Mein 4; (vee \ } NORMAN W. McALPINE H. DWIGHT COUGLER however, are i | | | | the unable to remarry Newspapers have greeted the project as a healthy outlet for disgruntled Italians. "Progres- sive" publications welcome it as a possible spearhead in a cam- paign for a divorce law. - Provincial po- are satis Lougheed, 71- ted suid vas found = INIERPAE TING IPE REVS | ~ Sukarno Has 2 Choices Canadian Press Staff Writer [free "business government," is Neither side in Iedonesia's de- allowed to form a national cab- | veloping civil war appears tol inet with Sukarno and the Sultan | within a reasonable period. of Java's provinces still has tre- | This seems to leuve President mendous "Influence. | Sukarno with two choices if he is! This is the political settlement lof meeting the rebels' demands gem to have much chance. that he rid his cabinet of Commu- is & nists. Judging b st actions Inseparable from this is the sis, Jucging by Pa » # need to put an end to the coun- call on Communist-bloc countries i to give him large-scale aid to put| deficit of $85,000,000 jn 1958 io a down the uprising in Sumatra |ehronic lack of foreign exchange, P! '|price shortages and unemploy- A right-wing rebel government | loll, rubber, tin and tobacco, earns Moved To Preston {was formed last moni in cent-l79 to 80 per cent of all Indonesia's . {ives of ridding Indonesia of Com-, : sn SE, fv ho rn of tg kl BE Me cl, a lr \ - fice. i y y istration and resolving an eco and over-populated Java, the is- Centre some 18 months ago, has tary of Delhi Canadian Legion. [oil area, had been neutral unti been appointed manager of the Married, he has two soas, aged [last weekend when broadcasts branch at Preston. Succeeding 18 and 16. His family will follow |attacking the Jakarta government D Population Mr. McAlpine, who has been awa since the branch opened in, For the last year, Sukarno has accountant at West Toronto for October, 1956, and during his stay | governed what he calls a "guided Poses IO. em the last six years, is a native of here he has been an active mem- democracy." That made him a F P since joining the B of M there A native of Williamsburg, he March, 1957, Sukarno formed a These include Delhi, London, and joined the B of M there and serv-/new one inclading Communist several Toronto branches. ed at Kingston, Perth and Lon- friends. He justified this saying A poses a ticklish problem for let ter-carriers. But few are bitten in 1942, he served overseas as an in 1947. From Kincardine he was overlooked. Of the district's 1,200 mailmen, | ais gunner, Sitached lo the BAF's Zhpoinicd anager at Merlin, and| The rebels say they will end a ommand, a ) i 5 ; stal and, and retired in'from Merl in came here in 1956. their fighting if Dr. Mohammed Laurier Caron, superintendent of city delivery, said protective G PO R . | measures and simple ingenuity erman POW Returns prove pesky to letter-carriers are warned to keep the animals out T B P h d of reach, or delivery service will al who had been a prisoner of war said the prisomers were given op- fond of dogs and know how to By RICHARD DAIGNAULY lin Canada for five years during portunities to study and to take handle even the more aggressive anadian Press er |the Second World War returned part in music and drama, "and animals ha | cape. ranks in two Quebec City ridings.| He spent most of his time here| He did escape once, getting annoyed by a pack of yapping which threatened to extend to the with his local agent, a man who away from the Bowmanville camp hounds on his rounds. He solved March 31 federal election, &p- had chased the German's sub-in a rubbish barrel, but was the problem by taking one of his strongholds of Quehes Spas ani Hans J. Steifensand - Valcken- youth today is. "nihilistic." They| Of course, a reflex action is the Quebec Jest pro uce! levers] burg, 86, is a director of P. J. had finally umderstood that what only answer in some cases, said cases of jangled nerves and vaickenburg, a wine-making firm [they had fought for was false and Mr. Caron. But the rush of candidates and vineyard at Worms, in the Rhine, 'This is bad," he said. "But for the mail slot, for instance, the quarrelling also was a sign Valley, for centuries. such a mood of disillusionment is 'had no choice. He came face to of greater interest in the party, The submarine in which he understandable for the German face with what he thought at first district. : [face attack on an Allied convoy inclined to take up things with carrier was too quick. He ran into The Liberal organization did not near the Azores, and the Ger- (great enthusiasm, and having a high-fenced yard and slammed ruined any. chances theyito war prisoner camps at Bow-| Now they ignore i b it- G | politics, he rier has no defence, One was bit may have had of faking the rid- manville, Ont., and later in Al (sald, and seem to be interested ten when he placed his fingers in ings away from the erais. {berta, , only in worikiing. la door slot to deposit a letter. | West appeared hopelessly divided | as separate groups sought to get their men nominated. | . . Y Y u ers f SUPPORT CANDIDATES Now the Conservatives in Que- the greater Quebec industrial de-| id ED SIMON velopment bureau, and in Quebec| Canadian Press Staff Writer [tions that prirty leaders were tak-|qiffer with t 1i i : vithout West behind Dr. J. Eugene Bis- ad .