Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Feb 1958, p. 5

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n / al ¢ KHRUSHCHEV NOT BLUFFING, Three of the many German | Mrs, Marta Schulz, centre, 76, scientists released by Russia | who was known as '"'grand- after 12 years behind the Iron | mother" to the captive scien- Curtain are shown on their re- | tists; her son-in-law, Hans turn to West Berlin. They are | Kuhl, and her daughter, Gerda, ' "AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS | John Mills, Representative -- Phone Ajax 426 | Ajax-Varsity Chapter | IODE, Annual Meeting | GRACE MILLS brought to a close, the annual| Correspondent meeting proceeded with the read- AJAX -- The annual meeting ing of the reports for the year] of the Ajax . Vaisity Chapter 1957 - 1958, by the retiring officers IODE was held at the home of and conveners. These reports Mrs. Elizabeth Boyes, 62 Admiral| yielded much interesting informa- road. Six guests were welcomed, tion on the good work achieved Tina Thompson, Elaine Staunton, by the organization over a wide Marie Parker, | field of activities, TWE PARLY TIMES-GAZETTY, Seturdey, Pebruery XX, 1958 § Pearson: Attacks Defence Policy LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Lester |U.S. could not expect to have de- B. Pearson says the Progressive|fence unity and economic dis Conservatives have embarked on unity with Canada a "scandalous" way of looking : after Canada's defence relations WOULD PRESS HARD with the Figo eg bel Earlier at the university's akin riday ni ore an audience of about 1,000 In a COMvocation Hall, before an local auditorium, the Liberal overflow crowd of students, he leader criticized the govern- emphasized that as prime min- ment's handling of the North ister he would "press hard" for American air defence set-up and 5 strong North Atlantic economic its policy on the militia and Arc-|alliance and a permanent United tic defence, { Nations police force. Marion Dernon, ! Elizabeth Gall and Joan Hodges. Mrs. The main business of the eve- Norma Slater, Regent, ning -- the election of officers Then switching to another point, he warned that something! ust be done to counter the! As students tossed a bag load | of questions at him, he said he | GERMA who holds the cat, "Niki", they | was in the chair. Mrs. Eleanor and conveners for 1958 - 1959 was | {move of Europe and Britain to]"2® strongly in favor of increas-| Verdone read the minutes of the handled by Brenda Gove. Mrs, J. last meeting and correspondence, |p, Allan, in her capacity as and Mrs, Stella Wilkins gave the Honorary Regent of the Chapter, treasurer's report. Mrs. Betty|welcomed the new executive and Colm reported that arrangements | conveners for the coming year, for the Fashion Show being held| who are as follows: on March 12 were running Regent, Mrs, Nancy Lancaster; brought with them. The Ger- mans said that Khrushchev was not exaggerating when he said Russia had an intercontinental ballistic missile, BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT NEWS Staff Reporter -- BERYL HUGHES -- MA 3-3144 Skating Club C arnival Earns Great Applause BOWMANVILLE -- An enthus. "The Colleens' Frolic" jastic crowd wholeheartedly ap- danced with lilting tempo by plauded the cast of the Bowman-| Yvonne Anonichuk, Erlynne Bar ville Skating Club's Centennial ron, Pamela Ballantine and Lin- Carnival during the successfulda Yeo, The soloist, Dianne Go opening night of the show at the heen skated her part beautifully Memorial Arena on Friday. The Theff Yvonne Anonichuk and Paul carnival will be repeated. this Huehnergard danced as a dvening, Saturday. with rythmic grace, 'Van- Variety is the keynote of the stone's Poad 1858' 'was a pic darnival and the