16 "= PANLY YTIMES-GAZETYTE, Thameey, Mere »9, TYFe Toronto, Montr * Sales Migh Low TORONTO By The Cansdiss Press k Exchange--Mareh 90 s in cents unless marked §. Btoek Int Pap Price Br 165 5S $88% 88% 538% 38% eal Net Noon Ch'ge 884 3» ~~" Noon Stocks ot Ch'ge --3 +2 High Low Noon » td n Better Trade By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Staff Writer | MONTREAL (CP)--Improved Relations Would Aid World Politics "If we are to make co-exis-| {tence 8 reality, it is necessary that we take a realistic approach, idecide to let others live as they European countries to reduce, ¥ not to remove, the embargo list in the case of trade.with Red China. "It is to be hoped that the pleased to mote that in recent|United States may soon be per- months there have been tenewed suaded to change its trade policy demands by Britain and Western towards Communist China, Bearty ¥3,000,000,000, Berkinshaw, president and general manager of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company of Canada Ltd., sald he has been nea Mr, , xd--Exdividend, xr--PEx- rights, xw---Ex-warrants.) Industrials Neb High Low Noom Ch'ge {trading relationships between the will as long as there Is no in- {West and Communist worlds, terference with the way of life would be one of the best ways of we have chosen. removing political dissen-| "Under these circumstances, 1 sion, R. C. Berkinshaw of To- believe that the best augur for ronto, president of the Canadian the future would be to extend, as Council of the International far as possible, the pattern of | Chamber of Commerce, sald world trade to include fully, not | Wednesday. | only the nations of the free vorld, Mr. Berkinshaw, addressing but also the Communist areas {the council's annual meeting, (where such a large percen |said that in the move towards of the world's population lives." | - : [wider world trade Canada could] war Berkinshaw said he stil fj tion we have given our children, to the fraudulent [take the leadership and he also phelieves Canada should follow] changing of the value of our money. (two lines suggested that NATO countries this policy. I censored) should live up to thelr declara- | In addition Soviet Russia. the | * tions in this regard. {satellite countries and Commu- He recalled his remarks to the nist China were proving an In- council two years ago, when hel creasing challenge to the West on | ald {the economic front--a challenge 'The alternative to peaceful co- which was taking place in three existence would , appear to be forms: Economic and military mutual self-destruction. aid programs; technical assis- : Ae {tance; and Intensification of |trade programs, 4 These economic efforts had] been directed chiefly against less-developed countries, particu. | Try To Depre Hog Prices [iris in'asa and rcs. ana bs TORONTO (CP)---Charles Mc- ments to provide assistance to Innis, president of the Ontario the less-developed countries to- Hog Producers Co - operative, ! Wednesday accused the Meat Packers Council of Canada of trying to depress hog prices. Mr. Mcinnis said in an inter. view trading started this week at| $30 per hundredweight, the pre-| vailing price last week, But members of the council would of- | fer only $29. By Monday night] prices had dropped one dollar, he sald. ELECTIONS IN THE ATOMIC AGE None of your leaders from the Communists to the Conservatives has objected to the fraudulent educa- Hook Abitibi Acad-AHl pr xl Algoma Sales Ala | Ang Pulp pr Argus vee] - 1000 2000 A Art A Art debs FEERE FEST ++111 Do not forget that in this election your intelligence is being tested. You have for the first time a strictly rational program to vote for, and if you do ...t vote or if you go to the polls and vote for the straw men or marionettes the political parties have put up as candidates, then you too are quite insane, and the Toronto Star was right when they wrote on January 24, 1945: "Average citizen has brain of 13-year-old." | suggest you register a vote of protest before they start to call us half apes. If you don't, the next step must necessarily be to tell your children that you are insane, Should we not try to avoid this? | hope you agree that nothing could be more insane than a war today. EH $12 12 $694 69% Westburne W Naeo sefagdosie.at Black Bay Bralorne Brahrst Brunswick