Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Feb 1958, p. 15

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wir "BY NATURE, FRIENDLY | The eyes have it in New York as this cocker spaniel euddies up to a kitten and both turn inquisitive faces toward Former By JOSEPH MacSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer NEW YORK (CP) Boyd O'Connor, who started out as a drugstore clerk in Ottawa and now runs a worldwide business, has a bit of news for Canada. "It's something I'm proud of, sald O'Connor, president of Ayerst Laboratories, a pharma- ceutical division of American |Home Products Corporation. "| "I think it's something Cana- the camera. Apparently the puppy doesn't know that he should be chasing instead of nuzzling the kitty, | dians will be pleased to hear. No lone can say that Canadians are {hewers of wood and drawers of jwater in this company." | OPPORTUNITY | O'Connor said he had been | reading and hearing speeches by [Canadians who eriticized United [| States firms with subsidiaries op- |erating in Canada. Some such firms fail to provide due oppor- [tunity for Canadians. "We are the reverse of this," sald O'Connor, whose Canadian |firm, Ayérst, McKenna arid Har- |rison, was purchased by Amer- jcan Home 15 years ago. "Instead of placing a drain on Carnda, we provide opportunit- les for Canadian resources, Clerk Runs World-Wide Business nor, still lives, he has spent prac-padian, tically his whole life in the phar-| Asked what were his sports |maceutical business except for|and other Interests in student lone year with the Bank of Nova days, O'Connor had a crisp re- ly: i PI worked like hell." rowdy. The evening ox euchre, N erokinole and other games, umerous cards and phone reached calls of congratulation Mr. Crawford during the day. The gift from the family was a purse of money. Mr, Crawford was presented with a silver knife for the cutting of the birthday cake for the guests who came from Oshawa, Toronto, Tyrone, Ajax and Whitby, Mrs. T. Hubbard of Oshawa spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hall Erwin Marshall, who has been a patient at Branson General "Lett after putting the bank BROOKLIN on its feet," sald O'Connor with a grin, indicating he found bank- |ing a bore, $7 A WEEK | A graduate of Ottawa's Lisgar MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT |Collegiate, he first worked in Correspondent (A. F. Astley's drug-store as an| BROOKLIN --A family gath- ering was held on Saturday, Feb. 15, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Crawford, in honor of the former's father, David Crawford. | apprentice, earning $7 for a 72- {hour week, usual in those days. who was celebrating his 85th birthday. ts were | At 25 he graduated in pharmacy at the University of Toronto, Approximately 32 gues present, including then practised his profession in Ottawa for three years before joining Ayerst, McKenna and Harrison as a salesman, serving Eastern and Northern Ontario. By 1941 he was sales manager of the firm and after it was pur- chased by American Home he be- came assistant general of U.S, operations in 1944, Since stormy weather conditions and | | 1945 he has been president and general manager of Ayerst, and since 1946 chairman of the board of the Canadian division, whose president is William Leslie, Mont-| r BALLET REGISTER NOW IRENIE HARVEY TAP--BATON C.T.D.A. eal. | Asked about his philosophy ef 424 KING ST. W. acc | Hospital, Toronto, was spent|a traffic