Bantam Teams Continue City League Playoffs Local 1817 took over top spot in|ted two more to give them their the Bantam league round-robin (6-2 win, | |playoff series on Monday night,| Mason was the big scorer of lat the Children's Arena, when|the night for the winners with [they scored a 6-2 win over Local three goals, while Smith, Talling, 'Local Juveniles Nip Marlies In Spitc Of Many Penalties In spite of picking up the major for the visitors, in a hard-check-| The third period was rough and share of the penalties handed out, | wuz urst period that proved score- hectic, featuring rugged checking Oshawa 'City League" Juvenile |less. with Marlboros drawing down | All-Stars Bosed out Toronto Marl-| In the second stanza, Sneddon four penalties while the home- | i ; : {boro Juveniles 3-2 last night at|potted a goal on a three-way play sters drew six terms in the sin- . [1205 dn other Bantam hockey ae-jond Sat sdied singles, Diiakle the Children's Arena, in the first|with Gray and Mills and then bin, Wright getting a couple. of ; 2 = ayol Yaniely, Local 205 & |game of the Ontario Minor Hock- after Jarrett of Marlboross MARLBOROS: goal,. Dryden; {Houdaille In usiry Sai IP "1 ; |ey Association's Juvenile "A" had tied it up, aided by Menard defence, Kennedy and Chapman; 8 3 Jin over ea] Civitan 4.2| CANADIAN TIRE AND CIVITAN quarter-final playoff round. Re-\and Chapman, Nicholishen again forwards, Boyce, Me; and { hil i hy t i L - 222| Canadian Tire scored a 4-2 win turn game is back at Maple Leaf put Oshawa in front, this time Noakes; alts.: Jarrett, Brenk- 1M ie in tae ast gar e, Local 38} oF Civitan at the Children's Gardens on Friday night. |aided by Mills and Chasczewski. worth, Beir, Smith, Didier, Me- 12 ri A |Arena on Monday night in the! The Oshawa team drew down Each team "enjoyed" three pen Kenzie, Gossling and Buckorow- t 0 playoff hockey fixture. four penalties compared with two alties in this period. ski. winning 2-0. scored two goals ~ In the final frame, each club, OSHAWA: .goal, Topping: de- J y The winners ipa 7 HOUDAILLE AND LOCAL 2384 in the second period and two In scored once. Noakes, on a pass fence, Wright and Chasczewski; |, JHoudallle Industry got back on\ J} the Ferme irk, Main, Ken: A d H be t from Menard, tied the game at forwards, Sneddon Lawson and the winning side on Monday night " n Y ! e n on 2-2 for Marlboros but later on Gray; alts.: Nicholishen, Mills, first period, but the winners LOCAL 222 AND POLICE ASSOC. . . counted once in the second to give| , local 222 snapped the Police 0 1e ruins | them a 1-0 edge at the end of the Association Bantams win streak ' [Local 2784. Solaman was the big and Clapp blinking the light. ter averaging 28 goals a year for goal getter for the winners get-| The game was close all the way five years. (ting all three. with both clubs having plenty of wo yy hig third season with robin playoffs in the Bantam sec- Local 1817 tion of the Oshawa Minor Hockey |Police Assoc appeared the 28-year-old Win- Assoc, when they came up with Canadian Tire |nipeg native wouldn't hit the 20 mark. But he closed fast to make while in the last period they pot-'Local 2784 them within a whisker of clinch- A ing seccnd place. All New York needs is a vic- {highest finish since .1941-42, when they led the league. [12 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, March 20, 1958 {three points of the Wings with two games left. The game was the Pacific Coast and Western Hockey leagues before New York the third time this year Tuesday with a nifty 33 points and Jerry when he won the Lady Byng Tro- night as he led his Maple Clean- Burrows netted 24 for Fabric | phy as the player best combining wr PARK picked up their eighth win without | Ed Kolodzie had a like number|goal of Don Simmons, injured Mrs. A. P. Dawson a loss to the hapless Towners, of points for the Maple squad, |midway through the season, Sim- 8; skip, " : oe OSHAWA their 33 points to date, 16 were attack with their fine accuracy, |New York's Loree (Gump) Wors Dr. John Brock, 3. only one occasion this year. That bad third that made the differ. Place in the individon) scoring was back in December when he ence. By that time the Cleaners '2c€ With his goal. The goal, 7'2 in the game Cheski had 26 points. | mv ) Ross, aL) 2 There were only four penalties, om | He scored 14 of those in the third | oy in the first period and two Fee NDINGS | Ridgely, AND STA Cleaners were too much for them REMEMBER WHEN ve by ¢ | WL T F APts.