¥ HOME DESIGN No. 5 The .long, horizontal roof lines, with window box in front, adds spaciousness to this at- tractive design and contributes ow to the "big home" feeling. The | large L-shaped living-dining room, running the depth of the house, with ample glass areas, commands a view of both the front and rear. The centre en- try hall, including a coat closet permits easy access to any part of the house. Two large bed- rooms and bath, with an abun- dance of wardrobe and linen space, provide exceptional com- fort and ease for the family. Standard Builders' blueprints costing $9.75 a set may be ob- tained for this design No. 5. For further information write to: The Builders' Page Editor, The Times - Gazette, Oshawa. A Home Planner book entitled '68 Selected Homes", price 75 cents, includes this design and may be obtained at the news- paper office or by writing to this same address, IN THE HOME WORKSHOP By RUTH W. SPEARS House plants of all types will find a happy home on this stand which offers both sun and semi- shade. The graduated shelves lock into upright sections -- all of stock sizes of lumber. Pattern 468 shows every step and will be malled for 40 cents. This pat tern is one of five in the packet of Shelves and Stands for the Will Handy Man to Make. Price $1.75. Address orders to The Home Workshop Department, The Times-Gazette, Oshawa. Cobourg Scouts Hold Father, . Son Dinner COBOURG -- The 4th Bt. An- drew's Cubs and Scouts held their annual Father and Son banquet recently in the St. Andrew's par- ish hall, Cobourg. Harold Blow showed two films about scouting activities follow- ing the dinner. Special guest at the dinner was Assistant District Commissioner Albert Graves, who is in charge of scout train- ing in this district. Two of {Io scouts from the 4th troop Roncle Kerr and Len Smith, led the large gathering in a sing-song. The fathers and sons were also entertained by Cobourg piper, W. McFarland, and guitar- ist, J. McCoole, of Cobourg. The supper was served by the Scout and Cub Mothers Auxiliary, Mrs. L. Harvey, president. John Ewart was the chairman for the| annual get-together of fathers and sons. -- FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN * finish underneath. we! BR 1045114 No-3 REMOVING DECALS QUESTION: How ean I re- move decals put on varnished kitchen cupboards about 12 years ago? I don't want to damage the ANSWER: Get special decal remover blotting paper, available at most stores where decals are sold. Follow label directions. Var- nish must be removed first (use prepared paint remover). An elec- tric sander is quickest of all. ALUMINUM PAINTING QUESTION: We have one layer of wallpaper on our plaster walls. | We want to paint the outside walls with aluminum paint as a moisture barrier. If put over wall- paper, will it be effective? ANSWER: Wallpaper should be removed beiore applying the aluminum paint. Otherwise the moisture will probably affect the can be used. If it is roof shingles which are to be colored, a pre- servative is advisable, If you wish a dark color, the following can be made: 4 gallons of raw linseed oil, 2 gallons of coal-tar creosote oil, and 1 gallon of japan drier. This gives a medium brown col- or, which can be tinted with color ground in oil, mixed with linseed oil to the consistency of paint; 2 gallons for the foregoing quan- tity of stain, If the color you re- quire is a lighter one, linseed ofl added to your paint can be used, but will not be as lasting. this point, A friend suggested digging entire area deeper to al- low standing room and then cov- ing with concrete. Is this feasible and preferable to dirt floor? ANSWER: Main problem is be- ing sure dampness and moisture is prevented from entering house through floor. A dirt floor under a house requires a moisture and vaporproof covering. I suggest you send 20 cents to Superinten- dent of Documents, Washington, 25 D.C., for a copy of the excel lent leaflet "Crawl Spaces" (No. HH 1.9-a:1) which gives detailed information on proper erawl CARPET BULGE QUESTION: Do you have a suggestion on how to make car- peting lay flat? A carpet we shampooed developed