43--Real Estate Por Sate 43--Keol Estate For Sale $1500 DOWN Highwoy property near Courtice, lorge brick home consisting of nine rooms, with %-acre lond, Equipped with 2 bathrooms, Thres-room epartment rented ot present, Oil heating, double garoge, $1500 DOWN Located east on town line, @ spacious six-room bungalow, nicely decorated throughout, with three bedrooms, three-piece bath, oil heoting, ond one ocre land, An ideo! spot for the growing fomily, Only $8500, PRICE $12,500 $2500 down, north-west section, a well built six-room bungalow, modern throughout, with many extras, The living room hos indirect lighting, the kitchen Is e step saver, with built-in breaks fost nook, end three bedrooms, Oil heating. Goroge 26 x 26, CENTRAL $8500 bungolow--35 rooms with two bedrooms, In residentiol oreo, neor high school, Good condition, Oil heating, Terms to be orranged, Ernie Holmes REALTOR &3---Real Estate For Sale THE DANY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursdey, Merch 20, 1958 19 49--Reel Estate Por Jale for sale, near Duke of Edinburgh Soho and Bi, Gertrude schools, Sewer | Apply 591 Devon treet. FULL PRICE NEW, modern, five Fo $11,000 to $12,750 DOWN PAYMENT $1,350 to $1,800 Ridgeway .Ave.,, northwest section, one block from Sep- orate ond Public Schools, We ore going to build a few homes in this Ideal location for owner applicants only, Four plons to choose fiom with choice of colors through- out, These are three-bedroom bungalows with the new Pier- son sliding windows, end hardwood trim-work in ne- tural finish, Phone RA 3-7122, 65¢ $1,000 DOWN $1,000 INCOME HOME é-room, 2-storey brick with garoge. Large kitchen, 3 bed-* rooms, dining room end live ing room, also summer kit- chen, close to Pedlers ond Duplate, This home is spot- less, See this home before you hwy, Call Jim Laverty at RA 5.6544, $6,900 FULL PRICE $1,000 DOWN $1,000 Large 4-room bungalow with natural stone fireplace in living room, 15 x 20, Locat- ed on lakefront lot 60 x 338; ond close to new school, Low toxes only $75, Don't miss this one, Call Jim Laverty at RA 5.6544, John A, J, Bolahood Limited, Realtors, 67b| Vickery & Goyne 39 PRINCE ST, A--Por Rent THREE - room apartment, two bed rooms, kitchen, cupboards installed, Private bath, entrance, two children welcome, 518 Dunkirk Avenue, Rs 44--For Rent unfurnished self-con. Gi ae 2 Slt it Lo tral. Vy "child welcome. Apply 118 Division Street " . SIX - room, two - at heated, garage Den Dee: Pho ou Real Estate, RA Soin, en es session, ood ondition, "ATTRACTIVE furnished bed sitting |e or 8000 _conditio room, for one or two girls, use of TWO . room furnished washer and dryer, kitchen Ivins new furniture, private ba! Arthur Street, TY ois, 3% , Married couple only. Street, THAEE iB WAtuinished 99m tn o | FOUR - room apariment fo rrent. 74 Hoh i So FOUR - room apartment for rent, 74 + room apartment Aorir 1 4 ATTRACTIVELY furnished Adults only, Abstainers. Ce ral PVs. 68 McMillan Drive, side oe --. ol available in private home. 83 1, ep -- Road North, 37 p.m. Ra 84071, Mar. - [FoRNimmED edroom in private Sloss to hospital and Sowntons; has 55228 ATTRACTIVE three room tained apartment. Private FURNISHED bedroom, gentleman pre- Alforred. 48 Dabaws Boulevard orth Phone RA 3-7 t guests THREE unfurnished conveniences. Apply 348 West, ONE large furnished housekesping room, heated, water, cupboards, kiteh- en sink, bathroom, refrigerator, lady or gentleman, private en trance, Apply 214 Cadillac Avenue th, 45--Real Enate, For Sale WEEKEND special, six room Brick and arage, central, ody i furnace, only | tio 10,700, Ask for easy terms, Jones Real Estate, 56412, 67h [SBR] Estate For Sale BUILDING Jot, 82x 265 font, Taunton |y op Road East, at Zion, RA 3 62 50--Articles For Sale 50---Articles For Sale THE VERY BEST COSTS NO MORE "WINTER SEAL" -- "KRYLASTIC" weather-proofed Storm Screen windows, "WINTER SEAL" -- Aluminum Combination Doors, (See the new Jol-O-See). "KOOL LITE AWNINGS" Ventilated Aluminum Awnings ond Concpies, See the newest in adjustable awnings, "KOOL-SIDE" -- Awnings Sd Canopies, "They open ond close from inside." "BEAUTI- Shower enclosures, Fireplace Equipment. and Wrought RoR Railings ond furnishings, Toronto prices, LES EVENISS SALES LIMITED 15 PRINCE STREET RA 5-4632 LES EVENISS -- RA 3-2707 DON HOWE ~-- RA 5.0313 March 28 $11,200 Five-room 3-bedroom brick bungalow, Cadillac South, Four yeors old, Oil heat, land- scoped lot, $62 monthly cov- ers principle, interest ond toxes, Substantial down yment, Write box 551, hitby. 