Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 20 Mar 1958, p. 24

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: or "Ghosts". masviie WIL De guest arust at|be Contraito Vivian Sadler, [United Church Sunday =i 1 1 24 THE DALY TIMEL-SAZITTL Thendes, Meh 20, 1958 | MTISIC AND DRAMA Gwen is married to Jam @5/the Oshawa chapter of the Cans-| MARCHPAST -- The Pilgrim|Time will be 7 p.m. . . Bon ) O'Regan and is the mother of, College of Organists reeital Players will present their open- members had their annual gen two boys Timothy, 4, and Greg- Li ing performance of "Christ Injeral inspection at the armorie [J [J J > y Sunday night. " ory, 2. Concrete City" at Northminster| Monday night. | )isinterest Stymies The program will be comprised LENTEN RECITAL of works by Whitlock, Mendel Clifford Evans, organist of St. |sohn, Beollman, Karg-Elert andj * John's Anglican Church in Bow- Bach. Assisting Mr. Evans will . / Little Theatre Group ----------C ditention! G 3 tered in get- entry t y wi By MICHAEL KOREN fing. personnel. particularly t| HOOTOWL SERENADE TWO MIGHTY HITS IN COLOR! O CITIZENS OF OSHAWA Oo group of people could give Osh- work backstage. Hoot! Hoot! - : > Re awa an entry in the Dominion' In poy production, {Amis This as the, expression » adiud GINA -- make .@ Oo ; Drama 8 FoR il Sirens as contributors. This 18/stress an explanation at the FIRST OSHAWA LOLLOBRIGIDA March 21 and 22 ' |es, this is impossible. {the hard nucleus of the organiza: Brautford Music Festival recent- SHOWING 1 ANTHONY to ettend the D [ACTIVE interest in little theatre.| Others, who could be effectively, Yr. Geen's "hoot" served to 1I- i A i QUINN : i on Annual RW The reason: Not enough tion. |" Oshawa Little Theatre has its|active, seem to be satisfied to sit| strate his remark that in cathe- hands full with three plays aback and watch. Standards of grails in England and Canada "we year. Certainly, the troupe must|theatre will not be raised by this are getting away from hooting". Bazaar and Giant Bingo ¢ ] " |Dut on these productions to ful-/docile attitude. '" This style of singing was preva- i ; fl obligations to season subscrib-| The Little Theatre group €0D-jent when it was considered ap- THE to be held ot the sidered sending a troupe to the pronriate to sing in an artificial i "Even with these productions Central Ontario Regional Drama, requiring a construction J Slovak | Festival. (Thic is a preliminary|,r vocal chords. oF Greek Catholic Parish Hall I A competition with winners receiv-. «we are getting more natural," 1 THEATRE GUIDE Fd jo iations to the Domnion nr Geen said, adding that it was ! e% | inals). once common to hear people re- 4 But again the obstacle of not|mari "She sings like a flute", 464 RITSON ROAD SOUTH | 4 Biltmore -- "Naked in the Sun' interested parties made yi h 4 [AMF [ [A IAN ' the enough 7 Pi 'Who the dickens wants anyone J u Jf il Blessed Virgin Mery RA Cotholle Church Zz (color) shown daily at 104, i bi A I 2 e project impossible. To be|i, ging like a flute?" h ked. 4 45, 710 hud 1016 pu, un mi obstacles would have| Tr THE Prin > 5 { " " Proceeds from this Mngt or Bazgar and Ringe wil ge i) " ai chur funds, Stee aK en daily at 220,|0 be surmounted, but this Is the" Len O'Regan, veteran of two Your support will be greatly eppreciated. 523, 8.29 pm. Last complete M2" °° Little Theatre Productions is HOME BAKERY -- PANCY WORK -- TASTY show at 8.29 p.m. Argument against a project of cast in the part of Polly Fisher in | CAKES -- COOKIES, Ete. 4 this nature is that many cities of (the coming presentation of Pat- $ Open from 2 p.m. Fridey -- US. NAVY STILL USES BLIMP [Marks -- "king's Thiet" shown (comparable =e fs OUario do Roiricia Joudry's play "Teach Me Binge starts ot 7130 pom, oh. Vdally at 1230, 320, 6.05, enter the competition. have HOY To C3" R : oy eM { | her hand, there have, The Oshawa-born actress first) Nosing into the new lighter- | to be serviced at the | 9.05 p.m. also 'Man from On the ot | EE than-air mobile mooring mast | emergency landing base. The the Alamo" shown daily