A CONVERSATIONAL GAME | Mrs. .\W J, Wells and Mrs. T, | Phi bridge party. of cards is epjoyed by Mrs. A. | H, Greer at the Beta Sigma | --Times-Gazette Staff Photo G. Stapleton, Mrs. D. E. Sager, | | polishing, a boon in itself. Sororoty Sponsors Bridge MONTHLY POLISHIN . . [MONTHLY G In Aid Of Retarded Children | Aut once a mont, asseme The Oshawa Chapter of BetaArthur Bilton and her commit. or chamois and one of the good Sigma Phi Sorority held a suc- tee. creams or liquid polishes made cessful bridge on Wednesday,| Following is a list of the prize expressly for sterling. Polish February 25, at the UAW hall. winners: Miss Mary Whitehead, | lengthwise rather than in circles. The proceeds were in aid of the Mrs. R. Crook, Miss Janet White-| When polishing holloware, do Retarded Children's Association. |head, Mrs. Roy Groat, Mrs. Don- {not twist it around in the cloth, Mrs. John V. Grose, president, ald Dodds, Mrs. .K Kewin, Mrs, |but stroke it lengthwise, too. introduced Mrs. Harry O. Perry, C. C. Baxter, Mrs. Richard Brad-| Have the children help you. social convener, and Mrs. John|ley, Mrs. Fred Goodman, Mrs, [Make it a monthly ceremony for Wilson, the general convener of Robert W. Mills, Mrs. Fred Spen- them, one that will teach them the bridge, who spoke briefly. cer, Mrs. Carl Flintoff, Mrs, Ed- true appreciation of beauty and Each member of the Chapter ward Brown, Mrs. Everett gracious living in their own wore a yellow rose, the emblem |Peebles, Mrs. Wilfred Anthony, home. of Beta Sigma Phi. Mrs. Gordon Wilson. You will notice in your orna- The many lovely prizes, which! Mrs. Toan Smale, Mrs. Alan mented pieces that there are had been donated by local mer- Banfield, Mrs. Reginald Reid, subtle shadows which emphasize chants, were attractively wrap- Mrs. Ross Glover, Mrs. Desmond the lovely flowing lines. These ped in the Sorority colors, yellow Taylor, Mrs. Hugh McGeach, aren't accidental, They were put and black. A floral arrangement Mrs. Herbert Wilson, Mrs. Rob-|there by a process of careful ex- of daffodils, adding a touch of ert Maxwell, Mrs. Carl Wahrer, |idation. spring, centered the table of Mrs. David Gatchell, Mrs. Al Don't be tempted to clean sterl- prizes. Dartch, Mrs. Arthur Graves, ing with a brush or, worse yet, Favors were distributed to the Mrs. D. E Mrs. 1. Kidd, in an aluminum and soda bath. players at each table and the sale Mrs Robertshaw, Mrs. T. H, because you'll destroy much of of candy proved quite popular. Green, Mrs. George M. Hamilton, the craftsmanship so lovingly be- Refreshments were served Mrs. Patrick McAvoy, Mrs, Ken- stowed on it. You will have saved under the direction of Mrs. neth Sands. a few minutes polishing time, it's S-- ---- --- - true. But you'll find that your Loveliness Of Sterling Silver use of sterling makes for less Sager, 'MARY HAWORTH MAIL Girl Buys Ring Dear Mary Haworth: 1 was en- gaged a few years ago. At the time, my fiance asked me to shop with him for a diamond engage- ment ring; and he let it be known that if he could arrange a dis- count it would be more than wel- come. My family remembered Saving) a relative in the jewelry business. We contacted this relative, were shown his stock of diamond en- gagement rings and selected a beautiful solitaire, on which my fiance was given a very substan- tial discount. Five months lster our engage- ment was broken; and I let it be known to my ex-flance that in- stead of returning the ring, wisked to buy it from him. Be cause of its exceptional beauty and value, plus the original dis- count price, 1 wanted to keep it; and he agreed to sell it. ANOTHER PROSPECT Nobody (except my immediate family) knows that I bought the ring; and that it has been in my bank deposit box since then. Now I am at the point of becom- ing engaged to another man, and would like very much, if feasible, to have this same ring grace my hand. Can