accident, is home for several of Toronto, were Sunday guests weeks with injuries suffered is!zt the home of Miss Alice Olver. once again. He is still confined to bed. Congratulations go to Mr, and THEATRE GUIDE Mrs, Frank Cairns, who, on Wed- nesday, Feb. 26, will observe their 51st wedding anniversary. They have resided in Brooklin all their lives. |- at 1.30 p.m. Miss Audrey Dyer spent Sun- Ron Johnson and family at Cedar Creek. | Mr. and Mrs. Russell White of Ottawa, are visiting for a few days at the home of Miss Alice ing For Danger" Brock (Whitby) -- "The Quiet Man". Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee shown day at the home of Mr. and So Bitmore--"Gun Battle At Monte- rey" shown daily at 12.50, 3.10, 5.35, 8.00, 10.25 p.m. Also "'Look- (Bowery Boys) shown daily at 2.05, 4.30, 6.55, 9.20 p.m. Last complete show sharis at 9.15 p.m. Marks -- "Pawnee" shown dally at 1.15, 4.15, 7.10, 10.10 p.m. also "Bad Day At Black Rock" shown daily at 2.45, 5.45, 8.45 p.m. Last complete show at 835 p.m. Regent -- "Jailhouse Rock" In CinemaScope, shown daily _at 1.30, 3.25, 5.30, 7.35 and 9.40 p.m. Last complete show "it Civer, Miss Margaret Ketches, Mrs. 9.20 p.m. _ Logan, and Colonel Corrigan, all | DANCING | TO-NIGHT 15 genie C.R.A. o dren and one great-granddaugh-| ter. Several of the invited guests) were unable to attend owing to J Sponsored by the 9:00 P.M. Gibbs St. LJ Central Council of Neighbourhood Associations. GET MORE OUT OF LIFE . - GO OUT YO A MOVIE JOHN McPARTLAND'S EXPLOSIVE NOVEL THAT; TELL-TALES ON YOUNG MARRIED COUPLES! JOANNE ¢ CAMERON M PATRICIA OWE! BARBARA RUSH PAT HINGLE brains and ambitions. "All our research is done in Canada, at the Ayerst, McKenna and Harrison plant in St. Lau- rent, Montreal, where 500 persons are employed. It's the largest pharmaceutical research staff in Canada. It's run by Canadians. "And although Ayerst Labora- tories (New York) is an Amer- ican company, many of our im- portant exeentive Dositions here vide an opportunity "for Cana. dian scientists to work in Can- WELL REPRESENTED |ada, supported by sales in the work, O'Connor replied: Phone RA 5-612 Nasser To Head Arab Republic CAIRO (AP)--Under clouds of this afternoon to consid a dispute with the Sudan, Egyp-|Sudan's complaint of er Be tians and Syrians voted Friday to| Egyptian aggression" and possi-| Join their countries in the United ble "armed conflict" In the bor-| Arab Republic and to name|der areas. Gamal Nasser the first president]! In a d with the of the UAR. {complaint Sudanese Prime Min- The Arab union, with Nasser ister Abdullah Khalil said a pleb- @s its head, has already woniscite in the areas would be "un.|' Here is a list, with former Us The company also sells in widespread popular approval in provoked and illegal attitude . , .| hometowns: numerous foreign countries from both countries and the .yes-no|which constitutes a breach off Dr. A. 8. Cook, vice-president,| Formosa to Italy. ballots prepared for the 6,500,000 Sudanese sovereignty. Halifax, a graduate of Dalhousle| This provides plenty of work voters were a formality, | "The Sudan is determined to and University of Toronto; Dr. for O'Connor, who often carries! The already-certain results of defend its territory," the prime|J. B. Jewell, Fenelon Falls, Ont.,|s briefcase to the Manhattan | ~ " the plebiscite will be announced minister warned. Egyptian offi- medical director; Lawrence apartment where he lives with) officially Saturday, and Nasser cials