§6 THE DAILY TIMIS-GAZNTTL Setwidey, Mark 8, 1998 = OFFICE HOURS - wis THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads [sane INDEX 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades 14--Household Repairs \31--Personal Service 20 36--Femole Help Wanted DE a Help Wanted .. Please Note | 5.7. Wopkins sad Company, Coriid| Commer. | TOUR local c Eads w we DUE te, expanding business, Filer Bratton row in act do || TO WANT AD [Bobo ind wh Shr ok, Joes its eh 5 | TAILORING a STENOGRAPHER E84 Ee emorioms, Cords of recovered, J Births, Memarioms, Con CLASSIFICATION MowTEmTH, Monteith, Rieti and, Co. |CLOTRESLINE poles installed aS like sew. Why ay mare? English. Yailon ng, % on. 1 ey ri Inks ~-- guaran- id ' a { , Oshawa, Stratford, To- 564 | toed, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up- For oll your tailoring requl ; : P DEATH i SAME DAY J Aeesionts J on z, awa Monteith, JN KITCHEN cupboards and Sarpenier bolstering. Co., 10 Bond Street West.| 0.0. Use our experienced ng Office work av : / 4 " Free - services, -hour dry cleans | compo pays for hospital 11 AM. SAME DAY 3-~Chiropracter , Lightfoot, CA; ge| Phone RA 81991, Apr.7 ior, TO eo ond insurance panetits, W f) ve RE repaired DIAL RA 3-3492 4--Dentists |W, Trethewsy, CA. RA 5.3527, 135 Sin stered. See our materials fi MBING and heating , fittings, 5 | s--Nursing Services Icos Street North Oshaws, Aprils PLUMB, RO and heating Cnanging from ing. Bruce os i ta station, Oshawa, ar Thorough instru r Avply to Personnel Manager, 6--Optometrists YALE, Friedlander, Hunter and Co, |septic tanks o sewer a in . Sewing Center, 14 Ontario Street, D. Wemer Co, (Canada) BIRTHS 7--Surveyors . uditors, stallations ut dias rt Taies. lntor. |POR Tes] Savings on paling and deco, T.T.S. till Mar, 9 awa. Cimited, 1155 Simcoe Street , [mal estimates free on pe | rating. Phone MO il 7a--Vaterinarions ; lof plumbing. Dial RA 85-4241, 3% role. furniture refinished like new also Rox-|22--Radio and T.V. Repain South, Oshawe, COOK -- Harold and Betty Cook (neel] 8--Building Trades 3 cpa, Dial RA 51621, Arild Aico stoned. '. I Muon RON® TV Antennas insialied and DO-IT-YOURSELF Reardon) are happy to announce the 9--Bullding Material 0 + | CARPENTER work, eabinets, 85-4274. hd Birth of a son on Thursday, Mareh 6,| 10 sharpening Service (FO Claeys Datars ACCHRIE 20: an lations 8 specially. Free estimates, le owe Se Geo. PC Going, WA |LEN aid Low's antennas, rotors, ULF, RENT.A-FLOOR I "h Glews, Goner ows | 10 ron Spsercntio sie it BE sh x Ski maid, Fo rs Phos Wh S704] SANDER & FINISHER BOOKKEEPER other and son doing fine, Toor 7% MA 3.3942, Apr.S | 11e--Business Opportunities | dence, RA 3.7605, pcs per TT from i - dence, ADIO, TV, dio All Guy) on Trursdeys, March 8 000 ot | 12Drewmoking scraps sz govee| ANDREW BUTLER last Teal wins Bfivmd Slfionng |wAp10- 7 23 580 77050 M1 1 ARRISON & KINSMAN Capable Bookkeeper |Ixecsiet gril. Du, Sm Vise the Toronto East General Hospital, a || 13-- ct il™, ooo Specialising enti nd BUILDING CONTRACTOR | mtr rood Tiger {90% or 451 Eso Street Dial FA 9 337 Simeon St. S. RA 3-4428 Woah 1 1oke Groves 3t once. Rawleigh' igs Dept. © March 13 ' I PR daughter, Donna Louise. | | ple LT oo [| 14--Household Repairs and financial reports. N.HA. HOMES BUI bathroom wall and' floor tile. Phone EE 15-- Instruction Oshawa. RA 5.9983, Merch 271 Brick, stone, ond block spe [S102 Marl CORONET XY Joes doi lactoty of a small office. Apply chnicians, DEATHS [| 16--insurance 12--Borristers cialists: Chimneys, general re- | 1 5--=Instructior. 73 Cedar Street. Guaranteed job. in writing giving ex- 17==Money to Loan pairs. Work guaranteed, free - hain Sows, Gas ond Electric C-52470 Stuart St., Boston 16. > 18--Loan Wanted rly: Soticuors S220 estimates, : experience. Appoisiments nly, Cal A ie is. Tope. AD ib Floor Sanding and perience, references, Tan 2000 00 Nar MACKIE -- Entered into rest tn To. | 50000000 187 Public, Bank of Commerce Dud, RA 20347 Ba Slim. Mar 20) eit Street. Dial RA 3.9793| Polishing Equipment and etc. This is a perman- onto Western Hospital on | 19--Personal |ing, 5 Simcoe Street North. RA 33446; Feb. 9 [HARVEY Dance Academy, baton, tap, Aprils] Moteriols (new machines): ent position with In- MARRIED man for mixed farm. Beef th 7, 1958, Ed G One |T. K. Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, allet, nd. Re; . . : Xie, beloved Ty of E srace | 2 Cartage Servis Ria % K. Drynan; gL Murdoch, FOR SUB ogg fl ty iamian 6123, Sl Saw; (Sones; Drills; surance. and other Martin and brother of Viola, Toronto, | - H. mortgages Arrang ension ers; Ralph, Oshawa, in his 46th year, Rest. || /2--Radio Repairs a a empties VENDERS £) LiLLIsN M30 Mazi: Saves Saucuiv. ASSOCIATED Sprayers; 10-ft, Tree Pruner; benefits. Write Box 43, Ing at the Armstrong Funeral Home. || 73._.women's Column Solicitor, 26% King . i : Masonic Temple, Fridays, Ssturdays ELECTRONIC Pipe Threading Equipment; Times-Gazette. SALES trainee. Outstanding . In- || 24--Morket Basket phone, Business HA 9801; 'Residence Tenders will be received by |ga 37283. May20 SERVICES Electric Homner; Chain 86b ity for young man to learn chapel Monday, March 10, 2 pm 3 terment Oshawa Union Cemetery. In| 25--pets and Livestock LAE Ap the undersigned until Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow brit future, Net Net samings of leu of flowers, donations to the heart # MANNING F, Swartz, Barrister, Solici- . i 4 A i 26--Farmer's Column s ' Frid M h 14, 1958 Guaranteed repoirs to all Torch; Electric Soldering Iron; $5000 earl , J nf fund Id be appreciated, (Memb 3 ri arc | a i i ORI ig oF, Svpuisiment, o Cedar Mason's Laide and oer 27 t, hii 4 Bly, 33 ng Ha Ban Rr i tor a, following sub odes Music Studio for All Instruments makes radios and television, 00 5 Tore, etc, Stan's INTERESTING W/ K Colonial H: ethren wi old a service 28--5u er Resorts Residence, 4029, . . i i - arpel ce, corner Baral home Sunday, 4 pm) | Frm CHP ois block laying, brick laying, Piano Tuning PHONE RA 3-3427 | thepening Sewvice, comer FOR ADVANCEMENT 2 unting HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris : 3 ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES April? g oO urke Sts, 0) MaeMILLAN -- Entered into rest ati] 29-~Summer Properties For Sole ters, Solicitors; R, D, Humphreys, QC; electrical, cabinet makers, : p RA 3.3224, We Have penings the Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, Fri. | or Wanted G. B. Boychyn, BA; W. A, Hillman! ond basement floor finishing, New and Used Pianos March 20 for ( LERKS 7 , M LLB, 8 King Street West, Phones: Her : r ' San Seioved. father of Mrs W. J || 30--Lost and Found Office, RA 51177; Res. RA 54604; for subdivision In Whitby | Full Selection of All Instruments Claremont Radio ag '|| 31=Articles For Rent Whitby, MO 82761. Money to loan, Township, (N d Used) bs 3 2 Sioa » ogi mare Stren. 32-Articles Wanted oY, Aprilll Lowest or any tender not, ne- ry St. § And T.V. Services ELNA CLERK | Y PISTS Eqeiene to Super. McDONALD, Eifssbeth Margaret || 34--Auction Sales JOSEPH P. Mangan, GC, Barrister, cessorily accepted, " "March3o| 143 King E. RA 5-7721 IF YOU ARE SINGLE market, five day wee At the Rose Nursing Home on Thurs. || 35--Employment Wanted SoCHor. od Cay So loan, Office, i Lawlor Homebullders Repairs 10 all mekes, factory SEWING MACHINE JUNIOR MATRICULANT Good starting salary, day, March 8, 195, Elizabeth Margaret] 36---Female Help Wanted Residence, RA 5-3405. April Co-Op Ltd., 16--Insurance authorized, telephone answer- RENTALS oy ih wy Apply poy io rity to BASSINS tat Burtén, formerly of 61 Ronald Avenue, i el BiB esetm---------- Toronto, beloved wife of the late John || 37--Mole Help Wanted OHN A. G. MacDonald, BA, Barris: Box 273, Gshawa, Ont. EE | og. sevice. Howe cols J McDonald, dear mother of Mary (Mrs, (| 38--Male or Female Help Wonted liter and Solicitor, 1 Simcoe Street 55¢|lo 20 percent, nine months to pay for| $2.50 - $3.50, all materials Stroight Stitch ond Zig-Zog. BELL TELEPHONE FOOD MARKET D. McNaught), and Douglas H., both of || 39--Agents Wanted North, Phone RA 8-8511, 1 , 1 ice at your home, Call Toronto, and Jolin W., Ostawa. Resting | 40 opportunities GREER, Les and 9--Building Material Br DT He iy our iirc, Pucrentéed 90 doy RA 5-2591 CO. OF CANADA | Ajax Shopping Centre at Brown Brothers Funeral Home, Eg to he - Mar.5 7, Ie! Mnton Avenue at Dufferin, Toronto.