneer. Articles ranging from | oq Ne Saturday ok inh he Wi M EN Mrs, Frances Conant was ap-a mouse trap to a cow from anY- Cubs and Braves played to 2-2 Age 17 to 55 ub, on April 18, in 8 m this event will used to furnish a room in the Ajax Hospital. be|ing of the Raglan Willing Work- oF ine Ji at the home of 2-DAY TEST SIZE BOTTLE Send Today! | Art Di 1 pointed chairman of the nomina- one wishing to donate will be, F id i tie. The tie left the Braves tied :} t > , tion committee. Nominations for greatefully accepted. [for second place with three other ens Il ay the officers of the club for 1958-59 Mrs, Jack Bright has offered teams | BOWMANVILLE -- Miss Pearl . A - MIS Tr will be held at the April meeting. use of a truck to pick up any- | C ) » thing that people cannot bring In the second Bantam game of McCarthy, art critic of the To- OLD PRACTICE themselves. {the morning the Tigers defeated |ronto Globe and Mail, will be The ancient Egyptians em- Several contests were held and the Lions 3-2 to move into a the guest speaker at the official | balmed the bodics of sacred ani-/the meeting closed with lunch, |second place tie with the Lions, opening of the East Central On- | mals such as cats as well as served by the hostess and com. Braves and Pirates. tario Travelling Art Display be- | Toronto: Developed by doctors, new formula has been found to help stimulate hair growth. Many persons suffer hair loss due to poor scalp condition. Cleansing treatment, before applying the new formula results In greater stimu- lation of hair growth. It has been found that hair folicles plugged tl with sebum-oil end dirt do not { allow hair to grow normally, en- I couraging dandruff and loss of ! hair as well as itchy scalp. Thus ! daily scalp cleansing followed by plication of the new formula { gives superior results for the hair and scalp. This new formula Is i manufactured by Dermal Research {| and supplied' os X-200' for easy ! application to the scalp at home. 'X-200' Doctors' discovery now accepted Internationally -- another Canadian first ! Offers RUSSELL HONEY You "RX oe SINCERITY! oINTEGRITY! ec AN OUTSTANDING RECORD OF SERVICE! To His Country in War ® To His Community In Peace His Family, His Business and His Home Are in Durham The Trained Mind and Experience of a Lawyer! SOLICITOR FOR: The Town of Port Hope ® The Township of Hope The Northumberland-Durham Health Unit Durham County District High School Board Prove It To Yourself With Just 2 Applications X-200' works fast without massage or messy formulas, Scientifically helps stimulate hair growth by amazing doctors' discovery! Leaves head beautifully clean end lus- trously groomed. A special sample may ba obtained free of charge by phoning or mail- ing your request, Since 50% of all men ond women suffer loss of hair, there is a great demand for these new products. Thus, to be sure of getting your sample, ACT NOW! Save your hair, Have a healthy scalp, free from dandruff! Help stimulate your hair to grow thicker, stronger, more handsome. Mail Coupon Today DERMAL RESEARCH 77 York St., Suite 412 Toronto FREE TRIAL ' Please rush my 2-day test of X-200' (V2 oz.) also literature prepared by a noted medical Union Merger Not Considered TORONTO (CP) -- An official of the independent International human bodies. mittee. In the third and final Bantam ing held in the Lions Centre, - i |game of the morning the Huskies [Beech avenue, 10mOITOW. eve. / I di 1 defeated the Pirates 5-1 to earn 8 ndian To Succeed UK EEsettens Paitin, which partiopat, fs whe] . feat left the Pirates tied for sec- | an. a1 "show. Four nein Biol of | . |ond place in the playoff stand. v 4 Cassi mira n avy ost |ings. will have pictures displayed. | Due to the four - way tie for They are: Alice Paterson, Jean | Betty Knox and Don! Admiral Ram Dass Katari will |Royal Navy's finest wooden ships |Were played last Monday eve- Staples. take command of a well-equipped | were built--is equipped to do all Ping, in an effort to break the -- r fleet when he succeeds Vice-Ad- [but major refits for the ships of tle. N Lib : of the Indian Navy at the end of The Indian Navy today is very defeated the Tigers 2-1 to earn ew 1 rary : 5 April much the child of the Royal Navy [the right to play the winner of Miss J. Krulsselbrink The Indian Navy was a sup- |and carries on many of its tradi. the Braves-Pirates game. 10 Be Opened RN, BE. ME." Navy until India achieved inde- has been careful to ensure that played Monday evening the pendence in 1947. Indians promoted to senior posts Braves and Pirates added to the wat, Toronto, Director of Library The Indian fleet now has two [© take the place of British offi- (confusion by playing to a 22. Services for the Province of On. PE i > frigates ' to develop the requisite know- | Bowmanville Public Library, fates Or Deut ineswespers, ledge, skills and experience to In the first Pee Wee game corner of King and Temperance a hone Sip, give them real authority played last Saturday morning the streets, tomorrow at 1.30 p.m. will take over as chief of the >! to move into a second place outside, weather permitting. NURSE An aircraft carrier, formerly naval staff, was the first cadet tie in the final standings. After the official ceremony, the HMS Hercules, is being refitted to join the training ship Dufferin| In the second Pee Wee game Main Library and Children's || in Britain and will join the fleet or