"9 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturday, Pebrusry 23, 1958 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLOSES ITS DOORS ON SUNDAY King and this Sunda month the congre cation serv 1 in First Baptist Church, ! church on Hortop streets | Suaday, Mar, 2. The King street property has been sold to the city which plans to ex tend Mary street through to Athol street after the church building is removed, It is of Prospect Culminating worl ar pian hold dec it new treet on Almost exactly 86 years after Mt was formally dedicated = worship of God, final services will be held by the congrega tion to man ning f O rat \ ation w ce Friends Assist GOOD E VENING GEARIN | ° " ° i Fire Victims Br 02k Residents of the southern sec-|families, The only providential| tion of Ontario county are rally-|feature of this disaster being the _ |ng to the aid of the Finch and|miracle that none of those 14 | {Woods families who lost all their| persons were killed or injured in . |possessions when the 14-room the blaze, house, owaed by Mr, Finch, was| "Since no lives were lost we "destroyed in a fire at Brooklin in can all be thankful and show this | [the early hours of Thursday | thankfulness by suppporting the morning. appeal for financial assistance 4 Mr, and Mrs, Elgin Roy Finch being sponsored and adjnister- i 'and their four children and Mr.led by the Brooklin Community and Mrs, Selbourne Robert Woods |Club, We are very pléased with and their six childrea were allithe spontaneous effort of neigh- asleep in the house when the fire bors to date in supplying cloth- was discovered by night shifting, bedding and furniture and workers in the Oshawa plant ofthese contributions, when ecom- General Motors who were on their bined with the generous offer of way home from work, The fami- assistance from the Oshawa lies were forced to flee in their branch of the Canadian Red night attire and were left entire. Cross Society, will be sufficient A ly destitute, {for preseat personal needs. And The Finch family is being|it is very gratifying also to find givea temporary accommodation so many warm hearted friends by friends in Brooklin while the who have opened their homes to Woods family is living with rela give shelter and comfort to these he read the story he was almost { tives in Ajax, {unfortunate yeovle. " » ol" the verge of sending a protest D | "As Reeve of the Township of note to the Swedish State De- APPEAL LAUNCHED 16h in the Whitby I urgently request that the partment. What he really said in Brooklin area have launched an 'esidents of Brooklin and sur-|the interview was that the Dun. appeal which it is hoped willFoundiog community contribute|nies went to Europe to beat all reach $5000. This amount wil} | financial assistance generous. teams, place the families in about the|¥ as possible to give these famil-| while the Dunnies go rolling i same financial position as before start, [through Europe, winning hockey ies a fresh the fire, TELEPHONE CAMPAIGN games with comparative ease, !we must emphasize again what Donations can be mailed to] A 4g ; panied od ephone campaign In Ajax i jack Stroud, al ihe, Canadian on priday brought large supply 0 Borel SSUES oe Bank of Commerc e ot Broo of miscellaneous clothing, Dona | iv 10 great credit and favor- nd may be PA dian Bank ions of money were also prom- able publicity to Canada, to Whit- stifling. reticent of souls; in fact important to say. NO PROTEST NOTE | Mr. Blair was so incensed when interest to note that when the present church building was opened only $400 was on its construction this amount was secured reli- | able pledges owing 1d by -LOUTS, OAFS, MORONS OBITUARIES EDWARD (TED) BIRD A lifelong resident of Bowman- {ville Edward (Ted) Bird, died at Bowmanville Memorial Hos- |pital on Friday, Feb. 21, In his 5th year, he had been in poor health since last summer, -- Editors Blast Students For Pelting Rab Butler LONDON (Reuters)--A