Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Feb 1958, p. 7

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Sister Clara Harmer, Sister Eva Simmons, Sister Edith Newman, Sister Isabella Black and Sister Lily Mosier. Stand- ing are Sister Jessie Madder, SOME OF THE oldest active members of the Empress of India Lodge No. 26, Daughters of England Benevolent Society, were guests at the Lodge's cutting the birthday cake is Sister Lottie Newton who has been a. member since 1909. Seated from left to right are 65th birthday banquet. Seen | er, vice-president, Sister Alice Hardsand, worthy district dep- uty. -- Times-Gazette Staff Photo | Sister Gertrude Ambrose, Sis- | ter Beatrice Hurst, Sister Dor- | een Ladd, president, Sister Lot- | tie Newton, Sister Betty Glov- Daughters Of England Lodge 'YWCA Announces Celebrates 65th Birthday Slate Of Officers The Daughters of England, hearty welcome to all expressing For Coming Year Empress of India, Lodge 26, cele- regret that some were unable to brated its 65th birthday on Tues- attend. day evening, February 18. A ban-| A turkey supper was served quet was held in the lower hall which was convened by Sister of the Orange Temple, The tables Beatrice Hurst and a committee were tastefully decorated in the of helpers. WP Sister Ladd pro- Valentine motif. Pots of hyacinths posed a toast to the Queen. After made a colorful display. At each the supper, members spent a so- place were favors in the form of cial hour reminiscing with the a Valentine corsage. . |older members. Seated at the head table were The meeting opened with some of the oldest members, with worthy president, Sister Doreen worthy president, Sister Doreen yaqq, presiding. Vice-president, Ladd, vice-president, Suter Beuy Sister Betty Glover assisted Glover, and worthy SITICY The sick report was given. by deputy, Sister Alice Hardsand Sister Mary Hurst. Reports were In the centre of the table was given by the various committees a large cake, decorated wit Birthday greetings were sung for birthday greetings. The cake was Sister Ethel Cockerham. There SUF DY Slat oe Lottie Newton, w! © will be degree practice during the e . other speakers were Sister [1€X! meeting. a The prize for the evening was Christian Association. The complete slate lows: Honorary presidents, T. Armstrong; Miss Vera president, Mrs. 3rd vice - president, Moyse; 2nd vice Michael Jacula; Miss Grace Wilson; ing secreiary, don; treasurer, strong: journal Mrs. W. P. Whittington. Chairmen of committees: and membership, Miss Margaret Simmons, Sister Newman and Pellow; constitution, Mrs. C. M. Sister Hardsand, and Sister Betty won by Sister Lily Mosier. | Elliott; finance, Mrs. O. D. Glover. | It was decided to hold a penny |p coq. Several of the oldest members sale at the coaclusion of the next were absent because of sickness meeting. The meeting is to start and the very cold weather. |at 8 o'clock sharp, on Tuesday, The worthy president gave a March 4. dence, Mrs. K. H. Braithwaite; nominating, Mrs, R. L. Gray; personnel, Mrs. Michael Jacula; |program, Mrs. Peter Highley; a public relations and publicity, s v Group Leaders Report Activities wre sis yori ison: New honorary presidents were | appointed at the annual election of officers of the Young Women's is as fol- K. Creighton and Mrs. F. N. McCallum; president, Mrs. H. B. 1st vice+~ president, Mrs. A. H.|briefly regarding Dancey; recording secretary, correspond- Miss Helen Par- Mrs. A. G: Arm- representative, building and administration, Miss Vera Moyse; Christian emphasis food. service and resi-|Mrs, Gordon Clarke, and Mrs. P. Whittington; world] The regular meeting honorary Guide Assaciation was held GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES CORONATION H AND S§ AS, | The minutes were read by Mrs. | Coronation Home and School James Doble, aad the treasurer's Association held its fathers' night report by Mrs. E. D. Jacklin, meeting on Moaday, February 17,! The president, gave a report on with Mr. Grover Gage presiding. |the recent Guide evening, when Mr. J. H. Kauffman read the three guides of the 1st company report. | committee supplied a special Miss Ruth Oliver's room won cake decorated in blue and gold the attendance prize, Mr. Robert icing with the words "'Coagratu MacLeod, principal of Coronation lations Gold Cord Guides" anc School, addressed the meeting also presented the examinations [Cord Guides engraved