Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 20 Mar 1958, p. 26

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he YAE PANY YWMES-GAXUTTE, YRurswey, wwven BV, YOU BROOKLIN Friendship Group Has Party For Bride-Elect Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Spencer. |Mediand. of the Ontario Horticul- Charles Ormiston, who lives in| The regular monthly meeting Society convention held in Western Canada, spent a short of the Brooklin Women's Institute Hamilton last week will be pre- vacation at the home of Mr. and |will be held next Wednesday tented by the official delegates, Ig wa Mss, Ym Ormiston and Visited afternoon ia fhe vasement of the | Mrs. Se Parrott and Mrs. LIN -- rs. . .|friends in this district. Township Hall. Convener of home . Doldge and Mrs. Vous, en The Senior Choir led in the economics and health. Mrs. Gor-| Kenoven Rebekah 'Lodge is tertained Mr, and Mrs. Sydney service of praise Sunday morn. don Hurst, will arrange the pro-|sponsoring an afternoon tea and Spencer as supper guests OD |ing at the United Church. Rev, |gram. Lunch committee is: Mrs. bazaar 6n Saturday, March 29 at|/ Tuesday, March 11, on the occa-|S" y Hillier preached on 'The M. Richardson, Mrs. E. Nesbitt, the IOOF Hall, Bagot street. {sion of their 32nd wedding anni' power of the Master." (Mrs, J. Lambert, Mrs. G. Hunt-| versary. ler. MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT, (bridge set (chairs and table), a" [© Wo = alae kg Tg Sele, iin Horticultural Soctety |o 0% SX Mileage in a double- : razor blade, ru ul patient at Oshawa General Hospi-\ meet Sunday afternoon in re vy meet Monday evening, pet i no moistened i p34 Correspondent _ [gift from the community. Many | BROORLIN o the Pricuisuip stir useful sud lovely lis wets | iat lor two woeks, came home on Sunday School room of Brooklin|[March 31, in the Sunday school'of an old drinking glass. Group of the Women's Associa: |presented to Miss Dingman by Wed i L iati nsored a|lriends, with hearty congratula-| ay. tion's Association spo y gr : Men's SPORT SHIRTS 2 19 m evening at the home of Mrs.| Miss Dingman expressed her Mrs. Bert Hannam, who on Long Sleeves, newest stripes or splash weaves. Clifford Johnston. thanks for the gifts, to the host- (March 12 celebrated their 40th Sizes S-M-L -- ONLY 10.95 The shower was held in honor [ess for use of her home, and tc wedding anniversary. 12.95 of a bride-to-be, Sally Ann Ding- [the group for the program plan-| Mrs, Charles Pilkey spent the | On all Boys' Wear when Pur- man, only daughter of Mr. and|ned in her honor. | weekend at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Roy Dingman who on Sat- DUPLICATE BRIDGE |Stewart Mackie, Oshawa. chased with Family Allowance Cheques. fu SusTRy 1 We Wee ET pay oe Oar Toten | BROOKLIN MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT EE -- FasuLous FREE GIFT! WITH EACH PURCHASE Yours FREE with each purchase of Vacuum or Floor Polisher shown below. This Seautiful 