TIMES-GAZETTE HOME OF THE WEEK FIRST : By ROGER C., WHITMAN AID TO THE AILING HOUSE PEEL CANE FURNITURE boards in an old house? I tried QUESTION: Is there any way|sosp snd water and putting the to preserve the light color of peel drawers out in the sun, cane furnitnre? | ANSWER: Try applying a thin ANSWER, Apply two thinned cost of clear fresh shellac to the ing a boiler in the spring and leaving it filled du the sum- mer with fresh water invites cor- rosion, When the boiler requires draining, this should be done at | Mickey Hasn't Signed Up Yet ST, PETERSBURG, Fla (AP) Dutfielder Mickey Mantle and the New York Yankees appear close to agreement on & salary for the 1958 baschall season, The price is ing THE DALY TTRAREBAZITTE, Setordey, Februery 33, 1958 § and drove in 94 runs for the Yankees last year, A leg injury sidelined him most of September but he wound up with a .365 bat ting average, Ted Willlams of the Boston Red Sox won the Amer) can Ledgue batting crown by hit NO SITUATION 15 EVE Dt TOO GREAT the beginning of the heating sea- estimated at $75,000, son. An announcement is expected early next week from Lee Mac- SMOOTHING PLASTER WALLS phail, assistant to Yankee gen- QUESTION: Two rooms in our ga anger Geolge § Yeas. a house have rough plaster walls, | Mantle signs for $75, w has had excellent results remov-| ANSWER: Dissqlve one part of| Before repainting next season, we peseive hore moter than any AVAILABLE ing tea and coffee stains from sodium citrate in\six parts ofl, oud ike to smooth the finish, Y one of her first plastic dish sets| Water, and add six parts of com-| ys ynere any way to do this, other| and the late Babe Ruth ( on the market. She reports em. mercial glycerin, Mix part of this|y, on tearing out the plaster and| Mantle's 1957 salary w a p ones ploying the same cleaner as for With €UED Dovidared Whiling oF replastering? | ted at $60,000, . dentures i A8Y to use and leaves puss ee thick cont on the atain| ANSWER: Slighty rough plas: yo acphall And Mandl talked tori Barrister & Solicitor 9 for, TAH ey When dry, replace with fresh/ter walls can be smoothed by 2% minutes Thursday, er Fi SURCE paste or moisten with the re. applying a filling of plastic paint Yedled the serie, Shoes ned but GUTTER GUARD SOUR maining lquid, A week br longer|~ ordinary paint thickened with|pOTh Scknowie QUESTION: Where can 1 get may be necessary. for complete powdered Whiting to a paste -- or Mantle, 35, hit 34 home a coats of clea lacquer, pure, fresh |inside surfaces, white shellac or spar varnish, Spraying clear plastic with an' RUST STAINS aerosol is also excellent, QUESTION: How can we re- STAINED PLASTIC DISHES move a rust stain from our drive- A reader writes in saying she|"®' MORTGAGE LOANS Excellent traffic circulation is one of the outstanding fea- tures in this unusual two-storey home, There are two bedrooms ba and a bath upstairs, and a fine living area with dining L down, The kitchen provides ample £ i) table space, Also shown on the first floor is a master bedroom which could be used for a study or activities room. This home is especially economical be- - the gutter screens mentioned In a), omoval of the stain, white lead thinned with linsee recent column? oil, Before applying, be sure to| - ANSWER: Ready - made gutter REPLACE WATER IN BOILER? remove all grease and grime CRT RV I SS ee a x TI LIVING 1210:150 [1 KITCHEN 15.648. wl HALL p DINING 68.87 HEATED READY-MIXED CONCRETE FOR WINTER CONCRETING RA 5-7541 © Quolity Controlled Mixes ® Delivered To The Site At Your Convenience ® Free Estimates l f its construction and INTRY ¢ cause of its col - contains all the features a good % ™ PY sized family would require, H BID RM. « p Laundry facilities will be lo- ' 12.7 110 cated in the full