67b $500 DOWN Full price only $4,200, Four-room Insul-brick bungalow. Oshewa Blvd, N, Lot 60 x 160, Heated by oil space heater. No bath- room, electric hot water tank, Built-in cupboards end sink in o large kitchen, Only $49 monthly to carry, Why pay rent any longer? $1,450 DOWN Only two years old, 5-room brick bungolow, Wilson Rd, $. Forced oir oil heating, 4-pce. bath, hardwood and tile floors, laundry tubs, decorated and londscoped, Full price only $10,550.00, $1,500 DOWN Spacious é-room clapboard bungalow with double ettoched gor- oge on large lot 165' x 264' (extro acre is desired), forced oir oil heating, 4-pce, bath, aluminum storms, Taunton Rd, E Full price $14,900.00, $1,900 DOWN 6-room, 2-storey brick on Albert St, large Asking $10,700.00, room apartment with complete vate mivanes, $40 monthly. | oll RA 57915 payment, RA 5.6031, Y LOT for sale 100 x 200, with well, mile south of Trull's Store, Courtice. hone MO 8-2436, Ld apartment, A. , heavy THREE four-room self-contained apart. good revenue, central, My po raion, Ww. Mcauny 32513, evenings RA 21 66 yeoms GENOSHA Hote -- permanen| welcome, $15 and $18 weekly, full hotel service, showers, bath, phones RA 34641. April 1 THREE unfurnished rooms, sink and cupboards in kitchen, Adults, 728 Cedar Street, RA 5-4002 after 5.30, Mar, 29/ one THREE room apartment, private en- trance and private bath, built-in eup- boards, parking no problem, RA oN, choice of television two tre, 47 Automobiles For Sole ALLSTATE Auto, 108 nak TY per cent. PRILISHAVE electric razor, new; also For persona) service at your oma, x Sunbeam electric razor, like new; both A 5 152 Cadillas '86 Pontise deluxe two - door, 13000 Avenue North, ~~ ---------- miles, immaculate, Would like to trade ELECTROHOME hifi Cavalier model, in Swedish walnut finish, regular $239, for r ear, finanes available, A 8st) clearing at at $179, Meagher's, § King Street roms, central, King Street THREE plece chesterfield, wine and green. Fairly good condition, RA Hs 0) vate, RA 5.0640 after § p.m. '4 Pontine 2007 model, $1 "or bast Sissel We cash offer, RA 5-955, $0 IONE used Heatiine buiitin electric '$7 Deluxe Pontiac, Jninseilite avis like new, Phone Sowwanvilis 3] BOND ST. E. et oie, Imma MA 51 red, terms avallable. Must sell this| = = RA 5-2363 ANYTIME (Siders Pickering 289 after 6, 65¢| ATR compressor, 1% hp, riabl , Don Harper, solesman--RA 3.7047 A Mercury" Wailion pickup ruck, Jor ick 'aie, 38. Frontesen tacHifice 670 bargain, RA 8.548! 65 RA Avr, ' 45--Real Estate For Sale ALWAYS MOFFAT heavy duty stove, four be burner, electrie clock, automatic oven SEVEN rooms, all conveniences, mod- and timer, 75 or best offer, RA 8-913. ern kitchen, tile and hardwood floors 25 garage, on Centre | Street, RA 3. RA 3-4515, 63 1] Used Cars to choose from 6b ir ou wish to buy or sell, in Oshawt we hitby, consult Donald Scott Real TRADE UP OR DOWN Liens Paid Off for 25 Prince Street. RA 3.2612, Mar. 7 Cleon Cors Wonted 46--Real Estate Wanted Wilbak Motors MOUSE wanted, five or six rooms, $500 down, Write Box 3, Times-Gazette, 63( 137 King St. W. RA 5-0732 apartments, modern, laundry room, Cen ONE bedroom two, completely aerial, separate short blocks from first floor, $70. Immediat FOUR carries for only #60 25 Grenfell Street, apply apartment 1lponth, Very clean 7 room brick, 1% or phone RA 88402 651 | storey home. Full price $11,500. Central d ithout, ladies location, For more information call Len ROOM with | board, oF uy Five min- | Abramelf a RA 35-6544, John A, J. Bola. utes walk from hospital or General hood L "Motors, Reasonable price. angry, | romvaED 5 room "lake front cot- RA 85160. 