yy --_------ #5--Real Estate For Sale 45--Recl Estate For Sale p-- RESTAURANT LARGE MODERN CENTRAL Seots 100--Beoutiful fixtures; completely decoroted; streom- Seaway Motors, opposite Shoppin, | lined kitchen with eutomatic range; lgrge capacity refrigerator; olso a walkin refrigerator; all equipment and utensils included. | 'Con be o gold mine for the right party. ta continue becouse of Iliness--priced to sell, John A. J. Bolahood Limted, Realtor, Abramoff ot RA 5-6544, RA 3-9258. Presenf owner is unable Coll for Leonard | 44b| 47 --Automoblles For Sale 47--Automobiles For Sale S50--Articles for Sale ,| take over payments. Ajax 1556J. 783 Ford four-door, lovely tutone green.| TABLES -- Cofies, step and Clean inside, out, $130 down, tables, Some reduced price, Out 42 (they go! $5.88 up. Save mow. Barons' 424 Simcoe 8. Feb.17 '0 Ford Tudor sedan, black with gleaming chrome, whitewall tires, Cus- ers. Call RA 52202, 45a GENERAL i951 Chev, deluxe sedan, very g0od| condition, Phone Ajax 1011. d heater, defroster and turn| $300 cash for best car offered. No deal |Home F electric refrigerator. Good 431 tom radio Interior Only $395. ig Cen. 41 'S52 Chevrolet deluxe, six - passenger coupe, custom radio, heater. Very out. standing car. Call RA 3-3336 after 5.30 p.m. or apply 593 Ritson Road North. 45¢ '| 48-- Automobiles Wanted | RA 43s CHESTERFIELD suites, sofa bed suites, smartly - styled, guaranteed spring-filled construction. Drop in and see these wonderful suites at give-away prices. From $129, Wilson's roiture, 20 Church Street. 43b al - signals, Dial RA 3-3138, 40f | GIRL'S sidewalk bicycle. Phone 7758 LAKVSHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking, March § 1985 or '56 Pontiac hardtop with radio, '57 Chevrolet Bel-atr sedan, power- glide custom radio, white- UNBEATABLE OFFER __ Your Own On 75' Landscaped. Lot CARRIES $62 MONTHLY * ONLY : $150 DOWN NOW PRICED FROM $10,744 SORRY, $10.5 Call Our Representative WALTER BROOKLIN 291 RIGHT Or Come ~~ MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION BROOKLIN ESTATE LTD |'50 Studebaker, good tires and motor, | glass set into aluminum frame, Same SATOK REAL Ontario's Largest Brick Home 50 ALL SOLD. MITTLER NOW! Direct To Suburban Realtor. | Ristow & Olsen REALTORS GRANDVIEW AVE. NORTH Six room clapboard with breezeway and attached garage on o wide lot in a choice location overlooking the city lights. An ideal place to live, Call Hilda Ristow ot RA 5-6165 or RA 5.3605 evenings. BASEMENT APARTMENT Self-contained opertment In this six-room, two yeor old brick, Attractive financing at 5%. C RA 5-3605 after six. | Hildo Ristow ot RA 5-6165 or TOMORROW NEVER COMES This Is opportunity day for you . Wide six room ranch bungalow of brick ond stone construction with three oversize bedrooms, natural fireplace, broadloom, kitchen dining area. Preferred North end location. Owner leaving city, will finance. Call Carl Olsen ot RA 5-6165 or RA 5-4671 evenings. N.H.A. $1,800 DOWN "Three end four bedrooms, soloured fixtures, extra powder garage, ceramic tiled baths with rooms, all completely decorated. Nearing completion--for best choice coll todoy. RA 5-6165 19-ATHOL ST. WEST... RA 5-3412 | OSHAWA | Members of the Oshewe and District Real Estate Board 450 McQuay & Kidd REALTORS WHITBY PLAZA OPEN DAILY WHITBY, MO 8-3414 313 BROCK ST. SOUTH UNTIL 9 P.M, OSHAWA, RA 5-6632 MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION BROO KLIN | walls. One owner, low mileage. Only $505 down. Sesway Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. 41 '54 Meteor sedan, green. One owner. Low mileage, Excellent condition. Cus- tom radio, seat covers. 