18 THE DALY TIMES-GAZETTE, Therdey, Merch 20, 1958 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads 36--Femole Help Wanted HOUSEWIVES -- Children st school? |¥ private If you have a few extra hours sell %Bonal, central RA 85438, A Ci tics. Wi 5 . von Cosmetics. Write to Miss E. ou 43 Wanted To Rent WANTED to rent -- Furnished light h , for tral 1 Write Box 12, anal Rn ly OFFICE HOURS 8 AM to 5 PM. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 13 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 22--Radio end T.V. Repairs SP) vind vidually setisre, Mh, I Hendershot, 208 Park Road N April12 ' BONS " yy installed, moved od URF RA Hr Apr. 15 LEN and Lou's antennae, rotors, UH F. Fair rates. Phone RA 5.7844 or MA 3.3043. Apr.5 FACTORY approved TV service on all makes of sets, Eaciusive 24-hr, serv- ice. Kelly TV, RA 5 April 19 Beans 29--Summer Properties For Sale or Wonted $50.00 down, balance aver- ages $30.00 monthly plus interest, Canada's lowest terms; prices ronge from $1,795 to $3,495 for cot- lege or retirement home, pl with lot, on your rr of Ontario's finest lakes, Also Pre-Cut or Custom. built Cottages ' available to lot owners on some easy terms, Write for free literature: Pitts Homes & Cottages Ltd, P.O, Box 222, Cobourg, Ont, T.T.5.,May10 15--Instructions 41--Room and Board TUTOR, 8--Building Trades KITCHEN cupboards and carpenter work of all kinds. Free Phone RA 83-1991. Apr.7 RA 5-1054, PLUMBING and od beating Toes, Duis, LILLIAN Mas M © tanks' A) sewer a specialty, In-|Dancing Hi? rates, Infor-|Masonic Temple, Fridays, mation and " free on any type |RA 3-7253, of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241, J. Foley. 16--Insurance i archad ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save » to 2) percent, nine 'nonths to oo 1--Accountants 8. T. Hopkins ana Company, Certified Public Accountants, 172 Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 3-3509, April2 MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co., Chartered A Trus- tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To- ronto; Hon. J. W, Monteith, FCA; A. B. Monteith, B. Comm., CA; G. W. Riehl, CA; R. F. Lightfoot, CA; George W. Tretheway, CA. RA 5-3527, 135 Sim- coe Street North Oshawa, Aprile YALE, Friedlanwer, flunter and Co., Accountants and Auditors, 84 King Street East; B, L, Yale; A. F, Fried- lander, B. Com., CPA.; J. Huster, CPA. Dial RA 5-1621. April2 BOB Clancy's Ontario Accounting Serv- ices offers complete bookkeeping serv- ice for small business. 184 Bond Street West, Room 1..Office, RA 5-0397; Frid dence, RA 3-7605. rill L. Schapelhouman accounting tr student counselor, A | INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION 1--Accountants 2---Barristers 3--Chiropracter 4--Dentists * S--Nursing Services é--Optometrists 7--Surveyors * 7o--Veterinarions 8--Building Trades 9--Building Material 10--Sharpening Service 11--Business Opportunities 11e--Business Opportunities Wanted Please Note Deadlines now In effect for this column: Births, Memorloms, Cords of Thonks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 BIRTHS BARNES -- Grenville and Margaret (nee Millar) wish to announce the birth of a ghter, Monday, March 17, 1958, at Oshawa General Hospital. § Jos. 8'5 ozs. "2 ronto, Ontario Mar, 18, 19, 20, Apr. 8, 9, 10. FREE Joon a board and small re. for caring for small girl while mother works, Middle. aged woman preferred, RA 8.1177, 66f WOMEN to train as oSizella figure stylists. Sell made to founda. fiom garments. For 10 Meanie phone | TH 3-4451, 66b prob shirt finisher sud Taundry finisher, Apply in person Modern Dry Cleaners, 321 Olive i 65 WOMEN wanted -- Take orders for the famous guaranteed Cinderella Hosiery, Full or part time, Weekly salary plus bonus. Send name, address and phone number to Cinderella Hosiery Co., Box 260, Durham, Ont, 67 Toom, lady, QUIET coy, requires a three-room unfurnished apartment, private bath, Dea ois" wiring, Occupancy My 1, G. T. Horton and A cial White Printing, 70 Harwood Ave- nue South, Ajax. Phone Ajax 7. Apri 10 PLASTERING NEW AND REPAIRS Cement plastering, water- proofing, stucco, WOOD'S PLASTERING RA 8-1311 "roo rtment, Central, un- Ro. "Phone RA 8.8003, 67h 44--For Rent 0 = room apartment, light Sook, ing facilities, for gentleman with si boy, three years, in home where =~ care may be given while father works, Phone RA 13-3066 after ot UNFURNISHED, three large rooms with bath, Modern' kitchen, on second Marchi: FIRE AND HURRICANE IN- SURANCE. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, ALL RISK FLOATER POLICIES, IN- STALMENT PLANS (IF DE- SIRED, Aprilé guar, Terms. 