Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 1 Mar 1958, p. 12

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nih. J2 THY PANY TIMES-BAZETTR, Severewy, meron 1, roo Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 Em alii a dnd ~ De hind THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads | OFFICE HOURS 8 AM to 5 PM MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 10 12 Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: Births, Memorioms, Cords of Thanks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 |32--Articles Wanted BIRTHS HOWARD Ibs. 2% ozs, 1958, at the Oshawa General Hospital Mother and son doing well, -- William and Anne- Mieke (nee Nourdman) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Paul, 7 on Friday, February 28, | DEATHS BEAUPRIE -- Entered into rest in Alliston General Hospital on Saturday, Graham Pinder, March 1, 1958, Julia beloved wife of David Beauprie, in her|| |8a--Mortgages i March24 79th year. Resting at the. Armstrong 19--Personal | CAMERON and MacDonald, Barristers, Funeral Home, Oshawa, Funeral from |Solicitors and Notaries Public, 18% Armstrong Funeral Home Monday,!|| 20--Cortoge | King Street E RA 3-2269. NHA and March 3, 1 p.m. Interment Mount'| 21--Personal Service |private mortgages arranged. March24 Lawn Cemetery. 42--Radio Repairs JOHN A. G. MacDonald, BA, Barris + : ' number to: Box 942, Times- FULLING -- Entered into rest in the | 23--Women's Column fer and Soll AL 0 Simone Steel! Gozette : Dehawa General Hospital on Friday,|| 24--Market Basket North, Phone - . 'ebruary 28, 1958, Alymer Roy Fulling, | el " JOSEPH --. Mangan, QC, Barrister, beloved son of Cecil and the late Epda | 2o he's ond Livestock Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 1414 Fulling, brother of Mrs. B. Cain|| 26--Farmer's Column King Street East, Oshawa, RA 8.8232. UT R "(Marion), Ross and Bruce of Osh-|| 27--Fuel, Wood Residence, RA 5-3405. Marchl Dl awa; Ronald of Toronto, in his 32nd| wien butane year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral 28--Summer. Reserts HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, .arris Home, Oshawa, with Memorial Service in the Chapel, Monday, March 3, 3.15 | 29--~Summer Properties For Sale G. B. Boychyn BA; R p.m. Interment Oshawa Cemetery. or Wanted LLB 6 King Street West Phores 30 ost and Found Office RA 51177; Res. RA 35-4604; PETRE -- Entered into rest in Clear- Whitby, MO 8.2761. Money to loan, water, B.C., on Saturday, February 22,|| 31--Articles For Rent Marchl 1958, Gordan Edward Petre, beloved|| 32--Articles Wanted | TNIN o | MANNING F, Swartz, Barrister, Solicl- husband of the late Gertrude Eleanore f y . Tarves, in his 69th year. Resting at 34--Auction Sales |tor, Notary. Money to loan. Henry the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa (commencing Saturday, March 1), Me-|| 36--Female Help Wanted | Residence, Dial 3-4029. Mareh 1 morial service in the chapel Monday, || 37_Male Help Wanted DONALD Blake Dodds, Barrister and Union Cemetery, Father of Mrs. Hec.(| 38--Wole or Femele Help Wanted [iSolicitor, 364 King, Street Een foie tor Boyd (Eleanore) Oshawa.) Mem-|| 39--Agents Wanted RA 8.5373. Marchl ! 7 0--0, Se PT ies JT to--curertunities GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- Funeral Home Sunday §& pm Feb, #7, March 1 STEVENSON -- Entered into rest in on Satur: Stevenson, beloved husband of Julia Patterson, in his 62nd year. Resting at the Arm. strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel Tues day, March 4 at 2 p.m. Interment Osh- awa Union Cemetery. (Friends are ask- od not to call at the funeral home be- fore Sunday.) 51b IN MEMORIAM BANKS -- In loving memory ef Charles Banks, who passed away March 1, 1955. God knows how much we miss him, Never shall his memory fade, Loving thoughts ever wander Te the--spot where he is laid. ~Ever remembered by his loving Wile | and family, LINDSAY -- In loving memory of our] doar mother, Mable Alberta Lindsay, who passed awa Nach 2, 1956. The blow was t, the shock seve: We little thought the end was ne It is only those who have lost can tell The sorrow of parting without farewell. | But God is good, He gave us strength To bear our bitter cross, He is the only one who knows How bitter is our loss. --~Sadly missed by daughters Marte), Reta, Lavina and Greta ay -- In loving memory of my ble Alberta Lindsay, who ei away March 2, 1956, | Asleep in God's beautiful garden, | Away from all sorrow and pain, Someday when life's journey is ended We shall all be together again, 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades 16--Insurance 23--Women's Column 37--Male Help Wanted |44--For Rent . Thou: accounting service. .|ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up SPECIAL, heat permanents, $4.50, cold| PIANOS for students, any make or size. pov 1 deliver groceries! THREE " INDEX 5. Stipe a a umag s com- CARPENTER wor, alteration, re to 20 percent, nine months to pay for|waves $5.50, Page Hairdressing, 39G|Pay cash. State make and price. Write BOY With = 2 vy with Tardnood. oi Be TO WANT AD plete bookkeeping service. Income tax/ No {oh too big or te ar Free esti- service at your bome, Zall Pine Avenue, RA 5-5363. March26| Box 916, Times-Gazette. Mar. 21515 64 Ritson Road South. Power Store Apply 604 Athol Street | and financial Yeports. 605 Osler Street; yates. Give ua a try. Work RA 57413 Ch SPECIAL, heat permanents, $4.50, cold : Weta] 2h RA 35397, 46t f ICATION [5 Osbaws. BA 5% ore ZL RA 3.7196 Muh b waves S50. Iaie Hardtensing, 3 | Box 330, Times - Gazette 45( (COMFORTABLE master bed - sitting CLASSIF C T. Hopkins and Company, Certified |G yN Es Tarawood floor expert, oid) FIRE AND HURRICANE IN. {Pine Avenue, RA 55363. Feb : room, larger than some apartments, " Pubic oieantaity, 172 Haan Street floors made like new, new floors made] SURANCE, AUTOMOBILE Better class home, near north Collegi. Semis ten ast, a, o Marcha | like £1 Jig, suced, Hinished. Dis-| INSURANCE. ALL RISK START your' Spring CH ERNEY BROS ate. Private bath. Broadloom, twin sf cuss your floor problems an ex- H « |continental beds. Excellent for two. 3--Chiropracter YALE, Friediander, Hunter and Co. pert, Phone RA 37196 or RA 3.3078. FLOATERS FRLARS iF i, CLEANINGnow Phone RA 53093, wi 4--Dentists Accountants nd Avr 5 Bias Maron 2 SIRED. * [HAVE your Raw furs, live poultsy, fec- LTD THREE - room apartment, reasonable I ast; - mi » Pe Il S--Nursing Services | lander, B. Com. CPA; J. Santer, 9--Building Material R S$. McCall _ IPIANO vacuumed thers, scrap iron and metal. . ff wegp FO wg ho i tsgrn Moggi 4 6--Optometrists CPA. Dial RA 85-1621. arch2 obert V cLalium T N O h St only. Available now. Apply 630 King BOB Cl Ontario A a Serv. |BALED straw for frost coverage de. DE- : I. TURNER ew Ushawa ore West. ri T--Surveyors Tous afters cor lots Cockneeping serv. livered. A. Armstrong, Howard 635%. 521 Rossland Rd. W. | MOTHED adjusted and tuned. 0 . So Te--Vaterincrians ice for small business. 184 Bond reel TOM. Mach Wi DLIONE RA 5.6402 | RA 3-2043 pening Soon FOUR - Joom sei . contained spurt 8--Building Trades West, Room 1. Office, RA 50307; Res 10--Sharpening Service March 6 BY ANN NOW ARRANGING [Tent with eink aba stove. Chilitah 9--Bullding Materia nce, M (collect) 56838 after 5 p.m. ant Jumtherpening Service pon Doumit, Riel ou HAVE your Jawhmower Si pened Niel, 17--Money to Loan SEBASTIAN HOH find: ; March 12 INTERVIEWS TWO - room furnished apartment for Tat} $= Business Opportunities ron han Ouhawar" Strattord, | To.|102 Highland, RA 2 8363 Marchi6 (CLIENTS monies available for @irst| ©Iving prompt PoTvice Panos 35--Empl Wonted WITH EXPERIENCED {two men, Phone RA 58143." am 11e--Business Opportunities ronto; Hon. J. W. Monteith, FCA: ; and second mortgages. Mortgages and| me always availoble. Piano --Employment Wante - Wanted A. B. Monteith, B, Comm., CA; G. W.| 1 1--Buginess Opportunities of Apply| and organs, tuning, repairing, | oerarERcED carpenter Toute: FURNITURE AND TWO - room apartment, furnished, suit 12 resmaking fat Gk 7 gator cr, dere PR Io Ea | eenamon a IRN RYAN SN (OF XC Jp 13~Gardming & Supplie- hth, BA E27, In OPPORTUNITY 3.4697, * Maren 11 RA 5-7001 SE SALESMEN fevard, RA 55191. Feb.21 14--Household Repairs 2 TT RRO RE TT RR 49¢ 35--Empioyment Wanted IMMEDIATE possession, Four . room 15--Instruction 2--Barristers agreements purchased and sold, Hen- apartment in central location. All facil. 1é6--Insurance 17--Money to Loan 18--Loan Wanted 1Z.T BA, ete., 13% Simcoe Street North. Dial of- five, RA 53741. Residence RA 5-352. For an honest person with $1,400.00 to invest in an established manufacturing, wholesale and .merchandising business. Good income with on unlimited future. No ex- perience needed. Write, giv- ing nome, address and phone ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, QC. W. A. Hillman 28a--Hunting 35--Employment Wanted | Block, 26 %King Street East, RA 3-4697, 7% Simcoe Street South. M. 41--Room and Board |} 42--Room and Board Wanted tors, etc., Dial RA 32278 Residence phones: Greer, BA. Sc., RA 5.3368; Terence V. A3=--Wanied To. Rent Kelly, BA, BC. RA 5.2602. March 10 Autor Ret McGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers 45--Real Estate For Sale and Solicitors. Clients' funds available 450--Real Estate Exchange for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street vi a >. McGib 46--Real Estate Wanted North, RA 5-3566, Charles C. ) o Ed . ~ Bastedo, QC 47--Automobiles For Sale bon. QC: sar _ F. Mar 20 48--Automobiles Wanted 49--Automebile Repairs 50--Articles For Scle 51--Swap and Barter 52--Legal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less RALPH §. Jones, BA and Thomas H. Greer, Associate Barristers and Solici- | tors, 65 Simcoe Street South, RA 5-3525. available, March? and Murphy, , Barristers , 6 King Street East, Osh- awa. Dial RA 5.4717. 