4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, Merch 8, 1958 / Pd SET AT 57 MILLS WHITBY and DISTRICT For the fourth successive year, Whitby taxpayers will enjoy a Whitby's Tax Rate Lowered For Fourth Successive Year The budget for sanitation and waste removal shows a climb of End Third Day lower mill rate. Council this week more than $6,000, with major in. set the 1958 rate for residential |creases noted in sewer mainten- By ALLAN BAILEY The playoff fever has struck this district with OHA Junior C playoffs being played this week, Playoff Fever Hits Whitby, District Hockey Reports going around Whitby were that there would be no Senior B softball team In Whitby Castle Chapter - Meeting Held The Castle Group) was held 'this "year, Vic Igglesden, last The third day of a civil action in the Ontario County Court, Whitby, ended Thursday with one defendant being allowed to with- draw, In the action, Isodor Con- stant, of Uxbridge, is suing (reorge R. James, an Oshawa contractor, for damages he ai- ieges were caused by flooding of | In Civil Case brik. Judge Pritchard ruled that the plaintiff had failed to prove! any negligence on the part of |this defendant and granted the | non-suit motion with costs, | CLAIMS WATERCOURSE | The remaining defendant, George R, James, tad the court purposes at 57 mills and the rate for industrial and commercial ance and garbage collection, The total budget is set at $38,704, In- purposes at 60.8 mills, In 1957, the| creases of $2,400 in sewer main- sresidential rate was 57.2 mills|tenance ivi: last year's $16,250; and the industrial rate was 61.2|and $2,500 in garbage collection, {mills |from last year's $11,000 are noted. Despiteédhe lower rate, the town will this year, for the first time in its history, spend more than| one million dollars. Total expend- itures for the year are estimated I [IN HEALTH UNIT This marks the first full year {that the town of Whitby will be |a member of the Ontario County and all minor hockey associations holding their house league play- offs, While hockey is the sport which is making the headlines, other sports enter the such as softball, but for the next few weeks our national game will be the main item of interest for all the sports fans, JUNIOR PLAYOFFS year's manager of the Hillcrest Stokers softball team reported that thebe rumors were all un this year there true, and that although he would not be connected with the team itely would be a softball team this year, He did not name anyone who would succeed him as manager, but he did intimate that someone was working on the project. 'o is as one of several of the Women's Institute ada. The speaker had many pictures of both fe Health Unit, This year it will cost |the town $8,600, which is a rate set by the unit of $1 per capita. at $1,031,113, Last year's total] budget was $913,455. | The town will raise by taxes Last year, public health services Brooklin Combines, OHA Junior C Suburban League win- ners, took the lead in the best of | | | Whitby have had a softball team for several years, and un {and Eastern countries and ¢ to show the Eastern h pictures revealed peop! ¥ less they put the Centennial Park ae i lands, many in nati that he ha. farmed fhe land now $726,488.16, The remainder of the| reven semi-final series with the oo diamond to use, the town eign | ad a budget of $7,100. in schools or : TO CELEBRATE 85TH his property. The action continues fonday. When the case opened before Judge John E. Pritchard, on Tuesday, James and Storrar Dun- brik Limited were named as de- fendants, Yesterday, His Honor found that there was no evidence of negligence on the part of Stor- rar Dunbrik. The .ction arises out of the flood damage to cottages owned "4 |by Constant bordering the Osh- 4 |awa Creek, He claims that water from Storrar Dunbrik property above his property caused the damage. He claims that who was removing gravel fill from the property, is also re sponsible for the damage. a' wy 5 BIRTHDAY {owned by Storrar | Dunbrik in 1940, At that time, h# said, it had | been necessary to fill in a wash- lout each spring. A natural water-| |course, he said, started at the to of the slope and ran down across {the Constant property. He had first taken gravel from the Storrar property in the fall o' 1953, he said, and returned | again in April of 1954, The day | after operations began, he said, {he learned of the flood. When he |was told of it, he said, he order- 'ed a loader to dump four yards of | James, | soil in the opening of the water-| qo ont revision in the provincial and|course on the Storrar Property.