storm of editorial abuse has descended on some 2,000 Glasgow Univer sity students who Friday bom barded Deputy Prime Minister JR. A Butler and an assemblage al other dignitaries with rotten fruit, bags of flour and soot bombs. . Most newspapers blast the stu dents as "louts," "oafs," 'mor ons," "juvenile delinquents," and Vigowned teddy boys." Butler, secretary of state for the home office, went to Glasgow to be installed as the university's rector. He left with his face and gown eovered In flour and a splattered tomato dripping from his shoul the head, turning the flour to paste Nobody could hear Butler's , speech as bugles, whistles, bells A son of the late Mr. and Mrs and a rock 'n' roll band created] Robert Bird, the deceased was bedlam in the hall. Finally, after, he caretaker of Ontario Street many of the university officials Public Schoo! in Bowmanville, city fathers and other dignitaries During the Second World War he had retreated, Butler gave up served with the Canadian forces WENT TOO FAR overseas. A rector is a purely titular fig-| He leaves his wife, the former ure elected each year by the stu.| Winifred Hobbs; a daughter, dents. His installations set off a Mrs. Howard Corden (Helen), of week of carnival, hi-junks and Bowmanville and two sons, Ted chaos known here as and John, at home, Also surviv- week." ing is a grandson, Gregg. The newspapers say the Glas The funeral service will be held gow undergraduates this time at the No thcutt and Smith Fun carried their traditionally chaotic eral Chapel, Bowmanville, at 2 greeting of a new rector to far. p.m. on Monday, Feb. 24. Rev The Times says they "be- Harold Turner, minister of St. smirched the fair name of Scot. Paul's United Church, will con- and." duct the services The Times, which Friday de. be in Bowmanville Cemetery, scribed toilet rolls thrown at an| The members of Post 178, Ca- installation in Edinburgh Univer. nadian Legion, will hold a me: sity attended by Prince Philip as morial service at the funeral "rapidly unwinding paper rolls,' chapel at 2 p.m, on Sunday, The now comes right out and 'says members of Jerusalem Lodge, "toilet paper" in its editorial on' AF and AM, will conduct a sim- the Glasgow students ilar service at 7 p.m. on Sunday "rag der. 'Butler, trying to make a speech on the benefits of hydro "gen energy, ignored the hail of "Yomatoes, rotten eggs, bags of ~goot and toilet rolls. 2" He went on even after a paper sack of flour burst full in his face. He stood there as students 'played a fire extinguisher on his 7 Legislatures Continue Sitting By THE CANADIAN PRESS **"Dne provincial legislature was rogued Friday, another ad- Fira and seven others con- ued sitting filled with a vari "éty of events, The Newfoundland legislature adjourned until May 12 shortly ter Liberal Premier Smallwood announced an extensive five-year education program, == At Quebec City, the last official = of the 25th Quebec legisla dure before prorogation was 'the proval of a measure to pro- de members with a contribu- tory pension scheme. «The bill was submitted by the Union National government Premier Duplessis sald it would| be withdrawn if a single vote «was cast against it. None was. The scheme, similar to those DAVID CROCKATT In poor health for the past six months David Crockatt, beloved husband of the former Jessie | Mitchell, 301 Oshawa Boulevard, died at the Oshawa General Hos pital on Friday, Feburary 21 " The eldest son of the late Wil |Biready i see) I Nove Setia jam and Mary Crockatt, the de- bia Iro\ {des a minivan pension ceased was born at Dundee, Scot- of s2.350° annually: fof 10-vear land, A resident of Oshawa for hap " E8118 vears he had previously lived members. Only those now sitting A Tar. are eligible, in Winnipeg and Toronto, Mr. Crockatt was a member of WOMAN SPEAKS St. Andrew's United Church and Mrs. Mary Batten made the prior to his retirement in June most of her first address during of last year