B bY finish woodwork area with same FIRST RID TO THE RILING HOUSE = [oie acer - Wu. sie SHE Tt COLORED CONCRETE ; ) | ANSWER: The surface of the cleaner is a doughlike substance By RUGER C. WHITMAN | ANSWER: How can cement be tile can be cleaned with wal. that is rolled aad kneaded oer lon of water. Rinse well after- has a solvent action on the ma- colored for a walk and patio? [paper cleaner, available in hard- the surfaces, but never ru |ward, When the wood is thor- jority of floor paints; therefore] ANSWER: Concrete can be ware and paint stores, and in) oughly dry, use any good grade of it is advisable to remove the paint colored by the use of limeproof | house paint. before laying the tile. The cement colors. Dealers in mason- i quickest way of removing the |ry materials carry these. Do not paint is to use a floor-scraping use more than 10 pounds of color machine. Another method is to|to each bag of Portland cement. use paint remover; or hold a | heat lamp about twelve inches SPOTTED CEILING TILE from AZETTE HOME OF 7 | Tn = " " IREMOVING FLOOR WAX QUESTION: How can wax be removed from a ished floor? '|We want to revarnish. ANSWER: Go over the floor PAINTING RISER PIPES '| several times with "0" steel wool| QUESTION: The old house we and turpentine, changing the steel | just purchased has heat Beet 3 frequently. Iso Pipes in several rooms. ere | {ool (requently. here are Ase any way to paint them? OE a aad, exe Ty | QUESTION: The ceiling market for this purpose. ANSWER: Remove all loose up with a wide-blade putty knife. |, 0 | | particles of rust and dust with a REFINISHING LOG CABIN {stiff wire brush, Then wash with LIQUID POLISH ON BIRCH tile QUESTION: Just purchased a log cabin 22 years old. The out- side was never touched with any- thing and logs are a dirty gray ! [They also have cracks in them. turpentine to remove all traces of . i . An ty QUESTION: One of our young oil and grease y good quality he Tter 4 oil paint or enamel can be used; flat wall paint seems more re- bottle of brown wax liquid shoe sistant to blistering and peeling; Polish and made several spots on MORTGAGE LOANS| i 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. " "lor special radiator paint cap be our blond-finished birch door. Can | 4 wast could be done with the out used. First coat of paint should these be removed? fe |be thinned with one-fourth as ANSWER: with ANSWER: Use caulking com- (much turpentine and brushed on peasise, --neing | sarefil of fire pound for cracks; Inexpensive in thin coat. Apply two or three hazard If dye in polish has pene- caulking guns with interchange coats, Painting should be done | rated through finish, take it off able tubes of caulking compound preferably outside heating 56ason' with paint remover down to bare widely a ala is vel ae {and should be thoroughly dried|ygod. Then bleach out the dis- ware stores. e use, before heat is turned on in pipes. % . Hiecie va Tris woes. leroy wn» a | 65 Simeoa St. South Spend Into Gre evises: Also goi- | ASP HALT TILE lowing to remain overnight, Rinse] Diol RA 5.3525 ple 10.use type Sail. (ing QUESTION: We are planaing well with clear water. When the | widely used for boats (avallable| tastall asphalt tile on recrear Wood is dry, smooth with "000° | pa Mlle | y. ol 1 ¢ | os ts Sede Rime | don room floor that has been sandpaper and wipe off dust. Re- with stiff brush and solution of Painted with deck paint. Does the washing soda or tri-sodium phos- [Paint have to be removed before |phate and warm water, using 1aving the tile" {about one-quarter cup to the gal-/ ANSWER: The tile adhesive Te All My Friends And Customen . . . After 13 years with Home Appliances now starting up in busi. AVAILABLE Ralph S. Jones Barrister & Solicitor REGENT SERVICE STATION 1460 SIMCOE NORTH CREECH'S FINA STATION 1180 SIMCOE NORTH ONTARIO MOTOR SALES (B-A) SERVICE STATION 136 KING STREET WEST NAGY'S SERVICE STATION (TEXACO) 408 KING WIEST COOPER'S TEXACO STATION 56 BRUCE STRESY CALDER'S SSO STATION 275 KING EAST RUTKAY'S TEXACO STATION 506 RITSON RD, §. LLOYD'S FINA STATION SIMCOR. SOUTH KEMP'S ESSO STATION 288 BLOOR WEST NATHAN'S SUNOCO STATION KING WEST AT BURK STREET McLELLAN'S TIRE & BATTERY 38 PRINCE STREET KE. MACKO (ESSO) 552 BLOOR ST. W. 57 SNARES ba 4 JOB FOR JOB...B:D SAWS OouTCUT { HOME DESIGN No. H-65 | Here is a triumph in tri-level living! Each section of the house, while easily accessible by a short flight of stairs, is separate from the other, The large bedrooms containing two closets each and a roomy bath, make up the private area of R852 H-65. 