4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZITTE, Seturday, Februery 22, 1958 HITBY and DISTRIC The first Whitby company of) Members of the Whitby Kins- |Girl Guides opened their meeting men Club join this week with at the All Saints' Apglican Kinsmen across the nation to ob- Church, and following opeaing| serve the third annual National |ceremonies, attended a lecture Kinsmen Week. As part of their and sightseeing tour of the Whit- observance, the Whithy clnh, by Fire Hal'. which was formed 16 years ago, Kenneth Corner, assisted by reviewed the history of their club Fire Chief Bruce Corner admin- and its activities in the town. istered the lecture, which showed! The Kinsmen Club of Whitby | Guides Visit Whitby Kinsmen Look Back Fire Brigade On Their 16-Year History This is the site where the present arena stands, Club finances are raised street fairs, millionaires' night, bingo, peanutworking very bard on sales, bulb sales, and the Kinect at the present time Bowling Club. , The thought is now being dis-meeting.s fhe chub An8 Surtd out to Ye avuited of the Pulling tremendous success. men Service Centre not house A A great amount of the Kinsmen This building is a Kinsmen club raffles, munity cent: carnivals, ttee have a report to give at In 1953 two television sets were presented to Fairview Lodge for the use of the men and women of the lodge. Elmer the Safety Elephant made an appearance in Whitby at all schools this year and Is still carried on by the club. BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS TOWN OF WHITBY the, different methods of fighting was formed through the efforts of| In 1955 the Kinsmen Club was fires, extinguishers, first aid ia instrumental case of burns and shock, and camping. Following the lecture, the guides under the leadership of Mrs. William Lawlor went around the fire hall, and climbed into the trucks, where they were shown what all the equipment was used for, This visit to the fire hall was in coanection with a fireman's! badge which the girl guides are presently working on. ; Mr, Cliff Gartshore who 'vas a ber 'of the Ki Club of |Oshawa, and moved to Whithv in |1942, On May 15, 1942 The Kins- men Club of Whitby received ils Charter with Harry Curtis as charter president and Cliff Gart- shore as secretary. The charter membership o! the cub showed an enrol t of 23 bers. During the first years of the club a number of small projects {were undertaken for the benefit Light Snow Here In Recent Storm One hundred and fifty yards of snow was removed from Whitby streets after the Feb, 18 fo 20 snow storm reported John Rae, Works Supervisor, Town of Whit- by. This was not the largest snow- fall of this year, he said. There #3 of the ity. However, the most important project was the National Milk for Britain Fund| which the Whitby club assisted to| |send milk to the needy children! 'of Britain. In 1946, a local project that was to be a great asset to the Town of Whitby took place with the pur- {chase by the Kinsmen club of the| in having safety patrols formed in all schools in town for the safety of all school children, supplving stop signs, rubber coats and hats, white safe- tv belts for the use of all stu- dents on patrol. The Kinsmen club sponsored an | Inter Service Club night includ- ing Kiwanis, Rotary and Kins. men, the three service clubs of the town, this has developed into an annual affair, sponsored alter- natelv by the three clubs. APPLICATION FOR STENOGRAPHER fications will be received until noon on Friday, Merch 7, 1958, for the position of Stenogrepher in the Police Office. Applicants should stete sducetion, typing end shorthand speeds, age, maritel stetus end selery expected. ANNUAL EVENTS | Some of the annual events of the club are the Hallowe'en party for all children of the town and district. Civic night, a Civie night at which all Civie bodies are in- vited tp attend