centennial theme turesque scene of a hundred years offers entertaining contrasts, ago. Taking part In it were Mary Miss Barbara Ann Burgoyne, the Jean Billett, Shawn Leddy, Hazel olub professional was acclaimed Richards and Glenna Park as her solo number. She designed figure skaters; hockey players choreography and chose the Rocky Mikolic, David Burdett and music for the carnival Michael Leddy; also Barbara The acts followed each other Crombie, Elaine Hatfield, Rose t a time lag and were ex- mary Merkley, Peggy Passmore, oellent. Local skating stars sur- Christie Samells and Donna Pol- frised the audience by their abil-|ley, who were each pulling onc iv In solos and other intricate of the following tots on sleds bers. Don Cribar of the Bar- Candy Myles, Linda Kelly, Doug re Skating Club, Canada's lead- las Henning, Cindy Lou Ayre, ipg amateur comedian rocked (Stephen Davey and Joha Hack the crowd with merriment by his ing. Shaw Leddy exhibited talent Wlarious antics. |in her solo with long spirals and .Carl Harrison, Granite Club, /intricate steps, Hazel Richards as Toronto, men's junior figure skat- a soloist whirled through an en- ing champion of Canada in 1958, |tertaining act. give a solo that demonstrated or nn AnD NEW double jumps, terrific spins and "Memories of Taylor's Moonlit daring feats. Miss Eleanor Me: guy and Now Zoom", first Leod, Granite Club, runners-up, depicted quaint gaiety at this old $557 ethos with grace. Hex [lime centre. ae, bandamen, Mie) 3 0 i speeds, twirls, long spirals and ael Teddy, Rocky Mikolic, Da leaps were executed faultlessly. Mr. Harrison and Miss McLeod also skated a dance pair delight. fly. TOTS SCORE HIT {The Tots scored a hit when y opened the show with "A Day at the Circus". Michael Leddy, a junior member, play- 4d the ringmaster with skill and drive. Three clowns, Vir- antique prancing Gail played with gusto. An sleigh was pulled by horses, Lorraine Brock, Carol Finaigan, There were also moonlight skaters. Then the lights went out and modern jets zoom ed out on the ice carrying lighted sparklers, The jets were Jennie Stout, Marilyn Stapleton, Mary . Oke, Fay Myles, Bonnie Mathew a Brown, Carol Klapow and son, Ann Martyn, Ann Ferguson ynda Hately, helped to guideig hn" 'piverc" Carolyn acey, te Tots through the routine. The Virginia Brown, Lyn Hellyar, Lin little ones taking part as lioas,|;, Hately, Dianne Goheen, Susan Davey, Jerry Hldriage, Margared (8a, CIETY, Futon, Yen Plummer, Lanna Lee Polley, oes a. Wark ' Park, Shawn Leddy and Marie Rickey Vanstone, Brenda Hen- Hendry. Erlyne Barron was the jing, Douglas Hewmag Ratly soloist, and she skated with style aret Tooley, "Susan White, Pat ny ov Dance" featured: John udell, Douglas Brock, Pat An- Wilson and Gloria Bilida. Other derson, Jerome Billet, Joanne dancers in this charming aumber Bromell, Francis Henning, Glen were Bonnie Gaynor and Doreen Martyn, Candy Myles, Douglas Yeo, Yvonne Anonichuk and Paul Burke, Cindy Lou Avre, Col uehnergar, Caro Kiepow mi Tennant, Ronald Webb, Billy Hell.| Erlyne Barron. Sandra ini 0 : a solo was outstanding and yar, Judy Vinish, Carolya White, skating in perfect tempo Paul Kilpatrick, Maureen Wood, Rocky: Mikolic. Michael Led: i Mille, Walter De- tas Tare 3 wid ¢ ¥ilian DeMil ' Pavid Burdett and Michael ( fille, Sally Firth, John Hacking, lett. the deckhands in **Rollickins Stephen Si Devoraho op on the Mississippi" danced a gala os, ig ay anh 8 hornpipe. The Show Boat Min thembers, Virginia Osmond strels were Lyn Hellyar, Mary Elaine Highfield, Carol Elston, Jean Biel, Faye Miles, Ann Bonnie Mathewson, Marilyn Sta- Mastyn, Avelyve Lyest, Sarid pleton and Barbara Crombie. Hendry. Cheryl Laxton Mary Dany tle Avelva Lycen a Oke, Gleana Park, Maureen Re an ? as . \ " Ri Dre apil Carol Klapow's soo was dashing. Sam Car, Stacy, Mari x Vetzal, Christie Samells, Haze] FAMOUS NAME Richards, Peggy Passmore, Vir . Northern Manitoba's Churchill ginia Osmond, Susan Rivers River is named after Lord Chur- Elaine Highfield, Barbara Crom hill, later Duke of Marlborough, bie, Rosemary Merkley, Donna Hudson's Bay Company governor Polley, Bonaie Mathewson, and In 1685. Shawn Leddy. Yvonne Anonichuk was CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS The 1958 dog licences ore now aveilable 'and may be pur. chosed ot the City Clerk's Office, 3rd Floor, City Hall, the Police Department and the Dog Control Department, Follaise Avenue east (off Ritson Road South). By-low 2365, os amended, requires that the 1958 LICENCES MUST BE PURCHASED BY FEBRUARY 1st. This is to notify all dog owners that after February 25th, dogs not carrying 1958 licences shall be considered os stray . Such i dad dogs end i ded dogs, if not claimed within 48 hours, shall be destroyed. Avoid having your dog picked up ond possibly destroyed by purchasing your licence without delay. LR. BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshawa {vid Burdett and Michael Gillett with precision Martin's! /s IMrs was glided over the ice in a lovely solo, The professional gamblers were Linda Hately, Pamela Bal- lantine, and.Carol Coombes. The pretty Can-Can girls were Gail Isagaell, Gloria Belida, Sandra Martin and Carol Klapow. The captain, Doreen Yeo, gave a love- v solo and was much applauded. "Cream of Barley --- Bowman. ville's Playground", was a clev erly amusing number. The old fashioned bathers were Carol Finnigan, Dianne Goheen and Lorraine Brock, The modern bathers were Gail Bagnell, Dor- een Yeo and Virginia Brown Gary Bagnell was the ice cream man, and the paper boys were Michael Leddy, Roky Mikolic and David Burdett. Gail Armstrong gave a splendid solo. Gloria Bil- da also did well as a soloist. BRILLIANT EXHIBITION "Who Caught Who?" was en- tertaining. Bonnie Gaynor was the hunter, three gay bears were John Wilson, Sandra Martin and Gail Armstrong and the children, Susan Rivers, Ann Ferguson, Mary Oake, Susan Wetzel, Chris- tine Samells, Mary Jean Billet Pamela Balitine skated well in her solo. Carol Kapow gave a briliant exhibition as a soloist. The Honky Tonk by Virginia Brown, Dianne Goheen, Linda Hately, Gail Armstrong, Gloria Bilida, Lorraine Brock, Carol | Armstrong, Carol Coombes and Coombes, Noryl Pragnell, Caro! Finnigan, Carol Klapow, Sandra Martin, Gail 'Bagaell, Doreen Yeo, Bonnie Gaynor, Sylvia Cap- pler and Barbara Martin The "Salute to Bowmanville", vas popular. Taking part in it were: Pamela Ballantine, Er- lyne Barron, Dianae Goheen, Susan Rivers, Ann Ferguson, Linda Yeo, Yvonne Anonichuk, Lorraine Brock, Lynda Hately, Virginia Brown, Dianne Goheen, Gail Armstrong, Carol Coombes, Carol Finnigan, Bonnie Gaynor, The Bowmanville Skating Club president, Glen 1st vice-president, 2ad vice-president, Bagnell; secretary, Mrs Adele Finnigan; treasurer, Mrs H. D. Hacking; Charles Burdett, James Martyn, Sidney Murdoch, Don Myles, Mi D. Park, Mrs Ada Rich: and Alfred Sam lls. Carni committees: chair- man, Sidney Murdoch, director, Gleaholme Hughes: Costumes Ada Richards and Mrs Rose McDonald; Properties, Sid ney Murdoch, Alex Anonichuk, Frank Blunt, W. W. Bagnell, Charles Burdett tickets, Don Myles, Mrs. H. G. Hacking, Mrs. C. Anderson, Mrs. S. McMur- Dressing rooms, Mrs. D Mrs. Beryl Hugh G. Hughes, Mrs. Stacking, Sidaey Murdoch, Mrs. Beryl Hughes, James Mar- tin. Supervisor Juniors and Tots, Mrs. J. Leddy. lirector are holme Hughes; Frank Blunt; Ww. w ter; Park es; program, IH G publicity e Coldwell smoothly. Ist Vice Regent, Mrs, Marnie Mrs. Slater announced that the