THE RARE OCCURRANCE | standard bearer in Ontario Rid- | mond, minister of reform insti- THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, February 23, 1958 § Starr Is Nominated To Seek Fourth Term . | Insurance Act Revision F leming Cites | ; . : Promised By Candidate Grit Mistakes ; | The first man of Ukrainian de- iately Jy the election. business," he said, and pledged scent to he named to the federal| He outlined the legislation that himself to find the solution. i Conservative partment of labor had set the cabinet, the Hon. Michael Starr, had been instigated on behalf of SECONDARY INDUSTRY 0g Mag "hail vd of 520,000, (of Oshawa, was Friday night labor during the fcw months the| One solution, he said, would be was Friday night told that the "Which government is respon- named the Progressive Conserva-| Conservative government had/to encourage secondary indus Liberal Government had not only sible for this unemployment," he, tive candidate for Ontario Riding been in office, noting a two- tries, taken no steps to avert the pres- asked, "a government in office(in the Mar, 31 federal election. month extension in the period of| "The former goverment ent unemployment situation but|eight months doing every*hing it He was minister of labor in the unemployment Insurance benefits| watched our resources go dows had actually suppressed warnings could to alleviate the situation or|Diefenbaker government since among others. the river to be processed else that such a situation would arise.'a government in office 22 years June 10 of last year. It marked REVISE UIC where," he said. "We would en- The Hon. Donald Fleming, minis-| which made not the slightest the fourth time he has been stan-| He said that if re-elected, the courage secondary industries to ter of finance, speaking on behalf step to meet unemployment?" dard bearer for the Conservatives| government planned to revise the process products 'right in Ca- of the Ontario Riding Conserva- DRAGGED TO POLLS ... in this riding. {Unemployment Insurance Act to/nada." tive candidate, the Hon, Mich-| He charged that the Liberals Six persons were nominated meet conditions as they now| Mr. Starr is a former mayor of ael Starr, said that the Liberal and their leader by their attitude | from the floor at a well-attended exist, not as they existed when|Oshawa. He was first elected to tion, Norman Down, of Osh. |government had been warned a seem to have been "dragged kick. meeting in Whitby Town Hall, the the act was drafted. He said that the federal government for Ome other five withdrawing in favor|the Unemployment Insurance tario Riding in 1952 in a by- that Shown | . ear ago unemployment ing and screaming to the polls". ava, Stows in thé photo le iy year i BBD or? but Se the he said that shortly after Mr, of Mr. Starr, Nominated besides Commission would be overhauled election. Since then he has sue- right are Mr. Fleming, Mr, public that the economy of the Pearson was named Liberal lead-|Mr. Starr were William Thomp- to secure a better placement ser-|cessfully contested two general Starr, Mr. Down and Dr. Dy- | country was sound and healthy. ler he had breathed a challenge Son, of Ajax; T. K. Creighton, vice for applicants, {elections mond, ing in the Mar, 31 election. The minister of labor was accom- panied to the meeting by the Hon, Donald Fleming, minister of finance. Later in the even- tutions in the Ontario govern- ment, arrived to thank the speaker, Shown above are the three ministers with the presi- of no less than three cabinet ministers meeting in the Whit- by Town Hall took place Friday night at the nomination of the Hon, Michael Starr, of Oshawa, He said that the act would be| Following the formation of a C, of Oshawa; Hayden Macdon- | l revised to deal with the seasonal| government by John Diefen- "emi eo} i » HOVE: nt would be de-|Q Mr. Fleming said igs it' had | that the government wo ald of Oshawa: that Liberal feated soon. ~ Society of the County of Ontario last meeting, gave its approval to + cutive committee that the society advertise for the services of a garet Hancock, ed out that the Child Welfare Act regulations require that a person hold a university degree in social work or being eligible to hold the office of director, formed the duties of acting direc tor since the death of Miss Ha as Progressive Conservative | ing, the Hon CAS Will Advertise For Qualified Director our care since last summer and who was mentally retarded has now been transferred to the On- tario Hospital School at Smith's The board of the Children's Aid ent, Eight