you suggest any pos- sible way this might be brought | about without revealing the whole| story to the man? Or do you think 1 should? If I tell him the truth, he might May She Use It Another Time? not believe it; or he might mis- understand. And I don't want to| From Ex-Fiance might mention that there is a stone in the family, a real beauty that you'd love to have mounted in a pattern provided by him, to be a memento of this great un- dertaking. He might welcome the offer, with no questions asked, and thus you'd have the results you want. On the other hand, he may be an inquiring fellow, who likes to know the straight of things. In which case, what to tell him? In that case, be frank, I think. Tell him you were engaged once before, a shortlived mistake; and through family connections, this ring was obtained at an in- side special price for you. Later, when the engagement fizzled, you asked permission to buy it -- to keep it in the family, because of your relative's kindness, also be- cause you like good values. There's nothing really horrend- ous about the facts as stated--Iin- cluding your implicit conviction that "diamonds are a girl's best friend." After all, your attitude In this matter is a routine illustra-| tion of the average woman's mind at work in the usual way. She is more of a realist than man, more! down-to-earth and long range in her calculations than he, in man- oeuvring her way through the wreckage and ramifications of human relations. Traditionalists may recoil from this view--insisting upon the gen- Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Soturdey, March 1, 1958 | PERSONALS } His cousins Susan, Jacqueline, Judy and Jill Powell and friends, Elaine Cole and Donald Bishop were guests at the birthday party for Master Robert Simpson this The Reverend N, H. Parker | D.D. of McMaster Divinity School, Hamilton, and Mrs. Park-| er will be guests of Mr. and| Mrs. L. W. Parrott, Mary street, | week. Robert who is the son of jon Sunday. Dr. Parker wil) Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Simpson, preach the dedication sermon at| BE aaa ol The Reverend Harold E. Bridge Mr and Mrs. Bridge of Toronto and Miss Lorna Begg of McMaster University, Hamilton, will be the guests on Sunday of the Rever- end L. D. Begg and Mrs. Begg, Carnegie avenue. Miss Winifred Brewer, Baptist Children's Work secretary of To- ronto and Mrs, Arthur Rose and Deanna Rose of Port Hope will be Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. H, Rice, Hillcroft street. Dr. and Mrs, F. Bruce Brown, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Charles redden and family, Peterbor- ough; Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bate- man, Toronto; Mr. and i Charles Browne; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bateman and Jack of To- ronto, will be Sunday guests of College Hill H&S February Meeting PANE Ba Gly i gy , and Mrs. ¥. M. Melelan Tooley's Mills, and will attend the dedication of the new First Baptist Church in Oshawa. In town on Sunday to attend the dedication services of the First Baptist Church, Hortop street, will be Mr. and Mrs, {Edward Ferchat and Mrs. Jennie Holton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dal- ton, Stanley and Lorna, of Toron- to, the guésts of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Collins, Park road north. Little items of social news are always wel in this If you are enjoying the company of visitors or have been visiting Mrs yourself why not telephone 3-3474, the Social Department and share iyour pleasure with. others? Nassau street, was celebrating his 10th birthday. Friends will be glad to know that Mrs. A. .B Creighton, Col- bourne street east, who has been with bronchitis and pneu- monia for the past two months, is much improved. the new First Baptist Church on| 'ebruary Hortop street, lege Hill Home and School