Camp Chib Cdn Astoria Can-Met C-Met wis Chib Jae Coldstrm C Denison C Den wis C Discovery Con Gillies C Halliwell C Marben CM and 8 1000 C Regeourt 12000 Con Sud Cop Corp C Paper 2 Dom Oilcloth Ford A 100 Melchers Sylvanite Tandem Dom Tar Taurcanis Dom Text Fam Play Fed Grain Fl Mig 8 $102 102 300 300 5% 30% | ask the voters to accept my sincere apologies if | | hurt your feelings by presenting the naked facts, | regret very much that | have to put you to this test, believe me, this is even more embarrassing to me than it is to you, But | am afraid of the con- sequences of our present policy and | simply had to choose what | regarded as the lesser of two evils However embarrassing these frank expressions are for us all, they have the advantage in an experi. ment that nobody will vote for me because they like me. Whatever votes | get will be for the pro gram, not for the person. Zulapa Sales to 11 a.m.; 454,000, MONTREAL By The Canadian Press Montreal Stock Exchange--Mar 20 (Quotations in cents unless marked $. 2--0dd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex« rights, xw---Ex-warrants.) Industrials : 24 FHP Far 5 4 Neb ' Stock Sales High Low Noon Ch'ge Ablitbi $24 2% 28% + Algoma Alumin Asbestos Atlas Steel Bai § 5% pe Bank Mont Banque Cn Bell Phone Bowat 5% pe 5 5 2% 123 4 4 La) Arno Baker 500 Tale 3100 Band Ore 2000 Bandowan 2800 Camp Chib © 2600 C Lithium Canalask Canuba Cap Lith Cent Del Chib Jae Cleveland Cop Rand Dolsan East Sull Gunnar Haitian a East Mal East Met East Min SMOKES FOR CANADIAN MILITARY PERSONNEL serving with the United Nations Emergency Louviet Force in the Middle East { Merrill 4 | 4000 Mid Chib 3 | Monpre | Montgary N Formaque N Jack L N Spring NA fare M Obalakst Okalta Opemiska Orchan Partridge Paudash Pitt Gold Portage Que Oil Que Smelt Tache Tarin Titan Un Oils BROWNIE MOVIE CAMERA, Tuvut £/1.9 Regular movies, telephoto shots, wide-angle views 300 $314 yi There will be a PUBLIC MEETING IN THE TOWN HALL, WHITBY Saturday, March 22 at 8 o'clock and | cordially invite you to bring your economist and doctor. J 530 530 Glenn Uran " Grah Bousq Gunnar Har-Min Headway High Bell Hollinger Hud Bay Ind Lake Inspiratn Int Nickel Irish Cop Jacobus Jaye Expl Jeanette Jellicoe Joburke Joliet Jonsmith Kilem wits Labrador Lake Ling L Shore Lamaque LL Lac Macdon Now -- big-time movie effects with a turret-model movie cam- era that's as simple to use as a Brownie snapshooter! Just click the turret for the view you want, set the lens according to the expert recommendation of the built-in exposure guide . . . and then just aim and shoot. Fast f/1.9 lens performance . , . uses Inexpensive Bmm film, 1500 4000 13000 200 8500 Can Cem C Brew pr C Celan C Cel 1.78 pr CIL 18 Cdn Oil CMand § Dist Seag D Bridge D Frdry Dom Tar Donnue Enam Pro A Enam Pro B French P pr Gatineau $160 senas 400 EXPORT CIGARETTES or any other Macdonald Brand Postage included Mall order and remittance for OVIRSEAS DEPARTMENT MACDONALD TOBACCO INC, P.O, Box 490, Place d'Armes, Montreal, Que, - Completely Lens Equipped 3 If you want further information, read my program in the Times-Gazette, March 10, or write me. Please advise your fellow voters of this program. ELE] " $314 34 IW + $15% 15% 15% + MW 215 235 WS. +8 AT NEW LOW REDUCED PRICES Bales to 11: ol 100 30 a.m.: industrials 19,900, ju Is 177,500. 2000 100 102 a i RCRA Ad inserted by H. NEILSON 486 Champlain Ave., Oshawa. that it is better to have your eggs been able to share in the enor jin sub govt, jay Strole basket mous economic expansion of the than to scatter them in a number C a . of paper bags around the world, United States-directly by selling |" "More specifically, 1 would to them more of our products {suggest that you should try first and indirectly by the inflow of {to do what you can to strengthen American Investment (whieh the other containers before youltheir prosperity made possible) start to put your eggs into them. and by the purchase of American "Canadian trade with the Com- goods which we needed to expand tal plant and equipment. ie offer Is subject to any onomge In ernment Reguietionss 4 By FORBES RHUDE |by such a policy, and these in- There had been much talk Canadian Press Business Editor dustries now provide oe about the 'danger' of "exces- monwealth 'has not gone down; our capi : i | MONTREAL (CP)--Free trade|to about 75 per cent of our labor sive" dependence on the United our trade with te United Sales among North Atlantic countries force. A number of our largest States. [has goue » Sopmons ao was suggested to the Canadian!manufacturing industries, includ-| "We have heard repeatedly the van ages to Canada council of the International ing pulp and paper and aluminum|old adage that we should not dians. Chamber of Commerce by R. M. would also gain. . . . have 'all our eggs in one basket.'