4-plece Matching Pen & Penocd Set beautifully boxed contains 1 © Automatio Retractable Ball Point Pen. © Automatic Pencll with Reserve Lead Chamber and Eraser. ® Lever Action Filling Fountain Pen, ® Key Chain Flashlight Completes with Bulb and Battery. Exactly as advertised In LIFE and the SATUR. ie DAY EVENING POST. ' urday will become the bride of Highest scores in duplicate Howard Earl Worthington, son of bridge were: Mrs. Crossman, |, Kenneth Greer, 3 Yatiem os Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Worthington Mr. Glover, 32; Syd Lockyer, W. turned home 'on Thursday; of Whitby. Waddell, 20%; Mrs. D. Wiseman | ay" 4 mrs Carl Spencer | The living room was gaily dec-!Jack Patterson, 28; Mrs. Robert {and Mr. and Mrs Murray Spen- | orated with pink and white Heron, Mrs. C. Davies, 25%; Mrs. cor and som all of Toronto, were | streamers, suspended from a Nora Jordon, Mrs. W. A. Heron, A -- ent large wedding bell hanging over 23'4. | f pov bride's Sh of id On |SUPPER CLUB |vice - president of the WA, pre-| either side of her sat her moth-| First meeting of the 4H Girls' pared a supper dish, set the] er, Mrs. Dingman, and the bride- Supper Club sponsored by the table and dined as their first | groom's mother, Mrs. Worthing- Brooklin Women's Institute - for lesson. | ton. girls in the 12-16 age group was| Elected as officers of the club Ruth Agar read humorous se- held on Friday afternoon in the were: president, Sandra Camp-| lections. Mrs. Sonley conducted basement of the Township Hall, bell and secretary, Gloria Jean an amusing contest. Helen Lyons with 12 members in attendance. Cooper. The next meeting will read a skit and a contest, Plan-| The group, under the leader- be held on Friday afternoon, ning a Garden", was conducted ship of Mrs. Albert Cooper, 1¢/ March 22. by Mrs. C. De Jonge. rn - At the conclusion of the pro-| gram, the bride-to-be was pre-| sented with a yellow chrome MEN'S DRESS TROUSERS Nylon Gabardine, All colors. Self Belt, Sizes 28 to 46. ONLY BOYS' Sizes 7 to 10. SPORT JACKETS 10% DISCOUNT BOYS' TROUSERS Assorted styles, colors end patterns. Sizes 6 to 18. ONLY WHS Buxiliary Plans Service MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT Correspondent BROOKLIN -- The Evening Auxiliary of the Woman's Mis- slonary Society of Brooklin Unit- ed Church met on Monday even-| ing for its March meeting with | 23 members and six visitors pres- Sizes 11 to 16. VACUUM CLEANER COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMZ IS "142 CE GU SEN GRE Se GSS GSW SRSA GENES GUUS ween GSS GEA GSS GENS Gwe Se Mail This Coupon Today To: 1163 VICTORIA PARK AVENUE TORONTO 16, ONTARIO VACTRIC (CANADA) LTD. Direct From Manufacturer Te You PRESSWOOD'S -- BONELESS SMOKED HAM 2%; - 3Va-Ib. Pee. OUR OWN SPECIAL CURED CORNED BEEF LEAN, BONELESS SPECIAL SELECT BACK SPARERIBS SWEET PICKLED ~~ SHANKLESS SHOULDERS PORK SLICED LAYER -- RIND ON BREAKFAST BACON FRESH HOME MADE HEADCHEESE ent. The president, Mrs. Neil Petty presided