Infant Nurse and went on to become the first féated the B. Hawks, 3-1, to earn tion by the public. Tea and cook- | . . Arm, established is 1953 is fly- winner of the viceroy's gold the right to play in Minor Hockey les will be served during the High Pay, Respect, Security ritish-made Short Sealand he bes p Night. The defeat left the B. afternoon. amphibians and Firefly fighters. media) for the best adel. d Single and married women service in the Atlantic and Indian [Playoff spot with two other nies will be L. W. Dippell, chair- ituti The naval dockyard at Bom- oceans. He was commander of teams. {man of the Library Board: Dr. ig Ry Jostens, bay successor to the famous India's first cruiser, the Delhi, | In the third and final Pee Wee Keith Slemon, president of the vate homes. High school edu- fence College. Other Indian offi- | Wings defeated the Leafs 2-1 to Rev: A. G. Scott, chairman of || ro" inina wom [cers have advanced to senior MOVE into a second place tle in the Bowmanville Ministerial As-|| with your A el job, re posts behind him, so that when |the final playoff standings. (sociation. Members of the Li:|| op Friar Registered Nur- naval staff, the naval hierarchy | In the Atom will he present. doctors. Books and equip ment supplied. Free place ment service gets you a posi the right to play in Minor Hock- The display is a callection of 52 | {the Bowmanville Adult Art Cass | NEW DELHI (Reuters)--Rear- shipyard where some of the the last playoff spot extra games Darch, miral Sir Stephen Carlill as head [the fleet. In the first game the Lions plementary force to the, Royal tions. The Indian government| In the second Bantam game | Director of "Training BOWMANVILLE -- Angus Mo- cruisers, six destroyers, three CTS Were given sufficient time PEE WEE LEAGUE jtavio, Will officially open fhe new J Ths 8 Rear-Admiral Katari, 45, who Rangers defeated the Canadians | Ceremonies will be conducted Dental Nurse 4 when it was established in 1927 Of the morning the Bruins de- [Room will be open for inspec- © im 1961. The Indian Fleet Air ROYAL NAVY TIES During the war he saw active Hawks tied for second and last| Also assisting in the ceremo-|| gre urgently needed as Prac. and attended the Imperial De. 2ame of the morning the R. Bowmanville Rotary Club, and cation not necessary. Spare he takes over as chief of the ATOM LEAGUE {brary Board and the Rotary gor! ses, get lectures by leading tion quickly, often before League game will be completely Indian. Total Played last Saturday morning the strength is about 10,000 officers Bears and Barons played to a 2-2 and men tie. * the Mine I sar * Workers Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter said Wednesday that "friendly talks" this week with a union affiliated with the Cana- dian Labor Congress did not. con sider merging the two unions President Nels Thibault said Mill executive board met officers of the International Moulders' and Foundry Workers' Union of North America He denied reports meetings were held Mine desires to th Moulders to enter the CLC ghrough the "back door." "Our position is clear," Thibault lo press for ¢ the Canadi the basis Hons ¢ i by other Canadiar € unions af Hliated to the CLC." _ i that the because merge with said "We will continue rect' affiliation with abor Cong Ss on Car For Every 2 Residents By 76 TORONTO (CP)--Ontario will have a motor vehicle for every two residents by 1976, Highways Minister Allan estimated Wednes- day. He tabled in the legislature a report by his department which shows that while 3.2 Ontarians the number will be reduced to 27, 23 and 2.1 in five-year in- tervals and reach an even 2.0 in report al In the only Atom game played last Monday afternoon the In- FOR MISSED PAPERS N AJAX If you have not received your Times-Gozette by 7 p.m. call AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 1956. By 1961 the would be 2,300,000, £98.0 total All zalls must be placed before p.m. SUBSCRIBERS TIMES-GAZETTE BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you have not received your Times-Gaxette phone your car- rier boy first. If you are unable to contact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 7:30 p.m. Only graduation, Don't delay. Morning, afternoon and even- ing classes now forming. Special arrangements for | out-of-town students. Mail | 'coupon for free booklet and ! sample lesson. | ALLIED SCHOOLS OF | | PRACTICAL NURSING | Box 950, Times-Gazette. 21 Please send™me Without ooliga- lon, sample lesson and ree ooklet on how I can become a {_) Practical Nurse ( ) Dental | Nurse ( ) Infant Nurse, ] N on ge ( ) Ma | | | | | | | ried ( ) Single { ) | I | An Eagerness To Be Of Help To You! He has pledged to visit each Municipality in the County as frequently as required to take care of the individual problems relating to Federal matters. He Will Make An Outstanding M.P. For Durham To Work With "Mike Pearson in Restoring Canada's Prosperity and Pre- serving The Peace of the World. Vote Honey - March 31 inserted by Durham Liberal Association authority TELLING HOW TO HELP STIMULATE HAIR GROWTH, AND ELIMINATE DANDRUFF, SCALP ITCH AND EXCESSIVE LOSS OF HAIR. (Send without obligation) | enclose 10c (coins or stamps) to help pay for mailing ond ' handling. Limited to one trio supply per person. ADDRESS Tell, your friends or relatives who have hair and scalp trouble to send for free trial of this wonderful new dis covery!