T_T BARY TMEALIITL Tend, Mord 20 19% | Boe Meeting | EASY-TO-PIECE CLASSIFIED ADS [somone te 5%.. | Held By WI Apply 444 Bimeoe (Continued from Page 19) Street South, Apr, '| At Soli ONE bination I and electri 50--Articles For Sale range, a good. onion, Neary 'wiring. ina WE pay cash for all Sovd vaed furs LADY'S bicycle. RA 58154, A GLADYS YELLOWLEES : LARGE size wooden crib, good condi- Correspondent |tion. Very reasonable. Phone RA $8281. SOLINA -- The Women's Insti. 65 tute met in the Sunday School heater, Almost new. §A80E 2 aon %6¢ | GRED ali = wave TV antenna, sompiete. | room with 50 ladies present. The Sacrifice, $25. RA 88180, {president, Mrs. E. R. Taylor, March26 standard size fruit trees, adiifR otc, from the world's USED tires, most all sizes, $3 up. B. ¥. {opened the meeting. ; 1aigest nursery and orchard company Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-453. April 2)", lete layett, nd Order now for spring planting. Local sill pay cash for all good used ven comple yettes a agent will eall at your and eloth also sell and ex- Several extra articles were sent RA 59507. Mareh | hangs. 446 Simcos Street South. RA|last week to Arab refugees, A FOU can be sure if i's 8 Westinghouse 5.8131, After hours RA 56782. April 7| parcel of used clothing has also automatic washer or dryer from PAK |GHOOSE your new TV from Electro been sent to the Salvation Army, way ; April 30 (homme, Ee, er vier at| Mrs. Harry Knox, Mrs. Rae SEISSES' suit, skirts, and dresses, girls' | Parkway Television, 918 Simeoe North.| Pascoe and Mrs. E. Hockaday Skirts, Jackets and dresses, size a Mar2l| were appointed as the fi 54882, Ril BM missive | A NG plain colors, o or gay stripes. | committee for the April election ORCHARD sprayer, 160 gallons, lower prompt service, Free estimates, Orde: of officers. Reports by the conven- " condition. Mrs, J. Pal now fi rly delivery. Chair and table . . Jock: | mils north Whitby. 71 rentals, Cleve Fox, 413 Simeoe North, | ers will also be presented at this BEIGE Hide-abed chesterfield, mylon Oshawa. ~~~ April 18 meeting, cover, like new. Two walnut UVINE | ONE man's overcoat, two man's suits, A sum of money was voted for room chairs. Home evenings, 259 siz 40, short arm and leg length. | harge of knittin Grooms Avenue. §7c Girl' coats; ladies' dresses, size 12.|tNe groups in charg 2 Good condition, Phone RA 32175. 67a and sewing for the fall bazaar, 52--Legal Notices dition, RA 53270. #7c Ten dollars was voted for the IANO, in good eondition, Apply 1295 Girls Club work with Mrs, Lois Pi Cedar Street, 7c | vl : h NOTICE TO Frid carriage, in excellent eziion, Davee. au Fo Mol Td CREDITORS Taine Breet 10s or 86 Le \will be forwarded fo aid the [flood victims of Ceylon. A letter TERFIELD and chair, good con All persons having cloims SHES res e " ¢7¢ from Mrs, Mildred Baker, in ap- ogoinst the estote of Gerald |TABLE potatoes for sale, $2.50 per bag. Preciation of gifts, was read. - McGuigan, Tool and Die Moke Apply 630 King Street West. ~~ 67b| "Citizenship and pF ouation" - 3X A er, who died ot the City of ADDING machine, Remington Rand, was the theme of the program a» Oshawa, on or about the Sth |aimost new, in excellent condition. 