SI... 4! THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursdey, Merch 20, 1958 3 Ajax Student Winne In IAPA Speaking Tes To Organize Road Allocations Skin Diving Are Announced . | The Ontario Department of 000. lub In it Highways, in announcing its mu-| Mara -- $12,000, $25,000, $37,- | nicipal roads program for the 000. 1958-59 fiscal year, has stated! Pickering -- $46,200, $76,100, that $1,529,0400 has been allocated $122,300. ous sport of skin diving will soon to Ontario county municipalities] Rama -- $3500, $8500, $12,000. be added to the sporting circle of for normal work expenditures) Reach -- $10,800, $20,200, $31, ! istric leligible for subsidy. Of this total 000. the district, Ray Mackay 814 067 900 is for maintenance and| Scott -- $8000, $18,400, $26.400. | The fascinating and adventure Hans Benke, two of the keenest| | | The inter-division finals in the {speaking contest of the Industrial {Accident Prevention Association were concluded in Oshawa Wed- nesda night. Robert Falby, 16, of Ajax High School, Grade 12. (Central On- tario Division), was declared the winner, Second was Mary Mar- {kotich, 18, Notre Dame Convent, Kingston, Grade 12, (Ottawa - St, Lawrence Division). Four Contestants Cite Plant Safety Methods FE £ " 561,500 for construction. The County of Ontario has i} HEAD TABLE GUESTS AT DIABETIC ASSOCIATION DINNER " divers in this area, are working {toward the formation of a club in been allocated a total of $443,000 Oshawa: lof which $275,000 is for mainte- Scugog -- $2000, $5000, $7000. Thorah -- $7000, $16,600, $23,- 600. $11,000, $20,000, ROBERT FALBY Close to 250 persons attended the meeting of the Industrial Ac- cident Prevention Associatio.. at Uxbridge -- the Hotel Genosha's Piccadilly] | Northminster United Church | Wednesday night was largely attended. Among those at the head table, from left, were: The annual dinner and busi- ness meeting of the Oshawa and District Diabetic Associa- tion, held in the basement of Dr. G. W. Wrenshall, guest | Church and Miss Isabel Lock- speaker; Mrs. George Glass- | bie, national diet counsellor of ford, president of the associa- | the Canadian Diabetic Associ- | tion; Rev. H. A. Mellow, pas- | ation. | tor of Northminster United --Times-Gazette Photo New Education Essential = Highway 0 For Atomic Age Security Mrs. J. F, Davidson, world which have become a little rusty, 'Work Planned The fact that a considerable |of the people in the world today volume of work will be done in . traveller and prominent lecturer, and start training the mind to are non-whites and that they are the Oshawa district during the told the Canadian Club of On- think and learn about other peo- tario County last night that the world is involved in a tussle of giantism,- with the United States and her allies on one side, and Russia and her satellites on the yooh NEW STRATEGY other. Mrs. Davidson said that the "It is unfortunate," she said, free world must have a new "that the world is entering the|ctrategy, that of learning about space or cosmic age with the Russia as well as about the peo- wrong mood. Instead of entering|ple of other races and colors the age with a spirit of adven:!" "The only hope for the free ture for the purpose of seeing world," she said, "is to develop ourselves from the outside, we!s people who are at home any- are entering it with a feeling of where in the world, because the terror, insecurity and indignation | cosmic age means an age where because the Russians were the is i originators of the first earth satellite." She pointed out that if we are to understand, combat, catch up and outstrip our opponents, the free world must review its values vated to comprehend the things that are going on around us." inevitable. Our nations must rid themselves of part of their sove- reignty since the concern of the cosmic age will be for all of man- kind." Pointing out that the majority Seals Campaign ple and other countries. "Th e|said we are not adequately in- the capital program tabled in the mind," she said, 'must be acti-|formed or even eager to under- Ontario Legislature recently we are world citizens -- this is tiny is {experiencing an awakening, she coming summer is revealed in by [stand the multitude of people the department of highways. that are not of our color. | 1 DISCIPLINED THINKING Highway 401, east of Newcastle, 4 show ) k y x : danger n the United States and located south of Highway 2. I p B States will oross. 