TIMES-GAZETTE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 38-3492 8-3474 All other calls ....... RA THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle Price Not Over WEATHER REPORT Cloudy, a few sunny intervals, a few wet snowflurries today and Friday. Authorized As Second Class Mall OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1958 Y Cents Per Copy TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES VOL. 87--NO. 67 MASS PANIC Post Office Department, Ottawao 24 Victims Die In New York Fire NEW YORK (AP) -- Fire trig- gered by an explosion shot smoke and flames into a fourth-floor un- derwear factory in a lower Broad- way building Wednesday, killing 24 persons--18 of them women. The high death toll was attrib- uted to panic among some of the 36 workers, A man and woman lived through the two-hour blaze, while most of the victims died before the flames reached them. ! Several women were leaping from windows by the time the first firemen reached the scene. Six women in all leaped to the street. Two other persons were caught in fire nets; five rescued via aerial ladders. . Fifteen persons were injured. Twelve persons, including a truck driver who aided the firefighters, are in hospitals, two in critical £2 condition. The other three were {3 treated and released. BLAMES PANIC Fire Commissioner Edward F. Cavanagh said there was no evi- dence of fire-law violations on the premises, adding: : "It would seem that panic play- ed a most important role in this blaze. Some bodies were piled one on top of the other--evidence of mass hysteria. At least three jumped from windows where there was no evidence of smoke or flame." In Albany, Governor Averell Harriman ordered the state de- partment of labor and the divi- sion of safety to investigate the § fire in co-operation with city offi- clals. Mrs. Edna Murray, 33, em- ployed in the workrooms of the Monarch Underwear Corporation at 623 Broadway and who was led to safety by firemen, said "There was heavy smoke. It was hard to see. People were bump- ing into each other. It looked like a panic." The blaze broke out when an oven exploded shortly before 4 p.m. on the third-floor textile fac- tory in the five-storey structure, A bolt of fabric was being treated in the oven when the blast came. The three employees on the third floor escaped unharmed, as did persons on all other floors but the fourth. SEND EQUIPMENT Five alarms brought 200 fire-| men and dozens of pieces of] equipment to the scene, But fit was almost m.--two ho! They saw bodies piled atop one another. Some were THREE FIREMEN CLIMB | windows as they climb --_ ladder through smoke in an at- tempt to reach workers trap- ped in textile company plant in | five - storey loft lower Broadway in New York City. Smoke pours from the building 0 near large metal n huddled near i win- | MONTREAL VOTING LIST CHARGE TO BE Britain's Bank Rate Lowered LONDON (Reuters) -- Britain| loosened its tight credit policy a| notch today, dropping the bank rate from seven to six percent in a move that reflects a current improvement in the strength of sterling currency on the world market, The bank rate determines the prevailing interest charge on all borrowing. The government shot it up to a drastic seven per cent last September in a bid to stiffen the market value of sterling which was slumping dangerously on world markets and imposing a critical drain on Britain's re- serve bank roll of dollars and gold. Today's reduction by the Bank of England reflects the success of this emergency move. Since last September the pound sterling has inched upwards to the "par" value of $2.80, and the storm has blown over. January and February were the best months for Britain's vital gold and dollar reserves in several years. All the dollars i lost during the run on sterling A fire al said 24 were were fire the department offic dead nju S¢ e scape nets aj in lea 0 flames. (AP Wire Photo) poured onto the fire cooled the get out of the North Atlantic al- jd enou, to keep her ph to doath. The man was found ffat on his face, hug: The woman had ging the floor. It was the worst container saved her life by crawling into a|fire in the city since Dec. 3, 1956, which when nine persons perished and the doorways, others lay under|shielded her from the flames. 