10 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Soturday, Veviery » 1958 This Week Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity The Canadisn FPross > by 360 fo 280 on the Toronto Block Exchange this week. Issues unchanged totalled 166, Volume for the week was 11,906,000, down from the previous week's 13,493,000, Total sales for the y date are #7,775,000, (Quotations in cents unless i Bed L 2 Block To 19% " uo 125 Ed Abii! - Acad-Atl A Acad-Atl pr Tow = " 145 Ph 548 76 » - Alta Dist Alta Dist vt 600 g { LF % 20% ¥ 7% ATH »s 7 PF dE Argus 2.40 pr 195 Argus 2.50 pr 190 Ash Temple 200 200 A Art 2009 130 $1024 102 536 500 800 $16 16% $43% 42% $55 Ld M1 4% sis 18 $17% 17% $42 41% ws 30 4 a hn I | Sse es anys SSREERRISSINE 11+ iar d sx alas A A 1300 Cal Pow Cap Cem 1050 4024 827% 27% Cdn Brew p 1540 328% 27% 8 Esl Br Alum 276 80% --W 13% 34 {4 4% + W Gan Celan Lt] 13 -W Cel 91.78 wis in 2 % w= om Collleries 1725 -468 " w Nha 25 72 Block Shawin Shawin Tamblyn Taylor PC Taylor PC Tor-Dom Bl Tor Elev Tor Iron A T Fin A T Fin Spe 1115 200 "4 25 6% 0% Wh 4 VA% 4% 14% 3 +94 5 0 +4 13% --~ % 178 2% 2% + WH 'viceroy B Vie G Tr Weston A Weston B Weston 4%pe W Cop Mill 8802 Wpg Cent 12217 Wood Alex 2 Wood JA 390 Woodwrd A Y Knit A Curb Ang Cda 2 5 wv 50 sé 178 $25 » 13% 175 2 1044 8 $30 1850 200 "29 Anglo Nfld 40 Asbestos CD Sug CG Inv C Indust C Marconi 318 1695 50 218 " Third CG Inv bo Zellers Aeme Gas Ajax Am Ledue Anchor Anglo-Am Asamera 4300 Balley 8 A 2715 Balley § pr 14 Ball § 5% p 2235 Banff 300 800 800 39263 254000 $27 2 S15% 15% 260 $46 832% 3% 863 6 500 $00 Fs 2 104% + W grayed egunnyy 1+ +4] +1) 11+ £53 s5¥ +1 4072 $203 2% 2% +3 65 372 Wsin 6pe pr 228 $105 West A wis 3610 $10 +1 S25 ssa § it | | Fido t wd apd $33 Ytapty $3 35 > ha ane peple FE ed ig Block Sloek Bales ie we Lew op nigh Tow 2 1 po hed a 1» A 7 85 aZetuaaBeBB.zul - - SEIS NE oa8Efanal sBEdagef E3118 -an w sezB¥lesaian, 3 CTE TE *>ae w # Sew Chib Jae Chib-Kay Chib M 3500 Chimo 20000 Chrom 200 Goch, he 103240 24000 Com i 86600 95000 13000 22100 4500 6062 9000 9500 » FE 4 EFT » > > FERRET | EEE . w 1-3 + 1500 nds 20428 N Mylam 314675 37859 N 16500 85045 60 375 < §seovry 6500 Fen pA o Arrow C Halliwell 21380 Howey 350 Marben 7500 Marcus 27825 M and 8 4830 Morrison 5100 Norlartie 12250 Normetal Norpax Norsyne delelelelololololoto1, Norvalie Obaska O'Brien Ogama Oka Rare O'Leary Opem Orenada Ormsby Osisko Pamour Paramaq Daering D'Aragon De Cour Deer Hern ad cays. Hig 20 22 35 +10 » » 6 1 9% ~4 BBE BRER ao i WEEK IN BUSINESS U.S. Prices Crawl Up Despite Slacker Sales Two Canadian advertising agencies, Locke, Johnson and Company Limited of Toronto and Harold F. Stanfield Limited of Montreal, recently formed a partnership merger to become Stanfield, Johnson and Hill, with a combined billing of over $11,000,000, The new agency, | third or fourth largest in the country, will operate on a two head-office system in both To- ronto and Montreal, Seen here, left to right, as the deal was completed are Gordon J. Hill, Vice-President of Locke, John- son Company Limited, Harold NE WYORK (AP)---The cost of 4|many things people buy in the United States week, even as deepened. inched the up this] { Big Inventories and slow sales continued to plague the auto recession {warehouses and Food costs, probably the big- the makers, Dealers' showrooms, storage lots |were glutted with unsold cars; latest unofficial inventory a |gest item in most family bud. count was 825,000, 212 |gets, pointed skyward, Dun and nm ' ® og | crease, 600 #10 12% 25 25 |Bradstreet"s weekly {food price {highest level |years, crops in nearly signalled a further Several plants switched to a wholesale | four-day week, Friday Ford laid index climbed to its! off 14,000 workers at its big River three | Rouge plant, Cold weather damage to more will be laid off in the com- in.