|| 41=-Room end Boerd 417. BALED straw for frost coverage de- Box No 28 e Service in the chapel on Saturday at|| 42---Room and Board Wanted d livered, A. Armstrong, HOward 6.5555, OSHAWA SHOPPING . 3 0 : i. 1 pm, Interment Mount Lawn Ceme-|| 43_ wanted To Rent pAVID "Bowman, Barrister and Sal. | Toronto March 1! giRE AND HURRICANE IN- - Same D Times-Gazette tery, Oshaws. 9b | damtor Rent pe fimeon Steet 5% avr 10--Sharpening Service SURANCE, AUTOMOBILE Prompt -S ay April) sr $16,500 IN A MeEVERS Entered into rest in| 45--Recl Estate For Sole ZT BA INSURANCE, ALL RISK y the 'Oshawa General Blospital on Satur: || 455 Real Estate Exchange sic., 13% Simcoe Street North, Dial of HAYE our Mwninower Surpeneq Niel. FLOATER POLICIES, IN 24-HOUR 3 Articles Wanted YEAR FOR THE. Datived wile of Howard McEvers and| 46--Real Estate Wanted five. RA $3741. Residence RA 330% |102 Highiand, RA 88363. Marchi6| STALMENT PLANS IF DE TV SERVICE trek up "wi arcs ukng viuswa CLERK -TYPIST th { Mrs, Arth Ci Us|] 47----Automobliles For Sale - | iss SIRED, space, gl call, Se wl ay (Eton una Hoard of Otowa, 1s | 4h--nutomonles word | CAMERON sa Machu Borin 11--Business Opportunities Aprile i BE Ei BE Th or the oreo. office of | RIGHT MAN = r year. esting at the Arm. -- ile R A and -8131. strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with | 4 Aytomeb . poiry private. mortgages Arranged. iin and Robert S. McCallum PIANOS for students, any make or ee a progressive utility, We don't want to mislead you... memorial service in the chapel on|| SO--Articles For Sale BUSINESS 521 Rossland Rd. W RA 8-5286 Pay cash, State make and price. Write to thinki that ki Tuesday, March 11, at 2 pm, Inter] 51--Swap and Barter (GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solid: * OPPORTUNITY Ossian SDV Box 916, Times Gazette. -- Mar.21| Age 23-30. Must be $30, Opunking er Poking CO or amis | 82Laga) Natew Dial RA 3.2278 Residence phones: M. PHONE RA 5-6402 ANYTIME WE pay cash for used furniture, ap-| accurate typist with as falling off a log, But we mencing Sunday.) | CLASSIFIED AD RATES |greer: BA: fc. RA S600 Torenes Yi SERVICE CATION Aprilé OSHAWA TV: sewing machines, pianor| general office exper- | do pay our men from $16,500 .. No BBLS -- Prince Street. RA 8.1131. March 13| jence, has pleasi to. $50,000 in a year and we BOBINSON -- Entered into rest in 25 words or less ||MeGIBBON and B 17--Money to Loan y P ng want the some kind of o mos Humber Memorial Hospital, Weston, on h and Solicitors, Clien For rent on easy terms, Me- Ahi aug -- Friday, March 7, 19%, Daniel Robinson, | | conve Cot Charge | ana Bol el er. eC Heh chanical work allowed. Ex- CTIENTS money to Toast on Brel mort. ELECTRONICS Sppeciance and 550d in the Oshawa area. father of Mrs. Hart Buck (Eunice), To. | INSERTIONS 1.88 207 | RA 53504, . Char er do fac, cellent location in Oshawa, purchased, NHA mortgages arranged. | elephone manner, Fre- Here are our i ; : requirements, ronto, in his 87th year. Resting at the|| 6 CONSECUTIVE Sar 36] Copital required $2,500, |Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur.) meee A OTCH30 vious switchboard ex- age 45 10 60 . . . willing to i velo x te erst] INSERTIONS ~~ 3.00 330 || ouyoarg cnc A and Thomas H.| 1roining provided if a Boch avizl CAMPBELL' S perience would be an accept responsibility , . able" Monday, March 10, 3 p.m, Interment | It not paid within 7 days the Greer, Associate Barristers and Solici.