COBOURG ~ The at an interclub mateh on Satur.|f day to eight rinks from the Ogh.|)' awa Curling Club, An annual event for many years, the match £ ship, Four of tnd games were played {in the afternoon and the remain-| {der in the evening, Between the afternoon and evening gemes 2) fine dinner was served hy the host elub at the Chateau Hotel, | Allan Fisher, president of the Waverley Club, presided, Short speeches were given by His Wor ship Mayor. John 1, Burnet and| ANUTHER AWARD FOR DEMPSEY | Middleweight king Carmen | James J, Walker plague he re. Basilio, centre, and heavy. | ceived a the 42nd annual din. ner of the U8, Boxing Writers' weight shanip Floyd Patterson association, held in New York, are on hand to congratulate Dempsey received the award former heavyweight title holder Lyle Willson, of Cobourg, and Cobourg Waverley Club Host To Oshawa Curlers Waverley |®. Cw 'irg Club of Cobourg was host}; was marked by keen competition |); © and a fine spirit of good fellow-!ien Thomes, Ontario Open At Cataraqui Wilimett, R. Halleren, skip , Taylor J, Bolahond #, Richards FP, Michael, shir ba 6G, Skitch §, Piper £ Sharp L. McGes, skip wip rienfstain f LeClair Allan Redmond, skip MeLrum eons Smith By THE CANADIAN PRESS Aior Detroit Rec Wings had heen pounded 740 in Montreal Thursday and 9-2 in Toronto Sat- urday, Nations! Hockey League fans were fairly well convinced that the Wings are pushovers {without Gordie Howe, The big right winger has been out since Jan, 26 with broken ribs, But the Wings returned to their home ice last night and by scor- ing three times in the third pe- George Armstrong, Rudy Migsy riod chalked up a 3-1 victory to! and Dick Duff joined in the To dash Toronto's chances of climb roto spree, Red Kelly and Jack ing in the standings, Melntyre were the Detroit scor- The Leafs could have ended up ers: {in third place if they had beaten, Red Kelly, who took turns on frion and Bert Olmstead, Boston lacked Bronco Horvath, Leo Bol vin and regular goalie Don Sim. mons, Barry Cullen started things off for Toronto Saturday night in the opening 20 minutes with the first lof two goals, His brother Brian 'also collected a pair during the |game which saw Leafs get 22 scoring points on 86 shots on goal, Billy Harris, Ron Stewart, " 10 Total 66 go " Yotal 71 -- skip TORONTO (CP)~-The Calars- Leafs Rout Wings Sat.' But Lose In Detroit yo qui Golf and Country Club at fudy Mowat and Fred Hobbs, of oe has been picked fo rthe 4 1958 Ontario open championships The results of the games were june 13 and 14, it was announced as follows: Saturday by the Ontario Golf As COBOURG sociation, (6 Bova The amateur championship wil) Allg i SES [be at the Dundas Valley Golf and Ken Cooper, Losey Luke, : Country Club, Dundas, June 25 to skip veer £28 slp 8. Harnden C, Foster { OSHAWA R, Glover M, Elliott |, Hardocre Albert Hinton of Toronto was | Detroit and If Boston had co-op- both defence and at left wing, erated by losing to New York scored the winner Sunday night, Rangers, | Toronto again opened the scor- Instead, the Bruins best New ing, Stewart lining a low shot York 43 on Fleming Mackell's through a tangle of legs in the goal midway in the third period, |second period to beat Terry Baw: As a result, Boston and Detroit| chuk, are still tied for third, two points| Three quick goals in the third behind Rangers, Toronto remains period gave Detroit the win, in fifth, four points ahead of last- Forbes Kennedy tied it up, and place Chicago, with less than three minutes left, | Bill Gadsby got the other New, York gos! while Lorne Ferguson and Bill Dineen scored for Chie ago, Chicago lost again at home to Montreal, The Canadiens' line of Phil Goyette, Andre Pronovost and Claude Provost did all the Montreal scoring after Chicago took an early first-period lead on Ed Litzenberger's 17th goal of the season, Dickie Moore's 20th gosl