for the business, which | {neluded 'making plans for the annual WMS church service to be held Sunday morning, April 20. | Miss Catherine McKeen, secre-| tary of Younger Groups, will bef the guest speaker, Final plans were made for the Spring tea on Saturday afternoon. | At the April meeting, Miss Mar- garet Pellow of Oshawa will be the guest speaker. She will show colored slides and relate her ex-| periences during the year she spent in Jamaica. It was decided | to invite the Columbus WMS Aux-| fliary, Brooklin Afternoon Auxil-| {ary and CGIT group to this spe- CUBAN -- RIPE -- SIZE 1%. eial meeting. | PINEAP PLES Mrs. Robert Heron and Mrs. | SAG LaV-N"{ d= y Ralph Milner, presented an inspir- | 46 SIMCOE ST. N. ® OSHAWA TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF Sizes 7 to 10. BOYS' SUITS iis Sizes 2 PAIR TROUSERS ONLY 16.75 'DEPT. FR-2 | am 21 yours of age, or over, end 1 woul Wke fo Wry the appliance checked below In my own heme af no Boys' SPORT SHIRTS SALES Long Sleeves in newest patterns. Sizes 8 to 16. ONLY l & AL'S BI-RITE STORES | service SERVICE | We Sell For Less -- Satisfaction Guaranteed | 35 SIMCOE N. AT BOND RA 5-7951 ® OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILLY PM. @ obligation. {J VACUUM QLEANER fng worship service on the theme "In Everything by Prayer, and led in discussion of the Bible study. Mrs. Ralph Wescott and Mre. Leonard Blight led review at the concluding portion of the study book, the status of the Christian Church in Japan. Minutes were read by the sec-| retary and treasurer's report was presented by Mrs. Thearon Ki- vell, | J roLIsHER The most convenient time for me is 0 Morning [7 Afternoon [J] Evening | To st em a em ms eS se mn ie a we mar A LAAN, YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED SAVE S$ $ WHEN YOU BUY THESE ITEMS WITH ANY $2.00 PURCHASE! GIANT SIZE COLGATE'S TOOTHPASTE -- 4 Reg. 62¢ . PALMOLIVE SHAVING LATHER -- : 10¢ LADIES' RAYON BRIEFS Bond leg, sturdy elastic walst, double crotch. Sizes S-M-L. 4.1.00 MEN'S WOOL & CASHMERE TOP COATS From the finest English Wool and Cashmere, Sixes 36-44, Save 20.00. 29 95 L KIDDIES' ALL NYLON STRETCHEE SOCKS Sizes 4 te 6%. Amorted col er A. TACK .... 27 4 for 1.00 LADIES' FIRST QUALITY NYLONS 51 Gouge -- 15 Denier Sizes 9 to 11. Reg. 7%¢ ... 2 pairs 1.00 59¢ Eoch LADIES' SUITS Made from the finest of English Woollens. Sizes 18.88 12-16. Reg. 39.95 EE a LARGE SIZE FAB -- Reg. 45¢ .... Reg. 84¢ Reg. 79¢ AND GIRLS' ALL-WOOL BLAZERS Sizes 2 to 6x. Reg. 269 ........ Sizes 8 to 14x, LADIES' PRINTED FLORAL soY§ RAYONIZED SKIRTS Full Hare. Sizes 12 to 18. Reg. 4.95. CHILDREN'S WINDBREAKERS Fully lined corduroy wind- breakers to keep Spring winds out. Colours Brown, Navy, Red. BOYS' BETTER GRADE DRESS PANTS Assorted riel Sizes a1 Rog 493 2.99 [17] "BLOUSE AJAX HARWOOD NORTH dazzle cottons. Tailored end lace trim styles. Short end long sleeves. OSHAWA 21 BOND ST. W. FL LY a TEYRTEIUSE ELS FE TeRTATY LADIES' Size 3 to 6. Reg. 3.98 . 