| sary Reply to Box 68, Port |oeere™ ones advantage Excellent to moke auto trips to sur- Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, (Please Charge rote will epply, tors, 65 Simcoe Street South, RA 5.3525 Hope. hs rt; s EF | . rounding territory to call om, emit flowers.) {| Above rates apply only to eri- | loans available, March? Sbe |agreements of sale purchased. Apply Raw. furs, five poultry; feas prospect for advance- our customer rs : inal orders for consecutive Inser- | SMONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co., M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary % n ment, full employee ~E TEBBLE ~ At her New. [Gr ear uent ventions orqured || MONTEITH, Mantaith, Siehl ase, Co. Public, 2% King East, Oshawa. RA thers, scrap iron and metal, ploy We don't expect you to get" je, Ontario, on Friday, Merch Tl at a later date constitute @ new | tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To DISTRIBUTOR -4697. March 11 SERVICE I. TURNER benefits. Apply giving rich the first day, but we will 958," 8. Alberta Tebble, in her 84th hn Te ia ana | original order ronto; Hon. J. W. Monteith, FCA; FIRST and second mortgages, sale complete information make it worth your while nes: i . B. Monteith, 8. Comm., CA; G. W. t hased and sold, H dear mother of Leta (Mrs W. Hele), | o frofestional and Business flistings UALR F. Lighttoot, CA; George D Biok ahd Tienmiek: Barristers, 3i King ? nd i to B right from the start! This is: ; Clara (Mrs. A. Lownie), both of Osh ih. W. Treth 527, 135 Bim. . TV. A | a a experience to box full- awa, Irene (Mrs, Howard Farrow) | Each additional line 75¢ per mont! feos hig a7, CA Fay 'March 6 Street East, RA 3.7232, March 9 : eriais 40.- Ti G tt a full-time job . , , it pays. Starkville, Leona (Mrs, Frank Laycoe), || Each Initial letter, abbreviation, ' ; SPARE-TIME OR FULL. 18--Loan Wented Installed «= limes-Gazette. mightly well, It is stimulating , and {i other of Albert N d fl t (collect) fads, Resting at the. Morn | Le Box charged 15c. additional, '3--Chiropractors TIME IN YOUR OWN AREA March 12 85c dnd filled un big rewar éral Chapel, Bowmanville, untlll Ail Classified Advertisements || SYDNEY W. Buffett, DC, Office; 13 STAPLE PRODUCT; Steady DIAL 37-----Male Help Wanted J Doon; service in Newcastle || (ST be in by 9 a.m. the day of [Simcoe Street North consumption, beautiful pack. We buy, sell and ar- RA 5 9135 Bound worthwhile? , , . Then Vonted Church at 2 o'clock, Interment! blication, Off hours: ly |lfor appointments, RA gH poly 4 CAPABLE maintenance man, fourth tell us br BE MAR Ba go legtion, | fice * hours: ~ Dally ing and advertising material, range first and second CEDARDALE class Shiinewr papers reitired, per. ver| oo. Shout vould yout. P | field t i WILSON, Ssrab Jane = Entered into] REGULATIONS-- |S--Nursing Services gin i gy my mortgages and cash DAY OR NITE SCRAP the Cotes. Whilky™ ©. Ontario i I TN, Lo ash pest at Ajax Hospital, on Friday, March!l vy Daily Times-Gozette shall | PRIVATE nursing home for convales- i hear from immediately, Tin of the Tato. James Ovens Witson of | NOT be resporuile. for 'arrors "in floent and dusty TIN. Way. auvies, NO Cg i Fd Ppreements : Sale in ae IRON METALS LTD. WANTED -- Salesmen, Whitby - Osh.| | hove a mighty interesting. § Beatty Avenue, Ajax, and dear ign ad hrwite Lid and adie z : shawd y 23--Women's Column J offer for, you, 'G, P, Swell mother of Doris (Mrs. C. Robins) of | oof, 0 ec") BOF OF NOIR TOON MARNWOOD Nursing Home for ladies.| Everything furnished to quali- and throughout the TTY Teal S50, ool IRON :: METALS President. P.O. Box 789.0% " Kita; Sou I a Tonto; vertisement, nor beyond dhe price I eyShiatsie 434 Jones] nirsip eire fied applicant. No Selling Province of Ontario. pr heat permunents, VL80. ool 396 PAPERS :: RAGS Sa $90, rt Fort Worth 1, Texas. p= 4 1 || charged for a single insertion of d, os establishe Pine Avenue, RA 5-5363 March26 : chronically ill. Professional nursing requireaq, a P ATURDA DAY Oshawa Acceptance OPEN SATURDAYS ALL YOUNG man, 18 or 19, to work in kit. Judith, Linda and Brenda. Mrs. Wilson | £0 advertisements in which error care in fully equipped home. Two regis: accounts ore turned over to Excellent refer. Corporation Ltd, 112 |25--Pets and Livestock RA 5.3432 chen, willing to learn cooking, Apply| 38----Male or Female Help t McEachnie Fu Home, i, Justing at Mek-henn io Funeral) Mon: I ire. 1h rah} tered purses on staff, you day,i March 10 at 2:30 p.m. Interment ences, Visit 26 Elgin Street, Bowman. ' : > RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 Mr. Funnell, Genosha Hotel. saf Brougham Cemetery. #3 own 'classification. Vile or phone Mis WJ, Cobban Excellent Incoms can start Simcoe Street North, H poodle, miniatyf&a-months Wanted og + istered, $150 up, RA 59262, §7¢ a bid, Wie WANTED Dri Salesmen for inde. AMATEURS (alent wanted for coming RegN, MA 3.781 Aprile, immediately, Approximately Oshawa, Ontario -- RA [oredr oo 190 ANNIS STREET er Pee "it, exceen op. | AMATEURS tale ted for coming | $2,000 cash capital necessary % ia old Aprly Piney Taunton Roud iT ink th | el Bayview, IN MEMORIAM | | to start business and provide 5-3568. fees PPYy Tne, Towmon st Aprili20 Losi ca fal Aves Frc viii rio Ivan | Whitby, from 3 - § 5, every Sunday Mor 13| Fee Barrett, Afax Dairy. 56b CARD OF THANKS for adequate inventory, LABRADORS toy terriers, toy collie, J : BROWN -- In loving memory of our | Con be started aos part-time 180--Mortgages trained, Port Perry SR. Be 41--Room and Board taal, het Drown, Who Pata) . N RSING HOME | operation, developing rapidly |MORTGAGES, Immediately Avan | D a b WANTED ROOM and board for one _gentiemully Gor ather, FLL ARR BL U into a full-time business, No |for First Mortgages on improved town |, oj, 20c. per bale. Phone R : RA 8.5438 read, Gone dear father, gone to rest, Pull ish to tend sin. thanks Away from sorrow, care and pain, yung aa. owers| heavy work, but sincere appli- oF JUIal propotty, Tye 9 Be " Young married man for sales May you rest in peace, dear father, and messages of sympathy from rela | KING ST. WEST cation and willingness to fol- [Five year open, 6% per cent payable| SMALL Manchester terrier, spayed position with progressive, re- BOOM ad bear Until "we meet again, = tives, friends and neighbors in our re- low simple instructions very |emi-annually, Leroy Hamilton, Orono. and had all needles, 825. RA 3.0274. 36a] RAG AND METAL liable firm. Usual Employee |eentral.. Opposi awa, AR Ever remember by daughter aire | cent bereavement; we also wish to Exclusive nursin home for Phone Orono 1 R 16, March 5.8 SIX - months - old puppy and kennel, Benefits plus a Profit Shar- and son-in-law John, {thank the Rev. Lothian for his comfort. | iy iden! necessary, WE have clients with monies to pur.|reasonable. RA 3-3707. 56b Jake Show will more Plan. Please reply to Box ROOM and SL furnished rooms fOF |ing words and to Doctors Shaw and convalescent and elderly peo- When vin lease Oive 5 a pay you 3 ply rent. | Board optional, gentlemen GAGNE -- In loving memory of a(puiton and to the Armstrong Funeral, plo (men and . women) ay Brisidid 9 P as 9 hase fist i Second Jrogages and BEAUTIFUL Collie oa Toi for your scrap iron, tin, cop- 41, Times-Gozette, stating RA 5 id brother, Robert Kenneth --- 2 nS i # rie toi of self; also eements r sale a cou months, Lassie type, female, h te ' Jasr ton snd bret oe, | hart Re eth| ame 108 Sei kind services. The| Nurses and dieticians in of- vi history Wor. Louls §. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street [phone Newcastle 3180. 6c| Per, brass, lead, aluminum, oge, experience and number Bid EA room for gentle We canot forget your smiling face, | tendance, Tray service, radio, " ; East, Oshawa. RA 3.4943, Marehld | aide Two Sears ol a 9 BLOOR ST, WEST children, man, board if desired, central. Your happy carefree ways, | MY since thanks to relatives. T\/ |ounges, IMPERIAL HOUSE 19--Personal with children, Colt, eight months old. 55 8-1773, "The smile that won you many friends friends and hhors, for gifts, flow PHONE 5.2330 DISTRIBUTING CO ching RA 3.786 53 0 Also d| Room and board, five - day s eceived, | RA 5- . LEAVING for to, 7.13 " : pud I cook One of the best the world could hold, Speciai thanks to the doctors the | March 21 434 Lister Building Tor hice for Toluitos 743 41. Boone BEAUAFOL 3 Dud i Teady for PEN SATURDAYS Macket Packed, home fo nly rd Your cherished smile, your heart of Brooklin Médical Centre, special nurses are Hamiit Oong 58124. 