|oyanie to the high sehool. In the spring of 1956, he said, {money will come to the town, |from grants from the province, |rebates on fines, etc, ESTIMATE BUDGET The budget was struck by using | an estimate of the expenditures {for the Whitby District High |School. In arriving at a budget, |the council estimated the WDHS budget at $100,000. Councillors expect that the high school bud- get will be completed shortly and {will be very close to their esti- {mate figure. The budget was late {in being made up because of a The tax bill is made up of four he heard of the flooding about senarate mill rates, only one of one week after it had occurred.!which is set by the council. This Public welfare estimates also show a small hike to this year's $25,551.30 from last year's $24, 552.01, Major portion of the in- crease goes to pay the town's share of the cost of operating Fairview Lodge, this year set at $16,351.30. Last year the town paid $15,752 to the Lodge. Total budgets for the three schoo! boards show a raise of more than $40,000. As noted above, the budget for the Whit District IIigh School was esti: mated at $100,000, last year, the WDHS budget was $37,245.14, The Public School budget is set at $183,282.76 compared to last year's $157,253.91, The Separate Aurora Bears, one game to noth. in, 2 4 to 1 setback last Saturday night in the Port Perry arena. Last night, the second game of this series was played in Aurora | and the third game of the series will be played in the Port Perry| arena tonight. { Last year the Combines were finalists in the OHA Junior C| playoffs, and were defeated by, Parry Sound Shamrocks for the championship. This year, Clifford Johnston, manager, and Johnston, coach, are looking for- ward to going all the way, and Charlie [finals in Barrie. The Junior Boys hall might just as well be situ- ated in its place. BRIEFS Congratulations to WDHS boys basketball téam who earned the right to enter the COSSA basket. ball championships held in Bar- Arie. Iso to the WDHS teams who will play in Peter- horough for the COSSA Girls bas. ketball championships. Port Perry High School are also sending a team to the COSSA from PPHS who won Georgian Bay District ch the girls IG ley th tumes, places, others as they soll with the most primitive too! or implements. Other films were beautiful scenery, of fruits, of rice fields, of tea tations and many other things. Mrs. Don thanked Mrs, Clark on be the chapter for show us fascinating pictures for the informative commentary en her trip around the world. ' H g HE | tH lads about four weeks more hock- L] the whole team is confident that ship will represent their school in they can do it. [the championships. The ice will be taken out of the Whitby Community Arena Tues" |day, April 1. At the conclusion of the plain School budget is up to $21,627.74 th , " ' from Tors Scars 307,974.30. Total loan is Years schedule, the Whithy Jerry's Men's Wear Ju- ' Celebrating her 85th birthday | ain and resides with her son a motion He said he had offered to fill in tomorrow is Mrs. George Wickett, of Whitby, shown above, During the afternoon, she will be at home to her many friends and well wishers. Mrs. Wickett moved to Whitby 32 years ago from Little Brit- tiff's case yesterday, for non-suit was presented t court on behalf of Storrar Dun- and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wickett, 211 An- | derson St. Included in her well wishers will be her daughter, Mrs. Marvin Hill, of Little Brit- ain, four grandchildren and | five great grandchildren, | BY THE WAY ~--Robertson, Whitby v omen's League The Catholic W ly meeting on held their month o the|the opening of the watercourse of 9.275 mills for the County of Ifor $1. CWL To Sponsor Communion 'Breakfast For Girl Guides cial prayers and [followed by spe and will |devotions at intervals ear, the total rate is made up of all education budgets is $304, Ontario; 16.526 mills for public |910, Last year's total was $262, school or separate school; 8.065 473.15, {mills for the Whitby District High, The budget for 'the public !School; and 23.134 mills for the library was set this year at $8,600. | |general rate, (26.934 mills for Last year it was $7,500. The In.