'§2 TE PARY VIMEBGATETTL, Seturduy, Merch 8, 1999 ~ Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity Wook 1068 By The Caasdiss Press This W outbumbered declines By 308 » 3 4 n 5 5 1 End H f 3) Tri . Club of America estimates these |people spent $1.9 billion retail level f ts 1 3 os FS 58 % 28.2 sib ES ypeesyifrfegsang dugyiange ny BEgugaun. LiL ; : 58 w ] geleunee fog : HEH 2orBazgnn EY assEgnguut. ide govt. elie { gleguEE eal H $8 ud.user. ¥EouBonser 8, tenance, repairs and bo club memberships. Of this su ./$391.4 million went directly the purchase of new boats, motors and trailers. T there are over 7 million 3 tional craft in the United States -- about one for every 24% per- sons in the country. Pleasure boating has become a big bu ness, states the Herald Tribune; # with the high water mark yet to % be reached. + 3 ++ | Se: - Bhd Bo S5BERRIERERS i Senebisivei E ¥ e® HL gages sey - > § ayes , L 3 a 3 grdeyrit.gyf » Foes Bb - ty £3 Bebd » x X 8 - = S283 833 : guntaEs" 2etp¥annlize RETR CLE TE Be 2EatAatEe EEeiit EH Sa a LE HY i » " ¥ Urges Prison County Roads TORONTO (CP) -- Decentrali- zation of Ontario's population CONSUMER PRICES AND WAGES [iru coum roae"soniuc A tion program was urged Fridag | Canada's consumer price ! 1958. Also shown is the index /in the legislature by John Spence | Index rose to the record level | for average wages and salaries (L--Kent East). f Li of 123.7 at Feb. 1. This graph which stood at 161.2 at Der. 1. | The cost should be borne by 15 i (shaded area) traces the year- UP °° the provincial government out of 12 | ly average of the price index | last date for which figures are |,,coline taxes. Mr. Snence said: 1 | during 1949-56 and its move- available. {Tourist and other traffic made jt 6; ment through 1957 and early --CP Wirephoto |unfair for property owners to be 14% ~~ (assessed for county roads, f 250 N Mi » | pr " N Mylam i300 2 " | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT a i frog fn WEEE BY h rr mig Gilles 6% 4 . N Senator 3500 | a 5 » iE NEE Markets Show Biggest [om more omer : 20 18 Nipissing 2200 120 s paying 50 per cent of the cost of 3 28 8 4000 | inhi " maintaining county roads. EEE RLY 1 Eh tE BR EE ETE | Advance Of Dull Year Better Chance - gua Busy sys. ABaSEty ssnz dnsntange gy 2.5 LEH W.. giy=8 HT) ES L + F F plese s8 + ES = » 2 yesngslecasnnsaseescil Sdamaiuuapud, dln oF Fo alasg.ee & jesoda : i sdzlgualzaites - Ll+Ll * EF EORSE 133 1 " | sisseeg 383-9388 > i fi > sexplE West C Brew 350 $30 West Groce A 110 $33 W Plywood B 100 $13% 730 $25 wenuBiely 3 : $F Fog > Bes.saBE. ute. 3.3.31 hobo kk] a] ae ® op su¥Essung niles sEls mus s¥fzes Een. BELEN zlat.nsu.gen $s 3 55 White Pass Wpg Cent d Al i he] >3 ngud $e 18118 355 660 400 755 $30% ; £ - ] 2 : estporssiisscus.siiagsinn nnn 38s] yotolansd "a ¥ 9 88 gessuzesyulis ses 2 <8 & S85 > Ang Cdn Anglo Nfld aes +t Pr. ag - aa Thies Just k | C Westinghse gas uf Eh i Int Util zn Lob Ine p23 » ] s 3 >t 35000 By CECIL REID off 1.35 to 79.35; base metals up . Price Br 3 3 4 200 | Canadian Press Staff Writer [4.84 to 151.13; western oils up For Disabled ~ » hx Nora & wis 1595 Canadian stock markets re-[6.27 to 130.66. : North Can 2200 1m 1 corded their biggest advances of| Index changes at Montreal: TORONTO (CP) -- Manage 8 Norvanie : 1 n the year last Thursday and con-|Banks up .06 to 46.45; utilities ment is