dinner with the! Kinsmen Club, { A soap box derby is usually property known as the Castle (held where the boys of the town| rounds, to be made into a chil- have an opportunity to display dren's playground. The park was their skill at building a derby car equipped with swings, teeters, slides, ponycycle, sand boxes, to- boggan slide and park benches. FORMED BAND Through the untiring efforts of | Kin Ragner Steen in 1947, the Kinsmen Boys' Band was formed and was a great boost to the club and the Town, making many ap- |pearances locally and in the dis- was 290 yards of snow cleared from the streets after the Jan. 27 to 30 snowfall, and after the Feb. 4 to 6 storm, 258 yards was wo A & KIWANIANS ENTERTAIN AT LADIES NIGHT The Kiwanis Club of Whitby | ium of the arena, Dancing and | above are wives of four mem- | ter, Mrs. John Rae, Mrs. Bob last night entertained their a buffet supper were enjoyed | bers of the club. Left to right, | Jack and Mrs. Ivor Lawrence. |removed. Kweens at a semi-annual la- | dies' night, held in the auditor- | by nearly 100 persons. Shown | they are: Mrs. Harold Slich- | --Photo by Robertson, Whitby | Although other centres in this EE Et A GS FS LONE C8 - TT er rr -- _- - ------ district were hit harder than be- Dunnies To Meet Wembley 2X ™E WAY SRL In Benefit Game In March | Housing, Furniture Needed Whitby Men's By Brooklin Fire Victims [Major Loop [uum asin itby Men's Major League, N i i LLOYD ROBERTSON (first problem will be to rent a Tuesday night: Pool Financial aid to the amount Kudos of the week most cer- house. . High Triples: M. Reeson 987 Recreation Commission by the tainly go to an unidentified Gen.| Next problem facing them will (363); L. Sabins 886 (205); D.|gincoon club to assist them in eral Motors employe who Thurs be furnishing a house and here Adams 810 (331); S. Cummings their work. This vool 5 now a day morning spotted a house orn! is another problem where district 777 (287); M. Jordan 758 (265); decided addition poo Kinsmen fire in Brooklin in time to let the residents will doubtlessly help. C. Gill, 757 (278); W. Watson 752 |p 1 {14 occupants reach safety un- The Brooklin Commuaity Club is|(283); J. Buechle 751 (328); P. i : 2 or 3 a.m. he was 0 spearheading a drive to raise Sweet 740 (266); J. Patterson 738 a ing the winter o 1 oe past the large house on Brook. funds for the two families anc| (322): B. James 731 (284); C. Arena being Closed and Rigi lin's main street when he turned anyone wishing to donate could Heath 724 (264); D. Rowden 708 would be without an arena for | trict, The thought of a Community Swimming Pool was brought up [by The Recreation Commission in 044 a The 4 an Tidy Whitby Dunlops will be guest|each and profits, above the cost, [1948 and The Kinsmen Cli stars at a Canada Night in Lon-|{will be turned over to the fund don on March 17. On that night, |to assist distressed and needy ex- they meet the Wembley Lions in|servicemen in the UK. | an exhibition hockey game, the| Instead of playing against Pais-| proceeds of which will go to the|ley (Scotland) on March 17, the Canadian Veterans' Association of | Dunnies will meet the Wembley the United Kingdom, The team |Lions (London) on this date and |spurred to take greater interest "las well as those who are work- in our national game and other ilies to rent living quarters. Their most impossible for large fam-|pedition to wade up to Port's new industry has decided to Perry. sports and te wrench themselves away from television and so enjoy fresh healthy exercise. As reported in Manager Wren Blair's article in The Times- Gazette on Thursday, the fact of such outstanding support by their fans and friends has given the Dunnies an immense moral boost. Wren Blair wrote: 'Finally, we have heard that the Oslo Fund is well over $6,000. A great cheer went up from the team when I told them this news and we wish to thank the