Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Feb 1958, p. 13

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A 7 TWE PARLY TIMEB-SAZETTY, Setwrduy, Pebroery 22, 1999 >a THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads = 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades 18--Loan Wanted 26--Farmer's Column 36--Female Help Wonted |43--Wanted to Rent Please Note INDEX eK ad CN ng sire) CARPENTER work, alterations, re-|WANTED -- $3800 morighfe on 8|BALED clover and mixed hay. + 00 an woman wing is ook afer ona wha FIVE « mee looms smMl Dutehiuy Public Accounts: King pairs, kitchen cabinets our peciauy: $9000 house at 6 per cent. RA a. quality, 50 cents per bale, RA 54006, amily. Deodlines now in effect TO WANT AD (East, Oshawa, Ontario, 33309. [No ob too big or small. Free 4si| mother works. RA 81456 nd Cotiricn, Oehawa. Whkhy. No objec. this column: Mareh?| ates, Give us a try. Work | QUANTITY of bailed, mixed hay and! FULL (ime housekeeper (0 live in. THREE - room apartment, near morth rtment, Births, Memorioms, Cords of {RA 37196, March 13) y/o buy, sell and ar- [Sue Tor sale. Paone MO 89955, Whit |Win. mare einen wate Mori GEE, . Toom Apartment, ni ee on, Thanks -- North section. Hunter and Co, CLASSIFICATION | Sivest Eats B. 1. Rigas, "7. ried 9--Building Material range first and second |Z as {AE Wills Box 'sil, machine. One child. Write Box 903 March' 1 {ander, B., Com. CPAj- J. Hunter, picked up hy A 1--Accountants (CPA. Diai RA 51621. Marehi | BALED straw for frost eoverage de] Mortgages and cash . $106 monthly for lovely dresses | YOUNG couple with two children, re. |SELF - contained 2-Barristers (SOB Clancys ontare prem serv livered. A. Armstrong, Howard 6-385, agreements of sale in fargwill Fur farm, Tyrone. Feb.17 given to you as bonus, is {0% North auites 8 Jout room Spartinen!, Reason goss oom Sparsmant, in in apaiiment build; DIAL RA 3-3492 3 hicomiaen lices offers cor Oshawa and vicinity |27---Fuel Wood or experi 1926 Times-Gazette. Me | V0 fully Tarnished Tooms. a Tights iy Services He a mall bo ones ry 5007; des 10--Sharpening Service and throughout the |GiEaw dry, hardwood cuttings, #5|%on Froe 34.3125, Tniusisial Boe. 44--For Rent and hot water, electric stov , retriger. 4--Optometrist oe ErT Mesiair--iai 3d Co. WAVE your lawnmower sharpened now, Province of Ontario. [thd 32 Jul delivered amples pg a FURNRRD Heh Towseksesig Toor | deniemas Apply 24 Br a a BIRTHS TemSarveyan Chartered Aecaunianis Licensed Trus Saws, Scissors, knives gic Perky Null Oshawa Acceptance $2 Simos Sreet North. RA 349%. Wi| THREE unfursabed or ait fami: 7a--Veterinorions : ed rooms, six minutes to corner. Young 8--Building Trades fos, J w, patios, Tor Tho o = Corporation Ltd., 112 SECRETARY FOR |iwa © uniursished Tooms with kitchen Sous or two. Please 20 children MoPHMEE -- Danetie Lynn, daughter|| 9--Building Material A. 8. Comm., CA; G. W.| T= usiness Opportunities| Simcoe Street North, LAW FIRM Private entrance. Apply 383 Howard 3.4128 ] of Mr. und Mis. "Samuel McPhee 10--Sharpening Service Rint, CATR. , ighiont CA 135 Sime IMAKE $50,000 in five years -- 2| Oshawa, Ontario -- RA DEE po a water. nin 3 three - room oes, wishes announce the arrival of all 1 __B siness Opportunities [cos Street North, Oshawa. Feb, 6 Chinchilla first class breeding stock, in- . ; a Baby 'brother, Daniel Morris, on Feb. ae Ey hires ) ?| cluded is 3 cages for 72 Chinchilla.| 9-3 To begin of once, five-day |lsines downiown apartment, Bessy pins reasonable. Available. March & Boo ina, oat 7 3 on Vg 2--Barristers Ala res ty Fo Mar.13 week, medical ond if |S itl BEE Readiris A SMe or Hh 25 12--Dressmaking ORN AG MacDonald, BA Barris. Road South. 4b | T8a--Mortgages scheme, legal experience pre- [$60 monthly, RA 88175. - Mar.l | THREE room sell contained unfurnish. 1b . e . ferred but not essential. Ap- LARGE four - roomed fiat, sink and|®d apartment. Located at $22 King 13--Gardening & Supplies ter and Boll r, 101 Simcoe Street % - i 4 : floors, | East. Heated hot and cold water sup- 14--Household Repairs North, Phone RA 8-851, March | BE A LIFE WE have clients with monies lo pur plications fully, confidential. |refrigerstar in kitchen, hardwood foots: plied, Wired for 'heavy duly . stove. 15.-- Instruction JORERH = Mangan. GO, Barrister, UNDERWRITER chase first and second mortgages and Write Box 940, Times- monthly. Phone MO 823%, Whitby, 43c | Laundry facilities tn | basement, On bus agreements for sale at a it. Go sister for Elizabeth | 16--insurance Solicitor, Money to loan. Office, 14%4 Louis §. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street zette, paketit ine. 17--Money te Lean King Sirens a Oshawa, Ra Jo One of Canada's leading Life East, Oshawa. RA 3.4943. Marchid LL RNISHED Doom, friends to B, Share. lo rordon Bunker, RA rs id | Res y 3405, , bi 1 contained 1 rooms TOWNS -- Mr. and Mrs, Harry 131.600 Wanted TORTIE a Be vas ivurance erp oer 19--Personcl RT os hill Bo "Boule SELY omtainud | avait, 3 Jooms Towns toes Joanie Mentos) ate Raps rigege ters, Solicitors; R, D, Humphreys, uC;| © lifetime career tp the right | Eon extra money In your |rwo a oy eo Ty yam to announce the birth of a son, Randy || j9_personal Riders eee eee |G, B. Boychyn BA; W, A. Hillman] mon. LEAVING for Toronto at 8 a.m, 3 421 [FURNISHED three-room apartment. William, ba, ose Gansiay Hos. [| 20--Cartoge (Lim's King Street West Phores desired. Call RA 81475 after 6:00, 44a spare tims. Work directly cupboards, RA 88173. Very central for three business girls pital. First grandch and M 21--Personal Service [Office RA 81177, Res. RA 54604;| Age preferred -- 25 to 45, | com mm orlem? Write from your own home, we MODERN ~ three-roo ros or working couples. Immediate posses. Arnott Towns, 244 a tor Aven 22--Radio Repairs Whitby, MO 82761, Money to wa. Ed ; Grade 13 Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 103, Osh have en interesting and pro- Spaime gp 0 eg) ah 2 Phone RA sion, "of 23--Women's Column ucotion -- Grade lv, or laws,' Feb. 28 fitable offer for you as a [51168 Az (FOUR - yom sce Adit pete bath, | MANNING F, Swartz, Barrister, Solicl- sales experience. % -- |private entrance. Adul 24--Market Basket ltor, Notary, Money to loan, Henry P HYGIENIC sapplise rubber Joods), HARRY O. PERRY telephone convasser, Con- BENYAL Meney, Lioy Realty, any Call atter 5. RA 39 ot DEATHS ZS-spets na Livestock [ Block, 28 W}King Street East, RA 34007.) Storr ot $300 per month or [EL SC RN PAL 13 BG amples 25 PETROLEUM CO. vassers required in Ajox, |Lioyd Realty (Oshawa) 93 Simcoe NICELY 26--Farmer's Column Residence, Dial 3-4029, March 1 di . pes 4 ' of [for young lady. Apel. ig John Street, la more, depending on ex cents; 24 samples $1.00, Mail Order Phone RA 3.3443 Whitby, Osh 8B Street North. RA 85123, 27~Fusl, Wood DONALD Blake Dodds, Barrister and perience Dept, Al, Nov Rubber Co., Box 91, p t Daily Dell by, owe, | ATTRACTIVE th a Mar. 20 ate || 28--Summer Resorts Solicitor, 26% King Street East, Tele y Hamilton, Ontario, Feb, 72 romp y Delivery ville, Port Hope, ond Cobourg. |geif.contained apartment, private en-|COLLEGE Hill, new two Sodio bun- BIRD (Ted) d--In Bowmanville 20a--Hirt phone Business, RA "71; Residence Welf. Benefit clonic FORT: eb. tr heavy wiring, TV aerial, auto-|§2low, immediate possession, oil heat- Memorial Hospital on Friday, Febru- o--Hunting RA 8.8373. Marchi| Group Welfare Benefits -- TOBACCO ! Phone RA 3-2219, ance, y ' . ed. No objection to one or two children ary 321, 1958, Edward (Ted) Bird, be- | 29--Summer Properties For Sole wh ~ for you and your family, anteed remedy for cigarette addiction 29--Summer Properties 414 matic washer. Business couple. RA RA 50138 after 6 pom pre loved husband of Winnifred Hobbs, and or Wanted | 'and Kelly, Barri 3 i Free authoritative i TE opition 5-5445 after 5 p.m. 40f .m., sar father of Helen (Mis. Phi 30--Lost and Found mA 32h in Bag Complete professional train- Corp. Tha. by] #5, Station B, Hamilton, For Sale or Wanted 37--Male Help | Wanted MODERN tity - Nom lf. £5 apr oh anata ursigiued, and- e d os ---- em -- een . , Coden) To is in his "Ssth "year,|| 31--Articles For Rent Greer, BA. Sc, RA $3368; Terence V. ing at branch office end Jan'18;¥eb 8.2% RANGH-siyle winterized cottage with SALES opportuaity. We are looking or A on 262 Cadillac South' RA 3.7268. "wt Resting at Northcutt and Smith Funer-|| 32--Articles Wanted Head Office. a $arp0s rE I Apraeire in extra income. If you Street East. a VERY large furnished light housekeep- al Home, 53 Division Strost, Bowman, 34--Auction Soles 3 nald, Barristers, c t tha thallengs For that Special Someone! Owner transferred. Real buy, Phone sry caliag on ie reall aoe i ened FOUR - room apartment. Situated on (IN room. with Jelrigerator, suitable for ice Monday, 'ebruary Solicitors an you mee " . # or two girls, He sory ey: eT ville 35--Employment Wanted King Street E .2269, ! of salesmanship? A complete line of MIDO, Port Perry 480 R 14 Feb. 18] nooks, Restaurant Pads Printed BR 1 Oshawa, Pleasure Valley 2A ps - s Bi 36--Female Help Wanted P J g BULOVA tches. - Tapes. Businesses must use these prod. ~~ Cemetery, Masonie service will be held private mortga, 4 : LORIE ond wotches. 