|ing week. The announced rea- It was a foregone con-/son: To adjust production to in- F ur thousand clusion that retail food prices|ventories, "law would follow the same path, Also trending higher this week 42 |were haircuts, hospital care, tel- 4 ervice, 4/2 |ephone servi GAS STOCKS HEAVY Other signs of slowdown: {Mounting surpluses of gasoline auto insurance and drastic cuts in ofl produc. ADVERTISING AGENCIES COMBINE Paul Greenberg, Vice-President of Harold F. Stanfield Limited, Mr, Stanfield was named Pres- ident of Stanfield, Johnson and Hill, with Mr. Johnson as Chair- man of the Board and Mr, Hill | as Executive Vice-President, | and Mr. Greenberg, Managing. Stanfield, Elton Johnson, and | Director. D'Eldona Delnite Diadem 38642 9240 36500 6800 Dome Donalds Duvan E Amphi Eact Mal East Sull East Met 7500 and commuter transportation. tion, Conservation authorities in The Chicago, Burlington and|Texas ordered a nine-day produc- Quincy Railroad won a 20-per-| tion schedule for March, lowest cent rise in commutation fares, in the history of the biggest oil In New York there was talk of state, Crude oil output will be abandoning the 15-cent subway held to 2,517,249 barrels a day. token in favor of a 20- or 25-cent That's 513,814 barrels under the fare, |state's current production rate. State and local governments. Independent ofl producers, anxi- 3 435 14 20 26 fd MOLSON'S APPOINTMENT Ty C. Ross WADDELL Appointment of J. C. Rom Wend as assistant to the General Sales Manager for Molson's Brews ery (Ontario) Limited, has beem ,. announced by George R. Munro, General Sales Manager. Mr. Waddell comes to Molson's from the Kell Hogg. Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, where for the last three years he held the position of District Sales Man+ ager for the Prairie Provinces. He was born in London, Ont., and ded Detroit B tate. Mr. Waddell, a veteran of overseas duty during World War Instis II served with the Royal Canadian Dragoons in the European theater, e is a member of the Royal Canadian Military Tustitutel (Toronto). hard-pressed for funds, pondered ous to share in the shrinking de- [tax Increases, | mana for ogg Srude, had Sa | {ored for the cut. Said one: * BOOST POSTAL RATES we're going to go broke, let's all In Washington the Senate post go broke together." |oftice committee approved a re $750,000,000 boost in postal rates, ! The bill would require a five. cent stamp on out-of-town letters |and eight cents for alr mall. | To save a dollar, big discounts [still were available on winter Slotning, home appliances, furni.| joo ure, rugs and cars. How long 3000 3 2% the discounting would last was] si 4 4s 7 7 7 5 (another question, Manufacturers | 1520 " complained that present whole-| 500 sale prices were not enough to id cover costs, Gold Man 10200 Retail merchants, also worried | gr Uran 1000 by the high cost of doing busi- randroy |ness, woefully contemplated a| Grandine 18080 steady drop in sales. Department | Greyhk 233100 |store sales in the week ended | SUlth od Feb, 15 were down six per cent | Gunnar (from a year ago, partly because | Gunnar wis lof snow 4 3 tterly cold | | weather. Tn the four weeks ended | Hard Rork aii [Feb 15 sales were five per cent {below year-ago levels. 