29 Elgin East sll conveniences, Dock Jat TWO nice rooms, closets, iaundry fa- | good fishing, Toron cilities, close to bus, Child care given/or W tion's Candy Comers Fenelon if desired, Phone RA 5-0241 Apr, 18 Falls. ONE or two furnished or unfurnished | 3425 down. Ful price | #00. Excellent rooms for lig Central, | school, owner leaving town. Call im- Stable for Business oyple, RA est mediately Jim Laverty at RA 56544 x hn A, J. Bolahood Limited, 7b | SOMFLETELY raised Ywer a] HOUSES, farms ER iece bath, central, suit two adults |wanted for clients e, y only. Phone RA 3-3398 after 5 p.m. 65! tor, 26 Prince Street, Dial Mier | | Whitby MO 8323 APARTMENT, central, three rooms|.... and bath, heated, front private trance. Phone RA 5.3896, NEWLY decorated self-contained apart ment, private entrance, immense livin room and bedroom, large kitchen an bathroom, Child welcome, King Street East. Apply #1 Celina Street, 65¢ [REE . room apartment, "with 3 pric 'ate bath and entrance, Back yard Good rental area, rooms, oil heating, 3-pce, bath, garage. $2,000 DOWN 10-room home, Mill St., on large lot 126' x 175', forced air oll heating, 3ipce, bath plus extra ag garage, hardwood and line covered floors, Asking $15,500.00 $3,000 DOWN 8-room home on Gliddon Ave, Hardwood and tile floors, hot water heating with oil, 4-pce, bath plus extra stool, fireplace in living room, an oie type home but in good condition, Full price $12, 200.0 WILL trade for a house near Oshaws, an 83-acre farm, Hydro and water . Fred Roberts, Crsswall, 67c KENWOOD "mixmaster, food grinder, soup mixer, juicer, all combined, Near ly_bew. Phone RA 3.9169 658 CONVERTIBLE baby Rokolo, may be used as bassinetic, rocker, walker, hish chair, New, never been used, Apply p] Brock Street East, h5t LARGE oak fiat: Aop office desk, bar. $45, Phone RA 5.6555 or see nt meoe Street North Ll Po it now! All wogl three ply twist broadioom installed wall to wall tackless method Including felt u pad, for a room 9' x 12' for the un! of price of $135, Phone for to eall with samples and es cost for your rooms. Nu-Way Hug and Visa ales, 174 Mary Street. RA SIX room lit level, attached Asam, $5000 down. Car accepled as part payment, Priced to sell fast, FA LE 1644, March 26 Ld GO Dunnies Go! And look at this lovely new, six-room, bungalow in Whitby's nigest sub-division, NHA mortgage car- ries for $60 a month, For information eall Mr, Markham collect AMherst 13363, Ld FOUR bullding Tots fo for sale, Sewers and water, close to bus, school and Box - shopping. $1380 each. RA 5.6031, 65/ [HAVE 80000 cash for house, Desire ------ www lone bedroom and bath on main floor. Phone RA 5.8387, 7c WANTED -- About ole Yi of and, close to the city, RA 8 FARM wanted "to rent iT i m any from h MUST BE SOLD ELGIN NEAR SIMCOE CALL MR. ADDISON RA 3-2254 LLOYD AYERS en 650 Mer. 27 a See "TED CAMPIN" ONE Gi Gurney fou four-burner gas range, with garden, very central, Avatisble April 1 Phone RA 51700, ONE "front sleeping room, central, § oy ty of hot water, suitable for one or two adults, Abstainers, 48 Brock Street East. THREE or unfurnished working couple eluding lawn North "room apartment, furnished Suitable for young All conveniences, In Apply 343 Riston Road| é- Inum room brick, storms has 1 Va-storey home in excellent shape with nice yard and garage, Newly decorated, oil furnace, alum- ond screens, This home must be seen to be appreciated. Owner bought a new home, Asking $12,500, Call Eugene Patter- REALTOR Mar,20 OSHAWA'S NEWEST DEVELOPMENT RA 8-5155 GREATLY REDUCED It you are looking for some- thing different in a split-level ranch bungalow, don't miss Realtor - General Insurance Whitby Professional Building RA 5.8461 A, J. SCHATZ 5 MO 8-3337 Pickering 590 $ INVESTMENT $ kL 47--Automobiles For Sale $1505, RA 3.44 ood clean car, $495, Terms arranged RA 6c KU best offer, RA 5 508 Front Street, For A Better Buy On A New Chevrolet, Glsmobile Cadillac or O.K, Used Car at ONTARIO MOTOR SALE Res. RA 5.5574 -~ Velim terms. ® rey "brew at Ww RL 87. Fg "deluxe sedan, radio, heater, X4r Mechanically perfect, after 4 Pontiac, Jood, motor, body "Hair, 63 Ford, cheap a "quick RA 5.6501 for sple, like new, sixth house north a. sh Road, east at city limits. 