24-hr, JRA Piety 1v, RA 5-5121. April19 EADIO, TV, car radio repairs, All makes. Dependable work. Fred Thomp- son, 157 Elliot Street, Dial RA 3.9792, Aprild For factory 8-5286 or CORONET TV owners! |trained technicians, call RA JEFFERY -- Ross and Joyce (nee Braund) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Brenda Mar- garet, 7 lbs. 7 ozs., Wednesday, March | 19, 1958, at the Oshawa General Hos-| 12--Dressmaking 13--Gardening & Supplies 14--Household Repairs 15--Instruction Specializing in accounting and com- plete bookkeeping service. Income tax and financial reports, 686 Osler Street, Oshawa, RA 5-9953, March 27 Aprill3 ANDREW BUTLER BUILDING CONTRACTOR Robert S. McCallum 521 Rossland Rd, W. PHONE RA 5-6402 1736 Cedar Street, Guaranteed job, TTS March 31 --Articles for Rent ASSOCIATED DO-IT-YOURSELF EXPERIENCED hair dresser, Phone RA 58375 or RA 3-3544. 7c ELDERLY lady or couple to care for invalid man in his home in village, floor, in clean, quiet home, $70 month. ly, West of Ritson Road, at 204 Glide don, 66e FURNISHED room, housekeeping prive pital. A sister for Billy. TERRY --- Chuck and Peggy (nee | Davidson) are proud to announce the) birth of their daughter, Lauretta | Dianne (Laurie). Born at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on March 19, 1958. Weigh- ed 8 lbs. 15% ozs. VETZAL ~~ Mr, and Mrs. Horace Vetzal, (nee Mildred McClimond) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Linda Diane, March 19, 1958, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A sis- ter for Deborah and Pamela, DEATHS FRENCH -- Entered into rest at id Cranbrook Avenue, Toronto, on od | nesday, March 19, 1958, Emily Ward, beloved wife of the late Willlam John French, in her 96th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, | with memorial service in the chapel on| Saturday, March 22 at 2 p.m, ment Mount Lawn Cemetery. 2--Barristers McGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers and Solicitors. Clients' funds avail for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe |North, RA 5-3566. Charles C. McGib- | bon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC, Apr.20 {GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- | tors, ete., 7% Simcoe Street South. |Dial RA 3-2278. Residence phones: M. | Greer, BA, Sc., RA 5-3368; Terence V. | Kelly, BA, , BC. "RA 5- 2602 April 10 RALPH S. Jones, BA, and Thomas H. | Greer, Associate Barristers and Solici- tors, 65 Simcoe Street South, RA 5-3525 {Mortgage loans available. April? ICR GHTON, Fraser, Drynan and { Murdoch, Barrjsters Solicitors, No. |tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build: ing, 5 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3446; | IT. K. Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser,| QC; G. K. Drynan; . L. Murdoch, | NHA mortgages arran ged DONALD Bla Solicitor, 26% King Street 35---Employment Wanted phone. Business RA 5-5501; 36--Female Help Wanted IRA 8-5373, | Jjeiale Hela Warned Minh ignad any e 4 y 38--Mole or Female Help Wanted || gjoey, 2614 King Street East, RA 3-4697. | 39--Agents Wanted | Residence, Dial 3-4029. Aprill | 40--Opportunities | HUMPHREYS "and Boychyn, Barris. 41--Room end Board | ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, QC; 42--Room end Board Wanted N H {llman, Gib Derchvm BAL Wb Int T0--Shar 43--Wanted Te Rent Office, RA 5-1177; Res. RA 85-4604; k rere 44--For Rent Whitby, MO 8.2761. Money to loan. HAVE y your lawnmower [ arpened now, 45--Reol Estate For Sole Aprill saws, scissors, knives, etc. Percy Niel, 450--Real Estate Exchonge 46--Real Estate Wanted Aprillé 47--Automobiles For Sale 48--Automobiles Wanted 49--Automobile Repairs 50---Articles For Sale 51--Swap and Barter 52--Legal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge Phone Bowmanville, MA 32123. @7c|ileges. Oshawa Boulevard "orth, near EXPERIENCED married or widow | 08. 87 weekly, RA 5023. 4 woman, for confectionery, part or full WARM furnished bedroom, hot water time. RA 3.9107, 671 year round, central, $6 weekly, Suit A RA 3-9815, 63¢ WANTED Secretary for Pickering office, Monday to' Friday, typing ex- perience essential, Salary $2,250 storting. Write the director, Ontario County Health Unit, Pickering, 64d ELECTRONIC SERVICES Guaranteed repairs to all makes radios and television, PHONE RA 3-3427 April? 16--Insurance 17--Meoney to Loan Aprilé 18--Loan Wanted 18a--Mortgages 19--Personal 20--Cartage 21--Personal Service 22--Rodio Repairs 23--Women's Column 24--Morket Basket 25---Pets ond Livestock 26--Farmer's Column 27--Fuel, Wood 28-Summer Resorts 28a--Hunting 29--Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted 30--Lost end Found 31--Articles For Rent 32--Articles Wanted 34--Auction Sales N.H.A. HOMES BUILT Brick, stone, end block spe- cialists, Chimneys, general re- pairs. Work guaranteed, free estimates. RA 5-0547 RENT-A-FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER from HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St. 5. RA 3-4425 april 17--Money to Loan CLIENTS' monies available for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements sale pire ed. M. F. Swarl Publie, 2% 3-4697 FIRST ana second mortgages, agreements purchased awd sold. Hen- nick and Hennick, Baxisers, 31 King Street E RA 37. April29 CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort: gage. Mortgage and agreements of saie purchased, NHA mortgages arranged. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- doch. Apriiz CLIENTS' monies available for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and AfTecments of sale purchased. Apply M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary Public, 26% King East, Oshawa. RA March 11 FIST and second mortgages, sale agreements purchased and sold. Hen- nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street E st, | RA 37232. Ma: 9 NEED CASH? See Seaboard "Your Lending Neighbor" LOANS UP TO $3,000 OSHAWA OFFICE 29Y2 Simcoe St. S, RA 5-1121 COBOURG OFFICE King St. West FR 2-746] SEABOARD FINANCE CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED, T.T.5., April15 18a--Mortgages clients with APARTMENT .. Three rooms at 1393 King East, Adults. Abstainers. L, Han- cock RA 5-1709, 63 TAREE room apartment, self-contain. ea with kitchen and bath, heavy vr ing, complete new decoration, 'Very central. Suit couple, + $60, RA 8-8175. 63¢ SINGLE room for rent. Apply Mr. Davidenco, 373 Elmgrove Avenue, Osh. awa. RA 8-5063, 63 TWO room furnished apartment with sink and refrigerator, Pl 210d located, suitable for two men, girls, or business couple, RA 5-9228. 4 FURNISHED or unfurnished bedroom for gentleman or couple, RA 5.6169, 62¢ FOUR - room house and small chicken coupe for rent, 1% miles north-east Hampton, $40 monthly, Phone RA be aggressive, willing to jake, orders |8-5089. 628 and meet the public. Apply ox 13,| he I Cantal Times - Gazette, stating age and quali: FOUR (rooms in Sua, apartment fication. 660) clothes dryer, TV outlet supplied. $80 DUE to expanding business, Fuller| monthly, or furnished, $100, RA 85-8180. Brush Company requires two part. time and two fulltime men, Call RA 3-3219 after 6 p.m. for appointment. pply rrister d Notary King East, Oshawa, RA April 11 sale April® BOB ARNOLD'S RADIO AND APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to radios, car radios, record players, toasters, irons, polishers, vacuum cleaners, etc. For free pick-up and de- livery phone RA 8-8297. April 11 Air conditioning, oil, gas, and coal burners, Sheet metal work end built-up roofing. Cali LOCKWOOD HEATING LTD. 288 Arthur St, RA 3-2511 Apr. 11 ACADIA ROOFING Flat roofing, asphalt shingles, insul brick siding, chimney repairs. Work guaranteed. Terms. Free estimates, Phone collect RU 1-7861, 150 Fair- bank Ave., Toronto, : ELNA SEWING MACHINE RENTALS Straight Stitch and Zig-Zog. RA 5-2591 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 37--Male Help Wanted WANTED « Heating salesman. Must have car, familiar with gas company Sell in Oshawa and Picker. + Phone after 6 p.m, a to YOUNG boy, 18 to 20 years, for _gen- {eral office duties, some typing. Must Prompt -- Same Day 24-HOUR TV SERVICE CALL RA 8-5286 ANYTIME OSHAWA ELECTRONICS March30 CAMPBELL'S AERIAL SERVICE T.V. Aerials Installed DIAL RA 5-9135 DAY OR NITE April 16 23-- Women s Column SPENCER foundation garments In- dividually designed. Registered corset: tier, Mrs. I. Hendershot, 208 Park Road North, MWF Mar, 13 SPECIAL, heat permanents, $4.50, cold waves $5.50, Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Avenue, RA 5-5363 March26 24---Market Basket FOR Easter -- Capons and roasting chickens, fresh killed or frozen, Free ,{delivery, Schilling's Poultry Farm, Port Perry. Phone 101R3, 671 FOR sale -- Choice apples, north of Courtice on Taunton Road, O. P, Pingle, 62( 25--Pets and, Livestock {SPRINGER Spaniel, months, Best offer RABBITS wanted, rie four | Tos. and over. Phone RA 5 BEAUTIFUL Collie puppy, months, small size, female, $10. Won- derful with children, lovely tricolor markings, Telephone Newcastle 3186. Tele- Residence April} Inter- | Chain Saws, Gas ond Electric, Complete Floor Sanding and Polishing Equipment and Materials (new machines); Skil Saw; Sanders; Drills; Extension Ladders; Paint Sproyers; 10-ft, Tree Pruner; Pipe Threading Equipment; Electric Hommer; Chain Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow Torch; Electric Soldering Iron; 100-ft, Tope, etc. Stan's Sharpening Service, corner King and Burke Sts, ~-- Dial RA 3-3224, MacFARLANE ~-- Suddenly at the| family residence, 961 Simcoe Street North on Wednesday, March 19, 1958, Daniel MacFarlane, beloved husband of | Lena Lyon, loving father of Bruce of Oshawa and Del of Hamilton, aged 78 years. The late Mr. MacFarlane is rest- ing at Mcintosh Funeral Home. Serv- ice In the chapel on Saturday, March 22, 2 p.m, Interment Mount Lawn Cem. etery. 67 | IN MEMORIAM MILTON ~ In loving memory of a dear friend, Madeline Milton (nee Me:| Mahon) who passed away in Winnipeg, | Manitoba, March 20, 1957. | More and more each day I miss her, may think the wound healed But they little know the sorrow | That lies within my heart concealed.