| {industrial and commercial). This| dustrial Commission budge t| | last rate is the only one the coun. shows a drop this year to $7,500 [el sets, {from last year's $9,020. | Last year, the Warious rates which make up the town's, pudget| PEBENTURE COSTS | | | combines won 25 games out of a | possible 28, losing only draws a crowd to watch them three, manville in the OMHA Juvenile { Brooklin is one of the few junior playdowns have been accepted by | {hockey teams in this area thai|the THL and will give the local veniles who were ousted by Bow- RMR play, This can be attributed to the fast and exciting brand of| hockey they are capable of play-! 8. Whitby Hillerest Dairy Juniors are leading their best of three if RE-UPHOLSTERING Re-cover and Seve Created To Individuel Requirements GES Fine *~' ~"'~n of Fabrics Free Estimates PHONE MO 8-2344 T. ZAYETTE Authorised Desler county rate,| Second only to the total of all|game series with Alliston, one | 16.15: high | education costs in the town is|game to nothing, The Dairy boys |(J(Special Low Prices on Any Oddlll STAFFORD BROS. and gen. |the debenture payments to be| won the first game by a score of Chairs), {made, This year, debenture pay-|5 to 3 Monday night in the Whitby | Monumental Works ments, interest and principal and| arena, The second game was 318 Dundes Eest interest on other borrowing will|scheduled for last night in| MO 8-3552 ard's school conclude with a holy hour for were as follows: vice!|all parishioners, a special speak-|8.73; ) school Spe chair in the ab-|er will be in attendance, school rate, 8.00 mills; |presioent, ja Te aa Mrs. Leo As April is the month for the eral rate, 24.32 mills, (26.32 mills |Bloye. annual reports and election of for industrial and commercial). |" Father Austin was present and officers, Father Austin appointed py pENDITURES total $214,349.87, However, it A | reel Gomis "o ot as 214,349.87, » | Aurora. |cheering, stick around Whitby on|spoke briefly encouraging all | Miss® Grace O'Connor to act as General government's budget shows a drop of $5,000 from last! Whitby have Following through on a predic- Sunday afternoon and evening. [ladies of the parish to take an chairman of the nominating com- shows an increase of almost $10. year's $219,438.31. ¢ { icipating in the mittee. Mrs. D, O'Hagan and u able this year and coach Larry nk iB d A OE cu year, the TRL. hue Phe CWL. arions re- helpers will serve the lunch at 000, this year set at AAS. --Counly Fates, exclusive of Fair. Heffering hopes he can keep the ' | Included in this budget is the new view Lodge costs, which have i { | y | % the Men's parish party to be held| Inc ' boys in winning stride, however, | Be eaten somite on a tx ai Bros pears arog "Fhe Indien will sponsor 8 com: March 17 a the Legion Hall. The| Pur ECAEL (YOU, oct Fc ie' iat do he ris SASLLE Br Sch Somes aoe nl kfast for the r ure! ar building fu ! . It 18 | o } | Hi 2 uy Duuion Shui poi 3,0. Yor Nidan munis eA huir mothers to be was reduced by a $100.00, 200. Planning Board's budget isithis year is $114450.00. This i8|yith better teams. Whitby played Monday, at St. Bern $ with Mrs. Peter Ottenbrite, Dunnies Should Have World Trophy At 2:15 Tomorrow By LLOYD ROBERTSON 5] FOR MISSE PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone been unpredict- | WASHER e fo may be a little wrong in our even this amounts to something held on Sunday, March 16, with Tentative plans were made for up from $1,700 to $2,200 with|an increase of $20,000 from last|ponday night's game with only time but we think we are right in an age when just about every- Miss Grace O'Connor as general in who will be custodians of the thing else seems