29 | MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl on oo, |Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus Cash Charge |tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Ao, Te ronto; Hon. J W onteith, i 3 ha 2H 1.88 207 |A. B. Monteith, B. Comm., CA: G. W : 4 | Riehl, 'A; R F. uightfoot, CA; George é CONSECUTIVE W. Tretheway, CABRA 85-3527, 135 Sim- INSERTIONS 3.00 3.30 [os Street North, Oshawa. March 6. ¥ not paid within 7 days the CREIGHTON, Fraser, Drynan and Charge rate will apply. Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, No- |tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build- Above rates apply only to eri- ling, 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446; ginal orders for consecutive inser- WANTED SPARE-TIME OR FULL- TIME IN YOUR OWN AREA STAPLE PROCUCT; Steady consumption, beautiful pack- ing and advertising material. Personal field assistance in your own territory, NO EQUIPMENT OF ANY KIND TO BUY! Everything furnished to quali- fied applicant No selling required, os established accounts are turned over to you, Excellent income can start immediately. Approximately $2,000 cash capital necessary to start business and provide for adequate inventory, Can be started as part-time operation, developing rapidly into a full-time business, No heavy work, but sincere appli- cation and willingness to fol- low simple instructions very necessary. When applying, please give | brief history of self; also phone number. Write: IMPERIAL HOUSE DISTRIBUTING CO. 434 Lister Building tions. Subsequent insertions ordered Iz K. Creighton, qc; N.C. Fras, Hamilton, Ontario G. K. Drynan; G. L. Murdoch ; oer Sow Sonsiiute "c New Nia mortgages arranged. March2 Feb.26,March1,5,8| Frgtenionc end Su nes dary 3--Chiropractors |13--Gardening & Supplies Each additional line 75¢ per mont! Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ ond ¢ sign, figure, count as a word. Box charged 15¢ additional, | SYDNEY W. Buffett, DC, Office, 135 Simcoe Street North. Phone RA 35-4163 | for appointments. March 13 |S--Nursing Services po. 8 pO lied Advertisements M in a.m, the day of ce: publication. Office hours: Daily | MARNWOOD Nu Narang Home Aes 8-5, Saturday 8-12. convalescent ors ™ erly ladies. Our A DE Sen © " Ss an . i Diy Timas-Ge: he Shel essional standards. Telephone MArket © ¥ . Bow- advertisements submitted otherwise | *57°L oF visit 26 Elgin ie 4 than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any ad- vertisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of manville. ANDEN "SPRING " PLANNING Order Now ! SO-GREEN MILORGANITE C.l.L. EVERGREEN 4-12-10 FERTILIZER 10-10-10 FERTILIZER GOLDEN VIGORO REGULAR VIGORO nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East, RA 3.7232. March 9 CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort. gage. Mortgage and agreements of sale purchased. NHA mortgages arranged. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- doch. March2 FULL - time housekeeper required, Jor modern rural home. Live in ary. RA 57662. Sl ROOM or room andi board for gentle- men, seven days a week. Very central. RA 5.0197. . bed » MOTHER will give day care to 25---Pets and Livestock SMALL house dog, short-haired, three months old. Apply 271 Jasper Avenue, Lakeview Gardens. 5la GERMAN Shepherd pups, six weeks, black and sliver, champion 18--Loan Wented WANTED -- $3,500 mortgage on a $9,000 house at 6% per cent Interest. Call RA 54506. 50b We buy, sell and ar- range first and second mortgages and cash agreements of sale in Oshawa and vicinity and throughout the Province of Ontario. Oshawa Acceptance Corporation Ltd., 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario -- RA 5-3568. Mar. 13 18a--Mortgages WE have clients with monies to pur chase first and second mortgages and agreements for sale at a discount Louis S. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Oshawa. RA 3-4943. Marchl4 19--Personal AVE you drinking problem? Write py Anonymous, Box 103, Osh awa Feb. 23 LEAVING for downtown Toronto at a.m, Riders desired. Call RA 8 Yers after 6 P m 47 ELECTROLYSIS Removal ot Superfluous Hair. Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa March 4-5. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. Mar. 4 For that Special Someone! A complete line of MIDO, LORIE and BULOVA watches. dren in own home. Phone RA 57613 afer 6 p.m. 49¢ REFINED well - educated young lady seeks to serve as baby sitter evenings and weekends, Experienced, loves children. References. RA 5-4479. 50f 36--Female Help Wanted HAIR dresser needed full time, ex. perienced preferred. Call RA 3.9471. 4 stock, Pickering 87J3. Feb.25 COCKER Spaniel pupples. T bathing, defleaing, boarding. Waubena Kennels. RA 5-6321. March1 BEAUTIFUL 'baby budgies, ready or training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. March23 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. Feb.23 26--Farmer's Column BALED hay, Timothy or Clover, good quality. 