at 1.50, | been entries jrom such 10483 02 paved the Sy hi Elizabeth Jn} at the Cherry Point, N.C., air | 343-foot balloon is filled with 4.45, 7.30, 10.25 p.m. Last com. Qakville n 1) bo pd op} ue Barrels Whmpole ree! r SY ic feet of ¢ y 55 : ai of | . a hs first pA. Joe thas LADD) cubic feet of | plete show 1 3.35 p.m award for best actress. Oak-| She was then absent from the HEAR YE 1 HEAR YE ] Pt - - : - Plaza -- "Robbery under Arms" |ville's population according to the stage until 1957 when she appear- a daily at 1.30, 4.20, 7.10, 1951 census is 6910. {ed as Mariella in the Little Thea. ° ; H al " i .| tre production of "Shining Hour". : \ 06 p.m. al Raiders of| With competitions for the Cen p F d M 28 8 Old California" shown daily at tral Ontario League festival to be This season she appeared as the| ri ay, ar. I ms. | ; 3.08, 5.58, 8.54 p.m. Last com- held in Toronto March 24, 29 and maid in the group's presentation | | plete show at 8.48 p.m. | Dominion finals in Halifax May | | THE HEINTZMAN co. A 112, 17 it is too late for an entry | ., | | Regent -- "Sayonara" in Techni. this year. : Presents A FREE : A CONTINENT... " ms color and CinemaScope shown| But a possible solution may be | / y, ROBBING THE MEN 9.00 the forming of an ACTIVE com- HAMMOND ORGAN RECITAL ir ...LOVING THE daily at 1.30, 4.00, 6.30, WOMEN! NEW YOR K(CP)--A troupe of Walter Kerr of the New York, pm Last complete show at mittee to start planning, in con-| strolling players from the Sua) Herald Tribune, while devoting| 855 p.m, |junction with Little Theatre an} OLD TIME @ MODERN ford, Ont., Shakespearvan Festl-| noi of nis review to the merits -- | d DEMONSTRATION ya Conjpany caine is New York of the play itself, sums up by ® ROCK o I an uesday night wi vo Gentle-| ving "it simply ads compe- ' I : y - men of Veron for 8 limited wc icse"sy competence || DICKINSON'S | To Radio Artists in the £3 in stim son of N , 1 Barron adds i a first night, New York will be ) : HALL " ; PETER sorry to see them return to Can-| "Although it is one of Shake ACCORDION SHOOL CH UCK AVALON y Oshawa > 5 J ada speare's seldom-performed minor ® STUDIOS -- C.R.A. BUILDING @ OPPOSITE SHOPPING CENTRE . 2% | 4 makes it ffervescent ; . % oh Press says of the performance £roup makes it an effervescen LESSON: eek TALENT COURSE offered at @ total cost of FORTUN 3 @® Featuring internationally Famous Organist, : RING 0 by yf IPA) Mark Barron of The Associated plays, this Stratford festival Soi _ delight behind the footlights. They at the off-Broadway Phoenix A Sy dihie ble 2.00 week! i AruaNIc b1a8 67 "Thi 8A Theatre: 'An effervescent delight use all sorts of imaginative cos- T6.00 or 2oNEE 200 ark. AND BAND FREDERICK GEUGHEGAN ot the Gient Ham : te LIVI Fane " tumes and dances, and occasional I behind the 'sotlights | BALES: I , | Agents for Exeahsor Products ares Yoroac's Polaco Blur Versatile "Pop" Organist MAURICE BAKER at "It is ikingly col ro.|music by Louis Applebaum, to| ion." the {tell this story. . . . A | RE i "aan Morris "I FEATURING | the Hammond Spinet Organ. ! Week Days After 6 P.M. Phone RA $-9447 or 5-5340. Well known Australian Organist ROBERT "one in which the Canadian ver- regal as Silvia and Ann Morris i ' S : rincipol: RMT. bd 4 sion has changed Shakespeare's); a. pin) in her disguise as Principol; V, DICKINSON. JIMMY and JOHNNY MILLER playing the fascinating Hammond lizabetk ood to a Regency i era. thereby allowing more color. Jia when she aoperrs ue oY (Cl Chord Organ. ful 'costumes and such painting (YOURE man in order fo recapture I | Yhil ¢ : Also featuring colour sound films on building groups." : ja ® xton and playing the Hammond Organ. | : h dow " AND EXCITEMENT" | ! Brooks Atkinson of the New "COLOR EXCITEMENT A free long playing Hammond Organ record. hile 1 EI RIL I York Times calls it "'a regal and| 'Now there is color and excite-| ROUND AND SQUARE ® Fortune Quartette Plenty of free parking. | 2 Hh £1 oid stately production" under Mich-' ment about this once-trivial story | ael Langham's direction about Valentine, a nobleman in ® 5 Guitars for Rock Refreshments free -- Compliments of Zeller's A x as RONALD LEWIS "Every i ite el t in/Italy, who falls in love with a DAN ING Oshawa Sh in entre. MAUREEN SWANSON Everything is quite elegan C © 2 Fiddles for Old Time Shopping Cen IN EASTMAN COLOR handsome costumes designed by duke's daughter, Silvia. He calls | T Moiseiwitch," he says, /on his friend, Protheus, to assist « "and the simple setting, also by him in his Romeo-and-Juliet prob-| C.R.A.