and an insurance marker by Jean Be- liveau gave Canadiens third win against Boston, The league lead. ers spotted Bruins a goal in the second period when Johnny Bueyk scored, hut Marcel Bonin tied It up, The third period was Montreal's, EXCITING FINISH The Boston-Rangers game Sun- day night topped off close hard play with a wild finish when New York pulled goalie Gump Wors. ley in the last 50 seconds in favor of an extra forward, Six penalties, including four ond game when Jim Carlton came in with a 271, Jim Hawley | 1201 and Fred Richardson 204, to rack a nice 1250 total, A Spitfires was in the last frame when after getting aces up with the first ball, he had to get the Spitfires Beat Danforths, Now Tied For First Place There was & in the Spit- In the third game fo clean the fire comp on Saturdsy when thelboards, local five - pin bowlers took a) Bob Gallagher was the top three point vietory over the Dan- man with a terrific 911 three forth club, winning Bll three game total, which included games games, to move into a tie for of 208, 264 and 364, Dick Adams first place in the standing. had 204, 260 and 344 for a three With a 1212 team tots) for the 8me score of B17, Denny Line first game, the Spitfires were(lon was next with 753, Oule easy winners when Danforth were Keeler 746 and Lloyd Sahins 708, only able to turn In 8 1008 total, |[BUt the real stars were relief Denny Linton with a %02 game bowlers, John Hrico snd Geo, and Bob Gallagher 203, were the Flliott, top men In this game, followed| Jim Hawley with 787 was the by Ozzie Keeler with & 240, Danforth trundler, while Fred The second game was @ thal ardson who has 18 perfect ler-diller with the last frame de.|S4mes 10 his credit, was pext with 711, the team totals were ciding the winner, when Spitfires ' ained the 1o| Ma for Spitfires and 3451 for Di y Having been whitewashed by 560+ | ry anf on their hame alleys for the past two seasons, Spitfires really enjoyed returning the compliment, While all the results were not available at press time, it is certain that Spitfires and Pas quale Bios, club are tied for first place with 12 points, and there could y be one or Bob Gal really for he spot the game possibl four pin to win, Not only did|iwo of the other contending elubs Gallagher knock eff the four pin, also tied with 12 points, he also cleaned off the five pin 'The Danforth club, who were one |with his last ball, receiving, aipoint behind Spitfires prior to A, Cay I. Taylor P, Simmons, skip RL W, MeCormick A. Rowden Reg, Fair L, Harrison, skip G, Bell K, Jackson 6, Cooke Den Jackson, skip . , James Sheriff Pollitt Lindsay, Currin G, King J, Mitchell, skip Bob Osborne {Don Earl rge Mitchell Cif Boundy, for long and meritorious serv. Jack Dempsey, who holds the | ice to the sport ~~ SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR | "Everything From Soup To Nuts" Bob Olsen A, Fisher Ron Kirby, skip elected president and Bruce ¥or- New York beat Chicago 8-2 Kelly scored and Alex Delvecchio majors for fighting, brought both hes of Brantford honorary trea. Saturday, | banged home the clincher, {teams to the minimum four play- ek ident 1. W. Davis| Montreal continued to add tol HEBENTON SHINES |ors most of the final five min- Retiring president H, W, DAVIS jo 100d with two 8-1 wins, one| The Saturday afternoon game, ules tremendous ovat e cap. |g ) of Kingston, told he meeting Nn against Boston Saturday on home which New York won H over| Andy Bathgate of Rangers oity crowd of ios Soin 'th ay Baturdaty' maviing, bee ov fove clubs joine ie gk ice and the other at Chicago, Chicago, provided gentlemanly scored his 19th and 20th goals of| i y n 4 ( + 61957 bringing total membership | guoRTHANDED Andy Hebentoh with a shining the season and Larry Popein| Having won ihe firs two gues schoduled owing oS ing, jlo 8 record high of 162 Junlor| "mye © combined