|ing st td y Party Bo cy wi g LONDON (CP)--The Conserva-|ing steps to deal with another io) . 4 condemned national| officials for failing run against Maurice Lamontagne, among its rank-and-file members in Suez in October, 1956, and was view, five MPs recently attended | young economist, who succeeds|of Parliament, {disowned by the Conservative or- a panel discussion in Bourne-| former prime minister St. Lau-| ganization iin his constituency, mouth in which Nicolson acted | trikingly reveal In Quebec West, the situation| 3: KOE pivaled arch election. tary to the treasury, and Mau-| was more confused. There Was| otedly defeated the govern. | Some of Micolson's colleagues, rice Macmillan, son of the prime although dipagreeing with his minister. S#tc3 against Rume Begin, Liberal more than 60 in the present | ° Last week Mr. Boucher denied House standings. F 11 Conservative whips hurriedly EJ ® | dates originally chosen to with- reverse the decision by a narrow M | draw in favor of Mr. Tasse and margin in a subsequent vote. But Dr. Bissonnette. [the incident indicated that a sub-| Union Nationale government gett- spr1OUS FAILING {tourists this year is the festival throughout Wales during the fes- ing mixed up in the situation, £ the absenlbes SiMoUst of Wales, including the British |tival. Historic fortresses at Caern- but no one would be quoted by Most of the absentees undoubl-|Empire Games. larvon, Caerphilly, Harlech, Pem- | WAS CONSERVATIVE ; ito Prime Minister Macmillan pire and Cemmmonwealth games Deacons will flare on the sum. No Conservative party Sxicts in addressing a party rally a few go "yuo 18 to 26 at Cardiff, mits of the Welsh hills and head- Quebec at the provincial level miles away. But they were guilty With a Canadian team participat. lands. 1930s before he genti y : leader in te | R05 Tel oe jeatial precaution before they tet games is expected to approach be held during the first week of never officially relinquished the 5s 2 BEER HWA. |August at Ebbw Vale in Mon- By inter - party agreement, an| , non-stops program of public mouthsire. | Drastic action by the Darty'siy;i; a member of the opposite central committee is said to have Th Under this Aoi aig cultural shows and holiday event 8 to 12 in the Vale of Dee and the forced the withdrawal of the two, "ori ore auree to 'abstain the Jesuval has its official open- little town of Llangollen. jing in Cardiff, | Bangor will be the home for Jast month. The committee then ~~ th t in Wales will be in the march premier named Mr. Tasse and Dr. Bis- jeach othar out when the votes are po a1 the square in front of Car- Wales, the Royal Welsh, sonnette. diff city hall on May 3. A con-| The youth movement of to Mr. leaving the House could create sented with the fi y Rr " ra HR aarp hs i# reporte fo have Fafiied \* "serious difficulties for the BOV-iarvon on May a) Sol ie ig Ti Abd May 3 In Quebec West, the former of- ernment if a major issue arose march throngh Wales to salute and in many cities and towns and Conservative whip, Is sald to plem of Wales, will fly " paign entirely. have held a series of stern integ- - Edis oe Slongside Manner. i views with the delinquents. Indian Spi Clai ndiéin spinster Claims its in Conservative ranks is seen in the number of sitting MPs KB P oy * Ay JEN (Reuters)-~An who have indicated their plans to 4 mbe th AE ood could re- retire at the end of 'the present eme IS Ie- Ir 1 e duce fuel consumption of world Parliament GENOA, Italy (Reuters) -- A naval architect, Knud Gram. that they will not stand for re- that it is looking around for a It consists of an "air cushion" election, 10 have been in the larger headcarters artificially created along the bot- House for less than 10 years and (Called the Association for Sep e water. He individual issues of domestic' and [thought up by a group of rest- . ERME : The idea of using air as a foreign policy, back - benchers less husbands at Bavari, a sub. DEATH DEEMED SUICIDE lubricant on ships--in