66a _ Lincoln electric welding machine, Vso, RA 5-8084 between 6 and 7 pin. be FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator sale $199, $2.50 weekly GMAC plan, five-year guarantee, Kelly, 81 King W. April 19 $150 off Frigidaire freezers, big 15 cuble ft. Built by JLnsy terms. GMAC Kelly TV. RA B:5121, April 1" son ot RA 5-6544, John A, J. Bolahood Limited. $1,180 DOWN NEW N.H.A. 6% Beautiful ranch type bunga- low, large modern kitchen, 3 spacious bedrooms, 4-piece ceramic tiled bath, oil heot- ing, laundry tubs, full base- ment, paid services ond school, Hurry, enly a few left, Call Howard McCabe at RA 5.6544, John A, J. Bolahood Limited. mar20, 21, 24, 29 | this, Every modern conven- ience in this custom-built home. Ponelled living room, dining room, T.V, room, open fireplace, breakfast room, 3 April 4): SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, § OSHAWA, ONT, TEL. rh 3.3461 March26 HOG TOWN PRICES | HOME TOWN SERVICE WE MEAN IT | | Lowest prices in town consistent with condi- tion, backed by Well. man's completely equipped garage and body shop. A tradition- al name for service since 1947, WE PRICE 'EM LOW AND SELL 'EM FAST STEW'S SPECIALS 5 Custom, two-tone, FORD Cleon cor, PLYMOUTH .... $598 Suburban, good shepe, OLDS 88 $1598 Hydramatic, GM radio. LL} COMFORTABLE furnished room, off Simcoe North, near hospital, high school and bus service, Parking facili. ties. Phone RA 5-368 THREE unfurnished rooms, lights & heat supplied, on King at oe Road, Children welcome, Dial RA 85377. NEw Admiral and Marconi portable . Bale $120, Full warranty, Kelly TV, a King West. RA 5:8121, Apr, 19 FRIGIDAIRE hot water tank, 40 gal, including elements, 10 yr, warranty, {ree new Yashe and dryer, Kelly TV. RA 5.512! Apr, 19 TV Interference on No. 2, 4, can be eliminated with No. 3 "Barrie Watkins Trap", exclusive Kelly TV, April 19 FRER -- UNF Channel 17 aerial, with ors, Rv od aerial installed, Kelly TV, RAS . 24 hr, service. April 19 pol Re heavy duty ranges, four == {burner with broiler, $200 value Sale $149, Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King W 1s pri WAVE 8160 on new Beatty washer and dryer, Ray TV, your authorized Heatly dealer, ing w. RA 8.5121, April 19 CONVERT your old aerial {0 new ro- with new all channel aerial, com- 1 yr. wary. $60.50 TV, RA 8.5121. April 19 FRIGIDAIRE delu "elothés dye new '58 models. Sal BRAND-NEW 3 - epartment house, 2-3 bedroom ond 1.2 bedroom, large T.V. size living room, ultra modern throughout, Close to down- town, Conveniences, Cosh or terms, $ INVESTMENT $ SPANKING NEW 8-Apart- ment Building on two-year lease, 5:2 bedroom, 3-1 bedroom, fully equipped, stove, refrigerator, garbage disposal, washing facilities, balconies, Cesh or terms. n "Mercury four-door hard- top, toor. | matic transmission, radio, power star | ing, brake eat, windows ete, Ca finance ate. RA 88180, April 7 wm your oar keeping "you broke? Cut your future car cost in half by buying Rambler, Rambler won't crowd your BATagy, 1s easy to park, yet has six enger room and comfort, exclusive fety construction and reulining seats, Small down payment or trade mo fur. ther payment until June, up to 3 years on balance. Try Rambler today at Welima s. RA 3443), March 4. '86 Plymouth Savoy, two-door, -eylin. der two-tone, black and white, A-1 eon. dition, Call after 5.30, RA 8-8278. J 87 Pontine, b-cyiinder, "hardtop, wh wall tires, hydromatie, low mi one owner ear, dusky rose and be Was $3,600, sells for $2,500, 399 Sim Street Nort '49 Oldsmobile sedan, good also 1047 Monarch sedan, cheap trans. jontation. RA 50161 from § id .m, Hillsdale Terrace YES, FOLKS, WE HAVE A NEW ONE EACH YEAR, BUT WE FEEL SURE THIS iid rooms and bright airy IS THE BIGGEST AND THE BEST YET, kitchen, You will be ogreg- 854 { | ably surprised at the price | TWO or thres - room apartment with and hot er, Use of washing machine, Abstainers. Apply 110 Albert | Street. 