209 Stacey. RA 5-1879. He 'sé Two-tone V-8 Plymouth, equipped with heater, radio, window washers, chrome discs, ofl filter, Small amount down, take over payments. RA et '84 Buick, century hardtop, only 28,000 miles, Fully equipped, immaculate econ- dition, Trade and terms. Dial RA 5-1392. 444 '52 Chev. hardtop, two-tone, signals, custom radio. Well cared for by GM owner. Priced for quick sale. Easy {| 50--Articles For Sale tr Will pay cash. | Phone RA 5-4668. 40f AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes, Prompt service. Free estimates. Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. hawa, Feb. 18 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD CLEAN CARS Any moke or model DODD MOTOR SALES | 314 Pork Rd. 5, RA 3-942] |ypgg _ sewing machine, 17 piece Mar. 2| cookware set, vacuum cleaner, two- brush polisher, mix-master set, power drill set. One of these items ree, Dius y di with --- YOU can be sure if it's a Westinghouse | "7 automatic washer or dryer from Park- | |way Television, 918 Simcoe Nomi. n i" Y 'eb. IB ALLIANCE TV Rote antenna, used six months. RA 3-3000, KITCHEN set, four chairs, one table, arborite. RA 5-5185. 43c WINE studio couch, good condition; 2|North, RA 5 panel doors, 2'8" x €'8". Apply 116 ic washer, range, refrigerator, automatic washer and dryer, television, hifi, chesterfield suite, patio and garden furniture at No: Simeoe Products (for quality products) 894 Simcoe Street |. 9762. 4 suites, drasti terms. Try at Wellman's, RA 3-443] ad I8 your car keeping you broke? Cut/ your future car cost in half by buying Rambler, Rambler won't crowd your! garage, is easy to park, yet has six passenger room and comfort, exclusive) safety construction and reclining seats. | Small down payment or trade no fur.| ther payment until June, up to 3 years on balance. Try Rambler today at| Wellman's. RA 3-4431, 44h Mayflower, clean, transportation, $295, Terms. "Stew" at Wellman's. RA 3-431. Try| 44c '56 Chev. Special, two-door, low mile- custom radio. age, new tires and available. | Trade considered. Terms Private, Dial RA 5-8640, hd ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent. Nine months to pay For personal service at your home, call RA 5-280: March ¢ Try "Stew" at) 43c| no rust, $295, terms. Wellmans RA 3-443], 44b |'57 Chev., tutone, guaranteed condition, | Lane, | 81895, easy terms. Try "Stew" at Well go! Save now. mal RA 3.4431, 3c | '55 Pontiac deluxe fordor six-cylinder, tutone brown, whitewalls. Immaculate | in every way, Sale price. Only $495 down. Seaway Motors, opposite Shop- ping Centre 41 '58 Chev., very clean car, low mileage, $1295, easy terms. Try "Stew" at Well 's, R. 43c ma A 3-4431 '56 GMC pick-up with built-on box, Ail condition. RA 5-8181. 40f 41 Chevrolet, running order, very good | '50 Chevrolet engine. $50 or nearest offer. Also imitation fireplace for sale, | $5. 207 Church 4b i hoodie rp AR | |p 1942 Pontiac Coach, bady a little rough. | . cast nursery and orchard company. interior very nice, motor A-l, tires | brand new. 1958 Licence plates. $75.) Call between 6.30 and 7.30. RA 5-5302| "84 Buick sedan, radio, white wall tires, clean inside, perfect shape, tu-! tone. Phone RA 8-8509 ALWAYS ig | 25 Used Cars to choose from | TRADE UP OR DOWN i Liens Paid Off Clean Cars Wanted | Wilbak Motors | 137 King St. W. | RA 5-0732 | Bow. Easy terms. ishings, 424 Simcoe South. 4 KITCHEN and dinette Church Street me half price Out |' 44 2 HP 1956 Mercury outboard Motor. | hey go! $29.88 up, Save now, Baron's Excellent condition, $395, RA 5-8781. 45a Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. |' AM-FM radio and three-speed record| Feb.17 |; player, console combination, excellent og ,yng Rockers, relaxers, hostess, « c- condition, $100. RA 3-2138. 