130 1 ost and Found 0 ucts to operate, therefore every call is| TWO room apartment, est end, near sh ny JIE Ava st the Funeral Home on Sunday, || 37--Mole Help Wanted | RALPH $, Jones, BA and Thomas H. Forward complete Informa- Diomonds, Cultured Pearls, of . ' ' -- a prospect. For furthet information,| Adults. Very central, every onan. February 23 at 7 p.m. | 38--Male or Female Help Wonted |iGreer, Associate Barristers and Solicl-| on about vourself (confiden- etc, LOR amie Ee UR, wilie Box 738, Tim Fig oD, ance a ye ie J cH ear ooiping cenii Times rn A imcoe Street South, RA 5.3525 . : OROCKATT -- Entered into rest in 39--Agents Wanted | Mort gases loans available, March? tio) to Box 949, Times- CORNISH JEWELLERS keepsake, Please phone 52012, Me | SUPERINTENDENT for small, mod. |>2%0. Raila the Oshawa General Hospital on Fri-|| 40--Opportunities -- Gazette, 20 BOND STREET WEST LOST -- Thursday morning on Park |ern apartment building, two - bedroom FOUR attractive unfurnished rooms in = Toom apartment with bath, day, February 21, 1958, David Crockatt, || 4]1--Room and Board I 43¢c LOST -- Female Beagle, biack, tan |suite available at reduced rental in re-|Oshawa's most select distriet. ay uty wiring, Adults only. Near beloved husband of Jessie Mitchell} yo p00, ong Board Wanted 4 Your Watch Personally and white, answers to Pixie. Phone|turn for light duties. Apply Apartment able March 1. Washing facilities, hea rth Simcoe School." RA 85-5396, Resting at the Armstrong y uneral 43--Wanted To Rent pr TE | 13--Gardening & Supplies Serviced. RA 50435, 4s (9, Jn Graydon Road, Whitby, Sunday, Mews included, hildren welcome. Ap REE Foon Bapies. Srivets Bath. Homa, Ounawi, Wik memos 5 " » solicitor, rem -- Feb.20 -- -- ---------------------------- 0 p.m. " me le oats bath, ia the chapel on Tuesday, February 25/| 44--For Rent ete, 13% Simcoe Street North, Dial of- | 1" Road North between Fun ia EET for wi comp, Wolo | DoE Srihari oo Taina Venable or st 3 p.m, Interment Mount Lawn Ceme-|| 45 _Reol Estate For Sale fice, RA B5-3741. iui ig RA 55542. SPRI NG $ ' Eo ile |ONE housekeeping room, _ furnished, ked not to eall at 2 tic rim glasses, blue leather case. RA » . S 401 FIVE - room apartment and three i the uneral nome ntl Sunday) ya ngh india I... NING" ELECTROLYSIS 34135, He er ply 125 Clark Street, I es ua ad Hive the funeral home 46--Recl Estate Wanted MeGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers PLAN Removal of Superfluous Hair . wa organization ha NEW six - room bungalow, near SGM, |ply 592 Drew Street. AB Pp : 31---Articles for Rent tioniry engineer ag ontao sec: [immediate possession. Apply 254 Mal- a f and Solicitors. Clients' funds available ------------------------ MANN -- In Oshawa 47-Autornebiies For Sale for first morigages, 20 Simcoe Street Order Now! | Marie Murduff will be in . ond class certificate, Applicants must|aga Road. "of THD pated arte rooms, avo Witcher: pital on Saturday, February 3, 48--Automobiles Wanted North, RA 53566. Charles C. McGib 50. N Oshawa March 4 - 5, Phone HALF - ton pick-up truck for rent, For have at least five years' practical |= Alice Johnstone, widow of William | 49--Automobile Repairs bon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. Feb.20 SO-GREE Genosha Hotel on th dat {light cartage. Rent with driver or with. operating experience in a high pres. SMALL apartment, bedroom, dinette, Hoor, Central, 162 Colborne Street East. Mann and dear mother of Harold and - Lo MILORGANITE | genesha Hotel on these dotes | 8 ar Mee ron [Sure statinoary steam plant on a regu. |kitchenette, living room, ground floor, |RA 5.3207. per Miss Alice Mann (136 Harmony Road 30--Articlos For Sale MONTEITH, Monteith, fehl ang Ce, C.I.L, EVERGREEN for appointment, Lo Lo ------------=|lar shift, of which at least three years APDIy between 5 - 9 p.m., 165 Ritson Two - roomed furnished apartment, -- ir ountan Lo} " . Nest), he a Funtal rh 51 ==Swep end Barter a Ouaws. Sttatiord, . To 4-12-10 FERTILIZER Mar. 4 DO-IT-YOURSELF Sunt dave Dow or over liar room of | aa all new furniture, private bath, heavy Servi chapel on Monday, Feb.|| 52--Legol Notices rontos . JW. Monteith, FCA; 10-10-10 FERTILIZER [fw Up' fo $4800 per year. Apply giving | TWO - room aparment, furnished, suit wiring, gerator, TV, tele Ne ry a" at's pm. Interment Union | CLASSIFIED AD RATES [A,B Monteith, 8 comm. CA GW | GOLDEN VIGORO 20--Cartage RENT-A-FLOOR ate. "education and fuil details or" ex 170, His OF couple Dest shopping CHISTAn. 1313 Cadar Street a otery. , : oot, CA; : #1, : . - Om |W Tretheway, CABRA 5.3527, 135 Bim REGULAR VIGORO FALL Bud Gur for cariage of al SANDER & FINISHER pisience to Box No, a7), Times-Gazefie. 4, org: RA S501, Feb.21| FOUR rooms. oll heated rd 25 words or less ||co, "street North, Oshawa. be BONEMEAL No emoiaDle Tales BA BAO 4. IMMEDIATE possession. m{S0ld Water, dink, vuln' curbonrin apartment in central Ty "A Tach: Children welcomed. $13 weekly or by Cosh Charge | GRETGHTON, Fraser, : SHEEP MANURE _Mar.28 Yom ACTUAL JOBS [ities including TV antenna. Adyits only, |the month. Heat and hydro included. 