becoming more aware of Acme Gas 14 : Ld] Nudy o° s tinued their gains in a minor up 1.5 to 139.7; industrials up 4.2 the economic soundness of em- 2? ska tH] way in the closing session of the to 239.2; combined up 3.3 to|ploying disabled workers, says E. 0} wien s 6 week. 1206.0; papers up 29.88 to 1112.70; |[E. Sparrow, chairman of the OBA re - 23 Golds were exception, fading golds up .07 to 68.24. Workmen's Compensation Board 8 O'Leary 5 3 slightly Tb period both In| Week's volumes: 312,158 indus- of Ontario. Gb ; n 2 activity and price. Itrials and 1,341,363 mines com. His annual report was tabled Bailey S.A 24s 0s 800 80 "roin 5000 3 3 i + 7 25 2 The higher trend was noted pared with 214,776 industrials in the legislature Friday by Pro Bull 8 % pr oo 1" 1 000 8 30 42 (early in the week. Main reason and 1,930,831 mines the previous vincial Secretary: Dunbar. It im 500 10 6 : [) for the Canadian climb was the week, Of 368 issues traded, 158 cluded an economic barometer of improved tone of the higher New advanced, 75 declined and 135 Ontario's growth: A York market, were unchanged. | The payroll upon which corn Observers credit the general advance to an easing of the tight| money situation both in Canada 1 and the United States. Syrian Charges oo Somparey with $3,787,159,008 MAJOR FEATURE | Bribery By Saud |, Te compensation board paie A main feature of trading this| panacetis (AP) $44,400,319 in benefits in 1957 week was the slight decline of ) -- A former compared with $39,419,000 in 1956. the Royal Bank of Canada. The Member of Syria's parliament Of 245492 cases settled, th slip followed the announcement | 549, iy Wi hive Tne (hoard paid weekly benefits to $71 | e by the bank of its offer to Cana- |p. 5000000 to foment a plot 154 and treatment costs to $177,» dian shareholders rights to sub- i | against the United Arab Repub- scribe for additional shares of j;." Egypt and Syria. | capital stock. | : . AUTHORS W Aziz Abbad, in an interview ANTED Among the mining list, golds ith the Arab Middle East News fell to profit taking after a series s-- of strong advances. During the | 25ENCY, Said (hE Shetues jo alled BY ¥ Y PUBLISHER latter part of the week coppers|yi'co|. Abdul Hamid Serra) was KN SANNANE posted some wide gains, to carry out the plot NEW YORK, N.Y, --~ of the ne, § I. tion's largest publ! rs is g Industrials broke into peak In Cairo, a. UAR spokesman | "0 manuscripts of all typec--fiction, * ! non-fiction, poetry. Special otfention levels for the vear to record a g,iq his government is prepared | fo new writers H your work i. re 1958 high on index. | P 3 % {to receive an investigation eom-| for publication, send for booklet DN Western oils also ended on a mittee which Saud oo ordered | ts free). Vantage Press, 10 W. 3 31st Street, New York 1. 1000 higher note. to look into the plot charges. Goldcrest 7 St Michael = On Wednesday, the Toronto Gold Eagle % H fang Riv Me 405 ° 465 Stock Exch ced re- Sigma 400 30 moval from the trading list Si Miller 10330 shares of Diadem Mines Limited Ri Stan , [23 a result of the company hav-| ing failed to submit an annual, 7 316% 15% br Tw 14 Hed % 8 8 $750. 