many contributors 30WLING NEWS WHITBY LADIES CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE Top bowlers this week Isabel Mothersill with a 709 triple triple, High Triples (over 550): 1 Mothersill 709; M. Bilida 700; M Peggs 668; S. Dilling 631; M, Forbes 627; B. Sturgess 618; G Wiles 612; A, Mickecel 607; J, Archibald 598; N, McCarroll 59; T. Shaw 596; J. Fowler 586; F. Moore 585; P. Bremner 556; M. McKim 556; W. Brinning 551; 1 Robertson 550. High Singles (over 200): M, Bilida 267, 226, 207; B. Sturgess 264, 210; J, Archibald 256; F ing so hard in the various com- mittees to make the campaign a success. "It provides a great moral lift to the team to know that the folks at home are behind us like this and we will do our utmost to jus- tify the faith you have placed in us, at Oslo." : Most Cars Have Old Licences Sixty per cent of Whithy and were district car owners have not yet Inasmuch as this 160-acre tract Charles purchased their 1958 license |and Mildred Bilida with a 700 plates markers reports Miss Sonia land to be used only for heavy | smiles when he says it, Jacobson, chief Donald Limited. This is quite an astounding figure, considering that there is only 14 days left in which to pur- chase the licenses, so, to be sure that this figure was reasonably accurate, this reporter made a personal survey on Dundas St West yesterday between 10:10 and 10:45 a.m. and found that during this 30 minute period 100 motor vehicles passed by with old mark- ers, and only 34 motor vehicles issuer, Harry Activity is also noted in the bay |locate in Whitby. At the begin-{area, on the 23 acres which until ning of this year, the comm's-| last year was the site of the town sion, in an annual report to coua- dump. This land is admirably cil, forecast that a large industry suited for industry which would would locate here this year. be adjacent to the harbor, Soil | Directly across Dunlop Drive, tests have also beea made in that {from the Dunlop Canada tire area. plant, workmen yesterday were Questioned about drilling test holes for soil tests. sites, Industrial Chaytor has onlv one 'No comment," but he these two comment, has already been designated as industry, it would appear that -- S---- |some industry is very interested ' RR in the i XY Music Results At King St. Street corner gossip has it that Receiving first class honors in a large chemical manufacturing plant is considering locating here | Grade II plano in examinations | conducted by the Royal Conserva- ' DARY-BY-DAY tory of Music were Sarah Inkpen, { CASTLE CHAPTER A ay se Fahy nicpen | The monthly meeting of the ing Anney an ery. Castle Chapter (Senior Group) |= nu.' i of Ontario Ladies' College will be The three are pupils of the Commissioner with 1958 markers. held on Monday, Feb. 24 at 3.15 and racing against one another, Christmas cheer baskets are] given to the needy of the town each year. The Kinsmen Club has always been ready to give assis- tance to the needy and aged such as eye glasses, drugs and blood donors, During the Town of Whit- by Centennial celebrations the Kinsmen Club was to the fore in helping make this event such an ontstanding success. Inter club nights sponsored by different clubs of the district has always had members of the Whithy club in attendance. During the last two, years mem- bers of the club have competed in the district Kinsmen Club's curl- TENDERS Will be received by the undersigned until $ a.m. February 28, 1958 for the laying of @ new wooden floor at the water works pumping station. Specifications may be obtained at the P.U.C. office 128 Brock St. S., Whitby. THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Of The Town of Whitby A. Randall Chairman H. C. Simpson General Manager ing bonspiels and made a very| good showing, being as curling wag 2 new game to all members, The Kinsmen sponsored a golf] tournament between the three service