Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 1 Mar 1958, p. 13

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THE DAILY TIMES-BAZETTE, Seturdey, March 1, = DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Kind of give 8 Bo |50--Articles For Sale |GsED all - wave TV antenna, ompitts, |Bacrifice, $25. RA 8-8180, |DWARF and standard size a trees, |apples, pears, etc., from the world's |largest nursery and orchard company eo Order now for spring planting, Local |agent will call at your convenience. 26 | 45--Recl Estate For Sele 45---Real Estate For Sale Now --See Herel Spring is just around the corner, and if you would like to make a complete change, fast--Iist your home with us to-day, any location, any size needed without obligation. Call Mr. Addison, RA 3-2254 anytime, LLOYD AYERS REALTOR A4--For Rent | #3----Keal Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale FURNISHED bed oom pital and downtown. 435--Real Estate For Sale ge , eloss to hos SIX roem split level, atscied 5 Call RA 5-5228.135000 down, Car a 46{ | payment. Priced to sell pro RA 51644. THREE roomed self base Maren 88 ment apartment, extra large living | INDEPENDENCE in the country, 10 room. Heavy wiring, TV outlet, use of (*cre lots on paved road, fust off Taun. | automatic washer. Business couple. RA [ton Road East. Suitable for market | 5-5445 after 8. gardening and building. Priced to sell 5 only $4000. MArket 3.3986, Bowman. | TWO light bousekeeping rooms, light ville. Feb.28 | wiring, upstairs, central, close to bus,|gIGHT . room Income brick home Hot some furniture If desired. RA 3.5239..." oi burner, private drier, laun- dry tubs. Apply 196 Athol Street East | PRIVATE room for one or two gentle. (RA 3-3078, hd men. 234 Gibb Street 49¢ THREE bedroom, brick veneer bunge- BEAUTY parlor premises, downtown, | low, with the new sashless sliding win. could be used as offices and residence. [dows, air-conditioned heating unit, cop-| RA 35-5380. 46¢ [per § plumbing, tiled bathroom, smartly | wo Toon apartment, newly deco. | in natural trim. We have two = ol left for early spring construction is as, furl shed, adula. veal | |north west section. Call now for inspec- - t Souple_ On We iM. ny by 4 ition. Price $11,290, $1490 down and $10,- enience, parking) :(590, $1290 down. RA 37122. at §OUR sor Seéahy, fioor apart OUR - room bungalow, centrally lo decorated, modedh kitchen, heavy duty |CAted, close to North G.M. $7,900, low Mf desired. 365 mohthly. RA 51721. 46f(doWn Payment. RA 8.5285. dof nent. sul |FOR sale or rent, Five room house ve ig ogi o for garage with complete furniture 481 Apply 313 Drew Street "of SIX room ranch style bungalow, brand furnished bedroom, with | new, stone and bi . three bedrooms, Phone 1. ce living room, modern kitchen, four prasad _.-- [piece bath, all hardwood and tile floors, THREE rooms, u) ette oll heating, full basement, laundry and cupboards, hydro and heat sup. tubs, extra large lot, new subdivision, plied, garage available, central. Adults built on high ground, east of Garrard only. RA 5-2006 48f | Road on Meadow Crescent. Immediate pk Aine Bnd RA R TAREE Toom and five room newly Linen" ccepied, private owner. RA bullt apartment, electric range and re. PRUMENt AeceBEC. ot frigerator, ground floor, parking space, - P ---- | bus service Apply 165 Verdun Road x 100°, BUSINESS & INVESTMENT | Modern restaurant business ond equipment, excellent location in downtown business crea. A real good buy, Stores and Apartments building, central, Good revenue. Air service class, B & C. Boy on Loke Hangor; transmitter, 2 aircraft, Stenson SR9. All equipment, living quarters, Asking $35,000. Blind River area. Summer resort Hotel, 22 rooms. Wasaga Beach. $22,900, ot least $4,000 down. For Cemmercial Sites or Business Property See W. McAULEY REALTOR 26 Prince St. -- Dial RA 3-2512 Whitby -- MO 8-3231 ED HINKSON, Salesman -- RA 8.8228 §.One of ea g [LV IA y Clumber EE, HR" . 