was served following the/all year. I would be nice to see! THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thumdey, March 20, 1958 17 Gray WA Groups meeting. {them win a few points in the next The Woman's Association held| couple of weeks to climb out of C | their regular meeting at the home|the cellar, The bowling banquet | a cut FOOD COSTS . - eport of Mrs Guest on Thursday eve. Will be held at the Pontiac Inn A Th 17% I y : <= ning. In the absence of the presi- 8 May 9. 3 ¥ rg Yy il J h 3 LL dent, the 1st vice-president, Mrs.| Standings: Team No. 10, 117; rr o y % % SRL A - oF wt = ncn ctivities L. Gray presided. (Team No. 1, 102; Team No. 3. 9 a BARA ad a THUR Mrs. J. Hooker was in charge|9; Team No. 8, 94; Team No. 9, i of - MRS. AR ELLIOTT "ihe devotional. Mrs. Hooker 85; Team No. 5, 74; Team No, 4, Correspondent ave a paper on "The Spiritual{73; Team No. 2, 66; Team No. 6, ¥ 2 4 : eh BROOKLIN -- The Woman's Ba hab." p 65; Team No. 7, 58. "83 op . ° ToRTHERN PE Association. of Brooklin United] Mrs. L. Empringham reported Over 200: Dick Stephens 216-| . \ a ! 4 Gd | ! on PERH COD FILLETS Church held its regular monthly 33 sick calls had been made dur- 226, Alex Parker 239, Rose Haley ! ! : y y / ik / A Rsandin] meeting in the Sunday Schooling the month. Mrs. H. Moore 215, Jim Brown 202, Andy Whyte | " hh ay) on STIOS Room of the Church. {gave the study, based on the dif- 235, Harry Colley 241, Dorothy en : 4 ; o So0TA Ls:02, 49- The president, Mrs. William|ferent religious faiths. A reading wiseman 251-230, Tom Ibbetson i ' / 5 pg 4 co BRAND PKS. Medland, gave the call to wor- by Mrs. L. Waltham and a con- 216, Ralph Thomas 290-254-264, ; ce ship. On behalf of the ABC group, test led by Mrs. A. Ryland follow-| A] Buckner 215-227, Ron Play-| the devotional service "Faith inled. Lunch was served by the ford 211, Herman Steen 213, God" was presented by Mrs, wil. hostess. {Mae Playford 284, Cec McMartin liam Ormiston assisted by Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. John Moore andig.915 Jim Bell 230-234, Norm hy . ; , / : C. 8S. Thompson. boys of Port Perry were Sunday porijle 233, John Cassels 213-213- : ¢ A : ' Mines were send by secre guess of Mr. and Mes. A. Wangs Hal 868180, Jim . | SOLEFILLETS . | : [Cas 63, B dwell | : a bie, 4 gc EB Mr. and Mrs. Joba Malette of en Walker, 218, Charlie y : Ba 4 / : % / y Mrs. W. A. Heron, showing bal-Tyrone spent Friday evening at/y;,.e)o 202, "Cliff Parsons 204. ' i 7% 300TH 1e02. | ance on hand of $1357.11. Repre- the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. 294, 4 i ; To 7 vr / y BRAND PKG. sentatives from six groups re- "TAY: igh triple. men: Ralph Thom. | * Congratulations to Mr. and High triple, men: pl ported activities for the month.'\ "hier yee, on the birth as, 808; Jim Cassels, 650; John The gual Weslery ection] of a son at Oshawa Hospital on Cassels, 634. rally of the resbytery willigoirday. High single, men: Ralph Thom- But, to be really special, fish must be really fresh . .. oo / be held this year at Brooklin Unit-| "ay. "ang Mrs, Keith Bilette and as, 290-264; Jim Cassels, 263; ocean-iresh! You can be sure you get fish this fresh when \ vo Thursd April 24. y A 15H ed Church on Thursday, Apr : family of Bowmanville were Sun-'Ralph Thomas, 254. you shop at DOMINION because you buy it frozen { -y, pp po . Pope FL Mrs. C. H. Searle, executive q,y callers at the home of Mr. : ; : Wanda hake: ao} / dé --g : K member of the Dominion Coun-', 4 aoc" J Hooker High triple, women: an Here's fish at its very best . . . fish with every bit of that hei 4 ore? cil will be the guest speaker, jane i Mrs. E. Lee of Brook- Hall, 716; Dorothy Wiseman, 670; glorious just-out-of-the-water flavour frozen in i 7 a_i a i» =X Various committees were ap- lin were Friday visitors at the Marg Garl wit, 554. A Shop at DOMINION this week and treat your family to \ 5 / = : s ad BOOTH 8-07. 