Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 20 Mar 1958, p. 5

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| vers WARY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, Meren XU, 1938 5 " Nomadic Tribe Proves mwa Men's Fashions In N.Z. RRO SE Overshadow Other Styles Nightmare ToFrench | --=o=rs = oo visiti Mrs. PARIS (Reuters) -- About 300 One, arrested 43 times on vari- Correspondent yiating ber aogier, Mrs Roy. A, HAM land their coolness and comfort| Even the church has given the bers tribe, thelous charges, gave a different LR \ Coit I i |brought many predictions during idea support. Rev. J. H. William- uecsiers 9 8 seats pight- name Sarge or He looked dif- STR Spay 5s Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP)--New the war that civilian dress would son, Anglican vicar of Kaitaia, in mare to French parm ad 4 {ferent each time, too, so thatlawa, a former Cartwright resi- visited Misses Annie and Effa 7 Zealsnd is not showing much be reformed, New Zealand troops the far north, has been wearirg | Hadji, * dark-skinned [photographs were no good and | dent, on the death of Mrs. Spinks and Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Wright lconcern over whether the sack wore shorts all through the North shorts and a Jyuiie shirt without | y e police each time had to re-'in Oshawa Hospital Friday, A unday. : lis a becoming fashion for African campaign ay during the jacket. She Shirt das Dise han | ian, [sort to fingerprints. large number from here either Ris and Mrs. L Jogtam and | yjomen's wear 10ng Slog up . ' " x / i t p . | called at the parlors Sunday or (sayle were weekel Lita a? Yo take a secondary they explored St. Peter's and at-| ered cross. His Presbyterian col- change elif ames i appeal Another, arrested for minor *6 To 8° p2ro] rod Mr. and Mrs. John Ballingal ul people argue about tended the opera and night clubs/league, Rev. K. A. L. Mountjoy, DNee 5 oaslY D3 Suer peop [theft, was put in a cell, A few a he tuncral Monday. o.|and family. Fash f en lin Rome and other cities so clad. also wears shorts. {Fhange theif .¢ othe, {minutes later police ireturned| James Avery had the misfor. |" Saturday several friends of 'ashions for men, . ' IP re oldiers swore they would | They have no nationality, 00 with the victim to identify him, [ture to break a couple of ribs Mr : ura Joho Balingal The controversy engaging fa-| Th s0Cers SWCEE Tey oO ian HOTELS OPPOSED {homes, no jobs, no religion. All|The '"'young man" whom they and Wes Pearce splintered his Mr. anc Sirs. <odh Salogs | shion-conscious people is Whether) neve 2 WY Lc heavy Oo 2 But. the advocates of dress re- French police have been able to had arrested had changed into a ankle. presented them. with a table shorts are suitable garb for men Suits i net, Alter hd form for men are not having it|establish Is that they come from beggar woman. They had to let. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell lamp and step table on the oe- {to wear in town during the sige io ons iougnout thie col all their way. Opposition, surpris- 'somewhere in North Africa." |her go. {and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin Sasion of their 12th wedding an- |mer, | {ingly enough, has come from the] The Ben Hadji appeared in Ispent a couple of days last week y. "Sorts tr, men have ton een ais and Ne Fond fsb 10," me Dil, JOP, 1 Sometie, 1, arsed Bon spets cupleof Ss a, enue pee suck wad vin ge IR SO a a3 traveller dressed in Jatlored where from is anybody's guess.