casualty Mists hour, He scored twice for Rang: counted the other, and knowing hat a three-game bimpson dlotors Witl be the visit. [golf has made "encouraging pro turday"s Montreal-Bruins ers within 28 seconds, snann Boston's big period was the Victory would put them in top ers to Motor City Bowling on gress, fof Satyriey's gp ince, the Spitfires came through Saturday st 2,30 pm. and this gress," Davis said, 'game was enough to make up a a 1-1 deadlock at 9:06 of the mid- second when Allan Stanley, Don|Dite: E10 FREITEs came rough uday gt 30 pm. ' He wald the mssoclation reve. jo... "canadiens were without|dle session and adding another at| McKenney and Johnny Bueyk|"!th 8 smashing 1454 team scoreishould be another thriller, {nue is "inadequate to meet the ye ioe Richard, Bernie Geof.|9:33, scored ; A Lloyd Sabins Wins Fred Watts Trophy increased operating costs." A sol ution was being sought by the as Oshawa Netters "Lefty" Tloy#l Sabins was the tournament must be consid. crowned as the first winner of|ered a success, with some exe soclation's governors, | =| Sweep Board In the Fred Waits Memorial Men's ceptionally good competition be- v on 1 ns Badminton Visit Bingles Championship, when heg|ing provided throughout the 10 » ORILLIA -- Oshawa Badmin- | {ton Club swept to victory in all groups of play in the Orillia-Gar- rison Oshawa first invitational came through in the final five game series games In sensational fashion, The top ten prize winners were, Having racked up 1134 for his Lloyd Sabins, 2609; Dick Adams, first five game set and being 2490; Chester Lipa, Cobourg, 2477; : 7, : tournament in nearly 10 years well behind the leaders, Sahins!H, Daniels 2445; Bob Farrell, | skip Ww, J. Stuart IH, MeDonald J. Newton ' 3 OSHAWA CURLERS had a busy week-end "abroad" managed to cup up with thelr share of "the loot", Bill Holland's | © A pid rink, which included Vern Walker, "'Preem" Whiteley and Dean |g," velar McLaughlin, won the annual Orillia viee-skips bonspiel and the D, C, Town Trophy on Saturday with three wins and a plus score | of 14. Eight Oshawa rinks visited the Cobourg Waverley Club on Saturday night and, although the hosts wen the game, they made up for this with generous hospitality, Four Oshawa rinks left | Saturday night for the 45th International Bonsplel in Quebec City, | where 120 rinks of Canadian and U.S, curlers will compete in 15] major trophy events, In a mixed bonspiel, at Peterborough on Saturday, Bill Trewin's rink, which included Mrs, Trewin, Reg and Mrs, Aker, lost their third game on an extra end but on a draw to the rings, copped the high two-win prizes for the day, A tragic incident marred the Liftlock City event when the well known Herb Martin collapsed and died at the desk where he has tolled for years as official scorer and drawmaster for the Peter. borough Curling Club, In addition to being the hest-known figure in Peterborough eurling, and also lawn bowing, he was the club's faithful press secretary. He will be sadly missed by the Liftlock City's sports enthusiasts and readers and Lawson Berg's And Bru Seek Playoff Spot Berg's Warriors strengthened win over the winless Regulator their hold on 2nd place in the Lions, The game was a see-saw North Plant Division of the UAW affair with the issue being In League as they clipped the CKD |doubt right to the final bell, Hawks 9-5 on the strength of an| The first period ended in a impressive passing display, Wl sawoff as the result of The National Hockey League Players' Assoclation and NHL owners will meet tomorrow for their big chin-wag ses. slon and it looks as if the chat will be more amicable than at first appeared likely when the Association was formed, Means while, the weekend's action in the NHL only served to fure ther separate the first and last teams In the schedule race, with Canadiens winning twice 31, at home over Boston