3 CONSECUTIVE , Barristers, Solicito Ba SEE SE IN MEMORIAM INSERTIONS 1.88 207 ie, Bank of Commerce Build- PEAT MOSS 21--Personal Service HARRISON & KINSMAN SS RA 8-8180, Mar, 6 2% ontias east of Oshawa on Tis way 6 CONSECUTIVE , § Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446; 2 Deliver Later :: 337 Simcoe St. 5. RA 3-4425 In Canada, US, South Am- |r : Bow. zette, 45a INSERTIONS 300 3.30 [[T. K. i N LS wo COOPER SMITH CO. gd armoches baby nighties Jepiiar March 13| erico, Europe, To $15,000. |iy decorated, suitable for working FIVE Toom he ated, Spariment oa It not paid within 7 days the ||QC: G. K. Dry " TE Travel paid. Write Employ- |couple, possession March 1. Apply 72 bath hardwood fl and § AYRE ~-- In loving memory of Alfred |NHA_ mortgages a ¥ Marens| 16 Celina St. RA 3-2312 3 ploy: Vorth, 5 oors, lawn and sar ag Be It v1 away February 1, Charge rate will apply, 3--Chi L March20 Asie window cleaers, Wal ashing, Choin Saws, Gas and Electric ment Info. Centre. Room Wiser Road North, near King ast goo. Phone Brooklin 624 R 4. 3 Above rates apply only to eri- mee iroprac ors == ltronts. Janitor service. Phone RA| Complete Floor Sanding and C-52, 470 Stuort Street, ll RNISHED or unfurnished ern Gone loved so dear, 4 ah 4 2 . . plete : 0 ' * |TWO - room apartment, kitchen and [three room " Som we loved to hear; finer Se A at {SYDNEY "W. Buffeit, DC, Office, 135 1 Household Repairs 8.3481. : -- Feb.21 Polishing Equipment and Boston, 16. bedroom. Well furnished. Suitable for {Available March 10 Cony i Dat, Too far away for sight or speech ot o loter date constitute @ new |§imcoe Street North, Phone RA 5.4163 RUGS, carpets and upholstery export: NOW your baby's own shoes in ever Materials (new machines); Jan.25,Fb. .M 1 8, icouple, or two girls or boys, !Also furnished bedroom for rent. Avail. But not too far for thought to reach. || oo L070, Hor appointments March 131). cleaned in your home. Modern ma.|lasting bronze "metal. Keepsake for-| cu. cou. Sanders: Drills: on.£9,Fb.1,8,19,£4,, Mar. 1,8, | monthly, RA 5-971. Apply 283 Riteon. able immediately. RA 5-7530. 45¢ Sweet fo remember him who one . Professional and Business listings Servi |chine method used. Satisfaction guaran. ever. Phone RA 8:8508. RA 55584. d3c Ext ' Ladders: ' Pai ne 15,27,29Apr.5,12 South, su ATTRACTIVE three.room unfurnished As Juve, sb abseot, de jus al ssi uienc ana Businus listings |5--Nursing ervices [teed. Cheap winter rates, Free esti. os ension 104 erst p : TWO . room apartment, private en- self-contained apartment. Private en- dear. Each additional line 75c¢ per month. MARNWOOD Nursing Home announces | mates. RA 37938. hd ROSS ENDICOTT Fb d di t. Te yunels Principal required for 4-room [trance and bath. Phone RA 58797. 41f iranee. ea i gy Serial dit. wLovingly remembered by Mary €. Each initial letter, abbreviation, | the opening of new accommodation fOr |CHESTERFIELDS rebullt, recovered, ipe. 1 hreading tauipmeny public school in Orono, On- |THREE, bright, clean unfurnished sses arier 5 ocs® couple RA and vingly $ and c sign, figure, count as a | convalescent and elderly ladies. Our jie" now Why pay more? Our rates Electric Hammer; Chain tario. Duties to commence |rooms. Heavy duty wiring, sink and -- o word, Box charged 15c additional, | staff of eight includes two registered |... ro.conable. Satisfaction guaran. Floor Covering Service Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow d 1958. Mi cupboards. $45 month, third floor, cen- SBUMBLEY = In loving memory Classified Advertisements |/Durses and offers nursing care of Pro:|ieeq, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up-| Floors, walls, and counter Torch; Electric Soldering Iron; September . inimum lrg Adults only RA 8 8330. its FOR RENT fiibur Chumbiey, who Passed AWAY || \\UST be In by 9 a.m. the d fessional standards, Telephone MATke!| oi iering Co. 10 Bond Street J 3 100 #t. T Stan's salary $3,500.00 with allow- GENTLEMAN willing io share room: ary (3-8731 or visit 26 Elgin Street. Bow. | Dal RA 5.0971. Marents tops expertly installed. 1. Tope, eic,. Slons ance for experience and quali- ltive days 'week preferred. One| 1hree-room publication, Office hours: rtment, ve vill Feb h i i nes | Br: flowers we place upon your gra 8-5, Saturday 8-12. manville. Sharpening Service, corner fications. Apply by March 8, [block from "downtown, "RA 88470, 6c with bath, $75 per t t Os Gmeral Hos- wither and decay, Se A FUBNIIURE repaired and reuphol- 1] RA 5.2274 King and Burke Sts, -- Diel s g Jove for you who sleeps Tenaath REGULATIONS-- tered. See our materials for recover Ca A 3.3224, 1958, stating particulars, sal- REE large unfuraighed Jou, Sew. month including heat, never fade away, The Daily Times-Gazette shall || AN DEN or Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street, Mar. 4 R ory expected, nome ond od- : : g North. a3 shady mimed by wie