Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Feb 1958, p. 12

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The Church at Worship ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY § CHOOL LESSON By Alfred J. Buescher Doris by Kong Postoons pniisse. = 2.2% To the woman at the well in Samaria Returning to Christ sald that "the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth." of prayer, Jesus Christ told disciples that ies Ey ive id three persons were gather: 8 fn His name, He would be "in the midst of them." Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, the disciples met in an upper room where they "continued ...in prayer and supplication," with Mary, Jesus' mother, and brethren, Paul wrote to the Colossians, urging them to be humble, meek, longsuffer- ing, forbearing, loving and forgiving as Christ had forgiven them, MEMORY VERSE-Colossians 3:17. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Olesky,| SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON visitors of Mr, and Mrs, M. Oshawa, were Saturday evening Five Islands, Nova Scotia, se- | cording to Indian legend are giant pleces of earth which the god Glooscap threw in anger at a beaver. INDIAN LEGEND | Dubyk, on the occasion of Mrs, every Gérscher was damaged Thursday Cook, formerly of Montreal was; SHOOK VILLAGE 10 YEARS THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, Pebmery 23, 1958 11 GETS BONN (Reuters) -- Almost! VANCOUVER (CP) -- Adelard house in the village of Joseph Fleurast, 43-year - old when an RAF Canberra jet sentenced Thursday to 10 years| bomber exploded while flying|in the penitentiary for man-| overhead, The two crew mem. slaughter. The charge arose from | bers were killed. Police said the death of Mrs, Hilda Dufresne, many of the 11,000 inhabitants of 36, whose battered body was] the town were injured slightly by| found Nov. 9 in a skid-road hotel | flying glass. room, f | COLLEGE HILL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 475 PARK RD, §. REV. J. M. MockKNIGHT -- Pastor 10:00 A.M.----SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 PM, REV. CLARE SCRATCH HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Ross Metcalf, RM.T,, Orgonist Rev. N. T, Holmes, Minister ~ WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH On Floyd et Gibbon Wt. Minister: Rev. Wm, A, Gibb Organist: Mrs, Willard Cook, ARCT. 10:00 AM. BEGINNERS' CLASSES 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 AM, 'DISCIPLESHIP' 9:45 AM. & 2:00 PM. 11:00 AM, SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL Promotional Missionary Secretary of Pentecostal Assemblies of Conado, | YOU ARE WELCOME i | A Hearty Welcomes To All | NO EVENING SERVICE YOUR COMMUNITY CHURCH {Dubyk's birthday. | | Mr, and Mrs. A. Garrard, Mr. | |and Mrs, Clem Rahm, Haydon, | were dinner guests of W, Rahm, | Christ Promises To Be With Those Who Pray |". ne The Christian and Missionary Alliance Richmond St, E. (B _-- Pastor; Rev, Wm, J, Newell etween Central Pork Blvd, end Cadillae N.) By NEWMAN CAMPBELL [Christ's words and through ber nr' and Mrs, A. Hills, | The subject of today's lesson is|MA0Y Others were converted. ou 0iong to Lynne Stain. | worship. The root of our English| Many missionaries have found (on Gwen Glaspell, Esther Anne word, worship, is worth, which|this to be true in the midst of Rosevear and Robert Hamilton 7 P.M.--REV, L. L. BROOKER, TORONTO Formerly from Akron, Ohio, Successful Postor & Youth Evangelist MUSICALLY ~-- THE CALVARY MALE QUARTET means that we recognize the Su- savagery," Dr. Wilbur M, Smith on passing their music exams, 11 AM.--Rev, €, R, Nelson, Bible Club Movement 10:00 AM. --FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 3:00 P.M.--SERVICE IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE Postor = Rev, Wm, J, Newell MANY CUSTOMERS The Manitoba Power Commis- serves more than 150,000 mers on 43,000 farms, 17 ERIE ST, DIAL RA B-3872 REV. R, KE. DARGAN, Poster race METHODIST CHURCH 10 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11 AM~MORNING WORSHIP 7 PM.--THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR * Wed, at 7:30 pm. Prayer Meeting end Bible Study fer yeu The Sn will preach at both services, EVERYBODY 18 WELCOME CONCLUDING ON SUNDAY EVANGELISTIC AND HEALING MINISTRY with | ¥ Rev. MeL | gd BLUNDELL | SUNDAY at 11 AM.and7 RM. SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH REV. R. A. BOMBAY, PASTOR St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A., D.D, Orgonist and Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, AT.CM. 11:00 AM.--JESUS AND THE OUTCASTS 9:50 A.M.--Senior, Intermediate and Junior Classes 11:00 A.M.--Beginners' Nursery and Primary Classes 7:00 P.M.--JOINT SERVICE IN SIMCOE STREET CHURCH REV, J. K, MOFFAT WILL PREACH Albert Street United Church MINISTER -- REV. §. C. H. ATKINSON 11:00 AM.--ON BEING LOST IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD 7.00 P.M.--THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR PROADCAST CKLD Boe Neweostle United 1st Compory Guides end Brownles-- 1 5th Oshawe Cubs will attend this service, 9:48 AM. --~Primary to Senior 48, 11:00 A M--=Numery, Kindergarten, Beginnemn, ond ead. | LUTHERAN CHURCH 150 Albert $t, Pastor: F. A. Guma, BA, MA, BD, periority of another, writes. "This indieates that the] 4H Club met at the home of Many children say extrava- human heart, however tragic and Mrs. N. Woodley, Plans were Jantly that they "worship" their|dark its experiences, is capable made for Achievement Day, Feb. | ther, mother. thelr aay school | of receiving, and at least in part 2. and Mes. WM. DUb7h ull or Bunday school teacher or a comprehending, the highest spir-| ' its eertain friend, In our lesson the ftual truths." P| Diane visited Mr, and Mrs, Joho word Is used In its correct sense,| Jesus' saying has not come | Mitruk, Oshawa, Diane remained for worship belongs to God ourltrue, even today, but it will be|for the weekend with her sister, EE ----------------------------------------------------. f---------------- wen | Carol, MEMORY VERSE | Mr. and Mrs. A. Hills visited '"'Whatsoever ye do in word or in deed, do all in the name of a Gordon Hills ; the Lord Jesus."--Cologians 3:17, jake ang Mn, » Han : | Thanks are being expressed to heavenly Father, realised in God's ewn good time, those who helped make the Valen. What 1s worth more, Dr, Wil-| After Christ's ascension the tine Tea of the WA's East Group bur M. Smith asks the younger apostles returned to Jerusalem,|a success. Proceeds were $24.60, ol a lump of coal, a com-|In an upper room they '"contin-| Mr, and Mrs, Paul Kowalski mon stone, a plece of marble, or ued with one accord In prayer and sons, Oshawa, visited Mr, a small plece of gold or silver? |and supplication, with the women, and Mrs, M. Dubyk on Sunday. Silver and gold is the answer, of and Mary the mother of Jesus, course, but God the Creator of all|and with His brethren." This is things, 1s to be worshipped by us|the last mention in the New Test. | Spy Try worsh! in ament of Jesus' mother, sion ur lives, our homes and In our| writing to the Colossians, Paul Suda Big churches. | liste the Christian virtues of hum. ""** JESUS' PROMISE | bleness of mind, mercy, kindness, Matthew promised in Jesus' fneekness, longsuffering; forbear.| LARGE CAPACITY words: "Again I say unto you,|ing one another and forging one, The Union Stockyards at Bt. that if two of you shall agree on another in a quarrel, remember. Boniface, Man, largest in Can- earth as touching any thing that |ing that Christ forgave them, |ada, have a dally capacity of nid shall mak. i shall be done| 25,000 h them y Father which is | i beaven. For where two or| TYRONE Wires are gathered in My name, | a there am I in the midst of ' MRS. W, RAHM them." --Matthew 18:19-20, gs: Ste 1 am convinced that if children Correspondent taught from early childhood MONE -- . at they go to thelr Sunday nets Toms ny ai viata y to meet : . | thelr friends (which is good) but| "=: 0d Mrs. G. Alidread, sohool classes not onl, Jearn about the Bible and jts| J07 Chamberlain spent the al teachings, and to worship| Weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Ross and His Son Jesus devoutly, | McRoberts, Vivian Chamberlain will be able later to live up- Spent the weekend with Mr, and lives, resisting the tempta.