871 alning, INKING SURin: Ear? poor RA 5.2311 PART TIME Ht " se y A "gold, and all those who were so kind to me oh Wiways so good, unselfish and kind,lon 4B during my recent stay in the O=----Optometrists Feb.26,March,5,8 DRIVING Io Ajax, Teaving Oehavra ap- | GERMAN Shepherd. puppies Cham: AUTO WRECKING STEADY DELIVERY ROOM and board for reliable, pares. Ld am. Room for 3 pas-|pion blood line hat wonderful memories you left Oshawa General Hospita ~ Noreen! trist, Talizing | Reg hat Maleoim G H, Tuck, Dpomes eo ing 13--Gardening & Supplies sengers Phone RA 53731 35¢ [istered, Brock Road North, Pickering, March 12 CONTRACT Peep in our hearts your memory is glas ". Evenings Mon., Wed., Fri, 6-8 FRUIT tre rape vines, strawberry WANTED -- Ride to Toronto, arriving 240M4. oo --_---------- a ------ Aprils Aopt | TO our many friends and noighbors|FUNIA ofitiined at home, RA 86143. | ee ent nurseries | Toronto, 8 am. RA 52167 after 7.30|COCKER Spaniel puppies. Trimmiog,| 35--~Employment Wanted F in the [willing to share, or married #Ve loved you too dearly Yo ever we extend our sincerest thanks and ap pisney Bldg. 31 King East. March2s P ent the best. RA 5.0507. | [Pm 55¢|bathing, defleaing. boarding, Waubena or man or woman In the |g, gsm or 91 Wilkinson Avenue, BUF forget, |preciation for the many acts of kind {FAYE 10. plant the bey ik Kennels, RA 5.6321. April} [YOUNG man, Oshawa resident, withi Oshawa - Toronto - Bowman- RE TT HR a to April 8/RIDE wanted from King Street Kast - «AlWays remembered by mom, dad ness, messages of consolation and sym-| 7... \p! car, wishes part-time work, Oshawa, Yamily, y |pathy, and floral tributes, In our recent Surveyors Wilson Road South area to Toronto Whitby, Bowmanville or Ajax. Will do ville area. Car or light truck modern conveniences, Close R L . ing Mey Apply Mrs. d $850.00 h ired. {sad bereavement in the loss of a be. DONALD H. Trollope, Ontario Land Ww LA Golden Mile, Arriving 7.45 a.m, Apply training Halk anything, work anytime. Phone RA and $ B cash required, plant. Phone RA 5-1168 or 536 Lorr: GAGNE ~ In loving memory of a|loved husband and father, Thomas Surveyor, 218 Alice Street. RA 5.6881. STRAWBERRY PLANTS |i Witson Road South. __ "8% Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, Marcha y.g7) 87) No selling or experience re- |Street. March daar brother, Robert Gagne, who pass./Stevenson. Special thanks to nurses and Sn nle _ Aprils VIRUS-FREE LADY requires ride to Ajax. Leaving|FOR ss os Female Labrador, EY REFINED well educated young lady| quired. Write Box 36, Times- [ROOM or room and board for ie away on March 8, 1940 {orderlies on 1E, also Dr, Shaw, Rev. Fj Donevan and Associates, nd| Strong healthy stock, fully |Oshawa about 7.30 am. Please call{years old, very good with ¢ "or |seeks to serve as baby sitter evenings Gozette. men, seven days a week, very central, Wothing can ever take away, {Bruce Miles, Armstrong Funeral Home. Surveying and Engineering, 12 Bloor dormant, Delivered to your RA 5.8002 after 5 p.m. 545-9816. . rh ------ jand weekends. Experienced, loves chil. " 54 RA 5.0197, March 38 The love a heart holds dear, ~ Mrs. Stevenson and Ann. {Street East, Oshawa, ontariy, RA home at proper planting time. HAVE you » drpking problem? Write ren. References. RA 35-4479. Led e SINGLE bed, four Bloch of d memories linger every day, ---- ------ [2 A arch2d Aleonolin Anes urebred, black and ymous, Box 103, Osh. |P! s DO you need a practical nurse (gradu. % Membrance keeps him near G, T. Horton and Associates, Ontario ORDER NO ne i Marcha | stock. Pickering 87J3. D.25 | ated) in Oshawa or Whitby? Phone MO dors, good meals, washing done 36d Ever remembered by his sister . 