RAGLAK GLORIA MILLER Correspondent RAGLAN -- Mrs. Earl Free and Mrs, Ed. Cochrane visited Mr. and Mrs. Tim Adams of Burketon on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans and family were Sunday evening or. end Nive. Dock and Mr, and Mrs. Archie Camp- bell, all of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Pierson. Mr. and Mrs, Stan Manns and boys, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manns were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard {Manns and family of Port Perry. | Mrs. Lloyd Davidson and Ron- nie were Saturday guests of Mr. Gagnon of Oshawa. ro ng Eoser wxama: Grade 3, Lary Bright, Ken Luke, Tommy Law- rence; Grade 3 - 4, Calvin Greenley, Linda Slute, David Bray, Gerald Layng, Paul Solo- mon; Grade 4, Penny Bright Pamela Layng, Betty Miller, Brenton Lamb, Ronnie Davidson, Neil Brown. Among the friends attending Paul Solomon's ninth birthday [THE DAY TIMELGATITTS, Thundey, Mor 30, 1938 23 guests of Mr. and Mrs Stewart | were Linda Slute, Mary Bright, Mr, and Mrs. James Latimer po... Bright, Betty Miller, Ron- Coiifey of Columbyis. {visited with Mr. Latimer's sister. : {vis with Mr. A Sympathy is extended to the sis Dave McKillicam, who is in [Die Davidson, etl Brown, Calvi Spencer family and relatives on A Greenley, Billy Adair, Mrs. Solo- the death of John Spencer. a Toronto Nursing Home. mon served lunch, followed by : | Mr. and Mrs. Stan Manns and (coo oi ames 4 Mr, and Mrs. Hambly were|,,y visited Friday evening with|"- : Wednesday guests of Mrs. John- ng. ang Mrs, Arthur French and son and Myrna. Mr. and Mrs. Melville McGee and girls were Sunday guests of Cochrane called on Ivan Coch-and dressed beef--equivalent to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and rane of Nestleton on Sunday. family of Colborne | |family of Oshawa. | | VALUABLE EXPORT Mrs, Earl Free and Mrs. Ed| Canada exported live eattle | 43.000 head of cattle -- during Congratulations to the follow-11957. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Miller were Sunday callers on Mr. and | Mrs. Gordon Bruce of Port Perry | and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wil. | son and children of Prince Albert. | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bright and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bill Lewis and family of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Layng and family, Mr. Layng, all of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Layng. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown and Mr. and Mrs. George Luke were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luke to help celebrate Kenneth Luke's eighth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martan and Beverley of Galt were Sun- day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Davidson. Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Way of Oshawa were Sunday callers on Mr. and Mrs, George Solomon and boys. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Moon were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry James and Alice of Pleasure Valley. | Mr. and Mrs. Wood of Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mrs, Thompson, Leona and Bill. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bruce of Port Perry were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Nash and Christine of Oshawa were Satur- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Bryant. Mrs. Percy Collins of Black- stock spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Don Haines and family of Oshawa were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs Russell Davidson Mr. and Mrs, Bolduc and fam- eZ i I - Home Improvement Month Is Here! And McCULLOUGH LUMBER is ready to help you put your best into it. We have all the materials and tools you'll want to make your home a shining example. Perhaps your steps need bricking, your door needs painting, your walls need repairing, your floors need finishing. We'll show you how or do the job for you. Drive down to see us now. QUICK DELIVERY -- TO 30 MILES ily were Sunday supper guests of Miss Margaret Bolduc and P Bolduc of Toronto. | Mrs. Carl Avery and Mrs. El-| wood Manns attended a shower for Miss Beryl Wilson in Oshawa on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manns and girls of Scugog Island were Sun- day evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Manns. Mr. and Mrs. Latimer were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. c CULL LUMBER CO. Lt Noah Luke of Toronto | Keystone Newport 16mm