to be climbing. convener. A day of recollection trophy for the next 12 months, (We wonder how many other was planned to be held on Sunday, Some predictions of the out-/towns in this province will lower [arth 23. The day will com- come of the Russia-Canada game their tax rate this year. | mence with mass and communion give the Dunnies a 7-2 win. Cliff! All of which, no doubt, makes | po . Gordon, who has followed the Charles Chaytor, Industrial Com. | f Dunnies on many campaigns, missioner, very happy. He an 2 | edicts an even more resound- again point to Whitby as being ig win. He says he would not be one of the rare towns where/ surprised to see the Dunnies win taxes are dropping each year. the final game in the Oslo tour. QUIET ELECTION ney with a 15-goal margin and, Unless we have missed a few we will go out on the same limb, meetings, the election campaign| £ Those in Whithy who are gen- has almost passec Whitby by erally responsible for organizing without a whisper. Only two cheering squads tell us that there meetings have been held here, is apparently no organized at- one to nominate Dr. Claude Vi- tempt to herald a Dunnie victory pond and the other to nominate in itby tomorrow afternoon, the Hom. Michael Starr, Only Just the same, if you like to hear|two meeting are slated for later horn tooting and some hearty this month, held elections showing the only drop, Mrs, [the $1,000 cost being halved this year, since there is no election until 1959. . Fire protection was this year estimated at $21,040.90, Last year, the town spent $19,433.50, on fire protection, Street lighting estimates show- ed little change from last year. This year, council budgetted for Celebration |$12.726 og year the estimate There will be no organized cele- "pie protection also showed bration if the Whitby Dunlops win a steep climb, from $44,700 last the world's amateur hockey year p i bg i Yea, on championships in Whitby, unless cluded in the police budget thls it be an extemporaneous one. Al. Year are raises for all fen bets | though the Whitby Dunlop Boost. |0f the department and the addi. er Club are not planning any celebration Sunday night, they are planning a celebration when the Dunnies return to Whitby. "There have been no arrange- the annual bazaar to be early in December with James Smyth as general conven- er. The meeting closed with prayer, No Organized persons to the staff, The jon is currently ad-| vertising for another bl and a stenographer. INEW TRAFFIC LIGHTS tion of two | |year. REVENUE On the revenue side of the ledger, the town expects to re- ceive $30,000 from the province in unconditional grants, computed at the rate of $350 per person, Other revenues, including pro- | | sale of licenses and dog tags and | grants for street improvements, | are expected to amount to $252, 755.53. The council also estimated that |an additional $20,000 would flow {into the town's coffers this year bers from supplimentary assessment. series. Hillcrest HS | | | Holds Meet 11 men, and should they happen to get by the first round, unless they pick up additional man- power, it is doubtful that they will remain contenders. However, they do have plenty of spirit, and a team with spirit cannot be' counted out too easily, |vincial grants, poll tax receipts,| Bowmanville Juniors are pres- ently playing a two out of three game series with Newmarket, | and the winners from the Whitby- if you have not received your I Times-Gazette by 7 P.M. BELL TAXI All calls must be placed between 7 end 7.38 pm, , Call 0 And A 118 Brock St. 8, ete overhauls. WORK GUARANTEED Complete chock~ RADIO ppliences hithy MO 83707 Alliston series will play the win! ners of the Bowmanville - New-| market series, to meet the win-| {ners of the Brooklin - Aurora Name John Greer Law Assoc. Prexy The Ontario County Law Asso- Estimates for traffic control| sy. Hillerest Home and School ciation held their annual meeting includes provision for two new| sc .oiiation held their regular|at the Oshawa Police building, on | traffic lights in the town, a re-|. nihly meeting on Wednesday Monday. placement for the ones now at|eyening March 5, at the school.