was an employe of the throne speech debate in the General Motors Saskatchewan House to criticize] He was a member of King Ed the CCF government, ward and Prince of Wales Lodge, Mrs. Batten, the ohly woman AF and AM, and of the Canadian in the Liberal Opposition, sald in Order of Foresters, Winnipeg. part "For showmanship you Also surviving are a brother, can't beat the CCF in Saskatche- Thomas Milne Crockatt, of Win wan, But people don't pay our nipeg and five grandchildren salaries to be entertained." The memorial service will be The appearance of a govern- held at the Armstrong Funeral ment photographer on the floor Chapel at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, of the Alberta legislature in Ed- February 25, followed by inter |monton drew a barrage of objec- ment in Mount Lawn Cemetery tions from the Liberal benches. Rev. Dr. George Telford, minis. Opposition Leader J. Harper ter of St Andrew's United {Prowse said the Speaker of the Church, will conduct the services House had shattered tradition and broken House rules in allow nk the photographer in The death occurred at the Osh Although th e Speaker an- awa General Hospital early today {nounced earlier in the session of Mrs. William Mann, 156 Har- that the photographer was to mony Rd. N. She was in her 83rd 'prepare slides regarding pro- year cedures." The matter will be de-| The former Alice Johnstone, bated later the deceased was a daughter of Walter Harris Will Not Run DURHAM, Ont, (CP)---Walter Harris, 54, former Liberal fi « nance minister, Friday declined + his party's nomination for Grey- MRS. WILLIAM MANN Interment will] We were sorry to learn this week from Mr, Wren Blair, the very excellent manager of The Cinderella Kids from Whitby (The Dunnies) that he is finding the language barrier in Sweden a bit You will recall that Mr, Blair is not the most he likes nothing better than to pop off in a loud and raucous voice, re- gardless of who is present, when he has something Well, a Swedish reporter who interviewed Mr, Blair recently got all tangled up in his translation 80 that when his paper hit the street, he had quot- ed the Dunnie manager as saying that his team went to Europe to win one game, and one game only--the contest with Russia, the Canadian Congress of Labor and represented the Canadian labor movement in Geneva, Swit- zerland, as a labor advisor to the Liberal government of Canada, Johnny is a director of the Osh- awa General Hospital Board and vice - president of the Oshawa chapter of the Canadian Arthritis Association, He is also a past president of the Ontario Softball Association and former chairman of the Oshawa Parks Board. Johnny is married and has a family of four boys and two girls, His wife is active in Parent - Teacher work and is of great help and support, GERMAN CLUB One of this city's fastest grow- ing social organizations is the Oshawa branch of German-Cana- dian Club, which now boasts 120 {members and affiliation with the Harmonie Club in Toronto, Joe H. Staeger is the president of the local club which meets for business and social events at St. John's Hall, 31 Bloor streel east, Mr. Staeger told us this week that there are 28 such German clubs in Ontario, all being affili- ated with the Harmonie Club which has & membership of 4000. He says the Oshawa group Is trying to raise money to build a clubhouse in the Ritson road south area, DON JACKSON Us. Senate Probes Price Of Uranium {have worked hard and made sac- his art. Plerre Brunet, Canadian Dailies Increase Readers NEW YORK (CP) Canadian 4 . daily newspapers had an aggre: Forecast Temperatures " 4 p an | Windsor AE | gate dally circulation of 3,890,898 St. T OR? h Rt _ St. Thomas in 1957, the trade weekly, Editor I and Publisher, reports .ondon : sandy . Wingham This was an increase of 17,623 Toronto coples daily, or .45 per cent, over Trenton 5 1956 sales St, Catharines ...... United States dailies had an ag- Hamilton . gregate circulation of 57,805.44. Muskoka This was an Increase of 703 Killaloe Earlton ... 