247 were injured in an explosion work tables and benches, and|The streams of water being/and fire on a Brooklyn pier. 2 Non-Confidence Votes Scheduled In the debate Wednesday night TORONTO (CP)--Two non-con-| fidence motions in the Ontario government will be voted on to- |a Progressive Conservative mem- ber joined the argument' against removing from diesel last fall have since been re- gained. Officials were quick to stress that the bank rate cut does not mean any relaxation in the gov- ernment's battle against infla- tion, A treasury spokesman said: "While there is still a need to strengthen further the overseas monetary position, the specula- tive pressure against sterling has ceased, and such an exception- ally high level of short-term in- terest ' rates in London is no longer justified." From the viewpoint of the Brit- ish man-in-the-street the chief ef-| fect of a bank rate movement is its effect on credit buying. When the bank rate goes up mortgages and instalment buying become more expensive, Today's reduction raises hopes here that mortgage interest and time-buying charges may be cut, though at six per cent the rate is still far higher than in most countries. Britain's move falls into a world pattern of falling rates. The current downturn was led by West Germany, Canada and the United States and was recently ijoined by The Netherlands. Ww. Germany Must Allow U.S. Bases BONN (CP) -- Chancellor Ad- enauver said today West Germany must equip itself with atomic weapons and permit rocket bases on its soil if NATO considers that necessary for Western defence. | Otherwise, he told the Socialist jopposition, West Germany must "If we refuse the technical ad- vice of NATO military experts, then we are withdrawing from NATO." And West Germany could not withdraw from NATO |if it were determined to play its | |part in defending the free world | |against potential Soviet aggres- | sion. Ontario Steps Into Dispute TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario government Wedne sday in- tervened in a North York Second- ary school teachers' salary dis- E pute. Education Minister Dunlop E summoned representatives of the North York board of education and the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation for inter- i views. He said afterwards "This thing | West) bor "piety has been *|manding that Adenauer's govern. ment renounce atomic 'weapons and refuse to let American mis-| siles be based in West Germany in the hopes that this would make the Russians more amen- able to German reunification. OUTLINES POLICY Adenauer used tne forum of a major foreign-policy debate in parliament to set forth as clearly as he has ever done his govern- ment's military and foreign pol- icy. The main purpose of the debate is to clarify the West German at- titude on a summit conference. Adenauer's professed policy is to see that any new East-West PROBED Electoral Chief Orders Inquiry - | OTTAWA (CP)--A judicial in-jleged to have been committed in '|quiry into alleged voting lists ir-|the electoral district of Cartier the period of revision {regularities in the federal constit- during Mr, Castonguay {uency of Montreal Cartier was an- March 13-15," nounced today by chief electoral said. officer Nelson Castonguay. The inquiry was ordered fol- "Mr. Justice Wilfrid Lazure of lowing the receipt of complajnts Montreal, with the approval of As-| from Donald W. Seal, revising of- sociate Chief Justice W, B. Scott ficer for revisal district No. 1 in of the Superior Court of Montreal, the constituency and two candi {has agreed to accept my nomina- dates there for the March 31 elec. {tion to act as commissioner for tion--Liberal Leon Crestoh! and |an inquiry into irregularities al- Proglessive Conservative Hyman - - - rock. | Mr. Crestohl, who has repre- | Township Okays ' [sszied the, commons seat, since | Liquor With Meals | irregularities, forgeries and per- juries during revision by agents . SAEs es . of a candidate, and padding of TIMMINS (CP) -- Neighboring voters lists preparatory to imple {Mountjoy Township voted over- menting a planned conspiracy for |Whelmingly Wednesday in favor impersonations and fraudulent © [of liquor consumption with meals voting on election day." | tions, ¥ $1For Diagnosis. "QUEEN MOTHER i don reception welcoming her Queen Elizabeth, the Queen me BR ed . 'Australia, (AP Wire Photo) | Rp puts hands to chin as « listens to speeches at Lon: | %. |alyzing particles in local hotels. | Mr. Brock said there had been The "wets" carried the day,| irregularities and illegalities'" |361 to 149. during revision of the voters lists, Nearly 67 per cent of the eli] There is a four-way fight for gible voters turned out in the the seat. The other two cand} plebiscite which climaxed a dates are Michael Wozniak, COF, heated campaign by both fac- and Samuel Kolomeir, Indepénd. lent Liberal. Analy7e Blood BALTIMORE (AP)--Dr. Win-|data will have to be accumulated ston Price, who last fall isolated |before the true significance of {one of the common cold viruses|these patterns can be deter- {and developed a vaccine to com-| mined." bat it, possibly has discovered al The mucoids, described in the | (Way to diagnose diseases by an-|statement, are particles or subs In the blood|stance in blood plasma. Dr. Price's theory suggests that these particles take on characteristics peculiar to a certain disease stream. { The possibility was voiced cau- tiously Wednesday by Johns Hop- kins Hospital, where Dr. Price is n p of i and biochemistry, ] His discovery could mean that! Hothouse Living Causes Springitis LOS