the form have frequently complained that urb of Genoa. Within three! SARNIA (CP) hull--is an old ome, But power re- In rgply, R. A. Butler, the House there is march legal red tape sur- vear-old recluse pired to operate compressors leade recent retcrted that rounding aenulment of mary wl found to exceed the propul- some MPs have been in the habit So the association has ample outside h ne Mond: age. ide. Trugheed The oldest cultural festival, the | BOUGHT-RITE , . . In order to bring you the finest meats aveiloble TableRite buyers travel the notion's coolers, then they select the choice meats which ere sold in your IGA Table= Rite Meet Departments, | Cons stent Quallly sponsibility BURNS DAISY BRAND LYNN VALLEY MISS CANADA FANCY TOMATO JUICE YORK CREAM STYLE soLo PEARS CORN M hd 1-18. argarine = SLICED SIDE BACON 59" NUTRITIOUS AND ECONOMICAL Pe Ih, 25: FRAZERVALE FRASERVALE FROZEN roobs Strawberries FISH and CHIP 15.02. PKG. 29: BLUE & GOLD Fancy Peas IGA VARIETY ASSORTMENT Biscuits xg KRAFT OLD WEDGES Cheese AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS Raisins OLD TYME Table Syrup SAICO Tuna Fish SKIN CREAM Noxzema HARD GLOSS GLO COAT Johnsons Wax QUICK OR INSTANT Quaker Oats RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE Tea Bags by of 60 15-0x. Tins 13-01. Cut 2.b. Pkg. 16-02. Bottle 7-ox. Tin 10-0z. Jar Pint Tin NEW Super Ajax 25% BALLET COLORED Tissues 2.0 29¢ 29¢ 1.25 69¢ 41 27¢ -- Bonus. Buch Features. EFFECTIVE MARCH 20, 21, 22, 24, 25 PORK LIVER FRESH CHICKEN CUTS LEGS or 69 b BREASTS lb. MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS WIENERS :: 45 Stes Meh = 1 1 1 SHOULDER ROAST Ib. 55. REGULAR FOOD FEATURES MARCH 20, 21, 22 1-8. PKS. with Dressing "Jarnm Fresh" FRUIT & VEGETABLES . . .. HEY MOM! THE BIG NICKLE IS BACK B.C. WINESAP OR NEWTON - APPLES. 3 YOUR BEST CITRUS VALUE -- FLORIDA VALENCIA c ORANGES 49 29: CRISP AND CRUNCHY 29: LARGE SIZE 176's poz. GOOD SIZE 36s Celery Stalks 2 PACKED WITH POWER New Carrots COOL REFRESHING FLAVOUR LEMONS Cello Tube 23 3-18. POLY BAG 3° . i 0 LNd inaonesian yar | By DAVID ROWNTREE (Hatta, who wants a Communist- |have sufficient stremgth to bring of Jogjakarta. In a country still |the fighting to a decisive end largely feudal, the sultan of one 1 to restore peace. the rebels are seeking. At the mo- He can back down. to the extent ment a peaceful solution doesn't |retreat of this kind is unlikely. |" | try's economic troubles. They The other way out would be to range all the way from a budget Such a course might provoke oot counter moves ro - Western . Bank Mana er Is counter.» sik | The rebel complaint about the economy is that Sumatra, rich in ral Sumatra and the northern Cel-| " "| exports but doesn't get a fair deal jgbes with: the astiounced: object from the central government ler, who opened the B of M| In 1950, during his term in nomic crisis. ' branch in the O:hawa Shopping Delhi, Mr. McAlpine was secre-| Forces in south Sumatra, a rich|1and where Sukarno's government || rules from Jakarta. him here is Norman W. McAlpine, him here in several months. [indicated new weight may be frcm the West Toronto branch.! Mr, Cougler has been in Osh- thrown to the rebels. Tillsonburg, and has served in ber of the Oshawa Golf and Curl-|virtual dictator. When the last various Ontario communities ing Clubs. elected premier's cabinet fell in MONTREAL (CP) -- With a 200,000 dog population, Montreal During the war, he spent three don branches before being ap- a party that polled 6,000,000 votes years with the RCAF. Enlisting pointed accountant at Kincardine 'in national elections couldn't be only 30 were bitten last year, none seriously. PC Split I P it n | produced the low figure He said owners of dogs that Quebec Seems |T4 Canada As Business Man > be discontinued MONTREAL (CP)---~A German! Mr. Steifensand - Valckenburg Most maiimen, QUEBEC (CP)--A split among|to this country recently as an|in the meanthne we tried to es-| One letter carrier, who owned Progressive Conservative party earnest businessman. " two great danes, was constantly pears to have been patched up.