5% 5 um 5 ( 1 1 1 15 10 15 15 5 oA . §b + Bruce riding, the seat he held Femme + for 17 years before last year's « general election, bs Mr. Harris was defeated in the « June election by Eric Winkler, : Progressive Conservative, Mr + Harris was first elected in 1940 « Four others. besides Mr. Har ris declined the nomination. They included Farquhar Oliver, On "tario Liberal leader, who said he 2 intends to devote his time to pro « vincial polities. Thomas Stevenson, 50, a Ches 'ley plumber and tinsmith, was + Chosen as candidate by acclama «tion to contest the March 31 fed * eral election, * Mr. Harris told the meeting « "with the greatest regret but * with the conviction of what I be lieve judgment, I decline 'the nomination : Mr. Harris was finance minis ter from 1954 until the defeat of +the Liberal government last year +He was considered a strong pos- «sibility for the party leadership before his defeat good . . NOTHING LEFT TO SHOW LONDON (AP) Seven Brit ish Ant explorers "home Thursday =Britain's scientific tHalley Bay. Col. Robin «the leader, said the team Jdaily contact with Russian | sarctic workers, mostly exchang- Bo mg meteorological information. | Street . artic arrived after a year station at Smart 0 nd r Y nd on n ) of | ™W UTS RE had D Ant nner he 0 a ere pre t Badges | iday | Those honored « Queen fa were ip a k United Church Fr the troop | David | yranches of the Canadian Bank ised. Much more is needed. The of Commerce in Oshawa, Whithy, | children lost their pets as well by, to Ontario County, Incidentally, while the Dunnles| | Enquiries about assistance for White Do the families should be directed to a Bie I Ye Rebekah LOGE 1rary, we must not forget similar {Don Mitchell at Brooklin, Hel Ajax are taking the lead in Ajax | contributions being made by a 17-year-old Oshawa boy who re- Brooklin 7 during the day or, apn the A Brooklin 18 W at night. yone in the Alax area WhO orld with his performance in would like to help with material the men's world figure skating OFFICIAL ENDORSATION [things, such as furniture, bedding! oionship In Paris. families has received the whole.| Margaret Browning, Ajax 983 or| hearted support of His Worship Mrs. Pearl Andrew, Ajax 12, A|the overall standing, but he gave | |a dazzling performance -- espe- |awa and Reeve William A, Whatever is offered. |Heroa, of Whitby township, | where he came second -- and he |" "Mayor Gifford said: left little doubt about one thing: ; OSHAWA AND He will be the men's world |ston. She was born in Dumfries, |learn of the terrible loss in the Scotland, on May 28, 1875 and way of a fire in Brooklin on DISTRICT NEWS mith have Jase. cheered came to Oshawa from Edinburgh! Thursday morning, with the re- Don's performance in Paris, He Mrs, M left homeless with no clothing or| Edius aa artic ty pe J ® | The condition of Mary Frances yesh ia London, Germany and re 4 in 1030 | "I wi i Sheppard, 6, daughter of Mr, and| Vienna. deceased by her husband in 1939 I would at this time appeal vo °F Frank Sheppard, 702 Cedar His was the kind of perform Mann and a son Harold Mann, eral to contribute to the rehabili- both of Oshawa. Also surviving tation of these families by means | actident, near the Pedlar People| munity feel proud that he claims is a sister, Miss Winnie John-'of cash donations, The same Limited plant on Thursddy after- Oshawa as his home. Behind . her a ol faly fonglions J noon, was improved this morning, | most young stars is usually a The funeral service will be held who are outlined in an accom- «Int Mineral A "| hroken right leg and broken col- ent, or parents, and this also t the Mclntos ral ( ine adver ; | at ihe Me i J Fukser a Chapel panying advertisement In today's| "yoo 0 gre suffered bruises applies to Don Jackson, who is : ) «Paper about the head which are not be-|the son of Mr. and Mrs. George awa