and last night In Chicage, Montreal now has a 25-point lead over the other four clubs scrambling for the three remaining play- off berths while Black Hawks, who were also beaten in New York on Saturday, are now four points behind Toronto Leafs, The Mapleos routed the Red Wings 9.2 Saturday night in Toe | Bill Gingerich and A Pls, 42 " 7% 87 108 Kinloch's | 19 14 I 1 4 ] 5 2 12 11 10 Oshawa won the ladies' '@8 THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Monday, February 3, 1958 | doubles, eight matches to six the men's doubles, 10 to four (and the mixed doubles, 16 to 12/ a e 0 ca ian g came blazing back with &'smash:| og Tp] h, el q.|for totals of 34 to 22 at the Orillia Pp S Pp 1 S Hg r4A ing hae thon ath | oronto, i +00 Camarola, 3 Armories ai Ajax, 2411; Myrle Reeson, 2404; Lyon getting his, and Re al ATRL. in the ladies double ' 'M Rule block, to finish on top with Bill Jordan, 2403; Eddie Branton, . ( goal | LYON ROLLING his, 8 Of fer . 2509 total, 9980: T, Hor J Hawks jumped into a two-goa first "hat BA of the season, to| nd mixed for Oshawa w'er | Fh wl a af Caboge 1280; Fddle Steer, Ajax, 2386, ead in the first six minutes as hatrick" of the Season: v Doreen Reddock and Nel Beam 1Va eaners | r Lipa of Cobourg was The winner of the high single Burgess and Elliott in that order oilset scoring eftomts id lekey, ish with Ken Smith and George Sading Wi 2477 after complet. prize was Chester Lipa, Cobourg, buldged the twine, but just past | oi od M BY a we nt Long and Garry Tighe and Bob Signed early in November, but|Newey 15, Kelly 6, T. Olinyk 20 ine his game set on the b,30 358, the half way mark the Warriors ie last period was only |. r leadi en's Fg " ) p.m, shift, but to settle for third 4 seconds old when Keenan gave Gollagher leading In men'sinot playing his first game until Total 7¢, not in the final stand) hen! , Manager Doug Rowden of (broke loose to score five un peril h BC ort « lived lead ag|doubles wnd mixed, Marie Vin Thursday night, Tommy Olinyk| ACADIAN CLEANERS: Vaughn {ho ahs ha, alah ing woot County Bowl, on behalf of Mrs, {answered markers coming off Kutazinski for Lions tallied two| cent and Lyn Beckingham, Wen: led Maple Cleaners to a convine-(9, Salter 6, Hill 8, Fagleson 6 | Whitby botk nt er ok go 1 ol Clare Watls, thanked all contest the sticks of Thompson with two, Inia tater. Tt ton remalied dy Billings and Carla Palmer ing 76-58 victory over Acadian Wilson 13, Salway 9, Booth 7 id ey 3 , Ame hae SITONE ants for their excellent co-0peras (McLean, Terpstra, and Propp = Badgley of Bruins to fire the teamed in ladies' doubles wins Cleaners in an Industrial Basket: Total 58 The eli oh my Sh lion and announced that the tours each contributing singles to the id. Fy A "for Orillia, {ball tilt at Simcoe Hall, His scor-| Officials The clincher for Lloyd 8abing ament will be an annual affair, assault, | Rumute wines With Hoven Sin. n-- == ing feat was 20 points, second Dave Brady Was a very convincing 350 last on the same Saturdays, the last The new league scoring leader, | bar maining. Abid > [highest scored, this year, Both| CAGE COMMENT , , , Some Ramo Wale Josed him Just saturday of January and the first |A, Cawker, cashed in on a break ow agin fren ag a awa in Olinyk and Rupert play in Toron- fine jranipuli ig by John Nowe shoad of 1 lek Adama of Whilhy, Saturday of February, away effort in the last period but Bla ' S to's high class Downtown league, could be credited to the Maple er 4 8 Newell for CKD equalized a min laters, prouset Bn all-out at The Maple squad, with Olinyk|Cleaners' win , , , wien it looked | ©! wy Oshawa Spittire club ute later, Propp's blast along } f . and Newey showing the way like he wouldn't have a powerful] WIth 9 bowlers competing, WEEK-END STARS | w p p p p p 7'e h squad for Thursday's y --) ronto but after taking a second-period lead last night, they {with two more neat efforts by Wins Tro h moved Into a first quarter 16-17'enoug ' AGE | + p 'hie p o he called In the reserves faded in the third period as Detroit got revenge with a 81 |Lhompson salted the game away. |g. ro lead which they never relinquish- game 1 By THE CANADIAN PRESS victory, Boston also {However Elliott with his second ed, At half time the score... 