|anq' while in his cell, completely Visited her grandparents, Mr. Debbie a8 Morrey, Torusto, | : { . cM 3 grey shorts, shirt and tie, and They are found mostly in the|ghay : ; ' ¥land Mrs. Earl Dorrell, Leanne Visited their cousins Mrs. Nort meric. ut on Englah enue {oT nue Roidirs ful civ ordered 4h so, 'ruth, Din, Bo. fabs 1, 1a and throne A OL i and en, Si 0d Ms. W. W. Vana: lines, they are lu er Bermuda enough to work in in the bar-lounge of a hotel inldeaux and Lyon, but some wan-'aiter the shape of their noses and (her and Janis their other grand- Sunday. and legs than the Tua : Auckland and was politely re-!der in Italy, Switzerland and Bel-| " " parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl] The shorthorn sale held at the shorts that are thelr Mearest| But Wheo it tame 1b me point fused. Jini ' e form abcesses" in their Wright. : 2 Wbaflpe gb siete nding iu equivalent. {few were hardy enough to dety| wy, p,o0re of several hotels i ehpeks, : " |day afternoon was a decided suc- At beaches and holiday resorts, conventions, They abandoned the yi they would decide whether FILES USELESS The women disguise them. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Aveher i The ladies of the WA of the shorts of this kind are almost/BC FHRES-PICEe St Won Noe ia patron could be served or not| Dijon police have 22 Ben Had}i selves as beggars, nuns or smart | United Church served dinner to universal wear in summer. They but informality Se tom wen b of according to the standard of on their files as pickpockets or women, wearing expensive Eu-|tricks for the benefit of Dijon po- 25.people who had stock in for are also worn at home, for [yous SdopLing a RopPy San vi dress, rather than on whether sleight-of-hand thieves. But files ropean clothes with elegance, |lice. He bought drinks at a bar, sale. working about the garden or as flaunel Ea a Wl gh coal, | horts were worn, Several man- are sometimes of no use. The The men transform themselves offered the cashier a 1,000-franc | Prize winners at the LOBA general casual garb. * lagers insisted, however, that Ben Hadji--*sons of the pilgrim" into businessmen, Turks, any- note, and then picked up both the|euchre Wednesday night were eadia FALEREERN HHL hee a LL (HEH But a core of conservatism has, American . style lightwelght| jo. yore definitely barred in| --disguise themselves so expertly thing. {note and his change. His sleight- Mrs, Percy Vancamp, Mrs. Frank resisted attempts to adopt shorts suits of crease-resistant tropical | a oll th Sg EB H ' jue h : a s. P : k ree orcs wear. cloths have gained a limited |the dining room, however well | at police have difficulty identi en Hadjl thief demon- of-hand was so swift that the Bailey and Mrs. Ray McGill. Ten 4 |vogue in the last few years. But : |FORCES WORE THEM in the summer just ending the 4 ' Shorts are approved wear in dress reformers have suddenly f | [summer by the armed forces| made a striking new advance. leut. S hem. Istrated some of his favorite cashier noticed nothing. tables were plaged. |OFFICE TO CHURCH J - : TL LT : | : 1 | Many young men have begun| HER FIRST PORTRAIT 'Evening Guild |. wax a, wr bo |] . | At just six months, Jane | and granddaughter of Mr. and | Holds Meeting jad Jevesuater length stock-| Elizabeth Lowes posed for her | Mrs. C. W. %owes, of Peterbor- | 0 0 | first portrait, She is the daugh- | ough. Jane Elizabeth was born The All Saints' Anglican| Their choice of wear has) ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul | on Sept. 13, which happened {0 | Church Evening Guild held their been supported in numerous city Lowes, of 960 Dundas St. W., | be a Friday the 13th. regular monthly meeting at the schools where male teachers | parish hall on Monday, March 17./have appeared similarly clad. |The meeting opened with prayer Headmasters have generally ap-| TOWN OUNCIL BRIEFS [by the president, Mrs, W. J.|proved the custom provided the | | Barton, the secretary's and treas-|clothing is neat. | |urer's reports were read and Doctors in a leading Auckland NEW TOWN DUMP UNITED APPEAL adopted. [hospital have joined the move. Permission was this week re-| The United Appeal, preparing, A motion was passed to renew Jen; and wear Wie Soils a ceived from the Ontario County for an annual campaign, asked the membership in the Elizabeth Sipckings while on duty in the| Todoy , AC EV Health Unit for the town to begin! that council name four members pry Society and a box of tinned wards. | : a sanitary land fill project onto sit on a special committee to) junch foods