Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 8 Mar 1958, p. 15

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| " 'workmen of his profession and The Church's Influence on Society ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY Scripture--Matthew 5:12, 13-16; Aets 19:21-41; | Thessalonians 5:4.8; James 2:14-17; I Peter 1:15:16, 23 SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred J. Buescher Seeing multitudes of people following "Ye are the light of the world," Christ C. -8-54 Home Mission | Work Outlined PRINCE ALBERT -- The work Scugog, Mrs. B. W of home missions was {llustrated Seagrave and by slides and narrated by Mrs.|Lindsay have been with Mr, and Mrs. Thompson read the story|the illness of Mrs, Martyn and Billy Brsin Bist av money in the Mission mother near Lindsay, who re- urch, Following the church service Mr, A the congregation remained to de- been confined to home cide on the hour of service and it|to sickness. Mr. Doyle Is seemed unanimous that Sunday Schou will continue at 1 o'clock! Mrs. G. PS a RLS lg ye a a a [SH 84 dhs service st 2 pm.| THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Setwrdey, Merch 8, 1958 1§ RSONALS Lloyd Wagg, Oshawa, and {Elaine Butson of Port Perry SD ae ouksng hoy) Hite gral rents, y rs. R. ¥. E. SMITH, ; Batson. ? Correspondent Mr, and Mrs. Alan Martyn, annamaker of tiospital. About 16 relatives of Don Leslie, met at their home on Sunday foriand Mrs. H. a turkey dinner. The occasion; w Mrs, McPherson of Love at Sunday School. Mrs. W. Martyn recently, due to nis| Mrs, I Doyle visited with her cently fell breaking her hip. and Mrs. 1. Doyle have tely due still under doctor's care. Hunter and Linda On the subject of intemperance, St, Peter pleads with followers of Christ told His disciples, He instructed them to let their light shine before men as a lighted candle, set in a candlestick, which gives light to all that are in the house. , Jesus went up into a mountain to them, teaching of the 4 in store for those who prac- tice meekness, righteousness, purity of Uving and peace. their need. that faith is not enough. combined with good works, in helping less fortunate sisters and brothers in ug to be sober, He urges them to be holy in their lives, even as Christ Jesus was holy. MEMORY VERSE--Matthew 5:14 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON with his faith, And finally Peter's|baking sale at the March meeting words: "'Gird up the loins of your|at Mrs, E. A. Werry's, donated] MOSCOW (Reuters)--A world mind, be sober, and hope to the by Groups 1, 2 and 4. This is to congress of architects to deal with end for the grace that is to be|be an evening meeting. WORLD ARCHITECTS | questions of urban building will be held here July 20-28, Archi. Program, tects from the United States, Mrs, William Howells and Mrs, Britain, France, West Germany {H. McGill and a vocal solo by and pe {brought unto you at the revela- - How We May Help To ER EEE rns amar "Make The World Better Reading Given Mrs. L. Ashton, all the Communist-bloc na- {tions will take part. By NEWMAN CAMPBELL [men which are with him, have a 0 H : n Hungarians "And seeing the multitudes, He matter against any man, the law went up into a mountain: and |is open, and there are deputies: | y when He was set, His disciples|let them implead one another," | MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN, "~#Ame unto Him: and He opened| He also suggested that the urls] Correspondent { is mouth, and taught them . , ." {uproar could be in danger of| 4 i iat we now eal the Sermon! questioning by the authorities and ENNISRILEY ie rob sn the Mount or the Beatitudes he dismissed the assembly, |ruaty home of Mrs Lorne | is not assigaed to our lesson to-| This incident is one form of in-|y amb, the devotional was in| ! day. Teachers should study it, |temperance, where men lose their| to L " ares" John Slemon + however, and point out how it tempers without cause to the 2.1878 reading was taken by Mrs. may be used as a guide by chil- | point where they are in the mood | y dren of all ages. It points out that/to injure or even kill innocent ** "MEMORY VERSE "Ye are the light of the world." --Matthew 5:14, M. Slemon. | In place of literature on the United Nations, Mrs. R. Stenger | gave an interesting reading on| {Hungarian Refugees. A letter| ! v - | ts us all to help to people. The common meaning