basement, : G Standard Builders' Bleaprists lm vv. ' b ' " costing $0.75 a set may be o NO-352 oll Q. rr 7028 cu re #Seers gaeaw Pp w _PLNISOR w) - po. : tained for this design No, 352, For further information write to: The Builders' Page Editor, The Times-Gazette, Oshawa. A home Planner book entitled '70 Low Cost Homes for Cana- dians", price 75 cents, includes this design and may be obtain. ed at the newspaper office or by writing to this same ad- dress. IN THE HOME WORKSHOP Tomorrow 15 IRE DAY You WORRIED ABN] TOMY. YOU BUILD FOR THE FUTURE WHEN YOU BUILD WITH HENDERSON'S CONCRETE BLOCKS You get @« relioble cost con- struction with our new concrete block construction ~-- they ere oquelly edaptable te the econ. struction of your home, your farm, the community, school or a commercial building, Ask the men who ere experienced in concrete block, A Henderson Block neighborhood contractor or architect «= to specify Hen derson Concrete Blocks, BID RM 15.10+ The Building Editor, Oshawa Times-Gazeite, Oshawa, Ontarlo, 1270 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA "OUR BUSINESS IS CONCRETE" SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. VIVIAN'S B-A STATION NONQUON ROAD PRESTON'S SUNOCO STATION 925 SIMCOE SOUTH RICH-TIRE SERVICE STATION 24 RICHMOND ST, EAST HOUSTON'S TEXACO STATION 67 KING WES : Name o | guards or screens come in two- . from wall surfaces, Apply filling foot lengths and are available at| QUESTION: Is it the propery, a trowel guided by the points many well - stocked hardware thing to leave fh same ater i of roughness, deeper parts being stores, 1f local dealer doesn't|® hot water boler Jest if a filled with the paste, If walls are have them, consult classified tele- year, db elt in very rough, projecting points can phone directory under "Gutters" Should be , be smoothed down by rubbing or "Roofing Materials", ANSWER: A hot water boller|with a carborundum block, avail- should not be drained at the end able at paint or hardware stores, MUSTY ODOR of the heating period. When water |For smoother surface, rub with QUESTION: Is there any meth- has been repeatedly heated, it| sandpaper wrapped around a flat od to remove a musty odor, found will be freed of air and will have piece of wood, or, preferably, a w nd cup-'no corrosive effect on iron, Drain-|portable electric sander, in kitchen drawers a pr Dean Prentice OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS Vea t PLAZA LADIES' LEAGUE and Hallidays 10,034, The teams ed May Be Ready The third section is over and Fiyers are out in ent fo the Seasoi's points; BID RM are Je winners jor points With 3 3 " F Pl i ' the Hustlers total pins, 0 Ma aps » OR "A" 13.5. 8.7 and Crowns also had 21 points but the LADIES MAIO "4" ous or ayo S Mad Caps won a section and Crowns Fasnioh Vilage Le Bh night. This yee short on pins, so it's & tough one fom is really going hot, they have| NEW YORK (ArT -- New York | y k for the last The top three this week are Marj|sPKen 4 POLE Very Wo owiing. Other |RADgers received some good Yaughan, lssbelle King and Eihelipoints taken: Horwich Jewsllers 3 news Thursday when general Free i ples, 13 1 , Hayden of | Vaughn . high hain this week with py 3, Cornish Jewellers 15 Nu: manager Muzz Patrick disclosed 725, 231, 304 and a good chance of win-|Way 3, Young Moderns 1 % ning the -- again, Isabelle King Standings Fashion Village 12, strouds | that injured Dean Prentice may right behind with 714, 294, 234 and|7, Reads 1 Glards 7; Cokes 7, Comish | pg available for the National a 708, 255, 33. Lovely | dowel ere wich Jewellers 3, Young | Hockey League playoffs, Four girls managed io hit the 600 Moderis 2. mes Ross 1s bowling on| Prentice suffered a lacerated| Wight 859 og Bn Til dB BL TV again this