4 Single i fn Eestasy Et] unit 25. Coin AIN[DIOVIE Tel 11. Lh 8. French (Swed) [SI INICERRIAINITIEIO (var) oo marshal | 26.Con. [EEC Rr Ei 12. On the 6. Custom tend r left 7. Footless | NIG|T [E[DREN AIMED for [ERIOISIERCIAIL IT side (naut) 8 Male off.' 27. Cap. 13. Napoleon's epithet 14. Blunder (alang) 15. Pismire 4' 16. roid 16. Free % 17. Girl's nickname 18. Pamphlet 21. Vitality 22. Monetary unit (Bulg) 23. Deadly & poison . 24. "The Stren. uous Life" » author ll) 27. Unadorned 28. Nothing 29. Open (poet.) 30. Timeless 34. Guido's lowest note 35. Honent 38. Knock ® 37. Poke gently 39. Parade instrument 41. Tribulation 42. Overhead 43. Robbers (slang) 44. Quoted DOWN 1. A junto 2. By oneself St. Thomas Man Acquitted Of Car-Smuggling Charge (CP) -- George, rin ELECTROHOME Hi A, i, brand new DON, Ot. sor Geo Be g. Pat Zoccano, 39, and wil ONE custom 1951 Ford radio, excellent | regular $239, sale price $189. Meagher's, Dingman, 33, of 'omas was iam Lamont, 25, were convicted condition. $20. Phone RA 58413 be-|5 King Street West. _S0c acquitted Friday of a charge of and sentenced to jail. Frank Zoe Ween Sad 7pm. _50b/yHE Hoover Constellations are into Canada cano, 31, was fined $300. 48H WE pay cash for used furniture, ap for 58, This week's special, from the United States. The other men have not bees pliances, » sewing machines, p!anos, Other models from $65 up. 4 i i i i ---------- |stoves. Also sell and exchange. 19|Rug and Carpet Sales your Authorized| Digman and six London menitried. Dingman still faces a [Prince Street, RA 8-1131, Marchi0| Hoover Sales and Service Centre Were arrested by the RCMP last charge of conspiracy and three (RE ioe Thr room sails Tis |Pione. RA. S202, sii fall and charged with operating|additional charges of violating new. Call after 5 p.m. at 644 Toortop O&ESTERFIELD suite three-piece, ex- an international car smuggling |the Customs Act. Street. 48f cellent condition, wine and green. m---- During the trial Dingman. tes. GOOD used refrigerators, from $69 up; | Reasonable. RA 88437. Sle tified that he was tipped off te CABLE- STITCH illegal operations on his London used - car lot in July, 1955 and used "eavy duty ranges $49 up; used CONTINENTAL beds, spring filled con- |immediately closed the lot. Shortly before, he said, he had washers, various makes, $29 up; g00d|struction, mis-matched covers, all |used televisions, $39 up. Barons' Radio| sizes, regular $69.50. While they last and Electric Ltd., 426 Simcoe Street|g4a. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street South Feb, 5 to Mar. 5| March 1,46 Goodrich Stores, tires, batteries, |REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse, _ 8 {sold the lot to Harold Snyder, 84, Kelvinator, refrigerators, televisions. cubic foot, good condition, $60. RA ! lalso charged with smuggling but s {that Snyder had defaulted 'on payments and he had reclaimed the business. {PASSED THROUGH LOT 47e Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-4543. March 25.8053, Sle up. B. F.[FOUR burner electric stove, heavy arch? {dnty, two years old. Phone RA 326%. Dingman said that a 1951 auter |mobile, alleged to have been smuggled, passed through the lot |in 1955 during the time. the 'lot |was owned by Snyder. Snyder told the court he sold the car in question to a man named Grant Adding of: Paris. But RCMP officers sald Adding did not exist. A handwriting expert testified 5 [that transfer papers allegedly signed by Adding compared with writing on papers signed by Sny- der. Magistrate F. G. McAlister said "Snyder's evidence is of,no assistance" and that he believed Dingman's explanations were fof orsright in their presenta- Ses ond make offer. i El @ by 78's with v tion size ping pong table top. RA 81565. 