Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 8 Mar 1958, p. 9

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| Ceramic, Mosaic, Enamel | 'Easy To Clean With Suds "4 By ELEANOR ROSS (fortable cushions which take care | Many of the top furniture de- of overflow seating can al:o be' signers are using ceramic mo- sudsed off, i saic and enamel on wood metal MAHOGANY FINISH and glass and are applying them | In addition to these novel sur- with a charmingly light and orig- faces there's a new washable inal touch, finish used on solid mahogany A THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Soturdoy, Merch 8, 1958 © (and editing letters) in 8 column! So it isn't as simple as you such as. mine, {might think, to alternate this CASE HISTORY type of column with article-writs As a beginner in news, ling, It would take a bit of d Request For Series Of Articles Brings Columnist's Reply [nor years ago 1 id socaied 0 C0 FORK 0 rout, Dear Mary Haworth: 1 have, Dear R.C.: You ask for a se- news of the day--writing who- | ber column, not by mail or no problem for you to solve. lies of articles by me spaced a | what-when-where-why accounts of {sonal interview, Write her in care Being 8 bachelor pushing 70, 1 month or six weeks apart on a|fires, killings, auto accidents, of this fewspaper. +a MARY HAWORTH MAIL | { | | {home yet no homemaker need be safely be used to keep most of! Elaborate and h these | furnishi surfaces add more luxury to the| As a matter of fact suds can afraid to live with them. All the|the furnishings in your home in cleaning they need is' washing good condition, Just use soft cloth with suds. or sponges and lukewarm suds; IDEAL FOR PARTIES These surfaces are ideal for and thoroughly, - [feel that 1 am pretty well ad-|yariety of subjects related to elopments, divorce (trials, susted to this business of living. joying every minute of it, However, it is a favor 1 am asking. a series of articles, say once a man's well being. I take this to, I am glad to be alive, and en- mean that you'd like a change tories and defeats now and then from the question- and - answer format through (which 1 channel my thinkingiting a {then dry. all surfaces promptly! The favor, is I want you to run BOW. here Well it is a provocative sug- de- mise of dignitaries, political vie- nd the like. Later I forged ahead (or so 1 construed it at the time) to ed- suburban newspaper, And 1 wrote not only the news, but also the headlines and editor- 'ials and advertising copy, with imuch admiring encouragement |and very little actual help from [those who entertain a great deal.| Any piece of fine wood needs 8 month or six weeks apart. Fach gestion I admit, But also it is In one home every table sur- good washing at intervals, It's the article to cover subjects such as somewhat comparable to asking To add a fresh and delicate touch for spring -- a beautiful handkerchief, with the loveliest of edgings, fine, lacy and color- ful. Match your crocheted edg- ing to the handkerchief design, combining white with one or KEEP IN TRIM Need Courage To Reduce ? Team Up With Other Young Mothers -By IDA JEAN KAIN change your way of eating. With | All overweight young mothers|that attitude, reducing is an ex- face from dining table to the only way really to clean if com- smallest occasional table has a pletely. ¥ glass, tile, mosaic or specially. No need to soak the wood of treated wood surface. There's no course, Go over its surface care- need to worry about rings or fully with thick suds then wipe stains. After the party just going with a clean cloth wrung out in over the table surfaces with a clear water. Polish dry with a sudsy cloth is enough. fresh cloth then wax the surtace Several big hassocks and com- if you like, CHILD GUIDANCE io Important Part Of Family Life Is Shelf Of Worthwhile Books | By G. CLEVELAND MYERS (ever, when there are no books in, Dr. Samuel Johnson would be- sight, the family is less likelv to| gin his visit to a strange home|talk about books or to read them by scanning the titles of volumes Doesn't a college or high schon] along the walls, However, if he education inspire youths to read were alive today and "were to|after graduation? Shouldn't we visit in the newly-build homes, he expect schools at all levels to en- probably wouldn't find any books. | courage students to read books at Even in older homes, it is more home? likely that he would see only fig- MAKE INFLUENCE FELT urines and miniature liquor bot-| Not only