1 32 > i report to shareholders within the | ! $15% 14% 16% 14 15% % 50 required time. | Th HB Oil G gy sion ig x i 3 BLT 25 660 3 On Friday, trading in "the omson Kernaghan & Co. Lid. 7000 25 22 2A +4 29 200 200 5000 6% 6 9 shares of Kerr Lake Mines Lim- | Jupiter 2100 215 212 218 0 ited was suspended pending clar- Sturgeon 1 2 0 s |ification of an announcement | STOCKS AND BONDS L to N H + 15 els ui 1 8 . Ry 7 + 7 %8 Jud Com 4500 pe 25 Thursday by the company of an| ? + % Majtrans 3 79550 89 burst 4. |agreement with Principal Shop- Marigold 3000 3 Wl LE "hh 4 3% ning Centres Limited. Member Toronto Stock Exchange % Midcon "Te High Bell o Sylvantie Tl | Of 799 issues traded on the To- Mill City Uh Hollinger 3 Tandem is |ronto Stock Exchange, 358 ad- 16 King Street West, Oshawa 3 30 y Taurcanis 18 0. vanced, 272 declined and 169] y |were unchanged. Trading was| Phone RA 5-1104 the lightest since the beginning si (of the year. This week's volume | | of 8,863,000 shares compared with last week's 11,906,000. I Index changes at Toronto: In-| dustrials up 10.77 to 421.27; golds FEREFESSE 88288 31 x >i ty H | - i: i 358 > BrEoalsallisnsuneanennsieiasssatalns Eelulivsniiasiund L bi g aud PO A ees in aged Tag > $R=83E _-- £egst gle? th ssedys 3% ~ >» v3 0 $32% 15 $106% 106% 106% + ¥ 43 43 43 gagEeseg waft {& Hin "¥ CELE H 4 344 H 26 28 105 5 800 40 5 425 380 21 9! Mu xn 6 360 11 70 13 750 36 17 82 1 \ fen § ta8588s Geco Mines 3000 Genex 4200 Geo Scien 500 "Iii S232 +4441 Ryanor ngsuges 82 mggnceuny H | ELIT EEL | - 38 - = = + - + i FT +44+++ + Es"s2F 35 Hi FEENPTEEEB UB SHENG RURY HH sesveishs ] ® F fm $* 4 : | 83s EF +41 + FEF sgppee ba e 28508° eof 3 N Exp N Superior NC Oils oe "we 835 FRulZZaBuBEE.XB2sRY Bax2 | = = 0 to8 145 17% 5375 151 2 * F<} 170 80 11+ Bs 55x +4 + - Prairie Oil 33 Provo Gas 31515 270 000 © 10 11 * ¥° ee nedE. Kirk Town 5 = Rocky Pete 17366 16 14 4 -1 1126 $13% 12% 13% + % Labrador 800 8 58 50 Lake Cin Sapph debs 5 29 L Dufault Scurry 1 2 Lake Ling Secur Free L Osu Souris 3 L Shore South U L Wasa 4025 Spooner 00 2 20 La Luz 610 Stanwell 19132 Lamaque 900 T z Leitch 478950 Tans Can 2100 88 67 -- Trans Em 6089 Po B22 27 vs ovum | Urge Prison -- : Slump Being Attacked In Tax Case (ESSA SE We © oo 133110 208 201 3 40 W Maygill | WINDSOR (CP) -- A prosecu- 17100 43 bg | On Three Board Fronts [sume fee's as ng "SPEEDWELL" Windfall Yh | merchant from suburban Maid- : 3 a % By JACK BELL rose by more than 600,000 in Feb. (Stone Who is charged with evad-) | 8 x j ' BICYCLES Curb i th : i Dalhousie WASHINGTON (AP) -- Theron to a 16-year peak at mid-|1n8 more than $39,000 income Republican administration apd|imonth of more than 5.100.000. James T. Flood admitted in 3 «Or every age group 3 trolled con. | Last month's total apparently] i ; : urpose! the Democratic -control was between 6% and seven per | testimony evasion of $4,457 dur- Fi oe Bw and every purp H A and B 3 Acad Uran "5 gress are pushing job - creation| [Th of the estimated U.S. civilian|inN8 the period 1951 - 1953. The 1 » y Advocate actions amid reports that unem-| prosecution charges he evaded whactiptions, > : : ¥ ployment in the United States |1abor force. payment of $39,436. » wash FREE [4 Alba Expl 6 5 7 . 