8 ie 84190, Whitby, Cen ark N RA 3.2688 March 9 Marie. [fo Prctessionsl snyinger. RA 5-9597 __|AYGIENIC supplies (Rubber goods),| 26----Farmer's Column y. CLUB STEWARD ROOM und board, two or Wires mes 4 March 10 mwfapril8 mailed post paid in plain sealed enve- YOUNG lady requires domestic work, r girls. Canadian home, shop- GAGNE -- In loving memory of ee ---- |lopes with price list, 6 samples+ 25| RALED hay, good quality, 30c. per{daily or weekly. Live out, Phone RA L ro centre, buses. Dial A Fx dfar brother, Robert K. Gagne, Ad | Buildi Trades cents; 24 samples $1.00, Mail Order pale, W Fymana, Courtice, RA 5.8288. |8:1947, OSHAWA GO F Mar.19 padsed away March 8, 1049 Move ttac e 8--Building Tra "SPRING Dept. A-11, Nov, Rubber Co. Box 91. i {arch6,7.8| RELIABLE Tady desires ES HOON sal Derr For Salis en 7 Those we 'love go out of -sight CARPENTER work, alterations, re: " Hamilton, Ontario. Mar, 2| STTENTION Farmers all t Experienced. Phone RA 8-1169 evenings CLUB share, Twin beds, seven days a We6R Jt never out of mind, TORONT (CP) The On. Pairs kitchen cabinets our specialty PLANNING of manure. Phone RA Yor "Ra 5-9pm Very central. RA 5.6727. 7 oy are cherished in the hearty (Ott School. T I No job too big or small. Free esti : ELECTROLYSIS 5.2279, Eo Pri al A marred couple pre. 5 , : va, a obi) I on Frid . RA San "Ass Vm "Mar re 13 Order Now ! ATTENTION Farmers! Want a Sig or maintenance job. Very good ecar- i actors irom General "Motors. yAavingly remembered by hs sister Federation Friday accused the R r SO.GREEN Removal of Superfluous Halr. [of manure. Phone RA 5.1721, RA S200. enter, Write Box 39, Times-Gazetts. ferred to manage din- [ac Shox : Ontatio Sosy rustces Councll| ALE plambiag' sng Sesive sopplir MILORGANITE Marie Murduff will be in | Cn 3% ing room, food and beer !iwin beds. RA 58434. 300° Division, AINE « In loving memory of : * ¥ arm stock pic » i Robert Kenneth, who passed away/ing. the federation's "pink list" Blmbing. heating and engineering, C.LL, EVERGREEN Oshawa April 1-2, Phone [Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 33675. AL repairs, y, interior] concession on or about. |42__Room and Board March 8, 1949 255 Simcoe Street 4.12.10 FERTILIZER Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Mar 17|decorating, floor laying, Call RA 33623.| 4 1. 1958. F ! : {than in reaching a mutually Ei Rardwooa floor expert, oid 10-10-10 FERTILIZER Genosha Hotel on these dates 85¢ ay |, ' or par- What 1 would give ¥f I could say ------ » } {ceptable salary settlement in poo Tk 5 fiver mad 27 --Fuel Wood ie apply in writin 1 Dear your volt and see sour| North York Township. like sian 1aidy sanded: inianet. Dw| GOLDEN VIGORO Tor appoint. April2 CHANTS Sou voioe way vm Hiculars, apply g ed |" Meanwhile Percy Muri, execu. cuss your floor problems with an ex. REGULAR VIGORO pril2 | GLEAN, ary, RO ns um] to; Dr. D. Longmaid, 0 sit with you and chat a while: [tive director of the council. said P®T Phone RA 3.7196 or RA 3307. » BONEMEAL URE ~land $10 ponds, delivered anywhere. | equipment. Call MA 3.2084. 83) 167 Simcoe St. Norn, ho hav b her, arc 3 ) -- - heron Hrs wi carer" the school board of suburban EE For that Special Someone! as, Ny tc! 37--Male Help Wanted Por you'll never know the heart ache North York has increased its sal- : i A complete line of MIDO, r RA 5.0197 ar 25 Fl you see his vacant chair ary offer to teachers and kept FOR SALE ii Deliver Later :: LORIE and BULOVA watches, ) i a iased. Ty sister June and the door open for negotiations. | COOPER SMITH CO. Diamonds, Cultured Pearls, > pin pre Bag Br CB REAL oy SALESMEN ! S. G. B. Robinson, general sec- 16 Celina St. RA 3.2312 etc, For further information dial RA 57 fine drive- MITCHELL In loving memory of retary of the federation, said the| Coarse and | March20! CORNISH JEWELLERS | ---- IMMEDIATE OPENING