| =Never to be forgotten by Margaret| Phillips, OKE -- In loving memory eof Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Oke. Mother, who! passed away March 20, 1952 and Dad, | om pal away Beptember 25, 1942.) hui. missed by the family, CARD OF THANKS I wish fo express my appreciation & the very kind services of Dr. O. Mills and special nurses and Snot and staff of 3B of the Oshawa General | Hospital. Also, I would like to thank) the Rev. 8. C. H. Atkinson and Mrs. | Atkinson of Albert Street United| Church, s and s for the flowers and cards sent to me during my| recent lliness in the Oshawa General Hospital, ~Mrs, R. B. (Margaret) Lieve | WE wish fo thank relatives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of | kindness and expressions of symp: pathy | shown us during the illness and death| of a dear father and grandfather, Henry 8. Beard. We especially wish to thank Rev. 8. C. H. Atkinson for his consoling | words, Dr. W. H. Stanley, Mrs. Smith! and nurses of 2D at the Oshawa Gen. eral Hospital, and the McIntosh Funeral Home for their kind efficient manage- the service. -- Mr. and Mrs. | Coleman, Eric and Barbara. Cougar April 11 pening Service ' , situated close to nd transportation, e. References required, RA 39108, HELP WANTED |wiwii --nfurmished hocsckesping STEWARD - CARETAKER [7™# Apply 590 Wilson Road South. Reply in writing stating age, experience, qualifications, ond salary expected to SECRETARY, BRANCH 112 CANADIAN LEGION, WHITBY c ac, "Barrister, 102 Highland, RA 8-8363. Office, 14% 1 B 0 "RA 88232 | 11--Business pportunities Aprill | WELL established beauty salon busi- Write Box 16, Times. 671 | JOSEPH P. Mangan, | Solicitor. Money to los |King Street East, Osh | Residence, RA 58-3405 |5omN A. G. MacDonald, BA, Barris-|ness for sale. ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street| Gazette. North. Phone RA 8.8511. April jiGHWAY restaurant on No. 13 High- GREER, Lee and Murphy, Barristers way. Large house, Esso pumps. Death and Solicitors, 6 King Street East, Osh-!forces sale. $8000 will handle or trade |awa. Dial RA 5471 March29| Phone Port Perry, 495R14. 671 DAVID L. Bowman, ter and Sol [STORE for rent, downtown Oshawa, ieitor 3% Simcoe Street South. RA|42 King Street West. Good for any bus- 5-9592. Apr.4|iness. Modern front, Write Sussman's, » Toronto, ar Z. T. Salmers, BA, Barrister, Solielser, ira Street, oronto, or I 19 ete, 13% Simcoe Street North. Dial of doi |five, RA 53741. Residence RA $3543, MEAT "market, $100,000 yearly turn. | room, self - contained April Sti MODERN three - apartment, Vacant only, Apply 335 King CENTRAL and modern three apartment with garage, red RA 3.3325, SERVICE station with living EE One bay Good location, Prie vately Vi Apply to Box 2 Times. Gazette. 63 ONE furnished housekeepin rangette and refrigerator, central, Faun dry facilities, suit one lady or gentle. m Ell 253 Athol Street m cal Apr.20 4 cash for used furniture, ap- 3 sewing machines, planos, es. Also sell and exchange. 19 ha Street. RA 81131, Aprilis WANTED -- Good used piano, Will wy cash, RA 5.6432, 65h PIANOS for students, any make or size, Pay cash, State make and price. site Box 916, Times-Gazet IF your basement and ge » ny tered up with articles taking valuable pace, Fg a a call, We will pay you Simcoe Street South, RA Seis, yn hours RA 35-6782, April? SCRAP Raw furs, live poultry, fea- thers, scrop iron end metal. I. TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) Experienced cabinet maker for builders supply yard in Oshawa, Steady employment. Must be productive, Write to Box 101, Times-Gozette, stating oge, wage expected ond references, 63f 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS é CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.00 3.3 KW not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply, Above rates apply enly te erl- ginal orders for consecutive inser- tions. Subsequent insertions ordered ot a later date constitute a new original order, Professional and Business listings $6.00 per month for 3 lines dail Each additional line 75¢ per month: Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, figure, count as a I ia word, Box charged 15¢c additional. || All Slanitied Advertisements |/cent and bik 20 March24 over, cash and carry business in large |town, 45 miles from Oshawa, Will sac- 14 |Tifice to right man due to ill health.| Er RC LL Ra 'and | Write B Box 15, Times-Gazette. 71 es arranged. 