9c Hike new. af 2-way rodio Modern WOODS chest freezer, 15 cubic fi. Bast offer. Pickering 674 J 1. RUGS, carpets, chesterfields cleaned 4 your home. Modern machine mi L Satisfaction guaranteed. Cheapest rates in the district. Free estimates. RA 3-7938; after 6 p.m. RA 53-6443. 49¢ THREE piece bedroom suite, good con- dition. RA 5-3003. 49¢ 17" Admiral TV in very good econdi- tion. Apply 623 Olive Avenue. 49f ENCYCLOPEDIA of Americans, 30] volumes. Also wedding gown, cathed. ral train, hoop and crinolne, size 12-14. RA 5.7007. 41 BEDROOM suite, cement mixer, one trailer, two sixty cycle electric motors, % hp, Philco refrigerator 11 cubic feet, steel rubber-tired wheelbarrow. L. Bo- selli, Ajax, 938W after 7 p.m. at AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes. Prompt service. Free estimates. Order now for early delivery, Chair and table Is. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Asking Yesterday's 33. Celeril 35. aren { k tai Bligh's 47¢ RE Sale -- 3 acres land, Taunton vous | 47 --Automobiles For Sale West, within city limits, Apply Robert (qs Pontiac, fordor sedan, slip covers Scott, 5 Milton Road, Toronto 6. Phone deep tread tires, mechanically perfect. HO 5-8861 or RA 5-1613 54 Hurry for this one. Only $195. Seaway % | Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. 47f lis your car keeping you broke? Cut | your future car cost in half by buying {Rambley. Rambler won't crowd your agv, is easy to park, yet has six passenger room and comfort, exclusive safety construction and reclining seats, Small down payment or trade no fur. ther payment until June, up to 3 years Mar 18 on balance. Try Rambler today at CH HOOSE., your new TV from Electro- Wellman's. RA 3-4431. March 24.| {home, Phillips, Westinghouse, Sylvania, '56 Pontiac | sedan, radio, w white "walls, Motorola, Admiral and RCA Victor at seat covers, 12,000 miles. Apply 1043 Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe North. Feb. 31 Hortop Avenue. 481) Mar31 |AULSTATE Aute wmsurance, Save p|¥YOU can be sure if its a Westinghouse to 20 per cent, Nine months to "| automatic washer or dryer from Park- For peivonal service at your home, call way Television, 918 Simcoe North. IRA 5 arch ¢| Mar 20 1954 Buick Century hardtop, only 2 28,000 BOUSEAULD furnishings. We buy, sell miles. Fully eq p n a For furniture bargains |dition Trade an. [20d, ex Community Furniture Store, 15-1392. 4a¢ also your Necchi - Bernina Sewing Ma. -- -------- eee | CHAD dealer. 19 Prince Street. Phone 48--Automobiles Wanted RA 81131; after 6 phone RA 5-1423, March 6 474 LAKFSHORE Auto Wreckers wa nt ADMIRAL 17 TY, cars for wrecking. March 9 working order, irs Lory 3.9192 after 6 p.m, | REFRIGERATOR, Gibson, 7.5 cubic feet, like new, new sealed unit, $85. 1582 W, Ajax. 47! ELECTROHOME HI.-Fi record player |and records, only $110. Lady Saniek razor, $7. RA 5-1753 before 7. | [9 "will buy a | a --_~ | estate of late William Scott. For 21. Friend ONE bright, large double bed ery central, RA 5-2867 or 114 C 114 In For os little as $400 down, you can become the owner of a Colonial Home. Colonial | ~-- Canada's leading manu- facturer, offers you many | designs to choose from, For complete illustrated cata- logue drop in or call Colonial Homes, 289 Pork Rd. S. RA 8-8571, Evenings: HIGHLAND AVE. LOT for sale, 55° 6" en Mont.| Modern 3 bedroom bungalow, large living room, good sized 48f gomery Streef. Apply 374 Arthur Street rooms, tiled bath, storms and screens all around, taste of 49%c| decorated, nicely landscoped, Must be seen to be appreciated. Asking only $11,500 with as low as $2,500 down, MYERS STREET Immediate occupancy, New 3 bedroom brick end stone bungalow, aluminum storms, screens, doors, large rooms, asking only $12,000 with reasonable down peyment. ALMA STREET 6 room 4 bedroom 114 storey brick home on landscaped lot with garage. Living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath ci: first floor plus 2 bedrooms on second floor. Hot water heating with oil, storm windows, suitable for the large family or for subletting. Close to oll schools, Listed ot $10,000 with $2,900 down. N.H.A. LOW DOWN PAYMENT HOMES For o fine selection of new low down payment homes in Harmony Heights contact this office. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE Cag tn a oedim J A. 'VONDETTE | 3% Simcoe Street South Diol RA 3.9329 or 5-655] | 3: or 4 bedrooms in the fol- | oe. lowing areas: Central Park [50--Articles For Sale TAREE - room, self-contained apart REAL ESTATE After 5:30 Dial Blvd. N., Cadillac South and ONE r i ment. Adults only. RA 3-4230 50b | : ONE m apartment wi ndas St. W. : in the Morthway Court area. THREE - room apartment upstairs,| 104 yo Lloyd Metcalf 5-6983 Everett Elliott 3-9290 Joe Maga 5 99! Por Tree veluonon. please cal , child lcomed 4 A ceniral location." Call RA. 5.6735 aft Off th foll )40 at RA 3.2265, Schofield In- ers ve following ---- . --- central location. Call RA 5.6735 after - , surance Associates Ltd, After SEVEN . room house, all conveniences, property for sale FIVE - room bungalow, oil heat in- cluded, plus heavy duty electric stove. (NEW brick bungalow with car port -6958. 491 Five large rooms. Apple Hill sub-divi sion. Will trade for older house or lots 49% coms and bath, $50 wa Jones Real Estate, RA 56412 OFFICE SPACE Located downtown Oshawa on King St. Eost. Available im- mediately, Janitor service. Contact Don Howe Real Es- tate, 26/2 King E. RA 5.7732. APARTMENT -- Brand new in split SIX room, three bedroom, insul brick level home, two rooms, picture win-|house, exceptionally clean, $7800, cheap] dows. private bath and entrance, near taxes. Low down payment to respon school and shopping centre. RA 3-7070. sible party Call RA 5-4241 481 | - IF you wish to buy or sell, in Oshawa FURNISHED three - room apartment. or 'Vhitby, consult Donald Scott Real Very central for three business girls tor. 25 Prince Street. RA 3.2612, Mar, 2 OF, vorking couples. RA 3.4935. Immed MODERN apartment house, 14 rooms Mle DOBSIENION, acme |three bathrooms, good location in Whit THREE unfurnished or MO 83231. March 22 rooms six minutes to corner 18 ig A ¢ $700 down, modern six - room bunga Souple or Vig? Fieate, Ro children low, large lot, two mortgages carries 726 or RA for $100 per month. Whitby - Pickering fiirnished rooms with kitchen |Town Line, Mr. Green, MO 83151 | PP and terms, Dial table model. $70. Phone 46 {46--Real Estate Wanted WORKING men want homes with § $1000 down. If you can help please call W McAuley, Realtor, 26 Prince. Dial RA 13-2512 or Whitby MO 8.3231. Feb. 22 CASH FOR YOUR HOME ? We have customers who re- | quire homes with either 2, furnished | by Young R A 49--Automobile Rep HIG HEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD CLEAN CARS Any make or model DODD MOTOR SALES 314 Park Rd. S., RA 3-9421 Mar, 2 acetylene welding wo sink and cupboards. Close to Duplate | Whitby, evenings Eat estrunce. APPly 5% Howald NEW three-bedroom bungalow at 1096 gr---- re |Hortop. Reasonable down payment or THREE - room, self-contained, ground older home. Open Sunday 1 to 4. See | level apartment, Child welcome, Ross-| owner on place, C. Gury, 91 Ona | | | $100 will buy a Frigi |new, only slightly rd Quick cash| tyn-G rrard area. RA 8.5306 el RA 5-67: 27 sale imperative. Telephone RA 3-3663. | FOUR - room house, two bedrooms,| close to shopping and buses. Call any. | "49 Meteor or trade on half ton truck; torch and mouton coat, like new, $25. RA 5-3206. 50f| | ELECTROHOM] Cost $369, used | only a few months, now selling for $249. Meager's Electric 5 King| | n | never been Easy terms. 