schools, but the local tles or deluxe sets of books for PTA, welfare, social and service decoratives along the wall, clubs should make a concerted VANISHING BOOKSHELF effort in this direction. The bookshelf seems to be van-| Also, parents who really care ishing from the American home| will make books an important| | along with the coal bin: part of the family life. These According to a survey by the books won't be limited to those American Institute of Pub-best sellers which are porno-| dressed envelope plus ten cents |i. Opinion only 12 per cent of the graphic, Instead, they will choose] for handling, to the Needlecraft recently-constructed homes have books that have stood the test of Department of this paper, re- built-in hookeages. Only I Det ime or current books that will p afle ! cent of the older houses have/live on esting Edgings, Leaflet No, them and only 58 per cent of With this good example to in . . American homes have bookcases spire them, young children will or shelves of any kind be inclined to emulate their pa Mavhbe the reason Johnny can't rents and cultivate a love for read is that he has no place to worthwhile books read at home and no place to PARENTS' QUESTIONS ry IE aalas ut a book if he had one Q. Suppose your child were lag- Jreaktast; (200 to 275 calories) Pith so many more persons ging in one or several subjects Choice of: tomato juice, half graduating from college, we at school, but his teacher urged grapefruit or citrus fruit juice,|might expect more parents to be you not to worry. | |% cup. Egg, 1 boiled or poached. reading and having lots of books, A, I would inquire what the| | Thin slice toast. Butter, % pat or for themselves and their children,| school was doing about the mat-| 1 egg, bacon, crisp strip. Thin handy in their living rooms, How-|ter or seek the help of experts. | LACY EDGINGS two of the principal hues of the | just send a stampea, self-ad- design. The designs shown in- clude edgings for both straight and scallop-edged hankies. If vou would like to receive the instructions for these edgings, | which you can plan you rmeals PATTERN FOR MEALS | (Clip and save) | matters concentrate on the es- | geriatrics, middle age, teen-the harpist with the orchestra to agers, tolerance, ego, making play the paxophone il perhaps friends in a hurry, lonesomeness, the piano) periodically. general health care and so on. you see there Is a difference taking than 1 was in mine, In other words a sort of review upbtle or vast 8s the case may Still later circumstances pro- of what it takes to cope with liv- pe between two modes of music| Pelled me into the advertising ing today. Will you do it? making, even when playing the fleld, sling space ad compos. i I do enjoy your columns and same tune, And much the same ng Seaban Ep etre yous, de- my opinions nearly always coin. difference exists, as to the prac- PEP hi ng 4 e yea or lo a cide with yours, Our differences |tised skills required, when one) user 2 sions Aoi the pee are too microscopic to mention |considers article writing, per se, i id ot : SeEUpaLion Ci as compared to drafting answers ty embraced news writing of a)", nd--factual, truthful and sup-| posedly magnetic: to help the' merchandiser gain the confidence and support of the buying om ; | 'a novice assistant, who was (hardly more green in her under- ha munity. Then, a few years' recess from, the business world; and 1 re- turned as a eature writer, doing profiles in depth, as it were, of top drawer personalities and their style of thinking, GEARED TO FORMAT From this exercise I was sum- moned to the really terribly heavy assignment, as I felt it at first, of writing responsively to people about their troubles--bas- ing my answers on careful re- search amongst established ex- peris (the reporter's approach) to start, And gradually adding # to my knowledge and understand- ing of life, in doing the job, But the point of my narrative is that a writer becomes geared to a format, His unconscious mind {adjusts to the requirements (or limitations) of his customary or | | principal assignment, so that his {thinking naturally shapes up to!' fit that pattern, | News stories, feature stories. |editorials, sales copy, columns of opinion, magazine articles, books --these are different modes of | writing, Each calls for a slightly different yardstick of production, la different approach to the pre- |sentation of facts and views, hid, | New ROUX Creme Color Shampoo A durable coloring that won' wosh out and leaves no overlap or line of demarcation, the new ROUX Creme Color Shampee is the simplest, easiest, quickest way to "lovelier. haircolor", It is re- commens ded for all types of hair, Creme (obo Shampoo Available ot all Drug and Department Stores who yearn to reduce and look citing adventure, {ike the girl he married, tune in.