25 cents per bale. Phone RA 5-1097, su BANK of Montreal, Bowmanville, has opening for girl clerk - typist, short- hand preferred but not essential. Write for interview or apply in person at bank hours at WANTED -- Housekeeper for house- hold duties, or middle - aged woman, or married couple, partly furnished apartment is available. Write Box 3, BALED hay, good quality, 30e. per bale. W. Eymann, Courtice. RA 5.8288. Feb.27,28,29;Marché6,7,8 DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. opening a. brand new ture and Appliance s downtown Oshawa. cants to a man with proven Reply stating oge, status, education an vious experience, All Mr, Cherney Bros. Peterboro Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3-2679. | Times-Gazette. Here is your opportunity to join a young (only 23 years old) 'aggressive organization, Furni- tore in Appli- must be experienced. Our merchandising methods are supported by a heavy ad- vertising program and we offer excellent remuneration ability. marital d pre- replies held in strict confidence. Address All Replies Myer Cherney Ltd. 49¢c ities including TV antenna. Adults only. RA 8-8180. Mar, 6 ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms available in private home, 82 Park Road North, 5-7 p.m. Ra 8-8671, Mar. 20 TWO - room furnished apartment, abstainers, no éhildren. Vacant March 21. Apply 531 Mary or phone RA ssa 4 THREE - room apartment, two piece private bath, newly decorated. Rent $40 monthly. Phone Newcastle 4256. 46t you apartment, stove and refrigerator, $85, adults. Available March 15. 15-6309. RA 5.0297, ot THREE - room apartment upstairs. Vacant now. One child welcome. Cen- tral location. Call RA 5-6735 after 5 p.m. 46¢ MODERN four-room apartment, a Phone RA 3-3881, THREE furnished rooms for two of three men or women, No children, Apply 275 Albert Street. RA 3-272. 47 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Mar 17|oimmescey Se Seip, ad 38--Male or Female Help APARTMENT. thie Tarde 10omy ud na and th Ni | ba artment bu month. 27 --Fuel Wood 0a jan aoe. AEN, Norway ied Wanted ly. Heating and water included. RA CLEAN, dry, hardwood cuttings. %5(Orono 107, 47 AMATEURS' talent wanted forcombogl 000% =o ahd $10 sas, delivered a EXPERIENCED typist, bookkeeper for Shows. Auditions at Club Bayview, | DESIRABLE three - room self - con- Dial RA 5-1526. rim ---- ~~ "|general insurance office. Apply Box Whitby, from 3 - § p.m. every Sunday, tained down-town mpartment, heavy 924, Times. Gazette __#9c Feb, 30 wiring, three piece bath. Quiet, - - - steady tenants wanted, No ehildren, $60 monthly. RA 8.8175. Mar.1 STOVE | samo | LAW FIRM OIL To begin at once, five-day week, medical and life scheme, legal experience pre- ferred but not essential, Ap- plications fully confidential, Write Box 940, Times- Gazette. 50d Prompt Daily Delivery HARRY O. PERRY PETROLEUM CO. Phone RA 3-3443 INTERESTING WORK CHANCES FOR ADVANCEMENT We Have Openings kinds, furniture and appliance moving, etc. Reasouable rates, RA 5-449 21--Personal Service Diamonds, Cultured Pearls, Nights: RA 3-7944 or 5-8823 ete. | March 18 for CORNISH JEWELLERS | 20 BOND STREET WEST |28--Summer Resorts CLERK-TYPISTS Your Watch Personally ATTENTION farmers! Want all types Serviced. of manure. Phone RA 31721, RA 5-278. IF YOU ARE SINGLE Feb.20 . JUNIOR MATRICULANT 20--Cartage 29--Summer Properties AGE 18.25 CALI Bud Gai* for cartage of all For Sale or Wanted Please write to: [STURGEON Lake five-room cottage, 'fully furnished, one block from water- | front, Bargain -- $2,000 complete price, RA 8-5336. Sla RANCH-style winterized cottage with BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA SELL perience not nece 20 minutes. Pp y-- OVER PHONE Desk space and phone provided. Work the hours you want. Ex- ssary. We show you how in Age no barrier if you are over 21 MR. STELS BRITISH HOTEL COBOURG Phone FR 2-337] OR IN PERSON 51 FURNISHED rooms, friends to share. $6 weekly, light housekeeping. Close to Shopping Centre. 137 Rosehill Boys vard, Mar; THREE room apartment. Private bath, Built-In cupboards, heavy wiring, hydro and water Couple preferred. 347 A 461 Arthur Street, RA 5-8795 THREE - room apartment, private entrance, heavy wiring, sink, cups boards and washing machine. On bus line. Nice surrounding. Adults. 301 Gib- bon Street. 46¢ TWO large unfurnished rooms. Close to South GM. Heat, lights and water, One child ant Phone RA 5.7277. TWO - room self - contained apart. ment, suit bachelor or business couple, near shopping centre, private en- trance, unfurnished, $50 inclusive, 14 Park Road North. ONE room, suitable for one r= man. RA 3-4001, 48 THREE - room partly furnished or une furnished apartment, sink and cup. boards, central, for young couple or two pe girls, garage. RA 3.7829. 40 THR room apartment. Priv, 41--Room and Board - . bath, Kitchen cupboards and Hak weekly. Private bedroo Phone RA 8-5438. BOARD for one Sentieman, seven davs m. al, THREE - room apartment, unfurnish- Centr: tinuous hot home water, Apply 241 Ritson Road South, ROOM and board for gentlemen, con- privileges. 