Asso- ciation was held recently in the school auditorium, Fred ple, secretary of the Boa of Religious Edusation, by the guest on Sunday of ', Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newell, Law- eases s report by Mrs. A. R. lor avenue, TY, teel rule that an engagement ring # Mr, Howard Brown, principal, {spoke briefly and announced that {Open House will be held at the school on Wednesday, March 5, |trom 3.00 to 4.30 p.m, to com {memorate education week of {March 3 to March 7. Parents are invited to visit the class- rooms. Refreshments will be |served. | The attendance Was won prize 4 by Miss Elaine Smith for Grades |" 1-2 and Mrs. Audrey Malyko for| |are ideally suited in every re-| etically can't give it to another,! spect. You see my predicament if the engagement fails. However and the urgent need of a wise you've already broken with tradi- decision. PS.: My former fiance|tion by buying the ring, so you has since married and moved out may as well find satisfactory use of the state. K.P. |for it, if possible. M.H. |" Dear K.P.: Well, I once knew a nn |girl who finally got herself tenta- tively engaged to the man of her ner: Dr. Marion Hilliard choice. After which she supplied . : him with a "family" diamond--| Gives Her Views from an heirloom ring given her| On Teens In Love |by an aunt. I believe she said-- which she graciously suggested |that he have mounted in a gold] "A mother's goal {band to be selected by him, this daughter should not for [pad for the setting, I suppose. |sic instance of feminine finesse,'of her daughter's lin testing the situation with an/should be based on a determina lindecisive gent, and sort of com- tion that she should have an ade | mitting him, publicly, to tangible quate education, | evidence of mutual accord, as re- life and an ability to love." |gards talk of being married. Case] Dr. Hilliard did not believe that | while the time was|18-year-olds today were more ma- | | propitious. And with the Jady"s|ture than they were a generation § know more § |of striking {astute initiative pleasantly pack- ago. They might |aged as a gesture of warmhearted facts br more about biology, she thoughtfulness--that seemed also conceded, but in her view, they risk losing him, as we feel we goes back to the donor, who theor-| # her be mar- ' {to be their engagement ring. He riage" according to Dr. Marion f | Hilliard. The noted Canadian doc-| } I have always rated this a clas- tor held that 'a mother's vision| } happiness' | knowledge of | lof the executive were introduced, Mrs. Clifford Solomon and Mrs. |Joseph Haas, The next paper drive to be held at the school will be on Wednesday, March 19. s were reminded of the annual Home and School Conven- tion to be held at the Royal Con- naught Hotel in Hamilton on Tuesday, April 8 and Wednesday, April 9. A nomination commit- tee was set up with Mrs, I. L, Locke as chairman and Mrs. Solomon and Mrs, Harold Nu- gent assisting." ut A Founders' Day by Dr. L. A. DeWolfe, National Memh "Message" 'hy's" was shown. 42-3. {kindergarten. Two new members|' President 1938 - 45, was read by Mrs. Fred Rose and a film en- titled "Answering our Children's pi : Ly the mothers of children in Grades : i ew ROUX Creme Color Shampoo A durable coloring that won" wash out and leaves no overlap or line of demarcation, the new ROUX Creme Color Shampoo is the simplest, easiest, quickest way to "lovelier. haircolor". It is re- commens ded for all types of hair. Refreshments were served by HOW THE MODELS DO IT The only way to get the soft fluffy, casual look in your coif ) Ee Cieme ( obo Shampoo Available at all Drug and Department Stores - | to indicate background affluence. were 'not emotionally mature." fure, most models say, is with a (Actually she was poor.) Dr. Hilliard saw the teen-ager 1 brush. So many of these girls -- It suggests what diplomats wo- of today as being "too protected, #|who have to arrange their hair a)' silver has a flat, glaring white- Deepens With Daily Use ness that negates its beauty. By ELEANOR ROSS [that it' will slowly acquire a v "NOW I'M ONE" use in its own chest is practical o you might like to line a rawer with speciall | | " - d : / cloth. If you Pl voi to Keep it men can be, in pursuit of their|too secure." They were "accus-| #8 » # #1 Use it every day! It can't wear) first acquired. 