mis, Tomy || no be Teborul" or aod mA XE Fr Fb21| dress of present Inspector, to [rom 8 Jight and water, Apply than in writing, nor for more than OR real savings on painting and deco TAI LORING 32--Articles s Wanted H. E. Millson, Orono, Omerie, refrigerator. Near orth GM pldat, $13 Church St. . ake or size. C (weekly, RA 3-241, 45¢ ting. Phone MO 8-4490, Whitby; old OCHUMBLEY ~ In memory of Arthur | one incorrect insertion of any ad- ra EY oy ri fe away || vertisement, nor beyond the price iarnitire refinished like new *Marents ny make or size, pba ew i -- a il father dear, [ a re tig BE |T lay, sand and finisn, hardwood floor LEN PULLAN x te. Mar. 21 INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR hii ig hin bathroom. No ehil-| - owte not gn eS 4 occurs, And also reserves the right KING ST. WEST bathroom wall and floor tile. Phone RA (English Tailor) ; cash for used furniture, ap- dren. 482 Cubert Street, Oshawa 45f FOR RENT long es life and memory last, fo classify advertising gccording to +1092, Mar. 11 For oll your tailoring require- pliances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, SALESMAN ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms ever shall bo shall dig thee. its own classification. sing home for | stoves, Also sell and exchange, 19 available in private home, 82 Park Exclusive nursing PAINTED wa eaned, scientific, In| ments, Use our experienced M Excellent opportunity for ex- |g North, 57 p.m. Ra 8-867, Mar, 20 remembered by son Franklin, convalescent and elderly peo- expensive. Walls cleaned often ves A Prince Street, RA 8.1131. h 13 ices, 24-h - paren Cu ---- pubs stam uate in: aw Vavty ana' : | ple (men and women). painting incefinitely, Let us save Balv Ses % To biol Slegn WANTED canary JJisht "cage, medium perienced, hard-hitting sales- READY to occupy -- j -- Two - bedroom IMMEDI TELY | . d diet in ate you this back - breaking drudgery. We ] vice, Prince w size, Call RA 5.8738 4 man to sell America's top line apartment in new building, on 15 Gib: A DEARBORN | Nurses ond dieticians invented Von. Schrodér| next to bus station, Oshawa. of Industrial Crawler and [bon Street. Apply 21 Gibbon treet, 421 - In Fe d & § Who pateeg ly 'IN MEMORIAM Jendence. Frey series, radie, a ved ma| RA 8-531) wheeled tractors, with @ full |CENTRAL, three - room modern apart-|' Storey and @ half new home. ary 123, 1955 T.V. lounges. pie Call us for estimate, i A 0 51278 chl 7.7.5. till Mar. 9 line of loaders, backhoes, [me Ry, Satage, bultable for bust! 2 upper rooms and 3 ground Joving daughter gone to rest, Mave was true, her hears PHONE RA 5-2330 FAINTING and paper hanging, floor; 22. Radi d T.V.R side booms, dozers, compres- level, er Jove was true, her heart was Lhd : ' ~-Radio an pale 2 y LARGE ground floor, four-room at evel, front and rear halls, March 21 ana Sol ting, hardwood sors, etc. High earnings to ent, close to schools and shopping.| 4-pc. bath, hot water heater, | SPEIRS -- In loving memory of our March 21|TV and all appliances repaired, m A "ine daughter none souls find. 4 |dear mother and granny, Elizabeth Col. tometrists | ing pp hrefggrny cated 144 ho R f 1 oult heo- an aggressive man with car. |glectrically equipped, $90. Phone RA| oil heated, large basement, Sadly missed by father, mother an yin Dick, Jo, passed away suddenly | |6~--Op | 15--Instructions north of Columbus. Phone Brooklin aw furs, live pouliry, Order tokers do not apply. [5-3054. 2 very clean house, storms, Sater Velma a erindan, ire pen, who pase: [C,H Tick, Optometrist, spechalieing ren counselor, TOOT | ere WY thers, scrap Iron ond metal, Box 824, Times-Gozette, THREE "room unfurnished & a ed away February 25, 10951, both at in muscle anomalies, eyesight and | : . } RADIO, TV, car radio repairs, All 44b ment. Share bath and garage. RA 8-1758 IRBLAND ia ovis Sumery us Stonehouse, Lanarkshire, Scotland glasses. Evenings Mon, Wed., Fri, 6.8, | tXPerience. Appointments only. Call makes, Dependable work. Fred Thomp: I. TURNER to South Simcoe School, vacant Mar. po dear mother (Invalids examined at home, RA 5.6143. |RA 5-1054. son, 157 Elliott Street Phone RA 37133, | y Sa esi pamnan 4 . Dial RA 3.9792 ong brelasa, who passed away February 23,| Like a star they shine for us, | Disney Bldg., 31 King East. Feb.26 HARVEY Dance Academy baton, tap, i Mar.3 RA 3 2043 ACCOUNTANT THREE rooms, 4 And when they went away Roya! Academ» pallet, Highland. Reg. inl i We eannot clasp your hand Mom, | ye", took the Mght out bf our Ute 7 Surveyors lster now. 424 King West. RA 8.6122 [LEN and Lou's antenna installation hydro and heat Phone RA 3.9097. d4f MODERN Your face we cannot ses; But some day, God will give them - eee | TAN Mae Maren and service. Bowmanville MA 3.3942 (collect) TWO - room basement apartment with Bat tet this little: token it» , {DONALD H. "Trollope, Ontario Land A le ae RA 5.7844 March § * Morch 12 kitchenette and toilet, $11 weekly. Ap- FIVE ROOM Toll that we still remember thes. | Our dear parents we jrorveres 0 Alice Steet. RA BOL, 1 nie: 5 Requiring" knowledge of of- [ply 71 Thomas Street. Call RA 3.7266. A w~Ever remembered by George, Anne| Somewhere in the sunshine ---- RA 3.7283. M . fi + 4 and Riexey, Dt'a fe that 19 30 Bu 6. ¥. Horton Professional engineer. | LEARNING to dance is easy and fun Claremont Radio CEDARDALE SCRAP Yes eS deme 0 Lh Refrige a washing facili Elect PARTMENT ~Sad \l Lan urveyors, i" uperv U room. Re rator al 5 . rica uippe est KETTELA -- In loving memory of | ois' duughier Annie, son Iniaw Bob|ing 70 Harwood Avenue South, Adax, [at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 And T.V. Services IRON AND METALS idl on ties. Very central. Suitable for one #irl.[ |ocation. $105.00" my Jathar, George Ke Rotten, who passed | Collison. Bloor Street West; also by |728. March 10 Prince Street. RA 5-0841 or RA S.1060, 143 King E. RA 5.7721 rapid y. expanding 'utility, oe- 2909, "it away February 23, | grandchildren Jack and Marie Collison Assocs | ; : casional one day trips to ANTED -- Some one to share three. - Gone from us, but Savill memories |and family, Betty and Rob Gilson and Eurtving and Eaginesring 13 Bloor| Repairs to all makes, factory " 100 Annis Street Srerch 0 h y kel FANTD sprig Bonin Boing RA 8 8676 Roats san Saver tke A ger | family. [Street "ast, 'Oshawa, Tontario. RA|Musle Studio for All Instruments outhorized, telephone answer- Sast of CNR Statior ranches ond agents likely |i" ong man, TV and other furnish. Mer.1 + ghee y 2 | 8.3632, Feb 23 Piano Tuning Ing service. House calls necessary, permanent posi- [ings supplied. Very reasonable accom- While upon this earth we stay. . Remembered by sons Walter and 8--Building Trades ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES $2.50 - $3.50, oll materials WE PAY: tion in Whitby - Oshawa dis. | modaton. Aboly 16h Stacey Avenue. e| KING & WILSON ROAD AREA aT Groisesy ind Hones Antics Toa Suey Tvote SOoPE. New ond Used: Pianos guaranteed 90 days. Niort gh wien tor fron, trict. Write Box 939, Times- |room, kitchen, bathroom, washer, aer-| $75.00 per month. 5 lovely Pauline and Marianne. siding, plastering and repairs, chim: Fl) Selection of All Instruments : eres RA Re4159 Gazette, al, Parking oadus, 4 Shopping| rooms with full bathroom, d repaired, Dial RA 3.9911. ; ' 5 . KETTELA -- In loving memory of a . | Gordon May. Feb.28 (New and Used) . Af|x Brigh Himent with buiit.| Hot oir heating, full base- d her, K , wh aa -- -------- i --- A P * warm, ght apartmen! | 4 ky February Oust Family ENING Wad Seki gh. WH 477 Simcee 5. 8. Prompt S.me Day » Moe Nh lg ve 38--Male or Female Help [spf rs Reteonttle mat 0) ment, good sized lot, close to You'rs not forgotten, father doar, | SEAFORD: XY. (AP: Saturn ew 2 wd, cb anging iin Jon. 30 24 H R TR reo20 Wanted WET = Beautiful well - contained, schools, new Power store and or ever shall yo i | . P) -- Mys- I a M - ou y OPC unfurnished three . room apartment.| buses. Immediate possession, AMATEURS' talent wanted for coming [Gar Available. No children. MO Call Frank Hozlett, RE 1733 As long as life and memory la sf 1 shall remember thee. |terlous antics of bottles and other mation an timates free on any type | oi Lovingly remembered by your daugh. (Objects finally proved too much|of plumbing. Dial RA 34241, J. Foley. AY os. tor Pub TV SERVICE shows. Auditions at Club Bayview, |8-2327. Sc 3 , To a a ban Gs ang Seush: Friday for the James Herrmann Feb 24 Shey vacancies tor Fuole Whitby, from 3 m, avery Sunday. (Fp room "unfurnished apartment. or write to 3005 Bathurst a ant Aare children (family. They quit their home tol G. T. Horton and Ansoc Commer children (preferably CALL 21 Apply 531 Mary or phone RA 5.5691. Street, Toronto. " White Printing, 70 Harwood Ave beginners). A thorough train- - ac RERS 0 owas moms i live with relatives. nue South, Ajax. Phone Alex 728 ing with interesting, tuneful RA 8-5286 41--Room and Board on] spasm ------ a3 Alf ed away Febreary 23, 1957. A flying sugar bowl and a leap-| Mareh 10) pigic. Special ottention ATI INE RAG AND METAL ROOM and board for two 4 MODERN one bedroom 45--Real Estate For Sale Time takes away the edge of griet, INE Ink well Thursday night, CARPENTER work, cabin tle in| given to Ear-Training ond of adies. ice Joon with win bela. Apply Apartment 10, 101 Craydon Sutle Pn But memory turns back every leaf. [served as the final straws to the |stallations die Boy Fhe ara: playing at Sight. PREPARA- Jake Shaw will pay you more [%%6 IE -|MO_8-4221, Whitby RELI) Ed Foye: emembered by sa Cyni and|nerve-wracked mother and father] Nr viimiing sai estoy TION FOR CONSERVATORY