1271 SQ.FT. GARAGE 362. AREA RE 3 Ey The Building Editor, Oshawa Times-Gagette, Oshawa, Ontario. ( ) Please send me further details about how fo obtaln standard Builders blue prints for home design No, H-85. ( ) or enclosed please find 75¢ tor which send me New Book of | : Plans entitled "70 low cost Homes for Canadians." (Please | th . Th assive living- I Se one A rn make remittance payable te The Oshawa Times-Gazette.)' China cabinet ond book shelf, | Leading out from the living | Name A Te / / room is the rear lounging ter- | \ , \ race. The kitchen with conven- | a A a. | ® DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 4 Jog TR KA 5 evr Two School © MAINTENANCE SERVICE AVAILABLE IF ouvros we design garage, laundry, separate bath, | 4 WO 0018 DESIRED ON COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION with you In mind. \ ll AND AIR CONDITIONING Picture Window Design keeps lne-ol-cut visible Present Play | ' High-Power Air-Flow blows sawdust away from eyes A d Co FRED s Perfect Balance increases coniroll n ncert MES. R. C. HL jis Donen No. For auher | BLACKSTOCK -- There was a| * fruit storage room and other REFRIGERATION SERVICE eae waa) Builders' Page Editor, The very good attendance at the con-| features. Using wood and ledge- | 156 CENTRAL PARK BLVD, N., OSHAWA RA 5.6338 FOUR BAD SAWS... POWER-BUILT TO LAST! Times-Gagette, Oshawa. |cert in Central Public School pre-| rock for exterior materials, | | No. 63 (6% blade): Ecanomicol and rugged. LJ | sented by pupils of Rooms 3 and | SAVE! IN THE HOME plus a colorful planting box, this home will No. 73 (7%" blade): Handles the tough cuts with ease. 4, under the direction of their| I'm ness on my own ond will be offering the finest in "Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Service", Fred Tilk BAD's exclusive Ferguson, Winnifred Schwartz, | Gloria Sadler, Lawrence Butt, Larry Ashton, and Ruth Prosser. Between acts, songs were sung by the Grade 9 girls' quartette of Nicole Forest, Bernice Larmer, Shirley Snooks, Glenda Wilson, | with accompanist, Catherine Bailey. OIT NOW! You will be acting in your own best interests, end at the same time be helping your community,' if you get your repairs, remodelling, interior - decoration, maintenance and clean-up work done now. During the winter seasonol lull, qualified - workmen are seeking work and waiting to serve' WHY WAIT FOR | SPRING? lumber or building supply dealer. Men and materials are available now. 1§) : EARLE GOODE'S | They may be hard to get next summer. 4, RO C HARDWARE FOR INFORMATION CALL YOUR LOCAL ; 245 King St. East Phone RA 3-9312 NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE of the a UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION 22 ALBERT STREET, OSHAWA #8 bo RAndolph 5-3581 ON WALLBOARD FOR WALLS -+- CEILINGS LESS THAN move in swiftly to capture your heart. Standard Bullder's blueprints costing No. 83 (8" blade): Extra power for extra service. No. 93 (9" blade): Heavy-Duty . .. eutperforms any other saw. teachers, Miss June Armstrong | and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy. | Chairman for the program was $9.75 a set may be obtained for See B&D's new Chain Saw AMachment Douglas Medcalf and music di- rector M. Gay. Fits #73 ond 83 saws for heavy cuts through frees, timber, heavy planking. Available ot your local Hardware and Building Supply Dealer Yuck & Decker World's Largest Maker of Electric Tools The program consisted of songs, recitations, plano solos, duets, playlets, drills, etc, The pink rope drill brought much