2 SO DISARMING |of escape in order to avoid mak- out, it can't be used up, but dally] patina is the word used to de. 2tks vil penetra te Tight| In short, if your present pros-|ing a hard, tough decision." use adds immeasurably to its soribe the thousands and thou-| Setting a pretty table and pect proposes, and shortly there-| "Basically, this is the reason," beauty. |sands of tiny lines formed in| Us-| fter a ring is broached, you Dr. Hilllard held, "why 15-year- If your hair is your despair... STORING SILVER Storing your silver for daily Do you know the best way to glowing patina with depths that| h th ist d diusti a on | ' vas flannel S . objectives. And perhaps there is tomed to adjusting and comfort-| preserve sterling silver flatwear? were not apparent when it WAS oth rubber Jont fasten them | guidance for you, in her example. ing." They "took every means| Si Just as you accept and cher- daily usage. They are invisble to ish the transition in your teen- the naked eye, but they meld to- {ing your precious sterling silver {flatware every day is a compli- ment to the family, implies that St. George's Eve. W.A. age daughter from adolescence gether to form a soft surface for to young womanhood, so do you gentle light absorption Jearn to cherish the beauty of| Daily upkeep could hardly be the maturity in your sterling easier. Simply wash it, first in silver. ' |good hot water with suds from Bright and glossy when new| flakes, soap chips, powder, cake Ms true character is developed or liquid. Then rinse in hot wa- only through loving care. In us-|/ter and dry with soft towel. ing it every day you will notice! You will discover that dally they are your most important table guests and that the best is none too good for them. It gives dignity to the meal, too. We've found that children react to ft nicely and nothing could be more important these times, as we realize, more and more, the im- portance of home surroundings and appointments in training youth, CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Mary St. H and 'S Assn. Albert St. H and S Assn. Westmount H and S Assn, Women's Welfare League Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Sunshine Rebekah Lodge Maxwell Nbyd. Assn, TUESDAY Knox Presbyterian W.A. Dr. C. F. Cannon H and S Queen Elizabeth H and S S.A. Home League Christ Church W.A, WCTU Kinette Club Ever Ready Class Centre St. (West Grp St. George's Guild North Simcoe H and S Assn. | Happy Doubles Club Calvary Baptist WMS Simcoe Street WMS St. George's Aft. W.A. Evelyn Goldwin Group Challenger Group King Street WMS FRIDAY | Christ Church Aft. Aux. Simcoe St. W.A. (Group 3) WIFE PRES In fixing boiled beef, be sure | the water is boiling before you] add the meat -- otherwise the | flavor will all go into the water. | In making broth, start the meat in cold water. | The Great Fast Window of| Yorkminster in England was | erected in tlie cathedral in 1408. | Alice Jackson Aux. 9th Scout Mothers' Aux. Victoria Lodge LTB 11th Group Committee Daughters of England Superfluous Hair Permanently Removed By Electrolysis and Holy Cross W.A. 15th Scout Mothers' WEDNESDAY S.A. Prayer Meeting Northminster W.A. Queen Mary Lodge 1 Doubles Club undle Park Aux. 3rd Scout Mothers' Aux. Women Teachers' Assn. Harmony W.A, 10th Group Committee 2nd Group Committee Albert Street WMS CP and T Fund THURSDAY Aux, 50-50 Clu I ost, electronic I} of worry the newest, fast-ig = A Vo =. 