Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Feb 1958, p. 16

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THE DALY TIMES-SAZITTE, Setwrdey, Pobruary 22, 1958 15 IT MEANS WE BOTH GETS : SUPPORTED FO TH REST J OUR [ nave some | [ THANKS, TED/ GEE, © WELL, THESE ARE NOT | [THEY JUST LOOK LIKE T ables Silver . ' NATCHERAL LIFES BY THIS RICH JELLY BEANS, | DO LOVE LICORICE ALL LICORICE,GRANDMA ! | LICORICE AFTER I CARRY OLE COOT~ YIPPAY!/~WE GRANDMA | | JELLY BEANS / : EM AROUND IN MY aid WHILE // To Be Bought : By ONO Club MRS. R. C. HILL ; Correspondent > BLACKSTOCK --- The Feb ruary meet'ag of the ONA club was held at the home of Dora Martyn Thursday evening with 27 members present. President Florence Collins presided. It was decided to buy more tables. Dorothy Marlow to get = ~ prices, also prices on more sil « 1 KNOW, BUT IM SERVING YOUR we HAVE TO GET DOWNTOWN BUT THIS 1S THE verware, Thankyou cards and let * Come IN AND WASH UP... LUNCH EARLY TODAY... ; T0 DO SOME THINGS FIRST TIME I EVER ters were read from The Salva: s 1 WANT YOU TO EAT a >] BEFORE NOON... EGE BETWEEN ~Y :| ition Army, Jean McLaughlin and - GRANDMA MAYBE I'LL BE A COP INSTEAD OF A ugY Prov YOUR LUNCH! Se ? Y Z WELL... Gwen Ballingall, The club has been asked to serve lunch at the meeting of the Conservative Association, Mar. 21, > MEETINGS v The euchre sponsored hy the © LOBA on Wednesday night was well attended. Prize winners were Miss Cora Crozier, Osmond Wright and Mrs. Norman Green. The Explorer's meeting Thurs- day was devoted to projects, fol- lowed by an exchange of valen- tines and a valentine lunch. There was a good attendance at the pot-luck supper in the An- = glican Parish Hall Thursday 4 fo f ERYOM EX! y ==IN HOPE OF GETTING evening, Ten tables of euchre HO NEHBOR & 4 Ey dh ag r E ) OR HOURS TONTO LOUNGES NEAR 8 a LINE ON ~~~ were played after the supper with OK, GRANDMA! MUGGS AND SKEETER LET ME TAKE REX FOR AT DOG, "| | IMAGINE - HE RECEIVED ; A WALK ToD4y! TILE! il | TWENTY-FIVE CHRSTVIAS thi ps y THE CAFE ENTRANCE - =~ i n ; prize-winners Mrs. F. Hodgson, Mrs. M. Colley, Oliver Smith, Bert Gibson and Mrs. Stuart Me- Quade, Friday's meeting at the par. sonage of the CGIT took the form of a supper meeting, after seeing the film "Me and My Grooming" and the playing of games. Valentine afternoon was made very pleasant for the pupils of the public schoo] by the exchange of valentines, seciag a film and a skating party at the arena. Grades 1 to 4 skated from 1 - 2 p.m. and Grades 5 to 8 from 2 - 3 THE LONE RANGER p.m, PERSONALS = pAGWOOD, | [IIIT (rr certainly | | weLL LET'S sEE-wHERES JI 7 B5 onc oF ns ENGINEER. : BD ' =T™™ | Congratulations to Mr. and WAKE UP..]1 HEAR t SOUNDS LIKE y THAT LIST OF EMERGENCY E PX E \ | : N ce ors = y Mrs. Neil Malcolm on the birth £ 2 r SEN Stoves ahi ING COMPANY'S JEEPS, = -- ! A BURGLAR Eg , {(_ TELEPHONE NUMBERS ' ) ER G i dp 8 > IUL WIRE A LITTLE HERE'S THE GM 2 i 4 of a son, Friday. DOWNSTAIRS | R away from tne CIRCUIT JUMPER TO ROOM.... EVERYTHING RAE . 3 Successful in music examina- ~~ HAN i Roe 1 KEEP IN HERE * jail and heads BREAKING JUST 5 "for the hotel. Bs, THE 1GNITION.. tions were: Grade 7 piano, Lloyd Wilson, honors; Grade 6, Doris Griffin, piano, pass; Grade § piano, Elizabeth Rowan; honors and Linda Rowan, pass; Cather. ine Bailey, first class honors in Grade 3 history. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Venning and Mr. aad Mrs. J. Rahm visited relatives at the funeral home Wednesday evening and Charles and Orr Venning, Mrs. Jno. Rahm and Mrs. Wilbert Werry attended the funeral of Mrs, Isaac Wood of Cavan at the Millbrook parlors, Friday. DRIVE IN FOR THIS SERVICE FEATURE AT ANY TIME new ors ck an SEE THIS ! : W. Howsam and will motor home i } i 4 { tk | I ir SECRET AGENT X9 SAFETY ITEM! Brenda i staying with fhe Dain Dorrells; Brian with the Ivan BALANCE AL. FOUR WHEELS, STEERING CHECK, ADJUSTMENT Thompsons and Bradley with the 4.00 i ® AND ALIGNMENT. 1 00 Gordon Sturrocks, Bowmanville, Wolghts) " ALL FOR Mrs. John Ballingall and Jo- anne spent last week with Mr, and Mrs. Dave Harris, Scarbor- MAYBE SHE WAS GIVING ME THE STRANGE! THERE'S THE SKIN-DVERS' HEADQUARTERS... BUT ough. = = Sri rai | [1 JL Sw, Sr SS NG Gk ape gf [re Ses Testo an KIN DI TH R ON WOLFY, BETTER SKIN INTO MY DIVING GEAR AND GET rs. Sidney Ferguson and girls, DED rover | S0,WE SIT AND WAIT TO SEE WHAT IRIN, ae I'LL JUST WAIT AROUND AWHILE OUT TO THE STELLA. --- Newcastle, were Sunday guests of COMPANY WENT BROKE, THE SAVINGS. UNTIL THEY FIND THE in i AND... HELLO! THERE SHE GOES a , : Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy. LAWYERS FOR THE ESTATE ARE MISSING HEIR OR UNTIL THE OLD SEA : i STILL HUNTING FOR ; POAM SINKS AT THE DOCK, WE THE HEIR = VE A ROO HUNT LOST CRAFT ROME (AP) -- Search planes sought traces today of a missing four engined British cargo plane with three persons aboard, last heard from Wednesday night as it approached the Italian port of Brindisi, When the last message was received the plane was still out over the tempest-swept Ilon- ian Sea. SALLY'S SALLIES BUZ SAWYER SS MEANWHILE, BACK ON EARTH AN AIRPLANE FLYING WEST OVER THE PACIFIC WILL PLAY A PART IN THE FASHIONING OF BRICK'S FUTURE PLANS... IT WiLL BE GOOD TO GET HOME, BRICK! + Syd me, Pr weld de ad DONALD DUCK I DON'T SEE ANY FOOTPRINTS , YOURE JUST TRYING TO SCARE US. A SWELL HEADQUARTERS hour pass? I can't stay up all FOR A SECRET CLUB?! that time!" roioouigoomi = | || = s OOM -TIDDY BRRROOM ! ro = jy ges Pag TRICKS Eo ERE. SA BOOM! BROOM! "What if you do have a 24- THE VERY BEST CABINET HARDWARE is AMEROCK NOW 30% OFF AT OSHAWA'S COMPLETE SUPPLY HOUSE Millwork and Building Suplies 1279 Simcoe N. RA 3.4694 A PL Tp" 7 J : os Ng ; Lo NTN] 7 SA HE'S 6OT NO CHOICE, HE'S GOT EA SNE WHRY RI ape TO SHOW UP-- RIGGED FOR z SN Wz EATING HUMBLE PIE! i RUSTY RILEY ) N) ROOM AND BOARD WOULDN'T ¥* THINK \/ BUT NO..EACH ONE DONT EXPECT ANY TEM LUGSAT TH! T ASK HAS WEAK OF THOSE LOAFERS BAT ROOST CLUB WRISTS, AFRAID OF 7] TO LIFT A HAND WOULD BE EAGER GETTIN PAINT POSONIN, |] EXCEPT TO CUP A TEP Egg TH SMELL MAKES EM YAWNL...NOT ONE OF SUBSCRIBERS UP TH' JOINT, DIZZY, OR SOME EM CAN WORK UP snce bi J OTHER PHONY ENOUGH ENERGY TO TIMES-GAZETTE poNae EXCUSE L. BUT BLOW OUT BIRTHDAY INT AN' THEY ALL LOOK : CANDLES... THEY'D ros ; i C7 BRUSHES? HELTY AN' WAT FOR A DRAFT OSHAWA 'S ABOUT TIME YOU | EVERYTHING'S TH' KID WILL GOT BACK, DIGBY ! Es GRISWALD! | § T0 SELL on ve , FOR MISSED MAFEXS AND HOW'D YOU. COME TH' WATER = B RANC y e OSHAWA'S FINEST TAXI OUT WITH OLD WITCH AGREED AGG! ERT MAGGIE? TO POUBLE-CROSS ' E > \ SERVICE PHONE PERKINS! T 4 EN, WATER ON THE ON : UNITED TAX! SHH he g LAND ! . L. 3 1. KEEP SSA : ; : : : : RA 5-3541 THIS HUNDRED \ . ; ~ i aii {4 ~) [ ER | ; DOLLARS GRISWALD { A 5 A . i go x oN Foon If you hove not reccived your GAVE ME TO BRIBE 1.£ ; el De i . 3 we | la ( . J Times-Gozette phone your car- CLP Jaca! win : oo 3 ; { i AF ' rier boy first. If you are unable WON'T HURT Him! | Fos ¥ "~e ; "RK IN iy : : " : ; #H || to contact him by 7:00 p.m. : fit { : } , ! TELEPHONE UNITED TAXI Calls accepted between 7 7:30 p.m. only. ROY ROGERS

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