ANGELES fever that's sprung in the spring, tra la, is blamed by a university professor on winter hothouse liv- ing. Spring officially is at hand and that gives Dr. Laurence E. More- house a seasona. oppertunity to offer his explanation, dition. His perature, ary defines spring fever - (AP) -- The spring-fever victim is out of con-! temperature-regulat- sociates ing tiny blood vessels under the months been conducting clinical, . skit. over-react, This over-reac- field, and laboratory studies of $1:500,000 coding system to s tion creates above-normal tem- children with certain chronic dis- Thus, while Webster's Diction- the] 1k ; lazy, listless feeling which comes children, and of normal families, Code System To Speed Car sowritoy | Identification worded statement, said: | TORONTO (CP) -- Transport "Dr. Winston Price and his as- Minister Allan told the legisla« have for the past 1g/ture Wednesday consultants have |recommended the adoption of a peed up the identification of motor vehicles and their owners, The firm of Price Waterhouse submitted the idea after a sur- vey of the highways department a medical laboratory would be able to tell what ails you--cancer, tuberculosis, ulcers, or even {heart or mental disorders--sim- ply by an examination of a drop of your blood. 18-MONTH STUDY | | eases, "In addition, studies have been made of the families of these : ' Whenever the disease is present, et J { is- firemen vl i i . : 2 day, Premier Frost told the legis . has to be settled, What formula meeting takes up the four-power to persons with the first warm Which has led to a possible motor vehicles branch, Under it, freight lature Wednesday night. The non - confidence motions, both in the form of amendments to the throne speech, are pre- sented by the leaders of the Lib- eral and CCF parties However, the vote taking is ex- pected to be strictly a formality with the present House standing giving the government 81 seats, Liberals 10, CCF three and Lib- eral-Labor one. Three seats are vacant, Liberal Leader Farquhar Oliver has moved that the speech from the throne, read by the lieutenant-governor at the open- ing of the session be amended to mention the government's fail- ure to take effective action to meet rising unemployment in the province, Mr. Oliver also called for the government to correct an ever worsening condition of agricul- ure, CCF Leader Donald Mac- onald moved amendments to r. Oliver's amendments adding ticism of the housing situation the present hog marketing locomotives in and yard service, J. F, Edwards (PC--Perth) told the House that engineers "suffer for weeks' after railway accide nts a t railway crossings and should not k ve left "Someone alone in engine else should CE abs. be ir 1 there if for no other reason than safety," he said Albert Kenora) t men Timiskaming), he and Wren House backing A. R. (L - Labor has a resolution before the Ontario Northland Tr ation Commission C [¢ t loesn't off rains. Mr, favor Edwards taking Ontario Northland also has diesel Herbert vice-chairman of port- | (PC fire- he firemen Railway criticized layoffs by the CPR and CNR in Perth County, Another speaker in the throne Cass speech PC debate was Grenville-Dundas) who crit FM icized a provision in the proposed driving G W lemerit would system assign five demerits to a which driver after a licence suspension land reinstatement. AMglnutrition C f S, Ont, (CP use Of Death jury ruled Wednesday man using a bathroom for a, bed «at Mrs. Hetta Mae Will- room, »i-year-old occupant of a She said Mrs home here, died March 9 of locked in her room at times be .nutrition. ca he jury made no recommenda. body as. In a note to its finding, the ¢ july said there was no evidence that insufficient food was offered the oman. The home was operated by Mr and Mrs. Bernard McGinty. Tw other elderly occupants at home have been removed Dr. J: A. Ritchie of Newmarket said his autopsy showed Mrs Willson to have been very emaci ated and thin "I've never being in such a sad state had probably not had sufficient food for several weeks prior to her death. All the organs were atrophied, indicating malnutri- tion." Stouffville Chief Frank Edwards said the house was ar indescribably filthy mess, County health nurse Windsor said she visiigd the human She seen a Police parently self-infl icted. A house Feb. 27 and found a blind Willson had been 1se of a mental condition, Her rovered with scratches, a NEMED DIRECTOR E. H. Walke General Limited, w director of the C: cil of the Intern: ber of Commerce kinshaw of Ti elected presi lent ironic dent of the organ. ization Rails, Union Stage Private Meeting MONTREAL (CP) and uni otiate agreed p Railway Wednesday next n proposal > rai y pay days from \ two ne meel s month pay - day are sought by 130,000 n loyees at a federal vard hearin enti 1-0 em- liat ation here d April The ad- ned ed conciliation Wed lway their unions case nenefit LATE NEWS FLASHES elle I 10 