895. od neve To PoE toon to By ALICE BROOKS 4 doy of Jonuary, A.D, 1958, [RA 3-995 after 6 p.m. of | chair, A medley of Irish tunes Just THREE patches make the RA 3 mrs ' Pl are notified to send full por- |CHANNEL 17 aerial, Sompletely inatall-| as played by Mrs. Murray Vice blocks of this quilt, Wagonwheel. ticulors to the undersigned on (8%, 31% 4" Kelly Tv. RA 5.5121. Apr. 15 on the piano, "The Coming of Easy to piece, fascinating to do Vi ; LEAN, MEATY, BEEF PLATE or before the 15th day of | GiGiia cicaner repairs, all makes, St. Patrick to Ireland" was read|in three fabrics, : \ Ri April, A.D, 1958, after Which parts, Attachments, brushes, Aran. by Mrs. E. Cryderman. The mot- | Tod Ib Make, lo own! Pais i! date the estote will be distri- teed rebuilt machines, estimates ree. | "To train the mind is the first|7029: chart, pattern of patches, buted with regard only to |Restals Vacuum Cleaner say 3 objective, to stock the mind | directions, yardages for single, . BU) LB. claims of which the under |e oy. | should be d," 2 ent- | double-bed quilts. ISSE its, 13, navy and grey. Shou second,' was commen! signed shall then hove hod |Phone mA 54047. 63% ed on by Mrs. Stan Millson, Send THIRTY . FIVE CENTS notice, . - -- | : WE buy, sell and exchange used fur-| Wys B Hooey, leader of the (coins) for this pattern (stamps SWIFT'S : DATED ot Oshawa, this 11th (murs: 8 33771 Apply 444 Sncotly if Club, briefly explained the cannot be accepted) to Daily| . day of March, A.D, 1958, . b |recent project. Pat Davis then| Times > Sautia, Househou Aris - \ a" JOSEPH P, MANGAN | gave a lesson on the Care of the | ept., Oshawa, aro. . 1 1b. ¢ AM - MT eyes, teeth, skin and feet and|plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT-| : Q.C., 144 King Street BALS . ZION Oe her remarks with the TERN NUMBER. Ah \ ) Skinless East, OSHAWA, Ont, Solicitor for and Ad, MRS. LORNE JONES 4H pledge, | Send TWENTY - FIVE CENTS acel- more for a copy of our Alice Istrator of Estate, Correspondent A skit illustrating how mer13,20,27| BALSAM pray MT. ZION -|dents may occur in homes was Brooks Needlecraft Catalogue. -- resented Pat Knox, Dianne Two complete patterns are print- | J The WA met at the home of My, Bre ented ya and Barbara ed right in the book , . . plus a| NOTICE TO Willian Hattie With 16 18die8 | Hovey. |variety of designs that you will 6-0z. ARSWerng Sis wl Ww | The tople "Famous Canadian want to order: crochet, knitting, CREDITORS word "prayer", Women" vs given by Mrs, embroidery, huck weaving, Pkg. Mrs. Lorne Jones gave a short Gaoree Knox. | quilts, toys, dolls. AN persons having sloims paper on prayer. Mrs. G. Pick-|" In appreciation of thelr leader. against the estate of Aylmer (of gave a reading on St. Pat ship in the Girls Club, Mrs, Hooey ; SWIFT'S SLICED 3 A N GERBER Roy ling anaath. te [th 2 Si Fusco woe prnenes) MANCHESTER | g 3 7 SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- SEALED died at the City of Oshawes, : on or about the 28th do Clothing was packed and sent with cups and saucers by Evelyn | | 12-0z. of February, AD, 1958 oid to the Fred Vietor Mission. A | Hockaday and Marie Flett, with) MANCHESTER -- Mr. and BABY CEREALS 2-0z notified to send full port. [Quilt was tied down by the ladies brief remarks by Helen Knox. [res Ray Williamson and Sonya | Pkg. sulors to the undersigned en [Present. All enjoyed a St. Pat-| Plano duets were played by|yiifed Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Holtby. | or before the 15th doy of rick's contest. Tea was served. |Helen and Pat Knox, Mrs. Sprague, Camrose, Alta. | 8-01. April, AD. 1958, efter | Miss Betty Gates entertained a| Mrs. C. Vice expressed thanks 0 {VAC AATLERe Lot 39¢ Phys. FRESH YOUNG .