|and they lost their 20th game of py THE CANADIAN PRESS 25 28 15 184 184 65 for 10 but Maple Cleaners had Siebert bulwarked the NHL all- 21 85 11 186 209 53 more shots and led 14 for 21. star team chosen in a Canadian ' two for the winners (at the Children's Arena when nedy scored two for the winners Gray scored for Oshawa, aided Cockerton, Frolick, Delves, Bos- | when they blanked their rivals 2-0 By MARTY GOODMAN LOCAL 205 AND LOCAL 1817 chances. New York Rangers, Andy hasn't a 6-2 win over Local 205. Houdaille Ind. it Wednesday night against Boston tory or a Detroit tie or loss and FIVE-POINT LEAD 7 the only one scheduled. Maple Cleaners wrie, brought him into the big time. 8. 'ers to an 86-76 win over Fabric Town, It was the highest score sportsmanship and skill, A. P. Dawson, |They should give an assist to the| Fabric Town had the lead MONS. Who played two games two Helen Braithwaite, at the expense of the Redmen. |The Towners had leads of 18-17. {| Horvath, Boston's draft {garnered 38 points against Aca-|\had found the range and after minutes after Hebenton gave Ramsay, quarter alone. And though Dicken- |i" oa0h team, in the game. 42 15 10 236 142 94) the season. Boston's great rearguard of 22 38 7 147 187 51] FABRIC TOWN: Burrows 24, press poll 22 years ago today. loss of the playoffs] Mrs. F. McBrien, following yes- | Unionville entry, left-to-right, | 32 rinks, 16 of them from out- shown above, are Mrs. Lois ww Lawrie, Mrs. Helen Jewett and participated in Keith Jewett. A full entry of | the successful event. Ross, veteran Agincourt, is shown accepted the Fred Me- Trophy from Lou from above rien Memorial Veteran Unionville Skip Captures McBrien Trophy | 11 O'CLOCK DRAW First Game MIDLAND "Pat" Woods, Walter Woods, Marj. Hastings, Del Hastings, skip, 4 OSHAWA Mrs. A. Fulton, Fred Ashworth, Mrs, G, Campbell, Geo. Campbell, curler | | terday's annual mixed bonspiel at The Ochawa Curling Club. Other members of the winning 12784 in a Bantam playoff game, |the others. Vascoe and Prentice | elub scored two more goals while| Both winners' goals came in| Andrew Alex Hebenton entered | of-town clubs, J TS. heen able to keep at 20 goals. first period, then in the second Local 205 |vath's 29th for Boston it gave the Both clubs failed to score in the tallied for Civitan. | Patrick notched the lone tally for |the second period, with Soprkyka the National Hockey League af- in as many starts in the round WL 0 For some time this season it stanza, the winners added three | Civitan |Rangers a '1-1 tie and moved DO =n 9:00 O'CLOCK DRAW First Game MIDLAND Bernice Burton, Stan Burton, The annual Fred McBrien Me-; Paul Michael's rink was best mo Trophy Bonspiel was held in the high two-win division, with] awa at Oshawa Curling Club yes-|a score of 13 plus 3 for two wins yo "0, ter and a veteran visitor to|while the hign Shewi Riri "Gib" Jack, 8 ocal bonspiels in the person of went to Nic Jenkin's rink, who Caye Bassett, . Bertrand, Loa & Ross ot Agincourt, skip-|took their final game 18:2 for ajprice 'Bradley, Xan Berwans, [MUL WE ped his Unionville rink to the score of 8 plus 7. losHAWA LINDSAY '| Paul Michael, trophy honors. | i o'clock or early Mrs. McCallum, Mrs. L. Wright, aS pane To win the trophy and day's Pg Mgr Tl Scarborough sir. Gorrie," Mrs. C. Laidley, |Mrs. B. Shepherd op laurels, skip Lou Ross scored "5 top honors with three Hugh Gorrie, Cliff Laidley, |F. Robinson, comfortable wins in his first and wins and a score of 13 plus 3. i third games, The big test was in They waltzed to a 13-2 win i Mrs. ¥. Robinson, Bert Shepherd, 1 the second round, when he de- iy iv third and final game feated Paul Michael's Oshawa... 