OSHAWA | for your wep ison, tin, £op- BOON 30a hoard dur Iwo Auilemen, HOUSE for ot, $8 monthly. Phone floors, oll heated: Close to business : > of two children, J 3 ¢ i EXAMINATIONS | SIR- | per, brass, lead, ¥ ph wi .2329, " dr ames Jr, 12, [Phone RA 3.3521, Harold R. Stark Lid, ED. ELECTRONICS 89 BLOOR ST. WEST or 37g Xing Sues: W "4b HREF . room apartment, modern 189R13 Port Perry. V. J. Lawson Real MINERS -- In loving memory of a and Lucille, 13. {plumbing, heating and engineering, ROOM for one or two clean boys in (kitchen, buiit-In cupboards. stainless |tor. Mayfair 1141 Toront: dear father, George William, who pas: 255 Simcoe Street South Marchl3 : | . ck to. «d away February 23, | For 18 days the family had Homes vised Feb. 28/ Also 335. Enlai Avenue, RA 81775 4st [HA BITS ater 3 pm 4si|F you Wish 0 buy or seil, in Oshawa Howe heen plagued oy Eolte abaw PLASTERING, patching, pian and] MURDOCH L. BEATON -- 333 Eulaiie Avenue, RA 81773 . a 4. or 'Vhitby, consult Donald Scott Real- t only takes a ory space, bee pi y e SDIOWING ornamental). Remodelling. Free esti ' OPEN SATURDAYS } board for one Kentlema, APARTMENT for rent, living "Toc room. tor. 25 Prince Street. RA 3.2612. Mar. 7 To write how much we miss you, their screw tops aad similar in. mates. Call G. Abramoff. RA 3.4871 LRAM, LTCL, ARCM, v J Av. ,» kitchen, b is Albert But it will take the rest of our lives nidents, The phenomenon has de. Feb.22| (British degrees of London, CAMPBELL S RA 5-2311 n Yass eek Fd Ha Ayr | INDEFENDEME in the country, io. w-- - RE - Rb---- » 'ust - To forget the day we lost you 4 y -- - England es. Sree liusatet ERE ¥ URNISHED room, continuous = hot wi a. Siavingly fuiembered by daughter Bes al explanation. | A E Phone BA 8-1255 AERIAL AUTO WRECKING ry Ry Bo ro EE ter. Gentleman. abstainer, Very 3 ghraening and building. Priosd gi " ce and family | Detective Joseph Tozzi of the FOR S l adb March 12 |verycentral. RA 5.6727. ral. 'Apply 252 Athol East or RA 30 ow. at only $4000. MArket 3.3986, Bowman. . Feb.2t Nassau police said he was | { NERS -- In loving memory of pres- | SLEEPING accommodation for single - Yer William Miners, who passed gat when a sugar bowl, contain. fi dri 16--Insurance : 35--Employment Wanted [man or lady. TV privileges and one | PRIVATE furnished Bedroom, Board Away February 23, 1987, ing a pound of s fl tf Coarse and fine drive- a iat nin mb en Lon --meai served per day. Phone RA|OPtional, close to Pedlar's, Phone F littl 400 d We little knew when we woke that ugar, flew off a ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up ' DUTCH girl wa full or part time 5-8522 after 5 o'ciuck, 8-5438. 430 or as little as $400 own, , |dinette table and hit a nearby way grave! $7 per load. 10.30 pereent, Rize months io pay oF T.V. Aerials' iy a ny hg fam Soy, hyo ROOM and board for gentlemen. single |THREE . room apartment, twn nieee| , YOU con become the owner The sorrow the day would bring, [table. It- made a deat of one-| bersonal service at your home. Call Vv. Aerials Sen Giring daynme. RA se > continuous hot = water, central, private bath, newly decorated. Rent| * of a Colonial Home. Colonial For te call was sudden, the shock fifth of an inch in the wood. | Also fine cement gra- RA 5.7413 Marenis| Installed JouNg lay wil BS Bhi AR 97. 40f [$40 monthly, Phone Newcastle a - Conaar's leading monu- To part with one we loved "There is no uestion t Former teacher, loves children. Large [SINGLE bed, four blocks east of Mo- a acturer, offers you many Daughter Pearl and son-in-law Frank did happen," Ahi Toz that 3 vel. $9 per load. Phone | FIRE AND HURRICANE IN- | DIAL play area. North of Courtice. RA 5.5930. [tors, good meals, washing done. 135 FURNISHED bedroom, close eto ho. designs to choose from, For a zi, 'an SURANCE AUTOMOBILE 45c [Central Park N RA 3.2688. March 9/pital and downtown. Call RA § i complete illustrated cata- there's no explanation for it RA 5-5279. INSURANCE. ~~ ALL RISK RA 5-9135 ¥ woman requires domestic [ROOM and board, two or three men logue drop in or call Colonial MINERS--In fond memory of a dear - x |FIVE roomed new apartment, in. "It was impossible for any hu Mor, 10, FLOATER _ POLICIES IN- | work ton RA 54961 46ajor girls. Canadian home, near shop FIVE roomed new 20 Sobersk.