comment, as did '""The Nut- cracker Suite", acted by both rooms with Lloyd Trewin as nar- rator. Friday and Saturday nights the | high school, under the direction of Gordon Paisley, presented the play, "The Minx from Missouri" Flin the Community Hall to good 3 | audiences, In the cast were: Alleen Van Camp, Sylvia Kozub, Clifford Dayes, Suzanne Schwartz Lloyd Wilson, Barry Fisher, Sandra wheel-barrow and | nr tools out of the garage. Pattern| H. J. KRAMER | 418, which shows every step in| tls simple outdoor-plywood con-| General Contractor HOMES BUILT struction is 40 cents. This pattern one of five full-size patterns) the Gardener'. Helper Packet | , 27 all for $1.75. Orders under | dress orders to The Home Work- GARAGES BUILT Department, The Times- Gazette, Oshawa. RECREATION 3 ROOMS SCOUTS, DOCTOR || e remopkLLiNG MONTREAL (CP) -- Dr. WATERPROOFED yan Archambault -- like postman -- is letting no CEMENT WORK eventuality stand in the way Esti of his appointed rounds. and ice surrounding his home ia Cite Jardin in northeast Montreal, Dr. Archambault tied a rowboat to his front 17 00S TO ME 45 TROVE HOPS.65 WE0E B00V $0 TAT WORSE FLIES WORLD ME -- SOMETHING TO STING ... YOU BUILD FOR THE FUTURE WHEN YOU BUILD WITH HENDERSON'S CONCRETE BLOCKS You get @ reliable cost eon- I struction with our new concrete I | block construction -- they are |! equally adaptable te the een. | struction of your home, your farm, the community, school or @ commercial building. Ask | |] the men who ere experienced in ete block. A Hend: || Block neighborhood contractor | or architect -- to specify Hen- derson Concrete Blocks. NS EN Henderson NCRETE PRODUCT 18 \ GYP nre-rroricrve WALLBOARD . E. A. TATTERSALL BUILDING MATERIALS eo LUMBER Located in North Oshawe et the Five Points PHONE RA 5-0463 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. SHOWROOM 84 SIMCOE ST. §. RA 5-4443 RA 8-1711 Mop = You fe, Snniied bo mm. | FREE DEMONSTRATION RECREATION ROOM BUILDING and REMODELLING "MR FIXIT" (CBLT'S by . "DO-IT-YOURSELF EXPERT") See Mr. Fixit at the GENOSHA HOTEL PICADILLY ROOM TUESDAY, MARCH 11 AT 8.00 P.M. JACKSON AND RAIKE HARDWARE 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH PHONE RA 35-0514 B. F. GOODRICH STORES 453 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE RA 5-4543 MILL » COURTICE RA 8-1611 -- All Work Guaranteed |H. J. KRAMER For your convenience we now have on Oshawa phone number Prices add the service charge. Ad- ARE PREPARED | ® BASEMENTS Surveying the piles of snow porch. "It's no joke," he said. "I have many urgent calls day and night and I cannot be marooned because of rising water caused by melting snow banks." With poles and the help of police he and his rowboat he could get to higher ground if his neighborhood is flooded. NICE BONUS HENSTEAD, England (CP)-- Some 1,600 tenants of municip- ally-owned houses in this Norfolk community will be excused from paying rent for two weeks. The council's housing fund has a sur- plus of £5712. "WE HAVE A NEW ROOM ALREADY !" Amazing how quickly and with what little trouble § - you can hove a new-looking room. The secret -- Gyproc Wallboard from McCULLOUGH LUMBER. It's economical, easy to install and perfect to paint | if you wish. Stop in to see us soon. We'll ddvise you on the: best ways to improve your home and set up con- venient financing. WALLBOARD FOR A ROOM 12 x 15 AS LITTLE AS $9.00 PER MONTH DRIVEWAYS Mr. Fixit (Peter Whittall) will demon- strate the use of Canadian Gypsum Company's new Woodgrained SHEET- ROCK in recreation room building. WOODGRAINED SHEETROCK shows nature's most perfect woodgrains faith- fully reproduced on Canada's finest gypsum wallboard, © CLEAN AND DURABLE ® BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME W. B. BENNETT PAVING LTD. FREE ESTIMATES Phone RA 8.8132 Simcoe St. N., Ozhawe JUILDING A NEW HOME' Tne "WH CONGRATULATE - Poni ON CALL Vs NCW Everyone Welcome ® No Admission Charge Sponsored by "Oshawa's Complete Supply House" MILLWORK and BUILDING SUPPLIES 1279 SIMCOE STREET NORTH DIAL RA 3-4694 W.R. THOMPSON rE gs