45a | cusional chairs, drastically reduced. FOR Sale -- Recording machine and From $9.88 up. Save now! Barons heavy duty stove: also rug pad. Call{Home Fi 424 Simcoe 8, Feb.17 RA 33969 after B50 USENOLD furnishings. We buy, sell HESTERFIELDS and eds -- end exchange. For furniture bargains hler, Sklar, Restonic, ete. In nylon, | eontact Community Furniture Store, nohi and friezes, Out they go! $77 also your Necchi - Bernina Sewing Ma- p. Save now! Easy terms. arons' | chine dealer. 19 Prince Street. Phone Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South |RA 81131; after 6 phone RA 5-1423. Feb. 17 March 6 QUEBEC'S WINTER carnival most spectacular item of all is the traditional boat race from Quebec city to Levis across the BEDROOM suites including _ single, 1 double and triple dressers. Qut they go! | CHOOSE your Baw. TV from wii $88 up, Save now! Easy terms, Barons' (10fe, ailips, h el Shouse. 7 prod Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South Motorola, Admiral a Ks Feb, 17/at Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe AI -------- | North Feb. 25 WOODEN storm windows are outdat- | ed, install Mfetime aluminum, Heavy WE pay cash for used furniture, ap- pliances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, cost as wood. RA 8-8571. |stoves. Also sell and exchange. 19 CEDAR chesis--Some reduced % price Prince Street, RA 8-1131. March10 Red Beal, Pilea out they| pn windows, used us. season, Wo ; 8, 3 one Home Furnishings, 424 Simeos 8. Feb.17) fis! 7, , feet three fnche ia STAINLESS steel sink $10; 3 piece bath | -------- a $99; toilet and basin $45; %" gal. pipe,| WASHING machines in A-1 haps. 15¢ ft.; copper, 25¢ ft. Rads., boilers, 49 Burke wl, oll tanks, space heaters, plastic piping, | 3c Installations at low costs Chinn's, Hill-| |IBEAVER mouton short length fur coat. side and Park Rd. 8. RA 3-7088. Feb. 25 Best offer. RA 5-8975. "bh LAMPS -- Trilite, table, boudoir and| > A 5s rilite, ta BAnG. 4 Star Repair Centre, Phone RA 57743, TV lamps. Drastically reduced. Many price. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. Feb, 17 RCA two oven range; three piece bed: room suite: kitchen suite; all like new. Apply 104 Nassau Street or phone RA 3-9525. 42d WARF fruit trees from the world's MAN'S white curling sweater, knitted, new. RA 5-4098, 4" |CARVED oak dining room suite, 9 | pieces Niagara Massage, occasional | chairs, curtain 'stretchers, lamps, and {lawn cot. RA 5-4811. Ma SAVE $15 on a Hoover Vacuum Clean- er, A few uprights and Constellations left which have been on sale during Apple, pear and peach. Order now for | Hoover week Last opportunity J spring planting, Local agent will eall phone for demonstration. Special 1 at vour convenience. RA 5-9597 42f | right, regular $136, now $89.95. Nu- SEWING machine, heavy duty, seli- (Rug and Carpet Sales, 174 Mary Street, oiling, 241-11, like new, Between 8 - 6/RA 51202. = Bind p.m. Phone RA 5-1202 42( [BRAND new '57 Westinghouse auto- ATR compressor, 1% Bp, mew; lso| Matic clothes dryer, never used, ref portable compressor, % hp, sacrifice sonable. RA 37726. bubs for quick sale. 286 Frontenac Avenue. GENDRON baby carriage, excellent RA 59216. March8 | condition, $15. 108 McLaughlin Blvd. RA 5-4618. 44h USED washer parts and repairs, all work guaranteed. Paddy's Market, Taunton Road, 1 mile west of Hamp ton. Open nights till 8:30. MA 3.2085. 