NEW PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE BUILDING OFFICIALLY OPENED new Prudential Insur- America man A. Gifford, centre, declar- | building, 44 Stevenson's Road | charge of Canadian operations ed th ance With the cutting of the ribbon | Friday afternoon, Mayor Ly- of Company WITH THE DUNNIES Russ Don't Sc We're Ready: EDITOR'S NOTE: This is Dunlops and a sports column- the sixth of a series of ar- ist of The Times ~- Gazette, ticles from overseas by Wren Other articles will follow.) Blair, manager of the Whitby By WREN A. BLAIR Sets All- THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, Merch 8, 1958 §. Februar Time Record se a-- Bathe Park Choral Group And Organ In Recital The second in a series of five 'To Repair Club Roof |. co i meeting of Bathe Anglican Church at 830 p.m, {Park building committee and The recitalists will be Kelvin {members of the' executive was James, organist of St. Andrew's {held in the clubhouse Wednes- United Church and the Canter- day evening. John Fisher, presi-/bury Singers, under the direction {dent presided. of Mrs, .K Drynan, | Plans were discussed for fix-! Mr. James will open the recital ling the roof of the building, with the Concerto in G Minor by Henry Glecoff was appointed to Handel. jorder the necessary material, The Next Mr, James and the Can- {men of the neighborhood will be terbury Singers will collatborate |asked to do the work. in presenting a most interesting Henry Etmanski, dance com- group of chorales and chorale- mittee representative, reported on|preludes, The choir will sing a the weekly dances held at CRA. chorale or hymn which will be Tonight, Mar. 8, Bathe Park is immediately followed by the the host, and it is hoped to see chorale-prelude based on this a good representation from this hymn. The chorale-preludes are area attend. lof widely varying styles and it of the comjany, left, and | The members were reminded should be most interesting to Frank J. Dunoar, Oshawa dis- |of the ladies auxiliary bazaar and hear the different treatments trict manager of the company [tea to be held Wednesday, Mar, given to the four tunes, took part in the ceremony. The |19, in the building. Euchres are These begin with the chorale | mew building, situated across held every Saturday night and 'Wake, O Wake", arranged and | the street from the Oshawa |bingos every Thursday afternoon, harmonized by Bach, The chor- Shopping Centre, features a | A very active boys .club is in ale-prelude to this is by Ludwig spacious, well lit, office and a operation every Wednesday night Krebs. The second number is a modern exterior, {under the leadership of Howard hymn 'Jesu, grant me this, 1 Times-Gazette Photo. Hutchinson, pray" by Gibbons, with the chor- " --=| With all this activity going on ale-prelude by Healey Willan, and only a few coming out to the, This number will be sung and pages of meetings there is much work for -- LJ The Times-Gazette, we will likel 4 " B 11 have oo indi Ciny the executive. The association [slovakia and the United States, |needs the support and help of the Whether or not we have won|Parents in the district, ill these games is hard to say, But, The membership drive will be if we have, and if Russia has Starting in the near future and also won theirs, then the world 3 Eteal des) of help will 46 Reed. championship might be decided in| ®¢ to ry nyone wis ng 0 Sunday's final game between our Canvass their block please con- A special south, officially opened. Rob- | ert M. Green, vice-president in ns reaches the news As this is written, the Dunnies have completed their first three games of the 1958 World Ice Hockey Championship. We have won all these games, piling up COMING EVENTS 50 goals for, and only one against { Tapressive as this may be, we teams, Obviously this is going to tact any member: of the execu. 