5-0632 | Street West an he coat, Call RA new Muskrat size 14, $75 $ pm si | six please call RA 5-1726 suitable for sub-letting. Apply 315 Hill | p side Avenue sia] $830.00 full down payment d OSHAWA HOMES be Fit TX - room house, oil heated, hardwood, ©on new 3-bedroom bungalows WHITBY an | | Whitby--Johnson Ave. $8,800 full price. A low down payment $10,000 DOWN floors, north west section. Immediate Pay a small deposit to secure possession. Apply 368 Welland Avenue . 9 f lot C your choice of lots arries and $75 monthly will buy this 4 year old 2 bedroom frome Client wishing to locate in bungalow Oshawa, preferably east end sit ----| for $62.00 per month, prin- Covi TL | and interest at 69 Phone $1290 i we These ffl consider other areas. Requires fo I te : large bedrooms, living room, golows have oil nesting, joun- dining room, modern kitchen, Prefer ranch type. Contast dry tubs, eluminum storms i hoe! ao io, Soho; Don Howe Real Estate, 26)2 King E. RA 85-7732. house, Hts. sub-letting % room g house or Oshawa Blvd, South. A snug home in o settled area, 5 room storey ond half. $11,500 full price. Low down payment, $12,800 in Oshawe. 3 good sized bedrooms near St. Christophers and Woodcrest Schools, $23,500--Winona Dr, broadlooms, MODERN FIVE ROOM APARTMENT ilectrically equipped, best location. $105.00 RA 8-8676 FOR RENT Apple orchard, 15 year old trees, Macs, Spys, Melbo, etc. Starting to bear nicely, contains three hundred trees, Garrard Road, between Osh- 10 ocres in City of Oshawa. ewa and Whitby, Will lecse PHONE MO 8-3322 for five years, no charge for | Harty J MO 8.389% first year. Please contact H. | GRY ASIN i Glecoff, 174 Reed | 799K McCann -- MO 8-4442 South, Oshawo A new bungalow Carries for $64.46 per month, principal and interest at 6%. $12,700 -- These 3-bedroom bungalows are close to schools, shopping and trans- | portation. The longer you wait the farther you will be from centre of town. Investi- gate now -- Open this week- end. $1,000 full price -- $200.00 down -- Large lots overlook- ing the Town of Whitby 8 acres in Town of Whitby. 3 bed- and Oshawa. drapes, Executive's Choice rooms, recreation room, covered patio T.V. mast N.H.A. bungalows and split levels in Oshawa and Whitby. Start- ing from $1,250 down. PERSONAL SERVICE 1S AS NEAR AS YOUR PHONE JSED tires, most all sizes, $3 47--Automobiles For Sale ED, tires: most of '52 Pontiac deluxe (automatic) dark WE buy, sell and exe © used furni-| green color, radio, fully equipped. A-1 ture RA 3-3271. Apply 444 Simcoe PIANO sccordion, 130 bass, like new. body and motor. Apply 787 King Street Street South. March 6 ga 3-2157. 49¢ Eas, Apt. 1 SU| STAINLESS steel sink $10; 3 piece bath GE whitewalls, radio $99; toilet and basin $45; 4" gal. pipe,/model, left hand door, A-1 shape. All {and directional Call after 5 15¢ ft.; copper, 25¢ ft. Rads., boilers, steel, no plastic. Phone RA 5-6422. 49¢ p.m. RA 5 490 | oil tanks, space heaters, plastic piping ia . | Installations at low costs Chinn's, Hill. AIR compressor, 1% hp, new; also '86 Ford Tudor, "tutone, green and white side and Park Rd. §. RA 3-7088. Feb. 25 portable compressor, % hp, sacrifice with whitewall tires, very low mileage. ARGE upright freezer, as new, 3400 ox quick sale. 286 Frontenac Avenue. AS new, A A 0 |Only $1445. Seaway Motors, opposite or best offer. RA 5.9403. . sib RA 5-926. Marchs |Shopping Centre. 474 a Cm. 1% S | OLIVE HOWE REALTOR 9 me - For fact 130 Brock Street North [32 Bulck seda good condition, Tully [trained sechnlciany or fac ory | home with new bright patterns in floor 6) call RA 8-5286 OF | overings. See them today, only 37c per * (equipped, also '48 Pontiac Fleetline, 736 Cedar Street. Guaranteed job. il Furniture, 20 urch Whitby M 8-2527 |puars. These cars must be sold RA 5. foo Wilson After Hours 8161 8 am, to p.m. Mer. "refrigerator, large size, deluxe 's4 Pontiac, tutone, signals. March 11 T.T March 14,6 1,46 adding ma BOAT KITS , Whitby MO 8-2430 "80 Chevrolet deluxe. Apply 586 Bloor chine. also cash register. Snap, arms Street East after 6 p.m. 49f could be arranged. 