before replacing the books. | Otherwise, the dampness will] cover the books with mildew. | If this happens, go over the) |books, page by page, and wipe| {off each mildew spot with a clean * |dry cloth or tissue. Air the opened ibook in a dry, sunny spot. #8" | Very bad mildewed spots should | 1 be treated with French chalk. | Give each spot a good sprink- iling. Close the book and, a few BE" days later, brush out the chalk. | Wipe dusty books carefully, {wiping the page edges away from 4 [the binding to keep the dust out of the backbone space. | Store books carefully, espec- ¥ ially if they have fine bindings. | PERSONAL Miss Bernice -Crowells whose marriage to Mr. George Webber is taking place today, has been feted at several showers, Among those who have entertained at miscellaneous showers are Miss Jessie Smith, Westmount street, who was assisted by her mo- ther, Mrs. Norman Smith, Mrs, Alfred Fursey and Mrs. Herbert White assisted by Mrs. Thomas] "EGG NOG" SUPREME "Nuick 'n easy" -- Fun to fix 1 egg white 2 thsp. sugar 1 pkg. verilla instant pud"ng 1 cup milk 1 cup light cream 1 beaten egg yolk 1% tsp. rum extract % tsp. nutmeg Topping: % cup Graham cracker crumbs 1 tbsp. sugar 1s tsp. nutmeg Solomon, Mrs, Leo Howard, Mrs. Archie Britton, Mrs. William Rahme, the Misses Elsie Leona Stainton and Miss Shirley Heard: Mrs. Donald McLean, as- i i Be careful not to overcrowd them. sisted by Mrs. George Williams. Such books are best kept between Migs Crowells' fellow workers in Beat the egg white until foamy. Add the sugar gradually and con- tinue to beat until the meringue stands in peaks. Pour milk, cream, egg yolk and rum ex- tract into a bowl.' Add the pud- ding powdér and the nutmeg. Beat until well mixed. Let stand | wish to SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bowler] e the el t of their daughter, Joan Marie, to Mr. ¥ugene George Goodall, son, of Mr, and Mrs. George Goodall, all of Oshawa. The wedding will} take place on Saturday, April 12, at 3 p.m. jn Albert Street United Church, » HAVE YOUR PIANO | DEA. OTHED AMONG THE presentations | Cord, the highest award in | coveted award to her daughter. at the recent "parent's night" | Guiding, to Nora Lea Flegg, meeting of the 3rd Girl Guide | patrol leader. Mrs. George Company was that of a Gold | Flegg is seen presenting the left to right, Miss Vera Moyse, vice-chairman, central district of the Girl Guide Association; Others in the picture are, from | Mrs, John Norris, central dis- | has also trict guider; Mrs. Robert Hall, Parents Share With Guides In Presentation Of Awards On Monday evening, March 3, blem had been previousl ar- the Third Oshawa Guides enter-ranged and was explained to the tained their parent; at a 'Par parents by the Gu'des. The ent's Night". The meeting opened Guides and parents joined in with the formation of a horse- games and a singsong which was shoe and a "Thinking Day" pro-/led by company leader, Bar' ra gram was carried out by the | Morrison. | Guides. A Litany of the Guide| Guests present inluded Miss| Law was said by all, with Jackie Vera Moyse, vice chairman of Jo Aldwinckle, captain, 3rd company, and Miss | book ends. New T.S. Eliot Play For Edinburgh A new play by T. 8. Eliot will have its world premiere at this| |year's Edinburgh Iaternational | | Brenda Flegg, leut {Festiva!, Entitled "The Elder] | pronca oh Ley euant, Jue Statesman", it is to be presented | Cord. from August 25 to 30 -- the first --Times-Gazette staff photo [Week of the Festival, Jones 2 sal > This will be the third T.9 34 |Eliot play to be given its wo... | Some Tips To Make premiere at the Edinburgh Fes. the Sewing Division of General Motors made a preséntation of an Vacuumed, Adjusted ond Tuned by SEBASTIAN HOHMANN * PROMPT SERVICE ® REPAIRS and * RECONDITIONING Call RA 5-7001 until set about three min- 4 |utes. Fold the pudding into the electric fry-pan and lazy susen 10 yoringue Pour into sherbet the bride-to-be. | fasges. ombiae ingredients for| Little items of social e topp and sprinkle on each always wel so cia oo Are essert. Chill 20 minutes, Makes If you are enjoying the company |6 * 8 servings, of visitors or have been visiting Joutselt ay not telephone 3-3474, ocia partment and share! pn, .pi0 Universit / y was founded your pleasure with others? (by the first Queen Elizabeth in, Open Housé was held at Col. 1991. 