the by Bob Moran of Toronto, pa union, Old Age Home Property Ma KITCHENER a Phyllis | ~ today far, for oid The inve (cp 1 because tment firm ha " Grey Cup Ticket Dispute Settled TORONTO (CP) tickets to the Ontario Rugh OREFL The dispute over tL pr y Be Defaulted 9 would be reflected so quickly," [ can be worked out is something directive on Germany signed at I have not yet decided. But we the last summit meeting provid- must come up with a solution." |ing for reunification by free elec- The teachers in the Toronto|tions. suburb have asked for a $600 an-| The Russians now say this plan ual increase in salaries, a droplis unacceptable, that the only from an original demand of $800. way to German unity is through The board has offered a $400 in- negotiations between East and crease. West. Jobless Situati Over In June- By THE CANADIAN PRESS (tion for Coast-Capilano, said Can- An optimistic view of unem-|ada should insist that the whole ployment and a critical stand on|12-mile zone be under exclusive fishing jurisdiction over coastal Canadian jurisdiction for fisher- waters have been mingled in ies purposes. the shrinking campaign for the! While the political linemen March 31 federal election. were smashing away, the quar- Labor Minister Michael Starr terbacks tried fo: some yards as said in Montreal Wednesday well, night the present unemployment! In.a speech at Chilliwack, B.C., crisis has ended sooner than Social Crellit Leader Solon Low the Progressive Conservative said an international commodity government expected. clearing house should be esta- He said a drop between Janu- blished "for the orderly, sensible ary and February in the rate of distribution of unsaleable surplus increase in unemployment num- of food products." s was due to government pol-' vy, es. The present unemployment GUIDING PRINCIPLE" 1g situation would be over by mid-| This would be one of the *guid- June. ing principles" of Social Credit "We knew these policies would farm policy, which would ensure correct the situation but we did farmers a fair share of the na- think the favorable results tional income. Prime Minister Diefenbaker he said. "This means an end of concentrated on meeting people the unemployment picture as we at coffee . and - cake receptions have known it this winter." in Toronto Wednesday and he Fittingly, former Liberal fish- moved into Northern Ontario, eries minister James Sinclair Where Liberal Leader Lester B. turned thoughts to fish in Van- Pearson was already at work, couver Wednesday and criticized They would be within about 100 the government for sending to 150 miles of each 'other George Drew, former national in the Sudbury and Little Current Conservative leader and now Ca- areas. nadian high commissioner to a Mr. Diefenbaker, who shook recent international conference 1.700 hands during the day, oni the law of the sea played down the speech-makine FISHING INTERESTS But he did appeal for "the high- est percentage of voters in Cana Mr. Sinclair said a high official dian history" to turn oul a week from the fisheries department pon, next Monday ould have heen sent to safe-| Premier Frost of Ontario, guard the interests of Canadian flanking the prime minister at a fishermen at the | ~eountry con- night reception, said Mr. Diefen- ference in Geneva. : baker "the: man from the He Said Mr. Drew didn't Bo far grassroots who knows the people enough in proposing that Canada pecayse he is with the people exercise complete . control . over and the people are with him fishing within the three-mile ter- il limit and that Canadian|PENSION SCHEME ulations apply to foreign fish-| Hard at work in his own con ng operations in a further nine-stituency of Algoma East. Mi mile zone off Canada's coasts. |Pearscn said at Elliot Lake he Mr, Sinclair, seeking re-elc:-|would introduce a national con- not is state, the victim actually has a feverish feeling of weakness and! inaccurate temperature control, To prevent spring fever--and this may do more good next year than this, if you've already got it Morehouse suggests: Get daily physical activity, indoors or out, to keep your muscles from *hi- bernating" in winter months. Have frequent and regular expo- sure to temperature changes at |a "graded and gradual pace." 44, contends the See-Saws At Medan Capita SINGAPORE (Reuters) -- Re rewed fighting between Indone- Al they Mines lo perit progres rebel claimed to have to his of versely ey of ment, reacts to ice and snow by creat- ing a tropical climate within his sure vietim, avers this professor of physical education at the Uni- eles, Morehouse, | arr police Seek tributory pension scheme to start | in addition to existing pensions for everyone 70 and over of $55 Mr. Pearson said the major; WHITBY -- Police are scour- difference between the Liberal|ing the area in the vicinity of the Conservatives is that his Miles north of here, for a rahid party favors contributions to- foX reported this morning, by government as well as employers Jewell stopped to inspect the and employes. ailing fox, which was frothing at the social security pian in the he tried to back the truck over it.