58 s this may be, Yara tive. Your help will be greatly, are not lulled into any false sense iy Refve aching same, Unter appreciated, fi of security by that record. The, 0.0 oor it becomes a sudden Don Henshaw, a pioneer in the eld of radio braodcasting as an- nouncer, sportscaster, writer and program director, will address GRACE Lutheran Church tional pot-luck supper, Sunday, March Temple, Tuesday, March 11 9, 5 p.m. at Slovak Hall, Ritson Road | p.m. 50c and refreshments South at Beatty. Entertainment 56b - BINGO Coronation Orange Temple, Saturday, March 8, 8 p.m. 20 regular games. Share- the - wealth, 4 -$40 | Jackpots to go. 1 | Orchestra, Church, Bowmanville Karn's Drug Store Leather Goods and. Saywell Woodview Community Centre MONSTER congrega- PROGRESSIVE Euchre in the Orange at 8.15 57b RAY Dudley Concert with Hart House March 20, in Trinity United Tickets $1. At March 7,8,10,12,14 $150 special to go. St. John's Hall corner of Bloor and Simcoe. BINGO 8 P.M. MON., MARCH 10th More han $1,000 in Prizes including 2-$250.00 JACKPOTS (57 and 55 numbers) 1 $150.00 Jackpot 20 Games at $20.00 5 Games at $30.00 DOOR PRIZES RED BARN Turn left at North Oshawa School, one block past A & P store BUS SERVICE TO THE FRONT DOOR $1.00 Admission Includes 1 CARD Social evening given by the Ladies' Aid of the | church, on Monday March 10, 7:30 p.m. Bingo games given for prizes, refreshments served, everybody wel- comed. 57a "NEW MODES IN MUSIC" You are invited to an INFORMAL MUSICAL EVENING on Tues, Mar. 11th at the Mc- LAUGHLINPUBL IC LIBRARY AUDITOR- IUM at 8:00 p.m. STEREOPHONIC tape recordings ("stereo- phonic sound is two- eared sound") Unusual high - fidelity phono- graph records featuring familiar music on un- familiar instruments, ANNUAL MEETING AND DINNER of the Oshawa & District Branch Carradian Diabetic Association Wednesday March 19, 6.30 p.m. Northminster United Church (Simcoe St. N, & Rossland Rd.) TICKETS $1.50 from any member of the Ex- ecutive or phone RA 5.0173 or MA 3.5443, Speaker A. WRENSHALL Insulin and Pills" 56t Programme arranged by Mr. George Wilson, under the auspices of the McLaughlin Public © Library, Admission free ! DR. G "Diabetis, KINSMEN CLUB OF OSHAWA MONSTER BINGO TUESDAY, MARCH 11TH 8:00 P.M. AT THE JUBILEE PAVILION $1,000 IN PRIZES INCLUDING: 2--3$250.00 JACKPOTS (54 NUMBERS) 1--$150.00 JACKPOT (MUST BE WON !) 20 GAMES AT $20.00 SHARE THE WEALTH DOOR PRIZES $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD BUS SERVICE TO THE DOOR MONSTER BINGO SATURDAY, MARCH 8 +. 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 each of $20, $30, $40, $50 Share The Wealth SAINT GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS 2 EXTRA GAMES OF $25 March 7, 8,21, 22 57b Fri. Sat.,&Mon. till March28 first three games were against nd 4 A Poland, Norway and Finland, all death affair for Hie title, | graded as "B" class teams be- Refereeing wil have a big part ' ass 5 | the a3 t as ba . fore the tournament opened. The jb the game Sut, as Jas Joes tough games are ahead. We have REVEP Yor ow fost a game. We iy h f , had the appetizer, so to speak. here are fully cognizant of what $1 Noy comes She main course. will be at stake, and so are the ps ' Russians. The Russian team has also " been winning by decisive scores, WILL DO BEST and presents a constant threat, Rest assured, people from On- as do these other top class teams, tario county and throughout Can- 0 ro I spent several hours with Roman ada, that your representatives the That's when they will present casting of the Toronto centennial Kisselov the other evening.| Whitby Dunlops, will do every-|, 'coeiia) variety concert, one celebration. He remained to |Roman is the official interpreter thing possible to win for our coun-iy ie" oe" which will be a one-act/marry a Canadian girl. lof the Russian team. Canadians|try. However, if humanly possible oomeqy called "Sleeping Dogs".