Saturday, Lots of luck eff call muscle Jan. § and was 640, 368, 308, Biancus Notion 820, 239, BeSir 700 Club looks much better this belleved out of action for the 242 and Elsie Smith 015, 204, 349 k with 6 girls making it. Helen Pow. | a] Bert Wight and Isabelle Creamer fen ed with : lovely triple of 711 season, Juttick id Prentice ; \ 301), 0! emen 749, Isnbe " . p " ( ) Please send me further detalls about how to obialn standard 17 Ke¥ wins bu: julie to Jake King' 135 317), Doris O'Donnell 718 ay ours Boni \e regular Builders blue prints for home design No, 352, ning game would you please have the | Bubbles Kitchen 709, Lorrain I 5 | secretary make out a voucher, There 108. =. oo es Greta| The general manager added ( ) or enclosed please find 75¢ ter which send me New Book of were seven Fosquiesp this Wak nm oon ioe Shorser Sit, Jour Prentice's name 10 the lst of » The Crowns and Plaza Belles were 54, © Hud: 645, Ann | Plans twilfies "70 low So Homes A Kunadiuny; Ee ye only teams io take the four points hyn sus, Sule Gardiner 63, Audrey playoff eligibles along with that a es ette, hen t anke e Go-Getters an 4 tte Sackett 629, Mavis make remittance payable to e Oshawa Times-Gazette, whan they laid he G Boxers api Hodgson 430 Ele Wises 60, Doris of Eddie Shack, who had been taki 1 points apiece, The Flyers|y, 621, I Bi n 618, Ev ard. | 0 s Aces. Starters Pulls and Busy Bees! ma nin" ane: Peel 614, Onda Gann 614, P1AYING with the Rangers' Provi- | took three points and left the Bo-Peeps, Nancy McKay 614, Merle Poche 608. | dence farm in the American Judcats, Mag Cons, S anaries and Neida Thompson 603, Eve MeCulloush | Hockey League, 200 Games: Isabelle Creamer 236, Shack has been out of action Marguerite MacDonald 252, Anne Sabo ul with a broken leg, but he, too, | CRA LEAGUE Eastview Abstainers gaptured Henderson GNCRETE PRODUCTS | CLARK'S SUPERTEST STATION 272 KING wisT FINA STATION 627 SIMCOR SOUTH DON ROBINSON'S ESSO STATION SIMCOE ST, SOUTH AT BRUCE ST, FOOTE'S SHELL STATION NG EAST WHITE ROSE STATION KING BAST AT CITY LIMITS SABYAN'S REGENT STATION 334 RITSON SOUTH WHITEFIELD'S SUNOCO STATION 531 RITSON SOUTH CRANFIELD'S B-A STATION 331 PARK SOUTH GANGEMI'S WHITE ROSE STATION 831 SIMCOE SOUTH 14 Greer MT; force last night and as a result Ped. | by [lars beat Collis 4.0, Canada Bread 4, {Dixons 0, Algers 4, Seven Up 0, Pow: | {ells 4, A and I Stores 0, Post Office 4, Coulters 0. . retired Sir Gordon Richards of night. Calhoun weighed 161%, N i . | Smiths 3, Ont, Motor Sal | England, with 4,870. Young Beau Jack 163%. Rated | 'rio, Rugger, nen oa Teh [ir Goon Soresty. Sasloaies bu Holancods Arcaro, the blue-chip rider, has No, 6 among middleweight con: 1 Drattld Bl ii ri following made it a social night: ¢ De 3 "rn Never Get Any Work Done... o oo if you three keep getting underfoot ! xsnstase A FD Address. ..........oov0ns CREA RRRS EINER Ray ee By RUTH W. SPEARS 245, Marj Carswell 243, Marg Logan 231, Lols Burden 230, Elsie Boughton piace with ene night to go as they de. hag shown rapld recovery, Pat plenty of space at bed level and 221, Marg Smith and Lois Shaw 220, lead, Other games were Honeveorbs | Fick sald that if Shack continues an upper shelf for a lamp, Pat-| Bess Gordon 219, Mar) Freeman 213,(4, Jokers 0; Sunnyside 4, Southmend 0ilts show improvement, he will be King and Edna Baker 200, Myrtle |, Rundle 0; Troubleshooters 4, Bathe | Drought up for the playoffs. every step in making the stand Hickson 207, Irene Bevers 204, Bert|o; Sunshiners 4, Gooseggs 0; Outsiders| The Rangers currently are in of solid stock, is 40 cents, This By PETER BUCKLEY ers of snow Into soggy mounds, Greer 200, iffers 3; Gomeeks 1, Woodview 3, 2 R ! ) | Canadian Press Staff Writer |making today's downhill event| Standings: Mad Caps 3117984; Fiy. Storie 3; and Guys and Dolls 3, Aces 2 qualify for the Stanley Cup for ives five patterns for bedroom/ KIMBERLEY, B. C. followed by Carson Starters, 19 -- 17,464; Busy Bees, 16 ((309, 234) closely follow y are 11 points ahead of Toronto| 9, ers 3 . lv . 