| The meeting opened with the the main intersection and a new pp, president, -Mrs. E. Snow, reading of the last minutes, and ! ments made with the Whithy| { Brass Band to stand by," said Eric Clarke, bandmaster, "At least," he continued, "none that I have heard of". HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWER SERVICED | | | | E | | | Rebekah Lodge Club Sees Holds Meets The regualr meeting of the Benevolent Rebekah Lodge held 'Rare Film Rare wildlife pictures from on, i in the IOOF Hall, Whitby, open- ' | ot Wil Noble Grind Sve Bol aivs northiand were Tiirsday Campbell presiding, assisted by Clyh of Whitby who watched a Vice-Grand Sister Dorothy Wick-| half-hour color film 'Expedition | ett. The minutes were recorded Moose," The film was shown by| by Sister Olive O'Dell in the ab- Horace Hartshorne, of the Osh.| HAPPY BIRTHDAY | Kara: Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Starodub sence of the recording secrtary, awa film council at the club's 1st birthday celebrated her Sister Lena Pellow. Sister D, Wickett reported on the Sick members and members glad to hear Sister Tena perts is much better, and sis- , Lena Pellow and Flossie in hospital r though still mproving nicely. Sister Lil regu'ar meeting in the Royall Friday, March 7. Also seen in Hotel. picture is her brother Gary, 4. The film was made while the The grandparents are Mr. Sam Royal Unwsrk museura and the Church, of Whitby, and Mr. Carliugs Con-ervation group were| and Mrs. Mike Starodub, of making swuawes of the life of the Selkirk, Manitoba, moose, one of Canada's oldest m memmals, The film showed many Although no organization has volunteered to make an organized |celebration on the occasion, it is a safe bet that Whitby hockey fans will be out on the streets celebrating if the Dunnies win the championship. This would be the least that fans at home could do in honour of the Dunnies, who win, lose or draw played their best and put Whitby on the map. DAY-BY-DAY FIRESIDE AUXILIARY Fireside Evening Auxiliary traffic light, possibly at the In-| opened the meeting with 'The tersection of Dunlop and Brock) geen The minutes of the pre- streets, Council did not specify|yioye meeting were resd by Mrs, a discussion of the financial state- ment was held, Reports were heard from the library associa-| exactly where the new light would be placed. The budget this year is set for $5625. Last year, only $1,000 was put in the budget for traffic control. Public works, which includes streets, storm sewers and side | E. Rivett, The door prize was won by Mr. Giffen, the Sr. room banner was warded to Mr. Peavrce's room |and the Jr. was won by Mrs, | Peter's room. The entertainment consisted of Grade 3 (Mrs. Hack-| | {tion; legal ald for the county of | {Ontario (free solicitors); tariff | jcommittee, and the insurance committee. / | New officers were elected for ithe Ortario County Law Associa: | |tion, with John Greer being elect- walks, will this year have a bud-| iL . the|ner) group singing; Grade get of $113,700. Last year, the| Torna: Coie 3 : for $85,900. (Mrs. fon budgeted for $5.8 budget | (Miss Earnshaw) choral reading; is $25,000 for street paving, an amount which it is expected will pave one and one-half miles of street, Another large item in this budget this year is $18,000 for a combination of Grades 4 and| (5 (Mrs, Stewart) group singing: | Grade 6 (Mr, Catherwood)| square dancing; Jane and Joy, {Harris of Grade 5 read a poem. Ban ¥oeman was absent with the raoose in their natural habitat as fi, "and Sister Jane Anderson is they fed, swam and ran through pot feeling too well as yet. Sister the woods. Lotte Plaskitt's husband is slow- A new member, Don Kidd, was| ly Improving. welcomed to the club circle last Thank You cards were then night by president Harold Slich-| read, and after other business ter. Guests included Kiwanians had been attended to, Lodge Jack Gibson, of the South Perer- closed in the usual way. borough Culb, and Lorne Sergent, Birthday greetings were ex tended to Chaplain Sister Lorna Stexgns. After the next meeting a penny sale will be convened by Sister Winnie Wilkinson and members are asked to bring an