3 eb, 1 $30 off matresses -- Serta, Simmons Marshall, Restonic. Out th2y go! Save Baron's Home Fur. 1 PLYWOOD 8) From Y'" to %". Good one side. For kitchen cupboards or recreation room, Fir Feb.17| Underlay Sheathing for all CARNIVAL QUEEN Michele GOOD ured reirigerators, from 309 up;| 1/ling jobs or the new 4 x 4 | yacroix has the right to confer washers, various makes, $29 up; good Underlay. | mers during the festival, and | is a spectacular show and the | SPECTACULAR EVENT IN CARNIVAL | i] 4 St. Lawrence. The race Is through ice-clogged waters and | the boatmen Lave to leap in and | out of their craft to make head- way through the ice, as 7 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Soturdey, Pebruary 22, 1958 13 Editor Blasts Education Talk About More Money WINDSOR (CP) -- Arnold Ed-jeducation be controlled?" -- mot' inborough, editor of the Kingsion "Just how to raise the money, Whig-Standard, has critic! Ca-| which is what the CCE in Ottawa nadian educationists for talking! insisted on asking." : of nothing but money while] Mr. Edinborough said there schools had become clogged with has been a confusion of equality, 'malingerers, | and|of opportunity with equality of treatment and "we have our schools to become clogged' with malingerers, Idlers dunces to the point where they can in some areas be sald to dominate the school in the upper grades." MERELY EXPENSE He asked whether it was worth- while to hire teachers merely for, the expense of them having to fail pupils who did not meet the' ence on Education which has just ended in Ottawa "talked about little else" but money, adding that delegates talked "not very sensibly on that subject." Mr, Edinborough, a former English professor at Queen's Uni- versity and press observer at the CCE conference, Friday night told the annual dinner meeting of the Windsor Teachers' Institute "the mere spending of more "equirements. 0 money on Canadian education|, He said teachers' salaries will not meet whatever crisis it| "should if anything be raised, may be facing." {uile rutting frills would save {only a little money, OFFERS SUGGESTIONS Frills such as swimming pools He said ways fo save money were "not a part of any school's would be to improve education basic equipment. by weeding out hangers - on at| Canada, which spent $989,000,~ grade and secondary school lev-/000 on education last year, eould jels; raising university entrance afford the education she ne standards; and protesting "when "but until we have decided what the curriculum is watered kind of education we want and down." {for whom, we shall merely be He said the first question is: sending a lot of money down' am "Can the rising expenditures of lever-enlarging drain." History Theme Of Honeydale WI Program Driver Challenges ; 'Radar Speed Trap" OTTAWA (CP) -- Use of elee- tronic or radar devices to trap speeding motorists has been {challenged in the courts for the MRS. CHARLES H. REESOR [first time fa Canada. " Correspondent | Mr, Justice J. L. McLennan of PORT PERRY -- The Honey- the Supreme Court of Ontario res dale Women's Institute held the served judgment in a case in "7 [February meeting in the parish|yhich an Ottawa motorist John . |Thank you letters were receiv here she names Ligouri La- chance winner of the St. Law- rence boat race. He had four brothers as crew members. | used "eavy duly ranges $49 up; used| x Ya Poplar Waterproof | honors on various contest win- 1 used lelevisions, $39 up. Barons' Radio| | and Electric Ltd, 426 Simcoe Street | See us before buying South. Feb. 5 to Mar. § elsewhere B. F. Goodrich Stores, tires, battel Kelvinator refrigerators, televisions. 308 Bloor Street East M. GREENBERG $ SONS LTD. INTERPRETING THE NEWS Phone RA 3-7333 i Open Saturdays Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-4543. March 2 USED tires, most all sizes, $3. up. B, F. G h 8 Feb.17, CASH FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS WILSON RD. §. RA 5-5743 or RA 5-1392 | March 10 For a new Chevrolet, Oldsmo- bile, Cadillac or O.K, Used Cors come and see. "HARRY'* PELESHOK | at | ONTARIO MQTOR SALES | RA 5-6501 | Feb.29| SABYAN MOTOR | SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN |RA tore, RA 5-4543. March? | WE buy, sell and ture: RA. 3-3271. exchange used furni- Apply #44 Simcoe Street South: March 6 ---- FILTER Queen cleaner, used, 12- 57 Tegal Notices { month warranty. $45 complete. RA NOTICE | | | Be ma OS TO CREDITORS PORTABLE typewriter, adding ma- AND OTHERS chine, also cash register, Snap, \~rms could be arranged. 