104 Brock Street East, RA 37060 ot ed, self - contained, three - piece bath, Modern kitchen. Available March 15. Apply 539 Albert Street or RA 8-1003. 49¢ suit gentleman, or lady. Somerville Avenue. ROOM and board in private Apply es N, three - room, self - contain. ed apartment. Vacant April 1 Adults only. Apply 335 King Street East. -48f WARM, furnished year round. Central. gentleman, RA 3-9815, , ho i $6 eomy. Spit LARGE front, newly decorated, bed - sitting and light housekeeping room. Reasonable. Close to hospital and down. 9¢ | town. RA 3-7100. 50f ~lovingly remembered by daughter | the advertisements in which error BONEMEAL HAND smocked b: ROOM or room and board for gentle- ab; ighties, regula t; furniture included: attractive. gentle. Baith. occurs. And also reserves the right 1.98 for $150. RA ST) Me TD el or arate Jeketrore. lot Box No. 820 men, seven days a week, verf central, |CLEAN three-room, ished apaté: ROMANCHUK I tovis to classify advertising according to | Sisto MANURE e yy sin A a "bone % en; JT I Sentral, ment, very So wiring, ink -- 0 memory i x3, 8 # a ARCELE = Ja hg memory its own classification, NURSING HOME PEA is beter os ABLE window cleaners, ate Ha Port Perry 480 R 14. 18 Times-Gazette SINGLE Sed, four blocks east of Mo-|chine, adults only, abstainers. 45 Brod) 44 ter » H ors, gi meals, washing done. 135 East. RA 5-7598. whe . ay March 1, 1957, COOPER SMITH CO fronts, Janitor service. Phone A|31--Articles for Rent 51f|Central Park N RA 3-2688 Mareh 9 only your memory, de | | KING ST WEST Cel s 3 2312 8-5481. Feb. or ee Tor Toul. For {Soo TTA TWO well furnished light housekeeping * 16 Celina St. RA 3- 2 ATE ton pick-up trucl an ard, two or three men rooms, including refrigerator, washing To remember my whole life through, IN MEMORIAM | : . March20 light oartanes Pi with driver or with. Immediate fo) enin or girls. Canadian home, near shop- facilities, suit couple, near South Mo- But the sweetness will linger forever Exclusive nursing home for TAILORING out. RA 8-143 Feb.25 P 9g ping centre, buses. Dial RA 52136, tors. Reasonable rent. Apply 208 Bloor pd I tana of i convalescent and elderly pec" |14--Household Repairs For An Experienced Maz 19street West. 5 f women), n Experien BEST ls in town, 1 y aly. (SLEEMAN = In loving memory ot a Ri (To [ONO MONE) GENERAL repre, carpentry. Cal LEN PULLAN ELNA i modern Conveniences: Close fo_south AT RACTLY by LPP Gules. Central ROYAL -- In loving memory of a passed away March 1, 1957, tendance. Tray service, radio, |RA 3-362. 3 3 (English Yailor) SEWING MACHINE Dlant, Phone RA 5.1168 or 83 Lorraine|i;ance, electrically equipped, broad. dear husband and father, Elmer Royal, her s T.V. lounges CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered.| For all your tailoring require- OFFICE CLERK , aerial, parking, adults. Who passed away March 32, 1937. oy J like new. Why pay more? Our rates| rents Use our experienced 43--Wanted To Rent Ra To. ater S, Se We miss your smile and kindly ways, Still we have s0 many memories PHONE RA 5.2330 are reasonable Satiefaction guaran- And P! | RENTALS MN, tained art. We miss the things you used to say,| Of the one we loved so much. teed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshaw. Up- services, 24-hour dry clean- 3 : ; SIX- Or more, Toom Bouse wanted. HRE E em, se Sonal aa ap! And when old times we do recall Her memory is our March 21 holstering Co., 10 Bond Street West.| ing service. 10 Prince St. Straight Stitch and Zig-Zog. With general office [Toronto tamily, Post Office Bor ig. (ment, adults only. Apply Tnyson That's when we miss you most of all | With which we'll never part Dial RA 5-0311. Marents next to bus station, Oshawa. A 5.2591 Oshawa, Feb.28 Avenue, --Lovingly remembered by wife, Helen,| God has her in His keeping, 6--Optometrists FURNITURE repaired and reuphol-| RA 8.5311 ' " R - knowled hi AVAILABLE April 1, self - contained and sons, Robert, Jimmy and Terry. bX . ea by" Guinier Geri de |O. H. Tuck, Optometrist, specializing Stered. See our materials for recover T.T.S. till Mor. © OSHAWA SHOPPING ge cashier 44--For Rent upper apartment, four rooms and bath, -- missed by dau r Gertrude C. H. » » ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. 1.9. r. . central, residential area, near hospital, ROYAL -- In loving memory of our and son-in-law Frank |in muscle anomalies, eyesight and , 3 NTRE LARGE three - room flat, very cen- 7 dear brother, Elmer Royal, ho pass- glasses. Evenings Mon., Wed., Fri., 6-8. |RA 37212. Marchi 11 CE April] typing and shorthand. tral, heat, hydro, pantry and kitchen, lectrically equipped. RA 5.5765. Sof od away March 2, 1957 TAYLOR -- In loving memory of a{Invalids examined at home, RA 5-6143.| FOR real savings on painting and deco- x laundry facilities, sepa entrance. [TWO large unfurnished rooms, wash. One year has passed since that sad 'dear father, Enos M. Taylor, who|Disney Bldg., 31 King East. March? rating. Phone MO 8-4490, Whitby; old ROSS ENDICOT T . Full benefits. One child welcomed. Rent $65. 