pens, and said the enrolment was 421. convener, showed a film entitled company was in need "Wings' Over Mexico" and Mr tional ties and it was decided tc MacLeod showed a film entitled check into buying the necessary "Grey Owl". material. It was announced that the Asso- to the Home and School convea- annual St. Patrick's tea, which is tion in Hamilton. to be held at Guide House or Refreshments were served by Friday, March 14, from three tc Mrs. R. J. Jay, Mrs. H. A. Pretty, five p.m. mothers, | Mrs. George Cuthbert and Mrs The lucky by Mrs. D. H {Allen Oke, Grade 2 |under the convenership of Mrs. Donald Cutler Ross Duncanson. prize was woa Bathe, | 1ST GROUP COMMITTEE "e ari PERSONAL the Girl at Out of town guests |group committee of | Guide House on Wednesday even- ling, February 19, with Mrs. W. A at the Sharon Wellman, KennethMason| secretary's report and Mr. Don- were presented with their gold Mrs ald Sugden gave the treasurer's cords. On this occasion the group three Gold It was brought 'to the attention Mr.. Harry Tresise, visual aids of the members that the 1st Guide of addi- The balance of the evening was leiation would send two delegates spent in discussing plans for the Refreshments were served by cup At St Andrew's WA Meeting [ers ee Tue 575 ne John|Sargant presiding. There was an nfagon - Wellman wedding were of Queen Elizabeth blue erepe/ back satin and a rose feathered | hat. The bridegroom's mother, who assisted, chose grey blue Chantilly lace over taffeta and a MARRIAGE black hat. They wore corsages| The marriage of Gloria White, of Seep ind YOSES. ip to east. GBuEhter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter p | For the honeymoon trip to east-| " tern points, the bride wore a grey Allaa White, and John Lawton, shantung silk dress, with a grey son of Mr, and ' Mrs. Clarence. : fur coat and tangerine hat. White Lawton, all of Oshawa, was sol. emnized in Oshawa on Friday, . gardenias comprised her corsage. On their return the couple will February 21, 1958, with FElder Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 live in Oshawa. | Nazaly Mizer officiating. "THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, February 22, 1958 7 | pls ™ Do You Want Better DRY CLEANING? Cell Northminster United Church,|of red roses, white baby chry- was the scene of a wedding Satur-|santhemums and hyacinth petals. | MOTOR CITY CLEANERS ay day ahernoons Ra 15| Miss Frances Love was maid RA 3.7021 RA 5.6498 when Sharon Elizabe ellman of honor and the bridesmaids] was united in maiiiage with Ken wore Miss Marlene Mayne and| 184 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH neth Wayne Mason. Miss Joan Mackness. They wore] The bride is the daughter of Mr. waltz length gowns of valentine and Mrs. Roy A. Wellman andireq velvet on princess lines, fea-| . the bridegroom is ilic son of Mr. | turing square necklines and long| . and Mrs. Charies E. Mason all of | cheath sleeves. They wore white Oshawa. {feathered headdresses and car-, The Reverend H. A. Mellow|ried nosegays of white baby| performed the double ring cere-| chrysanthemums centred with mony. The wedding music was/red roses. Miss Joan Wellman,| played by Mr. John Robertson|who was flower girl for her cou- who accompanied Mr. William sin, wore a\long frock of white Shepherd who sang "The Lord's| silk faille taffeta with a matching > {Prayer and 'O Perfect Love". headdress and carried a nosegay Yi Given in marriage by her identical to that of the senior at-|' {father the bride wore a full tendants. {length gown of gardenia white] Mr. Donald Dickson was best silk faille. taffeta on princess man and the ushers were Mr. Jines, French lace fashioned the Alan Gorrie and Mr. Jack Rick- @ Teenage Personality ong sheath sleeves and accented ets, i i the portrait neckline. A coronet| The reception was held in the, : Juvenile Delinguency Q. Does the personality change when @ youngster reaches teen- age? A. Not always. Doctors who stud- § ied personality traits of almost 7 400 boys ond girls found about 1olf showed no teenage change. 