316 Leslie Street, | Tues., Thurs, Sat. March 4| In the Estate of HORTENSE | "owners; For factory] SARAH ELIZABETH HERAN- | COURT, Widow, deceased, CORONET TV owners: For facto | All persons having claims against the estate of ry trained technicians, call RA 8-5286 or 73 Hortense Saroh Elizabeth 8 Cedar Street. Guaranteed job. March 11 T.TS.| FOR sale one Hornet chain saw, $60 Herancourt, late of the City of Oshawo, in the County of Ontario, Widow, de- 9968 45¢ ACCORDION, Excelsior, professional model, Sacrifice, $225. A Quebec | heater. RA $5676. 45a] THREE tirer 600 x 16, with wheels| ceased, who died on or about and tubes, like new, $12 each. RA the 14th day of January, 8-3487 458 1958, ore hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal . Representative of the said deceased on or RA| before the 15th day of By ED SIMON Canadian Press Staff Writer easy shuffle. Its ally surrounded by which have produced rigid racial segregation, colonial exploitation or armed revolt, All sides in the |federation appear anxious to {avoid similar trouble within their FOOD freezer, 15 cubit feet. Woods, | good condition. Reasonable. RA 5-7405 45¢ TT rT re wwe JViove To Independence At Slow, Uneasy Pace velopment of their 6,630,000 black | neighbors toward a position of A federation of 6,850,000 resi. Political, economic and educa- | |dents of Central Africa is moving| tional equality. |toward independent status within RELUCTANT APPROVAL [the Commonwealth at a pace perhaps best described as an un- which will eration itself there are wide dis- |agreements as to priority and peed of the Negro's progress. |The differences were underlined Britain's House of Commons, i continue to control] ithe federation's destinies until! three component states, 1963, decided this week to allow | Northern and Southern Rhodesia their constitutional plans to pro- {and Nyasaland, are geographic-ceed. But the decision was not countries taken without reluctance. | Both in Britain and in the fed- hall of the Anglican Church of the Magson, contests the admissible re eng a 3. f 8 Dolce radar reading ae i pin geo : 8 BOYd proof in a speeding case. ; : . Mr, Magson, aa engineer, was Tol ih ed, Ie Us Be [convicted of speeding by Magis Diamond, The minutes and (reas. 228 Austin O'Connor Jan, 16 urer's report were presented, | CTOWD evidence said he had been | "clocked" by a radar machine Correspondence was dealt With ast Nov 21 travelling at 80 milew an hour on Highway 15 near Ofte from those getting cards and fruit while ill; a spray of flowers|tawa. was sent to the funeral of the late Mrs. Wicks, a member. An invitation was received and accepted to go to visit Brook- lin's Women's Institute on Tues- day, Feb, 25. Arrangements are {being made for a small bus load. | Mrs. Bell read a paper concern- {ing the Consumers' Associatica. Mrs. Lawson Honey gave an out- | standing report on the FWI held lin Ottawa, Mrs. Glenn Hill re- {ported on community events.