| United States, would operate only Police are fearful it might at- tions. M. J. Coldwell and his doctor that the CCF leader will be able to get back on the field Monday today Deputy CCF Leader Stanley Hamilton that the Conservative arty "has two faces--one that it other when it is in power." : y ian government and rebel forces They had reversed emselves : 2 rsed. themselve was reported today in. the see- since assumed office last June ' > tran capital of Medan, current : > focal point of the uprising. At Montrea Minister here reported Medan airport Paul Comto aid Quebec voters! ¢loced all traffic today. A buried in the past or enter a new she was fal hoard 470 Amer Fd OL © pros and ican, British and Dutch resident ment, He said Liberals have 4 $ po Vaan tried to smear Mr, Diefenbaker Des Alwi, press officer here for ing pe . £ oi n © } but he had proved himself a ig lt nging in the suburbs Christian and a Canadian. k the city ister Lionel Chevrier said at La. {aken the nw early week. | chute, Que., industries in many Government forces counterd affected by the trade pol-|rebel forces had been driven 50! the Conservative govern-|miles outside the city limits with| The man in northern areas who home, hotel or automo"le is a versity' of 'Califernia at Los Ang- on | at the age of 65. This would be 4] - | abidFox | monthly proposal and a similar one by Sunderland Publie School, 20 ward the scheme by the federal Bert Jewell, a truck driver. The Conservative plan, just as the mouth, but it got away when! on employer-employe contribu- tack children. both 'expressed hope. in Ottawa alter a precautionary chest x-ray Knowles, meantime, said in wears while in opposition and the on iss © issue in the months saw battle for the north Suma- MUST DECIDE "he Indoricsian. stote must whether to remain Dateh liner in port there radioed under a Conservative govern- fleeing from the fightino as 'anti-French and anti-Catholic, the Sum an said fight Former Liberal transport min-| The rebels parts Canada have been ad- with a claim Wednesday that 'heavy losses inflicted. days of spring"'--as a humorous' Renewed Battle | said ane sisting on discussion of unaceept- able terms fresh wording of old demands and |accusations came in another let each driver would be assigned a permanent code number derived from such facts as his age and name, Price Waterhouse said the eod- ing system would save $800,000 annually in running the motor vehicles branch, Mr. Allan announced he is set- ting up a six-man advisory come mittee to study accidents and the accident-prone motorist, Made up of psychiatrists, psy. chologists and sociologists, the committee would '"'consider re search studies into the causes of that "it can- highway accidents, the identifica. not be too strongly emphasized tion of accident - prone persons that the number of cases of each and the treatment necessary, fo disease that have been analyzed correct improper behavior "and is small, and that much more attitude," ROLIFIC PEN PAL PR War Preparations Rushed - Bulganin ter to Prime Minister Macmillan, made public today, Bulganin gave no hint that the Kremlin is' willing to modify its conditions for the summit talks which it proposed originally, Progress toward the meeting of government heads is now stalled by the inability of the Russians and the West to agree on either what will be talked about or the level at which to open prelimin- ary negotiaticns. CITES MISSILES AGREEMENT This time the. Soviet premier wrote that the West is rushing "war- preparations hich cannot but worsen the international situ- ation." He cited the recent agrée- ment for American intermediate- issil t e based .in Britain and plans to place the ad eapons in me other countries of the North y Organization, method of recognizing both eclin- ical and sub-clinical disease. "This work would seem to in- dicate that serum mucoids are a sensitive indicator of clinical and sub-clinical manifestations of cer- tain chronic diseases. "Dr. Price has developed a method for the fractionation of serum mucoids, and a number of chronic diseases appear to show abnormal serum mucoid pat- terns, which on the basis of pre- liminary and limited data seem to be characteristic for given dis- eases." It added, however, ange mi o be cle arhe NICKOLAI BULGANIN concluded t the main > of the lette s another ittack on the sup ng by the - United States of nuclear missiles to its Furopean Allies On summit topics suggested by both sides, Bulganin continued to demand that discussions be held within limitations -- unacceptable to the West--which would ensure {the outcome Russia wants, LONDON (AP) I Allies' most prolific p that the V Ing war preparations ng while delay a it conf nee by in- Soviet Premier Bulganin's § pr