of [from Mrs. G. Trevail was read; Jos bv gor better by follow-|the world, however, is connected extending an Invitation to He ing His example of love and serv-| with drunkenness, which is all too| WA to visit at pot Home n| ice, {frequently indulged in by both | April. This was accepted. | "Ye are the salt of the earth," imen and women in our day. Let] A spelling bee was enjoyed Jesus told His disciples, but if,|us consider the words of Paul to with Mrs, M. J. Hobbs being the like salt that has lost its savor,|the Thessalonians, as he writes winner, It was decided to have a they are not diligent in their faith that followers of Jesus should be ---- | [feasted British Columbia before from the mackerel in DIFFERENT FISH 17 ERIE ST, DIAL 'RA 5.3872 REV, R, E. DARGAN, Pastor sez METHODIST CHURCH | 10 AM. --SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11 AM~~MORNING WORSHIP "THE SERVANT--OBEDIENT" UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holmes, BA, B.D, Minister HARMONY || WESTMOUNT | UNITED CHURCH On Floyd ot Gibbon #8, Minister: Rev. Wm, A, Gibb | Organist; Mm, Willard Cook, ARCT. * Ross Metcalf, ARC, Organist end Choirmaster 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP Guest Speaker: REV, C. R. RUDD 11:00 AM. BEGINNERS' CLASS A Hearty Welcome To All 11:00 AM "LAW AND LOVE" (Nursery During Service) 9:45 AM. -- JUNIOR, SENIOR CHURCH SCHOOL 2:00 P.M, -- NURSERY, * PRIMARY CHURCH © SCHOOL YOUR COMMUNITY CHURCH 7 P.M.--~THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR "THE SERVANT--TRUSTING" Wed, at 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study for you EVERYBODY IS WELCOME CHINESE SETTLERS Mackerel caught off the Atlan The first Chinese immigrants tic coast are a different species acific | Ocean fisheries, COLLEGE HILL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 475 PARK RD. S. REV. J. M. MacKNIGHT =~ Pastor BIBLE COLLEGE DAY FEATURING REV. NORMAN SCHLARBAUM DEAN OF MEN Plus EP.B.C. LADIES TRIO Of PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO WED, 8:00 P.M.--BIBLE STUDY FRI, 8:00 P,M,--YOUNG PEOPLES YOU ARE WELCOME and active In spreading the gos-|sober, "putting on the breastplate pel and living by Christ's pre- of faith and love; and for an hel. s, they will become as spoiled met, the hope of salvation." bey fit only to be cast away. St, James says that even faith LUTHERAN "Ye are the light of the world," (is not enough for the Christian, Jesus said. "Let your light $0] but his works of charity and help- CHURCH shine before men, that they may |fulness must also be combined see your good works, and glorify (------------------------------| 150 Albert St. our Father which is in heaven i : A city set on a hill cannot be hid. | Pastor: 3 A Sumy, #He sald, and a candle is no use| BA. . B.D. # it is not lighted or if something covers the light, Only when it is! , set in a candlestick and gives light to a house is it useful, The light of these men's lives and teachings must not be given in a spirit of self-righteousness, but with humility, as Christ would wish, Now Paul, preaching in the great eity of Ephesus, was most successful in making converts to] the Gospel, and 'mightily grew the word of God." A silversmith pamed Demetrius, however, who + made considerable profit by fash- : silver shrines for the god- Diana, called tog the The Christadelphians (CHRIST'S BRETHREN -- SEE MATTHEW 12:46-50) Invite seekers after Truth to apply for Free Bible literature. NO OBLIGATION Write CHRISTADELPHIAN ECCLESIA Post Office Box 121 Oshawa, Ontario 11:00 AM, SERVICES 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 AM. Lutheran Hour: CFRB "THIS IS THE LIFE" Channel 6 -- 12:30 P.M. th THE BAHA'T WORLD FAITH | UKRAINIAN JOINT SERVICE Sunday, March 9, 1958, ot 3.30 pm. : LXRAINIAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | Albert Street United Church MINISTER -- REV. S. C. H. ATKINSON | 11:00 AM.--FACES ABOUT THE CROSS (2) One Sinner Jesus Could Not Save Nursery ot this service, 7.00 P.M.--THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR BROADCAST CKLB THIS ABOVE ALL 9:45 AM. --Primary to Senior 5.5, 11:00 A.M~--Nursery, Kindergarten, Beginners, 488 Simcoe Street South Speaker: REV. MICHAEL FESENKO (Editor of "Evangelical Truth") Choir Director: A. WOROPAY EVERYONE WELCOME ll Make firm your feet in the Cause of God with such firmness as cannot be shaken by the most great disasters of this world, For Further Information Write:-- OSHAWA BAHA'| COMMUNITY Secretary: Ph, RA 3.3281 told them that Paul's preaching | 'was ruining their business, They | became greatly excited and] angry, erying, 'Great is Diana of the Ephesians." Paul had said, | Demetrius told them, that there] | were no gods made with hands. The whole city became con. fused and for two hours the erowds shouted "with one volce,! Great is Diana of the Ephes- fans." l The town clerk appeased the people, saying, "What man is] there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephasians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana . . . , Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken | , against, ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly, For ye! brought hither these men, which are neither robbers of churches, nor yet blasphemers of your god. dess." Paul had never denounced Diana, but for two years had bten preaching the - Gospel of | st. | . »"'It Demetrius, and the crafts. | Gibbons Street Baptist Church REV. A. G. E. MITCHELL Pastor HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS SUNDAY "OVERCOMING FEAR OF FAILURE" CKLB (1350) -- 10.30 AM, "THE SOURCE OF UNFAILING STRENGTH" CHCH-TV -- Channel 11 2:45 -- 3:00 PM, 9:45 AM; BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP "JOYFUL HOMAGE" 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE "THE CHRISTIAN'S WALK" ~~ COME TO CHURCH == | CALVARY BAPTIST CENTRE & JOHN STS, Affiliated with Fellowship of Evengelical Baptist Churches in Canada, REV. C. P. VAN DUZEN Former Pastor of the church PREACHING AT 11 AM. AND 7 P.M. 9:45 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Wednesday, 7:45 p.m ~~Prayer ond Praise Meeting Saturday, 8:00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU ST, SUNDAY | 10:30 A M.--"REMEMBERING THE LORD" 2:30 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS THE SALVATION ARMY SIMCOE AND OAK STREETS BRIGADIER AND MRS, VICTOR MACLEAN 11:00 AM.--'THE GROWING CHRISTIAN' | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH = 64 COLBORNE ST, EAST NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD MINISTER ~~ REV, H, A, MELLOW ORGANIST -- MR, J. R. ROBERTSON 11:00 A.M.--"RUNNING AWAY" 7:00 P.M.--FIRESIDE HOUR--"1 BELIEVE" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 AM. --JUNIOR, INTERMEDIATE, TEEN CLASS. 11:00 AM.--PRIMARY AND BEGINNERS. SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9:30 AM. SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. -- SUBJECT: ""MAN" Wednesday evening meeting ot 8.00 o'clock Includes testimonies of healing through Christion Science. | | The reading room located et the church, Is open Monday 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.; Tuesdoy end Thursday from 2 to 4:30 p.m, ex- copting legol holidays, where the Bible end Christion Science literature may be studied, borrowed or purchased end subscriptions placed for perlodicels. St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, MA, D.D, Organist and Cholrmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, AT.CM, 11:00 A.M.--JESUS AND HIS FRIENDS 9:50 A.M.--Senior, Intermediate and Junior Classes 11:00 A.M.--Beginners' Nursery and Primary Classes 7:00 P.M.--JOINT SERVICE IN SIMCOE STREET CHURCH REV, J. K. MOFFAT WILL PREACH 2:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES 7:00 PM.--'THE UNCHANGEABLE SAVIOUR' YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE INVITED TO SHARE OUR WORSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP, STRANGERS WELCOME Presents DELTA MALE CHORUS of Hamilton AND LADIES' TRIO SPEAKER; JACK SHANNON APPOINTEE-TO-ARGENTINA McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY nd Ils men "se ~ gpl ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES 8 AM--11 AM.--7 PM, ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Rev. Clinton D, Cross, B.A, L.Th, 9:00 AM.--~HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 AM. --~MORNING PRAYER--THE RECTOR 7:00 P.M.--~THE QUESTION BOX CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary ond Hillcroft Streets Rector, The Ven, H. D. Cleverdon = Phone 5-5795% HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Streets, one block eost of Albert RA 5.2386 CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Warren G. Dickson, B.A., Minister Mr. R, K. Kellington, Organist and Cholr Master 10:00 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT BIBLE CLASS 11:00 AM.