316 Leslie Street, $56.00 end Up. evenings ond week- T+ PORTABLE typewriter, Ritson Oshowa RA 5.5207 Mar. § 45---Real Estate For Sale Ew eight room house. Five rooms on pain floor, 3 rooms in the basement Vew hardwood floors. RA 5-6823. 3001 HOUSES, farms and business property | wanted for clients. W. McAuley Real.| or, 26 Prince Street. Dial RA 3.2512; Vhitby MO 8-3231 Mar, 28 fHREE - bedroom, solid brick bun talow, in Apple Hill, oll heated, forced dr. Close to school, bus and highway teasonable down payment. RA 5.9455 ter 4 p.m, Feb 25, 28 Mar 4, 7 fEW bungalow, solid brick, five voms, very modern type. Recreation vom In basement Summer kitchen wd work room. Hot water heating nonoflow system. RA 720 50b OPEN HOUSE 906 MARY ST. Juilt by Hugh A Crosby SAT. MAR. 1 1-5PM SUNDAY, MAR. 2 2-4PM. ROBERT S. | McCALLUM Realtor and Insurance 521 ROSSLAND RD. W, PHONE RA 5-6402 51a 49 Plymouth in good $149 Tues., Thurs., 3at. March 4 BUSINESS HOMES $5,300 -- bungalow, $30,000 gas pumps, $11,000 Eleven - room modern home, Millbrook, het water heating $18,000 -- Snack Bar, pumps, bungalow, large lot, $9,500 Six-room clean home, William St $5,000 -- Four-room bunga- low, near Newcastle, $12,800 -- Eight-room brick home, central, perfect condi- Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. Phone 87 Four-room, new close to Oshawa. Generel Store, two houses, March24| |52--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS | | In the Estate of HORTENSE | SARAH ELIZABETH HERAN- | COURT, Widow, deceased. | All persons having cloims | against the estate of Hortense Sarah Elizabeth Herancourt, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Widow, de- ceased, who died on or about the 14th day of January, 1958, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 15th day of March, 1958, full parti- culars of their claims, Im- | '"The circumstances are 'mot conclusive facts," he said.' Hearing against Snyder, Jo- seph Lang and Louis Toth will be held March 12. A AW gos PETER LATE THAN NEVER FORT WILLIAM (CP) -- Erl- {ing Erickson lost his wallet con a1 / taining $70 nine years ago while out to buy coffee for fellow work- ers. He received the wallet" in {the mail this week, wrapped' in (plain brown paper. The $70. was | there, too. By ALICE BROOKS | Cable-stitch strips that | knitters love form this smart |knitted spread. It fits a modern or traditional setting. A real jiffy knit spread lany knitter's pride! Pattern {7181: knitting directions for bed- spread in rug cotton. | Send Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot |be accepted) to Daily Times- Gazette, Household Arts Dept., | Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly] INAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN] |NUMBER. Send Twenty-five cents more | for a copy of our Alice Brooks | Needlecraft Catalogue. Two com- | plete Palins are printed right in the book . . . plus a variety of| {designs that 'you will want tol order: crochet, knitting, em- broidery, huck weaving, quilts, toys, dolls. You owe it to your children to investigate this spacious older home. Seven room two storey brick farm-house with rooms of the size that only your grandparents would remember. Four bedrooms, extra large living room, family dining room, Four piece bathroom, hardwood floors, oil furnace are a few of the features Something that sold us on this home are the mature shade trees surrounding the one acre lot, Only $10,500 with $3,000 down. It is only a '14 mile scenic drive from Whitby ¢ ghway. We'll provide the babysitter. You tell us time all Mr. Coates. BUSINESS--TRADE OR SELL wife can manage this * Grocery store, with all OPEN EVENINGS Walter R. Smith BROKER 846 SIMCOE ST. NORTH DIAL RA 3-2911 | Sle | LLOYD REALTY Insurance - Realtors