article towards making it a sue of the Brantford Club, Next week, the Kiwanis will be host at a tri-service-club meeting |a* the Canadian Legion Hall, on FBYPA Holds Annual Meet The FBYPA held their weekly meeting recently, The service opened with a sing song led by Paul Dale, Mr, Walter Peel of Oshawa was special guest soloist and sang two solos, Heavenly 'Love and Ship Ahoy. Barry Jones, president, led a Group of the Whitby United Church will meet in the Church (parlors on Monday, at 8 p.m {Mrs. D. McIntosh and her group will have charge of the devotion: | al. Mrs. H. C. Phillips will give| a report on the Presbyterial meeting, Miss Nona Hunter will be the soloist. LOBA MEETING The Vimy Ridge No. 639 LOBA storm sewers, an item which was| A short film on Norway was not in last year's budget at all,|shown. Following the meeting, WHITBY [rooms to meet the parents and PERSONALS | discuss their children's progress. | | Lunch was served by the associ j ation. | | Last Tuesday, in the banquet | hall of the Royal York Hotel, To-| ronto, a reception was held for Thursday evening. On Saturday Bible character game "Who Am night, -at the Community Arena,!'I," also in scripture relay race. the Kiwanis wil) stage their third The message was given by Mr, annual Kiwanis Ice Carnival, one Denzel Dale of Oshawa, Next will hold their regular monthly the worthy grand matron, worthy meetings on Monday, March 10, grand patron and grand chapter at 8 p.m. at the LOL Hall. All officers of the grand chapter of members are requested to attend | Ontario. Those from Whitby tak- cess. A social hour was enjoyed w S ith of their most successful fund- week's meeting will be in the refreshments served by Sister ral sing projects. {form of a toboggan party, weather permitting. Ethel Campbell and committee FAMED BIRDS This coming Saturday the boys A meeting of the Unity club, Adult Canada geese weigh | will play hockey against Picker- will be held Wednesday, March from seven to 14 pounds, with a ing Beach. They will mee! at the 12, in the IOOF Hall, |wingspread of about six feet. [church at 9:30 , Hitler's Wall Failed Thanks To Spy Net One of the strangest stories of | wall, made up of guns and con-| intelligence in London as to what the Second World War concernsicrete and steel, That the Allies to look for. Hitler's efforts to construct a succeeded was due to many fac- DAILY BUSINESS wall which would forever keep tors -- not the least being the It was then, as they went about the Western Allies off the conti- valor of these civilians who sup- their daily business, that they hall o¢ Europe, : plied information about the wal, | watched, measured, noted their e e Nazis were con- observations on cigarette papers structing this wall, thousands of INCREDIBLE FEAT in invisible ink and smuggled French men and women were 'Securing the blue print of the|them to Paris. These drawings observing and transmitting its| German Atlantic Wall, "General were then forwarded to London secrets in peril of their lives.|Omar Bradley, who led the First hy means of a battered old fish- This was particularly so in the|U.S. Army on D-Day, said later:|jng vessel which made rendez area between Cherbourg and Le|"'Was an incredible and brilliant|yoys with a British trawler to- Havre, where military opinion| feat -- so valuable that the land-| wards dusk off the Breton coast quite clearly foresaw that re- Ing operation succeeded with al Ope of the thrilling episodes entry into France was most| minimum loss of men and mate- tells of the wily housepainter, likely to be effected, and house. rial." painter, electrician, port em- ploye, steeplejack and prepared for D-Day with a thor- oughness which was all the more deadly for. its outward casual ness. The story of this strange chap ter in the history of the Second World War has been written by Richard Collier in a book titled "TEN THOUSAND EYES" (Wm Collin and Son Ltd One day in history 1944, saw the war shrink to a glretch of coastline, and this {Duchez, who managed even to Those who made it possible are|steal, by a daring ruse, a blue- ard Collier's story. They worked a tale of great courage to thrill two years for