| 'We have been prosperous in Fowler of Montreal, in an ad 'At the other end of the scale, 'I would be prepared to argue the last 12 years because we have dress Wednesday at the council's a great number of smaller manu-| ~-- ------------------------------------------ _ - "The North a [ie to" tear trom toreign com. AGG. The North Atlantic Treaty Or- little to fear from foreign com- Mr. Fowler said, petition because it is essential ger remain a purely for them to locate near thelr ce and a deterrent|sources of raw materials or their| PLUMBER'S EXAMINATIONS WILL BE HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MARCH 28 - 29, 1958 "WHERE THE BEST DEALS IN TOWN ARE MADE" For the people who can never get the right kind of developing and prints CROWN IMPORT CO. Offers A FREE TRIAL Anybody may have his film developed and get one "Custom finished" print of each without any charge. This offer is good from Friday, March 21st to Thurs- day Evening March 28th. This offer applies to black and white film only. The purpose of this offer is to acquaint you, the cus- tomer, with the hand-made developing and printing done at CROWN IMPORT COMPANY and is ABSO- LUTELY FREE OF CHARGE . . . uld become an eco- local markets. to resist the Soviet, "There would, of course, be nsive some major problems--of which be no doubt that if the textile industry would be the country Within principal one -- where special community treatment and assistance would rate its efforts on be necessary, at least in the early on sectors where it stages." ent, the over-all pro-| SUGGESTS FIRST STEP ductivity of the community would] Mr. Fowler sald the first step be greatly improved towards such "a bold and radical "Admittedly such a proposal policy' might be to give serious immediately raises the terror of thought to the British suggestion| widespread economic dislocation, of gradually establishing free but if we assume that the re- trade between Canada and the moval of tariff protection would United Kingdom be a gradual process, extending "At the same time," he added, over many years, the dislocation 'we might approach the mem- and damage do not appear to be bers of the European common so great." market to see if there is any way WOULD BOOST MARKETS for Canada to participate in their Mr. Fowler, who is president of program. the Canadian Pulp and Paper As. "But most important of all, we soclation, added might approach the United States "A North Atlantic free - trade and see if a common economic area would increase export mar- plan through NATO can be de-| kets both in the United States and veloped. . . ."" | Europe for our raw materials] Mr. Fowler sald account must| feultural products be taken of a new factor in world r primary and ter- trade caused by the strong and cluding con- well-integrated economic offen RN lL i ier En stimulated sives of Russia and Red China.! Applications are to be in by 5 p.m. March 26th, 1958 Mr. Henry Chapman Plumbing Inspector be ON ROYAL SAFETY "8" NYLON -- TUBELESS S? DOMINI Check the Chart to see how LITTLE extra it costs per tire to get the plus safety of NYLON and TUBELESS . . , P re for Spring driving « + « make your SAFEST buy now at "off Season' prices. ARAAAANA, AAAAAAAAANS NO OBLIGATION TO BUY ANYTHING e Size Difference Size 67018 | | 750--14 3 | 670--15 W/B | 750--14 W/B 7 00-14 Difference ® THERE IS CROWN IMPORT CO. Your Headquarters For: RADIO e TELEVISION e HIGH FIDELITY ° RECORD PLAYERS and CHANGERS e CAMERAS SEWING MACHINES. 800--14 W/B 250--14 85014 W/8 1018 710-15 w/B | a 82 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 5-8293 e FREE MOUNTING ® NO EXTRAS ® HUGE TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES WEEKLY TAPE RECORDERS 48 BOND ST. W. eo PROJECTORS OSHAWA RA 5-6511 DOMINION DIVISION OF Dominion Rubber