| Homes, 289 Park Rd. father and grandfather, George William - Gon -- . s Miners, who passed away February 2, man hand to have touched that STALMENT PLANS IF DE- DAY OR NITE [LADY desires day work, Monday, PINE centre, buses. Dial RA 5.2136. Lule Steen Sri im. 4al RA 8-857 sugar bowl. I was standing ia the SIRED Wednesday and Friday afternoons, | __ Prange -- ner. = n March 16 Phone RA 8.1372 44c [GENTLEMEN who would like to share THREE . room anartment unstairs eb. ad knew that he was weary doorway outside 'the dinette. The a room, single beds, five or seven| Vacant now. One child welcome. Cen- d the hill ; r oF Spring _-- - 5 iH And the hills were hard to climb boy was at least 15 feet from the BUILDING C CONTRACTOR Robert S McCallum 35 Worven's Column BEFORE Spring Have celars ciate are ork. RAT sw sof tral location. Call RA 5.6735 after 5 p = Incorng Home: $12, 800 n So He closed his weary eyelids 2 4hed 521 Rossland Rd. W. ad ---- And whispered "Peace be Thine". table. The father was talking N.HA. HOMES BUILT NOS . SPECIAL, heat RE brush.) Inside or outside jobs. Gordon|BEST meals in town, single beds, - TH) . ished FoOms +Lovingly remembered by his daugh- With me. Mrs. Herrmann and the Brick, stone, and block spe PHONE RA 5-6402 [waves $5.50 page Hendre sinh cold Wilson, 279 Mary. RA 5.8481 4f|modern conveniences. Close to south) FOUR Jerks | urfuiined o waves $550. Page Hairdressing, 319 ot |North Oshawa, ng : ter Lillian, son-n.law Ross, grande . . lant. Phone RA 51168 or 536 Lorraine | -roo rick entral, Tt aren Wanlinndeni gatgiie were elsewhere in the, cialists: Chimneys, general re March 6! Pine Avenue, RA 5.5363. Feb 28 REFINED well educated young lady |g [facilities heat and lghts included] 8-room brick home, c ouse. pairs, Work guaranteed, free | [seeks to serve as baby sitter evenings Street March 1910 (idren welcome. $63 monthly, Phone Oak and tile floors, modern pa ; ; {28 i and weekends. Experienced. Loves chil-| ROOM with or without board in private [RA 8-51 of Kit . Theil gt Bell Toxine a8aed_ oo > i SES estimates 17 Money to Loan |25 Pets and Livestock |dren, References. RA 5.4479, 44c (home, A ge. Central. RA 5.2204. | -- wre---------- itchen, oil" heating, recre . ¥: Who way RA 5.0547 "first {BEAUTIFUL puppies and grown dogs, 45 ation room, garage. Spotless February 23, 1988 ' : - p ti CLIENTS' monies available for ------------ : EE a 2 ty is wis ana) WALDORF LIKE THE ARK Feb. © and second mortgages. Mortgages and Small and large breeds. Free delivery, 30----Female Help Wanted |i Tor or nor Biris, FOR RENT throughout. Substantial pay- family. NEW YORK (AP)--Two hun-|~ re ---- |agreements of sale purchased. Apply|Port Perry 51 R 23. 58 | EXPERIENCED secretary required for! With twin beds rm RA 58434 or 200 Apple orchard, 15 year old ment required. Quick posses Yi. dred farm animals, including ACADIA ROOFING Public, 3 King Fast: Omawa. HA|BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for (law office, shorthand and typing essen.|Divisioln Street. _ 8c trees, Macs, Spys, Melba, sion. AeA ETE = 1h ort pris Sh 1s ers, Bok sores, oe FR Outen ane, tine win" Aoply | wrk ll. Weil Bok ait times. Gasete.Wi|43-- Wanted To Rent | etc. Starting to bear nicely, : ' « *] C . sph p 1 1 ---- . Wasylyk, who passed away February 23. hens. then ked in Thursday at the Flat rooting, asphalt shingles, rr grrr pai Elgin Street East. Feb 23 | rns aged woman for Tight er us. eT contains three hundred trees, WwW It 1951 . SE insul brick, sidin chimne fi TN ph apy TA re ) canary flight cage. medium! housework in new home. Two children a " - ol 2 " Waldorf Astoria Hotel. They were s WW 9 iH agreements purchased and sold. Hen | God Co WA 5 aise "45h | Live in. Phone RA 5.0131 after 4 p.m ita family. Post Office Box 382 Garrard Road, between Osh d r . mi Rest in peace, dear father brought | an ldimia pairs rk guaranteed ick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King| A Oshawa Fev.28! awa and Whitby, Will lease Seven years. have passed awa ught from an Indiana farm by " Street East, KA 3.7232 March 9 GERMAN Shepherd pups, six weeks 4 | MOTSE "in country, - wiih facilities. - for five years, no charge for BROKER You are gone but still are living a pharmaceutical cor ww 1p i : purebred, black and silver, champion | EXPERIENCED stenographer required |¥ ul In the hearts of those who stay. show the adantages o a ong. Place GLE RTS oney to eon rst mort: stock. Pickering 8703. © + Feb 25 | for medium - size manufacturing plant |2%at Oshawa. Phone after § p.m. RA' first yeor. Pleose contact H. | 846 SIMCOE ST. NORTH =Forever remembered by wile Anna. the compan pr ot ba : 86 purchased "NHA mortgages arranged (COCKER Spaniel ples {i in apie win Tiga : f.| « Slecoft 174 : Ritson Rood, Nastmbernd by, wie Auta, pany's products to the, 150 Fairbank Ave. Toronto paniel puppies. Trimming. |tions and all fringe benefits. For ap |SELF . contained bachelor apariment,| oo th geh | DIAL RA 3-2911 tyre, Mu animals' diets Feb. 28 Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. bathing. deflea ns. boarding. Waubena pointment, phone Pickering 3.9854, [one gentleman only. Must be private outh, Oshawa | U doch Marcha | Kennels, RA 5.632 March] | weekends or after § p.m. 45c{rFhope RA 5.8631 "' Mar. § 45b

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