Y0 THE DAILY TIMES-SAZETTE, Thursday, March 20, T9358 New Household Gadgets Combine Beauty And Utility By ELEANOR ROSS One of the items that attracted gonsiderable attention at the re-| gent National Housewares -1 pibit is an exterior paint that "breathes." What wonderful new things there are on the market to make work easier, leisure more reward- and household life in general more interesting! Utilitarian and decorative, the new gadgets of animals in three dimensions that stand up on the table; juice servers in new shapes with the quantity indicated; food slicers with safety locks to protect the user's fingers; an electric tea maker; infra - red cookers; an electric Dutch oven; a butter cutter that measures exact amounts from guUAr.er - jana blocks. REVERSIBLE FAN | Then there are carry-about, flip-up and electrically reversible| |window fans, a gasoline driven edge-trimmer for the lawn and touch-and-go controlled grass cut- ters. For the outdoor chef, there are all types of rofisserjes, picnic) tables that become barbecue ta-| bles, a set of 24 barbecuing ac- cessories many of which can be bought separately -- and a matched charcoal scuttle and picnic basket to add glamour to the outdoor feast. range from colorful cookware to @ lazy-man's lawn mower. BEAUTY IN HOUSEWARES The show proved again that housewares have become things "of beauty. Pots and pans, made of porce- lain, appear in lovely pastel col- ors and even the handles of func- tional garden tools are brightly painted. Some of the newest items in- elude a lanolized ironing board cover designed to impart a softer] finish, and a candy-striped plas-| tic clothesline with raised seams to provide better 'grab' for clothes. Coming on the market, | too, are such things as a tear-| strip can opener to work on| metal vacuum packs, a split-lip sponge broom designed to trap lint and dirt and a new quick-| drying floor finish. i BRUSH ATTACHED | Another answer to the home-| maker's prayer is an upholstery eleaner with a brush attached to the plastic dispenser bottle. Then there are indoor clothes dryers with plastic-coated lines, baby spoons with handles long enough to reach the bottom of modern food-packaging jars, a similar one for pots. Plastic twash barrels with self-locking covers were also on view at the show end getting a lot of attention. | For the kitchen, there are cut- The Home Dairy OSHAWA and AJAX SPECIALS FRESH ORANGE CAKE 44° Exceptionally Light , . , Stays Fresh Longer WALNUT CHEWS . doz. 49° A Favourite With Everyone candidate. Her sister, Mrs. Frank Ryan, : iis president of the Ottawa West In Opposite Camps {Women's Liberal Federation and OTTAWA (CP) -- The battle today broadcasts from a radio for federal representation from station CFRA in support of Lib- Ottawa West today spotlights two eral contender George Mellraith. sisters--in opposing camps. | Miss Whitton and her support- Charlotte Whitton, the capital's ers also broadcast daily, on the colorful former mayor, is the rid-'same station, owned by Mr. ing's Progressive Conservative Ryan. Famous Sisters THIS IS ASPIRIN WEEK SHE 79¢ on ASPIRIN ---- nam 79¢. SHOP AT THE BAKERY WITH THE LARGE VARIETY Specials Are Also Available At BAILEY FOODS, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ond THE FOOD SHOP, 42 SIMCOE ST. NORTH fore that make a cooky parade' CAMERAS - COSMETICS [Reza] DRUGS PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. CET RAT [alo] 5-5 S53 PHONE RA 3-2245 OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-3546 BOWMANVILLE - PHONE MA3-5778 ERT A A 317 BROCK S&S. WHITBY MO 8-2338 ALL-NEW HARD GLOSS... 3 WAXES IN ONE NEW PRODUCT! WON'T HARDEST, BRIGHTEST, TOUGHEST ALL-NEW Hard Gloss Glo-Coat gives you three waxes in one.:: a wax that won't spot ...a wax that won't stain... a wax that won't scuff! It's made up of millions of tiny, gem-like polymer crystals... that literally weld themselves together to give you a dazzling shine and a rugged shield that's almost like another floor to live on. It's NEW TIN! WON'T «+ « this shi SHINE OF ALL! the first shine ever able to stand up to your big three floor problems. 1) Water . . . household spills. . . wipe them away and no stains. 3 Scuffy traffic wipe it away, and no water spotting. 2) Common ne holds up better than ever before. Try it! Get Johnson's ALL-NEW Hard Gloss Glo-Coat in this bright new tin' 1964 # "TAILERs ,4 » i H RIF \ TWO STORES IN OSHAWA Parade of Smart New Styles! Value-Right! FASHION RIGHT 22.98 Soft Suede finish Tweed. Beou- tifully styled with semi-balloon cuffed sleeves, Fashioned with front ond back stitching detail, Choose your Spring coot in notural grey, powder blue or rose pink. An excellent value ot Zeller's Thrift Price. Sizes 14-20, DESIGNED FOR EASTER ELEGANCE! 4.981, 5.98 = Becoming styles in Swiss straw-braid end finely- sewn "New Chicord", that will be much admired in the Easter Parade, and right through Spring end Summer, Choose from the models sketched, and many others, now being feo- tured at Zeller's. White, pos- tels, red, navy, black and new high shades, MAND/ RIN STYLING 29.98 Smart styling In Fashion Right Flecked Tweed. Large pockets end "Mandarin" collar trimmed with an et- tractive braid, "Pelion" lined for added freshness. Value-Right, Sizes 10-18. FAMILY 1 ALLOWANCE Nx \ Buy your Spring coat new while our assortment Is com- plete. Lovely Lingerie "Buys"! BOTH STORES OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 P.M. i BEAUTIFUL STYLES 22.98 Junior Petite Flecked Tweed, Styles for ladies end grown up teen-agers. Spring's new fashions, - especially propor- tioned for you, This Flecked Tweed eoot with pleated beck yoke, comes In beige, blue end grey. Sizes 9-17. Smart FANCY-STRIPE NYLON SCARFS 9 8c 12 by 39 ins. Tricot weave. Lovely colors: candy blue, sherbert pink, antique ivery, end many, many others, Value-Right, Choose nylon gloves te mateh. See frilled styles In sketch below. Slips - Panties - Crinolines ® Soft Pastel Shades SLIPS -- SIZES 32 TO 40 ----- Opaque Nylon prettied with nylén lace, nylen sheer and ruffled lace and sheer flounces, Styled for today's fashions, Value-Right! S-M-L. broideries, rushing enhance value. Elasticized pink, pastel blue. Value-Right ! nylon sheer this 3 98 DAINTY NYLON PANTIES -- Attractive coloured em. lace ond wonderful leg. White, Big Value 1.49 Pair Nylon! Simplex Fabric Gloves for new end Summer, in cludes lovely frilled "Baller- ina' style of sheer nylon; wrist-length, novelty cuffed styles of Simplex fabric. White, black, pastel ond bright shades, Lovely Dress for "Little La A. SIZES 2 TO 3X: In styles shown, of flower-print Nylon Sheer, beautifully trimmed with dainty 'lace amd shiny Complete with rayon 2.98 B. SIZES 4 TO 6X: Demure | little dress in 'sissy' style. Nylon Sheer, with lots of lace ' frilling; softly gathersd skirt; SE wide ribbon tie-be!t, C-mplete Q ' with rayoh Slip 5 98 2 . XL bben Slip Only Sabi) Values dies" 4 i 7 \ y 2 oo l, /\ LY 21 Simcoe St. S. ZELLER"S LTD. Oshawa Shopping Centre