Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 20 Mar 1958, p. 11

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COBOURG $taff Reporter--ROBERT CZIRANKA--FR. 2-7657 | COBOURG -- Members of the 1 Cattle Breeders To Visit Farms Drama Guild In Rehearsal Breeders Association off COBOURG -- As rehearsals as Road Allotments For 2 Counties The municipal roads branch of ($52,000; Darlington, $80,000, $50,- 1000, $130,000; Haldimand, $40,000, the Ontario Department of High $33000, $73,000; Hamilton, $50,- bas announced 1958 allot- ' 1 ments to municipalities for snor- 000 20.000 nme Hope, $25. : fal work expenditures elig! e| 10.000, $33,000, Mon. Durham and Northumberland | will get $300,000 for construction work and $200,000 for main- Somour tangace, | "Trenton, $18,000, $42,000, $60,- $3 $15,000, $25,000, $40 15,00, $26,000, $40,000, | Figures for townships, towns go) and villages follow, with the first Bowmanville, $15,000, $18,000, amount for construction, the sec-|33 000; Campbellford, $2000, $16, | end for maintenance, and the go) $18,000; Cobourg, $30,000, third the total. $40,000, $70,000; Port Hope, $10, Alnwick, $13,000, $7000, $20,000; 000, $40,000, $50,000. | Brighton, $19,000, $21,000, $40,000; Brighton, $3000, $10,000, $13,000; | Cartwright, $20,000, $12,000, $32,- Colborne, $1000, $4000, $5000; 000; Cavan, $30,000, $20,000, $50.-|Hastings, $2000, $3000, 000; Clarke, $40,000, $30,000, $7,-' Millbrook, --, $4000, $4000; New- 000; Cramahe, $30,000, $22,000, castle, --, $3000, $3000. Baseball Scout Officers Banquet COBOURG -- Promotions in the Cobourg Scout organization have been announced, with for- ann aq mer district scoutmaster Dr. F. J. Leeson named as assistant dis- trict commissioner. Ra My hg hid John Clement was appointed Ontarios Intermediate Baseball (assistant district commissioner Club will be held at the St. Law. for the Cubs. He was previously rence Hotel here on Saturday (the district cubmaster. Two 1. d March 29. Guests will include | Scoutmasters, Bill Bayman an President Sid Little, Bowman. |CYTil Murphy, were named dis- Itriet scoutmasters while Bruce ville, vice-president Roy Dodge, | ; was appointed district cub- Cobourg and secretary Ab Walk- |; 0058 | 8 app 8 or of Oshawa. The latter is also) *y "Grignh 1g the commissioner vice-president of the Ontario|, Scouting in the Cobourg dis- Baseball Association. Tie préstr. trict and Dr. D. E. Mikel is an ation for s top er of the : Larry Edwardson Memorial Tro- assistant district commissioner. y will go to first baseman, Reg 4 wrie. is obtained, the chain store will LATONS WIN make the parking lot available The Peterborough Laton Motors for free parking to the nearby Jr. B hockey club, who boast four churches on Sunday. Port Hope players in their line-| The Shoot which was sponsored up, defeated Kingston 10-3 and by the Bewdley Board of Trade took the round four games to one 'and held on Rice Lake, although with one tied. The Petes now failing to bring out as large a meet Parry Sound in the next crowd as expected, due to rain yound with the first game going and snow, nevertheless saw all fn the Memorial Centre in the categories fiercely Liftlock City tonight. Second fray | Wilt Ross of Port Hope won the goes back to Parry Sound on Sat-|.22 calibre rifle team shoot first urday evening. The winner of this round with a perfect 