4 Various changes in personality i occurred in the others, Some im- proved greatly -- a few slipped badly. SOCIAL NOTICES Double-Ring Ceremony Unites | of white tulle leaves studded with lower hall of the church Where {seed pearls held her finger tip'the guests were received by the veil and she carried a, cascade/bride's mother wearing a dress 15 out of 100 Americon white women are Rh negative. By chance, 2 will marry Rh negative men, There is no trouble here, But the remaining 13 women will marry Rh positive men. About 1 out of 26 children born to these mismatched men ond women will be more or less efs fected. Doctors now have ways of coping with Rh problems, Material in MEDICAL MIRROR is based on various scientifie publications and does not neces- sarily reflect the opinion of all doctors. The diagnosis and treats ment of disease requires the skill ond knowledge which only a phy« sicien can apply by personally sttending the patient, Q. What is the main couse of uvenile delinquency? A. Parents, according to several leading authorities who have probed the families of woyward youngsters. In almost every case where both parents and the prob- lem child were examined, the trouble could be traced to either the father or mother, Parent- saused delinquency occurs et all social levels, Some of the case records compiled by investigating doctors are almost beyond belief, Q. What do doctors mean when they soy @ person is Rh nega- tive? A. They are referring to a blood factor, Unless both parents 1 match in Rh (both positive or ®! both negative) one or more of i their children may be born with j, 1 serious blood disorder. About SCIENCE EDITORS, P.O. BOX 396 Medison Square Stetion, New York 10, N.Y, Letters will be onswered In these columns, PUBLISHED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY [lish, Mr. S. R. Alger, Mr. at the decorated and candle-light- known as followers of the Christ- end C. D. Cross, the Reverend the ladies' parlor|ian way". Mrs. Pegg at the piano|s, C, H. Atkinson; Mrs. George nad 13k United C h ut r e hlaccompanied Mrs. vernon Claus(Telford; Mrs. F. N. McCallum; after the February meeting of as she sang "Be With Us Still" by Mr. Gordon Miles, Mr. James the Woman's Association. More Massenault, a most beautiful Skinner. Mrs. C. S. Lee, Mr. J. J. Eng- Mrs. George Telford poured on do His will results in being/Cameron. Members: the Rever- members than usual attended|solo sung by one of the many fine, Board members elected for the which was pleasant for the new voices of St. Andrew's choir. next three years: Mrs. E. F. executive led by the president,| During the business period Mrs.| Armstrong, Miss Lois Cullis Mrs. A. W. Armstrong. The tea Armstrong presented the leader Mrs. C. was prepared and served by|of each group with four books| Friend, Mrs. Peter Highley, Mrs. members of the Cluaran group|from the Dominion Council Lit- Frank McLellan and Miss Irene under the leadership of Mrs. John| erature supply, a Hand Book, a preston. Lockwood, Those helping were Constitution, a book of Devotional -- Mrs. lan McNab, Mrs. Grant | Themes for the entire year and Morrow, Mrs. Cleve Kinsman, a W.A. Motto. Each group's lead Mrs. Ralph Moore, Mrs. Peter er was asked to give an Impromp- Mac Donald, Mrs. E. D. Kitchen tu report on the activities of her in Oshawa io supply, continually, and Mrs. J. R. Warnica. soup. . quilts for the Red Cross Society The meeting opened with de-| Mrs. C. E. Yulee said that the 7po members make these quilt votions led by Mrs. Lloyd Pegg Bluebell group met on the first tops at home, and then take them using the theme of "The Owner's Monday of each month in thei "ihe church for the purpose of Stamp" taken from Acts 4. Mrs, | afternoon and that they were quilting them. In 1958 already five Pegg said that dally association|busy planning their annual lunch- quilts have been given to the Red with Jesus made the difference eon and showing of millinery to Crogs, This is a fine and neces- between His Disciples and the take place March 5 sary activity, but does pot re- rest of the people of early times, | Mrs. John Lockwood reported sult in revenue for the group, so "Just as daily efforts on our parts from the Cluaran group, saying the members are always happy to [that their meetings were usually have quilts brought to them to be CLUB CALENDA {ond Thursday evening of each group holds a monthly meeting at | month. the home of one of the mem- Mrs. Matt Leyden said the bers as well at the church meet- Bouthmead Dark Aw. b | more requests for catering since| Mrs. J. R. Warnica read the Pleasant Mon. Aft. Clu la sign had been posted on thelist of new members of the Past Matron's Club, OES church bulletin board Céstle Cuuapter, O1C the Laurel group said their meet-| Those present, Mrs. S. A. Cross