| His radio experience led him will likely recall that he was with/ We want to do it in a sportsman-| "wpa "oact jg suite enthusiastic into the advertising agency busi- the Russians when they toured|like way. Should we lose, I trust|ano,t "Sleeping Dogs" as a laugh-| ness, and during the war he was Canada 'last fall. We had many Jat Beiter Thyself lor auy mem. getter and, apart from that, it loaned to the Canadian govern- fmisresting saings to talk Shout, hang our heads when we return| Wil serve as a special vehicle ment as a public relations coun- very keen mind. We discussed the|to Canada. Win, lose or draw, for Miss Anne Workman, a vi- sel for victory loan campaigns. v W | 'st. |VAclous, blonde member of the His travels in Canada and in the members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa at their luncheon meeting in Hotel Genosha at noon on Monday. The luncheon [] Plan Variety C rt H will usugurate She sarvice club's Laster Seal Campaign, once P1Q mal sms oe Fp Ld- The members of St. Gregory's vertising Co., Toronto, Mr, Hen- Young People's Club have two shaw was born in the United big dates upcoming -- Mar, 16 States. In 1934 he was invited to Canada to assist in the broad- louse, A faulty oil burner at 232 Mar- quette street, caused the first alarm at 9:15 a.m, Friday. Mrs, eek: North - south: Mrs. M. R. Clarke and Mrs. E. Wadsworth, > Driver Gets | Seven Days MANY HAPPY RETURNS George L. Hall, 895 King St. E., is today receiving the con- gratulations of his large circle of friends on the celebration of his birthday. Mr, Hall was for- merly prominent in the busi- ness life of Bowmanville and Oshawa. Drunk driving brought a sen- tence of seven days in jail to Robert Phillip Woodland, 29, of 1115 King street east, in Oshawa Police Court Friday. | Woodland was also sentenced to {pay the costs of the court or | spend another seven days in jail. r His drivers licence was suspend Hart's Hill after passing a ed in accordance with the provis-|_ .. lions of the Highway Traffic Act, [Police ear at a high rate of [ The accused pleaded guilty to speed and forcing the cruiser on {the charge of drunk while in/the boulevard. {charge of an automobile. He had! A blood test recorded 1.9 per been apprehended on top oflcent alcohol Jin the bloodstream A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN TEXACO SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE Good Location -- Modern Station differences between our twe coun-| know we will have done our best. Y | ET Sr wh sau | In 'my ears, 1 i hear a Te. Sub io ee making Bet the Unites Suis average over id- mark Kisselov made to me the u fro ' : ada, and finally wound up by kid | Miss Workman, the daughter of For many years he was the There is little doubt in my mind kidded a lot about being sent to A {that the Soviet team is confident |Siberia if we lost. That's non-|SE 10 the amateur Jheatrical [that they will win the champion. Sense. But your Canadian teams; =, "nour Dio sione both ship. He even called the Russian have to win in Europe or be dis-| 4;.0 ted by Ea Winters, in Four Alarms |team to beat Canada by at least graced before your Canadian o-,"" "The Barrets of Wimpole . . a psychological attempt to con-|other teams if you lose. You are| jo 2c" brofessional model Durin Ni ht fuse our team, I don't know, He the ones who MUST win," he con- pe : p Mi 4 |did say that there was no doubt cluded. lop Geers) ators o Canad, whatsoever that this was the GIVE THEIR ALL |week special at Motorama Four alarms kept the Oshawa strongest team Canada had ever' "Is this really true?" I ask my- " ji iid Fire Department busy In the last sent to Europe. self. I don't think so. Maybe, in| Other members of the cast are s4 hours, Causes ranged from ) iols ' i Katherine Hilles. The story cen- hockey. ch 4 .