| Mrs. Henry Wood, Oshawa, and that come, Anne McNiven with her grand. 11:00 AM, THE BAHA'T WORLD FAITH God Is the supreme centre, the more we turn toward this centre of light the greater will be eur capacity. For Further Information Write) OSHAWA BAHA'| COMMUNITY Secretary: Ph. RA 3-3281 POLISH SPEAKING PEOPLE Come and Hear: EVANGELIST B. E. KOWALEWSKI Chicogo, Wi. Preach end Sing In your Native Language Tues.,, Wed., Thurs, Fri. et 8 p.m. «F882} will remember that Satan |parents, Mr, and Mrs. D, Me- SERVICES Jesus by telling | Niven, Oshawa. md 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 AM. Lutheren Hour: CFRB "THIS § THE LIFEY of the and a be iy Jesus an- Myre. Edith Murphy, iy God he Father Lorne Phare worshipped, guests to the woman of Ba- ad Mv, maria at the well in Bychar, in s jim : on to j GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU ST, esntral Palestine, Christ told her, "But the hour cometh and now fs, .when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and In truth: for the Father seek- Spirit, and they that worship Bim must worship in spirit and F PA ED TO 1 H This woman bad led an im. | | CHRISTIAN Channel 6 = 12:30 P.M, Gibbons Street Baptist Church | 10:30 AM.--"REMEMBERING THE SUNDAY LORD" 2:30 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE Wed., 7:48 p.m.--Bible Study end Preyer Meeting A VERY CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL Sunday 11 em. end 7 p.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. | RITSON RD. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 320 Ritson Road South REV, N. 6. 3IBLOCK -- PASTOR I f I NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE ST. NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD MINISTER 11:00 AM.--GIRL GUIDE, BOY SCOUTS ANNUAL CHURCH PARADE 7:00 P.M.--RABBI MARTIN NORDEN PILM: "THE JEWISH PAITHY SUNDAY SCHOOL 8 AAAS "CSB 1 - CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Warren @. Dickson, SA, og Mr. RK, Kellington, Orgenist 10:00 AM.---SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--CHURCH PARADE END OSHAWA moral life, but she listened to SCIENCE REV, A. 6 EK MITCHELL Postor HEALS SUNDAY "THE DEMANDS OF THE The Christadelphlans EHRIITS BRETHREN et LL} W 12:46-50) Invite seekers after Truth || to apply for Free Bible PRAYER THAT HEALS" I literature, || CKLD (1350) -- 10.30 AM. NO OBLIGATION | Write | CHRISTADELPHIAN | ECCLESIA Post Office Box 121 hawa, Ontarlo 9:45 AM, BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 AM, * DRAGNET ! 7:00 P.M, " THE SAINT'S FOOD | Come to Church "OUT OF DARKNESS INTO LIGHT" CHCH-TV « Chonnel 11 2:45 -- 3:00 P.M, CALVARY BAPTIST CENTRE & JOHN STS, REV. CLARENCE M, KEEN -- PASTOR Affiliated with Pellowship of HEvengelical Baptist Churches Wn SGenede, 9:45 AM. --BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--"CHRISTS GIFTS TO HIS CHURCH" 7:00 PM.--MR, KEEN CLOSES HIS PASTORATE IN OSHAWA WITH THIS SERVICE. TUES, 8 PM. -- YOUNG PEOPLES GATHERING. WED, 7:45 PM. -- BIBLE STUDY Sot, 8:00 P.M.--Proyer Meeting, Another Outstanding Flim: "SUICIDE MOUNTAIN" Filmed in Japan MUSICALLY: BOB OSTROSSER CALVARY LADIES' TRIO THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. PAUL'S Simcoe St. N. at Brock St WILSON D , : D ROGERS REV. B. A. MILFS, Interim Moderater Mr. Frank Walter: whi 3 r : t ir DI DAVID JENKINS, Cholr Master Minister: Ph a HA rater Eh -------- - 9:45 AM. ADULT BIBLE CLASS CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 PM. -- EVENING WORSHIP Rev. Jomes S Roe, M.Th,, Sudbury, Ont, 10 AM. JUNIOR BIBLE CLASS 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP "WHEN GOD COMMANDS" 2:15 PM. CHURCH SCHOOL 8:00 Church Schoo! Teachers Meeting 721 Whitman Cres, 2:15 P.M, SOUTH CHURCH SCHOOL 8:15 P.M. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY Feb. 26th Wadnesday, al Meeting 7:30 p.m. Congregational M FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 79 KING STREET EAST Affiliated with the Baptist Convention of Ontario end Quebec Minister: REV, L. D, BEGG, BA, B.Th, Music Director: Mrs, M, Joyce Concluding Services in the present Building. 