Union Cemetery, Rev. R, A "I was profoundly shocked Sharp, Rector, of st Natithew's when I learned of the fire in WEEKEND BIRTHDAYS nglican Church, will conduct the Brooklin which recently destroy-| Congratulations are extended to ed the home and all of the pos- Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N.; MICHAEL T, MITCHELL MITCHELL -- Michael Thomas Mi), Saymand Boivin, UO Sun Mitchell, lot 1, concession 2, Hib- WEATHER ms n 4 Gordon Farndale, y I : entre St, N, itby and 14 in Stratford General Hospital| (Mrs. Edith Brig y ' --- , Ea nell, 66 Steven- in his 84th year. He had been in| TORONTO (CP) Official Mrs. d, N., who are celgbrating ari , » the ' ic wi 4:30 a.m, and seriously ill for the past two PS a moved | Douglas Hugh, 381 Jarvis St.;|week for the third consecutive He was born in Oshawa in July, in across central and Northern| Mrs. Gladys Cuthbertson, 60 Cad. time. , rs Don's foremost ambition is to J od v .|erel, Dundas St, E., Whitby, who Mitchell and Caroling® Reed. On! Southern Ontario today. This new ' ' 4 ) March 26, 1900. he married Mary outbreak has temporarily will celebrate their birthdays on to bring a Gold Medal home to ' : Sunday, Canada. He will compete in the They farmed in Logan Township back to the north country. A men's world figure skating cham- for 13 years, but had lived on the warming trend is predicted for! Members of Local 2458, United . ' s ince ; oY) | -- and also the present farm since 1915 the province Sunday. Steelworkers of America, employ- paid 1s Japan Pig Main St. United Church. He is midnight Sunday: Oshawa, have donated $50 to the | championships. survived by one son, George, on| Lake Erle, Lake Huron, Ni- Whitby Dunlops' Oslo 13 The handsome dark - haired Mrs, William (Martha) Winter-|Bay, Haliburton, Windsor, Lon | several times that he would nol ingham, RR 4 Mitchell; four don, Hamilton, Toronto: Cloudy. Damage amounting to $600 was consider a pro contract he grandchildren: two sisters, Mrs, with occasional very light snow, caused by a traffic accident on|has.won the men's world singles ell, and Mrs. C. W. (Harriet) afternoon. Sunny with moderat- the city limits, at 8:50 p.m. Fri. He is a smooth Holmes, Victoria, .BC. He was|ing temperatures Sunday. Gusty day. A -car driven by Delmar performer who lov es competi: predeceased by one son, Joshua, northwest winds near 20, becom: Binto, 21, 111 Palmerston avenue, |tion; despite the obvious pressure wife. Kirkland Lake, Sudbury, North lision with an automobile driven (relaxed and skates with an easy The body rested at the Heath. Bay: Partly cloudy with a few by Thomas McCready, 31, Ed- calm that frequently baffles the Leslle funeral home, Main St. scattered light snowflurries. ward street, Whitby township, |critics. He started to skate at 8 was held Monday, Feb. 17, at 2|ing cloudiness and milder on Sun- took his first instruction at 10. iy rib i Faulty brakes were blamed for| He studied und: Otto Gold Te p entombme ' be y p ) e studied under ) p.m emporary entombment day becoming overcast with the collision of two automobiles teacher of Barbara Ann Scott, at burial later in Woodland ceme- Northerly winds near 20, becom- tery, Mitchell. Rev. J. Robert ing light this afternoon. |mond street at 2:53 p.m. Friday. until several months ago when Watt officiated. Timmins-Kapuskasing: Partly A car driven by John Reldhe moved to New York City to L * |Clarke, 18, 373 Celina street, take instruction from Mr, Brunet. few scattered light snowflurries.! Overcast with light snow and driven by Benson L. Dunn, 76, |fices to be in New York with Mr. continued moderation tempera- 1648 Simcoe street north, Dam- Brunet; one of these was that he age amounted to $25. had to do his own cooking and day, southwest 20 to 25 Sunday.