851 THREE unfurnished or furnished rooms, six minutes to cormer. Young le or two, Pleas, so children, a are or RA 3-380: Mar, 28 THREE - room pan BRU suite No. 3, n be seen any time. Apply 103 Wilson ad North, Apr3 NICELY furnished bedroom, suitable for young lady, Aply 1 17 Joba! Strest, opposite Memorial MODERN four and five room a ment, Sleatsieal oulpped, Best ton. . #90 and RA 85-8676 Hillsdale Terrace is located on Rossland Rood East--a specific ond terms, so see It and sell cally engineered development of approximately 200 lots, Its yourself, typography lends Itself well to ranch style bungalows end split. level houses with @ great variety of house plans, All lots in Hillsdale Terrace are N.H.A, approved end, best of all, municipal services Including sewer, water, storm sewer, curbs ond gutter, street lighting, roads are. completely paid for by the subdivider, Because of the excellent location end quality construction of these homes they have a high lending value with N.H.A., giving the amazingly low down payment of $1,000 DOWN That Is all It tokes to move into a new 3-bedroom brick bunge- low complete with all extros, such as forced air oll heating, laundry tubs, copper plumbing, ook and tile floors, hot water heater, arborite kitchen counters, stainless steel kitchen sink end many, many other extras, We feel fortunate Indeed in being able to offer the public this wonderful value in such a first-class location os we hove. de- scribed. However, how long these values will last is anyohe's guess, so make arrangements to get complete details ond get that new home started immediately for early occupancy, OUR COURTEOUS SALES REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE ONLY TOO PLEASED TO GIVE COMPLETE DETAILS AT YOUR CONVENIENCE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Wilson Realtor 27 Bond East 381 Simcoe South RA 5-6588 RA 8.5117 After hours please call After hours please coll Frank McCann RA 8.8921 Frank Sworlk RA 3.2763 Bill Norris AJAX 1290 M. Boshkovitch, RA 3.7413 Howard Oke RA 5-5598 Joe Kulyk RA 3.4538 JOHN F. DEWITH REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE Salesmen: DONALD MOUNTJOY, Bowmanville, MA 3.3950 DANIEL BOEHM, Canton, Phone Welcome 2328 100-acre farm with 70 acres workable, some wood, creek, 60' x 40° bankbarn with extension, hen house, garage; 7- roomed insul brick house, Price $9,500 with terms, 98-acre farm, close to a town, with 75 acres workable, 60' x 60' bankbarn, implement shed, hen house, garage; 9-roomed brick house, with furnace, 3-piece both, hardwood floors, running hot and cold water, Price $12,500 with terms, 100-acre farm with 50 acres workable, 50 ocres wood, trout stream, 54' x 32' bankbarn,- implement shed, hen house, garage; 7-roomed frame home with hardwood floors, furnace, kitchen cupboards. Price $7,000 with terms. N.H.A. RESALES lovely 5-room bunga- Two and three bed- rooms. One with carport and fireplace, Both nicely decor. ated and landscaped, Alume inum doors end windows, 5% mortgages, $75 month." ly incl, taxes, At $12,600 these can't be duplicated, ONLY ONE LEFT 4-bedroom N.H.A. bungalow, $1,400 down, $67.82 month ly. All modern equipment, Good sized rooms, Close to schools, bus ot door. Act fost, $12,000 full price, HIGHLAND AVE. $2,000 down buys this well- kept 5-rgom bungalow. Large family kitchen, separate din- ing room and full-sized living room, Bedrooms 12 x 11, Tostefully decorated end landscaped. A bargain at $10,900 and one monthly poyment of $75.00 incl, taxes, Two lows. Evenings coll; A, J, SHATZ -- RA 5.8428 RA 5.8461 MO 8.3337 Pickering 590 nd FIVE "ap artment on FE Street, $75 Wr 4 Available April i Call J, Penicka at RA 8-516 ™o angle rooms, ode po nighed and newly decorated in ysis home. Ladies praterred. | RA 3 FOUR - zoom self © contain a Bertolt oath Phone RA Dow! IWNTOWN beauty parlor premises, igo 8 ah A used as offices and resi A Sash 651 $189, Kelly Frig \daire, 81 King W, RA 55121 April 19 chr CHRO highohair, Lioyd baby riage, good condition; new Nogje stove; new Simplicity washing mwa chine, Phone RA 3.9503 after 5 p.m. 6fo WARDROBE, reinforced fibre bourd, oe 68 x 30 x 21 inches. Reasonable oe) Sondition, Phone evenings, Wh by, Mi toe $100 pha Ea completely furnish your home. This includes chesterfield, bed. room suite, TV, refrigerator, kitchen sets, washer, electric range, ocgasional tables, Jampy, vacuum cleaner, polish. ele. Barons' Home Furnish. 