clubs of the town, with the Rotary Club winning the first year, but the Kinsmen, led by that good old duffer,. Johnny Heard, brought the B and R tro- phy back to the Kinsmen Club this year, Ladies' Night is a semi-annual avent for the club members, their wives and girl friends. These af-| 'airs give the ladies the oppor-| unity to mingle with all club members and enjoy a social eve- ning. Members may bring guests| (with them to this dinner. The Kinsmen New Year's party held this last year was the first for \( RE-UPHOLSTERING Free Estimates PHONE MO 8-2344 T. ZAYETTE (Special Low Prices on Any Odd Chairs). | Re-cover and Save Fine "~'-¢'~n of Fabrics I if BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS TOWN OF WHITBY APPLICATIONS FOR CONSTABLE Applications will be received until noon on Friday, March 7th, 1958 for the position of Constable on the Town of Whitby Police Force. Salary $3,300.00 per annum, Applicants must state age, education, height, weight, experience, if any, and when services will be available. Address applications to the undersigned. JOHN R. FROST, Secretary, Board of Police Commissioners, 201 Brock Street South, Whitby, Onterle. Whitby Churches | I Created To i B/ iia, ores 4 Dealer STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works | 318 Dundos East MO 8-3552 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron end St. John Sts. REV. DAVID MARSHALL Organist: MRS. P. N. SPRATY | 9.45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Beginners' Class 7 p.m. Evening Service WASHER REPAIRS | PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 307 Brock Street North, Whitby Rev, O. J, MacPherson, Minister FAITH BAPTIST 421 BROCK $7, MORTH--WHITBY Pastor: Rev, E. Corbett, B.Th.: 10 o.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 e.m.--OUR PASTOR 7 p.m.--YOUNG PEOPLE'S SERVICE Broadcast and service in charge of our Young People. Speaker BARRY JONES, also the GOSPEL FILM, "SEVENTEEN" An outstanding Youth film fer the interest of all. EVERYONE WELCOME : work Wr mer | Complete check up. Wringer grease end stock. Special price oll chaigd. rolls in complete over And #-plionce «18 Brock St. 5, Whitby MO 8-3707 insulation, blowing method | Free estimates. Septic tanks cleahed| WHITBY will also see a rousing send off will play the Paisley team "on by hundreds of Canadians living March 20 instead of the Wembley In a letter to Charles Chay- been switched. Although the mes- tor, Whitby's Industrial Commis- sage did not so state, it seelns sloner, James Armstrong, Agent obvious that the final part of the fo wr Ro , (264): M. Sess (260): M. 8B, Ag in the alarm. gn iy touch With Ray Kenneds. LR So Ms gd the youth to skate and play hock- Kingdom reports that the] Mar. 14-15, in Paris; wi hin minutes, say operators © Fiery by comacil 701 (254); D. Brimmer 690 (247); [¢¥. With that thought in mind the CVAUK is sponsoring the even-|travel to London; Mar. 17, play at the Brooklin Bell Telephone 4 : Bcd Kinsmen Cub purchased the Mr. st {Wembley (Special "Canada : : 13s lille ig A Roy > received, four others turned in pext Week Seliing 2 budget and Branding: No. 1 team, 11/vears. With the possibility of a He says that he expects that gay; Mar. 19_ travel to Glasgow; [Similar calls. By their efforts, Jax 2010 lors ea ie coun pts.: No. 2 team, 10 pts.: No, 3 community arena with artificial 1,000 Canadians living in Britain Mar. 20, play Paisley; Mar. 21, Mr. and Mrs. Elgia Finch and!" ' La PF «ml are ice being erected in town, the will be attending the game along sail from Liverpool on the "Em- > . : pts.: No. 5 team, 9 pts.; No. 6 Kinsmen Club donated the old Mrs. J3letonrne Woods Si their BOD Toe EP und | team, 8 pts.; No. 7 team, 13 pts.;|arena and property to the Arena six children were able to escape. "2! + Ula |r | h h sts for the game are one pound|/N.B TE TS a xe Be. election campaign ia this