4 MAKE big money operating low cost 0 TH, Monteith, Riehl and Co.,|Hot Beverage Dispenser in Service Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus-|Stations, small factories and offices. |tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford To- | Brand new virgin field in servicing the ronto; Hon. J. W. Monteith, FCA; |"coffee break." Nestle Products used A. B. Monteith, B. Comm., CA; G. W. exclusively. Can be operated on either Riehl, \'A; R F. wightfoot, CA; George full or part time basis. Your own busi: W. Tretheway, CA, RA 5-3527, 135 Sim- ness for as low as $600 down, balance |coe Street North, Oshawa. March 6./on 1 A.C. Merrit Plan, For personal in- terview, includes phone number, and| |5--Nursing Services some information about yourself to ex- PRIVATE nursing home | for convales-| |clusive manufacturer's representatives, Iderly people, tray service, | Vend-Rite Coffee Company of Canada, Apr. MUST be in by, 5 a.m. the doy of |Tv ae Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto. 67f fice urs: Daily ll orw MAR N me for ladies.| 13--Gardening & Supplies vs, Saturday v 12. | Psychiatric and general nursing care 9 PP REGULATIONS for bed patients convalescent and the FRUIT Jrees, ora 1 ly 'orld's The Daily Times-Gazette shall | chronically {ll. Professional 'nursing not be pre BL for errors in |care in fully equipped home. Two reg advertisements submitted otherwise |/tered nurses on staff, Excellent ref than in writing, nor for more than | ences. Visit 26 Elgin Street, Bowma one incorrect insertion of any ad- | ville or phone Mrs. , Jr complete vertisement, nor beyond the price |Reg.N. MA 3.5731, Order now for yo p charged for a single insertion of || -- garden needs. Fertilizing, the advertisements in which error || lawn rolling, tree pruning, occurs, And also reserves the right | garden maintenance, top soil to classify advertising according te || and manure. KING ST. WEST Fs Twn Hensirieation: HARDSAND LANDSCAPING (has served Oshawa since 1930) Exclusive - nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- RA 5-1721 ple. (men and women), Nurses ond dieticians In at- tendance. Tray service, radio, T.V. lounges. PHONE RA 5-2330 March 21 GE . LANCE I in priv . Very Son. tral. Apply 102 Elgin East April 8 FURNISHED rooms, friends to share, $6 weekly, light housekeeping. Close to Shopping Centre. 137 Rosehill Boule. vard, April 4 CAMERON and MacDonald, Barristers, agreements for sale at a Louis 8. Hyman, QC, 37 King Strest Oshawa. RA 3.4943, Aprill 14 WE have clients with monies to pur- chase first and second mortgages and agreements for sale at a discount Louis 8. Hyman, QC, 37 King Streei East, Oshawa, RA 3-4943 Marchl4 | 19--Personal LADY requires ride to Oshawa, leav. ing Ajax approximately 830 a.m, Pease call Ajax 1555 after 7 p.m, 65¢ LADY leaving Oshawa for Toronto daily, have room for riders, RA 58984 uy after 7 p.m. 65 HAVE you a drinking problem? Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 103, awa. HYGIENIC supplies mailed post paid TABLET MANUFACTURING Pharmaceutical manufacturer requires experienced tobleter for manufacturing department in Toronto. Responsible posi- tion with good salary. Reply Box No. 8, Times-Gazette, 6 ELNA Canada Limited OFFERS SALESMEN The best deal ever in the sewing machine business; up to 36% commission, No can- vassing, five genuine leads per day. For more details phone RA 5-2591. Mr. Coker, Available Absit" 1, May 1. Stove, re frigerator, antenna, Apt, 10, 101 Cray. don Road; 8-422 by, April 18 BASEMENT apartme; MOkawk 8-4731, ' f THREE - room apartment, Ritson and King district, Use phd Wig wi: and Child Welcome. HR RA 5.0182, 6de Sc| THRE] ment, THREE . « Toom | parm t, ie Pf 8-1466, MODERN houde with (wo separate apartments, Private yards and ment. Near school and bus. Call §-9627 after 8 pm THR! room apartment, Private en: trance and bath, heavy duty wiring, Apply 196 Park Road North. THREE room apartment, private ene trance, sink and cupboards, heavy wire ing, washing machine, On bus le Available, adults, 301 Gibbon. § RA 5-1615. FURNISHED housekeeping room, suite able' for two, with cupboards, range, and. frig. Apply 313 French Street, 61f LARGE furnished housekeeping room, hot and cold water, for gentlemen, or couple. Apply 194 King Street W of THREE - room apartment, 'frig and stove. Downtown, immediate posses sion, RA 51932 after 6. RA 5.3352, Apr, 14 RENTAL agency, Lloyd Realty, {home or apartment of your choice, 65¢ Loyd Realty (Oshawa) Lid., 93 Simcoe OPPORTUNITY A SI o storey home on Beatrice Street North, Oshawa, Oil heating. Pos. session April 7 $85 monthly, Ernie Holmes Realtor, Phone RA 5.2363. For a young ambitious [Two - Zoom furnished apartment fo + : nce, nj » salesman interested in [Ya oi Washing machine. Adults. RA building 'a future with [ses St one of the largest and SINGLE, clean, comfortable furnished most aggressive Co's. in Ameirca, A know- ledge of finance selling helpful. Must have neat appearance and a willingness to work and room for rent in good household. 