225/ing facilities and electricity supplied, ay |passed away March 1, 1955. furniture refinished like new also Rox- Chain Saws, Gas and Electric Eulalie Avenue. 47f| Athol Street, near Power Store. Phone Wien Jue we loved was eall- Those we love go out of dght 7--Surveyors atoned. Marchis Floor Covering Service Complete Floor Sanding and MODERN three-roomed apartment cen- (RA 5-8560. sot ut never out of mind 1 nd and finisn, hardwood floor hd y tral, oil heated, oak and tile floors. |TH God took him home, it His will, F. J. Donevan and Associates, Land ay, sa » E ment and THREE large unfurnished rooms, lights Within our hearts he liveth. still Or thre cherished in the hearts |g. eying and Engineering, 12 B10 0 r [bathroom wall and floor tile. Prone RA| Floors, walls, and counter Polishing choos): Apply Box 941 Times Private entrance. Phone RA 5-386. 47f|and heat supplied, on King at Gerrard --Sadly missed by sister Sally, broth-| _gaqiv missed by Lorna and' Bill, Eve. Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 81002. Mar. 11] gon expertly installed. : eT ls: rh NICELY furnished bedroom, suitable Road. Phone RA 8-5377, erinlaw Bill and Billy. vn and oe Tina and Bi. and | 3-5632. March23| PAINTED walls cleaned, scientific, In Skil Saw; nders; rills; Gazette, giving full [tor young lady. Apply 17 John Street, THREE unfarnished rooms, sink = grandchildren, . » - 4 . cupboards in kitchen, ults, ar SHEPHARD In 1 h {DONALD H. Trollope, Ontario Land expensive. Walls cleaned often saves a Extension Ladders; Paint opposite Memorial Park. Mar, 2 Kitchen, Adults. 728 Ced JARD --~ a loving meuory of {Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 5.6881. |re-painting indefinitely. Let us save Sprayers; 10-ft. Tree Pruner; details. COSY two - room apartment, complete- | Street. RA 5-4092 after 5.30. Mar, 29 who passed away March 2 jog TT r% TAYLOR -- In loving memory of a ME CR La ILL Sa Mor. 4| Pipe Threading Equipment; by Jumished. "includes 'refrigerator, sere rey for April 1, Pp y a dear husband, Enos M. Taylor, who G7. Horton and Associates, ONIATIO| wali deterger crod on SChroder Electric H ; Chain sink, cupboards, television outlet, laun. | bots ed rooms Pp (We mourned her in silence, passed away March 1, 1958 + Hol od wall deterger, producing perfect re 22--Radi d T.V. R : ectric ammer; dry facilities and parking space, fine| |Central. Heat, lights and water, $60, No eves can see us weep, I think of Heaven, Lind Surveyors, De stn ajax, [ulls. Call us for estimate. Phone RA|&&--=-Radio and 1.V. Repair i; post Hole Auger; Blow 47f house. A s only. RA 5.1588. 137|APPly Box 19 Times-Gazette. Sle But many a silent tear is shed As a garden oy March 10|° March! | [EN "and Lou's antenna installation] Torch; Electric Soldering Iron; 37--Male Help Wanted | Elgin Street East. Sool EOE Hotel -- permanent guests Waile others are Releep aaugth Where 1 shall find again those painting, Gyptexing, (and service. Bowmanville MA 3.3942. 100 ft, Tope, etc. Stan's elp FURNISHED bed vl , $15 and $18 weekly, full hotel gi Wiis Oy jdt ughier Dear iid 2 w 8--Building Trades alt LY nteed. Call 0. W. Mack, RA 5.7844 March 5 Sharpening Service, corner DUE to expanding business, Fuller worker preferred. 65 phen East, a service, "showers, bath, Phones, RA ' 4 0 have made my World. 4029. > RADIO, TV, car radio repairs. All ; ---- Brush Company requires two part- 50 | 3-464 pril 1 fren and great-grandchildren. Lovingly remembered by his wife| (ALE FE, he td, [ROOMS papered. #8 up, painting, walls (makes Dependable work. Fred Thomp: Kine, ond Burke Sts. Diol lime and tng Mall-tie. men, call nu 203 rooms and bathroom, private en. fp ~ room apartment, private SHORTT -- In loving memory of a Hilda. a mE ene erny. jperassea, Gyproe, Applied, came, son, 157 Elliott Street. Dial RA 3-9792 . . Moreh 20 33219 after 6 p.m. for appointment. [trance, couple only, near SGM, n neiw bath, heat and hydro supplied, laun- dear wife and mother, Norma Jean wi goN -- In loving memory of .a 255 Simcoe Street South. M e floor lak 80, Ly $0 ATE Mar.3| arc TFS home. 249 Hillside Avenue. 50f [dry facilities, one school-aged child Shortt, who passed 'away suddenly gear mother, Mary E. Wilson, who| PLUMBING and cB . duc ACTUAL fobs tn Canada, US., So.