4 pointed to assist with catering home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee. High single, oe Mae the. finest fish feast ever. Remember you can be sure it's Z mh BRAND PKGS. and planning a noon dinner for| Mrs. K. Lefurgey of Summer- Playford, 284; Wanda Hall, 265; fresh because you buy It frozen. . about 100 guests, under the con-'side, Prince. Edward Island {s/Dorothy Wiseman, 251. 4d ---- venership of Mis, E. Acton and| visiting at the home of Mr. an McCRAE BRAND -- IMPORTED ¢ rs. Charles Pilkey. Plans are Mrs. George Curl. J: Ley 4d] ¢ -- Tv. underway to cater to a Masonic, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rinn of To- WMS And ON y 4 FOODS FEATURES cr IND. CELLO . banquet on Friday, March 28. | ronto spent Sunday with Mr. and A TASTY TREAT bh R PKG., LB. HADD CK DINNE 12-02. 79+ Mrs. Heron gave a report for Mrs. A. Hooker. PKG, 2 'g 2-02 the banquet committee on provi- Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Gray G M RAINBOW TROUT 1 . 59¢ IMPERIAL sions needed, supplies to be pur- and daughters, visited with the roups eet PKG. BALIBUT FILLETS 16-0Z. 69: BOOTH -- PRE-COOKED chased ete. Leaders of groupsiformers' parents, Mr. and Mrs PKG. pe ater an dy. + Creme 5 Rt Blackstock | ¢ATMON STEAKS "4° 85¢ BONED HADDIES ':> 69+ SCALLOPS we 49° This week serve your family a special treat , , . fresh, | tender fish, baked in butter to juicy golden-brown per. fection. ROH rgHRIME 4+ 00 assistance where necessary. Little Judy Lee, daughter o Mrs. Jack Patterson reported Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee, gashed her MRS. R. 'C. HILL PKG. for Christian education, Mrs.|head badly, in a fall against a Correspondent YORK PEELED AND CLEANED SEA BOOTH -- FILLETS OF Floyd Jones for the property com- chair at her home on Sunday. " ®K -- Ma {. IND. CE " Foti 2 ELS ai | HALIBUT STEAKS "2° 65¢ SHRIMPS "wy "2 75¢ bytery executive meeting held|pjtal for attention, and now is us Ih of Mrs. Stuart Dorrell Wed- 8 PKG. ° PKG. last week in Oshawa; Mrs. A. I.|coming along nicely. nesday afternoon with 17 ladies McBrien on questionnaires to be| The heavy snow to the north / filled in, for the "Every Mem: must be driving the deer south and six chilyren present of the her Vik Plan fin search of food, Arch Bunker seri ture and a paper and led in The resignation of Mrs. Ken-|reports four large deer have been erp neth Holliday, second vice-presi-! feeding south of his barn for sev-" Byer, ohn Carnaghan gave the 0 dust of the WA was accepied feral days, At the least strange chapter from the Study Book J TILL . a Mrs. Harold Jones of Reliable noise they scamner away to the p { i J Y Mrs. Ralph Larmer read a paper Group was appointed and ac-pysh, but always return to con- racial brotherhood. Lunch was Sep the vacaney. Soe ol ise tinue feeding co : . served N the group with Mrs : f Ernest Larmer, leader. . wan of proveraliont ook The T N 10 | "The ONO Club held its March GUARANTEED MEATS FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES | GROCERY SPECIALS ber was presented with groups eam 0. {meeting at the home of Mrs Dorothy Forder with 30 members GREEN PASCAL FRESH, TENDER AND CRISP COOK YOUR FISH DINNER IN | FEATURING FLORIDA CELERY | MAZOLA OIL +: 39° allotted 18 various WiotbS. and a and two visitors present, ti 0 { Plans were made for a hard Group, Mrs. A. I. McBrien gave 'S ; : ( ; a reading "Going to Church", | {time dance to be held in April : : Jean McLaughlin reported that eaque ea {new tables had been ordered 2 GOOD SIZE ¢ KINSALE Dorothy Marlow and Gwenyth STALKS HANDY -- CONVENIENT Rb wis nk Lg 4 bi Tom Thompson gave reports concern- RIB END -- 2'3 TO 3 LB. ' CANADIAN MAID Ibbetson's team, No. 10, has held ing the purchase of more silver MRS. A. HOOKER the lead for a number of weeks ware. Letters of appreciation LOIN ROAST 45¢ CALIFORNIA -- FRESH GREEN TOPS E i MIL 3 16-0. 