riding, [3% 8 { Commission to start the drive. were wearing but, typical of the tions. Hg says that he likes to| . . Oslo Fund Is Now $200 cierto mi 3° Soil Tests Being Made |offers of clothing are pouring in amounts. That way, he said, the books are not cluttered up by of ol Short Of $7.000 Mark {NEED HELP adding donations for $3, $7, or $9 On Indust 1 1d ites | Much more aid will be needed|. . . That groundhog who saw his fs inching forward towards the ways. Other schools are warmly lished. In the first instance, | weeks of winter certainly was not |hy Industrial Commission are that the property has alrejdy $7,000 mark. Present total to date invited to follow Westmount neither family has a home and fooling. One more storm like the keeping very silent, it appears chaaged hands and that the firm is exactly $6,817.20 -- which in-|School's'lead. Even those unable readers who have four or more one this week, and it would take that it will not be long before an|will begin construction next fnce of Ontario. Latest donations gratefully ac- nowledged by the Whitby Dun- George Gottardi (a young ad- firer in Toronto) -- $5; West- mount School, Oshawa -- $5; The box at Stafford Brothers -- $2; Mrs. Gordon Brown -- $2, +The donation from Westmount eome because of the note accom- nying it from the principal, rold Pascoe, who wrote: fount School Carnival is en elosed. Best wishes to all the Dunnies, and especially to Wren students of our school, and to those boys who came up through Oshawa City League." this splendid team is being fol-| [owed eagerly by the school chil- dren of the whole district -- and A . piano class of King St. School s this promote healthy pride SINGER OK Moore 256; I. Mothersill 250, 233, Wi! ; § ' fn their Canadian team but also] NEW YORK (AP) Singer 221; M. Forbes 242, 203; T. Shaw | 'The government has issued p.m. in the Common Room. The{ S0pducted Dy Mrs. Ella Sharp, the country's great national Harry Belafonte left hospital 242; A. Mickecel 237; M. Peggs fair warning' said Miss Jacobson, |guest speaker will be the Dean the cumulated from the youngsters muscle surgery on his right eye. Sandford 224; 8. Dilling 223, 216; line, the demand should be ex-|subject "My Trip Around the| paturally limited funds, this $5 is|His condition was termed "very A. Hewis 223; G. Wiles 221, 216; tremely heavy." She also warned world." A generous donation indeed but 1s|satisfactory." M. McCaffrey 218; I, Heard 216, car owners that when they pur-| E | SCOUT MOTHERS 210, 203; D, Kehoe 210; M. Heron and have in their possession a] The 1st and 2nd Scouts and IFIED 210; P. Bremner 209, 205; W.|Hability insurance certificate Cubs Mothers' Auxiliary will hold | Brinning 209; J. Fowler 207, 207; |which will save them $5. Unless their regular monthly meeting on gome |with them, they will have to pay Council Chambers. All members | Points for the day: Maple Buds the extra five dollars, | 3, Lollipops 1; Life Savers 4, Pep- in Great Britain. Lions. The games have, in fact, General for Ontario in the Unit.Jd/Dunnies will thus be: Mar. 16, lofice, where the fire 'alarms are Will spend at least two evenings B. Joyce 881 (255); W. Badgley) ovACl (on (Cg GRE, (Lo president of the association. Night'); Mar. 18, play Harrin- their four children. and Mr. and|We hope the town rate will drop team, 10 pts.; No. 4 team, 15 with English hockey fans. Tick-|press of Britain" for St. John, No. 8 team, 8 pts. caped with only the clothes they|has some good ideas about dona- to the two families. pot gets bigger faster and the The Whitby Dunlops Oslo Fund also a fine investment in so many before the families are re-estab. shadow and forecast six more| Although members of the Whit-| ore optimistle rumour has it eludes the $1,000 from the Prov-|to give a cent will thus be children will realize that it is al-'a Hillary and a South Pole ex-|announcemeat will be