were collected to be Canada's Finest Quality Foods at low, budget. Rowe St., in the harbor area. review the campaign and its ob- gent to the Elizabeth Fry Hostel : A sulancing pric Shop cid Sent The new project will replace a jectives for the various organiza- f,. rehabilitation of women pris ees i present sanitary land fill on Peel tions in the appeal. The applica-| 5ners. 3 - St., the site of an athletic park. tions committee will make a Dye to the Easter holidays the Firms Show Loss recommendation. | first April meeting will be can- BOOTH FOR BAND celled. The April 21st meeting VANCOUVER (CP) -- A Cana-| ! Town property committee was RELEASE LOTS will be an opportunity sale. Mrs.!dian insurance executive said| authorized to consider, with A Council granted a release of 25 H. F, Newman of Dunbarton was Wednesday 71 per cent of gen- power to act, on a request by the jots in the McCullough sub- the speaker of the evening, she eral insurance companies in Can.! Whitby Brass Band to use the djvision, although services have! gave a most interesting talk, ac- ada wound up in the red in 1956 | town-owned booth at the lake not been entirely completed. They companied by colored slides of and predicted that 1957 figures | pow. ¥ ' front Buring the smelt season. In were assured by Mr. McCullough India where she spent five years would show even more extensive Rh ¥r past years, the band has operated that as soon as weather permit-| with her husband, Rev. Newman, losses. fv ys | 4 LEGS OR the booth to serve fishermen ted, streets would be gravelled as and where two of their {ive chil-| Carl Young, president of the bh " 3 while the smelt are running, all agreed. dren were bora Canadian Federation of Insur- ' 3 : profits going to purchase new in- | Mrs. Newman wore a colorful ance Agents, blamed low rates 5 , ped vr YS Va struments. CHEMICAL WEED CONTROL |Sari and brought with her, nu- and inefficient merchandising ) : Weed Inspector Barlow asked merous articles of carved silver, methods. GRANT APPEAL council to this year consider ivory and wood which she dis- | fo. B4 | hut Q -- . The Salvation Army was grant- chemical weed control to replace played for the members to view. | . . 3 ds . \ ed permission to conduct their manual cutting of weeds. The The meeting closed with prayer SOLINA - u Cw y , annul i 8 Shield Appeal in i oot committee will study the and refreshments were served. ; ; d _ TENDER, y y. proposal. | GLADYS YELLOWLEES , OVIN OR -~ ) SNOW-WHITE, STREET SIGNS | | Correspondent : u MILK FED A request was received from ACCEPT OFFER WHITBY | SOLINA -- Mr. and Mrs. Stan & 3 . a POT ROAST 8. the Chamber of Commerce ask- Council was advised by the {Hodgson, Bowmanville, were : ; ing that street signs be erected town property committee to ac- PERSONALS | Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. = , wherever possible. Council noted cept $18,000 for 10 lots in the Mec- J. Yellowlees and Gladys. that this item is included in the Gollough EURO i Mrs. W. Povinsky and Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis en- | proves. The lots were ceded to|Bill Dragomotz of the Modern XTEND FRANCHISE [the town by Mr. McCullough and| Beauty Salon attended the An-| o,=, "Sarch 17. Supper guests i Joun- | Hairdressers Convention | ] AY : Back LEAN, MEATY tee will now he is bidding on them. Coun-| hua uded Ross Kossatz, Enfield: 4 . J v y LOIN VEAL CHOPS uw 79¢ tertained at a party for thelr streets budget. g daughter, Pat, whose birthday incl faced|cil mow awaits approval before held at the Royal York Hotel, [* and Mrs. J. Yellowlees, Miss the sale can be completed. Torento. Gladys Yellowlees, Walter Sh ed ys per Mrs. Gerry Edwards is cele (ays Yelowlees, Walter Shortt, ; : wh oT vate tn municipal elechoms. NEW TOWN HALL [brating her birthday on Friday, |Sourtice; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey "U0 \ BAN. MEATY. aot Before It an be. tod, "the That perpetual problem, a new March 21. Her friends wish ber | Yellowless, Saves; mg Be 5 . RIB VEAL CHOPS ». ratepayers of the municipality town hall, reared its head again Many happy returns of the day. ""a™ 20d "Mrs. E. Larmer, . } TENDER, TASTY # must; approve in a plebiscite. this week. The property commit-| Mrs. M. Hewlett, of the Brock |p a yctock, were Sunday guests nd f y i Presently, only owners or ten- tee recommended that a site be Beauty Salon, visited at the jc weo"ond are Harvey Yellow- . : . i. VEAL CHOPS . siouor bd 49¢ ants are permitted a municipal purchased and a town hall be Royal York Hotel where the An-|jo. and daughters \ ! ¢ vote. erected. Prior to this recommend nual Hairdressers Convention! "ny. "and Mrs, Ralph Davis at- , : ~ BONELESS -- NO WASTR : ay ation, the town was seeking a site| Was held. tended a party at Mr. and Mrs 8 VEAL ROAST SHOULDER is 49¢ ASK STREET PAVING but had turned down a motion to| Sarah, daughter of Mr. and|G, jon Davis', in Oshawa, Fri- Erhest White asked council to build a town hall. Livi Toga Jakes, eeleprated day night. ' . ' oy f . 258 SWIG f =~ ; ining! er irthday on Saturday, i ed ail : consider paving the remaining Mr. and Mrs. Alec Blair and VEAL BREAST 9. 25¢ two blocks of Byron St. S., from| SPECIAL MEETING March 15. For the occasion she merry Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Arther St. to Highway 401. He Council will hold a special entertained a group of her Murray Jackson, Brooklin, were was advised that the streets com-/ meeting next Monday evening to friends; the guesis were: Donna Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.| Vd mittee would consider this street' complete the month's business. Smith, Mary James, Louise Pog- Bruce Tink and family. id OUTSTANDING VALUE! FREEZER SPECIAL! * along with the others which are No bylaws were read at this son, Anne Henstock, Cheryl Beverley and Brian Pascoe being' inspected. week's meeting. Smith, Linda Sleep, Vicki Evans, spent last Wednesday with their St sg Jeunes Rowland, Lynda Clarke, on Bat Mr. and Mrs. i WHOLE PORK LOINS 870 13 uss. LB. 59¢ Whole or | athryn ells. ames were Dyer, Oshawa. p | WCTU Holds played and prizes awarded to| Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Montgom- YOU RECEIVE ALL OF THESE EXPENSIVE CUTS AT ONE LOW RETAN . . . RIB END ROAST, ib, Fs ccuse sucky winners. Sarah was the re- ery were Sunday guests of Mr. LOIN END ROAST, CHOICE CENTRE CUT ROASTS OR CHOPS. CUSTOM CUT AND WRAPPED AT NO CHARGE a |cipient of many lovely gifts.|and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and sons a Regular Meet | Tasty Tels eshinEnts ware Served Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and D| Saran's mother, assis y i risi Pr Taw rines eo Te Cvistie gdm #0 by Shudren visied Mr and Mn E LTT -- e Women's Christian Tem- MIS. James. H. Peever, Oshawa T0P QUALITY F perance Union held their regular| Mrs, Jeanne L. Hughes, Miss) Bradley's Community Club will EE RUITS AND VEGETABLES : : * ° Alight Jouich Stased whey a monthly meeting on Tuesday, at Dorothy Arsenault and Mrs. meet on Friday night. Colored Try this exotic New Orleans dish pape Sapkin landed In 2 Jae the United Church Sunday Vgrgatel Jetiery, of Ye Beauty slides will be a special feature of S i k d h! d | ! s "School Hall with a very good at- Clinic, spent Monday at the Royal the program 0 quick, so easy and oh! so delicious by police court Tuesday when . dd York Hotel where they attend M Mrs. Char | i see the two combatants were each tendarice, " : the Annual Ha Fh wie i a Mr 2nd big hanes gi ini Il (nedhfor ening a disturbance. Mrs, 3. Quantrll, president {1 ere re LS OU) jo mg K 2 meeting wit er. . § sons, Miss Jez y- Ronald McKinnon, 19, of Ajax, ppenes She ne ing i Prayer: Mrs. Fred Mitchell, of Brechin, /derman and George Bittner, Osh- TOMATO CREOLE | was fined $25 and Robert Barker, eports v : e. Bl Mrs. GI . | visited her mother, Mrs. R. A. awa, were Sunday visitors at Mr | Tomatoes 21, of Toronto, was finel $10. sording secretary, Mrs. 2lenney: Rousseau, of the Royal Hotel, and Mrs. E. Cryderman's. | Monarch Margarine 3% cups cooked Cudney Tom