porich. "ond Vice Regent, Mrs, IODE annual municipal dinner ng, io 'waude: services at home meeting would be held in Toronto znq abroad, Mrs. Wynn Scarff: on March 6, and it was agreed treasurer, Mrs. Brenda Gove; that the Standard Bearer, Betty gooratary. Mrs, Eleanor Verdone: McGillivray, should represent the assistant secretary, Mrs, Ella {Chapter at the meeting. Vickers; Echoes secretary, Mrs. The regular meeting being June Webster; Standard Bearer, a SER {Mrs. Betty McGillivray; educa- |tlon, Mrs. Diana Bacon, Couple Wed Conveners are: publicity, Mrs. B. Thompson; telephone, Mrs, . . | Vee Dunn, Mrs. Jean Mountford: At Pickering |films, Mrs. Enid Roberts; hospi- (tal, Mrs. Elizabeth Boyes; citi- GRACE MILLS zenship and immigration, Mrs. Correspondent |Pat Stratford; program, Mrs. PICKERING -- A very pretty Pat Stratford; program, Mrs. Bet candle-light ceremony took place Betty Colm; Mile of Pennies in Pickering United Church at Mrs. Lillian Staples: Fashion 7 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 15,/Show, Mrs. Olive Williamson: when Elinor Jane daughter of Empire and world affairs, Mrs M. and Mrs. A. Edward Stork, Stella Wilkins; Membership, Mrs Pickering, became the bride of Jean Walsh, Murray Clements Sewell, son of Expressions of appreciation Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sewell, were conveyed In a vote of thanks Markham to Mrs, Norma Slater, retiring The minister, Rev. Melville Regent, for the exemplary man- Buttars officiated at the double- ner in which she had carried out ring ceremony. The wedding her duties during her term of of music was played by Mrs, C. E. fice, Brown, who also accompanied, Before the meeting closed, Mrs. the soloist, Mrs. James Koch. | Germaine James, hospital con- The altar, with double candlela- vener, told the meeting that the bra, was flanked by tall stan- recent fire at a cleaning estah- dards of pink gladioli and white lishment had caused considerable chrysanthemums and potted damage to the Ajax and Picker- palms. White bows designated ing Hospital linen, and it was the guest pews. agreed that a donation of $50 be Entering the church on the Sent to the hospital authorities, aym of her father, the bride wore to help towards replacements, an original model floorlength| The meeting d, and re gown of delustered satin, in an freshments wel ved, off white shade, the petal edge| of the full skirt was repeated in the neckline of the fitted bodice, beaded to match the motif's on the skirt, as were the lily points of the long fitted sleeves. Her elbow length veil of {llu- sion was caught to a Queen Anne cap of satin petals, embroidered] MORSE, Sask. (CP) CCF with rhinestones. She wore a Leader Coldwell says the govern- single strand of pearls, the gift ment's farm prices stablization of the groom, and carried a bou- legislation is "only a shell of a quet of gardenias and pink carna- program attractive on the out tions with long streamers, side but empty inside." Attending the bride as matron| The legislation was passed at of honor was her sister, Mrs. Wil- the last session of Parliament liam MecEachnie Jr.; in pale but has not yet come into force | green velveteen, with bateau|It provides for floor prices on was skated neckline and full skirt, Brides-|certain farm commodities based } maid, Mrs. J. Walton, sister of on the average price in the pre the groom, chose the same color ceding 10 years, and style, Miss Cheryl Walton as| Mr. Coldwell, speaking at junior bridesmaid wore the same public meeting here, said the Ca- color in princess lines. All wore nadian Federation of Agriculture bow headdresses matching their has already calculated that the gowns and carried pink carna-|floor prices will be set at less tions and