|FURNISHED room. with double Sed. I elcome. Anstaners, Tent, reasonable. Hy 2, 1952. passed away March 1, 1948, |fixtures, new and m| PAY Na 5 paver nanging, | i008 . DO-IT-YOURSELF A: Eurote. Po $15,000. Travel pald. lon main floor, cooking privileges. vallable now. Apply ary. Street ix years have passed and gone, The times we all shared together |septic tanks to sewer a hangin ir Tn. [2 SL g, hardwoo refinish g Claremont Radio bis, mp oyment Info. Centre, Room |ply 41 Oshawa Boulevard North. En -- si Since one we loved so well Will never be forgotten | stallations at reasonable rat JIntor ar : RENT-A-FLOOR Jan, Sroart St Somos 15 [sm - room house, double garage, TWO room self-contained apartment Was taken from our home on earth, _gijleen, Dora, Lyle and Mal. | mation and estimates free on type And T.V. Services e914 arL8 15.23.29) [Large lot. Immediate possessiol [stove and 'frig, furnished or unfurnish. With Jesus Christ to dwell, of plumbing. Dial RA 5.4241, J. oh . SANDER & FINISHER Aprils, 12' {Large RA 3.9589, 500 ed. Three - piece bathroom. Apply E. The flowers we place upon her grave, March2d| REWINDING AND REPAIRS 143 King E. RA 5-7721 . EXPERIENCED accountant for full| Gibb Street, Apt. May wither and decay, NT rr -- - eT : from charge of office and book: tb dium |ONE nice, large furnished room, gen." ht rea But the love of her who sleeps CARD OF THANK {ALL types dwellmg repairs, roofing, to oll sizes of motors and Repairs to all makes, factory: HARRISON & KINSMAN a A in . medium '{lemen preferred, close to four Corners NEW, modern four-room apartment, |siding, plastering and repairs, chim. rotors. Full stock of parts sa Jax plant. Phone Ajax 135 orl and bus service. Phone RA 5-740 50b | including refrigerator, stove, dryer and . is ial 3. id ' = : ckering after office our beneath | Deys. mew and repaired, Dial RA 3.9911. @enerc : pa outhorized, telephone answer. RA 3-4425 |Pickering 398J4 atte ffi hours, 2.50 e, arver Sind Dever fade a we Pet | Gordon May. Feb.2s| carried at all times. ing service. House calls 337 Simcoe St. S. = 25 o sic |F FIVE ;, Toom house. Available i TY Je Vacant March 9. Call BA --- gly remember y eter edit eli iia i arc id 14 Wilson Road South. RA and Dorothy. TO our neighbors and friends if it/G. T. Horton and Associa mmer.| We ore the warranty repair $2.50 - $3.50, all materials , MEAT cutter, with all round exper, 5.7753 50b COMFORTABLE furnished peng were at all possible to thank each and cial White Printing, 70 Harwood Ave| depot for DELCO motors, guaranteed 90 days. 32--Articles Wanted lence. Apply in person to Stroud's 00d | FURNISHED bedroom, cl hos. [to bus stop and hospital, home facili- SHORTT -- In loving memory of everyone personally for ysur sincere nue South, Ajax. Phone Ajax 728, ROBBINS & MYERS motors, Mar.5 Market. 54 Simcoe Street North, om 1 pital and downto: room, close nh pe ties and parking space. Phone Norma Jean Shortt, who passed away sympathy and generous contributions, March 10 and LINCOLN welders, WE pay cash for ased furniture, ap-|awa. wh. Ca ft 686. . 50f March 2, 1952. were our Aunty, We loved you so [¢ miss you more an you will ever know. |we would. But at a time like this, we CARPENTER work, fle in. Free estimates aM ar lar.22 binets, are sure you all know our kindest stallatio thoughts will be with you at all times. ' Dial RA : -Sincerely Iris Hunter and family. a specialty. 3-4167, H. . Boyd. --Sadly missed by niece and nephews. SHORTT -- In loving memory of Norma Jean Shortt, who passed away Shire | FOR SALE suddenly March 2, 1952. She wished no one a last farewell, Nor even said good bye, She had gone before we knew Apd only God knows why. Asleep 'in God's beautiful garden Away from. sorrow and pain. Some day when life's journey is ended, We shall all be together again "Asleep in the arms of Jesus", ~Lovingly remembered by mother and dag, sisters and brothers. SLEEMAN -- In loving memory of a Coarse and fine drive- ZULUS BAN BLUE JEANS way grave! $7 per load. JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) Africa's Zulu tribesmen, once 90-day. warraniy on oll re- pairs -- 1 year warranty on rewinds HILL-CORNISH pliances, TV, sewing machines, pi ELECTRIC LTD. Motor and Control Division Day -- RA 3.2248 | After Hours -- RA 3-9124 50f Iso fin ra- famed for their warpaint - and Also e cement g 15--Instructions | feather costumes, have been| vel. $9 per load. Phone |i warned against wearing "'stupid"'| Dancing school, Ballet, Tap, Baton American - style clothing. Four] RA 5-5279 Masonic Temple. Fridays, Srturdays members of the Zulu Representa- __ Mor'10 RA 7m) Maya {tive Council Thursday urged a {ban on blue jeans and other "un- ANDREW BUTLER savory" forms of apparel especi- at LEARNING to dance is easy and fun the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 RA 50841 or RA 5-1860, . 28 Prince Street LEIAN Mae Marsn, dance educator, Feb dear mother and Srandmothes, who! ally for teenagers. BUILDING CONTRACTOR HARVEY Dance Academy baton, ta passed away March 1, 1957. Roya! Academe pallet, Highland Res: We have only your memory, dear! TO TRY EVEREST AGAIN HA. Homies BUILY Ister now 424 King West RA 5.6122 mother, REN taly (AP) -- : rick, stone, an ock spe- i eee We aie Snaratey be ie goy| Silish. Chimneys, general re. | SUIOI Jai Lubnieet 1 Seget But the sweetness will linger forever| Norkay sai ursday he is going pairs. Work ourantecd, free. (or SHieuts, ir. As we tcasure the image of you. to take another crack at Mount; Po OO g bi a ar --FBver remembered by Harold, olet,| pyorest the Himalayan peak | TUTOR, student counselor, 13 ve ars' \dre -grandchildren. |" - ' | - | i Appointment: ly. Call grandchildren and great-grandchildren which is the world's highest. The RA 5-0547 fot tape ig ppointments only Be CMAN -- In loving memory of| Sherpa guide who reached: the sien 0. 