437 Oshawa Boulevard South, Phone Ra learn in order to pro- gress with a rapidly ex- 8-1242, THREE . room apartment, separate panding part of our company. bath, unfurnished, for couple, heavy wiring, TV outlet, double stainless steel sink. Mary Street, RA 3.2104, 661 Apply by phone for appointment to W. FERTILE, Manager GROUND floor, self-contained bachelor apartment, Kitchen equipped. Simcoe FIRESTONE STORES RA 5-6566 Write Osh- vines, strawberry est nurseries. It st. RA 35-9597 April Ld yt hit the (Rubber goods), plain sealed enve- 6 April 12 cents; Dept. A- Hamilton, 'ontarlo. HAVE you a drinking problem in the home? Contact Al-Anon Wives' Group, Box 10, Times-Gazette. 661 MIDDLE - aged widower would like to correspond with or meet a widow, age 49 to 56, In the vicinity of Oshawa Write Box 11, Times-Gazette, SHAW RAG AND METAL Jake Shaw will pay you more for your scrap iron, tin, copper, brass lead, aluminum etc. 89 BLOOR STREET E. RA 5-2311 Open Saturdays Also Auto Wrecking April 13 13 CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD, IRON :: METALS PAPERS :: RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET ® FREE PICK-UP eo April20 35--Employment Wanted YOUNG man rec man requires "Would like to learn plumbing, anything 4220. ed. RA 3- | Ftistered, Td Apr,15 Hunter Is Successful "SPRING " PLANNING Order Now! SO-GREEN MILORGANITE C.I.L. EVERGREEN 4-12-10 FERTILIZER For that Special Someone! A complete line of MIDO, LORIE and BULOVA watches. Diamonds, Cultured Pearls, etc, CORNISH JEWELLERS 20 BOND STREET WEST Your Watch Personally Serviced. apr20 , three BOXER thoroughbred puppies, males and females, fawn, white mATKIngS, 45, Reasonable. Phone RA 8 sg GERMAN Shepherd pups silver, purebred. Pickering hy Al PUREBRED Labrador pups for sale. Have had distemper shots. Apply 26! Haig Street, Oshawa, FEMALE Labrador, black, two yea old, excellent retriever, also one pup, four 5ouths old, golden color, both $50, RA 65 BLATK Ey puppy four months, de-wormed, has had distemper and hepatitis shots. Used to children. RA 3. CALGARY (CP)--Ed Burton of (hounds, which bay loudly when BEAUTY SALON AND BARBER SHOP OPERATORS Make a date to be at Osh- awa Beouty Supply Whole- sale, 15 KING STREET EAST ON SATURDAY, MARCH 22 OPEN FROM 12 TILL 5 63 65¢ GERMAN Shepherd pples. Cham. pion blood line. Bur-Hil Kennels, Reg- istered, Brock Road North, Pickering, 240M4. Aprils COCKER Spaniel puppies. Trimm ag, bathing, defleaing, boarding. Wau'waa Kennels, RA 5-6321. Aprill y budgies, ready for | Apply Mrs. March23 LD H, Trollope, Ontario or, 218 Alice Street. ELECTROLYSIS Removal of Superfluous Halr. Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa April 1-2, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. Street North, Available April 1. Dial RA 3.9207, oot NICE three.roomed apartment, private bath, for a clean, quiet couple. Abe stainers, Apply 17 Park road south TTS Mar, 15 BEAUTIFUL training, talking strain, Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. 26~xFarmer s Column "work. mp -------- or BACHELOR apartment in_ apartment building, for lady. Apply 67 Gibb Street, Apartment 8. ost FOUR housekeeping rooms, all ¢ con- veniences, For information, phone RA 3.7588. 66¢ FURNISHED bed - sitting room ob ground floor, all conveniences. Sit 0M er lady. Kitchen privileges if 8! Call RA 5.4874. TREE - room apartment, TT ed, self . cintained, three - piece modern kitchen, Apply 8539 Street or RA 8-1003. LARGE furnished light house room, refrigerator, also parkin Very centr: Suitable for two Washing fi ties. Dial RA 3 FIVE - room brick Dulgalow for several West. Phone RA April2 od 342 bis MIDDLE . aged widow, who is free le -- John De corn|from 8 to 2.30 p.m. would like to pier] ster. ls = One 8.2935, ere com work. Minding Sujdten, light house. F. P. Smith, Whitby. 67¢ | work etc, "RA 5.31 631 DEAD farm stock picked "up "promptly. 20---Cartage CAI Bud Gait for cartage of alllP! kinds, furniture and appliance ving, -44 bbc 38--Male or Female Help Wanted AMATEUR: 8 1 talent wanted for coming | show. at Club Bayview, | Whitby, from 3 - 5 p.m. every Sunday: 1 6 CASHIER'S Experienced for super market. Apply Bassins Food Market, Ajax Shopping Centre. REPRESENTING major oil ely -- Several neat appearing males and females, Trial personnel paid daily. . Apply Room 203 Genosha Hotel, :|THREE unfurnished rooms. Ev Groves or Mr. McPhail, 9.00 and 12 included. $50 monthly, RA 5 noon; 3 and 5 p.m. No phone calls, [128 Barry Avenue Please, $6 SIX - room house for Tent, cer $75 monthly. Write Boxe: 41--Room and Board GROUND floor flat, basement flat or Fg cottage, four rooms. Private entrance ed (and part garden essential. Two chil | dren. Moderate rent. Pickering Hw, way gravel $7 per load. Also fine cement gra- vel. $9 per load. Phone RA 5-5279, 67¢ REGISTERED NURSES General Staff and Operating Room for modern 250-bed hospital. Progressive city, op- prox, 50,000 Solary -- Effective May 1958 apartment, In Bowmanville, Availe fi: end of March. Phone Oshawa RA A 67 -- or working girls, love, Three men also killed them | selves with totes, making the to-| tal number of victims 19. Totes were cheap, much cheaper than sleeping pills, and easy to buy, They brought a sow, horribly painful death. When the 18th victim ae] the government prohibited fur- | ther sale of totes while it pre- | pared to regulate the sale of fire- works generally. The 19th victim, a 17-year-old servant girl, al- ready had swallowed some and died 48 hours after the ban was announced. unhappy in| | wes] OIL PAINTINGS Special Order M. J. KIRKPATRICK Artist RA 5-3138 TAILORING Own materials made up. Alterations of all kinds. Invisible weaving, Prompt service. 