| The incentive you young moth- Here's your chance to team up ers have to get back to beautiful with other overweight young normal weight is unusually To sweeten coffee, use sac- mothers. strong. Just a few years ago you charine, sucarly or sugarine 1 a line from a letter included Were a slim young bride, eager Milk may be added if desired. in a column sounds almost as if for all the years of happy living Luncheon (to carry or serve at you had written it yourself, you While you are still young. Of home) ' (300 to 375 calories): know the writer is a kindred|course you are not willing to set- Choice: Soup made with skim spirit who thinks and feels the tle for being fat. [ilk 3 pass o Jim milk or same as you do. Knowing that| » Sandwich: two thin u are mot alone in your SH ITOUNG MOTHER | from a leter| ices bread-mustard, choice of is an enormous help. The, one yo mother: filling: 1 oz. cheese; 1 €E8; lean| others in hour predica sent > Hy me fi ds the Meat; white meat of chicken; ment have mustered the courage a; -| peanut butter; 1 level thsp. Des to come to grips with their prob- youn, . ier Wh plied on ox sert: Piece of fresh fruit. lem bolsters your courage. Sud- pave cried many nights. It is just Luncheon: (If eating out or denly you catch the spirit. like a sickness, being fat. I've using leftovers from dinner) (385 What factor is most important gone on so many diets 1 can't! Calories): lean meat, fish or fowl to successful reducing? Strength count them. But I've never tried 3 oz. broiled. vegetable choice of will is necessary and the pro- to diet along with others, and I Serving % cup: asparagus, broc- tective diet is the way by which!feel this is the only thing that coli, cabbage, spinach, turnips, you accomplish results can help me. tomatoes, string beans. (No but- However, there is one factor| "I am 170 pounds now. When|!er). Substitution --in place of that is more powerful than willl married five years ago, 1 meat and vegetables: Cottage or diet--and that is incentive. Alweighed 123 pounds." cheese, % cup and 2 halves strong incentive gives force to| All right. Set your goal. Two peach or pear on lettuce (no your drive, The secret is to re- months from this very day, you dressing) skim milk or butter- lease your will for action. Then|can be 20 pounds. lighter. Think Milk, 1 glass. it is no longer a question of 'Can in terms of what you want, vis- Late afternoon pick-up: Skim 1 stay on a diet?" You want to|ualize yourself at normal weight.|milk, cocoa made with skim act to pull out of the rut and! Here's the diet pattern by milk and non - nutritive sweet -------------------------------------------------- - ener, or buttermilk, . | Dinner (475 calories): Choice of: lean meat, fish or fowl, 3% | oz. broiled, pan broiled or baked, all fat trimmed away. Choice of | baked potato, 2 medium, or thin |slice bread; butter, % pat |tsp.) vegetable: 3 cup, from {luncheon choice, mixed ' green |salad (use dark green leaves); | French dressing, 1 tbsp. Dessert | Fruit, angel cake, 1 oz. cheese, or gelatine, hot tea or coffee, | Total calories for day: 1120 to 1220. If Mr. is overweight, his reduc- |ing calories should be 1400 daily. | ~ |% cup, sugar, 1 tsp. level, Cof fee, black. PT hr (% jegtives within practicab 1 bo your progress will depend, as However, patience and tolerance |sential, and in personal relation-| |ships, go out of your way to maintain harmony. FOR THE BIRTHDAY | This day's horoscope indicates| If Monday is your birthday, that a little re-checking could the next six months could prove prove highly advantageous. Elim- a pivotal period in the realiza- ination of possible flaws in your tion of material gains. Planefary| program could save a lot of time aspects indicate that you can and energy. Don't reach for the reap excellent job and money re- unreasonable, however. Keep ob- wards as a result of past efforts THE STARS SAY {hot or cold, % cup. Whole milk, By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW VERSATILE SHORTIES These gloves in the loager- | beige leather with a hand-sewn than-short style are versatile | tab and buckle at the wrist. enough to he smart with three- Nowy