made that month. lops Oslo Fund Committee are: Munns Press -- $10; Collection School was particularly wel "+ "A small donation from West- Blair and Gordie Miles, former | It is clear from this letter that obably all of Canada. Not only | ATCM, RMT. game and sports in general. Ac-| Friday after a four-day stay for 230, 228, 210; I. Robertson 226; G. "and before the March 12 dead-|of OLC, Mrs. Linda Clark, -- |209; K. Loyst 214; N. McCarroll [chase new markers to be sure M. McKim 204, 204; R. Peleshok the purchasers have this card Monday, Feb. 24 at 8 p.m. at the 202. ipermints 0; All Sorts 4, Jelly the sanitary way. Walter Ward, Whitby. | | Phone MO 8.2563 Feb. 22} | PANT cuffing and alterations. Reason. able, Phone MO 83360: 1013 Centre South, Feb. 28 i B 0 C Phone MO 8-3618 EVENING SHOWS 7 - 9 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 |and friends are reminded to at- tend the Scouts and Cubs open house to be held at the Town Hall | WHITBY | Beans 0; Humbugs 4, Gumdrops 0. -- One furnished room. | on Saturday afternoon. FOR rent Phone MO 8.2466. Marchs | The Mothers' Auxiliary of the FOR MISSED PAPERS 4th troop Scouts and Cubs. will hold their regular monthly meet- PERSONALS FOR Rent -- Apartment furnished, two| rooms, large attractive bed sitting IT'S A WARM, HAPPY WONDERFUL PICTURE! room, and modern kitchen, Apply 231 Palace Street. March 2| FOR rent -- Four . roomed apart. | ment, kitchen range, laundry facilities. TV outlet, close to Highway 401. Phone | Picker ng 537 WA. 14 FULLY qualified plano teacher, homes visited. Apply Mrs, N, Doherty, Con. | cession 7 East, RR 1, Brooklin, March 4. 3 ling on Monday, Feb. 24 at the Arter, Metz. ae ser Aon (United Church Hall at 8 p.m. Wilson, of Kingston, will spend | F1ans will be discussed for the {the week end with their pareats, | Coming tea and also reports on Shoot Results [Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson, of | {he Father and Son banquet held February handicap results: Dundas street east. last Friday evening. | eat, W. Warburton, 208 x 22;| Mr and Mrs. Howard McGill] DUNDAS HOME, SCHOOL Here is entertainment | second, tied for by Max Barker | attended the Laughlin-Remego | The monthly meeting of the sp ter cent off. Dor-Mar Beauty Salon: | . bo lik land Jim McQuay with scores of (wedding held in St. Mary's Dundas Home and School Asso-| Mo 8-3992, 40f | for everybody who li €5|997 x 23 each. These three win. Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church ciation will take place at the Oshawa, last Saturd § | {FOR rent = Four Yafinished, rooms, to laugh. |ners walked off with the silver-| shawa, last Saturday afternooa. school auditorium on Wednesday, children welcome. Apply ne Here is @ movie |"*'*: 2 ' -- | COLD wave special, February 17-26; IN WHITBY Phone MO. 8-3111 If you have not received your Times-Gezette by 7 P.M., Call BELL TAXI All calls must be placed between , 7 end 7.38 p.m, | Fred Borchuk, will be celebrating . | Street dic Linda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | 0 enjoy... to sak pp et scores were as follows: 10 a.m. ~SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 a.m ~--WOMEN'S MIS- SIONARY SERVICE Guest Speaker: MRS, H. MICHELSON 7 p.m.--EVANGELISTIC SERVICE We Invite You to Attend these Services LET'SALL GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH 3rd Concession West of Brock N. 10:00 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP (ENGLISH) 2:30 P.M. AFTERNOON SERVICE (DUTCH) WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev. John M. Smith, B.A, Mrs, J. Beaton, Minister . Acting Organist, MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM. "WE BELIEVE IN REDEMPTION" EVENING HOUR 7 P.M. "THE BOY SCOUT SERVICE" SUNDAY SCHOOL, 11 AM, Girls and boys under 9 yeors 10 AM, Girls and boys 9 years and over, 11 AM, Infant Care. Junior Worship, WERBERT J. YATES TRIE QUIET faring Color by TECHNICOLOR BY POPULAR JOHN WAYNE REQUEST MAUREEN O'HARA - BARRY FITZGERALD INARD BOND +VICTOR McLAGLEN MILDRED NATWICK + FRANCIS FORD ICBM IN MANCHURIA TAIPEI, Formosa (Reuters) Russia has begun building an RUSS BRYANT Radiotor and Heater Feb. 26 at 8 pm, Mrs. 8. Shar oe eee | {ples of Oshawa will be the guest|/FOR rent -- Clean furnished bedroom | [for the evening g (for one or two men or girls. Abstainers 3 ' T r v ; Cl P . Smith, 207 x 21: L. Hall, 205 x her 15th birthday on Sunday, Feb Jor leevenmg, {os} , Klose to Fusion and the Amer. d h . 