|icism, but I don't think the fans y hockey championship since, Rus 1 Gr arly county woul fee hat res around the experiences of a ada has sent the best team ever way. They know this team well| magazine reporter who visits a this year." was the Tua he put enough that they will give their/home to find out whether a mar. it. However, he still finished up all. Nobody, can do more, and ied couple i happy. G. G. Danzey called the fire de- by saying that he thought Russia after all this is a sport, not a partment when heavy smoke be- - - a - - tended to play rough when we that's the story here in Oslo. We W inners Listed ap meet them on Sunday, and has. 2'® ready for the tough final . tened to assure us that if we did/52Mes coming up. They will he Il e u we would get the penalty box tough, but I think we have the 1 sensed that he 1 a kind of club that will give the " 5 : Sot al er ght be ultimate angwers out on the ice, Following are te Tesults of hi it was only after our defenceiW¢ nor the Russians, nor any ni al' Adelaide House this started to hand out jarring body other country, will Je able to checks that we took the play argue with those. "Go Dunnies away from them. I think they G0 : = --|73% points; Mrs, N. H. Daniel {fully realize this, and are trying and Miss Grace Burns 64% {to scare us away from this type SOCCER PLAYER DIES points and Mrs. F. Turney and So this battle of nerves goes on for the English Soccer Cup hold- and Mrs. M. Bird, 58% points; pver here. It looks as though it ers, Aston Villa, died here Wed- Mrs. 0. G. Mills and Mrs. J, Vv will continue until the final nesday night in hospital from a Mills, 56% points; Mrs, H A whistle has gone. By the time|kidney complaint. He was 19. {Washington and Mrs. Ho B. pe -- James, 48% points. * WHITBY BRASS BAND Noles. ft BYRON STREET SOUTH, WHITBY Games Start at 8 P.M. 20 Games at $20.00 2--%$250, JACKPOT GAMES Tap line in the first game,. $50.00. Must go once a month 5 -- Games at $30 1.00 Admission Includes 1 Card DOOR PRIZE and 5 FREE ADMISSIONS | All proceeds go: towards outfitting and training the | JUNIOR BRASS BAND {ding each other about the out- other night, He said: "You have] n 4 ' {come of the present tournament, [to win. We Russians used to get| . oa Mrs, LC mun jeager of ome of Canada's arg. [three goals. How much of this he'fans. They will condemn youig coin ani" what E really believes and how much is|#reatly as they did Kitchener and a 0 Fiat an he . e . ar 'ans eo W, Neil McAllister, Rae McAvoy, ' cms ky sone W 5 FAVORS RUSS other parts of Canada, we would XN y C Y, small fires to someone who had "I've been to every world ice "® subjected to annecessary crit-| Nancy Love, Anne Goodwin and||ocked himself out of his own could win, He seemed quite wor- political tournament ried as to whether or not we in- So good friends from home, ! ro oy ; games played by th bers to hit in the game, because when We always found that is the only the ily Dap Bridge we met them in Toronto last fall, place they can be given. Neither i of game, by the threat of penal. BIRMINGHAM, England (AP) Mrs, R. Schofield, 59% points, ties. Arthur Sabin, reserve goalkeeper, Fast-West: Mrs. E. Stewart WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th at 1 SPECIAL GAME OF $300 ($20.00 eqch Horizontal Line--%$200,00 for Full Card WHITBY BRASS BAND EXTEND AN INVITATION TO ALL A wonderful opportunity for an aggressive, sales- minded individual Very Reasonable Rent Capital Required -- $3,000.00 PHONE RA 5.2323 Ariciomins . Musicians interested in playing in a Brass Band Bus Service-- Leaves Oshawa Terminal, 25¢ return ' Repairs To Roof At GM w-- apo. at ory Rd Boost Total By $425,000= Total value of building permits narek, 450 Simcoe street soifi {issued by Oshawa engineer's de-| commercial hardware store-fies played as a tribute to the me- partment during February was pairs, $1,200; Lakeview He mory of Elizabeth Weller, of St.|$731,737, the highest for Febru-|Cohstruction, 534 Lawrence Catharines, whose sudden death|ary in the history of the city, and | west, Toronto, four single family last week shocked her many more than twice the amount for dwellings, $40,000, hi friends in Oshawa and Whitby. that month last year which was Sam Hertz Construction, Toren. Miss Weller was a charter mem-|$311,935, In February, 1956 theto, five single family dwel ber and secretary of the Oshawa value was only $288,460. 