000 Street South. April 13, SINKS and cabinets, colored bath, sets pressure systems, sump pumps, laundry tubs, plastic, steel and copper pipe and fittings. Installations Chisns Serves and saves , RA 3.7088, Apr. 18, BICYOLES, tricycles, new and used; also repairs and parts for all mokes, Draytons' Cycle, 304 Bond Street Kast #0 Dodge special "deluxe, custom | signals, lights, windshield washers, new tires. Good mechanical condition RA 5-8522 after 7 o'clock or Fini at 7234 Simcoe eet Member Local Real Estate Board, i885 Chev, sedan, © paint, radio, heater, wil HH older car as A. J, SCHATZ part payment, Phone RA 5.3917 after 8 Realtor - General Insurance| 88 Chev, Belair, GM radio, two tone, Whitby Professional Building 1 very clean, low mileage car, terms. Try Stew at ellman's, RA RA 5.846) MO 8.3337 [34401 7c Pickering 590 LAKE VIEW HEIGHTS $1,250 down buys this 4. bedroom, spilt-level home, oll large rooms, rec, reom, mod- ern kitchen, 4-pc, bath, $1,350 DOWN Buys é-.room, 3 . bedroom, side split level with garage, large rooms, 4-pc, both, gos heated, Limited number left, SUN VALLEY COURT $1,730 down----6-room bun- galow In good location, large roc, 4-pc, bath, Just 2 oft, NEW N.H.A. PLAN $888 Full Down Payment 11,388 FULL PRICE $68 MONTHLY 1. One N.H.A, Loan 2. 3 bedrooms 3, Rec. room Fac. In Basement 4, Air, Cond. Heat 5, Lorge Kitchen, Spacious sitting room, pri- vate ath, Bo Bl, nicely furnished. Phone RA 53003, Mar.25 SELF - contained apartment, three rooms and bath, Phone RA 53746, 6e TWO - roomed apartment, unfurmish- od, adults, every convenience, eentral RA 65-5380, Ld For @ new Chevrolet, Oldsmo- bile, Cadillac or OK, Used Cars come ond see "HARRY" PELESHOK at ONTARIO MOTOR SALES RA 5.6501 contained apart. partly furnished, private nme, THREE - room self - ment, private bath, iar welcome, RA 5.271 8 T™WO 2 furnished rooms, heat, Nghts and hot water, electric stove, re- bi ad and sink. Suit lady or gentle. Apply 224 March28 DEPENDABLE USED CARS ROBINSON MOTORS your Dodge-De Soto DEALER '56 Regent new, with only miles of driving, Evenings call: RALPH VICKERY RA 5.6342 JAY GOYNE RA 5.5378 Members of Photo Co-op Listing Service. WE pay eash for used furniture, ap. pliances, TV, sewing machines, planos, stoves, Also sell and exchange, 19 Prince Street, RA 8.1131, March or, almost new, with o implements, Phons Blores, tires, batteries re, televisions. Store, 4543, April 1 ins Hoover Constellations are great for '88, This week special $84.50. Other models from $65 up, Nu-Way Rug asd Carpet Sales. Your authorized Hoover sales and service centre, Phone 1a man, Abstainers, 50 Street, Sha GIRL or gentleman wanted for one room with light housekeeping duties, Five minutes from bus stop. Apply pi Masson Street Lu FIVE - room apartment, completely furnished, also TV. Apply 899 Masson Street, Lud APARTMENT -- four rooms, ground floor, private bath, privale entrance cupboards Also three single rooms. Immediate 5 ONLY possession, Central, RA 56304 67b| TVG Wiiraim. SPAS eD, Jove OW. TL AMSON | refrigerator, in new bullding, adults bon Street 671] h REAL ESTATE only, 15 Gibhon Street, Apply 21 Gib. THREE - room apartment, Close to South GM Apply after 4.30 p.m. at uh Phone to see Model Home RA 5-883] RA 8-5075 new home, private bath, use of wash ing machine, $50 monthly, RA 81784 , after 6 or Saturday, Ly] . | | end. Modern kitchen, heavy | duty if desired. Immediate | | poss.ssion, Close to city bus, | RA 55-1721 TWO light housekeeping rooms, no ob. 4 aprl5| 0 | Sen | { | REALTORS | RA 2.1002 67h THREE - room apartment. Reasonable | rent 'Available now, Suitable for quiet couple. 