1} re ichwav Canada of confusing high stan Will cross the present Highway dards with intellectual stature. She said that what really mat- ters in our educational system is the developing in the mind of a , disciplined way of thinking, which will help us to find out what we are here for and what our des- to the east will be sonth of Dale. It will pass between Cobourg and Trenton will be some distance north of the present highway. New scheduled for this sear grading and work includes Adult education was suggested ,. as one of the ways in which the. free world can combat the prob- lems before it. Through such edu- ghway 28; Cobourg; and thence easterly to Highway 30, north of Brighton ort "|The schedule also provides for a cation the adults could improve ev of interchanges, road al- themselv es 0 the extent that lowances and other structures to [they will inspire their children | i. mvent rivers, railways and 50 that they will be able to deal other natural hazards between | with the problems before them. Newcastle and Brighton. Mrs. Davidson said she found 4 lit hard to comprehend how so Included in the program of {many of the people of the free Carry-over work the department world went through the period of lists grading and culverts be- Plans for the construction of the new highway will be 2, south of Welcome. Its course Jaltimore and from that point to cul- verts from the Morrish road to from Highway 28 to Mr. MacKay is quite emphatic nance and $168,000 is for con- $31,000. that a lot of people are interested struction. The city of Oshawa, Whitby -- $16,100, $29,400, $45, in the use of an aqua lung strict-/has been allocated $583,000 of 500. ly for the sport, but there are which $363,000 is for mainte-| Whitby E. -- broader scopes for the use of nance and $220,000 for construc- $24,000, this equipment. He states that tion. Ajax -- $12,000, some of these are rescue and sal-| The allocations to the other 000. vage work, biological under water county municipalities are as fol-| Uxbridge -- $1500, $5500, $7000 research and photography, but!lows. The first figure is for con| Whitby -- $15,000, $20,200, $35,- $7000, $17,000, $23,000, $35, because of the lack of equipment struction; the second for main- 200, and diving knowledge enthusiasts tenance and the third is the total! Beaverton--$3g00, $5300, $8800. are loath to get into the game. allocation. Cannington--$2000, $3200, $5200. This will very shortly be over-| Brock -- $11,000, $25,000, $36 Pickering--$1400, $4100, $5500. come, due to the interest of a = ort Perry -- $3500, few local experts. A meeting is kd being called on Thursday, Mar. Sentenced To 20, at 8 p.m. at Simcoe Hall for » the purpose of forming a diving - club. All persons interested in Six Month Term skin diving, whether they own " : equipment or not are asked to! SARNIA (CP) -- Sentences of attend. six months definite and six ine : months indeterminate were im Some of the principles outlined posed on Leslie Case of Oshawa for the club is instruction in the today following conviction on water in the use of the aqualy,.., charges of fraud. The sen- lung to beginners, to co-operate tences will run concurrently. with the department of lands and| "Gace was convicted of obtain forests in promoting the use of ing $30 in cash from a meat mar- this equipment in coarse fishing vot and gasoline valued at $4.70 and fish management and to Pro- and $20 cash by means of a vide safe equipment and service y,rthless "cheque. The third to users of the aqua lung. charge concerned goods valued at fs Ladies interested in this sport $27.77 fraudulently obtained from | y are encouraged to attend, a Petrolia merchant. County-Wide CDI: roup Planned The county - wide civil de- awa. Headquarters will be main-| WIDELY TRAVELLED fence organization may be es-| tained in Oshawa. Oshawa will| Recently appointed to the [tablished in the near future in|receive a deputy co-ordinator. | the nursing staff of Oshawa Gen- | Shows Increase imperialism, colonialism and into A total of $4023 has been col- medical committee which enrols the formation of the British Com- lected to date in the Oshawa Eas-| volunteer specialists. The latter monwealth and yet remained so ter Seals campaign for crippled|/include literally every top _spe-|ignorant of such people as the children organized by the Oshawa cialist in the fields of medicine Indians, Malayans and Chinese. Rotary Club. | and surgery which are necessary This figure was disclosed at a'to the children's terment. meeting of the Ri commit-| These doctors come from Toron-/ of 'the 'campaign, to, Ottawa, Hamilton and other|do we find adequate means of held Monday night. cities located near the clinic cen-/finding knowledge of these F. E. Bedford, treasurer of the/tre. |things," she asked. "Yet this is Som tee, stated, vis 13 =u inf Plans for a clinic are laid well | Precisely the knowledge we need, erease of 5 per cent over the |in advance. Through local offic-| We can only have sympathy when figure at this date. |ers of health, public health nurs- we have knowledge. 