white 'mums. The little than current prices. flower girl, Miss Lynn Walton,| "It (the legislation) may seem niece of the groom, wore pinkito promise security for the velveteen and carried an all farmer but it does not. white nosegay, she was accom- greater the drop in farm prices, panied by Master Kenny Walton, the lower the floor price. Even as ring-bearer, wearing grey flan- if farm costs continue to rise, the nels and navy blazer floor price remains unaffected. Aare Jes} man Wis Me, Sore Tobacco Prices To Be Discussed in establish a separate trading bloc! and pledged that if the Liberals are elected to power March 31 he would try to bring Europe and North America closer together in freer trade to put new power into the North Atlantic alliance, | ing trade with Communist China| in non-strategic goods but would! not in favor of recognizing that country if it meant recog- nizing also the mainland's claims to Formosa, |SHOWS NO STRAIN | The 60-year-old Liberal chlef-| tain showed no strain as he step- ped up his electioneering pace, subjecting himself to an "inqui- sition" of some 800 University of Western Ontario students in the afternoon, drafting a speech al the dinner hour and then plung ing into a new attack against the Conservatives in the evening rally. Today he moves by train to Kingston and Cobourg in East. ern Ontario and to Napanee, Belleville and Trenton before op ening an eight-day campaign in the western provinces. He concentrated his main eve- ning attack on the government's handling of the North' American air defence set-up, a move un- dertaken, he said, without any firm agreement between the two countries and without the prior consent of Parliament. He didn't criticize the fact that the Canadlan-American air de- fences had been integrated it was the only way to defend the continent against attack--but at- tacked the action of the govern- ment to agree to the set-up with- out a pact, If a firm agreement had been reached, the U.S. would have had no excuse to restrict im ports of Canadian oil, The U.S, could not have it both ways. Canada could not be "foreign" to the U.S. for oil im- wand "unified" with the U.S other forms of defence. The Blasts Farm Price Plan "The minister himself (Agricul- ture Minister Douglas Harkness) has stated that over half of farm income on the Prairies will. not be covered by the legislation." The CCF leader also took issue with a statement by Mr. Hark- ness that those who feel a market for Canadian wheat may exist in Communist China are imagining ings. Mr, Coldwell said there are hundreds of millions of persons in China, many of them without enough to eat. Japan had become one of Canada's best wheat cus- tomers "The minister makes the weak reply that China has never at- tempted to purchase Canadian . wheat. Why do we wait to be ap- proached? Where is the vigorous trade policy that the Con servative party said it would launch?, , ." FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX If you have not received your Times-Gazette by 7 p.m. call AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All calls must be placed before 0 pm. and the ushers were Mr, .W Me. |Eachnie Jr., Mr. Jack Walton Mr. Ronald Meyer. The reception was held at the TILLSONBURG (CP) R CE Centre of the United Church, |S § 1 = Hep here the bride's mother re. resentatives of Canada's tobacco y y i of pale green buying companies will meet with i THE ra the Ontario flue - cured tobacco hat trimmed with large roses Srowers marketing board Feb, in a deeper shade, white ac: Bo discuss marketing the 195¢ e ries and a corsage of yel . pus was assisted by| Bert Gardaer, manager of the the groom's mother in midnight Ontario Leaf Tobacco Company blue lace, blue accessories, mink Plant at