-- GIBB ST. | Frio M BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR AN EVENING FOR ADDED EXCITING THRILL! Miss Moiselwitch, is bewitchingly lem. Protheus abandons his own| . OF FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT, tive enn 2 sweetheart, Julia, to aid his SATURDAY 9:00 P.M. r., ar. 2] o friend. . . . " Everyone . . . speaks the lines '" w wie 9 pm Hil 1 -- Admission 7Be As ettendonce will be limited to 400, please reserve your @learly and devotedly, and there| "It is curious that Two Gentle- F R E E || weets by phoning Mr. LaPine, RA 5-0059. is a nice over-all pictorial qual-/men of Verona has been so sel- SQUARE DANCE INSTRUCTION RED B ARN Remember -- Absolutely no charge. ity." done in various Shakespeare . | ya Yigg | 8:00 -- 9:00 P.M For further Information contact Whitby Hammond Organ NS FIRST-RATE |pageants. throughout the world. | * : CANADIA! ; [But this splendid production SPONSORED BY THE CENTRAL COUNCIL OF Studio -- Spruce Villa Hotel, Whitby MO 8-3386. The Canadian players, he adds, chou1q pave the way for it to be NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSOCIATIONS EE ----, ,.... are "first-rate. . included in many future produc- "Eric House is a i iB tions." } sores JM DAVIS : | wy dent Valentine . . . Lloyd Bochner Langh said after the open iL) ARLEN WHELAN as the two-timing Protheus is an BE SA PIU 0 ng ai he thou te pert. of \ Sinan , 1 me : i. ance was 'warmly received." | | Suber rish's Julia Is beguiling while DI The canadian group took eight NOMINATED FOR 10 ACADEMY AWARDS | i me. and most attractive. ' * |eurtain calls. | LOUIS JEAN HEYDT He "There are nicely etched con- In advance of the published re- | - MARLON BRANDO tributions by Eric Christmas as Views, he had an answer ready: | an old and doddering never-say.| "The press represents a wide rf Bd die wooer (Sir Eglamour) and range of view and opinion." | £ AND AN EXQUISITE NEW Douglas Campbell, whose Duke Canadians in the first-night au- . V4 JAPANESE STAR IN roving warner pros. of Milan is robust and effective, dlence included Norman Robert- ' a Pied in Japan "That this Canadian company son, ambassador to the United . SAYON. vachIRANS eo eo 0 and Still Attend The has come by its paudits honestly States, C. S. A. Ritchie, perman- cannot be gainsaid. It has style, ent delegate to the United Na wen intelligence and an affection for tions, Jules Leger, undersecre- 4 > pry ny in | ko TARA | the work in hand. And it knows|tary of state for external affairs, ADULT y SHAT NOOR WED AN AS ne how to speak the verse with and Harry A. Scott, consul-gen- . . ? is & clarity and a touch of music." leral in New York. re TODAY 1 30, 4 00 6:30, 9 Bice Wer i Sugagenant | | ADULTS 60c ADULTS ™ TELEVISION LOG PZ ume i fim i LOGES 10¢ EXTRA CHORTY Camm on TT name] 6 orn WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester | WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo ~~ WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale . SE -- | THURS. EVENING 12.06 MIDN'OHY 5.30 P.M. 5.00 P.M. 2-Shock | & 3-Mickey Mouse OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 8.00 P.M. 11-~Family Theatre | 6--Maggie Mugging FHIDAY | s~wilie Chan | EE cen | SSG | Announces Its Opening for | STATION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26th Tnicescoon® 2-Wondv Woodpecker 2-Playhouse 3 M. 4 Cisco Kid gf 399. AM, 630 P.M. C fre |B se He | MEW EASTER TERM KLB 6.30 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT 6-Movie Museum A complete list of all articles for sole glving value of 6--Hobby Corner B--Susie 4--Children's Theatre | 4_poneve's Play 6--The lone Ranger ; 2- Run pus Room oech 4--Headlines: News 0.30 AM. 6.45 PM. OSHAWA end the name of merchant or firm donating the erticle will | h eppear In this peper Tuesday, March 25. 2- Mickey. Mise S--District Attorney | 6,54-News . ot er, | o¥ou ana Your | 2-Comedy' Cavers Tuesday, April 8, 1958 > Hopaione_€3anidy | 10.00 AM. wate . 83- Dough Re Mi B---Adventires at Scot | JSohousn Re ! | 8=Tabloia The college is open all year: Students commencing | 2-Mv Lite Margle | Sword of Freedom this course now will graduate in the late fall. 2~Sheriff of Cochise & 2 S- Treasure Hunt Z AYIINAYS SVEQ M 1} - 1c « 1 7.30 PM. . . Biers | Fr AVbol_asd Costello. |, 000 Four courses from which to choose: ! s--Price is Right 6--Search for Adventure . . . ttle Theatre | 2=Favorite story S--Truth or Conse. Secretarial, Clerical, Stenographic and S45 PM. 1a AM, quences Ss i | G d Ni $. 85, 4 News | S--1iruth or 4-Leave it to Beaver a 2 Comedy Capers Consequences 2~Rin Tin Tin pec rade ine | 7.00 . 4--Dotto ! i 31 --Frontier Doctor 3-Public Defender | 11.6 Lan of io Individual Instruction -- Complete Modern TO ONE OF THE 6-~Tablold 12.00 NOON M . S--Last of the Mohicans | $--Tic Tac Dough Aohicans Equipment SUCCESSFUL BIDDERS ! Classes for shiftworkers and housewives SLast resort Rank Po S--it Could Be You M. S--Life «tf Riley 5---Tie . | 7. ol "is . . + Sgt : 4-Playhouse 3-Zrie Stey Theatre Typewriting, Record Keeping and Acounting, N Articl | 1:45 PM 900 P.M. Business Machines. pa ew. .Anlicles 4--Speaker of tne 11-City Detective : : 5 Value $7,500 rro | 2.00 P.M. 4--Phil Sil ; 2-Zort | 4=As the World Tums | S-peans Swctra 9:00--12:00 2 30 PM. . S4-Shower "of Sars | o_wpiron | 18. Election Sais English Letter Writing, Mathematics, Spelling Yo the Mighent | 8~The Chin Man ' ' ' : 2-The Real deCoy's | "7 rl the Millers avhou Penmanship, Record Keeping, and Accounting. Bidder. | M-G-M's thrilling true story of a soldier- 3.00 5--People's Choice 11--Movie Matinee 8, S-Sports Caval chines . 2--Pat Boone - | $--Mat cad . pgs 830 PM. | The Big Pavol | +The Linear FRE A FRIGIDAIRE ok A a stand 3 P.M. 0.30 PM 1 " our i 2 Code 3 | ai n " FE hy a, Te a | 10:45 PM 5:00 p.m, any two afternoons per wsck--or Sat- 1 ag N S--Rosemary Clooney :| 8---Open Houte {11.6-Jim Coleman day naring 510 Jo 12:00. Students from grade i HOME APPLIANCES ANN BLYTH : EDMUND PURDO 0.30 P.M elon Band - bi Tans in foe Kitchen rave Sg" room. (OSHAWA) LTD. DAVID NIVEN - GEORGE SANDERS ' 5-Sherift of Cochise Mm Srorts v P.M. _Fdg i | 11543 es Sports RAT EVENING 3--Feature Movie 6 News a { 11=Family Theatre 11<Brant inh Show = Chit Page Frome" veriora OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE : ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' WORK ¢ STARTS 11-~The Late Show 4--Fun to earn 4 Feature IN YOUR OWN COMMUNITY TODAY nr L M. 200 M, me Bie sore oni? |p Fo 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH RA 5.3375 | Theatre 4--Studio § 4-News: Weath | i oes hiags Mises | SSG, EVENING CLASSES 1 | 8.30 P.M. La ata Serials © | 11.6--Plouffe Family TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS i Over 400 s~Feature Movie $--You Bel pe Life | House |'R Patrica Munse F-You_ Ver Your Lite | Rome vo cones |ToUH May Mune SATURDAY MORNING CLASSES Wa . Will be Sold 11--Search For Adventure | 2--Helen Neville 5--Dragnet 5--Home Cooking 9.00 P.M ouse Party "atrica Mun ; : 1i--onA Hockey 2-Houte Pails Adult -- Typing, Shorthand and Business Ma- | i nd | of-fortune who courted a high-born beauty! 6--Loretta Young 2-American Band 3 Waiter Winchell Win SPECIAL CLASSES Co AUTOMATIC DRYER ) Navy Log 4-The Verdict is Yours | 4-Person to Person Teenage Typing--Monday to Thursday 4:15 to Donated by 2---Make Me Laugh 5, 4-Serial Dramas | Comment SSharllt of Lepiir im Adult Typing Classes -- Saturday 9:00 to 12:00 | 90 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 5-5332 J TY LL LI -- 1.15 PM. 500 P.M . 11.30 PM ee FHI &~Theatre 3-Buecaneers 2~General Playhouse S-Swing Shift "

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