Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 3 Feb 1958, p. 7

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' recording secre- OFFICERS INSTALLED at | M, Pelers, Jac! Harvey, vice the inaugural meeting of the | tary; Mrs Dr, C, ¥, Cannon Home and | president; Mr, G, A, Korry, School Association were front principal of the school; Mr, row, left '» right, Mrs, George | Thomas Huzar, president; Mrs, H & S Association Inaugurated At The Dr. C. F. Cannon School [vom ster ies 'sh The Dr. C, ¥, Cannon school or- were read and discussed hy, [In these bachelor outposts, it is anized its Home and School Mrs, Courtice, Emphasis was almost cruel to speak to 8 man, ssociation at a meeting held stressed by her on the impor. because It encourages him to recently, tance of co-operation between hope too much. Women without Mr. G. A. Korry, principal of teachers and parents to promote men can get along pretty well; | the school, opened the meeting good will and high standards In put men without women become by Introducing Mrs, Lloyd Cour. the home and gommunity, almost insane with unhappiness tice, provincial vice - president| The officers ®lected are as fol- |The only liquid refreshment Js] of the Ontario Federation of lows: President, Mr, Thom e 8! alcoholic In many such places, Home and School Associations, Huzar; vice Mrs, Harold Donald, president of [Jack Harvey and Mrs Rudy Pine, Mrs, Thomas Robinson, executive members; Mr, R. D, Peele, Anthony Tryon, vice-president; Mrs, Thomas Huzar, treasurer, | ter, Mrs, {that we tend to treat them in a aa|Worshipful way, And our men, |constantly chased by single women, pever dream what Anthiny need of feminine qualities 1s rec Oshawa Home and School Coun: Tryon; recording secretary, "rs. ognized, But lonely women living holler, Cook Remove from the ell, and Mrs, Sidney Sharples, [George M, Pelers; treasurer, in the cities of the United States distriet organizer Mrs, Thomas Huzar Mrs, Sharples presided at the ing secretary, 7 Mrs meeting, The Information on the Hulatt: executive members, Mrs aims and objects of organizing a Roy Haber, Mrs. C, 8, Brad Home and School Association shaw, Mrs, George Hester Mrs, noted that usually the women | werg outlined by Mrs, ShArples Thomas Robinson, Mrs, Ruby who don't marry are definitely who stressed the Importance pri: Pine above average in looks, charac marily in the beliefs and deep| Mr, Thomas Huzar resided ter and intelligence This is concern for children and youth following the installation of the worldwide phenomenon whieh Vietor | WOMEN LOSE ouT 5 is and School creed, The objects of newly « formed Home and School cheered wildly by a busful of that problem of loneliness? And column of December 18, about rope to live {men in the outposts of the world It seems such a pity that there who hadn't dated a gir! 'before United States, But | have a sure the second white woman who visited Walvis Bay, a town of Dear E. A.--What I like most tion of society, This Is a great older Dn rate women that they gravitate Home and School Associations' Association Englishmen---who hadn't seen a I --_. white woman for two years, A this isn't limited to young women the loneliness of wpe Women| MAN 8 NEEDIER [realize that the qualities they. here. I happen to # popula! "In 'Indo « China I found thou. most crave are feminine intel] are lonely women In the United me) in seven years, He is a cure for this malady---a one way States., About a year ago, on sergeant, and the sergeants of air ticket to friendliness and! had visited their place, they lonely bachelors, Lonely women about your letter is the way |i sald; and they heveed me to who've never visited such places reduces the problem of loneliness gain on the problem, to grasp | (that simple fact about it 2 You say it's a world wide phenomenon---that ahove - aver to the lesser