1 $50,000; Ken Van Court, 844 Centre while she lived here. It was also higher than the borough drive, single family The third number, the chorale figure for January this year ling, addition, $1500; L tune "Innsbruck" was harmoniz-| which was $493 937, | Rossland road east, single ed by Bach and the chorale-pre-| Biggest item was a permit for | dwelling repairs, $1,000; A, lude written by the modern General Motors roof repairs horuk, 365 Oshawa boul Dutch composer, Flor Peters. vaiued at $425,000, Eight of the 41|north, single family dwel The last number in this group permits were issued to Kamin|$11,000; People's Clothing Sk will be the great St. Anne tune, Construction for new single fam-/36 Simcoe street north, ¢ "0 God, our help in ages past" ily dwellings value $96,000, |store repairs, $550; Ideal daley, with a chorale-prelude written by Following is a list of other(390 Ritson road north, dairy ad Sr, Hubert Parry. | permits issued, giving company dition, $1,100; W. Bennett PaY- After a brief intermission the name, location, class and use of ing, Simcoe street north, office Canterbury Singers will present |structure: | building, $3,000; K. Stasko, 139 a group of motets: "Adoramus| L. Peel, 524 Park road south, Albert street, single family dwel- Te" by Palestrina, Gabriel's addition to single family dwel-|ling, $10,000; V. Koptich, 417 Message", a Lenten carol of the ling, $000; Eveleigh Cleaners, Fairleigh avenue, single family 16th century, "O Lord the Maker Mill street, repairs to cleaning dwclling cellar alterations, $1. of all things" by William Mundy | establishment after fire, $12,000;|000; I. Kurikshuk, 280 and finally "O King, all Glor- Lakeview Heights Construction, road, single family dwelling cel- ious" by Healey Willan, |534 Lawrence street west, Toron- (lar alterations, $600; R. Leaven, Mr, James will close the re-|to five single family dweilings,|209 Nassa. street, single family cital with the Chorale in A Minor g50 000; T, A. Wilson, Canning- dwelling repairs, $3,000; M. Scott, by Cesar Franck. ton, single family dwelling, $11,-|767 Law street, single car garagi The collection will be devoted ogo; G, Szwezenko, 885 Myers $500; E. Tozer, 310 Elmgro to a fund for the building of a|gtreet, single family dwelling, avenue, single family dwelling headquarters for the Canadian cellar alterations, $500; P. Bed | addition, $4,500, College of Organists, | Radio Pioneer To: Accused Admits Address Rotary 10 Indecent Acts A shy young man was convict-| posed himself, ed on a charge of indecent ex- INADEQUATE PERSONALITY ' posure at his trial in Oshawa| Lander admitted all offences. | Police Court Friday. John Oliver|In a report by an Oshawa psy~ |Lander, 27, of 783 King street chiatrist, Lander was called "a |east, pleaded guilty to 10 counts compulsive neurotic, but not psy- of committing an indecent act by chotic." exposing himself in public. Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall, | He was remanded for sentence QC, called Lander an 'inadequate lin custody to Monday, March 10, | personality", usually found in shy |A psychiatrist will be asked to persons. "Compulsive neurotic comment on Lander in court, | Statements of witnesses against "If a policeman was there he Lander were read in court. Lan- would not be impelled." der exposed himself to approx-| Rev. R, A. Bombay, minister: imately 20 girls, ranging in age of the Oshawa Pentecostal' from 14 to over 20, on various Church, Simcoe street south, occasions, |gave character evidence. He The offences took place at the stated that Lander was married, OCVI, the Oshawa Girl Guide had three children, 2, 3, and '§ Building on Simcoe street south, years of age. He had normal re the YWCA on McGregor street, in|lationships with his wife. Ri. front of the Oshawa Post Office,| As a member of the congre | on Simcoe street