a perman- ent bulge across the entire width. We tried sizing the carpet, but wallpaper paste and loosen the paper. STAINING DORMERS 1 QUESTION: I am trimming my| house with a color which cannot | be had in a shingle stain. T want | the shingled dormers to have the same color as the trim. What do t? 130 Sen oo Cul Seon The Building Editor, Oshawa Times-Gazette, Oshawa, Ontario. you ? ANSWER: If the shingles on the dormers are on the walls, re- gular high grade exterior paint Dean Acheson nas =ceused Mr. McKennan, who was chairman of ed the subcommittee which shaped ( ) Please send me further details about how to obtain standard Builders blue prints for home design No. 5. | ) or enclosed please find 75¢ tor which send me New Book of | Plans entitled '70 low cost Homes for Canadians." (Please | make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times-Gazette,)| ( Namp..............coeovvencin APs esenseasetnsessansenns COBOURG Staff Reporter--ROBERT CZIRANKA--FR. 2-7657 | Cobourg Man Gets Rotary Fellowship COBOURG -- "Our faith in our(Queen's University and in Aus- democratic ideals and our capa-|tralia, urged the adoption of city to convert others to a simi-/ George McKennan's suggestion lar faith will determine the ex- that a joint withdrawal from tent to which communism will en-| East and West Germany by velope the world," Peter D. Mc- (NATO and by the Soviets be ne- Celland told the Cobourg Rotary gotiated and "possibly from all Club yesterday. {Europe"'. Mr. McCelland, whose family | McKennan is presently a lec- a fellowship for study abroad Ro- as American ambassador to Mos- tary International recently. He eow and was a history professor take his course at Oxford at Princeton University in the University in England. | He sald that communism was| He stressed such a withdrawal an idealo, and regardless of would indicate Russia's good how inapplicable it may be today faith and would serve as evi- it is still a basic approach to|dence for the western powers human beings and quite contrary whether or not the Soviets can to our own, North Americans be trusted, tend to treat current internation-| Former Secretary of State |today resides in Cobourg, was awarded turer at Oxford, and has served | NATO, sald Mr. McCelland, "of failing to grasp the realities of power relationships and implied he did not grasp the true extent of communism." Referring to some of McKen- nan's statements he said that he cannot be accused '"'of looking at the communists through rose col- ored glasses", no matter what else his critics say about him." He sald that McKennan's plan comes to grips with current real- itles more than a policy of mili- tary containment "which seems to be our sole policy in Europe ay". In quoting McKennan he sald that we overrate the likelihood of a Soviet effort to invade West- ern Europe; 'on an exaggera- tion of the value of satellite arm-| jes as possible instruments of a Soviet offensive policy' and the failure of the west to take into the bulge is worse than ever. ANSWER: If the bulge is uni- form across the entire width, | al the bulged area and then placing heavy weights (books, large; rocks on boards) on it for -sev- eral days. STAINED PATIO QUESTION: We have a ce- ment patio, 20 x 30, During the rainy season, matted leaves and drippings from the tree discolor- the cement, We have used cleaners without success. Can you give us any help? ANSWER: Try scrubbing the patio with a strong solution of trisodium phosphate or washing soda, using 2 pounds to the gal- long of water. Then flush well with clear water. If stains per-| sist, make paste of dry portland cement and noninflammable cleaning fluid and apply thick] layer over stains. Cover with sheet of metal, glass or canvas, to retard evaporation. As paste becomes dry replace with fresh. BASEMENTLESS HOUSE QUESTION: We recently mov- ed into a basementless house. The crawl space is reached by lifting a square cut into utility room floor, then lowering a ladder and crouching until furnace is reach- ed. Furnace is on a concrete foundation and one can stand at account that the Soviets already possess an