|to the girls of the 4H Club and vhied Bo sh |g Shr, i Se 5, Si Bh re hn seen || TT . : ; Mrs. eorge ox, Franklin, | 10 claims of which under- |parents, Mr. and Mrs. William rs. Ross Cryderman an 8 is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. | or Ver h } Knox conducted an Irish ig shell 'than hed [Gates. d held contest. Everyone was given Irish |Johnston. SAVE 6c A birthday party was 1 | design name cards and during the] On Wednesday evening the home of Mr, and Mrs, Les Har- t, OSHAWA, Ont. Sunday evening at the Greenwood] MYRTLE -- Sunday School and their guest, Mr. Wilcox, at- 24-01. 45¢ NOTICE TO |service at King Street United Mutton, Fred Ormiston ably sup-| Brian Crosier, Toronto, visited BURSTING WITH GOODNESS -- FLORIDA Robinhood Velvel Flour DATED ot shave, ia} 1th Friday evening in honor of Mrs. | "yo enjoyed the Irish re-|Holsteln Club sponsored a bus| WAGSTAFFE'S CECIL CONRAD group. a hockey game. Among those] ING, AL. Drop. Toe Ration familly were going from here were Mr, and Strawberry or ARSE --- --_-- His Solleltor, ne Ton Weraen of Appin Mrs. MacChristie and Mr. and Rasph J . JOSEPH P. MANGAN, is coming Sunday to preach for a MYRTLE Mrs. Oswald Croxall. | asp erry am .C., 14}4 King Street Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Johnston -- mar13,20,27 | church to vote on the matter. was well attended on Sunday. [tended the Sportsmen's Show on Jor Church, Oshawa, followed by a|plied from Brooklin. his grandparents here on Sun- day of March, A, X Willlam Harbron's birthday at the greek ments gerved by Bradley's trip to Maple Leaf Gardens to see call. A meeting will be held on SAVE 4c The Young MFeople attended a|Owing to the {liness of Rev, H, H, [Saturday evening. | CREDITORS tireside service. The euchre sponsored by the day. SAVE 6¢ Grant Carson, a member of | Eastern Star proved very suc-| Mrs. Gladys Archer has return- 4 -LB, AND OTHERS the Ontario County quartet, sang cessful. ed from a holiday in Florida. GOOD c yd 39* IN THE ESTATE OF DORA at Guelph Agricultural College on| Several of the young people] Miss Carol Midgley and friend YORK FANCY SIZE Sunday. |are enjoying the Girls' 4H Club attended the Sportsmen's Show in MINNIE STURGESS, deceas- Jack Prest attended the funeral |a¢ Brooklin under the leadership | Toronto on Saturday evening. | Wh 1 K 1 C od, of his brother-in-law, the late of Mrs, Albert Cooper and Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. John Duffy and| 0ié nernei Lorn SAVE 6¢ All persons having elaims |Ernie Courtney of Toronto on|Laurel Hamer. children, Atherly and Mrs, Wil-| BLUE AND GOLD against the estate of the said |Tuesday. | Several friends and relatives | Do Y ere | Dora Minnie Sturgess, late Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shank and attended the funeral of Ar am Donel. A? Rothpura Mrs, | 14-01, 31° MILD, SWEET, GENUINE & the City of Oshawa, in the (son of Sudbury spent Sunday Alberta Spinks, Oshawa. Inter. |Ed My | Tins LARGE Gecuored, who died ones [and Mi Waite Caray ment was in Prince Albert Ceme- | Mr. and Mrs. Hofster and fam H- SP ANISH Onions 2 SIZE 29° mbout the 18th doy of Jon. | Roy Carson, RCMP, Newfound- "Thy pio. Whitevale, died |" Visitied friends in Queensville . 