adoptions had and the City of Oshawa, at its completed during the month, a recommendation from its exe- approved during the month fully qualified director to assume the duties of the late Miss Mar- ¢ ing children, The executive committee point- its equivalent before with unmarried mothers Stanley Mason, who had per- men! on Jan, 31, application for adoption by a par- been Fourteen boarding home appli- cations had been approved. Eight adoption home applications were of January and there were now 141 adoption probation homes await. Fourteen new cases of contacts with unmarried mothers had been opened during the month and four with putative fathers, Four cases and three with putative fathers had been closed, There were a total of 121 open cases in this depart. The services of the society to children in their own homes had Falls. Matthew Dy- | dent of the riding PC associa- Mr, Mason asked the board for permission cedure in handling hospitalization costs of any children in our care This is just to change the pro- a matter of book keeping and does not make any difference to the amount charged to the municipalities Incidentally it is the method recommended in and Gordon report on the Children's Ald Societies of the Metropolitan area of Toronto, the Woo the operation Mr ference which d of Mazon reported on a con Mr, Saunders and he had attended today in Toronto William New-| --Photo by Robertson, Whitby been learned Film Tells True Story bwin bat a hg dhe The feature of the Youth for | \NKED WITH US In the June election, he said, away from the riding until about by many on resource and sea- evening at Friday night's Pro- Christ Rally, beiag held in the| "gn oauce of the unemployment the people of Canada had explod- Mar. 21. He said that an itiner-|sonal employment. The situation, gressive Conservative come Masonic Temple at 7.45 p.m. to-| git ation, he said was Canada's ed two myths of the Liberal party,|ary of speeches in other ridings he said, will get worse if some- vention, was also the special day, will be the showing of the|.oce link with the United States the myth of Liberal invincibility had been prepared and he would thing is not done. speaker seven years ago whem 40-minute color movie Suicide|goonomy, brought about by the! and the myth of Liberal indispen-|be able to do little campaigning| 'As long as one Canadian is| Mr. Starr was first nominated as Mountain, Liberal administration which had | sibility, that there could never be before the last 10 days immed-|out of work it is the government'si standard bearer for the party. Filmed in Japan, the film claimed that a commonwealth another cabinet with men of the -- shows the breath . taking scenery trade conference was not pos- stature of those in the Liberal . of this far away land and at the|sible, He said that there are near- cabinet. game time tells a true story re-|ly five million unemployed in the gL ECTION NECESSARY ugges 101 | al 1 vealing the power of the Gospel.|U.S, and "is it any wonder that, ye gaid that an election had 1itabl | ns : ; i Boos Ideas Profita e Chassis Inspection -- Joseph otieidies 3 They "PR 'hen parliament was in ses- .ould seek a working majority Roach, Maurice Richards, Charl. Buielae at Mount 350. Sev Rid sion, he claimed that the Liberals! «How can a government make His suggestion that the paint- Chassis Assemblies -- Thomas .¢ Elliott, tract Gods Simple Plan of Salva. ad CCF members rubbed their jong term plans unless it has the ing operation on the heater core Hobbs, William Vliegenthart, Body Inspection -- Marrry |see in this their only hope of he charged, had dragged the ses- paint section in the north plant,|Burdette Dales, Russell Dean (2),| Sales -- Harold: Donnell. being restored to office." sion through the Liberal national |in the General Motors Suggestion Lawrence Beal. | Maintenance Glenson Me Mr. Fleming stated that the convention and the CCF would!plan, Stamping Plant -- Arthur Bee- Gee, Hilmore Archer, Warres said, an, of Pickering we Harry sgemployéd. The Liveral admini- baker in June of last Lear, my | s March of last year that!feel that this is a good time for Jermyn, mayor o thy. {stration, he said, had neglected Starr was named minister a CS Marth Jae . feel people of the nation to pass In accepting the nomination, | this facet of the UIC services and labor, the first man of Ukrainian "They not only took steps to judgment on the Diefenbaker Mr. Starr advised his followers had made no attempt to get at|descent to be named to the avert this situation," he said, government. In eight months, he that they would have to work the roots of unemployment prob- cabinet. ["they suppressed the warnings | said, the government had brought exceptionally hard for him in this lems and find a solution. By an odd coincidence, the Hon. . 