grades, in order to keep a sense of community with Back row; Mrs, George Hes. teacher; Mrs, Clifford Brad: shaw, Mrs executive members; Mrs, Vies tor Hulstt, corresponding sec- retary A "| A Choice Dessert In a double - holler top, com bine 1 (12 oz.) ean apricot nectar 2 thsp water, Add 1 envelope unflavored gelatin, 13 ¢ salt dissolves, Separate 2 eggs, Beat the yolks neer pilot, flew as sa passenger presidents," Mrs, There, the wor'd's desperate Until creamy, Stir in % e, of the Tuesday at an altitude of 51,000 hot miture, Return to the double feet, believed to be the highest correspond: and Europe would never guess Re thicken Beat the egg whites stiff, Fold ght In a U.S, Air Force TF-102, As a population expert 1 have nig the apricot miture, € Rinse 6 custard cups with cold, |water o |8Ugar, Spoon In the gelatin frigerate 4 hrs, Unmold, Serve with a but on a|ful of whipped cream or topping|iried to fly the Atlantic Robert Mark, aged 14 months, Michigan, Mr, and Mrs 3 Annie Vakay Frank Fedor Wed The marriage of Annie Vakay| and Frank Fedor Jr, both of Osh- aws was solemnized recently at Bt, John's Evangelist Catholie! | Church, Whithy, The bride is the daughter of Mr. snd Mrs, George Vaksy and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Fedor, all of 2 | Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Diol kA 3-3474 Hungary, The Reverend Louis Mako of. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, February 3, 1958 7 |ficiated, Given in marriage by Mr, Jos ieph Oros, the bride wore a floor: length gown of nylon net and lace featuring 8 V neckline and long sleeves with white gloves, A flow- (ered headdress held her short vell {and she carried a bouquet of $t, Gertrude's Roman Catholic {white ehrysanthemums, Church was the scene of a wed. | The best man was Mr, George ding on Saturday morning, Veb- (Vakay Jr, at whose home a re-|rusry 1, whep Margaret Frances {ception was held following the Holtforster was united in mar PERSONAL | il { The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Bernard Holt: forster aud ye pridagroon bs) the son r. an rs. Alex, | Mr, and Mrs, Dan MacDonald, | Division street, will be honbred Thaczuk, all of Oshawa, by their family at a dinner party | lon Wednesday, February 5, to {mark the occasion of théir 35th The Reverend I', 8, Mahoney | wedding anniversary, performed the double ring cere-| mony and said the nuptial mass, | The acolytes were Masters Ste-| phen Stepinac and Gerald Mar-| key, Mrs, G. Patterson played| y 3 the wedding music snd accom-| " Oshawa residents, have atin {panied Mrs, William Kinsman of to Hale home in Kitchener sang "Mother All Beautiful," after visiting friends in the eity, "Mother at Thy Feet We are A 4 3 npn Out-of-town guests at the Kneeling', "Veni Jesu, Amor _ Timen-Gazette staff photo, I'tkaczuk-Holtforster wedding were Mi" and "Ave Maria." |Mr, and Mrs, Earl Salter, Belle: Given in marriage by her fa ville; Mr, William Holtforster, ther the bride wore a gown of Powassan; Mr, and Mrs, James|frost white nylon velvet, The Lig i and Mr, Willlam Muy. = ----- S---- ray, Toronto, . % ' ck eee | Friendship Group Ruth Nichols Now | Installs Officers Uppermost Woman " At the January meeting of the riendship Group of King Street STEWART AIR FORCE BASE, United Church, a pot luck supper N.Y, (AP--Ruth Nichols, a plo- was enjoyed by about 40 members of the group, This was followed by a business meeting, with the president, Mrs, Douglas Redpath, ever reached by a woman, | presiding water.