2 ee 3 1* Mary, AD. 1958, ot the City |land, arrived home on Sunday 0 Sunday 'and the funeral was| day: || SAVE 6 pf Oshawa, in the County ef (visit with his parents, Mr, and Tuesday. He was well known |, Mf: and Mrs. Lawrence Midg-| c : Dntario, are required to file |Mrs. Walter Carson. around this vicinity many years |'¢), 21d Kim visited on Sunday FLAVOURFUL, MILD, TEXAS proof of the some with the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Booth of ago y with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Har- DELSEY SAVE bc undersigned Administrator of |Peterborough visited with Mr. | Mi {rison, Myrtle. LARGE the itate of the said de. and Mrs. William Harbron. | 00% Belly Myers entertained "wii, "cyol widgley was. in TISSUES GREEN ONIONS 2 BUNCHES 19¢ : ceased on or before the 3rd The late Mrs. Doug Alves, who /°r% occasion of her 11th Guelph on Sunday with the Jun- In ersoll Cheese S read day of April, AD. 1958, passed away at the Port Perry : er {lor Farmers choir. | -- a g p : birthday. Miss Judy Morrison | | " . ofter which date the said Hospital, attended Balsam School also es AR her 0 birthday. | J. Stewart and Bill visited Gor- Now In Colours Administrator will proceed to |a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Downey, don Stewart, Oshawa, on Sunday. | TASTY, THOROUGHLY CLEANED 8-0Z, 29+ " distribute the said estate, ried recently. Li having regard only to the [---- sh we TOVOBD, were 'callers at the 2 Rolls 29¢ 10-0Z. e cloims of which th hall : {Downey's. | fram hovs mmr, "™ "ol | queen Gin. ovemaras PWR SEW-THRIFTY SPINACH 2s 29 Lh LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Four DATED ot Oshawa, Ontarlo, |University of Western Ontario Fi P ita -- SAVE 89¢ i 12th day of March, AD. [students will spend this summer me rogram i J 4 SAVE 6c 8. in Europe, three taking training o 4547 | MILD FLAVOURFUL en ation Do Food Arthur I, Blanchard, |with the Royal Canadian Air B S d SUPREME La" g Adwinisheater, by Force and one with the army. Y tu ents [ CUCUMBERS LARGE SLICERS c REIGHTON, FRASER, |The overseas appointments for | H : EACH o DRYNAN & MURDOCH, [the air force include one gir), At Burketon 4 ! Assorted Sandwich 3 Nr 35 5 Simcoe Street North, |[Flt. Cadet Jane Isabel Tracy, of : . B : OSHAWA, Ontario. Guelph. She will go to Zwei: | E. M. McCOY ; iscuils His solicitors herein, bruecken to join Three Fighter Correspondent b ; | mar13,20,27 | Wing. | BURKETON -- The school held | YARIS 3 Ja 33 "Extra Savings" - "A Par ty Favourite" Gtr Wek supmon ORE DAILY CROSSWORD b ON or]. capacity audi: & FULL f ts, friends and | TE ORE] SL nitro, of the ving and SAL D SPANISH PEANUTS 1-LB. PKG. 29° COFFEE | ACROSS 46. Narrow 19. German SIORRISIMNIO! [al To start the program, the chil. | SAVE dlc SUPREME RED & WHITE BRAND 1. Frighten inlets river [HI [RY MET: dren of the school gave science | | FULL ¢ Naive 47. Not fresh 20. Un. (0 € BA talks on subjects such as the Bl h d SALTED PEANUTS 39 y A! Object of |sun, water and air. NOXZEMA anc e 1-LB. PKG. SINQTANTE 10 man. NE 5 | [ worship DOWN ner. + 5 These addresses were given in| ' AUNT MARY'S iC IR B R | - Vapors ly AIRIPICIOK two categories: Grades 7 and 8 4 Book of Mr. Mather, person R gave talks on the science of the SKIN CREAM DAILY FRESH BREAD 2.9. 18¢ maps clergyman 22, High ARIAL sun and its powers; Grades 4, 5 1 . Kind of Kind of moun. [SELISIKIEIRIMUIAKIE! and 6 gave talks on the sciences + l GOLDEN HOUR jacket (pl) bomb tains Elafobs) Hoga |of the air and water, Contestants J 65¢ Size c e A call . City (Nev.) 23 Jumbled vse were: Thomas Dean, Grade 8, | Jars ony 99 MAPLE BUDS LARGE CELLO PKG. 29 . Steam Type type Yesterday's Answer Robert Strong, Grade 8, Audrey | 4 NG measures 24. Hebrew 31, Twaddle |Carnochan, Grade 7, Elsie Smith RED & WHITE (comb, | | en Capital of prophet 32, Calm {Grade 7, Bernice Grace, Grade bygh BA 65 BAGS 59¢ SPECIAL (a 26, Tibetan 37. Circle of 6, Elizabeth Laing, Grade 5, Lar- | f ! SAVE 5¢ 10c OFF SAVINGS : (anthrop.) "wa Showa oo oa -- 190% pure com! form) lightly azelle light ry Perdersen, Grade 5, Terry! yd / | . Chinese $ : : y GENERAL ELECTRIC turkey 39. Animal' derberg, Grade 4. | & 1 | PINK LB RE:40.60 WATY 2 1 ¢ Show Me 20. Come into skin Winners from category 1: Elsie | \ | RACH OZ. JAR State view 40. Melody Smith, 1st; Audrey Carnochan, | LIQUID 2 02. abbr.) 30. Trick 42. Bird (N.Z) 2nd; Thomas Dean, 8rd; winners | ' LIQUID VEL $4.0, Hawaiian (slang) 43. Duct (anat, [from category 2: Elizabeth Laing, | ; JAVEX BLEACH JUG 47+ y A . Chief deity {wina Venderberg, 3rd. 2 LIBBY'S (Babyl.) | Judges were Mr. and Mrs. g/t Se w 38¢ 23.02, ¢ i A Garden |E. A. Ribey and Mrs. T. Adams. 2 Lge. Tin SAUERKRAUT TINS - i A tid teacher, Mr. McCoy, and the . - - Lowing of a |children for an oh Bois per- By ANNE ADAMS 9 cow formance, and congratulated Mr.| Sew this adorable frock for FRENCH FRIES 2 i 37¢ materials [children are receiving. Printed Pattern! See the dia- 8-01. c Goddess of | Mrs. Jean Grace, the school 8ram; it's the EASIEST! She'll FROZEN COD FISH STICKS Pkg. 35 harvests {secretary, and Mrs. Bert Dean, |love the style; cool scoop neck- : 12-01. 27¢ (I) chairman of the Trustee Board, |line, bow of contrast binding. FOODS COD FILLETS Pkg. Suehend also given. Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. Size 6 requires Nauid ute | Songs were sung by Bernice 24 yards 36-inch fabric quid | Grace, Bonnie Marchand, Eliza. Printed directions on each pat 3 Sos ik | The whole school sang "He", ac- | Send FORTY CENTS (40 cents) 4 companied by Mrs. Gordon n coins (stamps cannot be ac | | r rket (collog.) an Strong on the piano, cepted) for this patiern. Please Corner | Supermarket | Corner Supermarke MARKETERIA Grove . eb} ents friends for attending. DRESS, STYLE NUMBER at at : Mar parents moved arcund in Send order to ANNE ADAMS . | . | H form) oF the school and inspected the chil- | e-0 Daily Times Gazette, Pattern Ritson St, North Mill Eost Brooklin | Maple Grove Knock 28. Young 38. Sacred bull (Hubbard, Grade 4, Ludwina Ven. | measure bird Ist; Bernice Grace, 2nd; Lud. | flowers Mr. Ribey complimented the Poster {McCoy for the fine training the daughter in a jiffy -- with our BIRDSEYE Eyually ? officiated in presenting the| Printed Pattern 4766: Jiffy-cut Cc Music note prizes. Consolation prizes were entire dress at once! Childrens SMOKED FILLETS Lb, 46 measure th Laing Adv Pederse: Dart. Fasler ancurate y J A) H y beth Laing, and Andy Pedersen. [tern part. Easier accurate. Sproule Ss McKenna s| Sproule Ss Kingsway Brown S Maple | 1 1 43. Marked § Mr. McCoy thanked the par. print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD King' 948 Simcoe | Simcoe King St. SUPERMARKET @ Toreign h* : jdren's work. |Dept., Oshawa, O= {