4 nd em- L barrassment, \» / | FREE Consultation RESULTS GUARANTEED Over 12 years' experience MARIE MURDOFF | will be in Oshawa at the Genosha Hotel, February 4 ond 5, RA 3.4641 hone for appointment on these dates. dio- aling free short - wave thermy, your true b Sunbeam Chapter, OES PRETTY PARTY DRESS Moving gracefully from cock- tails or late-afternoon tea to an | | full skirt is paillette-embroider- informal night of dining and dancing is this Jo Copeland re- sort dress. Of white faille, the frock features a torso bodice with a portrait shawl collar. Its ed with iridescent colors vary- ing from mauve to blue. --By Tracy Adrian RA 3-702 Do You Want Better DRY CLEANING? Coll MOTOR CITY CLEANERS ¥84 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH remem-- / RA 5.6458 QT JUTTA Ji | BEAUTY SALON . SPECIAL FEATURE! SUT TTT RA 54321 WT Bg By Appointm MONDAY--TUESDAY--WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 24, 25, 26 JUTTA'S BEAUTY SALON. |B PROFESSIONAL COLD WAVE Plus FREE PAIR OF NYLONS | 7.50 | PHONE RA 5-4321 13 SIMCOE S. || ent Only For AND MARCH 3, 4,5 olds go steady. They can't take a chance on being a wall flower." The same kind of conformity was behind many mothers' approval| of early marriages for their daughters, Dr. Hilliard eonclud-| ed. | The camera holds great fas- | son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fields, Courtice, and Mrs. Frank Joz- koski, O:hawa, and great. | grandson of Mrs. Arthur Bouck- ley, Oshawa. --Photo by Ireland cination for Timothy John, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Jozkoski, Courtice. Timothy was one year old yesterday. He is the grand- flue METAILERS TO THRIFTY CANA > BY 227002 A Except Wednesday - 9 a.m, T_~ i to 12:30 DIANS | 21 SIMCOE ST, SOU OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M, TH TELEPHONE RA 3-2294 SPRING VALUES IN NYLONS SPECIAL! FINEST QUALITY FULL FASHIONED 51 GAUGE - 15 DENIER 57: New! Elizabeth Arden vadd. Holds hair in place with a gossamer touch! or 2 pair 1.00 Fashion right new Spring colors! Value right for the thrifty shopper. Visit Zeller's now and get your supply for Spring and Easter while the stock Blue Grass, halo-ing your lasts, y 5 hair every moment it's on. ~~ 51 Gouge, 15 Denier. slimming seams. Sizes' 9 to 11. "Rendezvous" Brand Nylons Fashion smart hosiery, Featured In popular In- trigue end enchantment shades. hair beauty: Styled with slim heels and dark leg- easier, longer-lasting, more "Hugable Tys" Sizes 814 to 11 for ladies and misses. Of soft combed cotton, with plaid loces threaded through the sides. be wearing with their casual shoes. SMART! NEW! 98- magic to wonder working Just what the smartly-dressed will Our services are TELEPHONE DELIVERY LAYAWAY CHEQUES _ GUARANTEE ~--Two deliveri ---For your cor --Baby bonus --Merchandise DEPENDABLE --Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years, --You may order by telephone: RA 3.2294. designed for your use and convenience. ZELLER'S 1 0 OL Mery YOUR FRIENDS Raz I) OWNTOWN [PRE (seats 8 KING ST. E PHONE RA 3-2245 15 KING ST es daily within city limit, wenience ot no extra cost, ond pay cheques cashed satisfactory or money refunded. "VA Just a gentle tap of the pressurized container and the finest, lightest spray holds every strand in place! Your hair stays set, soft and lovely for days on end. And, Elizabeth Arden Hair Spray has the delightful fragrance of 200 Elizabeth Arden gives you the perfect formula for] p \ Erizaere ARDEN SPUN CREAM PERMANENT WAVE! natural! 2.00 Bue Grass VELvA SHAMPOO--Special conditioning ingredients give limp locks new body, prepare your hair for the perfect permanent. 1.00, 1.75 Eicar Hour CREAM--Dry hair and scalp respond Ike W Eight Hour Cream. 1.75, p), PROMPT FREE DELIVERY OSHAWA | BOWMANVILLE - PH 317 BROCK ST S., WHITBY 530 SIMCOE ST. 5. PHONE RAS: 3546 ONE MA3-5778 MO 8-2338