4 4 ig ation election since his status as a| He said that one of the Donald Flemi inister of d told the people that the econ-'in a record amount of legis] ! ne a g, and to. peop for the good of the country. cabinet minister forced him to be of unemployment was a reliance nance, who was speaker of the government had been warned as| The Conservatives, he South Plant Shipping -- Altos Hagerman, Norman Ibbitson. 8. P. Receiving, Inspection Sal. vage -- James Cowan, Harold Cook, William Lamb, John Kane, John Michael, The film presents the thrilling (We have unemployment here too, been called in order not only that story of the Da of a Fd because of the Liberal policy of the Conservatives could be judged aese couple who contemplated |tYing our economies together'. Ion their record but that they tion hands in glee every time they agsurance of support through housing frame be eliminated won | Smith, Kenneth Bissett, Ken Stur- Chesebrough. rue _ |learned that the number of un- {he normal life of a parlia- the January top award of $534 to/man, Robert Trotter. | Payroll -- Jean Clary. {employed had risen. 'They could ent?" he asked. The Liberals, |Bill Duffield, of the small parts| Truck Line -- John Brockman, Purchasing -- Glen Fry. have dragged the session into| cock, had given most satisfactory |bureau of statistics and the de- service to the society but he did pot possess the qualifications re- quired by the act and for that reason the executive commit. tee regretted it could not recom- mend him for the position, The board moved lo pay a bonus to Mr, Mason during the period he served as acting direc been extended to 14 new cases during the month, and eight cases cass numbr 203 involving 882t had been closed. The total open children. Of these cases, 131 are county family court matters Court work during the month had involved the granting of 14 new temporary orders, the re- newal of nine existing temporary (orders, the termination of one tor, STATISTICAL REPORT Income Tax Rid To Be Given the come tax division of the Depart- ment of National Revenue will be lin Oshawa from Mar. 3 to Mar. | GOOD FOOD Business Men's Luncheon LANCASTER HOTEL Four ; assessors from in- 7, Inclusive, for the purpose of answering enquiries in connec-| tion with income tax returns. | These are the only dates these| officers will be available in Osh.| awa, Arrangements have been made for them to occupy Room 206 of the Federal Building, .47 Simcoe street south, Oshawa. The public Is requested not to phone' the post office regarding income tax information. Nationa! Union of Public Service Employees, Local 45 A Dance, February 22, 9-12 p.m. in the Knights of Col umbus Hall, Bond Street W, Refreshments and prizes Tickets $1.25 each, 450 | THE LIBRARY WORLD Books On Library Shelves | Bring The Past To Life ES zz=== The following reviews are |gone much danger in battle and/Britain and Rome at the time of made by school children to the written by a member of the [from treacherous enemies of their |Hadrian (the hgok was published |ibrary, staff of the boys' and girls' own tribe that all the needed evi- in the United States under the|-- MEAT SPECIALS! MONDAY ONLY! department of the McLaugh- dence to clear the family name title *N AGE TO HADRIAN") TENDER Cc LB. 44 lin Public Library is secured. holds the reader's interest by ite THE YEAR OF THE HORSE, by The devotion of the two friends, sheer excitement ¢ WING STEAKS +69 5 1.00 Rita Ritchie. the patient endurance of Botokai The young Roman, Paul, res. FRESH MADE COUNTRY STYLE u 29° The Oshawa and District As. sociation for Retarded Chil dren will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, Febru- ary 24, ot the CRA. Hall, Gibb St, at 8 p.m. Every body welcome, | BINGO ORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, FEB. 22, 8 p.m Share tie and his Victoria rink slipped | through with a 9-8 win over High |Park's Lloyd Sharpe. NARROW WIN The North American Life event was won by Bob Gray of To. +ronto Scarboro by an equally narrow margin. Tied 10-10 at the end of the 11th end, he scored one on the 12th to edge Dick Doner of Toronto Granite The Seagrams Trophy was won Brampton's Doan Be§t, who curled Bob Metcalf of To ronto Royals 87 3 Ted Sellers of Unionville bea! Archie Watt of Toronto Civil Service 19 15 in the Monarch re Knitting