71 -- -- ---------- SLEE idmoth Helena A. Slee. pn t ith B a dear grandmother, verest summit wi a ritish| March 1, 1957. | i - ; En, WHO BR a Sore iE 5: | expedition in 1953 said this time ACADIA ROOFING Music Studio for Ah Instruments] That the hills were hard to climb, 'he will be with an American Flot roofing, asphalt shingles, Piano Tuning | $0 He closed her weary eyelids team \g, chimney ( C1 S < And whispered Peace be thine" 3, hime ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES | Away in the beautiful hills Dt God HISTORIC MARKER 4 : = New and Used Pianos 1 of rest so ir, : ki > . Ful | By ime, some day, we know not| A cairn marking the first do Phone collect Full Selection of All Instruments when, V n minion land survey monument RU 1-7861 (New and Used) Il meet our loved one there | . x We will mee! Bains Sores One the me erected in 1871 stands at eat 150 Fairbank Ave. Toronte > 7 Simcoe St, S. og Yi' ingly, Man. ' Feb. 28) , Jan.30 *|® EADY to occupy, two bedroo: stoves. Also sell and exchange, 19 4 SALESMEN apartment, in new building, on 15 Gib: 200 square feet of clean bright office space facing on King Street East at On. Prompt S. me Day Prince Street. RA 8.1131. March 13 tor bon Street. Apply 21 _Gibbon Street. 48f | itario Street. Immediate possession. nA Osha d tsid terri HOUSE | five rooms. "lose to Dunlop | 5-5501. wa an outside terri- plant. Apply Mr. Tom Sobczak, Watsan| hiv hi RETF 1 TWO fully furnished rooms, heat, Tie 24-HOUR CEDARDALE SCRAP ores. Ny house fo house on or bY. : a'and hot water, electric stove, refrig- selling. ne terrific item our and five room Pry {erator and sink. Abstainers, suit lady TV SERVI IRON AND METALS ded b: mn le in busi- | ment, electrically equipped. Best loca- or gentleman. Apply 224 Bruce Street, needed by all people in busi 8 ness. No competition, tion, ad and $105. RA 8-8676. Mar, 9 49¢ 100 Annis Street single and one double furnished $65 month, 3-.room basement apari- CALL ast of CNR Station Box No. 18, Times- Gazette 5 NE Central. Apply 220 Bruce. ment, recently decorated: responsible RA 8.5286 WE PAY: 50b Call RA 3.9830. 317 adults preferred. Also space dep : ONE single room and ym | With tank for sale. MO 8.2298, Whitby. ANYTIME Highest prices for Iron, E |for gentleman. Hot water and central! as ie OUR location ._Apply 123 Church Street. 51a [FOUR - room apartments, round Metal, Rags, Paper, etc. 308 Hon did | ! » K OSHAWA . Residence RA 5-4159 REPRESENTATIVES |THREE - room apartment, modern kit- floor, Ideal for newlyweds or business chen, heavy duty wiring, built-in-| 0 ator al : RA 5-3432 Free Pick-Up |cupboards, stainless steel sink, bath. ange. Bus service. Apply 165 Verdun ELECTRONICS Open Saturday REQUIRED room. Private entrance. RA 8-1723 Road March 20] afer 5 pm. 51f use, suitable for sub. for our BEAUTIFUL three . bedroom home, l€ situated closed to schools, very central, all modern conveniences, |ShOPPIng. and transportation, oil heat. PUBLIC RELATIONS $100. Vacant now. RA 3-7244 i large ate arve: fawn with fruit rl wert reuryeereerd bid id] private rive, an arage, CAMPBELL'S DEPARTMENT [TWEE - room suife, cebiraly located references required. KA 53108" cof . n va el e, ea AERIAL lights and water included. Ajax Tn rE rooms for Ti housekeep'ng, Must be 25 or over, married |7_t0 9 pm e[Must be 'clean and ip me PA , - 584 s0¢ n of FOUR room Apartment with bath, SERVICE RAG AND METAL | it, bepototocd, Shorcier BONY aula B80 LY wo sor in wa g R/ 5396. Sif ing rooms, inclu re tor, we train you, Car is required, IMODERN one "bedroom a -- ashing. facilities; suit coupl near IRN . partment, " ply Joke Show wi poy ou ore Those with knowledge of Osh-" |stove, refrigerator, television outlet, na abs Fent, Ar "sof your scrap iron, tin, - awa nd surroundin bs Apply Apt. 10, 101 Craydon Road. MO RT A nk TV. Aerials | per, brass, lead, aluminum. tory biol unc) 9 _--t 18-4221 Whitby if [LARGE furn: housekeeping room, hh { 5 w ~ i a with a refrig for two gentlernren Installed | 89 BLOOR ST. WES manent position with good Tg Nurished A SO LE looms: or girls, Apply 156 Agnes Street. 50f D | Also remuneration, References re woman. Write -Box 22 Times-Gazette. | THREE rooms for rent. 95 John Street, IAL { c quired 51b | RA 5.6401 5 | OPEN SATURDAYS FIVE room apartment, completely fur-|WARM furnished bedionm, hot water RA 5-9] 35 RA 5-2311 Phone RA 5.9212 nished. Apply 899 Masson Street. 51f year round. Central. $6 weekly. Suit | FURNISHED room with light house. |Entleman I ere DAY OR NITE AUTO WRECKING between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. keeping privileges. Either for a man or | THREE room apartment, self-con- " March 16 Moreh 12 A9¢| Masson 2 young business woman, Apply 899 tained with kitchen and it Street, 81f couple. Very central. RA 88178, ne bath,

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