1 (his level Mrs. L, Bertrand, g N, James, | skip, skip, |0SHAWA UNIONVILLE Mrs. W. Trewin, Mrs. E. J. La ink. bv ine . 4 V, McLaughlin, R. J ri by inches, o n xtra-en D Morey Reed, Tk. » Michael's A exisa-end Dr. McCartney's Peterborough ip, : skip, Mrs, H. Dyas, Mu, I rophv 2% rink took the runners-up prizes SCARBORO OSHAWA Bill Trewin, ¥ of the trophy in the two previous ith th : d score of Mrs. J. Millen, .Mrs. D. Patte, skip skip, seasons, battled Ross all the way, With three wins and a © 0 Chas. V. Hoar, <1 ' % : 13 when they defeated Gerv y, cv toss had to take out Mich- ' : A rs : v : ir /Meech's High Park rink 83 inpr og ael's fine draw to the rings, with the third game. Meech, with a| skip his last stone and stay, in order he third g SE yr A 7 Dean Patte ROYAL CAN'S osnawA Sawyer Mrs. F. Fordham, [Molly Consky, Ey" y 0 wine PETERBORO to tie the game, in the second total of 15 plus 1 for two wins oo me on, round. Then on the single-roc : Lou Consky, Roy Sawyer, ; Fred Yoram, Dixie Warden, Earline Bentley, " OSHAWA Ed. Rhodes, L is Souch, . skip, 7; _ skip, ic, Was easy high winner in the two-|putus Payne, lens Burkhart, OSHAWA BRAMPTON draw, Ross beat out Michael's| Win group -- if he had won his Myrtle McCart- Jo Coppin, Fran Maroosts. Sally Busey, stone by about two inches only, last game, he would have taken | nev, Glee CORO. "Babe" Henry, Bea Lent, a i ./the trophy honors for the day. . ' Rev. J. Pereyma, Ross Lent, in a sensational climax to the P | ney, skip, 7; _ skip, 4 hard-fought game High one-win prizes for the osmawa ROYAL CAN'S. 11; Lou Ross' rink included Helen early draw went to John Mor- Queenie Fletcher, Willo McDermott, Cel . rison's Oshawa rink with the low [Jack Mitchell, and Keith Jewett and Lois Law- i ¢ ios 4 in [Belva Cain, rie margin of a plus 4 as one-win sn Rowden, Bert Shepherd's rink from Toronto High Park, with three wins and a score of 12 plus §, L. Wilkinson, scores in this round proved un- skip, skip, Club members Fred Fordham Joe Hopper, Don Black, inished in the runner-up slot in and Matt Sutton, together with F 13; skip, » establish this margin after Successful event V. Matthewman, Gordon Furey, skip, skip, |Dr, s SP RT MEN aon. | Ths 11; |Forham, T(W); Laidley, 8 | Meech, ; Rowden, | Crawford, |cnAWA [Mis E. P. Armstrong, Rae Halleran, kip. 13; Ethel Reed, Ted Reed, Marg. Reed, to Bil Howard, Lawrie, H. Lawrie, Lawrie, Hoar, Millen, |Helen Glover, |Jack Glover, |May Ridgely, 70: 4 [Bill Ridgely, skip, UNIONVILLE Helen Jewett, Keith Jewett, Lois Lawrie, Lou Ross, skip, OSHAWA Beth Lander, Dr. J. Maroosis, Molly Jenkin, Dr. Smythe, "Nic" Jenkin, skip, PETERBORO June Knox, Jack Hewitt, Joan Smythe, by five points. Fourth-place Bos- tion at Simcoe Hall. It was the year. The same holds true for SIMMONS RETURNS nw; LAL S21 et og %. Shp. ers hit double figures in this free- they pulled up very close at the Period. came with the Rangers | Second Game Millen 13; Gorrle, LJ - EE See our new Spring hats . « . shopes ond models to L (8 9) 3 Montreal Pereyma, 3 New York ; Ridgely, 1.| Detroit /); Smythe, 8((L).| Boston 3 Campbell, 6. Toronto Ramsay, 4 Chicago i Thompson, ; Hastings, ; Brock, Lawrie, Jenkin, please everyone Michael, Ross, Robinson, Trewin, Rhodes, Souch, 7; Isobel Sheehan, usually low. HIGH PARK OSHAWA MacDonald, Mable Boudreau, econd draw, They won their Mrs. Fordham and Mrs. Sutton, %°r¥ VETY rOR. GRANITES OSHAWA ting close wins in their first Following are the complete re- oo pn CO Tribble, | Morrison, #:; Thurston, B c H C b 11 | Crawford ; Sutton, y Geo. H. Campbe | | SPORTS EDITOR | Latdrey, A while Ryan and Burke notched ||they scored a 3-1 win over Local Fate =¥ BG i by Nicholishen and Chasczewski. soin, Wills. period. : : | '| In the last frame the Houdaille in_the Bantam hockey tilt. { Canadian Press Staff Writer Local 1817 won their third game BANTAM PLAYOFF STANDING gtaved at that pace. But he has Each club scored once in the Local 222 Bruins. Matched by Bronco Hor- coach Phil Watson will have New York leads the Red Wings {ton kept their hopes of a third- Hebenton went from 16 to 46 Top Fabric Town Hebenton scored 24 goals his Town in Industrial Basketball ac-|either player has attained this | final meeting of the season for the Tim Nelson whose 17 points were] Wednesday night's game Neil Thurston, Mrs. G. Thomson, |papbric Town team for winning throughout most of the game as Veeks ago when Harry Lumley Marie Meech, Dorothy Morrison, Gilles Goulding, - ei? y 2 . Shona Juble Dod Cheski's effort was tops for the 41.99 and 64-59 before they lost bar game in one-sided fashion were responsible for the Ship Mrs. L. Brown, Mrs. G. Furey, Wo games sults: B. Dixon, Matt Sutton, |dian Cleaners. Several other play- trailing by 12 points at the half| Ne" York the lead in the first Second Game 'Iscoring game. Al Dickenson was feo men short and the Bruins Bertrand, Reed, A Brock, son and Burrows continued their McCartney, ; Dixon, . . ' Rowden, 4 . . | Everything From Soup To Nuts 30 25 13 185 186 73| In foul shooting, Fabric Town goalie Tiny: Thompson and de- {brought 'the Blueshirts to their {place finish alive by creeping to goals with Victoria Cougars in Carl Cheski scored 36 points for only three short -of Cheski's total rookie year and 21 last season [two clubs and Maple Cleaners his highest score for the year, [marked the return to the Boston G. Thomson, 5. the top spot In the league. Out of | Dickenson and Burrows paced the |Va$ injured, stopped 35 shots. Mrs. J. Broek, ; : ) game and he has done better on out in the final quarter. It was a 82in, clamped tighter on fifth |three-quarter mark. At this stage | Robinson, H ' 6. on | amphi, |accuracy in the final minutes the | 28 27 12 164 194 68 had a better average sinking 8|fecemen Eddie Shore and Babe! McCartney, «+ + including your Dr. Millen, |Bradley, WHITBY DUNLOPS sail for home on Friday, out of Liverpool. Sutton, As yet, we've had no word about Toronto Leafs willing to play the Fordham. wife. lad 1 1 95 ; Thurston, 13; Bertrand, qAuoNesas a cone -- i --_..,.,, rd -- "Dunnies" for a charity game, crippled children to benefit -- but there's still time. Last night the Dunlops won over Paisley up in Scotland, 9-5, the concluding game of their tour. They have com- pleted a brilliant and successful jaunt and now all that remains is the grand and glorious home-coming welcome and victory celebra- tion they'll get when they get back to The County Town. They cer- tainly deserve it and we know the loyal sport fans of Whitby, along with the supporters from Oshawa, Ajax, etc., will be on hand to give the "Dunnies" the greeting they deserve. Boston and New York tied 1-1 last night and while the tie didn't do much to the standings, it did clinch second place for the Rangers while Bruins are three points and a game behind the fourth-place Detroit Red Wings now so it is unlikely to im- prove their standing. Bronco Horvath scored Bruin's lone tally to tighten his grip on fifth place in the NHL scoring race. Alex Delvecchio, by the way, Is in seventh place while Bathgate and Henri Richard are tied for second, three points behind the leader, Dickie Moore of Canadiens. BRIGHT BITS: -- Lou Ross of Agincourt, skipped the Union- le entry to top honors in the annual "McBrien Memorial Tro- mixed bonspiel, at the local curling club yesterday, winning his crucial second game by a matter of inches, over Oshawa's Paul Michael, when they finished tied and had to "throw" an extra stone, in a draw to the rings . . . OSHAWA JUVENILES edged To- ronto Marlboro Juveniles 3-2 in their Ontario Minor Hockey Assoc. playoff game here at Children's Arena last night. If the local lads can make their one-goal margin stand up in the return game at MLG on Friday night, they stand a good chance of reaching the Ontario Juvenile "A" finals this season . . . MADDOCK'S defeated Harrison-Kinsman in the UAW Hockey League championship final, fer this season's title . . . ROY CAMPANELLA is reported to be improving steadily, both physically and in his mental attitude, which will be good news to baseball fans all over . . . MURRAY