AVAILABLE Sarai Fred Mitchell, Killed 1" action federation executive feels "pro-| way grave! $7 per load. | 14--Household Repairs 20 BOND STREET WEST O | LADY quires dowmestic wa LR E March 8, 1943. per negotiations should always! : p We miss your smile and kindly ways, precede the referring of a dis-' Also fine cement gra- |EAWRENCE Brown's Electrical Service, Your Woich Pemgnally 5.0020, § - 7 p.m. We miss the things you used to say, pute to arbitration This has not fradio, Junge; Waynes floreacent i Feb.20 36--Femcle Help Worteh n \ . tl e And when old times we do recall, yet taken place." vel. $9 per load. Phone {washers and dryers and ovens a spe. | EXPERI D "hair _dres nted A : ROOM and board for two gentlemen. That's when we miss you most of all --Always remembered by Mildred and Mr. Muir said the North York, [clality, Ajax 1041 April 71 20--Cartage in Oshawa, aturday work. Apply Roy. "board is willing to have the dis] RA 35-5279. Mer. 101 8 Building Trades fox Bud Gai for cartage of ail Rating Particulars to Box 10 Timea REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Gazett pute go to arbitration but only if a kinds, furniture and appliance moving. pale RISNYK -- In loving memory of our i 3 zo Mg Topi i YT YOUNG woman to baby sit and do dear daughter and sister, Kathy Anne the federation removes the pink- Mar 28 light tasks such as dishes and dusting, Why you should sell with Don Howe Risnyk, who passed away March 9, 1955 listing applied w hen negotia. RA 3 219 "KOOLVENT RA 3 219 on Thursday afternoons, Call RA : in her third month tions broke down last month The 21--Personal Servi 0 | 37605, sn| These advantages for you and your family. Her memory Is as dear today { en ---- As in the hour she passed away pink listing consists of a notic ALUMINUM HAND smocked b. , regular --Sadly missed by Mommie and Daddy 0 Secondary school teachers that | 198 for $130. RA 8-8700. March 4 BE an Avon representative and earn good income, close to home. Profitable Life Insurance Plan, ° and sister Susan the board is not in good stand. | RY Re i : ; territories now available 'in Lindsay, Neto th ing .with the federation. | AWNINGS By aor ? Soa Fish HARRY. O, PERRY hitby Rug Relig Juters ® Hospitalization Plan, BR Walls cleaned by famous Wall Master . to, Ontario. March' Medical Pay t WINDOWS, PORCHES, DOORWAYS, PATIOS, CARPORTS de factory codec TPR ud ® Medical Payments. CARD OF THANKS snow must co ox | e Ee Ter ay, et pe PETROLEUM CO. NURSE wanied for nursing 1 | GUELPH (CP) -- Bert Gibson, WE wish to extend our sincere thanks returning officer for the federal! Rhone owars, messages of wy: [FIAIDE_of 'Wellington South, is| ALUMINUM STORM DOORS ROSS ENDICOTT | Nets RA 3.7944 or 58623 | Part time or full time pathy from friends and neighbors, the conducting preparations for the| \w 3 March 18 her want Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, 222, General | March 31 general election from a INDOWS JALOUSIES a Floor Canriny Service Stenograp € anted * Now Ground Floor Offices Beaton, Ontario, especially thanks. to NOSPital bed. He went to hospital | 94 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA GOors, Walls 9 cauniers |29--Summer Properties for local law office. Ex- ous , Rev. G. W. Gardiner of Beaton United when his physician feared an ail BUDGET FREE tops expertly installed i For Sale or Wanted perience preferred. ® Member Oshawa Real Estate Board. ureh, for his comforting words dur- ment might develop into ' pneu: TERMS RA 3 2219 ESTIMATES 4 WANTED to buy Cottage, approxi Cali RA 5-227 mately 100 mies fon Saave ne] Apply Box 42. Apply at Offices: 67 King St. E., (opposite Hotel Genosha). Aacil 4nished. eash deal. BA TY - Aka! N A S H mine, Free estimates. RA 8.8676. Apr.4 Phone RA 3-3443 : Phone RA 5.2330. Guaranteed™ncome During lliness. Vacation With Pay, Generous Commission Rate. ing our time of sorrow and also Arm N Funeral Home. -- The {monia, He has a direct telephone La eine. 0 [ine ta Nix Oftion aia v