'bet every club in the league Dealing NI 30 S00 Juut pase with Detroit and Rangers by onl of the day and Waller's solo | Battery At 0 illi was 43:26 and at the Shree wishts they had Tigres Wie ea 088 ns any Moots, Whe stored ong " effort in the last five minutes oo" quarter mark Maple still led 83.(could get you 20 and 12 points in » . 4 1 . BRIGHT BITS: Oshawa Flylug Club Badminton Club paid were ample proof that the Hawks "58 | riilla 40, Ron Wilson netted eight points|a game , . , Maple Cleaners con- - Montreal Canadiens downed Bos an inter-club visit te Orillia on Saturday first time in 10 oars, were still game TOP TEN ink, [for Acadiaps in the second halftinue four points in front of their ton Bruins 3:1, nd the local netters swept every event. .. GENERAL MOTORS | BRUINS MOVE OF A, Cawker 36, B, Sutton 8, | DLA Shi 2 Ouhawa a thalbut this was easily eclipsed by, |toughest opposition , .., Acadians| Bea Ross of Osha made al Barry and Brian Cullen, who Trophy Bonsplel, annual Oshawa Ladies' curling classic, & two J Thompson 31, R. Elllott 26, R, nHEREC Ro oohy bonsntel at Olnyk's 14, Carl Cheski provided had a convincing win over OCVI| successful appearance on CBLT, Foored two goals each to lead To. day affair with a full quota of 32 entries, gets under way here| Battery Bruins climbed Into|Cooke 23, P, Allems 23, B. Badg-| ori? Curling oa with [a great height advantage for the| Tuesday night and haven't lost an Bowli Sat hy |ronto Maple Leafs to a 92 win tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, K-W DUTCHMEN continue (3d poi in the UAW League ley 22, A, Worsley 19, J, Cassels/ihe Orilia Curl plus of 14, The Maple crew as both he and Olinyk exhibition game this Jear. Wing on Saturday at O'Connor aver Detroit Red Wings, to lead the senior series, They edged Chatham 8-2 on Saturday North Plant Division) with a 7-5/10 and J, Tamblyn 19, Lanmual event. nich rink|are well over the 6 foot 3 mark LF APis|Bowl when she defeated Eileen| Andy Hebenton who scored and Soo Greyhounds lost to Sudbury, which put the Wolves ahead " |strength is limited to a maxi Rupert and Newey scored well|/ Maple Clrs, 13 2 1113 #14 26 |Everingham of Toronto in a four. Iwice as New York Rangers of North Bay Trappers, who were beaten by Windsor Bulldogs. ' wl i . 4 ide vo Ernie Cay's 11 4 1037 940 22 g {downed Chicago Black Hawks C \ . . mum of two players of vice-skip|from the outside and onee Acad 0 B03 game set, EA ATARAQUI Club, at Kingston, has been chosen by the On+| a oc S P st emi S: standings in home clubs, drew again showed a little too much Acudians a iN 4 ois 3 The original plan was for a a yp X. who combed 3 J ¢ site of the ntario opeu cham 4 |power for thelr opposition, Gar 3 town 1 LL ndrey Pronovost, who coun! plonship, June 13-14, while the "'amateur' will be at Dundas . . . Siitries from Terenis High yd an and Rick Salway Poi Next Week's Games , ,, , Tues: five » game series but due to a twice and picked up one assist te FACKIE PARKER has announced that he will again play with arrison-nsinsmen S0 in say, Toronto Royal Canadians, Well enough to win but the Acad.|d8Y--Maple Cleaners vs, Fabric lack of time, the series was con. |lead the Canadigns to a &1 trl Edmonton Eskimos, .,, CORNWALL CHEVIES, currently holding Ontario Hospital, Orillia; Unlon.