1226 DONORS {es and local doctors, the Society's] Through the dissemination ol SYMPATHY AND KNOWLEDGE, jyges the grading, Where in our school curriculalgranular base, building tween Newcastle and Morrish 4 Th tv council also allotted Yr Ontario county, The plan was e county cou tec Yoaq; Siruciures at the Newton- | roved in principle by the $1450 for the purchase of a civil ville interchange, Morrish road, | nty ouncil on Mar. 11, Wilmot Creek, CPR line st New. |0shawa Civil Defence Control |ceiverrwith auxiliary equipment. | caste. [Committee recommended approv- RETAIN EQUIPMENT | The department program also [5 of the plan to the Oshawa City laying of council Tuesday night. : of cul-l" Ooghawa Civil Defence Co-ordi- verts and paving of the six miles nator 1t.Col. F. S. Wotton ex-/ment owned by | Brooklin, mittee, | purposes. The |defence radio transmitter and re. nursing career. The civil defence control com-| mittee also recommended to Osh- awa City Council that CD equip- communities of highway between Whitby and | nained the plan to the members prior to Apr. 1 be retained as of the civil defence control com- their assets. It will be made The project includes available for mutual training| cal department at OGH. " these provisions: ; : ! Add | Lt.-Col. Wotton will be nomi-| The plan will be discussed by | alTiers inated as the county civil defence city council on Monday Mar. 23. | | eral Hospital, Miss Margaret | Ross has travelled far in her Born in Fal- kirk, Scotland, sh. trained and | graduated in St. George's Hos- pital, Sydney, Australia. She re- turned to Scotland to take course in midwifery and ob- stetrical nursing. At present she is acting head nurse in the delivery rooms .of the obstetri- Room. The audience included 226| members of the association, rep- resenting 17 firr .s, and 19 guests. FOUR CONTESTANTS A total of four students par- ticipated -in the speaking contest. The winner, Robert Falby, re- ceived a cheque for $50. The run- ner-up, Miss Markotich, was awarded $25, The two other students partic- ipating were Sharon Davis, 17, ,{Port Arthur Collegiate Institute, | |Grade 12, (Lakehead Division); | |and Sam Isenberg, 16, Harvard | Collegiate Institute, Grade 12, (Toronto - York Division). Robert Falby, now the winner for Eastern Ontario, will partie- ipate in the finals to be held in Toronto for the Ontario title The annual speaking contest of | the Industrial Accident Preven- tion Association is open to high] school students all over. Ontario. The theme this year is "Safety-- A Way of Life" | CRESTS PRESENTED | The winner in each individual | school receives a crest. Represen- tatives from each school are then sent to section finals with a prize of $20 for the winner. Section finalists participate in the divi. sion finals with a prize of $25. | Division finalists participate in interdivision finals, with an award of $50 for first place and| | Broden Joins Montreal Tea MONTREAL (CP) -- Connie {Broden star of the Whitby Dun- {lops world championship hockey |team, is to play for Montreal |Canadiens tonight in their Na- [tional Hockey League game here 'against Toronto Maple Leafs. | Broden played three games for,5 | Montreal in 1955-56 and was with|¢¢nts the team last season in the Stan- ley Cup playoffs. "He looks in great shape," |said coach Toe Blake. "He may _ |be able to help us once the play- |offs start.' The diminutive forward, high- $25 for second. The finals fof*On- tario will bring the winner of the competition a cheque for $100 and an engraved wristv. atch, The competitors were judged by a panel of three judges Wed- nesday night. The four students participated anonymously, Their names were not known to judges or audience to ensure a fair judg- ing. Speeches were judged on per- sonality (possible 10 points; de livery (10 points), subject ~ma- terial, organization and appeal (20 points), and