intercontinental ballis- tic missile which will be opera- tional in the summer of 1958; and "on serious under estimation of advantage gained" for the Western security by a withdrawal from Europe by Soviet forces. With regard to Acheson's criti- cism that a withdrawal by NATO ground forces would place de- fence of Western Europe solely on threat of nuclear retaliation, |he said that even the U.S. State {Department admits that Russia could defeat America in a con- ventional war comparing "our' 28 divisions stationed in Europe and the 150 Soviet divisions. Dulles' advocation of missile bases in Europe, he said, would make any withdrawal by Russia from Europe 'unthinkable once and for all". al problems as a milit one rather than ideologically, he de- clared. "A fortress diplomacy", be termed the nt build wp of military might in Europe and throughout ths world "which bears, a regrettable resemblance to the Maginot line approach of the 1930's". He warned that the Soviet by pass the west political-| ly and economically in the future just as "Hitler by-passed us geo- aphieally in 1940." e greater danger, he said, lies in the west's undivided at- tention to external military af- fairs while ignoring "the corner- stone of our civilization", faith in democracy and the dignity of man. i At no other time in bis- tory have international relations| been more tangled than they are| today, he exclaimed, this plus the fact that both the US and the USSR possess nuclear might] could literally "prejudice the fu- ture of mankind". He said that when suggestions are made to ease world tension that 'we are guilty of a certain inflexibility of mind" by not taking notice of them. TONITE AT 6130 IN PE GENOSHA HOTEL, SPONSO| Millwork and B Girl Injured | Traffic Accident COBOURG -- A five-year-old Cobourg girl escaped serious in- Jury Thursday evening when she darted into the path of a moving car on Spring street, Cobourg. Pamela Brooks, 5, of James street, Cobourg, was struck down by a car driven by Donald Doug- las, of University avenue, and taken to the Cobourg General Hospital where she was treated for facial lacerations and later released. Police said that she had been playing on the west side of Spring street when she suddenly ran into the path of the Douglas vehicle. Constable Homer Seale was the investigating officer. STILL DEADLY | MONFALCONE, Italy (AP) -- An artillery shell of the First World War killed two Italian sol- diers and wounded 16 near here recently. They were training in trenches of the 1914-18 conflict. Mr. McCelland, who studied at MR. FIXIT ON TV. 1279 Simcoe Street North ON CHANNEL ¢ "WITTEE WILLE OTe YOU MUST BUVE, OR TRE HK WILL 0%) WILE 100 TRY TO unm. "YOU BUILD FOR THE FUTURE WHEN YOU BUILD WITH CONCRETE THEN SEE HIM RSON On MARCH 11 at the PICADILLY ROOM FROM 8.00 TO 10.00 P.M, LECTURE AND DEMONSTRATION THE BUILDING OF RECREATION ROOMS RED BY "OSHAWA'S COMPLETE SUPPLY HOUSE" uilding Supplies RA 3-4694 BLOCKS You get a relioble cost eon- struction with our new concrete block eonstruction -- they ere equally edepteble te the eon- struction of your home, yeur farm, the community, school || or @ commercial building. Ask the men who ere experienced in concrete block. A Henderson Block neighborhood contractor or architect -- to specify Hen- derson Concrete Blocks. Happy" PuMBIR IF IT'S EXPERT SERVICE | { [| = DAY OR NIGHT- MY BOSS'S PRICE 18 2 lod i) EFFICIENT | | Som gi Bl Va / 4 &é W.R. THOMPSON rll ll STANDARD 1 9/10¢ EE GAL. TAX 'NCLUDED Stove Oil can be purchased in any amount at this station "OPEN EVERY EVEN! VIGOR OIL STATI King St. E. . . . at the Townline BUY AT REASONABLE PRICES VIGOR GASOLINE NEW SUPER HIGH TEST 9/10¢ GAL. TAX INCLUDED NG AND SUNDAYS" OFEN MCN ON ONLY 53.11 PER MONTH COLONIAL, 3-BEDROOM RANCH BUNGALOW Complete exterior and interior trim, cabinets, chim- ney, etc. Delivered to your lot ready for erection. Complete blueprints and erection details supplied. NOW is the time to order CALL NOW OR VISIT COLONIAL HOMES 289 PARK ROAD SCUTH 22 DIVISION STREET OSHAWA EOWMANVILLE DAY, WEDNESDAY, Garage and Cottage on Display CANADA'S LARGEST FRIDAY