| (Mrs, 8S. Cawker was appointed delegate to the district confer- ence in Guelph, Time has been changed for the meetings to 2 p.m, instead of 2.30 as previously. The April meeting will be held on the second Thursday, April 10. The Cancer Dress Station {will open the second day of |the month, The program "Historical Re- search" was in charge of Mrs. Boyd's group. Mrs. Frank Honey {gave a reading; Mrs. Boyd gave |an interesting article on a unique conducted a travelling contest happening years ago and also which was won by Mrs. Glenn Hill. A number of useful articles were brought to the meeting for layettes for Korea; also treats |for Valentines to be sent to Fair- |view Lodge. Useful articles made out of a yard of material were |also handed in, these to be dis-| posed of at a special event later| (in the season. | | WMS MEETING | It takes less thar two . yards to | The United Church Women's make these two aprons, The jon APRON CHARMERS By ALICE BROOKS T igh for trailer, with good 600-16 tires [kN : : Yc March, 1958, full porti- EMERSON TV 17-inch, new picture : {tube which is guaranteed, $89; one culars of their claims. Im |G. E. Consol model 17-inch TV, $75 mediately after the said date lone RCA Victor, late model with base the Personal Representative will distribute the assets of SALES & SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, S, OSHAWA, ONT, TEL. RAndolph 3-3461 $818.00 | DOWN | borders i | i i in the Commons debat |February meeting in the base i The chosen vehicle ig the prin-|federation's pa: bil, "whieh, ment of the church with Mrs LC A peste ciple of partnership, whereby the the House passed over vigorous Clifford Love presiding. Pattern 7011: ] | federation's 220,000 white resi- Members were asked to remem- Labor opposition. |ber the World Day of Prayer broidery, cutting chart, direor transfer of ems looks like new, $149. Meagher's, 5 King them- 10,744.00 FULL $77 MONTHLY (in 00 PRICE cluding taxes) $3750.00 SALARY REQUIREMENT 'FIVE-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOWS, COMPLETELY FINISHED, NO HIDDEN CHARGES, A $300.00 "DEPOSIT NOW WILL GUARANTEE YOU A HOUSE FOR SPRING. MODELS AVAILABLE FOR INSPEC- TION Call Ted Coates, MO 8-3414 or RA 5-6632 (evenings Brooklin | | | | | | "621R6) for details and oppointment to see a finished house, | E - bedroom brick house, at. THRE tached garage, on Mary Street, near North Simcoe School, two bathrooms, reasonable terms. Phone RA 32932, 40f MODERN six-room home and sunroom, decorated. Hot water heating, garage Low down payment Vacant. 559 Ritson Road South, Apply 213 Conant. 43 SNACK BAR and GAS PUMPS $18,000 for this business doing good turnover, located on busy highway, commuting distance to Oshawa, clean bungalow on extra large lot for living quarters, suitable for garage, would exchange for six-room brick bungalow Oshawa. lliness forcing sale. OPEN EVENINGS Walter R. Smith BROKER 846 SIMCOE ST. NORTH DIAL RA 3.2911 in ~ (tached garage, 44b | five - room brick house. | Low down payment Apply 211 Drew | Street. Private. hd | {BRAND new solid brick bungalow, NHA approved, re-sale. Low down pay- (ment. Phone RA 5.8321. 44b BARGAIN -- Six-rdom brick with at. | storms and screens, |rotar antenna and five-room apart. | ment. Many, many extras. Close tof |either school and store. $16,000 Value | {for only $14,995 with $4,595 down or] will sell for $3000 down at 54 per cent. | Call Whitby MO 8-4449 jab | LOT for sale on Elizabeth Crescent close to shopping centre), 75° x 200". | Phone RA 3.9766. 43 MODERN apartment house, 14 rooms, | three bathrooms, §00d location in Whit hy MO p22) March 22 TO get bargains -- run Wanted To Buy ads in. Classified. Folks eager to sell call YOU. Dial RA 33402 46--Real Estate Wanted FOUR or five room hon cash buyer, Call Henry 5-6423 or Office, RA 5 65 WORKING men want homes with 0 down. If you can help please call W | McAuley. Realtor, 26 Prince. Dial RA 3:2512 or Whitby MO 8.3231 Feb 22 WILL exchange or | VERY central, wanted for | Stinson, ¥ $1000 i Pontiac 'sed ; for good building lot or small acre age within