|marines from the mouth of the picked up only a few miles away. |dogs with him and scaring off the The squabble in the Liberal gt Lawrence River in 1940. | He says the mood of German |other animals. grossed Dittevuess among SOME that exports its products to 47 immoral, and today they tended| The carrier who opened a storm nservative factions. countries. His family has had ato stay away from politics. door to deposit a parcel too large sald Lucien Boucher, the party's served was finally trapped by people." was a "pony." eampaign director in the Quebec British destroyers during a sur-| He sald Germans as a rule are| The dog jumped at him, but the agree with Mr. Boucher, how- mans abandoned their submarine. [taken them up are often ready the gate. ever. It claimed the Conserva-They were picked up and brought [to die for them. | In some cases, though, the car Only a week ago, Conserva- tives in Quebec East and Quebec LJ LJ { bec East appear to have gath-| | ered behind Yvon R. Tasse, civil engineer and former president of | Meanwhile, there were indica- Suez stand, defended his right to sonnette, 64-year - old physician tive party, beset by electoral re- long-standing grievance. . ; and newcomer to active politics. verges and internal disputes over| It concerns Nigel Nicolson, MP Conservative In Quebec East,'it looked as if policy, is also suffering from an|for Bournemouth who opposed to intervene on his behalf, two party standard bearers would apparent e pide mie of apathy|Sir Anthony Eden's intervention| As a tactful concession to this rent as the Liberal candidate in}, The Eo Sarde Of CORSETYS: wiih nominated another candi- as chairman. The party included | the historic constituency. 12, date to replace him in the next Jocelyn Simon, financial secre. talk of as many as three men I ' _/ment in a vote on a minor bill, running as Conservative candi even though it is outnumbered by reports that Premier Duplessis himself had ordered the candi- rounded up enough members to There were persistent reports stantial number of MPs were, In CARDIFF, Wales (CP)--One of the Union Jack on ancient castle of high officials of Mr. Duplessis' effect, absent without leave. {Europe's major attractions for towers and modern civie halls edly were furthering the cause + : . name. : he festivyyl runs from Map 3! broke and many other places will elsewhere -- many were listening |," oa11y October, with the Em. be floodlit on Opening night, end any more, but Mr. Duplessis was of a serious breach of party di-/jno "yoiai : H ar ' rovinelal Conservative scinli " ./ing, total of Canadian visitors in- elected pro scipline in failing to take an es-.jy4ny thos coming for the Royal National Eisteddfod, will title and his party gets most of yin": iar ding to skip a Commons ; the provincial Conservative vote. Shar a i» be paired Ceremonies, cultural and sporting| The 12th annual International |occasions, fetes, galas and agri- Musical Eisteddfod is set for Julp eandidates officially chosen dur-i on, yoting on any measure for | : fng stormy nomination meetings °gt (208 C6 AH COR ing! Contingent from every countythree days. July 23.25, of the agricultural show of : | Failure of more than 60 mem- tig, f 4 N ! ol In Quebec East, the former of i ; ifgent of The famed Welsh Welsh countryside, the National ficial candidate, Emilien Simard, bers to arrange for a pair before Guards will ve ceremonially pre- Federation of Young Farmers' ficial candidate, J., Wilfrid Du- yaexpaciediy i ng absence the festival. villages there will be historical fresne, has retired from the cam. and Edward Heath, the chief The Red Liwagon, national em-'pageants in the traditional Welsh Fuel Consumption some remrine Additional evidence of low spir. Reducer Patented shipping by 30 per cent has been Among the 25-odd government club of unhappily married tented by a 33-year-old Danish members who have announced Italians has become so popular tom of a ship, serving to reduce two are still in their 30s, arated Couples, it began a small- friction between the hull and the Apart from disagreements onjtown project last summer, of an air layer between the wa- they are inadequately briefed on months, it 'had 2.000 members. [lice said Tuesday ter and the wetted surface of the government policies in general.,! Italy has no divorce law, and fied that Harvey @lon power gained from reducing of leaking confidential informa- grist for its, mill in the thousands morning by a neighbor. An old jof Italians Jegally sep ed but/style shotgun was nearby. GET YOUR BIG NEW FREE GIFT CATALOGUE TODAY! BUCKS & PART CASH !NOW USE HALF BONUS end an EXTRA OFFER TWICE AS FAST! DYLS IGA 166 ALICE STREET OSHAWA Low Prices Every Day GLECOFF'S IGA 174 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA Low Prices Every Day w GA) -- BILSKY'S IGA MARKET 120 WILSON RD. 8. OSHAWA Low Prices Every Day COLLEGE HILL IGA $34 CUBERT STREET OSHAWA Low Prices Every Day BECKSTEAD'S IGA COURTICE Low Prices Every Day PORT PERRY Low Prices Every Day SOUTH END IGA WHITBY Low Prices Every Day GALLOWAY" [GA Low Prices E. ; Day AJAX RICHARDSON'S IGA PICKERING Low Prices Every Day LANDSDOWRE IGA SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA Loviighiices Every Day -