3 WANTED fi t. 1,000 PEOPLE WHO WOULD LIKE TO BE MORE POPULAR... GET MORE FUN OUT OF LIFE! ARTHUR MURRAY . INVITES YOU TO ACCEPT A . Free i % Hr. 2 Hollinger . Lic] LULL} 360 15 70 13 750 + Frobishr Galtwin Galkeno Geco Mines Genex Geo Scien Glant YK Glacier Glenn Uran Goldale Golder Gold Ea +36 20 Huey Bd 880 = 4250 Ry on 147 Cent Del 18248 Charter Of} Hoo Conro C Allenbee 2100 C Dragon 1633 C East Cr 2099 C Mic Mae et! Con Peak C West Pete 1250 Cree Ol] 1300 Cree wits 5400 Dev Pal 10764 Dome Expl 275 Duvex 34200 83 1605 3000 Ly! Thomson Kernaghan & Co. Lid. STOCKS AND BONDS D Magnes D Steel ord Dom Stores Dom Tar Dom Text 1275 7% Pw Ropes B 100 iy 100 Dr Brew 170 "iu 1++1 FEE= + - Member Toronto Stock Exchange 16 King Street West, Oshawa Phone RA 5-1104 10900 3000 Excelsior 19069 Fargo Gen Pete Gen Pet A Gr Plains Highwood 3 Home Ol A 3748 Home Oil B 2047 HBOlG 2076 Humber Jump Pnd Jupiter Lib Pete LI F Majtians darigl Meda Mideon Mil City 16202 1376 $744 B61 $2444 1822 800 1887 $30% Gat 54 pe pr 25 $107% Gen Bake 360 85% Gen Dynam 375 960% GMC 1053 $34 Goodyear 35 8138 Goodyear pr 323 $48la G Mackay A 400 85% 54 GL Paper 350 817% 17% GN Gms 1950 87% 7 TW + % 300 GN G wis 830 300 300 GW Coal B 100 8 L) 5 +30 100 $204 '204 20% 49 330% 2904 9% -- 4 200 §16v 161 16% + W 100 $1434 14% 14% 2% 85 8204 2 $43 u ty he 3 3 idad 3. 8 N G 130 10° 0 ie 10 105 110 --8 340% 3H 295 200 290 [TIN "ion hd 19% hw 15H -- 16% -- 4% ". 2 +1 -10 2 16% 3 15% 15% 16% 9% 26 7 $184 FF IEEE +11 2000 6.5 1605 955 1502 ) Hoyle Hud Bay Hugh-P Ind Lake Inspirtn Int Nickel Int Ran Irish Cop Iron Bay Jacobus Jaye Exp Jeanette Jellicoe Joburke Joliet Jonsmith Jowsey Kenville Kerr Add Kerr Lake Kilembe Kilem wits Kirk Hud Kirk Min Kirk Town Wo-- WU 1 - 2000 Sylvanite 11180 12000 2000 20500° 84601 2 Tandem 8884 68 6 1 415450 AU NW -- W $4100 180 180 8 12 112 -8 H Smith pr +1 ry Imp Bank Imp Invest Imp Life Imp Oil Imp Tob Imp Tob pr Ind Accep 1 Ae 4.50 pr I Ac 2.75 pr I Ac wis Inglis Inland C pr Inland Gas 2340 innd G wits 1225 Inland G pr 730 Int Pete 692 Intprov Intpr B wis Inter PL Inv Syn A Kelvinator -3 n 125 1% NW + 3 6 og LT 140 1% Northld 26 Okalta Pac Pete Pan West Permo pr Petrol 18500 Phillips 1600 Ponder 1600 Provo Gas 31210 Quonto 5750 Reef Exp 4500 Richwll 1930 Rocky Pete 68773 Royalite 1025 Sapphire 3650 Sapph debs Scurry Secur Souris South U Spooner Stanwell 8584 10187 14600 8325 1342 Labrador Lake Cin L Dufault Lake Ling L Osu L Shore L Wasa Ia Lux Lamaque Latin Am Leitch Lencourt Lexindin Lae 200 Lu 7321 2868 25 Labatt Lakeland Lkland deb Laur Sec Loblaw Lob new B Loblaw pr Loews MacMill B M Les Mill 525 Mass Har 5625 Mass Har pr 270 Maxwell 110 MeColl 7668 Mersey 75 Mex LP 230 Mex LP 344 Mid West 4500 M West wis ' 200 Milt Brick 100 Molson A Molson B Mon Knit pr Mon Mor Mont Loco Mont Trst Moore 1522 Nat' Drug 310 Nat Drug pr 240 N §t Car 475 Nat Trust 23 N Ont N Gs 3032 North Star 630 Nor Star A 100 N Star wis 500 N St wis 38 300 N St wis 57 923 Nor Phone 1000 2005 4490 1627 970 EEnse 315 300 $8614 85u =Fe 21700 9383 Tex Cal Trans Can Trans Em Tr Em rts Triad Oil 18721 Un Oils 90020 Un Oll rts 652103 Vulcan 1000 Wayne 1500 Wespae 9248 Westburne 3100 W Maygill 2700 W Decalta 20303 W Dec 8 3100 W Lease $00 W Naco 4700 Windfall 13279 Yan Can 4000 4100 4900 1000 3500 =2522.5%. ne Yukon Con 13600 Bearish Action Hampering Oils Canadian stock markets this brokers said. Trans Mountain Index changes at Montreal: week lost ground haphazzardly, |dropped $4.50 to $43.75 in active|Banks up 1.15 to 47.71; utllities The markets didn't get a clear- trading on the Toronto Stock Ex.