| : [three months at the Hotel Belve- The Oshawa Fire Department dere. He now lives in the home of recorded two ambulance calls "skating" family, where there during the night. & "skating Vs CCF CANDIDATE | Rotarian Vince De Vita, a v {member of the Rotary Club of on CCP standard « Beaker for| Toronto, will be the speaker at Ontario riding in the forthcom-| Rotary Club at Hotel Genosha on known if Housinds Jose and| {Monday. He will talk of the im. wm hy 8 18 or OL ho | | portance of having a hobby. | He la John G. Drady, who 1s city alderman. The following employes of the| The amiable Johnny has been Oshawa plant of General Motors active in labor and civic eircles| [tired on pension: Mrs, Effie G. |the offices of vice - president, Collins, parts, il years' service financial secretary and president and Willlam R. Tonkin, reject, |of Local 222, UAW-CIO. He has Ajax or Pickering. thelr skat as thelr skates and toys, are basking In the spotlight of | may be reached by telephoning to help the families. cently rocked the figure skating The campaign to aid the two and clothing should call Mrs, Yon. Jackson ¥anked fourth in [Mayor Lyman A. Gifford of Osh- truck will be tent to pick up cially in the free skating class ,the late Robert and Hannah John-| "It is with deep regret that we singles champion before many in 1918, ult that 14 people have been CHILD IMPROVED was equally as spectacular this She leaves a daughter, Miss to the citizens of Oshawa in gen-| go who was injured in a traffic|ance that makes this entire com- stone, of Dumfries, Scotland donations to be made to persons It is learned that she suffered a courageous and persevering p followed by interment in the Osh Reeve Heron commented: Heved to be. serious Jackson, of 131 Elgin street east. services. sessions of the Finch and Woods Mercine Fleming, 81 Phillips St.; bert Township died Friday, Feb Dyson, Ave.; failing Health for several years forecasts issued by the Dominion oy 0 | birthdays today 'and to 's world champlonship last 1872, & son of the late Joshua Ontario and will move down into illac Ave, 8, and Shirley Meth- Wi a ha ag Jane Pinder, who died in 1044, brought sub - zero temperatures $30 FOR OSLO FUND plonship in 1959 -- likely to be Mr. Mitchell was a member of Regional forecasts valid until ed at Ontario Malleable Iron, |, the homestead; one daughter, agara, Lake Ontario, Georgian Oshawa skater has announced $600 DAMAGE Walter (Alice) Edwards, Mitch. clearing and turning colder this Rossland road west, just inside title. and polished and six brothers, besides his ing light tonight. | Whitby, was involved in a col-|of world competitions, he Is much Mitchell, where a funeral service Clear and cool tonight, increas: | BLAME FAULTY BRAKES at the Oshawa Skating Club and was w 8 Mausole y ight s y p y f vas in Woodland Mausoleum with some light snow in the afternoon on Simcoe street north at Rich-|the famous Minto Club in Ottawa cloudy and milder today with a struck the rear of another car He had to make several "sacri- [tures on Sunday. Winds light to- ; hile livi ) 1 TWO AMBULANCE CALLS = [Washing while living alone ' for is plenty of "family' atmosphere. ROTARY SPEAKER [the meeting of the Oshawa |"8 Federal election is a man | now serving his fourth term as a RETIREMENTS AT GM of Canada, Limited, recently re. for several years. He has held) with 28 years' service. {also been an executive officer of Lat II IO RAMA 'JUTTA'S LP BEAUTY SALON wmminn | SPECIAL FEATURE! PROFESSIONAL COLD WAVE Plus FREE PAIR OF NYLONS ONLY 7.50 By Appointment Oily For MONDAY --TUESDAY--WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 24, 25, 26 AND MARCH 3, 4, 5 JUTTA'S BEAUTY SALON | PHONE RA 5-4321 13 SIMCOE S. A OA ARAN AR 0 II ee] RA 65-4321 ] Bll CEIVE QUEEN SCOUT AWARDS David Ed camera | David Edwards and W. D. Ed wards ards ng Kemp Can i the For several years the Jacksons rifices to give Don the kind of skating Instruction a champlon- to-be must have. He had repaid them by diligient application to Don will return to New York Monday to resume training under who also trains Miss Carol Helss, winner