Cph Don Matheson, of the mi! he A Was over the week-end. "I Gordon Westlake entertained 3 thsps. . ely Ma 1 tablespoon sugar Pickéring Twp. Police Depart- ya ® ten little friends at his fifth birth- 20 oz, 1 small onion n 1 teaspoon salt -- dash of pepper ment, told the court that the Mrs. O. J. McF herson was in day party last week. CRISP CELLO FRESH i Vs Green Pepper Biscuit Mix Pickering Twp. cruiser had been Charge of the worship service. DAY-BY-DAY | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake PKGS. 1 1b. Ground Veol (or Beefl 2, cups Bu passipg through Pickering vil- Rev. J. M. Ward presented the Jr. and children were guests at : marjoram lage bon the morning of March Prizes to the Baptist Church boys , ei a birthday party for Gordon at Ya teaspoon i tow heat. Chop onion and pepper. 15 when he noticed a crowd of and girls and Rev. John Smith wi DATE CHANGE the home of his grandparents, | Heat margarine in heavy skillet over ow Je ED riata and cook for aboub 25 persons standing in an also presented the prizes to the The Women's Institute will hold ny and Mrs. F. R. Cook, Bow- ¢ ook in hot fat slowly for 3 minutes. Add me toes, sugar, sat, pepper and alley*between Dan's Grill and the boys and girls of the United their meeting on Friday, March manville. A CAL CELERY TENDER 2 BCHS, 25 i oa iii (until meat is brown). Stir. Add Tomek: by about half. Gordbn House. He said that Mc- Church for their essay on Chris- 28, instead of this coming Friday| op Saturday evening, Mr. and CRISP : "2 i ly for 20 minutes. This will reduce liquid bY 50°F and Kinnpn entered the Gordon! tian Temperance work. The fol- usua date, Members please take Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. and chil- wook siaw'y . ding to directions on pkg. Set oven af 4 Fe House, as he arrived, had no lowing were the winners: notice of the: change of date and dren attended a surprise birthday WINESAP A EXTRA FANCY ¢ Make up biscuits accor ne) Fill casserole with meat mixture a » shirttand his clothing was cover | United Church--Gary Crawford, plan to attend. | party for Mrs. Westlake's father, 8C FOR grease @ medium size casserole. ¢ mixture. Bake 15 to 20 minutes un ed with mud. Bomnie Brown, Barbara Jane AT MEN'S CLUB Mr. F. R. Cook at the home of » biscuit dough by spoonfuls i your family will love. Baker, he said, had a cut over Breckenridge, Joy Foster, Mar- mp. gi john's Anglican Church Vf» 2nd Mrs. Reg Land, Bow- CANADIAN LB. POLY ¢ biscuits turn brown. Truly @ one eye and his clothes were garet Hare, John Post, Viki nren's Club, Port Whityy, held manville. No. 1 BAG 20 OZ 49° judgy. He said McKinnon had Rowe, Gladys Smith, Carol {hei regular monthl oh Mr. N. Leach, Taunton, Art MATOE CUDNEY CANS seen". drinking and two officers Smith, Martin Freffers. last. Inoniry 8 Youngman, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs, CHOI . ys : " ast Monday evening at the Sun- T Westlak Millb » vad to handcuff him to get him Baptist Church -- Wendy Dart,' ;, en . = "| Tom estlake, Millbrook, Mr. into the cruiser. Lois Glenney, Jeannie Glennie, day School Hall with de Frese and Mrs. Nelson Fice, Taunton, ONELESS ¢ MONARCH NE 4 1 18. POS. 1 } F Flemi Shirley Glennie, Ruth McMillan, oro M0. TErcy bourne, in the iigited Mr, and Mrs. Frank West-| 8 49 MARGARI be a ne Sad, that he aud Wayne Pickering, Ruth Sinclair chair. Various reports were jake Sr CHOICE STEWING VEAL 18. C Daniels had t tore a) ' 8 SIRCIalr, on. Mr 5 ' ] C 15 OZ, Ii 3: McKinnon to leave the. Gor | Angus Sinclair, Mary Eilen Sin: 83% | Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach, Taun- CREAM soz A ) OI" | olair, Margaret Wigston A film was shown and this was ton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman STYLE don House. Barker was taken to Sh a followed by refreshments. and sons, Tyrone, J Kivell and J a doctor later in the morning fo| ols Glenney was presented [Pe TL oh rere Sunday an : treatment to his injured eye. |%th 8 fivevear pin. At he close POLICE FIND Grassps [Pest] Leach vere Sunday guests . LIBBY'S SAUERKRAUT wr 35° McRinnon said that he and of the meeting refreshments were| Chief Constable George Ran- NY Mrs. D. ¢ CANS Barker had been seated al the Served by fhe commitles, kine, of the Whithy Police. De- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and Sgn same table in Dan's Grill when partment, reports that a pair of ¢, ii. ware Sunday guests at Mr.