TIL rg = UN 4 th MN PA F 8571 MA 2-2713 L. 9 P) CI? Lv 4H HENDERSON'S | p . Another llent govern- ment bulletin, also priced at 20 cents, relating to the same prob- Jem is No. HH 1.9-a:3, Base- ments vs. No Basements for Houses. ' DULL FIREPLACE TILES Two Youths Plead Guilty, Theft Charges COBOURG -- Two Centreton ey VG. YY a YI DARY TEWESASEYTE, Bermresy, Mares 1, TPIS n in Cobourg earlier and pleaded guilty to this e as well, A. H. Richardson, Cobourg, represented Freyman and asked owners of a gravel pit, one from a truck, and fwo other reports of stolen gasoline. the court not take Freyman's ear Freyman was also charged with|away because he needed it to & stealing gasoline from locations|to work. youths appeared before Magis- trate R. B. Baxter in police court here yesterday on charges of gas- oline theft. Both pleaded guilty and were remanded one week. Charged are Daniel Reardan, 17, and Edmond Freyman, 17, both of Centreton, a community just north of Cobourg. PC R. W. Tremills, Cobourg OPP detachment, testified that on Feb. 2 they stopped a car on a Haunilton township road that fit- ted the description of a ear driv- en by those who had stolen gas- oline from three places. Freyman was the driver of the QUESTION: In front of our fire- place and on 'the floor itself, we! have you tried pulling it further have square red tiles which we|was picked up at a later date and ong its length? Try moistening have not been able to make shiny also gave a statement to the and bright. We had used various| kinds of cleaning powders. The tiles look dull and grimy. What can be done? | | Answer: Scrub with mild de- tergent and hot water, rinsing well afterward with clear water. Then apply a soaking coat of raw linseed oil (trying first on an ob- scure tile, to see if you like the| effect), wiping off excess oil after| about a half hour. The color will| be enriched, although somewhat darkened. AVAILABLE Ralph S. Jones Barrister & Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. South Dial RA 5-3525 car and later gave a full state ment to OPP officers. Reardan police. Constable Tremills told the ON WALLBOARD FOR WALLS + +- CEILINGS fr See your local lumber or building supply dealer. SAVE! 0 H. J. KRAMER General Contractor HOMES BUILT GARAGES BUILT RECREATION ROOMS REMODELLING BASEMENTS WATERPROOFED ® CEMENT WORK || Free Estimates -- Reasonable Prices |i All Work Guaranteed H. J. KRAMER Fer your convenience we now have on Oshawa phone number RA 81711 ORONO PHONE 14-R-8 SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. WELLMAN'S SUP | | | ERTEST STATION NONQUON ROAD CLEMENT'S SUPERTEST STATION 102 siMcoR NORTH MADDOCK'S WHITE ROSE STATION 177 BOND WEST STATHAM'S ESSO STATION 5 KIN 6 WEST WHITE ROSE STATION SIMCOE 8. & WINTWORTH McKEEN'S RELIANCE STATION 314 BLOOR WEST HOSKIN'S VIGOR STATION SIMCOE SOUTH AT LAKE LAWLESS SHELL STATION 227 SIMCOE SOUTH SKITCH'S TEXACO STATION 83 RITSON SOUTH KLODMICKI'S CITIES SERVICE STATON 734 RITSON SOUTH T. GOCH SUPERTEST STATION 340 PARK ROAD SOUTH BELL'S B-A STATION CORNER OF KING & PARK RD. you come to McCU to use them. ® QUICK, EFFICI cCHLL YOU'LL ALWAYS HAVE GOOD PROOF! Satisfaction guaranteed every time LLOUGH LUMBER for home repairs and improvements, Proof --- the happiness your family feels in a home that's in top shape. We have all the materials you need plus the know-how to show you how ENT DELIVERY @ LUMBER CO. Ltd. 1270 SIMCOE ST.N. * 7c. RAZ 301 It Won't Be Long 'Til You Can Start Building . . . that long-postponed home of your ewn! We'll be glad to help you out in every way we can -- by supplying the top-quality mat erials you need and by offering advies and suggestions about the right materials, the right style of architecture, ete. for yout "Dream Home"! Come on in this week end talk it over with us! Yi OSHAWA BOX AND LUMBER « COMPANY LIMITED 436 RITSON RD. N. OSHAWA RA 5-4704 PLEASURE ALL THROUGH YOUR HOME WALLPAPERS | +* Plastic Coated Professional advice on your decorating | % Pre-Pasted * Precision Trimmed problems Lo Sunworthy Jladly offered. OUGH PrN EDGAR'S T & WALLPAPER 34 KING ST. W. e OPPOSITE DOMINION STORE