41+ Correspondent and with just a few more weeks were read by Gwen Ballingal . LARGE vapora ed bt KINSALE -- Mission Band met to go in the season, have a good [from the Canadian Foundation NEW CARROTS 2 BCHS 29+ / at thé church on Monday after- chance at winning first prize. of Poliomyelitis. e noon. Twenty-three members John Cassels' team, No. 1, is 15| Bingo was played and lunch TENDERLOIN END 55° SERVE HOT OR COLD -- CHOICE GET YOUR VITAMINS PURE AND FRESH York TOMATOES 20.0Z. 49¢ were present. Milton Parkin Jr. points behind and with a little bit was served by the hostess and Ted the devotional. The study on of luck could catch up. - Dick group. Next meeting will be held SWEET FLAYOURFUL -- MEXICAN TINS Japan was taken by Mrs. H.|Stephens' team, No, 7, has held at the home of Eileen Mc- CHOPS OR Stell. Lunch provided by Mrs. L. onto the last place in the league Laughlin, one week earlier. I 5-18. ¢ rr ------iSw------------------------------------------ - - . a CENTRE CUT 8 67° BAG TREMENDOUS VALUE -- OCEAN KING -- FANCY : FLORIDA -- MARSH SEEDLESS PINK SALMON A's TIN 45 MAPLE LEAF -- SKINLESS JUMBO PORK SAUSAGE we Age NO. 1 Grapefruit 4.x" 35° REAL VALUE -- SERVE ON TOAST \ PKG. ST. WILLIAMS -- TWO EL E C Tl 0 N DEVON. BRAND LOCAL GROWN --- RED CRISP ' Fruit MARMALADE 2.02, 33¢ RINDLESS BACON 69¢ | SPY APPLES CR Bing DAY oy Sm-- JUST Satiromnia MIRE Blanched PEANUTS "= 35¢ PRE-DRESSED SUNKIST LEMONS poz. 49¢ STOCK UP AT THIS PRICE -- CHUM -- 2¢ OFF PACK IN FOWL = 45: | DAFFODILS a TULIPS ..cc: | DOGO 3% 20- CLARK'S -- COMPLETE C A NA D A | ILLUSTRATE D | ECONOMICAL SPREAD -- REGULAR ALLSWEET SPAGHETTI DINNER 47+ DOORS y | | MARGARINE 56 33° | wow sue corn ENCYCLOPEDIA EASY TC PREPARE -- ROYAL ASSORTED SPAGHETTI 2 18.0%, 35+ The Times-Gozette ol | ot Ie elon BUY ON THE POPULAR NSIENCE Instant PUDDINGS 2 GS 25° BROAD OR FINE -- PLAIN with radio station CKLB BASY T0 BUDGET cuted . , itoneedi Lancia NOODLES 2 9% ill i ARIE! : oon minal the pol : B= | FIVEROSES FLOUR: 39° | ,cunio -- von by poy ingot the election iO Extasn CHEESE SLICES 20s in Ontario Co . 2 Ge TW WINE ny 20 ee | OLD CHEESE gr | As soon as the results VOLUMES 1-2-3-4-5-6 NOW ON SALE | raesw ony MACARONI 2 ns 21° FRESH DAILY -- MILK are phoned in from each AAAAAAAAANANANANNAAAS HOMOGENIZED SUART 22° MEDIUM SIZE polling booth, The Times- All Mabon ps 4m DEIN Store Is SUGARIPE Prunes 27° fh d To Ge Vou LOW IN "CALORIES Gazette, with its large 100% SATISFACTION SKIM MILK Su 1 6° MEINE = CREA OF clerical staff and news 4 TOMATO SOUP 2 25° PLUMP AND MEATY FEATURES AT DOMINION | gathering staff, plus its GILCHRIST HEINZ -- CREAM OF Canadian Press teletypes, Jom or Lemon Vegetable SOUP 2 27¢ | will broadcast immediate- Puff Pastry RICHMELLO -- CREAMY iy over CKLB. __ PIECE PLACE SETTING SQUARES | SALAD DRESSING 'i 33° - STAINLESS STEEL CUTLERY SPECIAL! ® DINNER FORK ® (sernaren) DINNER KNIFE 'PKG. 29+ AYLMER BRAND W h Pe v b : TE To b hes FRUIT COCKTAIL 13.02 26¢ pe ny i Fs | sinc os + 35 WITH EVERY $5.00 IN PURCHASES SPECIAL! Jhe Jimes -Yazotte |r a +39 HI . 7 § for future arrangements... [[Pl Th tl © oF oR» Bo of o & 0 of Cb To Jun 4 OMINION