event Dave Paterson of Toronto St George's copped the Parker Pen {Trophy giving C. N. Sedgewick lof Toronto Bank of Nova Scotia a 134 shellacking. Sedgewick conceded on the 10th end Semi-final results included: North American Life Toronto Granite, Dick Doner Orillia, W. E. Thorington 2 Seagram Trophy Thornbury, Jack Mitchell Brampton, Doa Best 11 Monarch Knitting Rev. + Pereyma Unionville, Ted Sellers 13 . . f th id have done Another big award winner was vor, Herbert Proctor, Leonard Holt, Hotze Pel, Mike Charuk, Children's Aid Societies to Eternity if they cou |Gordon Pearson of the parts de-|Holt. [Cecil Temperton, Horst Burk, po! IY Bre easier of bach: fem S 1Cers are: 30, | partment. He won $232 for an| Material Handling -- Robert|Welbin Appleby, Frank Westfall, in Social Work to Tae bein Finance committee -- R. L he sad via a shell of public ides to convert 1957 Poatiac ac- frederick Baugh (2), Leo Me-| Donald Bouckley (2), Terence a eke. . "KE. G. 8 s elected . works tha e Liberals TE + hh ' . id in the Children's Aid field. ly, Baie Sat Siecid shais. Agden Contmitiee 1. nounced in 1945 did not exist and SesSory. WIRE Packages ab Hey Griskin (2), Allan Imesoa. Qeppen, me rome 1, RATE FOR 1958 St. Andrews United Church at French R. Burr, R. D. Christie. When the present 'unemployment con De a art ode, Salvage -- David McKnight. Haines 1 a. oan Houston, W. 'McLarty reported that the (1a first meet el 7 G. Bop : ""™ situation arose, the government| WO other parts dep; Tool and Die -- Reuben Broad. | eter Beeching, Timothy Kornie 3 : 1eeting of the board on R. G. Sproule hong Bos 5 wate" ployes, Cliff Rundle and Shirley pent Armas Lindstrom, Donald|(2(, Clifford Dexter, Norville sociey would be making the wednesday night Ushers and Choir committee -- 'had to start from scratch", Ann' Cook eived $166 and : od | Sweet usual application for the estab : F. L. Crossley, J. Reid. J. R.| The fact that the Liberals had {nn S00%son rec Sugden, Donald Hercia. Sweet, lishment of the rate for 1958 on! Other officers elected were: . © ""™ 2s -ls "+ Rliot taken any steps to prevent $56, respectively. ee Feb, 15. The rate for the coming|T. Greer, vice chairman; "20%. : : rising unemployment, was '"the| Other awards during the month . » statistical report, present- temporary order, the child hav |year would be $1.75 per day. An McLarty, treasurer; and | greatest betrayal of Canadian In- went to: | Tre sia Port, P es Bin has a per © to the A. G. Stapleton, secretary, EARLY AIR ROUTES | terests in history," he said. Passenger Body Assemblies -- ew usin O55 children under the supervision of and one application for wardship two municipalities for a grant to-| The committe of the board| In 1929, air service was estab-| The Hon, Matthew .B Dymond, | peg Clarke, Eddie Brown, Ar- the society on Jan. 31, 1958, Dur- had been dismissed. | wards the financing of non-statu.| = |lished to Red Lake, Pickle lake, of Port Perry, minister of reform|y, += gergin, | ° ing the month 25 new children Other services by the soclety tory services during 1958, This| Cranberry Portage and The Pas, institutions in the Ontario Legis- Industzial Relations -- Shiriey| had come under supervision, 14 the month had involved|grant had been approved by the, in Manitoba. lature, thanked the speaker: la tus 'Alex Hendry (2) | roup 1 being wards and 11 non-wards.ifour reports to the Officlal Guar-|County of Ontario but no reply eart un TI a. SRR Sores, Department "Walter | Nine children had been dis- dian, one report to the family al-1hag yet been received from the ; uh ny SpaTiment ivelock: (2 The seeds of a new 'business|ment, so it's logical we join te- charged from supervision, four lowance authorities, and 14 other city. "Towards this work the so- " ng Nach Lae Van Organization were sown in Osh-|gether to find the answers," he wards, three having been adopt. brief contacts. ciety is receiving the usual grant ] | v on pagel Henderson. Don. awa's Hotel Genosha Friday eve- stated. "This way we add to the od and one attained the age of 18| In his report, Mr. Mason drew from Community Chest for 195 ven A0n8iou, ray. James Cram, ning when businessmen of the sum total of knowledge in the years, and five non-wards, hav- attention to the large number of hyt it is understood that this will iC 210 TOWAY, d Hardwa city met with representatives of field." ing been adopted. Of the 392 chil-|children under care during thelbe the last grant the society re-| Gordon Miles, treasurer of the| Paint, Trim and Har ware kx. the National Office Management| BENEFIT