| % PEA H AYUAR CHOICE ons M > special eye glasses have been ' by Ve 1 | CANS an aggument started, He said ; . " and Mrs. Keith Ormiston's, Eben- that they went outside to argue ens ome turned in to the department. They ager. ' | it out, Barker hit him, and he have had no inquiries about such| "are J Baker spent several - ¢ PE H AYLMER CHOICE #0 oF. ¢ was forced to fight back. F M » glasses 234 he suspects the own-| 4aue with Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales Ort Mowe 48 CANS Baier said that McKinnon had or eeting ray The sven them bp as Jr., David and Laura Lee, Hamp- i Feature oa ¢ left table and he assumed he 0 ovine in! th bv call v SNE ton, last week TEA BAGS TENDERLEAP = 10c OFF = * 9 was leaving the restaurant. He ini George Bainter of Byron em by calling at the police Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wilson. g 70. OF 4 said that he put a table napkin Tost Mo one oo oe Tome . Peterborough, visited Mr. and| on MeKinnon's plate and MeKin-| apna Tyavec re, 5 8 - DUPLICATE BRIDGE Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Stanley. | PRIMO 4c OFF YORK 3 non had returaca and had tossed ore Lovey, Group for hpir reg-| yy, DOT CUEE BIINY, he Mr. and Mrs. Stan Nilson and AAA MACARONI «2% * + 25° PEANUT BUTTER cx ur 39¢ FROZEN S000 F£ATRES it back into Barker's plate of 3 glLing. following were the t [sons were Saturday evening d PA TE Ww : spaghetti. This hard started the y The oS identy Mis: reson Ticnars Dupli > B ii at guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.| | AYLMER 47} a an oward, opened the meeting with| *1€ cate Bridge -- ly NE vi | Y HEINZ-VEGETARIAN SOCIETY argurient. "It was a stupid prayer; the secretary's report| North and South: Mrs. Irwin Tena%y Oshawa. Rn] 85°¢ tB. CAN BEANS » rom swe 345 49% DOG FOOD 4 oz cus 49° 3 59¢ ing. "he said. _ {was given by Mrs. F. Lawrence and Mrs. Spratt 87; Mr. and Nis. |," 20 Bay Hany Raokd Fagin d ks wi Banding dow the fines, His in the absence of Mrs. W. Mc. Bowman 83%; Miss Lawler and Dean au w 3oyd oe Sunday| WIZARDAERDSOL § '©2. BOME AYLMER FORD HOOX orship advised McKinnon that! fjlwaine. The treasurer's report MIS. Fr 77%: Mr. a guests of Mr. anc rs. Hilton, | i HEINZ PUREX i . 4 | Hwe he treasurer's report Mrs. Frost 77%; Mr. and Mrs./ po . ; il EA ¢ WN TOMATO 5 oz ¢ he had been Wapied on previous was given by Mrs. George Stott, Baker 72; Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Eaeverer. Doan remained until DEODORIZER LE SPAGHETTI Sauce Es 59¢ TOILET TISSUE 8 ous 1 LIMA BEANS ph 29 . $ o . > eave Hquor alone.! Suggestions were made for McGillivray 692. East and West Jesse V. Nest B 3 n | 3 Sac of the accused was offer- coming activities. The meeting Mrs. Baxter and Miss Forsythe adsivind i Shi a oy hau e ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE MAR. 20, 21, 22. ed an giternative of jail term, 10 closed with prayer. The nostess 93%; Mrs. Sanderson and Mrs. |p ave anc iss Mabel » £0 hea3 of Shia Open Thurs, & Fri. days 'dn Barker case nd 15 served delightful refreshments Carscallen 89: Mrs. Maundrell Powell Oshay a, visited Mr. and Until 9 p.m. days dn McKinnon's\ case. Mc: served in St. Patrick's 'eoivit-land Mrs hh ®7 re Aan (VIS. N. C. Wolten : ; oP d ir Yatrick's spirit 'and Mrs. Chubb 87'2; Mrs. Mac T > WRE . + North Plaze -- Ajox Kinnon said he would serve the She wv assisted b ey iol douvall . atic R : There was a record attendance 15 days. | C he She ag assisted by Mrs. George d gall and Mrs. Wat s_80; Mrs. of 98 at Sunday School on Sun-! Dundas St. -- Whitby | Sto |Bovay and Mrs. Heron 763. |day.

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