Aylmer, said Friday he stole and corsage of pink roses. ®xpected the 1957 crop will be Leaving for a month Jong marketed by April 15. honeymoon in Florida, the bride! He said growers have expres was wearing a pale mauve knitt- Sed fears that unless the crop is ed dress with jacket, violet satin sold by the time warm weather hat, trimmed with wood violets, arrives the excess will rot matching gloves. With this she their barns, wore a grey fur jacket and a - large single orchid. On their return Mr, and Mrs. Sewell will reside in Markham Out of town guests at the Sewell-Stork wedding on Saturday were from. Indian Head, Saskat- chewan, Edmonton, Alberta, Itrict, WIVES IN O POW THOUSANDS OF HOUSE- TALKING ABOUT... POWER Prices POWER Quality POWER Free Giffs POWER SUPERMARKET 564 King St. East at Wilson Road North (Hwy, 2) SHAWA ARE Secled tenders addressed tario, will be received until 12 Extension, consisting of 6,698 crete pressure pipe, 2,066 feet Plans and specifications w be obtained at the office of t or at the office of Gore & S gineers, 1130 Bay Street, Torco by cheque in the amount of refunded on the return in goo and specificati within ns two of tenders ER Courtesy 1 in oan amount equal to 21% per GORE & STORRIE LIMITED, Consulting Engineers February 22nd, 1958 THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA TENDERS FOR LAYING AND JOINTING WATER MAIN to the Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission, 100 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, On- o'clock noon, on Friday, March 14th, 1958, for the construction of the Easterly Feeder Main feet of 24-inch diometer con- of 20-inch diameter east iron pipe and B50 feet of 16-inch diameter cast iron pipe. ith blank Form of Tender may he Public Utilities Commission torrie Limited, Consulting En- nto, on payment of a deposit $25.00. Such deposit will be d condition of the said plans weeks from the closing date Each tender must be accompanied by @ marked cheque cent of the total sum, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted H. F. BALDWIN, Chairmen. G. F. SHREVE, General Manager. FOR MISSED PAPERS IN BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-5561 If you have not received your Times - Gozette by 7 p.m, call KING TAXI All calls must be placed before 7:30 p.m. St. Paul's United Church King's Crescent, Ajax 1 Minister A. M. BUTLER, BA, Phone 614 Organist ond Choir Director Mrs. FREDERICK JOHNSON Phone 44M Rev. SERVICE OF WORSHIP SUNDAY, 11:00 AM. FEBRUARY 23 Theme: "THE HOLY MINISTRY AND OUR PART IN IT" Admission of Elders ond Installation of Stewards' SUNDAY SCHOOL | YOU THINK OF VALUE TODAY... SATISFACTION TOMORROW WHEN YOU SAY "FRIGIDAIRE" FD 120C-37 3 Only -- 1957 Refrigerators AS ILLUSTRATED Especially Priced To Clear Our Stock The most exciting change that ever came inte your kitchen Featuring: Cycla-Matic Defrosting, 2 Full-width Roll-to-You Shelves, Porcelain Hydrators with chilling coil for correct moist cold vegetable storage. The 'Plan a Door" enables you to tailor door storage to best serve your family needs ~-- 60-lb, zero zone freezer, When you plan a kitchen, don't put a round peg into o square hole" « + + Use modern Frigidaire SHEER LOOK Appliances. Make every corner count, Never Before . . . A Genuine Food Freezer -- Refrigerator Priced for the BUDGET MINDED BROUGHT TO YOU BY HOME APPLIANCES LTD. I Senior, 9:30 a.m. Junior, 11:30 a.m. 90 SIMCOE ST, §. (OSHAWA) RA 5-5332 A Truly Genuine SALE! .. .With Savings Up To 60% PART ROLLS FOR WALL TO WALL ODD SIZES FOR ROOM SIZE RUGS TWISTS PATTERNS VELVETS THIS IS OUR ANNUAL WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SALE ALVI RUG CO. 34 SIMCOE S. RA 5-9332

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