11:00 AM.--COMMUNION SERVICE 7:00 P.M.--BAPTISMAL SERVICE All the old friends of the Church are especia lly invited, 4 | SUNDAY, MARCH 2nd--Dedication Services In the | | new Church at 812 Hortop Street. Dean N. H. Parker of McMaster Divinity College will preach. WE INVITE YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US MASONIC TEMPLE SAT. FEB. 22 7:45 PM, 7 77mm ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES '8 AM--11 AM--7 PM. ST. GEORGE'S Rev. Clinton D. Cross, B.A, L.Th, 9:00 A.M, ~-Holy Communion 11:00 AM.--The Apostolic Rite of Confirmation =-The Rt, Rev. Ivor Norris, D.D., FMR Ov mMiNcdn NU | RA 5.2386 Bishop of Brandon, 7:00 P.M ~~Evening Prayer ~~ The Rector -- THE SALVATION ARMY aig SIMCOE AND OAK STREETS N " , pa wr BRIGADIER AND MRS, VICTOR MACLEAN SATURDAY 8 P.M. MUSICAL PROGRA PRESENTATION OF SUNDAY SCHOOL PRIZES SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 AM. & 7:00 P.M. SENIOR CAPTAIN & MRS. LEN KNIGHT (FORMERLY OF OSHAWA) YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE INVITED TO SHARE OUR WORSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP STRANGERS WELCOME MME CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH «=~ 64 COLBORNE ST, EAST SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9:30 AM. SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. -- SUBJECT: "MIND Wednesdoy. evening meeting at 8.00 o'clock Includes testimonies of healing through Christian Science. The reading room located at the church, Is open Monday 7:00 to 9:00 p.m; Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 4:30 p.m, ex- cepting legal holidays, where the Bible and Christian Science literature moy be studied, borrowed or purchased and subscriptions ploced tor periodicals. CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary and Hillcroft Streets Rector, The Ven. H. D. Cleverdon == Phone 5.5795 LAS] HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Comer Court and Barrie Streets, one block east of Albert RECTOR == THE REV. E. A. IRWIN, LS.T. . ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. Incumbent: The Rev, R. A, Sharp -- RA 5.7044 . ST. MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD NORTH ON BEURLING AVE. THE REV. J. N. LOTHIAN S.Th, 476 Beurling Ave, = Priest In Charge CUBS AND SCOUTS 12:15 P.M.--COMMUNICANTS CLASS 7:00 P.M.--UNION SERVICE IN CENTRE STREET CHURCH "Confident Christlons™ -- Rev. M. Bury, B.D, IVIRYBODY WELCOME SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World en Its heart. MINISTER: REV, JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A, Director of Music: Mr, R, G. Geen, L.T.CM. 11 AM. --LENTEN THEME: "THE ANCHORS OF LIFE" I. "THE ANCHOR OF FAITH" The Minister will preach at both services, 12:15 PM.--CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS 7 P.M.--'"THE PERILS OF SELF-SUFFICIENCY" Joint Service in Simcoe Street Church SUNDAY SCHOOL 5 9:45 AM.--Junior, Intermediate ond Young People, 10:00 A M.==Adult Bible Class in the Hall, 11:00 A M~Infant Core Department in the Hall, 11:00 AM. --Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary. MID-WEEK LENTEN SERVICE Wednesday, February 26, 7:30 p.m. in the Church Film from the Book of Acts: 'Light from Heaven King Street United Ghee) REV. MERVIN A, BURY, MA, BD Minister Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Orgonist Nursery and Church School 11:00 AM. : Youth Department 10:00 AM. 11:00 AM. --""ADVENTURE FOR YOUTH" Church Parade : Central District Girl Guides ond Brownies and 13th Scout Troop. Com- memorating the Centennial of the Birth of Lord Baden-Powell, Service Broadcast over Radio Station CKLB Read: Ephesians 6: 1.4; 10.13, Junior Cholr: "Father, Lead Me Day by Day" (Farrer); "God Who Touchest Earth With Beauty" (Jones) 7.00 P.M.--UNION SERVICE IN CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Preacher -- Rev, Mervin A. Bury Sermon Topic: 'Confident Christians" ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH

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