29. A Son 25 16; Db St 22. Her friends wish her many Jn - EFT wry bome and keep in 2; A. Sonley, x 18; D. St.ihappy- returns of the day. SAVE 42 FROM FIRE - {FOR rent --_ Completely fumished Aadrews, 293 x 18; J. Treen, 293 three-room apartment, heavy duty your beart! x 15; R. Hawkins, 201 x 18: G.| Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lajoie, their HATTIESBURG, Miss. (AP) (save, refrigerator TV optlel Apely Treen, 200 x 16: D. Markle, 239 x son Michael and daughter Fleur-|A nursery school operator and|§™ pia" 53,3 : 7 Tat 15: J. Minty, 288 x 19. |ette, left for Sudbury yesterday hev Janghier saved Wi small wirray "Beautiful self.contained | . where they will visit their families| children from a burning school|furnished three-room apartment. Ga. | li Rasales of Vaokly Ja revel and especially Mrs. Lajoie's| Thursday--some of them several irage available. No children. MO 8.2327 | tions: Team No. 3, J. Tremp, her who is critically ill. times. Mrs. Myrtis Burkett, 41, Ha Se! capt., 389; team No. 1, L. Hall, /"™" s said some of the children fol- FOR RENT -- Lower apartment, un.| capt, 375; team No. 5, J. Mc-| Linda, daughter of Mr. and|lowed her back i the burning furnished, large living room, bedroom, Quay, capt, 375; team No. 2, F.|Mrs. C. H. Clark, of Athol street, building. "Td. got a bunch. of tlichen. "Splece bath. quiet location: v 4 bo " 30 NO. 'N GF ps " x hi ; ol street, building. "I'd get a bunch Of hot water and heat provided. Adults | ar bur ton, capt., : team No. recently celebrated her 10th birth- {them out and they'd follow me MO 82435. 45a 4, C. Greenfield, capt., 357 day. A party was arranged for right back in the fire,"" Mrs.'FOR Sale -- 10" Gravity Oil Burner, | The Port Hope Club journeyed the occasion with the following |Burkett said 2 gal, tank and stand. $15.00, MO 8.2587 {here to challenge the Whitby Club|guests: Nancy Allard, Sarah Ink. DAY are tw Ih last Saturday. After the smoke|Pen, Sandra Rycroft, Jennifer Phone MO B 1928 Whithy. 0 Shi phi had all cleared away the Whitby | Rowland, Dona Smith, Lyn Read n 2 Club had defeated their chal-/@d her two sisters Mary Helen lengers by a margin of 10 points, (and Heather. Various games were | Sand : | Atl' miemberg please take note | Plaved and tasty refreshments intercontinental ballistic missile that all hand ble will bel Served including a nicely decor- base in Manchuria, a Chinese ir Se at ancs possible will bej "pi thday cake Nationalist spokesman told a Repair Service ¢ needed on Saturday, March 8, at press conference here today. Hel 900 BROCK STREET NORTH Mr Clark the range. The Whitby Club will Dorval | PHONE MO 8-2506 £3 sb : Is confined said construction of the base is) be host to about 100 shooters from to his home with REV. JAMES E. TETLEY b ckness, his part of an over-all Soviet design Toronto and District for this|friends wish him Tues, Thurs, Set., Feb. 28 a prompt re- to conquer the world under the | tournament. | covery, cloak of a peace offensive. A WEEK OF EVANGELISTIC SERVICES REV. JAMES E. TETLEY, TORONTO In Whitby Baptist Church Centre Street at Colborne, Whitby Saturday, Feb. 22; (Youth Night) to Friday, Feb. 28 Services: Sunday 11 am. ond 7 p.m. Week nights at 7.45 p.m, SPECIAL MUSIC EVERY EVENING Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister