WA Se re 10 THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Sotwrdoy: 1orery » 1958 Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity il i a ansdisn errr sdhed This i br 50 to 280 on the yr Toes Tien ee "Ores Changs Nigh Row Stock Exchange this week, Issues unchanged 4 uh Boo 2 1% + +4 ns [ LU L] wl kL] "» alled 166 We for the week was 35.00.000, down from the 4 Bs i" od 1% 4 A previous week's 13,493,000, Tots s for the year to Bn 2 122 102 110 135 date are 87,775,000, (Quotations in nts unless marked Bicks 8 n 2 900 #1 48 48 0 LB] Simpsons 18250 17 1 Slater new » Industrials Bouthem 7 M2 4 b 2400 [1 " BL] prmrem-- wis 208 Mosk Baies High Low Close Changs Ey 00 WI 38 3 --W 19% 11 Abitibi) suse om Tn Stedman Boh -h a #600 13 11W AbIEI dA CRIT 19% Steel Can an shy, 4 8 "a 4 Bu Steinbg pr 130 $98 Acad Atl pr 76 § Propane 4550 $5 460 Bi 400 200 8% Alta Dist 3000 8 Prop wt 90 Alta Dist vt 600 1] 15 ss <5 > ES = €s aZa 0a BeNl. 3 +11 > = 3 FS t 2 2 Suptest ord 300 Switson 300 CUTE my Se Lose - - S = > Tamblyn Taylor PC Taylor PC zs 53 tres leas & ==% BedBSt <b : 5 55 Argus 2.50 pr 190 Am Temple 200 A Ant 2908 A Art debs 130 A Art wis 536 Atlas Steel 1128 Bank Mont 1816 Bank Bath Bath Beery Bell Phone #728 ADVERTISING AGENCIES COMBINE Two Canadian advertising | third or fourth largest in the | Paul Greenberg, Vice-President agencies, Locke, Johnson and | country, will operate on a Cd of Harold F, Stanfield Limited, Company Limited of Toronto | head-office system in both To- | Mr, Stanfield was named Pres and Harold ¥, Stanfield Limited | ronto and Montreal. Seen here, | ident of Stanfield, Johnson and of Montreal, recently formed a | left to right, as the deal was | Hill, with Mr, Johnson as Chair- partnership merger to become | completed are Gordon J, Hill, | man of the Board and Mr, Hill Stanfield, Johnson and Hill, | Vice-President of Locke, John- | as Executive Vice-President, with a combined billing of over | son Company Limited, Harold | and Mr, Greenberg, Managing $l, 000,000, The new agency, | Stanfield, Elton _ Johnson, and Director. : ot 7 Tw Cit Gas 2728 Union Ave 100 Un Ae 2pr 125 Un Gas 735 U Corp A 50 A 185 LJ 150 420 . Sa=2usR > > SESSEFSIE 5 E25 Baer zo .288E +1ls lass Oy 70 1500 West C Brew 222 West Gr pr 25 W Plywd B 300 Weston A 2008 Weston B 4 i WEEK IN BUSINESS : HOLEON'S APPOINIVIINT 2 'on: 606 30 2 » gt nm y " 50 Wein are, 8 "lh oh 0 x i 0 N #8 x 1 U S P ; C U stn Spe pr b RC y pF a fin tte Wola un gor a8 ¢ clo A UAT Ma dt Naw ma lh i | U0. TICES rawl P buy [] 8733 841 40 Wpg Cent 12217 300 260 290 5 208 C Den wis $b CRU Wood Alex 230 380 338 $i 4 8 4 " i 7 810 Wood JA 300 830 20% 30 31% 20% € Discovry 6300 2000 Woodwrd A 1880 11% 114 1M Jo Er. dat » ho Hi " esp1 e ac er d es YoKnit A 300 225 180 800 + 00 mou oa MN Bono 210 837% YH H CS) 1 Craton 8138 Bund A 1 0 ork Ho 350 NE WYORK (AP)--The cost of| Big inventories and slow sales FSFE FF Ed EE ES | EEF = 1110 $1i% 11 Ang Cdn 100 920 B® $F 44 PD Anglo NAA 400 $54 BW BW Asbestos jx 14 Ld Be United States inched up this/makers, Dealers' showrooms, c c Cc 4 1000 » €G Inn mame wa Al € Morrison 5100 20° 20° 31 -- Norlartie week, even as the recession warehouses and storage lots C C Is C C ( C Cal Pow 1050 $60% 7 Can Cem 02 MK TH Can Cem pr 9 827% ITH Cl Fndry a2 5% 2B 0B ' 160 $135 129 129 3 51% »" Mh M06 935 MW mah 81 82% 0m nn "n He $134 13% 5 ee] : ? 8 Va oh HEL x 3000 i 2. many things people buy in the|continued to plague the auto ; 7 Mosher 6 6 Normelal 2 ; C Indust BOA B15 1H 15 i ormelal a | § Ddust Niu a Jw C Negus [ n flr BR deepened. were glutted with unsold cars; C Westhss 238 45% ASN ; Nichol ; W430 9 9 | Food costs, probably the big. the latest unofficial Inventory | an IH ; Jonna, lik 4 ' A a 4 "- gest item In most family bud. count was 825,000, ! oe Du * Sanorm 7280 7 1 Nr > wis 2080 r t gets, pointed skyward, Dun and| Several plants switched to a [I 0 Sud man LR I North Can 7 f ; Bradstreet's weekly wholesale four-day week, Friday Ford laid Hy Uy % 2 Conwest 3100 5 orvally 3 food price index climbed to its| Off 14,000 workers at its big River : Cop Corp 500 0 2 % 0 M highest level In nearly three Rouge plant, F ur thousand £p-an 10% Shanks otf years, Cold weather damage to more will be laid off in the com- Sangamo | al au 6 - ' crops signalled a further in.|Ing week. The announced rea- tru uy 108 027 7» Cournor 1000 # » " Oka Rare u ial 3 ys |crease. It was a foregone con-|son: To adjust production to in- Ws C. Ross WADDELL if 4 H Qany xe wo' |clusion that retall food prices |Vventories, pintment of J, C. Roms = # Leesd +l lees FIFFFEE FEF lal * at FFEEFF 6 $00 Drones ] 14 TR 19% 12% 12 would follow the same path GAS STOCKS HEAVY a General ¢ Colll 225 13 7 u ri : 1 Ormsby RZ B 2s | Also trending higher this week Other signs of, slowdown: | Sales Manager for Molson's Brews Cunt 3300 Aeme Gas BOO D'Aragon f Pamour 1 42 (were haircuts, hospital care, tel. Mounting surpluses of gasoline) ery (Ontario) Limited, how been ¢ Drawn pr 365 $10 10 10 Afax 500 83 88 De Cour wn » ou 4 Parnmaq " si: |ephone service, auto insurance and drastic cuts in ofl produc.| announced by (George R. Munro, Ro Ry Bl al nw Am Ladue 33h) H 8 1 Deer Hera 1 Pardes 3 " Bn %0 33 (and commuter transportation. tion. Conservation authorities in| "Nir*\iueh anager, oo CG Bea A 10 #7 Anglo-Am 000 825 #7 Bele WM 3 Patino M 100 438 43 435 (The Chicago, Burlington and |Texas ordered a nine-day produc-| from the Kellogg Company of CG Be Asamers 25 160 Diadem h 8 di 7 Paymast 3 Quincy Railroad won a 20-per.|tion schedule for March, lowest| Canada, Limited, Wings where 4 [ S I A p Balley § pr 146 $34 Dome a LL " Pee Exp cent rise In commutation fares, in the history of the biggest ofl| for the last three years he has held [) r - In New York there was talk of state. Crude ofl output will be| the position of District Sales Mans 8 5% p 2235 SW D Ph 30: ar 40 as put w it P $00 18 15 160 uvan " Pick Crow abandoning the 15-cent subway held to 2,517,249 barrels a day,| 28°F for the Prairie Provinces. He was born in London, Ont., and Ba ao 8 - 5 3 E Amphi 7800 " Ploneer 8 Bh token in favor of a 20- or 25-cent That's 513,814 barrels under the| attended Detroit Business Tnatie Britalta 7 180 Fail Mal 000 4 1 3 Placer - fare, state's current production rate.| tate. Mr. Waddell, a veteran of 0 East Met 11800 9% H " " 4 State and lpcal governments. Independent ofl producers, anxi-| overseas duty during World War 674 63 B83 BM » rd 2500 hard-pressed for funds, pondered ous to share in the shrinking de. | 4 served with the Royal Canadian 127032 jiu --80 tax Increases, {mand for Texas crude, had clam. | Dragoons in the Kuropean theater, 14500 7 | io is a member of the Royal" ; ol 20223 a» a BOOST POSTAL RATES {ored for the cut. Said one: "If| Canadian Military Institute os 60 [1 ie 3 12708 rE. 7 we're going to go broke, let's all| (Toronto). . 130 810614 106% 106% 102000 1 2 ot. M4 UU 8 0 In Washington the Senate post go broke together." 850 " " 490 % 490 Cdn All OU 3500 430 » ; i] UW J Ww + |aflice Scmmittes approved a ee C Br E 13550 35 5 20 4 h [] | $750,000,000 boost | tal ri C Chieftn' 2090 108 Hu. 0 4" 0 860 --8 M2 |The bill would Fu ig oe. Ca "ie Pi Fr 020 340 "nd ' Q Metal 4650 u : : 70 cent stamp on out-of-town letters CEx Gu 10 30 30 30 % nen, 8 . "0 Qunston 17 - 17 13 land eight cents for alr mall, [] [] Ww C High Cr #050 47 4 750 € Hameed Toon 1 1 am 13 Frobishr 4 150 4 Quemont To save a dollar, big discounts 00 58 » | © Husky 660° $110 Saltwin he 2000 2 20 [still were available on winter | Dist Seag 7 Ww 2 C Husky wis 880 520 490 & 490 M8 480 all - 40 9 #3 clothing, home appliances, furni.| K & B Pride 904 11) Cal habant: 4380 130 Gonex nee 3900 os. ia \ooves 900 100 100 100 4 R18 ture, a and Ly How cont | Thomson ernaghan Co. Lid. D Fndry pr 08 " Del 0 42 Goo aden dove 3! MO» 3 9630 24 [the discounting would last ida D Magnes bi on a8 to Ku 1000 7 5% another question, Manufacturers : . up D Steel ord x Conro Glacer, 1300 Call Rix Athab 2050 40 38 3 complained that present whole | STOCKS AND BONDS 00 Dom Stores 3 1 Dom Tur = 4308 < Jilesbee 3108 Goldule 800 1 A Roche | 4 29 [sale prices were not enough to olderes Dom Text " C East Cr 4 Rowan Cen 1000 cover costs, Don Hopes B 100 i C Mic Mao 34861 Cold Kase HOD 3 J Iv 3 Ryanor 0 1 | Retall merchants, also worried | Member Toronto Stock Exchange Gr Urn 1000 u t_Michasl nae BM (by the high cost of doing busi | Granding - 13050 190 108 Sand Riv u i ness, woefully contemplated a| 16 King Street West, Oshawa Grandue 758 3 Sheep Cr - HS ass | Steady drop in sales. Department | "x 3° 20 Sherritt 5 |store sales in the week ended | Phone RA 5-1104 gma q R, Quit lend 3000 Si Miler #3 Feb, 15 were down six per cent | Gunnar Sil Stand A [from a year ago, partly because | " 1] " Fargo 6175 810 Qunnar wie Siscve por TR RE 17 of snow and bitterly cold | Gon Pete fo 3 n 380 Hard Rok Stantelen 13880 ne 2 | wenther. In the four weeks ended | en Pe! h h wis 34005 i) p Gr Plains 310 $10% "ion '" Har Min 8 Feb 15 sales were five per cent | Highwood 8500 2044 38 -3 it) eas H of Lakes 8 Home Oil A 3748 817 15% i --14 Head Bioeloy : Home Oil B 2047 $164 154 150 -- Wh eat way Gen B HB OIG 200 816% 16% 1614 -- 8 Heath 0 B61 4 9 i 30 30 7 tod | . "". 3» 23305 888 104 0 Sturgeon 1000 yi t 3» Humber 500 9 9a -. 1 Hove el : EE, WW Sud Cont 9000 6 6 ™" 6 3 Jump Pnd MB 2B OW 41 Sullivan 6600 $30 316 NE 38 13 - Jupiter 19 190 190 Hollinger 3 4 A Bu By Sunburst 300 Lite N Hoyle ; Surf Inlet 1000 85 85 8 w ! Ado she ite TC 8 % Hv Pats 1} Jud Bay pH 8 ha Sylvanite 11180 ™ Tn LI Pete "" 1 " Hugh P 200( 3 . 300 300 Majtrans ' Ind Lake T i » 2 s Marigld . Inspirtn 60 ] » : Tandem 30500 o 100 S304 20% 204 + Medhl wr 20 Int Nickel ? au " 5 0 Taurean Sago ". M @ + ne Mideon - nt Ran 3 Taur vt BA NOW IN I~ M Mill City RR 3 " Irish Cop " " MH On 68 1 1 $16 184 16 + W 3 io Fin dn 10 2h Nat Fale pt i Rn pay 7! i} Thom L ! 85 828% Wh +1 2000 7 9 w H Smith pr 45 84 I) I] N Concord 3 =n Jae xp ame n x A Ll Imp Bank 281 WMTW 47 ATW Nab 3 28 a i we Imp Invest A825 374 8 p 3 Joburke Tr ' Imp Life 8 a N Superior ) Joliet 6 2 20 n Chib 6250 fue iv 2 Neo, i LI a : hing Sow 3 » | MORE POPULAR... GET MORE FUN OUT OF LIFE! mi : : n jmp Tow A : Neo wis 3 125 138 18 J 3 26760 " o ; LAR J 300 36 2 : Hd Aud Cdn mn 13 3 Cal Wh [] " 8 bbw 2 8% ta 1845 Cotiaries 1725 «68 w nN c Cdn Ol l+«l+11 FEIFEFE ne > D and 4100 7m +8 108 Con Peak 5000 Dow Brew 170 C West Pete 1250 308 Cree Oil Cree wis Match 24 " Dev-Pal Eddy Dome K xpi Equit Lite Duvex 34200 3 FTIR £88 Excelsior 2100 £8: =% +lesrasal -- 04 rek Sx i below year-ago levels, $000 7 u Gat To »e off J $107 FF IEF +11 pr Ind Agcep 2191 % = North I Ao 4.50 pr orthid 1 Ac 2.75 pr % 17 Ws Mont 8000 y 3 0 wb 120 "se o g 1 Ac wis 20 78 . : 8584 133 140 41-8 ms ue Kilem wis " 1] Vandoo 2400 . 8 - 10 Inglis 25 P | iH in a -N un 2 Kirk Hud U ' MURRAY Inland C pr LL ' 29600 8 a > ' Inland Gas 2340 36% 6 Permo pr 328 1 -30 205 Xin Yown no i 4200 3 UN ' * \ . - " . innd G wis 1225 205 wl Pettus iid 7. -8 N Inland G pr 730 816 § \ ! Phillips i w { N Int Pet 692 saaN V Ponder +1 Labrador 1300 Tpros: 200 310% Provo Gas 31210 a7 -18 Lake Cin 8725 108 Lo) i "» ner 2000 » NVITES YOU T0 Intpr B wis 0 46 4% " 4" [} Quonto 87500 10 5 L Dufault 4900 - "wn : h N 4 Inter PL 7321 SAW 40M Roel a » din 1 [] 1 Ww i "w Pie Ling Je y 100 ACCEPT A Inv Syn A 2068 312% chw. 30 g Kelvinator 23 $64 844 Rocky Pete 773 BUF 4 Looe - a a will wie 180 30 0 30 --8 : Oyalite 3 L to N : 300 Sapphire 0 65 58 NM 7 n 50 y- lahat 20a dab lw 204 Sapph debs 10 $334 MW NW + M3 29 nn sRENAN ho an Seurry 17525 200 192 198 +3 220 Joo Lkiand deb 1627 300 854 a Secur Free 2725 460 40 430 +8 Jeaur See "UI Souris 1500 11 10 104 + W oblaw 1 South U 1100 18 18 18 --a Laxindia 4ho00 Lob new B 4375 $234 23 n ar ane LL Lae 3700 Loblaw pr 1531 346 48W 4" Stanwell 0383 3 uy Lomega 3 Loews 70 $116 Lorado 6a ow +1 MacMill B an n n " 0 x Cal 00 Lorado wis a +1 M Lea Mil 335 ATR TW eu 2a SLouviet 1311 134-1 Mass Har suid daly di ! Trans Em 1000 Lyndhst 70100 nu a 4 hd LJ Mass Har pr 270. $43 a" 1) Tr Em rts 300 7 am __ Ho Maxwell 110 473 473 413 Triad On" 11% : McColl 706 $53 Sl SIM -- W 0 Had, Oi A : Mersey pr 75 $46 48 48 + Un Ou 0020 |vanced, 360 declined A 'v., wid Un Ol rts 652103 $3 . / NEAR BOOM NG HATH Mr Went Ois 4 od ded Hd Bearish Action "ion charges AS Mri Mid West 4300 138 143 150 Wayse Su lB Index changes at Toronto: In. i ; Ie M West wis * 200 58 50 50 pty ' O00} Main 2 Fi Westburne 3100 dustrials off 1.74 to 413.56; golds bo W Maygill 2700 3 ' up 64 to 79.06; base metals off Mohn A a 2 204 W Decalta 20303 H Os 1 : \ \ Mon Rai ve fa A Wheews am i » am erin 118 iF lo 10.55; Wastes uils off 28) A See for yourself how Mon Mor 3 3 9 | | a I) 3 3 W Naco 700 tr ok | Index changes at Montreal: \ Mont Loco 400 : 3 : Canadian stock markets this brokers said, Trans Mountain 8 \ | Mont Trst - 3 3 3 3 Wind nym 3 i" week lost ground haphazzardly, |aropped $4.50 to $43.75 in active] | Banks up 1.15 to 47.71; utllities 3 LY easy it is to become Moare M4 64 Rg 8 to 137.5; industrials un- i 3 8 Nat' Drug 310 3134 p . The markets didn't get a clear. trading on the Toronto Stock Ex. |up | \ Nat Drug pr 20 $13 - 3 cut rise in any of the five ses-(change and Trans-Prairie aad Sunged at 237.7; combined up \ i | \ a popular partner Net ree: 0 Hw 2a : sions, three of which experi: Trans-Canada each lost a little! to 2043: papers off 1% to \ N Ont N Gs 3033 8114 3 Acd Urn 00 7 enced moderate declines, West-/more than $1, AL; goids ot 148 lo S143. i : , Make this season the gayest ever by being the Nor ar A in a : d ria EE 3 ern oils took the heaviest losses| Industrials and mines, except Wid 4} mes ya \ best dancer in your set. Come into Arthur § 0 we 3 2 Akaitehe 3 3 4a bearish news hampered any for golds, drifted lower, pared with 253,873 industrials and 3 Nh Murray's now and have one of his special, half N § 23 30 a a 3 Aa 3, advance Much of the adverse news de. | 387.587 mines the previous Nl \ hour, trial lessons, See how quickly you can Nor Phone 1000 338 Algom deb Oils have been lagging for veloped in the U.S. pushing Wall week Of 247 issues traded, 108 | NY Sons. pf : about a year, Brokers attribute Sireet lower and setting the advanced. 12¢ declined and 117 ! \ \ AL acquire the and confidence that attract Algom wig the pattern to lack of markets ygual trend for Canadian mar 2343 unchanged. ! \ \ \ partners, win compliments. And what's more 0 ws © Jockey 5075 173 . s Allan © Jockey pr 200 S84 8 ma are : : oui on rn! Re. learning to dance the Arthur Murray way is LL Wr Harg 13060 4118 M4 Yale Lead 1000 13% 134 134 Yellorex 1500 7 EEX lr Hr. Yk Bear 1100 1 Yukeno 1066 § ] LE 3 LJ Zenmag $3600 31 184 MW E . Zulapa 2000 18 13 13 . Curd . Bulolo 30 M0 31S 30 . Pato 1265 330 28 MO 80 3 $ Pend Ore 10000 185 183 188 \ Yukon Con 3600 63 60 8 ; § i Ez¥8ute - 12.8.0 " lt 57 ao - a S Jotk wale a Amacom LAN O Jock wis 1300 7 3 col - \ 2 6 Anglo I Unemployment in Canad ad ' " ik arty. oat ow bis \ Ane Rouyr 2000 3 : The section took another blow, 0 inp with A ahi edera ar et Fg \ such fun that every lesson seems like a party. Page Hers 1 Ans wel 1 3 in stride Friday. Thursday the|,. o'co 000 Americans out ofl We i | \ So come in now and be all set for the gayest sea. Parker 0 ae 3 ? 0 3 nT Tol . \ United States government an. pad 4 S h U ed y 8 NS \ i PINS eli \ "bina 620 38 \ \ Arcadia 17600 ' : b 2 york, the ) | \ a son you ever had and lifetime of pleasure; too! i By a Na 2 \ Aread wis 400 1 nounced it didn't intend to make| York the highest In eight years, chemes Ig | 1 x A w y p 3 1505 $3344 3 +8 Area 2000 - 3 an exception of its restrictions] New layoffs and production] gsSE X. Ont. (CP) Farm! Be AR Studios open 10 AM to 10 PM daily. > x 0 0 A Atlas Yk BY! - p n pos. i . AUDR © 303200 3 5 I. h on imported oil to Canadian pro. cutbacks in basic industries, slow| marketing schemes should be put Pres Elect 100 80 - Aubelle 2300 " ducers. The Western oil stocks|sales, several dividend reduc:ion a federal level, says G. F.| GN Gav MIM AM NW HM - SIA 3 Aimuthe jw wa xo faltered in early trading Friday tions and some disappointing| perkia, provincial commissioner BR gi Cn 30831 $14 \ Aunor 6500 'a 33 but pulled up before the end of [earnings reports put traders in [of marketing. Roe AV 5% 783 $100 100 1 08 Avilla 500 ; 7 the day to close narrowly easier,(& pessimistic frame of mind. | He told an Essex Farmers' real} MM § . anken 3 \ Royal dE Wii q s Bain ant 1¥ 1 The major factor behind the| Trading was the slowest in/Week meeting Thursday severa!| Sal Cem A 400 M12 12 3 Rarnat 69700 33 3 3 N oil decline was the report that/five weeks as Investors waited provincial schemes were not Sil; Corp 469 $14. 13M \ 13 Rarvue Js0 2 - nominations for March produc-for some break and the forth-'fully effective because of im-| 1 StL Cp A pr 2 $98 o 4 A 4 Bary Expl 29700 n i 2 . - St Maurice 6000 + , BH Metals 0 3 + S- \ tion of Alberta oil were down 15 coming general election, Volume ports from other countries and Salada S ' 3 Raska 17100 18 } z 3 12 per cent from this month and 22 at Toronto was 11,906,000 shared fr o m provinces of Canada. Ex. Kaladas : ' Hy \ BBY ) ? 1 per cent from March, 1957 compared with 13,493,000 the pre- amples were in the marketing of # DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ® Sadh § B y ] My : He . 200 4 RIS wa : + Ra Beas, Tha + ha Most pipeline issues also lost vious week Ontario cheese and manufan Scythes 13 u Belcher 3800 " ground for the same reason,' Of 815 issues traded, 280 ad.| tured milk.