44 shot up last month to more than RISE CONTINUES |" His father, Ross Flood, and| [ tiem LJ Alfom deb 110 8100 otis # 5,100,000. | Meanwhile, the labor depart: brother Don last week pleaded Algom wis 1340 525 3 518 38 Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas, ment released statistics that in- guilty to charges they made false All you have to do Is self a few subscriptions Al Rosa a0. RR » ; Senate Democratic leader, an- dicated that American unemploy-|statements and evaded paying for The Globe and Mail! Register in The = te everyone you think 'might give you om Amal Rare 3435 52 : nounced that he will seek swift ment continued to rise after mid- $12,735. Donald was fined $25 and Globe and Mail Bicycle Ciub by sending in the order! Get on the phone! Call up your friends Anal jis Bo ] : g A on housing, high-|February. although at a reducede Ti . coupon below retum it to us TODAY ---and and relatives. Tell them how they can help Am Nephe -- 55 45 5 : 5 Sesue ten oR Ls rate. ry 8 Soste Wille Sus ow will be | we will send you official subscription forms you to win a new bicycle! Show this offer to 300 295 300 yn AT 32: way, educ C LS, . § ced. Marc s by the next mail. Meantime, show this offer Mom ond Dod, ond get them to help you, tool Ni 318 jin - 7 4 y y 1 "major measures in providing The department's bureau of George Yates, the department . " hd 0 es $ WS 3% jobs." employment security said job- of revenue prosecutor, urged that You'll want your bicycle for early Spring--so don't miss 2 minute! I) y phi RL ; At the same time, Johnson lessness among workers covered James Flood be assessed more You don't have to deliver any papers or collect any money! 60% : Area 5 E : made public a letter saying the by the unemployment compensa- than half the amount it is al- Aion vs 5 " o U.S. defence department is look-|tion system rose by 137,800 to a leged he evaded paying, be fined Atlin-R k ing into the matter of speeding up record 3,268,000 in the week and aiso sentenced to prison. Auvells 5 8 Re 4 military construction projects in/ended Feb. 22. | The case is continuing. r y : Aumaque 8 Th Th--W 6 "labor surplus" areas -- those| Unemployment generally drops| ---- SS AT i ; A) Bicyclo .Club Registration Form Aunor i " 3 with relatively high unemploy- i, March with a seasonal rise in| RIGHTS FOR WOMEN J ; The gists Sg Well, onto. ORR. Avila po ih 54 ra ment. {such outdoor occupations as| BAGHDAD, Iraq (Reuters) -- A : h ye. Seale, Sut Bankfld 8 8 5 "I think we can pick. up some farming and construction, |Full political rights for women § 200,000 to 500,000 jobs by govern-| President Eisenhower and lils| were announced Thursday as part ment projects, Johnson said, advisers are pictured as counting of the policy of the new govern- 30% 3 i | - 0 3 3 ; adding this should have a "00d on a decrease in unemployment ment of Premier Nuri al Said. : : $B I 38 ; : 000. 1934 - | : 3h psychological effect upon the this month. They contend that He said Iraai women, under an| "gp irien™ Co ior Tr SIDEWALK DleYeLrs Jalada- § wis 225 455 48 L 3 a 1 0 ) 0 v : country consideration of any emergency amended ution, will be BICYCLES or small boys and girl-- # Shawin 82 4 on 3 3 ay a Sw 17 1 Informed officials said the gov- moves should await the March granted political rights including Jor boys ond girls -- worth worth = $42.95 == 8 4 Bicycle size ond style ernment will announce next Tues- employment figures, due out a the vote and membership of par- urs = Asssssssssstsasssnnnsnnne day that American unemployment' month from now. liament. rl 33 a LE Yellorex Yk Bear Yukeno & > 25% wn.3., 16 388 330 7 8 | KgEEzEsx ig £ fait 2 =% 22 PLE HH Rh Rp. want to win a TIO si Aas ssstnssnansnanan