originality - of thought (10 points). fe. In his prize-winning speech Robert Falby stressed total safe- ty as a result of an individual safe attitude. He proposed train ing and discipline as a progam, leading to decency and self-re- spect, "People can be taught that the safe way is really the easier way," he stated. EAD TABLE GUESTS Desmond G. Newman acted as the chairman for the evening. Guests at the dinne. included Harold Blow, division secretary of the IAPA; Jim White, pronio- tion manager, JAPA: Jack Mer- ris, field representative, Central Ontario Division: Ald. Walter Branch; Jack Emerson, vige- chairman, IAPA: Cliff Carss, hairman Central Ontario Divi- sion; Gord Anderson, general manager IAPA; Len Fairbourn, {chairman Ottawa - St, Lawrence | Division; Don Ireland, public re. {lations director, JAPA: Geqrge |Harper, chairman Toronto-York Division; and John Swanson, jvice - chairman Toronto - York | Division, : Mr. Andrson, Mr. White and Mr. Ireland acted as judges. Mr. Emerson expressed the thanks of: the audience to the judges. Cone gratulations to the winning. stu were expressed by Mr, |Harper, Mr. Fairbourn and" Mr. Carss. | | The $4023 has been received field nurses locate and visit crip- trom 1226 donors since the cam-|Pled children, report their needs paign got under way Mar. 6. |and plan their attendance at Much of the $750,000 to be rais-| clinic. ed by the Easter Seals campaign| If the treatment can be pro- throughout the province of On-|vided locally, the local doctor tario will be used for out-clinic/then supervises 'it; if treatment services. is required in a big city hospital, The out-clinic service provided usually the Hospital for Sick Chil- by the far-flung facilities of the dren, arrangements are made for Ontario Society for Crippled Chil-| transportation and hospitalization dren has developed under the|by the Society. closely related . co-operation be- tween the society and the 220 ser- children have attended such clin- vice clubs which each year con- ics, have received treatment and duct the Easter Seal Campaign to have benefitted from the follow-up finance assistance to help crip- program provided by the so- pled children. In addition to help|ciety's nursing services. A score finance the treatment of crippled of specially trained nurses ap- children from their communities, proved by special act of the On- the service clubs help with the tario legislature follow up every clinics by transporting young-/case, teach the mother how to sters and helping to provide ac-|carry on the therapy prescribed commodation for those that can- by the doctors and see that any- not return home immediately. [thing required such as braces or The society and the service crutches are provided for the chil- {this knowledge to the average, {man there will develop a realiza- tion of what part each must play in the world issue, and an under- 230 Reader standing that the burden must be carried by many in order to gain| Two hundred and thirty new the multitudes of the non-com- subscribers to The Daily Times- co-ordinator at a salary of $6000 Col.' Wotton will address council per year. The City of Oshawa briefly. |appointed a seven-man sub-com-| The new plan -- originally a {mittee, of which five members| suggestion by Oshawa Police | will alternate in meetings 'with Chief H. Flintoff, approved by the county. the civil de'ence control commit. | Committee members are Ald 'tee -- may save Oshawa $1000 Owners of beauty salons, bar- ber's shops and hairdressing es- Would Xoray = =| Hare Optica Barbers Here tournament at Oslo, Norway, last month, worked out Wednesday {night on a line with centre Don Marshall and right wing Marcel Bonin. Bonin, injured last week and unlikely to play tonight, was| skating just to get back in shape. | G. T. BAKER OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East mitted on our side, she stated Gazette were signed to date by|A, Graham Coulter; Ald. Albert'or more. Oshawa's operational in|V. Walker; City Clerk L. R. Bar-|CD budget now stands at more tablishments are to be asked by ROOF FALLS ON 200 =~ HOURS -- Describing the role of the Unit- the 314 newspaper carriers ed States in world politics, Mrs. Oshawa and district, in connec- Davidson said that it was the tio vith test. 1 : forces of history which put the ton win a contest Tor carriers Over the years thousands of United States unwillingly where Which started Saturday, March 15 Mrs, W, D, Burns; and Thomas The passing