OLIVER, scoring star of the Hamilton Cubs Junior "A" team and ded as a "hot" baseball prospect, who suffered a broken before the playoffs got warmed up, two weeks ago, will ented with "The Red Tilson Memorial Trophy" as most > and most sportsmanslike player in Junior "A" ranks, TV . .. GOLF is to have a world's amateur champion- ent at last . , . KINGSTON'S Mike Chernoff won the | at Ottawa this week . . . K-W DUTCHMEN, held to a home on Tuesday night, go back to Windsor to take on is again, Friday night and this is shaping up as quite ff series . . . ANDY HEBENTON scored the goal last that put N.Y. Rangers within one point of clinching second al triumph for coach Phil Watson . . , TORONTO MAR- »d St. Kitts Teepees 6-4 last night to take the lead in "A" playoff series. Bill Kennedy, back out of retire- t, paced the Dukes to the win, with two goals . . . BELLE- VILLE McFarlands won 6-2 over Pembroke Lumber Kings last i to come within one win of taking Eastern Ontario Senior OHA . TIM TAM won the feature race at Gulfstream Maddock's Win | UAW Loop Title | With Keith and Elwood Brad-| ley contributors of four goals, one assist and one goal and three assists respectively, Maddock's White Rose became this year's UAW Hockey League champs on Sunday, by severely besting Har- 32 . f " : Maddock's increased their lead Tison . Kinsmen ik at the 14.06 mark, this time by The winners have always been |p Bradley and Ford. Harrison- a contender for the silverware ginsmen tried in vain to out- in previous years, though never | g,acs Maddock's goalie only to becoming champs. They really have the period close, still trall- put the pressure on in this fifth ng 2490. and deciding game. Considering ! 2 th Harri Ki 7 the amount of hard checks dis- ! arrison . Kinsmen's er tributed throughout the game, ratie display of clearing in their there were only seven minor °W0 end Maddock's showed an penalties with the winners pick- outburst of four goals in the sec- ing up four of them ond period. K. Bradley potted the oedema : first at 7.45, flipping Rorabeck's |rebound in the corner. | Continuing the onslaught, K. | Bradley picking up the assists |fourth goals within eight seconds |of each other. Bannon and E. {Bradley icking up the assists on the first, the second going un- assisted. With Richards sitting out a tripping penalty for Harri- son-Kinsmen, F. Sutton took a After considerable end-to-end rushes, Maddock's hit the score sheet at 8.20 of the first period on Keith Bradley's first goal, as he completed the play set up by brother Elwood and Bannon. Bill Kennedy Paces Marlies Over Teepees TORONTO (CP)--Captain Bill Kennedy, who came out of retire- pass from E. Bradley at centre, ment last week to rejoin his stickhandling in to score on teammates, scored two goals blistering shot from 10 feet out [Wednesday night and assisted on! Going into the final frame trail- another pair to lead Toronto jng 6-0, Harrison - Kinsmen made Marlboros to a 6-4 victory over'y |ast ditch stand at 1.30. Spoil- St. Catharines Teepees ing Fielder's shut out, Richards A crowd of 3,598 saw Marl- go5req on a well executed play boros roar from behind with four rom Arnold. Not content with Roals In the third period to take their 6.1 lead, Maddock's came 3-2 stranglehold in t est-of-| nt th Son Ontario ae Aes Tiga back at 3» ish G. Sut- tion Junior A semi-final. One on scoring unassisted. game was 'tied. Marlboros now need just a tie in the next game at St. Catharines Friday to advance into the league final against the winner of the Hamil Bobby Attersley "HOCKEY'S BIG 7 ton-Toronto St. Michael's series Kennedy, lier this season bec who quit hockey ear ause he didn't DISHES and Seeks Relatives LONDON (CP)--Bobby Atters ley, high-scoring centre for Can- ada's world champion hockey team, said Wednesday he has a couple of missing relatives in the London area Before the Whitby team left for Paisley, Scotland, where they defeated Paisley Pirates 9-5 Wed- nesday night in the final game of their European tour, the 24- old Attersley told a reporter teful for any as- 1em before me Friday Hrvel incles By THE CANADIAN PRESS Boston's Bronco Horvath was the only member of the National Hockey League's big seven to strengthen his position Wednes day night, scoring the goal that gave the Bruins a 1-1 tie with New York. He now has 29 gaals and 34 assists for 63 points in fifth position, The leaders: A Pts. 45 79 46 49 76 Moore, Montreal Bathgate, New York H. Richard, Montreal Howe Detroit Horvath, Boston Litzenberger. Chicago iDelvecchio, Detroit 76 he £3 d Attersiey lost their addresses." 