4 lege Hill School Wednesday af. ernoon, March 5, Many parents and friends took advantage of the opportunity of visiting the class. rooms and enjoyed the refresh. ments served by the executive of the Home and School Association, | ROYAL FOUNDER edical Mirror tiva!. The others were "Tht Cock- | . tail Party' in-1949 and "The Con. | Odd Jobs Easier | By ELEANOR ROSS {fidential Clerk' in 1953. | The olive oil cruet is back in Federated Wi |style, for the modern hostess likes "CLUB CALENDAR ® Prenctal Music Lessons ® Stealing ® Tetanus Shots Women's Editor to mix salad dressings at table. Keep the cruet clean is a simple chore, but it is important to do it| OTTAWA (CP) -- A new na-| . often ; a a tional headquarters--of the Fed. | a egular washings with warm erated Women's Institutes of Dial RA 3-3474 water and a mild detergent,|Canada is soon to be added to! To Establish H.Q. | Rogan and Diane McLe' an lead. Central District Local Assocla-| ing. This was followed by the tion, Mrs. J. Norris, Central Dis- '@ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, March 8, 1958 = shaken into a froth, and rinsing/the capital's directory. | presentation of the B-P Stars by trict Guider, Mrs. J. W. McLean, Mrs, D. S. Calhoun, president of former Central District Commis- the group committee. These stars sioner, parents and friends of were presented to Guides who Guiding. took part in the B-P tribute. A blue and yellow floral ar- Mrs. Robert Hall, captain, as- rangement graced the tea table sisted by Brenda Flegg, lleuten-lon which was centred a decorat- ant, presented second class ed cake given to Nora Lea Flegg badges to: Lois Gage, Mar y/by her. family to be shared with Ross, and Barbara Weyrich. The the Guides. g badges were presented Refreshments were prepared to Nora Lea Flegg: world knowl. by the group committee and serv- edge, naturalist, astronomer, and|ed by the patrol leaders. the woodcraft emblem, | A high spot on the program was the presentation of the covet. @&d Gold Cord to Nora Lea Flegg,| daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George thanks to the mothers of the called | Third group committee, She also|tre, present the congratulated Nora Lea, on | , | half of the Guides, on winning of Foresters, The fees from this meeting are her being sent to the World Friend-rison responded. ship Fund. Guides and parents/ The evening contributed. A disyiay on badges Slope with the singing of "Tops" ,0ld Caumtry Ci, Sil Guides, required for the e House Em-|an Guide ; es, 8 ou oup, ge pL kh Firefighters Association and other organizat! for sp 1 events. These activities are in addition to home visits, social and wel- fare services, During February the Nursery ing of the Women's |the activities and facilities McLean, was won by Mrs. A. lled and in great demand. Dewey. Elite Group, North Many Groups Enjoy Privilege Of Meeting At Simcoe Hall | The report of the director, Har-|ing, visiting and making layettes.| To drain out properly, it should/was named public relations of- {old McNeil, to the March meet- Welfare | League of Oshawa indicated that and have started on a Home of Nursing Course. A lucky draw. made by Mrs, | Simcoe Hall continue to be var- \ In addition to the regular sche- Guide Jackie Rogan expressed dule, facilities have also been pro- vided for the Oshawa Little Thea- Shore be-|Radio Club, Independent Order, Lodge Heritage, Gold Cord. Mrs. A. D. Mor- Oshawa Fish and Game Protec- tive Association, Oshawa Police was brought to a/Association, Pilot Club, Women's it several times with clear water! Establishment