4 . M Taylor had | Erature all for $1.75. Orders New Canadian from Finland han-| Anyone who might have specu: | z's; Canaries, 15 18.487; wis, 15|Heard 722 (268 a va hr 637. Ober and Chicago, tied for fifth, id soores wer ' Address orders to The Home almost at leisure Thursday to|away from the job, There were |13 -- 16,836; Plaza Belles, 13 -- 16,635; | £00 PEOTER YO 0 03 "9us), Bote | nv t, be/wr [2 ntry race|10 entries the ats, 12 -- 10.804) Hustlers, 10 == Gunn 047 | @ Morison Department, T ap up the try 7117386; Canaries, 15 -- 18,457; Puffs, 18 March Jo FG HUG muon 643 (256, ships in decisive fashion, men including juniors in both 'Jetts, 7 -- 16,700, Taylor 625 (360), Tip Buechler 623 (266, Helen Butt 614 (260, 203), Wib Club Do Sd the Akl: cam Png eg Bishop, 2, Tinta Token: Maroon 5, Tan 3: Gres (37). Chuck Gimblehy, 008, (389, 3130 ' : d ose 1; , Coral 3; Green 23|Wilf Scattergo: ' ' | nee-proricnve WALLBOARD minutes and five seconds, a good Olympic team, won the Alpine [li Lime 2, Yellow 1; Purple 3, Silver| Good singles were rolled by Flo Love. ops y lock 282, Curt Russell 263, Ethel Shaw LESS THAN |est competitor, ley Open, and placed third in the | fish Doubles; Mavis Irwin 471 (248, (20 "rr Vass Mary Huisman 237, ARCADIA, Calif, (AP) -- An-| "genonq place also went to a American Nationals at 23), Jean Walker 460 (219), Glad Joyes [\T, 'penton 333, Mary Williamson 293, Eve McCullough 408 (256), 4 Howard 220, 219, pin yr racing career of Ed: sthletic Club of Beaver Lake,| Ken Lloyd, also from Bishop, | High Singles: Velma Keeler 230, Kay Puschier J Tusiy Marion Dingman 1] 3 Thursday he became a mem: place with 74.34 was the long- meet 234, Marion Shorts 27. in Donnella |isovel Cooper 334, Owtle Weeks 318, "| 3 ' 2M, h 2 | 8, Bob C nt, ber of the exclusive 4,000 club" time dominant figure in North| Among the Canadians ot Cl oreoncar aa! | 200, Doug Stainton 218, Bob Caster racing, tioned as possible winners was Madge Donald 220, Bessie Fitches 212,|\Wes Ogden 314, Mike Siblock 814, Marg horse racing to ride 4,000 or more | Clarence Servold, {Maude Cockerton 207, Evelyn Red: ghemilt 315, Frances Brash 213, Harold winners, | A student at the University of thur, Canadian junior slalom |203, Goldie Tonkin 200. Cummins 210, Rose Jackson 209, Orve Dingman 209, 203, Jack Hobbs 20, eluded the 42-year - old stakes lors of the Camrose, Alta, Bki his first senior year, | Mortis Fenton 200, Vit, Nee AdB R king of American racing since a | The top Canadian women were |, S07® Sirla seem 10 be hitting the ping JP0LY EsTash 205, Alma Eide 204, Jim If | | Ron Brown 202, Ken last Tuesday, came in the eighth [North Star Mountain near this Rossland, while Inge Andreen,| Over 500 double for this week: Rose |Reynolds 202, WR NI. Zidet and final race, [Southeastern British Columbia | Ginger Edwards, Leiv Suttle and |Procher 532 (257, 265). Gunn 202, Morley Johnson ecta m d f I .old [town was icy at first but the Lorna Turner are from Vancou-|uo (234, 206); B. Saramak 418 (309, |Gladys Fice 200 and Bob Germond 300, WwW WwW a Siopd 3 five yearvid/, pen spots soon turned to heavy, |ver, 149); Cy Mcl'esters 418 (241, 177); M,| Lemon Leaguers are quite numerods, on allboar or alls There were three entries for ; : 4 Reta Hughes 94, Peggy Etmaniki 90, horse Eddie rode to victory jn a |seasonable weather did their the open or professional men's| "Over 200 singles = At Jamieson as, [Nancy Weeks 89, Pearle Hodgson #7, L b | ; , 2 J ni last f the Gomeeks 235k {n Mexico, | The sun melted the thick lay-(clude Bill Irwin of Fort William, [#5 M, Mos 223, Db. Philips 220. M, | Cori 3) and last fiom the Gomes umber or Bui ding Supply Dealer. That one's name was Eagle 23, A. Peers a. Alexander, 310, in hia favorite pet, Myil fPessuts) . Tonkin y V. Hele 205, E. Brent v BT ean Ih ore Qouniompson 201, KE. Rlley 200, H.| ,. 5 es MAJOR "B" LEAGUE . ; 3 [1 I's moved into first place by 1 3ports MIGAY WAIVED OUT (terms with Leafs. Rodriguez, 37, ouenoins, 'uc oiariln 0 Qrowell's 3 | king all four points from Burns. Dis: JU 50 DAY TORONTO (CP) -- Coach Billy|last year hit 288 and drove in 62 People's 2, Jury and Lovell 1; Zak's 3, [neys took 3 trom Nesbitts and Motor ST ANOTHER 4 Team standing -- Crowell's Shell Sta. |Whites, Bints, Mitchells and Hender- Hom. fhe. 21.500 fans on. hand sald Thursday centre Rudy Mi tion 7 . 43, Fred's Drive-In 341, Gen. (sons all finished with two points aplece, * Thursday. But, for a man with | gay has been waived out of the, WINDSOR CP) -- Assumption |532, People's Clothing 529, Jordan's [Hendersons 10 - 41; Burns 7 . 37; some 27 years of riding behind (National Hockey League and will| University Lancers scored their |i nq® ale can. Kinloch's Tid. a © 413 Mitchells 5 - 88; Disneys 4-43; him, Eddie was the least excited. | report to Rochester Americans of | 13th victory of the season Wed: 3.41, Zak's Decorators 3.35. Nesbitta 3 - 43; Western Tire 2 « 40. . ' Tech Blue Devils from Detroit Amelia Vincent 628. A 5 iy Ph gy his eighth season with Leafs, is [67.62 in a hard-fought exhibition Th¢ humber one bowler of the night | Lemon Leaguers: yh under hi d, tiek with | | . : | the Toor ay bo Bp 3 hd he said eh a {time for their game tonight | DEFEAT NORWAY i if oing to go right on rid- | |W ™ going Io So 14 against Hershey Bears, OSLO (AP) -- The U.S. ama: (see. "Sian was 'cond a ¥ nol ioe years but a few more years, any- he whit ogy . ok Norway 3-2 Wednesday in an In ewan! rush was out in full way. REVERE, Mass. (AP) -- Rory i : world have ridden 4.000 winners. Calhoun knocked out Young Beau's 000 spectators. 5 I They are the still active Johnny (Jack at 1:30 of the fifth round of | | ALL-STAR RUGGER The following Just missed by one: Window Cleaners ® Walls washed, ® Floors washed end wexed. | © Free estimates. [ Oshawa's Most | Ne--] ~ KEEP TH WHERE . MN A terraced top gives this stand New Canadian WN ns 226, 202, Joan Gray 223, 220, Ev Blata |feated Connaught 3-1 to take a S-point . , tern 302, which has an actual-| Madeline Fleetwood 209, 207, Mary Bombers 4, Prides 0; Rock 'n Rollers size guide for the legs and shows T0SS~ oun ry 1 15 . Hurst 202 and Shirley Oliver and Busle (4, Pinups 0; Sleepers 4, Woodview 2, Hy second place and seem likely to] ich ; Jatiers ala 18 I packet 22 wh (CP »-A | anybody's race ers, 31 = 17,702; Crowns, 81 -- 17,625; ( Chris Mason led the list with 740 the third straight season. They under $1 add 10c service charge. | dled a tiring cross-country course lated on possible winners shied |--i6,644; Aces, 13 -- 18,283) Go-Getters, | big single, 358, March 651 (241, 225), Onda . at the Canadian ski champlon.|barring late scratches, and 37|i)'_ "16303, BoPeeps, § -- 16390 and (230 212 300), Vie Williamson 043 C20, GY PR C Lean, towering Antero Rauha- categories, | ! Eddie Arcaro : : ' het : BAINBOW LEAGUE Hall 613 (222, 218), Don Salsbury 608 metre distance (9.58 miles) in 68|Calif., an alternate on the U.S, Beige 1; Mauve 2, Blue 1; Gold 2, Red | Lawrence 600 (296) five minutes faster than his near. combined at this year's Sun Val.|}} Orange 1, Black 3; Pink 0, Brown 3. Jock 2B CU Tn Jim. Boxter 21a ~other chapter 1as been added to pinn_gno Mutka of the Jehu Colo. Aspen, [414 "aan, Mayme Bradley 410 (asm), [ptr Kenan #0 BAT 500M R rm |Ont. His timé was 73.18, In third won the Alpine at the Sun Valley Payne 236, Lorraine Cox 239, Bea Col:|g97, wait Dowe 227, Harry Snow 226, men. (224, Kay Elliott 223, Lil Clemence 220, |, Morrison 214, Mary Hobbs 214, the third man in the history of | American cross-country Ves Gerald Gannon, 20, of Port AT- oath 206,0live Spires 304, Ede Wilson [Cameron 312, Earl Fice 311, Audrey Colorado, he raced under the co- | The fabled 4,000, which had nd champion last year and now in MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE Morris Fenton 208, Vin Walker' 208, third race at Santa Anita Park| The gruelling course circling all from B.C. Ruth Eek 1s from throwing balls, no luck at all Clement 203, Rich Marsh 202, Dave Over 400 doubles -- Lorraine Reed McLaughlin 201, Ralph Laing 3201, { | . Lesenko 418 (185, 233); Ethel Freeman [namely Elsie McCabe 99, Jo Waters 96, ole less distinguished than the first|Wet snow as a hot sun and un a and Ceilings. See your local lw , | Ey y 3. Y J r Parker 75, Sh n Mayne 67, Roy long distant afternoon at Callente|Work. |downhill championship. They in- G Yeo 321, M, McNelll 434, D. Hobbs Lila Parker haro cher 216, E, Reading 214, F, Bouckley |our old faithful, who we had to keep Bird and he started Arcaro on 203, V, Vickers 302, Helen Anderson 201, |®d a 208 game, and exciting tests of an athlete Genosha 3, Spring's 0; Crowell's 3, Fred's 1 City also took 3 from Western Tire, Re. oronto Maple Leafs Arcaro received a fine ovation [Rev of T p | LANG ~ | ERS Wi sha Hotel 5:22, Gold Medal Cleaners Team Standings: Saywells 11 - 49; | Florist 4-26, Spring Bros, Furniture 4-28, | Whites 6 + 351; Motor City 6 « 37; Bints " " | i 8 ' ; ver 600: A Allin 632 (2); Actually, it was just another in. American League. Migay, in | Reda night, defeating Lawrence MEN'S STORE LEAGUE He - 620, | was Mr. Sickness and to those who fell | Marion Dowling 87. mark and to get it over with," expected to join Americans in basketball game. sure that in the long yun, you will win, | -- pro 1 ther 27, | ing -- probably not anothe SCORES KNOUROUR [teur ice hockey team defeated |With Mr. Flu for the last week, Only two other jockeys in the ternational match witnessed ' , With 5,002 now 'heduled 10- sday Longden, with 5,062, and the now ja scheduled 10-rounder Thursday TORONTO (CP) -- The On- Barbers 3, Oshawa Box and Lumber 1. © Store fronts. ® Janitor service, Experienced Cleaners WARMTH IT BELONGS ! Inside your home -- the right place for warmth. And you'll find it easy to have with storm sash from McCULLOUGH LUMBER. Let wind and biting cold take second place -- outside ! Stop in to see us now for the most reliable in storm sash materials. 12 STORM WINDOWS, 2 STORM DOORS AS LITTLE AS 9.00 PER MONTH McCULLOUGH LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED 1270 SIMCOE ST, NORTH I RA 8-5481 a8, | General Contractor HOMES BUILT GARAGES BUILT RECREATION ROOMS REMODELLING BASEMENTS "Ever since we MODERNIZED the KITCHEN with the aid of the OSHAWA BOX and LUMBER CO., LIMITED, | haven't been able to keep you outside." Good looking Oshawa Cabinets give an old-fash- ioned kitchen eye appeal while they make it a mo efficient, more pleasant place to work in. See about Cabinets for your kitchen this week. OSHAWA BOX un LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED 436 RITSON RD. N. -- OSHAWA -- RA 5-4704 4 . Tati allidays 2, Oshawa Bakery 3, V won some 443 stakes whose earn- tenders in the latest National here May 3. A second one will be | Barbar Shop Fog Br ete Pht | p {7 ib st night ith id hy 000,000. - houy Tnishey 1s opponents Ww ith Athletic Ground May 10, | Warne Lanning running out in pi A ov 34 (385) and T, Trimble 3 ( , 23), . . | PHILADELPHIA (AP) W estern Mustangs 781 (201, 310), 8. Claus 750 (308, 351), Pancho Gonzales defeated Lew Bradford 737 (250), R. Powell 728 Ss 0 ng 1S wn | Take Over Top Spot (30d Claus 716 (256), (317, 285), Simpson 741 (337), Mora 7 NORTH BAY (CP)--A 13-.year- that saw Hoad take an easy first | (CP) -- Uni Bn, well 718 (299, mn), Rd l OF (A5%), Iding his own in a ban. [transcontinental series 15-8 in fa- : d Godgson 668 (273), Davidson 654 (301), | AB a ak ide ? 8 an vor of Hoad with 77 matches to|Senior Intercollegiate Basketball [George 693 (300), Saimers 683 (363 (victory over Queen's University |, S\§l® good games but not a good ing etutse, Pays with a socket. WIN HOOP PLAYOFF Golden Gaels. night's total: Coakwell 305, Rell 268, p 3 | BRANTFORD (CP) -- Brant ings amount to more than $23,- | Boxing Association, rundown, Cal: aved 2% Montreal's Westmount |r", very good games were bowled ---- --- with a grand 816 (243, 267, 306), follow- i : | > IN ANC INS : Handicapped Lad ¥ HO W The following had 700 games: French | {Hoad Thursday night in a match Pearce | LONDON, Oat, old youngster with a handless set and go to match point six| "el ; ; . i J KRAMER ole {versity of Western Ontario Mus: | 600 Class --Gates 893 (276, 285), Shob- right arm and a deformed left|times. The victory made their. oS 0 fU CEL place in the [brook 68a (283), Barrett o72 * 20, | Hw Wa Raymond Gauthier, a fast-skat- §0. The score was 26, 86, 8.6. |league Friday night with 57-51 262), Jayes 660, Bradbury 662 Zak 266, Swindells 275, Gordon 267, place. { The following fell into the Lemon The victory moved Mustangs Fields 258 » 4 Iniv | He holds a regular berth with ford's undefeated Pauline John. ahead of University of Toronto oie, Figars 09, Ross 89. MeKalshis Fisher Street Bantams of the son Collegiate Junior scored a and Assumption lito top spot (90, Ferguson 79. L. Jackson couldn't Jorth Bay { District M 147-443 win over Kitchener Water. [With six victories and two losses, [come any closer and not fall in with Nort ay anc istrict Minor | " o [Toronto and Assumption are tied an even 100. Powells are running away Hockey Association {loo Collegiate in a sudden-death | ASSUMption are tied [with the points for this section with 12 | An avid sports enthusiast, he basketball . playoff game here for second with five victories. [and with pins 10,209. Smith's have 10,276 | also plays fastball in summer | Wednesday. Pauline Johnson now| The contest opened fast with ------ and acts as bat boy for a local | moves into the finals against Galt Se Mustangs Tunmiog up id AUT | He = les ) early lea ut play soon devel HORS WANTED | tean {for the Central Western Ontario |® ¥ 00 WATERPROOFED Secondary Schools Association [oped lato a continuous parade to i BY N.Y. PUBLISHER |e cement work : hasketbhall © ship. the free-throw line. Forty « tw LIVVIES WHIP DETROIT | "sketball championship fouls were called. I - LEAFS SIGN RODRIGUEZ NEW YORK, N.Y, -- One of the na Free [Estimotes--Reasonable Prices tion's largest book publishers is seeks All Work Guaranteed TILLSONBURG (CP) --- Till Western forward Paul Davis TORONTO (CP) ing manuscripts of all types--fiction, non-t H. J. KRAMER sonburg Livingstons led all the| Cuban led the scorers with 18 points, ORONO PHONE 14-R-8 way Thursday night to trounce shortstop Hector Rodriguez has Greg Stone was best for Queen's | Detroit All-Stars 88-67 In an eg [signed With Toronto Maple as with 16 3 Rueen's \ fg Rive Special shentien hibition basketball encounter.lof the Inelrnational Rasepall In. an intermediate contest, f e send for booklet DN-5 Livvies ran way to a 45-26 lead League 'for the 1958 seas He Western Colts trounced Queen's! yi Street, N ew Pa rem, nM at halftime, {was the 12th player fom to! Comets 81-41, , ; : RA 3-3011