--CHRIST'S JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM 12:15 P.M.--CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS' 7:00 P.M.~~UNION SERVICE IN CENTRE ST. ... CHURCH The service will be a "HYMN FESTIVAL" In which some of the great hymns of the Cross will be sung end explained. Participating will be Rev. M., Bury and the Minister and the Centre St. Choir, EVERYONE WELCOME, RECTOR «= THE REV. E, A, IRWIN, LST, -- ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD,:SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. Incumbent: The Rev. R. A, Sharp -- RA 5.7064 SRM | ST. MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD NORTH ON BEURLING AVE. THE REV, J. N. LOTHIAN S.Th, 476 Beurling Ave, = Priest In Cherge SAT. MARCH 8 Ry "wi gr 7:45 P.M. 7 77mm 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE BAPTISM Wed., 7:45 p.m.--Bible Study end Prayer Meeting 1 am the light of the world." #Ye are the jight of the wary A VERY CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL -Matthew 5:14, THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. PAUL'S Simcoe St. N S REV. BA MILFS, eres i arotor Yond e, Orpen Roos BvD Jt, Interim Nedere Mr Bran Walter Organist and Choir Director 3 Ainister ev. B. A, MILES, B.A, 9:45 AM ADULT BIBLE CLASS CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 AM. 7:00 P.M. REV. A. E. BAILLE 2:15 PM SOUTH CHURCH SCHOOL 100L JUNIOR BIBLE CLASS 11 AM. MORNING WORSHIP SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 2:15 PM CHURCH SCHOOL 8:15 P.M PEOPLE'S SOCIETY The Christian and Missionary Alliance Richmond St. E - Pastor: Rev. Wm, J. Newell (Betwedh Central Park Blvd. end Cadillac N.) "THE DELTA MALE CHORUS" HAMILTON, ONT, ® 15 QUTSTANDING MALE VOICES o LADIES' TRIO ALSO ® VINCE EVENDEN---TROMBONIST SUPERB / p.m. eo BRASS QUARTET MANY VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL ARRANGEMENTS. Director: MR, JACK PATTERSON SPEAKER: REV. J, SHANNON (Missionary to the Argentine) 10 AM~--~A GROWING FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11 AM. --MORNING WORSHIP---THE PASTOR PRE-EASTER MISSION MARCH 18th - 30th REV. R. G eo DEEPER LIFE AND EVANGEL NOTED BIBLE TEACHER, EVANGELIST IN CANADA & USA SIMPSON ISM DEDICATION SERVICES wing Street United Ghureh REV. MERVIN A, BURY, MA, B.D. Minister Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist Youth Department 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM.--"THE WAY OF THE CHURCH" 3rd in Lenten Series: "The Christian Way" Broadcast over Radio Station CKLB Read: Colossions 1: 9-20. Solo: "There is a Green Hill" (Grounod) Mrs, Gordon Hawker Anthem: "O Lord Most Holy" (Franck) Soloist: Mrs. Alan Thompson 7:00 P.M.--UNION SERVICE IN CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH "GREAT HYMNS OF THE CROSS" ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH Nursery and Church School 11:00 AM, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 812 HORTOP STREET Affiliated with the Baptist Convention of Ontario end Quebec. Rev, L. D. Begg, BA, B.Th Mrs, M, Joyce Minister: Music Director: Guest Preacher ot both services REV. L.C. KITCHEN, MA, Phd. (Professor at McMaster Divinity College) DEDICATION TO MISSION SERVICES AT 11 AM. and 7 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EACH SUNDAY AT 9:45 AM, WEDNESDAY, 8:00 P.M SERVICE OF PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY WE INVITE YOU TO. WORSHIP WITH US SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on Ms heart. MINISTER: REV, JOHN K, MOFFAT, B.A, Director of Music: Mr. R, G. Geen, L.T.CM. 11:00 AM.--"THE ANCHOR OF FORGIVENESS" Third in the minister's Lenten Series on "The Anchors of Life" 12:15 P.M.--CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS 2:30 P.M.--THE SESSION WILL MEET 7:00 P.M.--"SPLIT-LEVEL FAMILY"--A Religious film. Joint service in Simcoe Street Church, SUNDAY SCHOOL 45 A .M.--Junior, Intermediate and Young People. 00 A.M.--Adult Bible Class in the Hall. 1:00 A/M:--Infant Care Department in the Hall, 100 AM. --Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary, MID-WEEK LENTEN SERVICE Wednesday, March 12, 7:30 p.m. in the church Film from the Book of Acts: "Salvation and Christian Fellowship 9: 10: 1 1B]

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