of a national of- | will keep it in good condition. Be-|fice was supported by the 8. | fore it is allowed to dry out com-|year-old organization's first na-| pletely, two teaspoons of olive ofl tiona: convention here last Octo-| should be swished around inside ber, | the crust to coat the surface and| At a sub-executive committee | to remove any drops of water or meeting here Thursday Mrs. the aftertaste of the detergent, George Wilson of St. Marys, Ont,, The St. John Nursing Cadets be turned upside down on a rack. ficer for the federation. | completed their First Ald Course BETWEEN PAINT JOBS Mrs. James Haggerty, Napa- Olive oil is about the best thing|nee, was one of the officers at- going to keep small paint brushes| tending the meeting. A skating party was held at the clean and pliable between paint|" [Children's Arena for the Nursery jobs. After washing the brushes School children and their moth- clean in turpentine, dip them |ers, early in February. The Junior Fish and Game Club will be writing an examina- tion on the Provincial Game HOUSEHOLD HINT If you are eating alone, bright- (quickly in a small amount of|q, Batons Es Ai olive oll and squeeze out the ex- gestion, as well as steps, by ar- cess. Before the next painting, | rinse brushes in hot water to re. FANEINE Bu fond ou 4 Hay aid | leasant t in the Laws. The winner will be given|move ofl and dry thoroughly, |c2ry * to a pl pO a day at the Sportsmen's Show, Even the best housekeepers of] perhaps by a window. and may fake a friend, with all ten forget the bookcase and its| Be especially careful about expenses paid. contents. Actually, books should in, all rugs in a kitchen or During the month Mr. Graham he removed from the shelves po Bing oa be of rub- Nelson attended a meeting of the everything cleaned at least once|ber or thoroughly rubberized om Boys' Clubs of Canada Leader-| every six months. the back fhip Institute bn ded ihe wer | WASH SHELVES THOROUGHLY| A skid and fall around fixtures, Give the shelves a good wash- appliances and hot things is espe- fare Registration Course at the Civil Defense College, Arnprior, ing and let them dry thoroughly cially dangerous. Ontario. The Welfare Committee report- = MONDAY Ritson H and 8 Assn. Cedar Dale H and 8 Assn. Lend-A-Hand Club Lyceum Club Pleasant Mon, Aft. Club Harmony H and § Assn, South Simcoe H and 8 Assn, Rundle Park Aux, Sunset Heights H and 8 Woodview Park Aux, TUESDAY King Street H and 8 Assn, Woodcrest H and 8 Assn, SA Home League Christ Church WA King Street WA Canadian Legion Aux. Court Oshawa, 10F Calvary Baptist YWMC North Oshawa WA St. George's (Ritson Grp.) St. Stephen's WA Rendezvous Club 16th Group Committee Pythian Sisters Kate McLaurin Aux. WEDNESDAY SA Prayer Meeting University Women's Club Victory Lodge, LOBA Oshawa Rebekah Lodge Northminster WMS Parent-Teacher Assn. Dr. Robert Thornton H and 8 Centre Street WMS St. Matthew's WA Beta Sigma Phi THURSDAY Q. If « mother plays ¢ musical instrument or sings before her child is born will it help to moke the youngster musicel? A. No. To the overage youngster |lessons to en unborn child, Q. Are some children just bern steclers? A. No. To the aevrage youngster the easiest way to get something is to take it. Any other process seems to him a lot of nonsense, He just picks it up ond wolks oweoy. Children must be tought to respect the property rights of others, Get the idea across by explanations ond rewards for good behavior, Continued mis- behavior may be a sign of em- otional problems that should be dealt with promptly, Q. Should oll children be given tetonus shots to prevent lock. jaw? A. Yes, In avoiding diseases, en ounce of prevention Is worth a ton of cure. Not long ogo en 11-year-old girl whe Bod never been given protective tetanus shots hurt her leg on a fence post, Severe tetanus symptoms developed o little more thon @ week after the injury, Specialists ot e large Children's Hospitel worked with her for 51 doys before