10 Prince St. (Near Bus Station) RA 8-5311 LEN PULLAN (English Tailor) T.T.S., April 18 HED basement apartment, TV, Private entrance, self-cons 102 Wilson Road South, Satur 1-4 pm 67d COUPLE with no children desires four | FUR [or five - room bungalow, within a ra. |Puilt [dius of four RA 85436 NEWLY furnished bedroom and board for one or two ladies or gentlemen. THREE - room self Good meals, lunches packed. Phone ment, adults only, RA 8.1507 tian ROOM or room and board for ¢ 64f ta d miles, {day only, April 10 |8--Building Trades « contained apart. ground floor, RA 67t RA 3-2219 KOOLVENT RA 3-2219 | ALUMINUM AWNINGS WINDOWS, PORCHES, DOORWAYS, PATIOS, CARPORTS NASH ALUMINUM STORM DOORS WINDOWS JALOUSIES . or |CLEAN, three - room apartment, un two persons willing to share, private furnished. Very central, built-in cup. entrance, good home cooking. Call] boards. Heavy wiring, bathroom, wash. after 5 p.m. RA 3.7814, Apply 302 Kit- ling facilities, upstairs. Adults only. 43 chener Avenue. 671 | Brock Street East, ot ROOM and board, five minutes from four corners. Phone RA 5.9303 661 "Gentlemen $260.00 PER MONTH Semi - annual crements ANNUAL BONUS PLAN n= - room, modern "basement apart: unfurnished, refrigerator and stove. Private bath. Children welcome. ROOM and board to h d x, $15. Cl by m indsor Avenue, RA 3.9379. 674 share, seven days a week, 0 ry South plant. Phone RA 5-825. a Tu THREE - room, unfurnished apart |ment, three . piece private bath, pri. ROOM and board for gentleman, n vate entrance, One or two small chil new private home, $ or 7 days oy dren welcomed. Light duty wiring, 212, Johnsten Avenue, RA 5.8263. 64f [newly decorated. RA 5.6166. 67 BEST meals in vown, single beds; SIX room house, central, in excellent modern 'conveniences. Close to south|condition, including = venetian blirds, plant. Phone RA 35-1168 or 536 lorraine floor coverings, oil heated, modern kits MEMORIAL HOSPITAL |Street. March 19/chen with tile floors. RA 5.6478. 67 ROOM or room and board for gentle- TWO housekeeping rooms, sink, use of SUDBURY, ONTARIO men, seven days a week, very ceriral.|washing machine. Couple preferred. 4 65¢|RA 5.0107, March 26{ Drew Street, RA 3.4152 after 4 a.m. 679 {Four roise with them at Christmas. They sold for a cent apiece. Two ment. contain enough phosphorous to 10-10-10 FERTILIZER Claresholm, 8) miles south of the cougar trail is warm. The 6--Optometrists GOLDEN VIGORO here, is one of the most success- dogs' task is to tree the quarry. |s Fi Tuck, Optometrist, specializing REGULAR VIGORO ful cougar hunters ever employed The hunter of course must stay |in muscle anomalies, wront and BONEMEAL . , Fri, 6 by the lands and forests depart- |in sound of the dogs. jiasses. Evenings Mon. Wed, Fri, £3. SHEEP MANURE ment in the foothills region. | Mr, Burton says a cougar CaN | Disney Bldg., 31 King East. March26 PEAT MOSS The department this year has be treed easily -- the first time. 7 :: Deliver Later :: six professional hunters under The animal won't panic easily] --Surveyors COOPER SMITH CO. contract to control the cougar when he's hunted again. One|G. T. Horton and Associates, Ontario 16 Celina St RA 3.2312 population. Department officials |cougar led him nearly 1,000 miles [Land Surveyors, Professional Engineer: : |ing, 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax, March20 estimate each cougar slays 52|for nearly a whole winter before 705' Aprill0 head of deer, moose, elk or cattle it was caught in a gulch while |pona Land | 14--Household Repairs a year. {feeding on a freshly-slaughtered Survey RA 5.6881. | FURNITURE repaired and reuphol- Mr, Burton has killed 43 of the moose. | pri |stered. See_our materials for recover. F. J. Di n d Associates, Land | ing. Bruce R, Dalton, 75 Charles Street big cals in the last 12 years, and| Cougar hunters are paid $25 Nyro neYat Tr Bena 12 Bloor RA 3.7212. April 11 has caught a dozen live ones for | for each kill, plus the usual $15 [Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA |r re re ree red 2008. Largest = his trophies bounty given ordinary hunters. [Same March | jie new. Why pay more? Our rates measured nine feet from fangs to| Catching a cougar alive is ag jate reasonable. Satisfaction guaran. tail, and weighed more than 200 much trickier task. One man| Building Trades teed. Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up. nolstering Co., 10 Bond Street West. pounds, {must climb higher than the tree || HAYNES hardwood floor expert, oid Dial RA 5.0311. April 13 WIDE RANGE lanimal, while another hunter floors made like new, new floom made, E - rat Moai Shida | like glass; laid, sanded, finished. Dis: LAWRENCE Brow Electrical Service, From his cattle ranch, he keeps a bead on the cougar--just [cuss your floor problems with an ex-(radio, range, washer, fluorescent : ¥ 5 i ert. Phone RA 3-7196 or RA 3-3078. lights, oil burner service, automatic checks an area of 60 by 150 miles in case. The man in the tree slips |* y March 25| washers and dryers and ovens a spe- extending from west of Calgary a noose over the cougar's head | er TTR dilerationr Fe. [clality. Ajax 1041. April 7 Aritic " hi Fs w T » er ons, - to British Columbia and south to and jerks him loose. The man be- airs. Kitchen cabinets our specially.| YOUR local chimney _ cleaner, chim: Ninds, Junie and appilance ROOM or room and board for gentle. the U.S. border. {low ropes the cougar's legs and |No job too big or small. Free estimates. |neys built and repaired, gas linings in- etc. : es Maas RN hn on Nery ents He sets out with a four-wheel- he is rolled into laced Give us a try. Work guaranteed. RA (stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- Ar.26 phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3.2679, | me! Vv ys 2 wi ery central, : : a cage placed 37106 or RA 3.3078 April13 (mates. RA 3.2007 Apr5 = Margwill Fur Farr, Tyrone. Apr.17| RA 5.0197, Mar 23 drive jeep loaded with dogs, guns below the tree. SS aed seaman, | 2 1--Personal Service PFD ~e 3 F Ww i and camping supplies and oc-| Mr. Burton doesn't advise this [ALL plumbing and heating supplies. [ROOMS papered, §3 Re Wa Tice gore sra PALFD hay, good quality, 30 c. per 6--Femule Help Wanted alia 3 . 3 od {Phone RA 53521, Harold R. Stark Ltd, repaired. Gyproc applied, seamless. ORDERS taken -- Ladies', gent and bale. W. Eymann, Courtice. FOURG Tass -- -- casionally is accompanied by Mrs [procedure for amateurs. 'There's plumbing, heating and engineering, Tile floor laid. Geo. C. Golding, RA |children's machine - knitted sweaters Mar.13, 10 18: 20, bi % OUNG lady, 22 to 30 years, for gen: Burton. A watchful eye is kept out a lot of muscle in the mountain [2% Simcoe Street South. April 13|57207. March24| Reasonable. Phone RA 85363 | 37 -- Fuel Wood a ey one oy Tor ni for cougar signs and when they |lion if he does get loose," he BUILT or remodelled, apartments, | PAINTING and paper hanging, floor {RY Ron's Janitor's Service, Fioors| =' ---- 1 uc' VV OO I A ao aE atl are 'spotted the dogs are let loose nd it tak |verandahs, kitchen cupboards, recrea-iand wall tiling, hardwood refinishing. expertly cleaned, waxed, polished. (CLEAN, dry, hardwood cuttings, $5|fications. 661 The Burt k fog Se. "al akes an experi- |tion rooms, patios, garages, chimneys, RA 3.9206 March 21 walls cleaned by famous Wall Master and $10 loads, delivered anywhere. e Burton pack includes aire-| dewalks. RA 5-1953. Aprilll 1 1 " machine. Office, home and factory | Dial RA 5-1526. Mar. 22 dales, huskies and bluetick | | CARPENTER work, cabinets, tile in-| 19--Instructior jcleaning. Let your cleaning problem -_an stallations a specialty. Free estimates imine. ree estimates pr. [HARVEY Dance Academy. baton, tap, S Dial RA 34167, H. Boyd. Mar.22| Ro! Academe palet, Highland. Rex ROSS ENDICO ter now. ng LC I Bogota uicides Use FOR SALE A : | c of 4 | Music Studia for Al igramenns Floors, walls, and counter . : : oarse an ine drive- : lled Form Of Fireworks i era New ond Used Pianos Call RA 5-2274 we COTA, Colombia (AP) Full Selection of All Instruments April 4 ithin two months 16 despairing (New ond Used) -------- young Bogota women have swal- | 477 Simcoe St. S lowed a form of fireworks that ended their lives in agony. Alarmed at the wave of "two. e¢ent suicides," the government now has prohibited sale of the poisonous cracklers called totes. +4 a ia013 Shaped like a large pill, totes Prompt Daily Delivery pop and crackle when <craped on a rough surface. Children make HARRY 0. PERRY PETROLEUM CO. Phone RA 3-3443 Nights: RA 3-7944 or 5-8823 aprl8 Recognition for experience Transportation -- Assistance arranged. Excellent Person- nel Policies. LY-- Nursing -old salesgirl in a large de- ment store, disappointed in , swallowed a handful of totes Nobody had tried that and a chain of tote sui- began among girle and women ranging in age from 14 to 28, Mostly they were servants 30--Lost and Found LOST -- Green and yellow budgie, on jAthol, vicinity of Drew and Charles Street. 160 Athol East. Phone RA 3.7472, 7c TWO ISLANDS Director = Grand Manan Island in the Bay of Fundy is so called to distin-| Ruish it from Little Manan Island | off the Malne sosst A 94 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA RA 3-2219 FREE ESTIMATES March2® BUDGET TERMS LOST Cat, fully grown, black, short-haired, male. Probably North Oshawa, Reward. Phone RA 5.3016. 63¢ \