'One is named Ernest We have 9 |Catharines nk he would ha a chance in the National Hockey League, re- joined his teammates for the third game of the present series at St. Catharines last Saturday. Since then he has gained seven points on three goals with four assists. Both his tallies Wednes- day night were in the third pe- riod, including one into an empty net two seconds before the end of the game. Jim Murchie, Bob Nevin, de fenceman Ian Anderson and Jack McMaster were the other Toronto With the purchase of 6 gal. "VIGOR LAKEVIEW STATION' STANDARD 39:- Gal. Tox Ine. three, for his total | 1615 SIMCOE ST. S. s( ored the other : for "st ired Ma With Harrison - Kinsmen's year for Maddock's White Rose. VIGOR GASOLINE Stove Oil moy be purchased In any amount at this station. CO. LTD. RA 5-2843 -- ie i (cc | Dickenson 33, Sciuk 1, Gedge 6, Shields 10 and Worsley 2. Total 76 MAPLE CLEANERS: Kolodzie 17, Wright 6, Nelson 17, Cheski 36, Marchut 4, and Starr 6. Total 86. Officials: Bill Gingerich and an Ray Suddard. Wednesday's Result 1 New York 1 Tonight's Games Toronto at Montreal Detroit at Chicago AHL WL 38 23 Boston Hershey Sports writers who cast ballots put Hooley Smith of the old Mon- treal Maroons at centre, with Chuck Conacher of Toronto on right wing and Dave (Sweeney) Schriner of New York Amerfcans on left. Lester Patrick was the Iselected coach. i Cleveland Providence Springfield Rochester 27 35 Buffalo 25 40 3 218 291 53 Wednesday's Results Springfield 3 Cleveland 2 Rochester 5 Providence 2 OHA Senior A Pembroke 2 Belleville 6 | (Belleville leads best- of -seven |final 3-1, one game tied) | Okanagan Senlor Kamloops 0 Kelowna 8 (Kelowna wins best- of -seven |final 4-2, one game tied) | OHA Junior A Catharines 4 Toronto Marl- ros 6 | (Marlboros lead best- of -seven semi-final 3-2, one game tied) | Ottawa and District Junior | | Pembroke 2 Buckingham 3 [ (Buckingham wins best-of-three final 2-0) | Manitoba Junior |St. Boniface 1 Winnipeg Mon- archs 4 | (St. Boniface {seven final 3-2) 69 64 60 32 31 28 32 u St. leads best-of- MR. McMAHON OF McMAHON & ELMS {chances fading fast, their back {checking became very weak al- |lowing numerous break - aways {for the flying Maddock's. Taking advantage of the situation Ban- non streaked in from centre to deke the defense, blasting a hard shot in the top corner. Fitchett and Ford teamed up at 11.51 with Fitche flipping a back hand in to write the finale to the game and complete a very successful «+. STILL SELLS AT TH REGULAR GASOLENE! D today! OVENWARE or more of gasoline at the -- I. FOR MORE MILEAGE NEW MILEMASTER GASOLENE ! YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD ITIES>SERVIC DEALER HAS IT NOW! New higher octane -- new longer mileage -- new additional power -- new all-round performance se AR Na 401 DUNDAS ST. I, WHITBY E PRICE OF ORDINARY rop in for o test tankful NEW SUPER HIGH TEST a3: Gal. Tox Ine. CITIES SERVICE AT LAKEVIEW PARK Cor WHITBY MOTORS CORNER BROCK & KEITH, WHITBY MILLS MOTORS CORNER GLADSTONE & KING STS, LTD. OSHAWA J. DZUGAN NER RICHMOND & ONTARIO, OSHAWA WHAT A WONDERFUL WAY TO STEP INTO SPRING Dover's have the perfect answer for now and most . . a Harris Tweed Topcoat to give you ease and comfort . . . a softer fabric to give you style . . . gabardines for everything. Balmacan as shown), and reguldr models to fit months of the year . every man, 9.50 10 65.00 USE THE DOVERWAY ENJOY WEARING YOUR COAT NOW Take Up To 6 Months To Pay OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE i. i << ESTABLISHED w-- OQ] Q mm