D-Day, but many|the most blase reader, dawned before that day dawned. | There is also a thrilling ac- TO HEAR VON St. Group will be held in the Church Hall on Monday, at 8.15 p.m, The Mrs. Elsie Goose past matron, | speaker for the evening will be Miss Margaret Standerwick VON of Whitby who will give a talk on her stay in South Africa. A full attendance is requested at this meeting as it should prove to be a most interesting one, WMS MEETING The regular meeting of the Presbyterian Church Women's Missionary Society will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 3. A good at- tendance is requested. AT BROCK H AND § The regular monthly meeting of |the Brock street south Home and {School Asociation will be held at the school on Tuesday, at 8 p.m Professor Walmsley of the Toron- to University will be the guest speaker. All members are urged to attend this most interesting meeting INVITE CHAPTERS The Whitby Chapter Order of the Eastern Star will' hold their meeting on Tuesday at the Mason. Blue Ray chapter Port Perry Coronation chapter, Sunland chapter of Sunderland, Starlight |ing part in the drill were: Mrs. 'Mae Phair worthy matron, Mrs. The regular meeting of the Maude Boyes associate matron, | Andrew's Young Women's and Mr. Jeff Martin worthy pa-| tron. Others from Whitby were: Manning past ma- ibear se- ton | Mrs. Veronica |tron, Mrs. Delphine Con cretary, Mrs. Jessie Johns! |conductress and Mrs, Browne associate conductress. Mrs. Clarence E. Freek will be Ihostess to the members of the House of Windsor Chapter IODE |at her home on Monday, at 8.15 {p.m. Pictures of Mrs. Freeks' {last year trip to Europe will be shown. Mrs. George Munns Sr. is a tending the Co-op Credit Unio |annual convention tea held at the [Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.' M. R. Davidson are spending the week end in | Palmerston as the guests of Mr. | and Mrs. J. I. Davidson. Mrs. J. Cowx, of Dundas street west, entertained the Co-op Guild members at her home last Thurs- day evening for their regular monthly meeting. Games were played and refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. F. Adams. Little Karla, granddaughter of Kyrle Southwell, Mr. and Mrs. has now returned home from the doctor the heroes and heroines of Rich-'print of the wall itself. This is/ic Hail at 8 pm. Members from cpawa Y f General Hospital Friends of the family hope for Karla's complete recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Don Dulmage This story tells of the fantastic|count of the efforts of author to chapter have been invited. Mem- have now established residence conception of a network of ama- track down and put together this teur spies formed to crack Hit |unusual war story. He succeeded ler's Atlantic Wall. {in contacting the survivors (not The group met every evening all survived the Gestapo inquisi for their customary calvados and tions) and recorded the memories under cover of their lively dis-{of each. He has put it all togeth June 6, putations they received precise er to make a thrilling story which monthly meeting on Tuesday {instructions from the secret! will rate high with the best pub {agents aent out by de Gaulle'silished stories on espionage. bers are reminded of the touch and take table EVENING GROUP I'he United Church WA Evening Group will held their regular al the church parlor. All ad to attend. 8 pm. at jmempeis in Sarnia. Their many friends wish them happiness in their new siirroundings Mrs. B. Corner, of Gilbert street west, is opening her home to the members of the Whitby Baptist Church Ladies Aid for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. Kathleen | Plan Welcome For Dunnies Members of Branch 112, Cana- dian Legion, Whitby, will be one of the first organizations in Can- ada to hold a welcome home ban- quet for the Whitby Dunlops, Plans for a dinner to be held in April are already under way. At a meeting of the Legion membership on Wednesday eve- ning, members discussed the | project and decided that the din- {ner would be held in mid-April, |at the first date possible for the | Dunnies to attend. Arr | ed president of the association | [for the coming