commuting district of Osh awa, RA 3.3307, "ut Feb 26 'OUR CARS ARE BETTER OUR PRICES ARE LOWER PONTIAC SEDAN, CHEV, CONV. aute matic transmission ond radio, PONTIAC SEDAN, DODGE CLUB CPE. VANGUARD SEDAN, like new. HILLMAN COMMER. CHEV. HARDTOP, radio, PLYMOUTH HARDTOP, PONTIAC COACH, fully equipped. CHEV, SEDAN (2), HILLMAN ST. WAGON, DODGE COACH, CHEV. COACH. DODGE SEDAN. STUDEBAKER COACH, STUD. STARLITE CPE. STUD. SEDAN, PONTIAC SEDAN, fully equipped. METEOR COACH, PLYMOUTH CLUB CPE. PLYMOUTH COACH, CHRYSLER SEDAN, fully fully equipped and like new OLDS, SEDAN, can import CHEV. .2-TON stake canvas top in mechani- cal A-1 condition, ESSIONS MAKE OFFER >UARD SE CURY COI E TRADE UP OR DOWN WILBAK MOTORS! 137 K WwW. RA 5 Ameri- REPOSS AN NVERT Ct Q If 0732 Street West | Marine Storage and Supply Ltd. dents solemnly pledge |selves to work toward the de- JUNIORS 45c the regard which notice, Dated at Oshawa this 13th dov of February, 1958. IVOR DAVIES Executor - - said deceased having ly to claims of BOAT KITS only hi hall th h $56.00 and up. ®nal Men Move and week- Open ends. evenings Brooklin | Marine Storage Supply Ltd. | Phone 87 | Feb.24 BOATS PETERBOROUGH Cedarstrip, aluminum, mould- ed plywood, fioreglos Moulded mahogany hull. Evinrude motors. TEE-NEE TRAILERS Layaway charges, by his solicitors, Messrs, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers and Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Feb.15,22 Mar. 1 WORKMEN OVERCOME CORINTH, N.Y. (CP) -- Po- |lice reported between 35 and 50 {workmen were overcome by | chlorine gas Friday night at the International Paper Company plant here. Corinth police said a {chlorine gas line broke in the {main plant. ina plan, no finance Factory approved service. | | Brooklin, Ontario Phone 87 Open evenings and weekends. Mar.7| 30--Articles For Sale RA3-2219 KOOLVENT RA3-2219 | ALUMINUM AWNINGS WINDOW, PORCHES, DOORWAYS, PATIOS, CARPORTS NASH ALUMINUM STORM DOORS JALOUSIES WINDOWS The plan of the federation's leaders is to proceed imme- |diately toward political integra. tion of the races through a com- mon voters' list and election of most of the assembly's members without regard to their color. CAUTION URGED At the same time, the right to vote is circumscribed by qualifi- cations of education and eco- nomic status which have the ef- fect of disfranchising more than 190 per cent of the Negro popula- tion. Labor critics argued that the bill "'fetters on the Africans a form of government which they cannot break for generations to come." The government replied that it represents an Increase in the African electorate to 56,000 from 1,000 and warned against the possible dangers of a sudden shift in-the balance of political power. In the federation itself, Labor's _|objections were echoed by the Central African Board, a stand- ing committee of the federal as- !sembly which acts as watchdog |over Negro interests. The board [lane the electoral bill dis- criminatory and urged its rejec- tion at Westminster. MODERATE CHOSEN But the federation's leaders are also under pressure from another quarter. In the all-white legislature of Southern Rhodesia, largest and most developed of the three territories, the United {Federal party forced the resig- [nation of Prime Minister Gar- BUDGET 1 FREE | TERMS | CES HAN ESTIMATES 4 BRUCE ST, OSHAWA By ANNE ADMAS | Feb, 28 | Jrs. ... Make a dramatic en- -- -- | trance in this sabre - slim sheath that crisscrosses high in front, dips low in back. You have real "poured-in" look strictly sensational! Enjoy sewing with our easy Printed Pattern. Printed Pattern 4653: Jr. Miss Sizes 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. Size 13 takes 2% yards 39-inch fabric. | Printed directions on each