FIRMS dren 15 were in the receiving! past month, However, this num- ceives from this source. Oshawa division of the Canadian Peter Vizniar, James Ho CX. Association, The organization was sald fe home, 196 in boarding homes, 60 ber 14 included children to whom The residence committee Heart Fund, reports that $1000 in William Spies, Ear ti 4 on The purpose of the meeting was improve the contribution which in free or wage homes, eight in reference was made In our last recommended the purchasing of donations have been received to North Plant laspec on wl qr to establish an Oshawa chapter'its members can r-ake to. the Ontario hospitals, two in Ontario report, Also included in this num- Sonograph Dictating Equipment date in Oshawa old Ricketts, George Row, or of NOMA which is an internation. welfare of their companies, Training Schools, and 111 in adop- ber were two children found to| for the use in the office, The two| The list of donations are: old Martyn, Goes Greer A al organization with 170 chapters| Bud Jackson, Hamilton, who is tion probation homes. Eleven be living in most inadequate and units necessary for efficient oper-| Oshawa Dairy Limited verne Clemens, Arie Glasbergen (y,,ughout Canada, United States|the director of area five of children had been placed in adop- undesirable conditions and it is of ation would cost approximately, Coulter Mfg. Co. Ltd @. Gordo Copp} and Mexico. : INOMA, of which the Oshawa tion probation homes during the|interest to note that four older $600. It was moved by Mr. Saun-. The Robert Dixon Co. Itd. West Plant orth fuon Sopp Although one was not definitely | chapter would be a part, stress- month, three being non-wards children of this family are wards ders, seconded by Mr. Cranfield:| W. A. Wecker Wilfred Dodsword or au Ostrok formed, arrangements are being ed in his address that the organ- placed by. the society, two being of another children's aid society, That the society purchase the Stewart Alger Peter Strychalski, Sam Collins, made by five Oshawa business. ization was by no means restrict. privately placed, and six being'One little lad who has been in recommended equipment from Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Norman Hinds. men, including J. B. Reid, secre- ed to office managers. Sonograph at an approximate . ClLff Mills Motors Ltd. Fl tary treasurer of The Pedlar Peo-| The organization was formed |cost of $600 rubject to the ap-' Houdaille Industries Ltd. ple Limited, to have a second for the first time in 1919 in Chip. bowina . ig V Mac meeting to discuss the matter pawa Falls, Mass. Since that proval of the 1...icipalities. Hayden Macdonald (Oshawa) Lid. or further. Mr. Reid will call the time x has grows Saadlly Pin meeting, | today as over 18,000 members. THE Ladies' Auxiliary, Canadian Le - » " OFFICERS ATTEND glon Branch 43, are holding a Night off \Woodyiew Communit U t Two Americans, Fred A. Cards on Tuesday, F soniary » Rad, Cent y nionvi e 1rcu d e | Schultz, first vice-president of the Breet, Oshawa. Admission S0e includ re | I tn ciroulation 16 both national organization, and Wil- ing refreshments. Tickets available at | " . creases In circulation in both iam Evans, executive vice-presi- the door 45h | in 1n the adult and boys 'and girls dent of the national organization, departments were reported for as well as Walter Markle, presi- MODERN HOSTESS . |January by the Oshawa Public dent of the Toronto chapter, were Library. on hand to tell the men attend. | Demonstration by Schneider Co, BINGO Iop 1S The report presented by the ing the meeting about NOMA. February 25th 8 p.m. |chiet librarian shows adult circu:| Mr, Evans described the pur- ssion 40 Lunch TORONTO (CP) -- Though To- | a ARE (lation in January of this year pose of the organization as pro- Admisyisn f ph Pearl Group 8 PM, ronto rinks took half the trophies 3 J [totalled 13,458 compared with viding a means for the exchange uspices. of 'the PSs MON.. FEBRUARY 24th |i the Ontario Curling Associa . ; R A ' [11,855 ia the same month of last|of ideas. "No one can know the . ' tion's 31st annual bonspiel, it was |year. This was an increase of whole story of Office Manage- Nore: then left to a Unionville quartet to win WINTER WEATHER IN ENGLAND 1598, In the boys Jud girls' de. | - ES ---- : the main event. 4 : partment the circulation in Janu- 1 in Prizes Tho villaae og i February in the British Isles, | snow, the first to fall in the pi | $1,000 in Pri The village captured two of the as has been the case in Can. | area. since 1881, fell. The |2%. V2 11,836 compared with : including ton got the other ada, has been a stormy month. Nbather as Yel oid aod | This was an increase of 1504. , NO 1 IC E 2.