discounted the possibility of| Simpson, Montreal, promotion di- his wife, the former Lillian| MONDAY ! will immediately take over. violence, however. |rector; Lugard Haight, Welling- walker of Ottawa. | AR Egyptian officials planned to EGYPTIANS ARRESTED |ton, Ont., director of product de-| «gig hobby is work--that's why : poll more than 10,000 desert no-| Meanwhile, in Khartoum, Su-|velopment; Miss Marie Laliberte, he's one jump ahead of the next Low Day ROCK HUDSON in "THE TARNISHED ANGELS" (adult) B| mads and Nile Valley dwellers/dan today sald it has arrested|Fort William, Ont., creative di+/fellow " said Cook. WOODVIEW COMMUNITY danese border despite objectons|legally entering the border ter- den, Ont., market research direc- (the drug, chemical and allied from the Sudan government in ritory it is disputing with Egypt. tor. trades section of the New York MONSTER | & £1, § | , OF THRILLS! STOCKING KILLER RUNS AMOK! ola WOAH, "THE STRANGE ONE' ~is a strange one! | staring BEN GAZZARA ADULT Entertainment STEnCOrOme sous ? On ™, E SAM BR € wg Ise, DONLEy (AM 4 FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE y APE fi, To0AY ELVIS PRESLEY 1119) ORF: sy AILHOUSE ROCK" ROCK Slaw, 1.50 PETURE "Essentially I'm a salesman, whether the product is dical N 0 R T H w A Y THE MOST Dr. Cook, whose job as vice- says the firm's operations pro-| Days A Week Dinner. 3-course meal with Roest Southern Fried Chicken, Cole PHONE IN YOUR ORDER ANYTIME oy . A SCREENFUL And the fundamental principle 2 | products or hats--it is service." FASCINATING LOUSE RESTAURANT president involves the interpreta. | PHONE ORONO 107 Chicken ... || French Fries, Dill 07 of salesmanship is the same Lh BIG TERRITORY You r pr tion of research for management, On Highway 1 15 Try our Special Family Sunday (take out orders) Hamburgers . 25¢ We Will Have It Ready! The United Nations Security| Ahmed Abusin said the 10 Egyp-|nor, a vigorous and youthful-look-| Council was to meet in New York tians--seven of them army men|ing 55. Gazing across his big| {had arrived at the port of Wadi mahogany desk in a Manhattan | FOOLED DOCTORS [Hiaila, South o the disputed en- skyscraper, there was a no-blar. | COSELEY, England (CP)--| e, In a river steamer and ney air about this executive of | ' ngian -- | were taken to a police post for|Irish descent, who carries 175 Forty years ago Will Thompson interrogation. pounds on a five-foot-nine-inch of this Staffordshire community| He told a press conference that! frame. was told he had less than siximembers of an Egyptian elec-| Brought up in Ottawa where] EVERY SATURDAY months to live after he was|toral committee in the disputed his mother, Mrs. Edward O'Con-| wounded at Ypres. He has just territory would "probably" not ---- - marked his 65th birthday by go- be arrested because "we intend| i AVALON ing to work as usual, 'to avoid incidents." DANCE [King St. W. -- Oshawa TELEVISION LOG | CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamillon CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto| OLD TIME--MODERN WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester Masic By WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN.-TV Channel 4--Buffalo! THE SAINTS Caller--BOB FOWLER "RECORD HOPS" UN MEETS TODAY |ctal Affairs Minister Mohammed | represented here," sald O'Con- giders a distinct honor for a Ca- Dancing to the Top Pop Records] 1,000 in PRIZES PLUS FREE EASTER HOLIDAY IN BUFFALO, N.Y. EVERY MON. -- 8 PM, ---- Khartoum, | In announcing the arrests, So-| 'So you see we are pretty well Board of Trade, which he con- MORE THAN 4 Admission -- 50 Cents 6--Roy Forrest "SATURDAY EVE. 500 P.M, S=Mr. Wizard * Consequences | &---Dotto 1L8---Zorro $--Maverick $-Where Were You 5.50 P.M 'Wild Bill Hickok Film Featurette $-Wrestling 6.00 P.M U~lone Wolf $----Here and There 8--Lawrence Welk 4=~News; Sports 630 P.M, 11--Federal Men $=Mr. Fix-It; News 4~Death Valley Days 8--Yesterday's Newsreel 7.00 PML 1l--Jamboree 6-Have Gua Wil Travel Real McCoys 4~U of B Round Table $--~Ranch rat 7.30 P. $-Houday Ranch $=People Are Funny 4=Perry Mason $-Keep It In' The Family 5.00 P.M. A, 6, 5-Perry Come #-Country Musie 8.30 P.M. &-Dick and the Duchess 9.00 P.M, 11, 6-NHL Hockey 3-Polly Bergen 4--Oh! Susannah $--Lawrence Welk 9.50 P.M. 8--Gisele McKenzie 4--Have Gun, Will Trave. 10.00 P.M. 8--End of the Rainbow 11,6---Hit Parade Pat Boone 4-8ilént Serviee $~Harbor Command 11.00 P 11---News; Late Show 43-News; Weather; 4~Playhouse $~Paris Precinet 15.00 MIDNIGHT S-8wing Shift SUNDAY 9.00 AM, $=Industry on Parade 4=Childrer's 8~This is the Life $=Christian Science 10.00 A. 8---Chrisophers Lamp Unto My Feet 2-~Church Invitation 10.30 AM. 8-Look at Congress 4=Uncle Jerry 2-Bible \dventure 10.45 AM, 8--Littla Rascals 2---Fllm Feature 11.00 AM. 8--Church Service 8 Roy Rogers &~Morning Worship 3-Morning Gospel 1145 AM, 2-Church in the Home 11.30 AM 11--German M-vies 1.45 AM 3-Faith of Israel 12.00 NOON 8-Cartoon Theatre 4~News: Weather $ This Is the Life 1215 P.M nonwealth Tele Film Feature 1.30 P.M, 6~County Calendar 8~Frontiers of Faith 3--Playhouse 3.00 P.M. §-Junior Magazine 8,4--Bowling 2.30 P.M, 11, $-Winter Conference 8.00 P.M. é-law and You 430 P.M. 11--8acred Heart 6-Living Sea 8--8aber of London 4~Film Festival 3--Sea Hunt 4.00 P.M, 11--This Is the Life 6-Twentleth Century nibus 2-Bowling Stars 43 PM, 11-Rev. Roberts 6--Lassie 3~Paul Winchell 5.00 P.M, U-Western Marshall 6--Fighting Words 4&---Great allenge 3~Texas Rangers 5.30 P.M. 8-Telephone Time 3--Lone Ranger 6.00 P. 11-- Amateur Hour 8- Burns and Allea 8-~Meet the Press 420th Century 3-Casey Jones 630 P.M, 11-Town and Country 6--Father Knows Best 8--Men of Annapolis 2-Bishop Sheen 7.00 P.M, 11. -Father Knows Best 6~December Bride 5-Silent Service 4--Lassie 2-Kingdom of 'the Sea 30 P.M, 9. 11-~Movie Showcase 8--News Magazine 8-Sally 4-Jack Benny 2~Maverick P.M. §.4--Ed Sullivan 3----8teve 'llan 8.3 P.M, 3-Adventure et Scott feland 2.00 P.M, 11.6-World's Stage 8-Dinah Shore 4~GI. Theatre 2-8id Caesar 9:30 P.M, tne 4--Alfred Hitchcock 2-You Asked For It 10.00 P.M, 11,6--Close Up S--Loretta Young 4--864,000 Challenge 2--Scotland vard 10.30 P.M. 11,8---Explorations 8, 4-What's My Line $--Jackie Gleason ne PM, 11--=News; 6,42 News; Weather: Sports $--Mike Wallace ate Show 8 Theatre MONDAY 5.00 AM, | 8~To-day & Capt. Kangaree | 3=Playhouse 9.00 AM, 8--Susie 4~Popeye's house 2-Rumpus Room 9.30 AM, S--Distiict Attorney 4--S8usie 10.00 AM. S--Arlene Francis 4-Garry Moore 2-My Little Margie 10.30 AM, 8--Treasure Hunt Play 1l--Bravo Theatre 4--~Arthur Godfrey how AM, 3--Price Is Right | a=My 8-Publiec Defender 18.00 NOON 8-Tic Tac Dough 4--~News: Serials 3-Mid-Day Matinee 12.30 P.M, $=~It Could Be You 100 P.M, B--Peature Movie for Red Barn ADMISSION 75¢ 4--Matinee Playhouse | 14 PM, &--Speaker of the House 2.00 P.M, As the World Turns 3--Helen Neville $--~Home Cooking 4--Meet the Millers 3--House Party 8 11---Movie