630 King West, RA 5.3777, 7 ~ ANSLEY PROPERTY Six-room brick bungalow, de- corated, broadloom, draperies and awnings included. A reo! buy in a choice district, Call Carl Olsen at RA 5-6165 or RA 8-5146 evenings, CENTRAL PARK N. and three quarter six rooms with extra ~| large. kitchen, oil heating, | fenced yard ond garage. APARTMENT May be purchased with a low down payment and one Spacious five-room self-con | mortgage. Coll Hilda Ristow tained electrically Sigeed, | Bruce Ld 52 K complete range 55 -- Fo Goodrich | Kaviasto refriger 66a oodrich A SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd RA 3-2265 OFF STEVENSON'S ROAD NORTH Suburban atmosphere with city conveniences, lovely 5- room brick ranch-style bun- galow with attached garage, situated on a lot 60 x 150, very close to 2 'schoos; 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, stone fireplace, aluminum storms and screens, N.H.A, resale, 5% %, Dial Don Poole evenings, RA 8.489, N.H.A. RESALE 6-room split-level with at- tached garage, situated on landscaped lot, on Churchill Avenue. 3 bedrooms, kitchen 14 x 10, this 4-year-old home is immaculate condi- tion, List price $15,500, Call Sl, J NecFoeten evenings RA BETTER THAN NEW 1-year-old 6-room brick bun- galow, 3 bedrooms, aluminum storms and screens, land- scaped lot, nicely decorated, clean as a pin, N.H.A. re- sole. 514% mortgage. Diol evenings Steve Macko, RA 5.0771. | ON THE OUTSKIRTS 2 miles west of Oshawa, S- room bungalow on lot 75 x 260, close to school, 1 block off No, 2 highway. $40 per month carries, Full price $8,- 900, Call Joe Bosco, even- ings, RA 5.9870 | SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd REAL ESTATE 27 years experience WHITBY We have all types of homes with NNH.A, Mortgages, Call John Zokarow MO 8.3337 Evenings RA 5.0494 RA 5-8461 - Pickering 590 MEMBER LOCAL REAL ESTATE BOARD 56 Vv $) Excellent condition, +. $1893 Dynaflow, GM radio, sharp, CHEV Small mileage, AND MANY MORE WELLMAN'S AUTHORIZED RAMBLER & HILLMAN SALES & SERVICE NONQUON RD. RA 3-4431 é7b 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking, Apr, 3 35 PORTABLE typewriter, adding ma- chine, also cash register, Snap, irems could be arranged, 316 Leslie Street Tues, Thurs, Sat. Mave 4 NOUBEHROLD furnishings. We buy, wel and exchange. For furniture bargains eontact community Furniture Store, also your Necchi-Bernina Sewing Ma. chind dealer, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 51131, After 6 phone RA 5.1423, Apr. 18 FOUR burner gas stove, good condi. tion, oven control, reasonable price, RA 5.7783 or 128 Barry Avenue. an PIANO good condition. #50, Twa brand new bicycles, one large, one small, $40 each, MA 32188 <u Sie FIVE piece chrome suite, six months old. Good condition, Phone RA rus, #7 LLOYD carriage, like new, RA 3 a. sa 87 67a J. A. VONDETTE REAL ESTATE 104 DUNDAS ST. WEST WHITBY Hardtop, lke 65¢| 11,000 '56 Dodge Crusader 2-door, sport tone paint. A very attractive car, Mayfair 4-door Hardtop, sports tone paint, radio, etc, Drive this popular model, Monarch 4.door, radio, automatic transmission, two-tone paint. You will appreciate its fine con. dition, ILL pay cash for best ig-ton Chev. " ) or GMC pickup truck. Around 1950 level Bungalow In residential w | No dealers, 227 King Street district, close to schools, 3 | [We ot | model, st. bedrooms, large living room, | Attractive four-room apart. ment in new home. North | '56 Offers the following property for sale $14,000.00 full price for this beautiful six-roomed home, Three bedrooms, fireplace in © living room, carried for $680 per month principal, So and taxes, ' $12,800.00 ~~ A semi-split SINGLE bed complete, $10, Phone IA 5.2360, 67a FLO-FOLD VERTICAL BLINDS Modern - attractive versatile, lightweight, All aluminum, fireproof, Dustproof, economi= cal, Fadeproof. 