For a new Chevrolet, Oldsmo- bile, Cadillac O.K. Used Cars come and see "HARRY? PELESHOK at ONTARIO MOTOR SALES RA 5-6501 CINCH 0 SEW - or the Feb29| CASH FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS WILSON RD. §. RA 5-5743 or RA 5-1392 Mareh 10 SABYAN MOTOR! mediately after the said date the Personal Representative | | will distribute the assets of the said deceased having "regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice, Dated ot Oshawa this 13th day of February, 1958. Your "Motor the in- On business while you gas pumps, living quarter cludes house conveniences, stock, and equipment highway near Bowmanville. Would exchonge for a Bowmanville house. Priced ot $15,000 with $5,000 down. For full details call Walter Frank Bowmanville MA 3-3986 or office, FREE PARKING are otf tion, $75. RA 5.8986 Air Way Sanitizer, complete $40. 12 Whitby Plaza 313 Brock St. S. powder blue, Steel beams, channels, PHONE RA 3-7333 | Price WW to 2 hp. Many Types i sis -- TE month warranty on all, RA 3.7938, Slc| '83 Meteor, customline, $200 down, take - --r | [over payments. RA 5.6853. 47¢(| RUG clearance. We have a few all wool | considered. | at clearance prices, The colors are Terms available. Dial RA 35-8640. 47f two.tone biege, grey and green and '56 P! transmission. Many extras. Im-/9 ft. x 12 ft. reg $113.70 for $69.50; |maculate condition. RA 58008 after 9 x 10 ft! 6" reg. $99.50 for $59 5] OPEN DAILY UNTIL 3 P.M, 1953 Chevrolet sedan, A-1 condition, $50 n WAY Rug and Carpet Sales, 174 WHITBY MO 8-3414 OSHAWA RA 5-6632 cash and take over payments Apply Mary Street. RA 51202 51 tom radio, whitewall tires, a beautifcl WHERE CHIL R Only $1345. Seaway Mo D EN AND PETS |tors_¢ opposite Shopping Centre ARE WELCOMED 157 Ford Deluxe Tudor, automatic nsmission, custom radio, washer angles, | beams, plates, down.' Seaway Motors opposite Shoppne reinforcing rod, flats, Centre 471 FOR INFORMATION CALL OPEN . SATURDAYS | MWF March 13 ond Styles Priced to Clear. HILL - CORNISH LTD. |RA 5.3710 S1b/AS new, Juno vacuum cleaner, $65. . MM 0) u a y & K l= Axminsters which we were very fortun-| |'84 Chevrolet, two-door { ymouth four-door sedan, V8, auto. are selling at the following low prices. matic [5.30 p.m 46f 9 ft. x 6 ft. 9" reg, $59.50 for $37.50 TORONTO EM 3-9603 |25% Prince Street. = 50b | i dr STEEL ! 471] Clean, one owner, low mileage, $56" - used pipe. RECONDITIONED 50 PRINCE ST, RA 3-2248 1942 Oldsmobile in good running condi. Used Filter Queen, all mew tools, $49. | | Excellent con- ate in securing from the manufacturer dition Private Trade Photo Co-op Realtors (Oshawa & District Board) "55 Ford customline, with cus | NEW AND USED 308 BLOOR ST, E 1 MOTORS 50f OPEN EVENINGS FULL PRICE $11,900 Sla | BOAT KITS Large 2 storey home on Thomas St. This home has mony attractive features in- cluding a large fire-place in living room, french doors separating living and dining room, french windows in living room, 3 large bed- roor laundry tubs, and oil 50b UNBEATABLE OFFER! ONLY FEW LEFT eh STHATL REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, S. OSHAWA, ONT, TEL. RAndolph 3-3461 $56.00 ond up. Open evenings ond week- ends. Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. Phone 87 Feb.24 IVOR DAVIES Executor by his solicitors, Messrs, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers and Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, 50--Articles for Sale FIVE piece kichen chrome suites, borite top tables, heat and stain re: tant, four matching chairs covered strong durable, washable plastic. $69.50, | here's a buy $46. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. March 1.3,5.] pect Down payment is only 200 ond monthly poy- end run $70 per month. This home has tremendous and appointment, phone Bob value. For more information ond appointment, phone Bob Harris, RA 8-5123, MUST BE SOLD Reduced hundreds of dollars, Bail ler's loss is gain, Love bedroom, galow is real WHITBY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING RA 5-8461 MO 8-3337 Pickering 590 OPEN HOUSES N.HA. THIS WEEKEND N.H.A. $1,070 to $2,603 down payments, 25 year mortgages, $10,700 ond up full price. 5-62 rooms, garage, cor ports, MODEL HOMES : OPEN FOR INSPECTION Wilbak Motors Watch and follow our signs from Cochrane St. end No. 2 High- 137 King St. W. Whit RA 5.0732 INVESTMENTS $ § INVESTMENTS Mar. 27 Rooming a aol 21 inch TV with all new tubes, Apply | 481] March26 1043 Hortop Avenue, GOING FAST Your own. Brick Home On 75' Landscaped Lot CARRIES $62 MONTHLY NOW ONLY $150 DOWN PRICED FROM $10,744 SORRY, $1 Co Feb.15,22,Mar.1 RA 3-2219 KOOLVENT RA 3-2219 ALUMINUM AWNINGS PORCHES, DOORWAYS, PATIOS, ..\RPORTS NASH ALUMINUM. STORM DOOR. JALOUSIES PETERBOROUGH BOATS Cedarstrip, aluminum, mould- ed plywood, fibreglas. Moulded mahogany hull. Evinrude motors. TEE-NEE TRAILERS Layaway plan, charges. service Marine Storage and Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ontario Phone 87 Open evenings and weekends. Mar.7 47 --Automobiles For Sale 47--Automobiles For Sale ALWAYS 25 Used Cars to choose from TRADE UP OR DOWN Liens Paid Off Clean Cars Waonted your WINDOW, y 6 room, 3 tyle brick bur ot ould finance approved no Factory low really enjoy / WINDOWS BUDGET TERMS FREE ESTIMATES RA 3-2219 94 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA O WAL Houses and other BROOKLIN 291 RIGHT NOW! Or Come Direct To MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION BROOKLIN SATOK REAL ESTATE LTD. irban money By ANNE ADAMS Feb. 28 | Teens! What N to mak¥ -- your own new dress by yourself you don't need aaybody's help with our Printed Pattern to guide" |every step in cutting, sewing. No waist seams see diagram, | Cinch it with belt. | Printed Pattern 4763: Teen {Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16. Size 12 takes: 2% yards 35-inch fabric. Printed directions oa each pat. tern part. Easier, accurate. Send FORTY CENTS (40c) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern, Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS; STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of Daily Times - Gazette, Oshawa. Ons. ° " ment For information Doug Hurst at RA 8-5123 or RA 8-8726 5-ACRE LOT Located on paved within city limits. This lot must be sold, make an offer. For information call Doug G CALL RA 8.5123 Lots of lots. Farms and small Oshawa and Pickering Evenings--Call G. S. V. Barlow, RA 5-2010 N.H.A. HOME IN OSHAWA $1,500 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, split level, 4-pce. bath, 1 kitchen, Recreation room Overlooking loke. Must be seen appreciated acreages, gravel pits between NEW CARS NO PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS USED CARS NO PAYMENTS UNTIL APRIL 15 SIMCOE STREET NORTH See ur selections of 58. Pym: Ee ema ot So 20 Mel some 3 VAN HEUSEN MOTORS. LTD. LES EVENISS SALES LIMITED RA 5.8461 - -MO 8. 3337 -- Pickering 590 15 PRINCE STREET RA iter MEMBER LOCAL REAL ESTATE BOARD LES EVENISS -- RA 3-2707 DON HOWE -- RA 5-03!3 Fob. 28 Pattern Dent.. THE VERY BEST COSTS NO MORE "WINTER SEAL" -- "KRYLASTIC* weather prooted Storm-Screen windows. "WINTER SEAL" -- Aluminum Combination Doors. (See the new Jal-O-See.) "KOOL LITE AWNINGS" -- Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies, See the newest in adjustable awnings, "KOOL-SIDE" -- Awnings and Canopies, "They open and close from inside." ""BEAUTI-DOR" -- Shower enclosures, Fireplace Equipment and Wrought Iron Railings. ond furnishings. the doc doe SUbLI Toronto prices uth road the down, RA 8.5123 wer Plymc Ontario's Largest out Realtor CHRYSLER 149 KING ST. W. PLYMOUTH FARGO DEA| ER 50b/ RA 5.3887 Bla'

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