50 followed playoff will meet the Metro win- (by Wilf Smith of Port Hope with ner from the Toronto District. |49. Ross shot another perfect 50 SEEKS RE-ZONING |in the second team shoot to take Lawyer Erdman Friesen for- the honors once again. R. Hen- warded an application to the town derson of Port Hope had a good eouncil requesting the re-zoning group in this round but one shot of the Burnham property on Wal-|got out over the line. John Wolfe ton street at Pine to allow great- of Peterborough won the heavy er depth for parking privileges. revolver shoot with a .455 mag- Mr. Friesen was making the in- num while Ross rendered com- on behalf of a chain store. petition with his Navy Luger. In Northumberland { leave Brighton by bus Saturday Drama Guild go into their final i Stops, Tours Town from Cobourg and Port Hope will |liked the look of the town, al- have met with appreciation by ! [through town am hour or two sicals as "Sweethearts", "Briga- contested. | County will{for the Cobourg Opera and morning for a one-day tour of the week, Russell Manning, publicity York Township farms. director for the production, re- Included in their tour will be ports that the show is shaping up visits to the Puccini Farm at|well and shows promise of a good King City and the Bond Lake performance. Farms at Bond Lake. On their] The guild will perform four return they will visit the National evenings from March 26 to 29 in Stud Farm at Oshawa. |the opera house of the town hall. This year's show is dhe Serella + |"Song of Norway" based on the Noted Orchestra [life of composer Edvard Grieg. | A cast of 40 guild members {take part in the production. Mrs. COBOURG -- The Mantovani Doris Dunlop is the musical di- Orchestra, now touring- in Can-|rector for the show and K. V. ada, stopped briefly in Cobourg Brown is the stage manager. yesterday afternoon and took al Rehearsals have been going tour of the town. Members of the since last October. Mr. Manning orchestra commented that they sald that previous productions though they had only a brief look the public and so it was decided at it. to hold four performances rather Mantovani, himself, famed mu- than three, as in previous years. sical arranger, had passed! The guild has staged such mu- ahead of the 45-piece orchestra. |doon", and "The Mikado" In The majority of the orchestra isypast years. They have always comprised of Americans, Cana- met with success. dians, and Englishmen. | SMALL FISH Split, In Yugoslavia, was one of Sprats are small members of the great cities of the anclent!the herring species, found in Brit- Roman world, lish and Norwegian waters. PORT HOPE Speaker Details Car Crash Toll PORT HOPE -- Ralph W. Har- loss was $32,644,000 or $3700 per (ris, public relations officer with hour or $90,000 each day. {the All-Canada Insurance Federa-| Mr. Harris received an ovation |tion, was the guest speaker at from the gathering at the termin- {the regular dinner meeting of the ation of his speech. He was in- Kinsmen Club held at the Queen's troduced by Past President Dutch Hotel. Brown and thanked by Frank| | Mr. Harris served in the First Hills. The business meeting open-| | World War with the Royal Cana. ed with the Queen, followed by| dian Horse Artillery and also the grace asked by Jim Benedict.