220 JOHNSTON AVE, RA 5.6139 2 | ---- 'APARTMENT SALLE COURT rooms, electricall ped one RA 5.3815 48-acre farm north Port Perry, with a large gravel A ) pit, pond, 50° x 30° bankbarn, implement shed, etc; 6-rcomed frame house. Asking price $12,000 with terms arranged, 86-acre farm with autowrecking business included, On the farm Is a 6-roomed, new, modern bungalow with oll conveniences, extra 4-roomed house for hired man. Barn with steel stanchions, large stockroom with new and used parts, 25 head of cattle, 65 acres workable, creek, etc. Asking $40,000 with terms arranged, 6-roomed, new, brick veneer bungalow in Bowmanville with hardwood and tile floors, oil furnace, 4-piece bath, modern tiled kitchen, electric water heater. Price $10,700 with $3,000 down. 6-roomed, new, brick veneer bungalow in Bowmanville with full basement, hardwood and tile floors, oil furnace, kitchen cup- boards, electric water heater, 4 piece bath, nice location, Price $10,700 with terms arranged. 621] TOP CASH FOR YOUR CAR ~--Wae Pay Off Liens --Trade Up Or Down ~~We Need Your Cor --See Us Today MACKIE MOTOR SALES Wilson Road South, RA 5.5743 __oprl0 0 Pontioe 4-door, moke us on offer, down payment $2,000.00 and corries for $49.00 prin- ciple and interest, $11,000.00 full price with $2,000.00 down, a lovely 3- bedroom bungalow, with car- port, price includes aluminum storms and screens, also Ben- dix washer, You must see this, $11,500.00 full price, with a down payment of $5,000.00. This is one of the larger older homes, or income home, an extra lot attached to the lot of 50' x 100' of 44' x 100°, this extra lot aveilable for $2,000.00. This Is a very good buy, April 4 sdern four and five qm apartment, elec- trieally equipped, Best location, $90 and $105. RA 8-8676. BOAT KITS $56.00 ond Up. Open evenings and weeks ends, '49 Meteor 4-door, snappy little cor Dodge 4-door, one clean, $195 see this $395 '50 Brooklin Marine Storage Supp Phone 87 '30 Ltd. Meteor 2.door, recondis y tioned motor, good paint, A solid little car . $395 Chevrolet 2.door, two- tone, Good running $598 Storey "April 1| brick, -- S-- March24 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD CLEAN CARS Any make or model DODD MOTOR SALES 314 Park Rd. S, RA 3.9421 PETERBOROUGH BOATS Cedarstrip, 'aluminum, m ed plywood, fibreglc Mo ul de d mahogony hull. Evinrude motor: TEE-NEE TRAILERS Loeyaway plan, finance charges, Factory approved service, Marine Storage ond Supply Ltd r Brooklin, Ontario Phone 87 Open evenings ond '5 Bow- hardwood and tile floors, oil fure nace, 4-piece bath modern tiled kitchen with built- in cup. boards, electric water heater, storms, screens, etc, Down $4,000 with price arranged. 6-roomed, new, brick veneer bungalow on Price Street, manville, with full basement, We have many other cars on our lot, Come in and see them. Always a good deal. ROBINSON MOTORS 574 Ritson Rd. S | Phone RA 5.6518 ot RA 5.6165 or RA 5-3605 oil heated, immediate evenings, session, King Street very central, Phone APPLE HILL 5-5761 after 6 p.m. rooms--N.H.A, Homes. | | 5) Six 7-roomed solid brick home in centre of Bowmanville with mo dern kitchen, oil furnace, 4-piece bath, hardwood and tile electric water heater, Price $9,300 with $3,000 down. 50--Articles "For Sale USED refrigerators, "washing machines, ranges, rangettes (trade ins). Nelly Friglaaire, 81 King W. RA 83131, We also have Himes with a low dow yment of $500.00. COME "IN AND SEE US, é7¢c floors, $1800 DOWN IRA 5-6165 RA 5-3412 119 ATHOL ST. WEST] OSHAWA | Member District no FOR RENT Desirable modern 8-roomed frome home, on highway west of Bowmanville, suitable for 2 families, with running water, septic tank, full basement. Double garage. Price $8,500 with low down payment 200 NINE piece dining condition; good; Kitchen range: 3 bed and spni 1 dresser: Lloyd carriage, large size crib. 122 Phone MO 8.3322 or MO 8-484) Evenings Harry Jermyn, MO 8.389% Jack McCann, MO 8-4442 &7s five-room bungalow, oil heate vene es e-me ud 0 Q hy d, Besides abo Wioned, we € eel to choose from, approx more properties stroller; Street, [FREW AY space heater, oil, home or cottage use, in good workl 66a order, $30. RA 3.9695 after § p.m. tian blinds blinds, immediate Church session. RA 5.1747, pos- s of the Oshawa ond Real Estate Board | 67a] _ Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estote Board. ore ' 47a (Continued on Page 20) 3