processed for repeated de ym : _ laundering, the leather is guar. quarter, full length or short anteed for complete washability sleeved costumes, The pull and color fastness overs are of thin, cottonwood ~By Tracy Adrian 5 . bounds, always, on your own efforts. Do FOR THE BIRTHDAY Inot anticipate miracles or look If tomorrow is your birthday, forward to any dramatic turn of the year ahead promises a great events to turn the tide in your deal in the way of achievement, favor. both personally and business-| ~~ wise. During the next six months | you may have to stick more or less to routine always trying to improve. However, but with mid-| September, you'll be finding un-| expected opportunities to ad-| vance your status, and, making] unusually fine contacts to help| you to further attainment of your goals. | Romance and travel will be| under beneficlent aspects from | early June until late September] and during the same period, you should find exceptional happiness in your domestic and social life. Avoid extravagance in Novem- ber, and look for a piece of good news late in December which will help you to get the new year off to a fine start, A child born on this will be sensitive and romantically ar- dent, but inclined to make prom- ises he cannot possibly fulfill, DAY AFTER TOMORROW Some restrictions on Monday. Do you have shoe- fitting problems? come in and discuss them with Mr. O. A. McKerihen, fitting authority can help a great deal to keep things running smoothly, In job JUTTA'S BEAUTY SALON SPECIAL FEATURE! and consultant for 2fOcke SHOES RA 5-4321 MAR, 10-11-12 FOR LEISURE HOURS Here's a colorful combination for loungiog around the house, scarf in silk chiffon completes the costume PHONE RA 5-4321 PROFESSIONAL COLD WAVE Plus FREE PAIR OF NYLONS or 7.50 By Appointment Only For MONDAY --TUESDAY--WEDNESDAY AND AT JUTTA'S BEAUTY SALON ~ From 9.30 to 5.30 -- Monday, March 10th Every year, hundreds of men and women with fitting problems take this opportunity to get help by bringing them to the specialized attention of Mr. McKerihen, For a limited time only, this national authority will be in our shoe department to study your shoe needs. He can show you the exact Dr. Locke last (based on years of careful research) that will give you the fit and comfort you want. And --you'll find the new Dr. Locke shoes for this year handsomely styled. MAR. 17-18-19 13 SIMCOE S. watching TV or for a vacation _ By Tracy Adrian in a warmer climate. It con sm---- Bat 2 eat ioe CANADA'S FINEST COLOURED pants - and - shirt ensemble in orange-and-green nasturtium priated pure silk crepe. The top blouses easily along the waist line, making a casual tfansi tion to the long slim trousers which taper in close at the ankles, A twin-printed head "HOW" . 8 § TOPPING FOR PIES Wonderful individual frozen fruit ing". Just blend i: juice (about 1 tablespoonful) wit a J-ounce package of soft cream cheese; add 1 teas &Lrated orange rind, ID--> Send 50¢ IN COIN -- SEND BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY N BOWMANVILLE to swirl on top of baked and th cooled pie " little orange (Telephone MA. 3.3345) XJ Fok poon of SEND FOR YOUR COPY TODAY! 140 PAGES ® 68 COLOUR PAGES © 260 FULL COLOUR PICTURES "WHEN" . "WHERE" - TO PLANT. Dozens of drawings and illustrations. ek AAA A Ak kk AA Ark kA eA Akh kkk GARDEN GUIDE MEMBER OF Thoncey "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded" NOW <«--@ URSERIES ONTARIO 18 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA RA 5-1833 HM. ok | Cosmelics FOR A BEAUTIFUL EASTER / | Veiled Radiance" by Now Begins the Time of Great Beauty! From the first moment your fingers dip into this fluffy, fragrant creme, from the first mpment you make it a glows ing part of your own complexion, you will know that never before have you worn such a perfect foundation creme! Never before the dream of perfection a reality! Veiled Radiance glides on, because only now has Elizabeth Arden made melts into your skin, erases tiny blemishes and gives you a velvety base for all your other make-up. Veiled Radiance is created by the incomparable Elizabeth Arden in seven tender tones. Let it cast the delicate glow of great § beauty on your face, PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 8 KING S71 ¢ NTT CE To RR] 5 fo] 00 0 PHONE RA 3:22 PHONE RA5-3546 BOWMANVI' LE 24° 5 KING ST w - PHONE MA 3-577; 217 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY MO 8.2338

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