| |Royal Engineers, During the Sec- Guests Chuck Trenouth and Dav- ond World War he was with the id Strott were introduced by | Wartime Prices and Trades Dutch Brown. Chuck Trenouth Board. won the sunshine draw. | His subject was "The Buyer's Keith Philp read the minutes i x "of the last regular and executive [View Towards Fire and Casualty oetings with Ray Lingard giv- {ing the treaurer"s report, In con- | If an insurance company real- junction with July Ist celebra-| izes a net profit of two percent tions the club will also stage a |annually, it is doing well, In 1957| treet Fair with prizes given| the auto loss was $20 million amounting to approximately $700, | {while $350 million was paid out| A move to supply carserole| |during the same year for fire dishes and a mixmaster for the! (oss. Figures showed that 3000|joepital Kitchen was turned over {are killed each year and 65,000 {5 the Kinette Club for further [injured in car accidents. This action, A letter of appreciation [represents the combined popula-| from the Salvation Army for the {tion of Peterborough, Trenton, club's help in thelr Christmas ap- Brighton, Colborne, Cobourg and peal was read and donations Port Hope. |made to the Ontario Society for Traffic accidents resulted in a/Crippled Children and $10 to the property loss of $141,000,000. On Figure Skating Club for a trophy. allowed the present bylaw the 22 pistol and revolver shoot a provincial scale during 1956, The Spring Zone meeting of Lda OP A SH 4 " THE DALY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, Merch 20, 1958 1] 4 $ Don't leave It to fate $0 save you money. You can do something about It: simply shop regularly at A&P, and you'll find you're low prices are always see + + » you'll save steadily. accumulating extra eas h! That's because A&P's storewide + « » and add up quickly en your total food bill! Come Come See... You'll Save ot ALP SUPER RIGHT MEAT SPECIALS FRESH PORK SALE! LEAN SHANKLESS 'SHOULDER MEATY BUTT BEEF ROASTS PORK SAUSAGE r.riicromme +49 SIDE BACON SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS | BLADE Blade Bone Removed { SHORT RIB » Super Right, smoked, rindless Sea Sealed Sea Sealed 1-Ib pkg 6 9 1b pkg 3 9: 1-Ib pkg 2 7 SENSATIONAL SAVING! IMPERIAL Stainless Steel TABLEWARE EACH WEEK FOR TEN WEEKS A DIFFERENT UNIT WILL GO ON SALE. BUILD AS MANY PLACE SETTINGS A8 YOU WISH AT AMAZINGLY LOW PRICES, FOR FRESH FLAVOUR DRINK ALP INSTANT COFFEE tori ].09 DEEP (UT SPECIALS Betty Crocker Reg. Pkg. 8o--8AVE hy CAKE MIXES 3 20.02 pkgs 1.00 Shirriff's Reg. 3 Pkgs. 200--8AVE 3¢ BUD PUDDINGS 3 she 26¢ Cooks in 7 Minutes Reg. 2 Pkgs. 310--8AVE de KRAFT DINNER 2 rnorpkes 27 ¢ CANNED GOODS SALE TOMATO JUICE 48-oz tin 27 ' A&P Choice Quality WAX BEANS Reg. Price 2 tins 35c--8AVE 4e 3 20-01 tins 49: Henley Choice Quality WHOLE PEARS 270: 39c A&P Fancy Quality ~~ Reg. 2 tins 810--8AVE 9 APPLE SAUCE &5orins 5 3¢ BAKERY SPECIALS MADE IN A&P's OWN BAKERIES BY MASTER BAKERS Reg. Price 88c--8AVE Go wh Qe Reg. 39c--SAVE 10e each 49: Reg. 200--8AVE de pad Se Reg. Prise 210--SAVE Se 2 16-02 loaves 3 7 Reg. Prices 200--SAVE de shod Sc¢ Jane Parker CHERRY PIE Jens Parker Orange CHIFFON CAKE Jane Parker Brown 'N Serve TWIN ROLLS Jans Parker RAISIN BREAD Jane Parker VANILLA WAFERS would have to be changed. Coun- the winner was Peterborough's [there were 71,309 accidents re- Kinsmen Clubs will be held here application on to|Doug Rattenbury. Doug also