Matinee 8---Matinee Theatre 4~The Big Payoff 3---American Band- nd 3.30 P.M, é--The Verdict le Yours 3-Trust Your Wife 4.00 P.M, 6---Open House 8, 4--Serial Stories $--~American Band. stand 4.30 P.M, 11, 6-Howdy Doody MONDAY EVENING 5.00 P.M, 11--Family Theatre 6--Kings' Cupboard 8--Playhouse 4-Fun to Learn 2-Superman 5.15 P.M, 6--Children's Newsréel 4-Children's Theatre 5.30 P.M, 8--Champion 3--~Mickey Mouse 6.00 P.M, 8--Kalledoscope 8~Zorro 4--Headliness News 2--Colonel Bleep 6.15 P.M. 6--8can Cisco Kid po 6--Patt! Page 645 P.M (6 5---Weather News 2-Comedy Capers 7.00 P.M, 11--Man Behind The Badge $~Tabloid 5-8id Caesar 4--Helicopter Adventure $---Corliss Archer 7.30 P.M, 11, 6-Election Talkg 8--Price Is Right 4--Robin Hood 2-Mickey Spillane 11,86--Millionaire 8, 2-Love That Jl 4--Burns and Allan 8.30 P.M, 11,6-0On Camera 8.Wells Fargo 4--Arthur Godfrey 3-Bold Journey 9.00 P.M. 11,6-1 Love Lucy 5--~Twenty-One 4---Danny Thomas 2-Voice of Firestone 9.30 P.M. 11, 6-Tugboat Annie §~Theatre 4~Men of Annapolis 2-Lawrence Welk 10.00 P.M. 11--Alfred Hitchcock 6, 4-Studio One $--Restless tiun 10.30 P.M, 11-Ob Susanna S--Lawrence Welk 3-The Whistler 1 PM, oe Theatre 2~Abbott and: Costello Favorite Story | 0AM, ns PM, 1l=The Late Show fn 10.4 P.M $-Swing Shift $--Dept. of Agriculture UKRAINIAN "DNIPRO" HALL 681 EDITH STREET DANCE Saturday Nite 8.30 - 12 p.m. Good Orchestra FIRST 10 COUPLES ADMISSION FREE EVERYONE WELCOME 6.30 P.M, | 11, 3-News; Weather; Sports COME and DANCE to . Mitchell Zaleski's 12 Sensational Headline = ST el AND WATER REVUE Canadian National The Coliseum, Toronto March 14th- 22nd The Spectacular (UR UCR TCTIE)) at the SHOW Acts and other features Orchestra at the POLISH NATIONAL Prices--Evenings and Saturday Adela Performances Twice Daily (Except Sunday) 2:15 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. Reserved Seats--$1.25--Box Seats $1.75 « ticket | Afternoons--all seats reserved Plus Admission vance sales only), Children 25¢ lod: UNION HALL 168 Banting Ave. FUN FOR ALL! | | | to buildings Adults 50¢ (on ad Buildings open from 11 a.m. to | The Coliseum EVERY SATURDAY | i 8:30 - 12 America's Finest Springtime Exhibition--Seven great shows in one Admission to Exhibition Only-- Adults 75¢, Children 25¢ Write (Enclosing chaque er money order) te THE CANADIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOW 11 p.m.-- (Daily Except Sunday) $5.14 Toronto, Canada | THe RE-OPENING oF THE * SANDALWOOD § Restaurant 1 1626 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 59111 SATURDAY, MARCH 1 action-hit in tropical COLOR and INeMAScOPE '4 Flimed In the wilds of South America's dangerous jungles! peri ADDED ADULT Starting MONDAY et] STORY OF AN UNDERWORLD BLONDE! | FEATURE Luo? Diag PAVWNEE' Pius 'BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK' i paw SMOKGASBORD BUFFET . . Eat to your hearts content , . . % The Day: SUNDAYS % The Place: THE FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL OURMETS . he BR pomp IN THE CONTINENTAL MANNER @ Unlimited portions of delicious foods % The Hour: 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. (Formerly The Venture Inn) % The Location: HIGHWAY 401 AT BOWMANVILLE CLOVE RLEAF $2.50 per person (Children under 12, half price) | Regular full-course steak, roast beef, turkey and chicken dinne 5 3 oh i FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE MARKET 3-3373 rs are also available.

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