Othawa Soncries. Assn | ings were usually held at the and Mrs. A. Woods were welcom- stan Acren $ Ash fourth Monday ed by the president. {evening of each month but that Re-Echo Lodge the next meeting was to be held ed two coming events -- the an- 5.5 Home Lesgie |at the home of Mr. and Mrs. nual choir and Sunday School rist Church .WA. in the church parlors, on the sec- quilted for private persons. This MONDAY | Heather group was hoping to get ings. IODE (Prince Philip Ch.) Mrs. E. G. Storie, leader of vited to attend the meeting. , " {church on the TUESDAY Mrs. A. W. Armstrong announc- {Reginald Burr and that plan: ' t, 'March 13 Canadian Legion Aux. | Reg! plans teachers' banquet, rch Tuesday afternoon to do quilting. This is the only Church group Ladies Aux. Ont. Regt. Assn. annual garden tea and bazaar at|Fund Tea to be held at the mane H and S Council |Stonehaven, home of Mr. and May 20, with Mrs. Lloyd Pegg Jessie Panton Aux. {Mrs. Norman Irwin. as general convener. Court Oshawa, 1OF Mrs. H. A. Campbell reported Mrs. George Telford said she Albert Street WA Calvary Baptist YWMC Nprth Oshawa WA King Street WA Arvilla McGregor Aux. Rendezvous Club First Baptist WA Friendship Group Beta Sigma Phi WEDNSEDAY Victory Lodge, LOBA Rebekah Lodge No. 3 Cheerful Givers Storie Park Auxiliary St. Matthew's WA 19th Group Committee THURSI'AY St. George's WA Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild Albert Street WMS Oakleigh Lodge St. Stephen's WA Red Cross Society {that the Talisman group would be wanted to express to the WA in {serving the lunch at the Church person rather than in a letter the when the VON met in March, and appreciation of Dr. Telford and that this group held meetings on herself for the thorough work of the fourth Thursday afternoon of the manse committee whose ef- each month. forts had resulted in making the Mrs. Harry Trew said the manse such a pleasant and well {to their list. was covering for the long front {the activities of the Tuesday Af-}she said she was looking forward |ternoon group. This group is one to being able' to show these new, {of the original groups of the St.|furnishings to everyone at the Andrew's WA. The membersitime of the Flower Fund Tea. THE IDEAL LAXATIVE FOR CHILDREN "from Diaper Stage to Dancing Age" CASTORIA | Unwanted Hair PERMANENTLY New Large Family Removed Vg Size, Size EE from face, arms ¥ ond legs by the newest, 49° 79 fastest method (3-4 times more hair removed r * old type Reveal r 4 TRUE self worry and embarrassment Free Consultation Results Guaranteed MARIE MURDUFF Will Be In Oshawa | MARCH 4 - 5 Phone Genosha H tel on th ntment ese dates » meet at the Church every other hurch, all of whom had been in;|' | were already under way for their given by the WA and the Flower Tweed Group was badly in need furnished home in which to live.| of new members and any names Mrs. Telford especially remarked, {would be welcomed as additions on the new rugs, one of which] Mrs. Harry Wilson reported on hall. With her words of thanks! 'attendance of 15 members. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Abernathy, SA ETA ~ |Stephen and Melodie, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wellman and Hilda, {Sudbury ; Mr. and Mrs, George Borrow and family, Mr, and Mrs Harry Leeking, Miss Margaret 'Leeking, Mr. Rodney Billet, Mrs Margaret Wellman, Mr. and Mrs Dan McKinley, all of | Weavers' Guild Hears Address By Former Member ruary meeting at the home of man Hunter, Mr. aad Mrs. Doug- |Miss Mary MacLean, Elgin street 155 Vent and Lynda, Mrs. Jessie east, ; _ |Westenfelt, Mr. and Mrs. Bird The president, Mrs. Hans Geis- Middleton, Miss Anne Campbell, berger, presided. The minutes Mr and Mrs, Douglas Marlow, were read by the secretary, afd mrs Curtis Begg, Mr. and Mrs. the treasurer gave her report. |Keith Black, all of Toronto; Mr Following the business the and Mrs. A. Darrington, Camp- members enjoyed an informal|pellford; Mr. and Mrs. James B |visit with Miss Mary Andrews, & Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Pettes, former member, who was former- |My, Bob Debosky, Mr. Berni De- ly on the staff of the Oshawa phosky, Mr. Tony Smyth, Miss Ann YWCA and now is director of Correll, Mr. Dwayne Kabanuk, all crafts at the Grenfell Mission, St.