|1an club just couldn't penetrate! TOWN Redmen and Thursday--|cluded after four games had umph over the Black Hawks, down last place in the Eastern OHA senior race, whipped Pem-| The semifinals of the UAW! Tony's took the lead before the! lle RP wa, Peterborough, the opposition for those much. rhle Cay's Lumberkings vs. been rolled, Fleming Mackell, whose third. broke twice over the week-end but Kingston nipped Belleville to Hockey League got under way game was 4 minutes old In what! a 0 & a Bh seded ide sh Acadian Cleaners, T 1 0 | I gave the Brul : - Aton ' ' K er way) \ Owen Sound and Orillia. needed inside shots, eS YEN on | The final results were, Bea Period goal gave the Bruins a 4-3 stay one point ahead of the desperate Chevies, who are making on Sunday with Maddock's White appeared to he a one-sided game| | \ TOP TEN SCORERS Ross 93 )} Iver il jer the R : 4 . ; ) Ji 3 he | The trophy went to Unionville] High scorers were Tom Olinyk {Ross 030 against Eileen' Evering. Win over the Rangers, a bid for a playoff berth, WILLIE SHOEMAKER, who rode [Rose defeating Sklar Furniture for them, Shortly after H a 1 K ' y : oa at J Sg Big Bante AL ig last year, In fact, it has yet to and John Newey for Maple Clean: cheski, Maple C1 20.7 ham's 850, Bea Ross will make| Red Kelly, whose goal proved iy Ye opening same In fees had wu Shards Pe have an Orillia shield entered onlers with 20 and 13 points, Bob Dickenson, Fab, T 17.g/her next appearance in three the winner as the Red Wings des Maddock's certainly had their| HIE his Hirst of two goals to tel, curling with the winning skip Rupert added 12 and Carl Cheskil ER Cave 'J|weeks time, on CBLT, Toronto, !feated the Maple Leafs 8-1, hands full for this encounter as|the game, Two minutes later J, Olinyk, E, Cay's, 1TH cr or over ---- a ao THE ERI only Cl -- 8 | : Sklar's kept up their relentless Arnold scored for the winners checking unt the final four min {closing out the period at 2.1, a his 3,000th winning race last week, had four more wins on Sat: urday BROOKLIN'S Junior "C" OHA team nipped Whitby utes, when the winners finally lead which they never relin. came through for four goals |quished, 68 on Saturday night, Maddock's appeared to be a During the second and third . . Ted Williams Is . Talking Baseball | | | little over confident as they had Period H and K set up a very a commanding 3-1 lead at the!strong defensive game which i" gu) entry | of | But Not Contract vomad y Ton a Howard! = BOSTON (AP)--Ted Willlam end of the first period, Bun 0 Jog op Rony : vi Brandon with Bob Frost. Jr . Of ) ed W ms } p © glerack, H and K should have had mn 3 M T With the chips. down, Sklars/f ; 1 Jackie Parker 0 is talking enthusiastically about came out in the second period # few more goals but they were They SY TY Lov Aig all phases of baseball except the with a flurry of body checks and [hurrying their shots, missing the 4 : | Qa . . 3 The top two-game winner In Stick With Eskies The big line for the winners the first draw was Doug Skelly | EDMONTON (CP) Tackle fat contract he is expected to re- 39 deadly shooting that paid off for net on numerous occasions nelve for the coming season, Shutouts: Plante, Montreal, 8. {wo goals to tie the game al 3.3 2 30-year-old Boston Red Sox Penalties: Fontinato, New York gkiars continued with their out. Was Richards, Arnold and Mar. of Onionville with a plus of 101 parker 25-year Id Tennessee outfieher will get as much as !28 minutes standing play for practically the shall, as they were constantly (With the one-game winner being ALTE who Ta bey o Mary Ta $125,000 on the strength of his re whole of the third 'period but Sitting on the doorstep of Wallace Matt Sutton of Oshawa with plus tor In Edmonton Eskimos'. suc markable .388 average in 1057 but think Chicago got the best of the made the mistake of letting up in}in the loser's net, of 10. The second draw two-game cess for four years "wil be with he hasn't talked money yet with trading in the American League. the final stages of the game. The UAW Hockey League is|Victor was