took ported with $50 damage or more. Board with no ¢om-|the shotgun with ident h leet taken from [in a four by Frozen Food Special Reg. Price pkg 2e--~B8AVE Be CAULIFLOWER ~~ 2 vaneB9: Broder's Reg. Price 2 pkge 390--8AVE So PEAS & CARROTS 2. rcs 31¢ FRUIT and VEGETABLE SPECIALS Ontarlo Grown, Fancy Grade, Very Finest For Eating -- Packed In Our Own Plant APPLES 39 Now At Their Best, Sweet, Full of Jules, Size 118 -- California Navel ORANGES -69 No. 1 Grade, Texas, Fresh, Tender, New Crop No. 1 Grade, California, Sweet Crispy Pascal = CARROTS 2.--25¢ CELERY Hearts 2i0r 23s California, Snow White, Large, Cello Wrapped No. 1 Grade, Fresh Cut -- A Touch Of Spring «= CAULIFLOWER -35: DAFFODILS «39: AP) Super Markets THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC YEA COMPANY Le THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! | | Four Teaspoons 129 ome every twenty minutes. Totalione and dinner at six. Libby's STARTER SET OF DINNER KNIFE, DINNER FORK, SALAD FORK" AND TEASPOON STILL AVAILABLE AT $1.98. LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Reg. 33c--SAVE 4 8-0z tumbler 29 2 8-02 pkgs 21c 2 15-02tins 31¢ 2 15-0ztins 29 w'stin @7 7-0ztin 3 9c 3%-oztin 1c Cheese Spread DEE-LISH Ready Cut Macaroni | CREAMETTES | Catelli Cooked SPAGHETTI Ann Page Vegetarian BAKED BEANS Fancy Red Sockeye A&P SALMON Fancy 8olid White Meat TUNA FISH Sardines | BILLIONAIRE Cracker Barrel | MILD CHEESE Plain or Pimento | CHATEAU CHEESE | SPECIAL VALUE! SEALARK doz 99. Vegetable Soup 3 r<:25¢ Jane Parker HOT CROSS _ Here's an unprecedented offer to capitalize on a really money-saving offer, featuring trade-in and shop soiled merchandise of all description. Why pay more when our prices are incompardbly lower? What's more, all our merchandise on sale is in good condition. A visit will convince you! Hurry now . . . Avoid disappointment! Remem- ber, our sale will last 3 days only ! 12-02 wedge 53. 8-0z pkg 33. PAYMENT up TO 3 YEARS LK® 20 02 1 39" Cont. Bed 10.95 1 39" Cont. Base 11.95 1 Baby Carriage 5.00 Lovely Condition coated Electric Stove 99.95 30.00 COAL end Pearl Grey 24.95 9.95 Blue Nylon Cover 1 2-Pce. Davenport Blue Nylon Cover 1 2-Pce, Davenport Red Nylon Cover 1 2-Pce, Davenport 119.95 1 Hollywood Divan 9.95 2-Pce. Chesterfield Set 69.95 2-Pce. Davenport 24.95 5-Pce. Chrome Set Red and Grey 15.00 15.95 1 Bed Chesterfield 39.95 s5.pce. Chrome Set 29.95 1 Rangette 1 1 1 1 3-Pce. Chesterfield 15.00 ! Table Lamp 2.495 1 2.Pce. Davenport Set 14.95 1 Electric Hot Plate 2.00 1 1 1 2-Pce. Davenport Set 30.95 | Tomato Juice y 25 2 3-0z tins 25¢ $129.95 119.95 Prices Effective until Saturday, March 22nd, 1858 Colgate - Palmolive Specials! SUPER AJAX (WITH JAVANOL) PICK CLARK'S, THE LABEL WITH THE SAILOR BOY | 3 reg tins 4 ( C 31 THURSDAY sen 3B Ee & FRIDAY PALMOLIVE 2....27. NIGHTS UNTIL SUPERSUDS large size 3 3 89] 9 p.m. As«P SUPERMARKETS NOW Clark's IRISH STEW Clark's Chicken Stew Clark's 48-01 tin 20 ns 2-Pce. Davenport 10.00 ! Armchair Double Dresser : 4'6"" Cont, Base 19.95 yy | S Ontarie's Largest Home Furnishers Ontario Division of Great Universal Stores of Canada, Ltd. 40 KING ST., W. TEL. RA 5-6535 Pine, Spice, Floral, Mint Room Deodorant 1 Set Bunk Beds 3-Pce. Bedroom Suite 79.95 1 Rangette Walnut 39.95 1 Floor Lamp 5.00 MEAT SPREADS FLORIENT

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