| qf Whitby: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anthony, Newfoundland. |Sayle, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs Miss Andress spoke of the dif-/Thomas Eden, Mrs. T. Fines, Mr ferent crafts -- weaving, hooking and Mrs. James Newman, all of mats and knitting, being done in|port Perry; Mr, and Mrs. Harold Labrador and Newfoundland. All Evans, Bowmanville: Miss Lois the articles made for the Mission| Armstrone, Lindsav: Mr. and were @istributed through the Ca-|Mrs, G. Newson, Ajax; Mr. and nadiaan Handicraft Guild. The mrs, Mel Drenfield, Trenton. workers preferred to receive good used clothing as payment! Friends and neighbors of Mr. for their work, and Mrs. Alex Hickey gathered Miss Andrews is on a lecture at theim new home on Meadow tour and will be speaking in|Crescent to participate in a many Ontario cities, The next/housewarming last Friday. The meeting of the Guild will be held highlight of the evening was the at the home of Mrs. B. F.|presentation of an oil painting. Bayly, Kings Crescent, Ajax, on/Mrs, Jack Stewart read the ad- March 17. dress aad Mrs. M. R. Elliott TABU LIPSTICK RED ($1.75 SIZE) FREE\ with purchase of pe TABU Cotegne 2 oz. BOTTLE AT $225 A #4°° vaLug ror Just $228 by , UNC 9 RUE DE LA PAIX, PARIS PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 530 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA "shone RAS-3546 BOWMANVI.LE - PHONE MA3-5778 8 KING ST. E PHONE RA 3-2245 5 KING ST. W. - 317 BROCK SOUTH, WHITBY, MO 8-2338 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FOUR-YEAR-OLD Today is the 4th birthday of | George Spiers and Mr. Stuart William, son of Mr. and and Mrs. John Rosnik; great grand- Kan Drugs Orillia; M. Elliott, Mrs. O. D.| The members of the Oshawa Mrs, Fred Waite, Mr. and Mrs. made Weavers' Guild held their Feb- pred Harris, Mr. and Mrs Nor! | Rich, gentle, color-controlled, the | new ROUX Creme Hair Llightener Pastel shades. S, M, L A | conditions while it lightens and d 0S ' ! 1.98 Blue. Easy to 3 a4 imparts lovely, lustrous, natural- | an gid dnd SR AR Bn Fd Bs * launder ..... EE I | looking shadina to thes hair. Conve- . nient, fast SLIPS -- Including acetate, nylons NYLON DUSTER--Charming style A NN in action, and eyelet embroidery cottons in of sculptured. nylon prints, in dainty 75°) easy to attractive slim fitting styles. White pastel colorings. Pretty and prac- Mrs. William Spiers, Ritson road south. Stuart's grandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrs, William parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Lee and Mr. Albert Rosnak, all of Oshawa.--Photo by Hornsby | 28 King St. E RA 3-4621 Oshawa the presentation. Mr. Hickey expressed his thanks and those of his bride. Later refresh- ments were served to the 35 a Except Wednesday = 9 a.m. guests by Mrs, R. L. Howard, he ® _TNAIFYY _GANADIANY te 12:30 Mrs. Keith Knox, Jr, Mrs. OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. Bruce Richardson, Mrs. Jack 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH TELEPHONE RA 3-2294 GLAMOUROUS LINGERIE and DUSTERS Stewart, and Mrs. Peter Croll, for St. David's Day Dinner, March 1, sponsored by Oshawa's St. David's Welsh Society, are already being made by out-of-towners, Among those who have signified ther in- tention of being present are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Howard, Toron: to; Mr. Jack Davies, Detroit; Mr, and Mrs, Gillian Thorburn, Pefferlaw and Miss Mary Jean McEachern, Lindsay. The annual baaquet and concert is being planned by a special committee including Mrs. Stanley Simpson, Mrs. Isaac Hughes, Mrs. David Monkley, Mrs, Thomas Roche | and Mrs. Gerald Bull. ! Reservations New ROUX Creme | Hair Lightener I "EVERGLAZE"" DUSTER -- Sizes 12 to 20. Lovely in crisp "Ever- 3laze' criskay cotton prints. Back- ground colors Pink, Turquoise and NIGHTGOWNS--Rayon, in attrac- tive styles, Trimmings include nylon sheer, embroidery and nylon lace. apply. only. Size 32 - 40 and 0.5 tical. Easy to wash! Quick sizes 42 to 50 drying! S, M, L. 951.98 4.98 DEPENDABLE --Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years, Our services are designed for your use and convenience. TELEPHONE ~--You may order by telephone: RA 3.2294, DELIVERY ~Two deliveries daily within city limit, ZELLER'S LAYAWAY --For your convenience aot no extra cost. I: ¢ Rs [=) POU, mart YOUR FRIENDS 4 GUARANTEE --Merchandise satisfactory or money refunded. p> / CHEQUES ~--Baby bonus and pay cheques cashed Departmen Stores

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