Ken Betz of Unionville iskimos in the Western Football Maddock's took advantage of this holding a stag at the Tennis Club| With 10 with Clayton French offal fui Wf o®, Oo more seasons opportunity, scoring three goals On Feb, 15 beginning at 1 o'clock Orillia taking the win. "ONferen Mud din the front office The White Sox have lost some "Joe Cronin (general manager) punch but they have added more : in 2:93 giving them a hard. 10 try to raise funds for the oper. (ner Prize with plus 10, earned game. ation of their league, Anyone was too busy on this trip," Will all around strength In pitching H AND K WIN ALSO {wishing to take part in this after FEWER CINEMAS lams said under questioning at a and reserves." Harrison and Kinsmen con: Noon of enjoyment may secure a| Movie theatres in Britain de. Sportsman's show here shortly, Franchise moves--"All 1 know after he returned from Minnea-'is I'm glad I'm pot In the other tinued on their winning way in tcket from any member of the creased by 226 to 4,171 during the second game defeating league 1087, polis, ; league with all that travelling Here's what the batting king . I think Minneapolis will be Tony's Refreshments in a close game of 31 13 283 0 154 14 238 8123 6 80 15 106 12 149 8 100 12, Wrubel 2,/Kelly, Maple Cl, 11 130 were Preem Whitely, Vern Walk-|10, For Acadians Ron Wilson had|ojdfield E. Cay's er and Dean McLaughlin, (13, Salway and Vaughn had 9.|Kolodzie Maple Cl Other three - game winners In fonl shooting Maple led also|mallett, F. Cay's were Ray Laplante of Orillia, (with 6 out of 12, Acadians netted Newey, Maple Cl, |skip, Walter Varty, Tom White|4 out of 7, Burrows, Fab, n," and Jack Shaughnessy with a| MAPLE CLEANERS: Weight 4, Booth, Acadians, plus of 18 and an Ontario Hospl |Cheski 10, Rupert NHL LEADERS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Standings: Montreal, won 3 lost 11, tied §, points 73 Points: Moore, Montreal, #8 Goals: Moore, Montreal, 20 Assists: H, Richard, Montreal 13.1 12.8 128 11.9 17, 16.4 1 Mn "€ Parker signed a three-year con: tract a year ago and an option which gave permission to leave the Esks for a National Feotball League club expired at midnight Friday withu't being exercised, |: The last two years of the contract |} automatically: became in force, When asked Saturday about his decision, Parker sald: *I stayed." 14.9 wy ps ¢ Tides ¥ PLACES! 0 Go navy! 7 has to say on other subjects (he next city to get a hig league Winter trades-- "I'm inclined to! team." CHOOSE YOUR NEW T.V. FROM THE LARGEST SELECTION IN OSHAWA All'Operating At The Same Time From The Same Antenna ® Electrohome eo RCA Victor eo Admiral ® Westinghouse e Philips e Sylvania ® Motare -- ARAL ARE a Don't risk a life when it costs so little to be safe...get a Firestone 19 BRAKE speciat | 9 HERE'S WHAT WE DO,,, Needed. 8 Adjust Brake Shoes te Secure Full Contact with Drums, 6 Carefully Test Brakes Tivestone \ A \ Da or a TI WHO THINK OF TOMORROW PRACTICE MODERATION TODAY THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY NEES MOre men NOW The navy offers you excellent training In any of 50 specialized technical trades... a life of adventure and travel... a career with opportunities for advancement and a pension to be earned! - Get oll the facts right here in OSHAWA ot THE ARMOURY Feb, 3rd to 7th, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, 1 1 Remove Front Wheels and Inspect Brake Drums and Lining. 2 Clean, Inspect and Repack Front Whee! Bearings 3 Inspect Grease Seals Fe Rll 90-day free service with each new T.V. Free Home Trial Service to all makes in our own shop by our technicians STII Ll HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY PARKWAY TV| ll ek Le TR a ToT ag Lo ra Che House of Seagram DISTILLERS SINC» 4 le KING & DIVISION ST. RA 5-6566 RR Rd "AY pw 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3-3043 a b>. i, |