of a bylaw will be] they are today and that because and will continue to April 7. they hate so much not to be| An announcement from the cir- liked, that like a young child they | ojation department of The Times will make plenty of mistakes. Rin states that further arrangements have been made regarding the League To Honor {scheduled trip to Montreal for . winners of the contest. Oshawa Driver The boys will leave Oshawa : Apri / / Louis A. W. Reid, a driver for Ap] Jo for Kuo dave 2 _ General Motors of Canada, Lim-| Pace Wy . Je ited, who was honored at the an- | the Oshawa Health Department to submit names of them em- iployes for X-rays at the city's general hospital. |Hopkins, former Oshawa CD co-|necessary to authorize the proj-| This is an extension of a plan ordinator. ect, | which began last year when The mayor of Oshawa and the| Col. Wotton told the civil de-|about 740 people employed in county warden are ex-officio fence control committee that dep- | food handling Jobs were X-ray- members of the committee. uties would be appointed for each |ed for the first time. One budget will be established, township. He indicated that he! There are in the region of 60 with the county's share $10,000 would recommend an Oshawa hairdressing and barber's shops for 1958, to be matched by an deputy co-ordinator at the proper |in the city employing approxi- equal $10,000 by the City of Osh-|time. {mately 200 people. The X-rays etna ---- - ---- [for these will be paid by Ontar- io County TB Association which piloted the scheme last year for | food handlers. | A public health official told {rand; Fire Chief R. Hobbs; W. than $11,000. |Holland, general administrator of] The new set-up will include all the Oshawa General Hospital: communities in Ontario county. 9.00 em. -- 6 p.m. Closed Wed. & Sat. Afternoon Phone RA 3-4811 MEXICO CITY (AP)--A roof | of reinforced concrete fell on more than 200 workers at a large cardboard box factory Monday. Two were. fatally injured, and 94 others were taken to hospitals. ESTIMATES WANTED trom experienced painter for painting in-' terior of church. nem nee Legion Members : Pi | : Clubs organize the clinics under a!dren. harbor facilities, Mount Royal the Times that many other On- COMING EVENTS Club- [RUMMAGE and Homebake Sale, Coun 67a cil Chambers, Whitby, Saturday, March 22, 10 a.m. Auspices Order of Eastern 67a Bathe Park 21, 2 p.m. RUMMAGE sale house Friday, March RUMMAGE sale Friday, March 21, gp, 1.30 p.m. at the Armories. Ontario oo Regiment Officers' Wives Association, EUCHRE Scout Hall corner Gibbon §7a/and Buena Vista, Friday, March 21, eee |B p.m. Seven prizes, lunch served Admission 50 cents 67a Come One Come All ANNUAL bazaar and giant bingo, TO THE March 21 - 22. To be held at the Slovak Greek Catholic Parish Hall, 464 JAMBOREE Ritson Road South AT / VARCOE'S BINGO Harmon Park Association, \ DRIVE-IN Friday, March 2V, ot 8 p.m St. John's Hall, corner Bloor fancy work, tasty cakes, Open from 2 p.m. Friday ond Simcoe. - 20° gomes $6 JSHOW and DANCE ond $8. 5 $40 jackpots f To the ONTARIO 67t at 7.30 p.m Ar Home bakery cookies, etc Bingo starts RANCH BOYS | Also Featuring THE RHYTHM ROCKERS | BINGO FRI., MARCH 28 gt Wy 830 PM Street Prizes: $6 ADM. 75¢ $20 4 or be tripled anytime Feb.5,6,12,13,19,20 ATTENTION 8 pm 594 Albert $12 ond doubled or 26,27 nual Safe Drivers Dinner here re-/and a trip around town in the cently, will receive further hon- famous horse-drawn carriages. ors at the Ontario Safety League| The new announcement said ar- dinner in the Royal York Hotel, rangements have been completed Toronto, on Saturday, Mar. 22 [for contest winners to visit the He is one of 13 drivers of com | R¢ AF station at St. Hubert, PQ, mercial vehicles in the province| | that Oshaue Carrigrs may see the latest jet planes and equip- with a record of 25 years of acci-'ment at the air base. dent-free driving to their credit.! There will also be prizes for This is the first time in the high winners including a flash League's history that a group of camera outfit, a wrist watch and drivers with such a fine record roller skates. Cash prizes will be have been honored. awarded winners and non-win- It has been arranged that the ners 13 drivers will be personally! The number of Daily Times 7b thanked and congratulated by the carriers has almost doubled in 18| Hon. James N. Allen, Ontario, months, and dealer or carrier minister of highways. Each will service is now available as far also