[up .8 to 137.5; industrials un: cut rise in any of the five ses. change and Trans-Prairie aad changed at 237.7; combined up sions, three of which experi. | Trans-Canada each lost a little! v to 204.3; papers off 195 to enced moderate declines. West- more than $1. 1,097.80; golds off 1.06 to 67.62. ern oils took the heaviest losses| Industrials and mines, HER: Yo umes: BBE fdye a dearith news hampered any for golds, ried lower. de. Pred with 253,873 industrials and oils Much of the adverse news de- | 887587 mines the previous ad vanced, 360 declined and 166 were uachanged. Index changes at Toronto: In- dustrials off 1.74 to 413.56; golds up 64 to 79.06; base metals off .87 to 147.33; Western oils off 3.31 to 127.78. . A TTT od See for yourself how easy it is to become a popular partner Make this season the gayest ever by being the best dancer in your set. Come into Arthur Murray's now and have one of his special, half- hour, trial lessons. See how quickly you can acquire the skill and confidence that attract partners, win compliments, And what's more learning to dance the Arthur Murray way is such fun that every lesson seems like a party. So come in now and be all set for the gayest sea- son you ever had and lifetime of pleasure, too! Studios open 10 AM to 10 PM daily. ARTHUR MURRAY 112 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DOWNTOWN OSHAWA | 56 400 2 Acad Uran Advocate Agnico Akaitcho Alba Expl Algom Algom ded Algom wis Ar-Lardr Amal Rare Am Nephe Anacon Anglo Hur Ang Rouyr Ansil Apex Res Arcadia Arcad wits except 0 Jockey 5078 © Jockey pr 200 O Jock B pr 208 0 Jock wis 1350 Ont Loan 2 Orange Cr 200 Page Hers 807 Parker 400 Pbina new 3620 PC Jew! 100 Powell R 1508 Pow Corp Premium Pres Elect Q N Gas R Little Roe AV Cn Jo8 Roe AV 58, 7 Royal Bk Russell Cem A Aubelle Aumacho Aumage Aunor Avilla Bankeno Bankfield Barnat Barvue Bary Expl B Metals RA 8-1681 have been lagging for veloped in the U.S., pushing Wall ee. Of 247 issues traded, 106 about a year. Brokers attribute Street lower and setting the advanced, 124 declined and 117 the pattern to lack of markets cual trend for Canadian mar-| (2343 unchanged. for Western oil and She current | kets. 'export ban on natural gas. Unemployment in Canada - Te Sective_took another Blow US. mounted with more Federal Market United States government an. (hah 43000 Americans. out off @ Uraed nounced it didn't intend to make| Yorks the highest In eight years. C emes Ig an exception of its restrictions] New layoffs and production ESSEX, Ont, (CP) -- Farm | on imported oil to Canadiana pro. cutbacks in basic industries, slow | marketing schemes should be put | ducers. The Western oil stocks sales, several dividend reduc-lon a federal level, says G. F.| faltered in early trading Friday tions and some disappointing| perkia, provincial commissioner but pulled up before the end of earnings reports put traders in'of marketing. the day to close narrowly easier.|@ pessimistic frame of mind. He told an Essex Farmers' The major factor behind the| Trading was the slowest in{Week meeting Thursday several | oil decline was the report that/five weeks as investors waited {provincial schemes were not| nominations for March produc- {for some break and the forth-fully effective because of im-| tion of Alberta oil were down 15/coming general election. Volume ports from other countries and per cent from this moath and 22 at Toronto was 11,906,000 shares/fr o m provinces of Canada. Ex- ae per cent from: March, 1957 compared with 13,492,000 the pre- amples were in the marketing of NN Beav Lod Most pipeline issues also lost vious week Ontario cheese and manufae ground for the same reason,' Of 815 issues traded, 280 ad-| tured milk. Belcher 345500