of the By GEORGE KITCHEN If your name is not on the vot- Canadian Prees Staft Writer ers' list for the federal election] WASHINGTON (CP)--A eon which is to be held March 31 gressional committee plans to ia. |you should contact your district quire Monday into the prices the revision officer -- there are five United States pays for in Oshawa -- on March 13, 14 or uranium but its deliberations 15. The voters' lists will be pose no immediate threat to definitely closed after the 15. |Canadian uranium contracts with Ralph Nailace, Teturning offl-|the U.S, cer for Ontario riding, says the sources voters' lists will be mailed outlpTgressionn a and 94 March 5. These will contain the| committee on ot ergy names and addresses of the revi- . Th + 18 ni lg fewigued, Mainly {8 allow_dem. The job of enumerating has ie uranium producers, hurt. by been all but completed as far as a Spits , 5 Scum now devel. Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and most apd R 8. to blow, oft of the rural areas are concerned; |" i although clogged roads have de- aay bet, 0 Spoons » n be Sormpteted by' next Wook ay. ing 'with the. Government to gov. Wallace said. ernment contracts for uranium Mr. Wallace does not anticipate|Supply which exist among . the any difficulty with this year's/United States and Canada, South election -- this will be his third Africa, the Belgian Congo -and session as returning officer -- de. other uranium-producing nations, RE-ELECTIONS spite the suddeness with which it| Under the Canada - U.S. con was called. uct, negotiated in 1948 and re- ised a year ago, the U.S, atomie [FMMY, THE BEAR Energy Commission takes 'the We are pleased to report that total output of a group of Cana Jimmy, Oshawa's famous pet/dian mines in production on a [bear who lives with Mr, and Mrs. [specified date in 1956, Sales Roy Litz at 117 Bloor street east, under this arrangement totalled Is having a most pleasant win-§110,000,000 in the first 11 months Je5, Mostly sleeping and ot: of 157 and took up the major | Jimmy, four - years - old and portion Of Fauna wal 9 weighing 350 pounds, has acquir-| : . ed a new habit, and one which REGARDED AS TREATY pleases the Litz family no end;| One source close to the com. he drops into the house occasion. mittee said its members recogs ally and sits around in friendly nize that the Canada - U.S, cone fashion. He also likes to wrestle|tract, which runs until 1962, is ia for short spells with the Litz chil-|the nature of an international dren, Eric,.18, and Verna, 16, and|treaty and have no thought of they peport lum § she most aml. interfering with its provisions, During the day, Jimmy spends {most of the time in his little! LATE DEATH den in the Lit BACKYARD -- hos owner is a poultry farmer -- and' OATTES -- Entered into rest sudden. his menu these' days consists IY, on Kinston Road East, No.3 Highs mostly of bread, potatoes, milk February di." 1, Thomas "Beat % A vi usband of argare Jimmy was acquired by Mr, | Taxlor, in his 33nd year. Resting at EE ea Ei J h ¥, February ) RUN {by a Bowmanville hunter. #100 ment 'Mount Lawa Comers, FOWLER, Muareen -- At Sick Chih USE DOGS IN HUNT Jlens Hosplal ho on Friday, KATMANDU, Nepal (AP)--An Fovier. tged five sears, daring dn American - sponsored expedition |\Whithy and_dciinle rewler ht been given permission to use| Fowler and Sandra: Sranddaughir of Mr, an rs, Edw. Fowl their search To he Abomioable Fri a RAE woh Rent 3 es be £ lo Snowman in the Himalayas. The neral Chapel. Whi, Jo service In _|the apel on Monday, February 2 Nam bas Drseubied at Biratna Lom. Interment Mount yids Ke TUESDAY, FEB. 25th 8:00 P.M. AT $1,000 IN PRIZES INCLUDING 2--$250.00 JACKPOTS (53 numbers) 1---$150.00 JACKPOT (MUST BE WON) 20 GAMES AT $20.00 SHARE-THE-WEALTH DOOR PRIZES $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD BUS SERVICE TO THE DOOR! Kemp, R. W 1, from David [ are Kemp, Times-Gazette Photo 'y LL -------- EH ---itre