she wes well enough te be sent home, The hospital bill jolene, including special nurses, oxygen, blood transfusions end medicine, wos $2,100, Protee- tive tetanus shots cost only @ few dollars, To have tetanus mey cost hundreds of dollars, much suffering, and perhaps e life, Q. Will one series of tetanus shots protect you from the dis ease for life? A. No. The protective substances produced by tetanus shots ually disappear from the h Physicians aot the Johns Hopkins University recommend taking booster shots every five te ten years, Material In MEDICAL MIRROR is based on various sclentie pub- lications end does not necesser- Hy reflect the inion of all doctors, The and of di res the skill and knowledge which only . ysicion can apply by por ily ding the peti SCIENCE EDITORS, P.O. BOX 396 Madison Square Stetion, New York 10, N.Y. Published As A Public Service By Laon Dregs RA 3-4621 School had an average attendance) of 24. A number of children haved 8 total of 722 articles of cloth-| St. Andrew's WMS ing issued during the month, in © ; Zi King Street WA already been registered for the addition to groceries, fuel, accom- ; ' Sth Set Mothers' Aux. September term. modations, transportation, drugs, #° i ' Calvary Baptist WMS The Junior Girls Craft Club pooks for a student and meal #2 : ; 6th Scout Mothers' Aux. which meets on Thursday after-|tjckets, At the present time there § / i wh FE 4 St. George's At. WA |noons had an average attendance is a need for men's shoes and 4 Silver Cross Women of 59. |trousers and children's clothing Cluaran Group The attendance at the Golden including rubber boots. Navy League Auxiliary Age Club has varied with the| The statistics for February Valleyview Park Aux. | weather, The various committees were: attendance, 5941; visits to 14th Scout Mothers' Aux, |have been busy with the work of homes, 55; office interviews with § FRIDAY looking after the canteen, quilt-| children, 47; with adults, 25. Centre St. WA (East Group) | GROUPS, CLUBS | AUXILIARIES given by Mrs. George Waite. RCAFA AUXILIARY Thanks were expressed to Mrs. § | The regular meeting of the Fairley Bouckley for offering the ©% ladies auxiliary to the RCAFA use of her recreation room for a § was held at the Airport with Mrs. euchre some Friday evening. |Jack Lee, Jr., presiding. Mrs. Poch thanked all those | The treasurer's report was who had donated baking and |given by Mrs. Edward Cunning: candy which helped make the (ham, In the absence of the secre- haking sale a success. Following |tary, the minutes were read by the meeting games of euchre Mrs. Malcolm Adam. were played. #| It was decided that a cheque| Refreshments were served by @ be forwarded to the Cancer So- Mrs, Melville McCabe and Mrs. | | elo. St. Patrick's d il be Jack McQuaid. % e St. Pa 's dance w 3 The next meeting will be held {held on March 15. Plans were .. ong cup house on April 3 at . | made for this occasion 7pm. | The attendance prize was won on by Mrs, Jack Phillips, and the lucky draw by Mrs. Arthur Bil ton. | Following the business meeting | the members were shown films | by Mr. Lou Terry and Mr. James | Greenshields. These proved most | Oshawa | was given. Mrs, Edward Hubbel! {handed in her resignation. Mrs. |Herbert Braden was elected as |the new secretary. The treasurer's report STORE HOURS Except Wednesday = # a.m, te 12:30 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. TELEPHONE RA 3-2294 5 wa RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 21 SIMCOR ST. SOUTH washable durable comfortable CO-ORDINATED WORK SETS TO DIRECT A COMEDY TWILL SHIRTS interesting as they were of the excursions of these men to the Antarctic. Miss Anne Workman, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Work- man has undertaken to direct a | People's Club. The play will | | be part of the variety concert | Colorfast -- Guaranteed for 90 days against normal wear and tear, Strongly sewn seams, TO LIVE IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA A pretty wedding was solem- | Grace Armstrong, is the daugh- nized recently at King Street | 'or of Tn william Armstrol ng United Church when Mr. and | of Oshawa and the bridegroom Mrs. August Howard Asman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Aug- exchanged nuptial vows. The ust F. Asman of Scranton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. bride, the former Catherine ~Photo by Ireland education, 20 per cent at the Refreshments were served by Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs Adam, assisted by Mrs, Thomas Murphy. The next meeting will be on March 26. CONNAUGHT PARK AUX. WIFE PRESERVER The monthly meeting of the| Now is the time -- before the Sountughi Pax Auxiliary 1748 | holiday season gets into full e e club house recently in| LL h the form of a St. Patrick's party | SWing rh Wake sure you ave with everyone wearing something |cjose to the telephone or hang- green. ing on a kitchen wall. At this The meeting was opened by the time of year it's best to make it president, Mrs. John Poch. Roll a family affair, letting each one call was taken with 12 members chalk up his engagements as | one-act which the club will present in | St. Gregory's auditorium, Mar, | 16 and 17, comedy "Sleeping Dogs" for St. Gregory's Young Dress shirt collar style, flaps on two roomy Sanforized for pockets, shrunk ent fit. Sizes to 17 in Green TOM. sss vvsvics perman- 14% or .e 2.98 Matching WORK PANTS RE Be Wins Long Crusade For Women's Rights LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- After a four-and-a-half year crusade for women's rights Ald, Mrs. Edwin Fullerton Monday night won her battle to repeal a bylaw which] for 21 years is supposed to have banned married women working for the city, Although the statute has been on the books since 1937, at least #0 per cent of the women em-| ployees at the Dearness Home PUC and 11 per cent at the pub- present. The secretary's report they are made. ec library. Ald. Norman Bradford and Ald. In time of stress, when Ii H. C. Prior opposed her motion, the only two to do so in a 7-2 lint only woman alderman THE PUBLIC IS INVITED opened her campaign against | what she termed a "discrimina-| tory" bylaw more than four] years ago and found every other alderman opposed. Undaunted, she returned to the attack two) weeks ago when she submitted | a notice of motion of her inten. tion to get the bylaw fepealed. to ANNUAL of are married, 50 per cent at the | Children's Aid Society which is ! supported from public funds, just| Kitty Clive, English comedy under 50 er cent at Victoria Hos. | actress who died in 1785, was pital, 30 per cent at the board of also a fine singer. VICTORIAN ORDER of NURSES Tuesday, March 11 - 8 p.m. ST. ANDREW'S CHAPEL Speaker: MRS. H. S. SHEPHERD of Pickering Subject: CANADIAN ARCTIC REFRESHMENTS the and there's illness in family, courtesy speed are so important! the MEETING the That's why they are con- sidered part of every fill ! Depend on us for all your prescription we pharmacy needs, COME IN FOR YOUR VITAMINS AND OTHER HEALTH NEEDS CITY-WIDE FREE DELIVERY Of same strong twill, reinforced at pockets and all points of strain. Wide tunnel belt loops, Dress type seams. Easy alter outlets. Sizes 32 to 40 in Green or Tan. Your best buy in work clothes for long wear and [ ] permanent fit. .....ov00ves WORK SOCKS 100% Mylon for longer wear. Shrinkproof, moth proof, fleeced inside for with Red or Blue, tops Size 11 only. Excellent Value ! PAIR. . all-day comfort. Grey color and heels. Our services are designed for your use and convenience. e DEPENDABLE --Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years, eo TELEPHONE eo DELIVERY ® LAYAWAY eo CHEQUES © GUARANTEE Merchandise --For -You may order by telephone: RA 3.2294, --Two deliveries daily within city limit, your convenience at no extrg cost, ---Baby bonus and pay cheques cashed satisfactory or money refunded ZELLER'S WAT - Ras J OoWNTOWN Ca (kau Ar