Rolifilm Turret Movie Camera with ultra-fast 71.5 lens 299.95 who can afford to pay photos taken st Cypress Gardens, Florida SHE i a BE kid Keystone Mayfair K-51 § 16mm Magazine § Movie Camera with £2.5 lens 229.9% 9 Keystone Mayfair K-56 16mm Magazine Turret Movie Camera with ultra-fast 71.9 lens 254.50 "Telephoto lens optional at extra cast Keystone 16mm movie instr skillfully engineered to op | perfection and push-button simplicity. There are more expensive movie cameras available, but none will give you finer results . . . or better value. Along with low pricing, Keystone offers the ligh and most of all 16mm cameras, many of which contain features found in no other camera at any price. Let us show you why Keystone 16mm's are everything you need ... or could possibly demand ... in fine movie cameras. Registered in your name with a lifetime guaranties. y are precish with techni Keystone K-161M Big Image Magnascope Projector Makes home movies 78% bigger. Has built-in splicer, lite-o-matic switch and editor viewer. 249.50 Complete Your Headquarters For KEYSTONE MOVIE EQUIPMENT CROWN IMPORT CO. 82 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-8293 "Where The Best Deals In Town Are Made" 10-fl. oz. fins OMATO OR é VEGETABLE y- A THE FOAMING A 5 ER 8-slices 8-oz. pkg. PROCESSED "ACCEPTABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS" QUEEN ANNE uw 87 CHOCOLATES ........... *% 84 LOBLAWS--ASSORTED FLAVOURS Tasty Treat Ice Cream ....... 2 250 GARDEN FRESH e FRUITS AND VEGETABLES eo GARDEN FRESH ZROM CALIFORNIA! TENDER GREEN SPEARS! TASTY ASPARAGUS ............ Hi 3 Je GARDEN FRESH FOR CALIFORNIAI TENDER, CRISP AND SWEET BUNCH CARROTS ....... & 2.25 GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIAI TASTY AND DELICIOUS FRESH BROCCOLI sik Ce 19: GREEN PASCAL! CRISP AND CRUNCHY! CELERY LARGE BUNCH SPECIAL GOLDEN BROWN PLAIN OR SALTED vr 33¢ SPECIAL | Wesion's Spring Blossoms 4 24-BISCUIT 29¢ CELLO. BAG Pride of Arabia Coffee ws 85c "ue 2.49 Two Cup Coffee ne 75¢ SPECIAL | LOBLAWS Chocolate Cream Roll BACH 35¢ TOASTMASTER Hot Cross Buns 33 PKG. OF § LGE. BUNS Easter Novelties A FINE SELECTION OF Easter Candies AND CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES SPECIAL | "OVEN FRESH" HOSTESS Chocolate Midget Mallows 20-BISCUIT 29: PACKAGE LOBLAWS NEW EDUCATIONAL OFFER UNABRIDGED GIANT OXFORD DICTIONARY A BEAUTIFUL BINDER Is Now Avaliable To Bind Your 16 Sections In a Book or 1.98 EXCLUSIVELY AT LOBLAWS IMPORTANT NOTICE! Most Items In the Pre. mium Catalogue Are Stil Available and May Now Be Purchased with Certl- ficates or for Cash (No Certificates Required). To Avoid Dissppointment Make Your Selection Early While Supplies Last. PRICES EFFECTIVE ' MAR. 20, 21, 22 an ® FROZEN FOODS ® Stouffer's Macaroni & Cheese Birds Eye Green Beans "2 ... » SEABROOK FARMS Brussels Sprouts rv. lr wt Morton Cherry Pie IN MOST LOBLAW MARKETS LOBLAWS FINEST ORANGE PEKOR 2% a9: 27: 33: Southland Cut Wax Beans raver .. %3+ 250 31 py Red Label Tea Bags 2% 22¢5% 39% 730 Kraft Velveeta Cheese 3 Margene Margarine ......... i Ld Domestic Shortening ....... i FREE TEASPOON Mother Parker's Tea Bags a5" 2% Gerber's Baby Foods ve 35¢ Libby's Fancy Tomato Juice 2.7: 31c 33 33 79: 31c Horne's Custard Powder *osciv 2 5% 350 Redi-Maid Orange Juice .':i. 39c Jacobs Lemon Puffs fg Dr. Juckson's Roman Meal ..... "3% 39: 22¢ E. D. Smith's Strawberry Jam rom ... 2%: 39¢ Solo Margarine ............... HE Club House Olives PIMENTO SFL. 3 3 MANZANILLA OZ. JAR ¢ McLaren's Fresh-Pac Wafer Pickles .:':. 35¢ Chivers Black Currant Jam rues ..... 025% 39 Fry's Cocoa wea Sil 73¢c Shirriff's Marmalade 32% ... &% 51 Salada Brown Label Tea Purity Flour 3) S TABLET Alka-Seltzer BOTTLE 34: pte Lux Liquid Detergent ..% SH. Colgate Deodorant Beauty Soap .... 2 25% Vel «or msovian vrs ............... srr §¢ OFF REGULAR PRICE 66¢ 39 LON, 41 68c 38: 2% 36¢ [ [ ® DARK OR LIGHT 8 PL. OZ. Simonix Hi Lite FURNITURE POLISH BYL NOW 74. Chum Dog Food 5c .... citi 230 Cottage Brand--Dated Daily--~White, Whole Wheat, Cracked Wheat LOBLAWS FRESH BREAD 5 itis ee BF To SPECIAL! LEAN PORK LOIN ROASTS RIB-END Vash. SPECIAL! "IDEAL FOR BAKING, BOILING OR FRYING" -- LEAN Peamealed Back Bacon BY THE PIECE OR SLICED SPECIAL! MEATY Pork Side Spare Ribs SPECIAL! LOBLAWS -- RIND-ON ® FRESH FROZEN FISH -- PAN READY © SPECIAL! BOOTH BRAND Choice Cod Fillels AVAILABLE IN SPECIAL | TASTY SMOKED IMPORTED KIPPERS .- WHOLE OR Aver. 47 HAL LO 57¢ CEO CHOPS © w.07c LB. 69° ws. 92° Countryside Breakfast Bacon we, 62° CHOICE HADDOCK FILLETS ..... it. 94°