1.99 GIRLS MEN'S CORDUROY LEOPARD SLIM JIMS 2.99 CORDUROY LEOPARD SLIM JIMS 2.84 MEN'S UNDERWEAR TOPS & SHORTS Sizes 5-M-L. 1 00 » Sizes 12 - 18. Reg. 5.95 LADIES' BLOUSES Reg. 3.95 . 1.99 Ladies' Nylon and Satin FULL SLIPS Size S5-M-L. 1 a9 Reg. 2.99 ... LATEST IN LADIES' SPRING HATS 3.99 Just arrived! LADIES' IVY LEAGUE T-SHIRTS Reg. 5.95 Reg. 2.49 LADIES' SPRING CAR COATS Reg. 12.95 9.88 LATEST IN LADIES' SPRING COATS Foirm 16.99 LADIES' LONG-SLEEVE V-NECK ORLON PULLOVERS Sizes 12 to 20. 2.99 Reg. 4.98 Ai Sizes 7 - 12, GIRLS' TAFFETA Reg. 3.99 DRESSES 2.19 Reg. 79¢ each. WV for CLEARANCE MEN'S TIES & BOW TIES Reg. 1.00 2 for 1.00 Sizes 9 to 12. Reg. 3.99 COTTON BRIEFS GIRLS' Sizes 8 to 12. 4 ; 1 00 or Hu MEN'S WOOL WORK SOCKS Reg. 49¢ 3 for 1.00 Reg. 49¢ JUST ARRIVED! GIRLS' SPRING COATS and MATCHING BONNETS Sd 4.95 Girls' 100% Nylon STRETHEE rs Broken Range Girls' DRESSES. Size 3 to 6x, 1 29 . Reg. 2.98 GIRLS' BEADED ORLON CARDIGANS 2% .. &ll 2 to 6x GIRLS" 100% ALL WOOL : SPRING COATS Sizes 7-14, 1.95 Reg. 16.95. From MEN'S 1st QUALITY SANFORIZED JEANS Rivet Reinforced. Sizes 30-44, for 5.00 MEN'S ALL LEATHER WORK BOOTS Broken range. 2.99 Reg. 5.95 Assorted Ivy League SPORT FA Wg 2.99 "Perry Lomo" kanal LL Men's White DRESS SHIRTS-- Sizes 1413 to 17. 1 99 | Reg. 2.99 Reg. 3.99 . Just Arrived! PRE-EASTER SPECIAL Si. BOE 1.99 Reg. 2.98 1.59 SAVE 28.80 ON PENNYWORTH'S ANNUAL Reg. 3.69 ASSORTED FABRIC SUITS, 2 PAIRS PANTS, NYLON GABARDINE TOPCOAT, SHIRTS, TIE, AND PAIR OF SHOES. ws 39.00 to 44.00 Complete Reg. 49.95 BOYS INFANT'S MISCELLANEOUS BOYS' MELBOURNE FLANNEL SUITS 2 peir Pants... . 16.88 PLASTIC . JOIDDY SEATS Res. 5.95 CLEARANCE BOYS' "T" SHIRTS Long sleeve, sixes 3 to 8. Reg. 996 ........... 62° PLASTIC FEEDING TRAY Meche le any chair. 1.49 Boys' TOP end SHORTS -- Nylon reinforced. Sizes 8-14. 3 «1.00 Reg. 42¢ .. Boys' OXFORDS. Leather upper, Neolite soles. Sizes 2-6. Reg. 6.95 3.99 BOYS' BETTER DRESS PANTS Sizes 8 to 16. BOYS' WHITE SHIRTS Bow te, cuff links. Sizes 3.6x. Boxed. Rep, 2.29 1.88 BOYS' STURDY RUBBER BOOTS Sixes 6 to 12. Reg. to 2.99 Latest In Boys' Spring Ivy League Jackets i " 2.88 PLASTIC PANTS Assorted colors, Sixes S-M-L. Reg. 29¢ FLANNEL PATTERNED CRIB BLANKETS INFANTS" WHITE SOFT BOOTS Sizes 0-5. LONG SLEEVE "T" SHIRTS Sizes 1 to 3, SAVE DOLLARS ON ALL FIRST QUALITY DIAPERS Reg. 475... S99 1636. Rey. 3.39 . 2409 2.99 Kingcott Diapers-- Reg. 3.99 Chix Diapers-- Reg. 4.95 KLEENEX o gq Reg. Size ... KOTEX ALUMINUM ROASTER, eom- plete with rack, Reg. 2,98 100% ALL WOOL ... BLANKETS dod of 695 range 3199 Wm. Rogers Silver - plated BUTTER KNIVES, Reg. 7%9¢ Deluxe Model--Jumbo, Extre- large, Fully-Automatic, Electric Deep COOKER 95 FRYER. Reg. 39.98 11. Wm. Rogers 34-piece SILVER. PLATE SET. Complete with Chest. Guaranteed. 11 G6 . Reg. 39.95 Chrome POP-UP TOASTERS. Reg. 19.95 RONSON "'66" SHAVER -- PLUS RONSON LIGHTER fee) BOTH 18.97 Reg. 34.95.

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