receive a valuable memento east as Cobourg, north to of the. occasion. Caesarea and west to Ajax Hospital Staff Produces Paper In many ways like a city with-|ger, in a city, Oshawa General Hospi-|staff tal now has its own "newspaper." made a successful drive for re Today marks the fourth edi- porters (rom the various depart- | tion of the monthly newsletter, ments of the hospital, but more which was tarted by hospital 1 eporters are still required staff in November, 1957 The "Chatterline" has two suc- So far, the "'Chatterline' as it cessful ventures to its name al- has been named, runs to only The first of these ven- | one page. It is expected that in tures, a contest, actually gave it and. Colin Mainds, another | member. The two have ° tario cities already had a com- Active In Sports [mein P people who came into intimate |contact with the public or Members of .'ost 43, Canad-/Don Wecks, J. Anderson, and handled food. i x . __| D. Brickel. it was planned that eventually 1an Legion, have been to the The zone dart tournament was the X-rays would be carried out {fore in the sports field in re- played in the Legion Hall, Mar.|on a 50-50 basis--30 per cent of | cent weeks. J15, but the winners' names have employes in such occupations | In the zone bowling tourna- not been received as yet. lone year and the other 50 the {ment held in Oshawa, one team| It was announced z! the last| following year, qualified for the district tourna-| branch meeting that Post 43 -------- ment to be held in Campbell-| Will again sponsor minor base-|g | ford Mar. 22. The team consist-| ball in Oshawa, Four delegates, led of Fred White, Jim Thom-| were chosen to represent the | son, Shorty Davies, Bob Skelton, branch at the OB. annual] Jack Strank, and Buck Hobbs, meeting in Welland last week-| captain. A local double team, end. consisting of Jim Thomson and] The members of the sick | ST. JOHN'S GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 31 BLOOR STREET EAST \ | | Jack Strank, qualified as did committee reported paying a Sid Hobbs in the singles. In the zone cribbage held in Bowmanville three 10 - teams were entered from the branch and two qualified for the district tournament in Port Hope Mar. 29. visit to Sunnybrook Hospital where candies, cigarets, and reading material with Art Gladman, W. J. Bap- ty, G. T. Bould, A. Higgins, A. E. Holbrook, R. B. McMillan, W. Shuttlework from Ottawa, J M. Simpson, H. S. Smith, D. cigars | were left | FOR HIGH QUALITY MEATS and FRUITS Team No. 1 consisted of W. F. wetheru H. Wolfr C. E.| Beaton, H. E. Bathe, E. C. Hal-|wood. N_ H. Yok, Chas. Gay, combe, C. Hatch, Sid Hobbs, L./Col, Bounsall, Bill SIRLOIN & WING Canibrae, J. Mitchell, J. Horton, R. Groat,|Orval Bond and Art Day. K. Johnson, Harold Brown. Team No. 2 consisted of A Elliott, L. White, Mac- Kenzie, Gene MacKenzie, E. Ferguson, H. Burkitt, J A new piano has been order- ed for use at the dance, in the auditorium prove the Friday Strank, ' considerably should im- night which socials STE S 7 'GOLDEN RIPE FROM RED EAKS Rig | BANANAS LEAN, MEATY BLADE the future a name CUBS - SCOUTS - ROVERS | Scout film presentation, World Jubilee Jamboree | 1957. And the | B. P. STORY treet United Church Centennic uniform, 8 p.m, King free if ir é6b econd page will be ils added The first edition announced a Meanwhile, the single page is contest, to give the newsletter a crammed with items of interest name. The prize for the name to all members of the hospital accepted was $5. This contest was staff, teria, alterations in the hospital, |with "Chatterline." staff birthdays, bowling scores,| The same issue of the additions to hospital staff, and!|announced a staff dance at the countless other facets of hospital UAW hall. The. dance was such life are covered by the news- a success that the hall was pack letter ed So far, the editor roles 'of pt "Chatterline" success with dance, a Spring Fever May 2. at the UAW hall. The following another Dance" ation manager, an 1p copyboy have been filled by C. K Wright, hospital business mana Construction . of the cafe- won by Mrs. Emalene Henderson, | letter ! x "I'll See You Tonight * » owe Starlite * » 59e FOWL © 29, Ibs 29: Short 0 i 99: PORK Ib 54. NO. GLE BRISKET 1 49c BUTT Potafoes 45: Shoulder Ib. 41 c| | FRESH PORK TAS. BAG h B. 19¢ Ib 5 c TENDER EATING Standing 6 & 7th Prime Rib Ib BONELESS Prime Rib Ib A -------------- GRADE "A" LARGE SIZE EGGS doz. 5 In Your Container DEVON RINDLESS BEACCGN