north, Park|tion Lander had not al | = road north and Park road south, church regularly for the. past | His technique was the same in y EAE has Dot ont» ases. He spiri uties," sald Bos in question, BR bay. spends much time in work for/heart", opened his coat and ex- the case." |does not mean a thing," he sald." selected each year, Most of the counties in the Province of One tario have named a candidate fof this travelling scholarship. The selection of the two boys and two girls will be made by the pro- [Sabre and handicapped chil-| ne 'Ronald Werry Is Nominated For Award Elude ctu d: Ronald Werry, Oshawa, RR 1,/at Guelph on Mar, 14, 15 and 16, has been nominated to represent] Ronald Werry has an outstands eo : the Junior Farmers of Ontario ing record of achievement in The burning oil spread, the| County as a candidate for for the | Junior Farmer work in Ontarie curtains caught fire, the paint/Junior Farmer Travelling Scho- | County, and if selected for this oround the sink was singed off|larship to Great Britain and Nor-| travelling Scholarship will be and the fire department was call-'thern Ireland in June of this, th: tative ed. With the help of a neighbor| year, ja wor ny Tepresen : Mrs. Lang had the fire out be-| This travelling scholarship is FRENCH ORIGIN foe The pari-mutuel or totalizator [gan pouring out of the burner, It was just a smoke scare, A pot of oil on the stove caus- ed a minor fire at 20 Oshawa boulevard north at 1:05 p.m. Fri day. Mrs. 8. J. Lang was cooking when the oil caught fire. She] dumped the whole pot in the kit. chen sink, That made it worse. fore the fire reel arrived, Dam- made available each year by the age was $80, Ontario Department of Agricul! sys A roaring grass fire behind ture. Two junior farmers - | Systom of Detting was first weed Rundle's Nurseries, Ltd., King -- -- street east, kept the fire depart-! ment busy at 3:25 p.m. At 8:55 p.m, the doy's activities | were rounded out when Mrs, J. Edwards, 27 Oshawa boulevard north, reported to the fire de. partment that she had locked herself out of her own house. The house was entered by a ladder CITY OF OSHAWA BUILDING PERMITS from the upstairs window. City of Oshawa Building By-Law No. 1843, dated January thes 1928, requires that a Building Permit be obtained before wdrk™ is started on any erection, enlargement, alteration, repair, - Vehicle Make don ony | demolition or moving of any buliding. It is necessary for « Is Lower {I the Building Inspector to approve the proposed work befors a Building Permit can be issued. OTTAWA (CP) February | production of motor vehicles total | led 31,135 units, a drop of more than 14 per cent from last year's corresponding total of 36,365, the bureau of statistics reported to- day. The bureau's preliminary report on motor vehicle output placed the January - February total at 64,004 units, more than 21 per cent below the corresponding 1957 total of 81,468. Production of passenger cars in February was 26,547 units com- pared with 29,661 a year ago Commercial vehicle production declined almost 32 per cent to 4,588 units from 6,704 in Febru. Buehler's Meat Specials! Monday Only! City Zoning By-Law No, 3415 places certain restrictions en the location, type and use of buildings in the various areas of Oshawa. For this reason also it is important that the regu- lations be checked ond a Building Permit obtained before commencing any work of the type mentioned above, Persons guilty of contravening any of the provisions of these By-Laws ore liable to a fine upon conviction, In order to avoid needless inconvenience and expense, property owners are urged to keep in mind the above regulations end to comply with them when necessary. W. R. BRANCH, Chairman, Board of Works. 12 KING ST. EAST PHONE RA 3-3633 TENDER SIRLOIN STEAKS TENDER CLUB STEAKS uw OF SLICED BREAKFAST BACON vw 99° COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 5 .- 1.00 69° 570 A | | members of junior institutes are °