year. T. M. Moore [was elected vice-president, and directors are: John Cameron, G. L. Murdoch and A. M. Woot- ton, Secretary-treasurer is Miss Marilyn Ruscoe. WHITBY NOW AND AVOID THE SPRING RUSH Clinton Serv WILSON'S CYCLE & SALES ice Station 106 COLBORNE ST. E. CALL MO 8-3746 are. | CLASSIFIED Lloyd baby carr erib, FOR Sale ""vness, go-cart a MO 82338 . ww Everything must sol1 'mn rrenavation for moving to our Dominion Store, Brock Street South, in Vid, "on ice, MO 8-2081, 57 FOR rent One furnished room. Phone MO 8.2466. Marchs THREE rooms, ' suitable for eouple, central diat Phone MO 8-3321 after 6. MW FOR Rent --- Furnished 3 room apart ment, electric range, Feligerator, TV outlet, 808 Brock North, Whitby, Apt. 3. RA 53214. Ly WASHER and Appliance Service and) Simplicity warranty. J. Bremner, 604/ Byron South. Phone MO 8.3785. Apr. § FOR Rent -- Ground floor apartment with large living room, kitchen, bed- room, bathroom, heat and hot water provided, quiet location. Phone MO 8.2435. 35¢ are being made to have Steve | Douglas, CBC television sports- | caster, as special speaker. Douglas, incidentally, was the | speaker at the Oslo Fund dinner frem New York for Europe, This |time he will not only be able to talk about the Dunlops, he will be talking to them. Last spring, when the Dunnies came home with the Allan Cup, Branch 112 was the first organiz- ation in Whitby to tender them a victory banquet, List Resulis At Rifle Club Results of Weekly . Handicap Shoot: E. Treen, 100 x 9; H. Son- ley, 100 x 7; M. Barker, 99 x 8; S. Landymore, 99 x 8; F. War- burton, 99 x 6; J. Fraser, 98 x ; D. St. Andrews, 97 x 5; L. Hall, 96 x 6; J. McQuay, 96 x 5; D. Smith, 94 x 6. High doubles to date are: Treen, 200 x 18; M. Barker, 199 x 16; F. Warburton, 198 x 15. This week's team results: team No. 2, 391; team No. 3, 384; team E. No. 5, 383; team No. 1, 380; team No. 4, 375, FOR Rent -- Three room basement | apartment, abstainers only. Immediate | possession. Phone 8 3 3e| {AERIALS moved, repal wastalled. 30 as low as $39. Independent Service, MO 8.2081. April 6 blowing method, t. for the Dunnies, which took place [HOME insulation, n' the evening 'the Dunnies sailed Free estimates. Septic tanks cleaned | Walter Ward, Whitby, Mar. 8 room apartment acant for April 1, couple preferred. hy 36b ithe sanitary {Phone MO |FOR Rent -- ¥ with convenience! [in Whitby. Busin | MO 8-2088; MO 8 |FOR Sale -- '53 Pontiac Tudor, real sharp car. $775. Whitby, MO 8-2230. 56b FOR Sale -- one, 1949 DeSoto, radio, | signal lights, heater, automatic trans. mission. $430. MO 8.2230, 36b FOR Rent -- Furnished light house. keeping reom with private entrance. Television in room. Available March 12 Apply 542 Mary East; phone MO 8-2332. | FOR RENT April 1st, four room apartment, in new modern building. Rent $90. Two bedrooms, stove and refrigerator supplied. Adults pre- ferred. References re- quired. MO 8-3591 | | | be Whitby Churches Orgenist: ST. ANDREW'S FAI TH BAPTIST PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron end St. John Sts, REV. DAVID MARSHALL MRS, P. N. SPRATT 421 BROCK ST. NORTH--WHITRY Pastor: Rev, E. Corbett, B.Th. 11 a.m. Morning Worship 9.45 a.m. Sunday School 11" a.m. Beginners' Class 7 p.m. Evening Service School Qur Pastor's Messages Oui Gospel Orchestra SPECIAL MUSIC» Everyone Welcome 9:15 a.m, == Radio, CKLB 10:00 a.m, = Our Sunday 11:00 o.m. and 7:00 p.m. WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs, W, E. Summers, A.T.CM. EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH 3rd Concession West of Brock N 10:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP (ENGLISH) 10:00 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 AM.--Morning Service 7:00 P.M.--Evening Service 2:30 P.M, AFTERNOON SERVICE (DUTCH) John M. Smith, BA. Minister MORNING WO Rev. , "WHAT'S THE SUNDAY 10 AM Girls and boys ? years and over, 1AM, Girls ond boys under 9 yearns WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Mrs. J. Beaton, Acting Organist, RSHIP 11 AM. "WE BELIEVE IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES" EVENING HOUR 7 P.M. DIFFERENCE" SCHOOL 11 AM, infant Care Junior Worship,