$250.00 JACKPOTS Bob Lawrie's Unionville rink This picture, taken on Second | Times . Gazette is endebted loa tepart also States that 194 : ran up its sixth straight victory avenue, Frinton-on-Sea, Sussex, IT S ay othe Tova ceived he picture fom 3 | INCOME TAX RETURNS York Trophy. Lawrie skipped his lima Severs 3 | fri in January, 1957. Oue hundred 1 $150.00 Jackpot [rink to a decisive 13-7' triumph the climate. Several inches of | friend {and forty . three music records 20 Games at $20.00 over Col, J. Browne of Oakville were circulated compared with PREPARED BY 5 Games at $30.00 ner-up Birks event as Tom Beat- In the film department there were 82 showings of 117 films, In addition 16 film strips were given Five visits were made to the ONTARIO ACCOUNTING SERVICE 184 BOND STREET WEST, OSHAWA BUSINESS: @ RESIDENCE: called by the Ontario Association ed by Mr. Mason, showed 392 ing been returned to the parent, Albert Street United Church three remaining prizes. Bramp- 10,332 in the same month of 1957, | to Mrs, G. D. Cona y re. y Ne (55 and 53 Numbers) Friday night to take the Royal England, shows the severity of ois. GD. Conant who fe ling tie month compared with 175 Toronto monopolized the run 128 a year ago. BOB CLANCY'S DOOR PRIZES out, Oshawa General Hospital during| RA 5-0397 RA 3-7605 the month with 76 books circulat- | ed. In addition 242 periodicals | RED BARN left at North Oshawa I, one block past A & P Turn Scho Store BUS SERVICE TO THE FRONT DOOR <) 20 Regular Games the Wealth 4 $40 Jack- pots to go -- 1 $150 Special pn 44h MONSTER BINGO SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 each of $20, $30, $40, $50 Share The Wealth SAINT GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS by out 00 Admission 1 CARD Includes PHONE RA 3.3633 12 KING ST. EAST by VIKING'S DAWN, Henry 4, 3 slear the ne and intrigue. The Year of the ¥ to Rome to clear the name of the Horse is AD 1211, five years alter the Year of the Pig, when the father of the young hero, Botokai, was tricked into retreating dur ing a battle, accused of cowardice and expelled from the army in disgrace, dying soon after this Botokai and his mother are treated as beggars and outcasts but the boy determines to carry out his dying father's wish that their vame may cleared. By nursing back to health a sickly Botokai swift half-Mongol, half-Persian horse to carry him on his dangerous jour ney to the far north. The unex pected friendship of Dachu, an er's turns the tide in his spite of the success Treece, In AD 780, the young Viking, Harald, made his first voyage as one of the crew of 60 on the long boat built. by his village. After many adventures and hardships in battles with the.Picts, Franks and Irish pirates, he was the only one to come home The author's skill ia character- ization brings to life the old Norse rovers, telling their tales, fight ing fiercely and vigorously, en during pain and hardship WORD TO CAESAR, by Geoffrey Trease, Geoffrey T is well-known for his stories that bring the past to life. And the fact that there is usually a herdine as well as a Poet Severus who had saved his life and to secure his release from exile, The underworld of Rome is pic- tured as realistically as the villas of Britain and Severus' beautiful Sabine farm LIBRARY BRIEFS The school classes (Grades 4, 5 and 6) have begun their fifth round' of visits to the library A film festival will be held in the library auditorium on Feb, 27 and 28 at 8.15 p.m. Admission is by ticket only. Free tickets are available at the library maia desk or from film council members The Little People's Film Hour on March 1 will feature the films hero in them, makes them appeal Birds Canada, Falkland to girls as well as boys. This 1 I'he Motorman and Who's story of heroes and villains of Who at the Bronx Zoo, 12, 9 he 0 9; haw . A colt acquires a and the picture of army life under!, . s father i , The Gobi desert during the I cued when his father's legion wa ne Khang. Ine the fabulous Khan make a book destroyed, tells his own story of END CUTS--BY THE PIECE worth reading. travelling. fi: 5 i ritai kground for this tale of action ravelling from Bath in Britaia SPEEDY COMMUNICATION hat | East Pakistan plans a network 2 EXTRA GAMES OF $25 mitters to avoid. interruption In by nd offic son favor. But, in of the first part of their mission it is oot until they have under { of communications storms Yands Jan.24.25.Feb. {loods