pat- tern part, Easier, accurate. | THE VERY BEST COSTS NO MORE "WINTER SEAL' windows WINTER KRYLASTIC" weather-prooted Storm: Screen SEAL" -- Aluminum Combination Doors see the new Jal-O-5ee.) "KOOL LITE AWNINGS" -- Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies. See the newest in adjustable awnings, "KOOL-SIDE" -- Awnings ana Canopies. "They cpen and close trom inside." "BEAUTI-DOR" -- Shower enclosures, Fireplace Equipment and Wrought Iron Railings and turnishings. Toronto prices. LES EVENISS SALES LIMITED 15 PRINCE STREET 3 RA 5.4632 send order to ANNE ADAMS, LES EVENISS -- RA 3:2707 DON HOWE -- RA 5.0313 are of Daily Times . Gazette \ Feb. 28 Pattern Dept.. Oshawa. Ontario, |coins (stamps cannot be accept-| ed) for this pattern. Please print | plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER | Send FORTY CENTS (40c) inc! field Todd because of his es- pousal of racial partnership. While Todd's opponents anxious to safeguard the posi: tion of the federation's white minority, the vigor of their cam- a baign is tempered by the know- ledge that overly extremist poli- cies could delay its achievement of independence. Consequently, they have re- placed Todd with Sir Edgar Whitehead, whose racial views are moderate, and their leader, Sir Patriek Fletcher, is not 'in- cluded in the new cabinet. MAN IS KILLED HAMILTON (CP) -- John Ton- aswiez, 43, .was killed Friday when his bicycle collided with a car. An inquest has been or-) dered. ' are be; [service which will be held thistions. You'll want both aprons. |vear in the United Church on Feb | They're inexpensive, practical, 21, Mrs. Love presented a brief| Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS [report on the Oshawa Presbyter-| (coins) for this pattern (stamps |lal executive meeting regarding cannot be accepted) to Daily {the Presbyterial meeting to be Times - Gazette, Household Arts held in King Street Unite d/Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, Print Church, Oshawa, on Feb. 20. * [plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT. | At the conclusion of the busi- TERN NUMBER. {ness session Mrs. Reesor opened; Send TWENTY - FIVE CENTS |the worship service. Mrs. Lin- more for a copy of our Alice {stead read the scripture lesson| Brooks Needlecraft Catalogue, |and led in prayer. The study [Two complete patterns are prints | book 'Cross and Vrisis in Japan" ed right in the book . .. plus' a was in charge of Mrs. Cor- variety of designs that you will {nish. Tea was served by Mrs. want to order: crochet, knitting, |Reesor's group and a social hall embroidery, . huck weaving, {hour enjoyed. |quilts, toys, dolls. DAILY CROSSWORD Caliber DOWN Skilled woodworker . Girl's name . Cistern . Land measure . Article of virtu . Ancient Syria Offer . Vendor . Push . Guides . Malayan dagger (var.) 1». pull thump 18. Comply Ja TETRIS eL IN 19. To-do [EI IETAITRMAILICIV] : 21. Epochs [AlL[T]O[OIN[A} 22. Fore. [CIH[TITIRRIUININIEIR] ren, EER 31 Sree CRE eI INEIARIS I SIPIEICTS hibl. EIR RRNEINIS] tions x 26. Re. Yesterday's Answer freshes 35. Smell 27. Peel 37. Stone money 28. Pierce (var.) (Yap) vl 29. Supposes 38. Finnish 31. City seaport (Mont) 40. Siberian 34. Twisted gulf ACROSS 42. 1. Kind of coffee 1 8. Locomotive shelters 9. Underwater detecting apparatus 10. Semitic archangel 12. Cue 13. Undercar castered. frame 14. Single unit 15. Neat 16. Music note 17. Norse god 18. The Buckeye State 19. Nourished 20. Gloomy space to Hades 22. Chestnut envelopes 238. River (U.S) 24. Distress call 25. Ravel 27. Went by 30. Roman money 31. Barks at 32. Pronoun 33. At home 34. Mongrels 35. Open (poet.) 36. Disprove 38. First man 39. A confec. tion 40. Ancient coins (Gr.) 41. Border of w 2nobject IN