| Headquarters of the Fastern| A devotional period was held to! Alr Defence Command said she and the minutes of the previous was on a routine orientation meeting were read by the secre tary, Mrs, C., A, Quantrill, and the treasurer's report was given by the treasurer, Mrs, J, A Chamberlain, Mrs, D, H, Lander sang a solo, accompanied at the plano by Mrs C, E, Scott, Mrs, H, W. Blakely, presiden! of the Women's Association of King Street Church, conducted the installation of officers for 1058 The following were installed; president, Mrs. Douglas Redpath vice-president, Mrs, Harold Bell; secretary, Mrs, C, A, Quantrill; assistant secretary, Mrs, William Bradbury; treasurer, Mrs, D, L Myers; assistant secretary, Mrs H, F, Porter; flower convener, Mrs, J. E, Seymour; press re porter, Mrs, H, F, Porter; group leaders, Mrs, Wilbur Rusnell, Mrs. J, A. Nicholson, Mrs, Terwillegar, Mrs, V. H, Lellan, Mrs, William Bradbury and Mrs, I, W, Parrott, Dr, and Mrs, C, W, Carr, form-| Roy W, Haber, pricot Cream lemon juice and ¢ sugar and Ys tsp Hent stir until the gelatin stir 3 min, hot frigerate until beginning The headquarters said the high: st a woman had flown previ |ously was believed about 48,000 granulated feet' Re- Miss Nichols, 56, a lleutenant- or until firm, |eolonel in the Civil Air Patrol, spoon: began flying in 1919 and in 1931 but cracked up In Saint John, N.B, Dust with the side, 31, and the ial services of dedication of the centennial hall on February 9, and the congrega: tional at home on February 10, Plans were discussed for con ivening a banquet in February, and a night of cards In March The appointment of convenors of booths for the annual fall bazaar 1 (was left over until the next meet. ' |Ing, to be completed SOCIAL NOTICES AT HOME Mr, and Mrs, A, H, Dodd, 460 Park road south, will be at home to their relatives and friends on Saturday, February 8, from 2 to 4.30 p.m, on the occasion of thelr golden wedding anniversary, | HOUSEHOLD HINT | When buying outer clothes that 3 are supposed to he washable, be sure to check the linings for washability, too A FREQUENT LITTLE VISITOR Oshawa, with whom he 1s a and Mrs, Sroquent welcome little visi. the son of Mr, avid McKinnon, and grandson ~Photo by Bertrand Studios, St, Clair, Michigan, by raising the standards of liv. officers by Mrs, Harold Donald, no one can explain | ing In the homes and the schools | Mr, G, A, Korry thanked Mrs I am no heauty [little later in England 1 saw lonely English girls, Did they realize that for $100, the price of an air ticket to Tripoli, they . Ld Lonely, Seeking Marriage » [ Advised To Look Further Afield """noass in sarseusny women in their 30s, 40s and 50s MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL (is selling his three plantations-- are considered very . desirable, (§ Dear Mary Haworth--A friend valued at several! hundred thou-|The spoiled men of our Ameri tion expert; and I have Jived in sands of eligible German bach. (gence, understanding and spirit. 23 countries of the world. on the |elors who joined the French For. uality, continents of Asia, Africa, sign Legion as a way of life; I've travelled the world for the Oceania, Europe and Northlafter the war, Later I corres: past 10 years, and never was vacation near Lake Victoria inthe FFL are legendary for be. happiness in a part of the world] East Africa, I lost my way and ing the cream of manhood; and where I am needed and wanted. |! was rescued 'by seven Greek his yearning for woman's so- If other lonely women only knew bachelors ' who operate a sisal clety is pitful this, wouldn't it make all the accept their hospitality, can't imagine what the welcome to size, as It were, It shows us | The plantation owner a hand. Is like; We in America are s0 hoth sides of the coin of -lonell: | some well educated man, 35, told accustomed to spoiled men-- ness, and wisely Imputes it, by me that he is so lonely that he'especially In Washington, D.C. implication, not so mueh Yo the Further, you give a tonic shot insthe-arm to lonely women hy lifting the curtain on the poten tials of travel--in the right di age women lose to Inferlors in the scramble for mates, Which/ reminds me of the late H, L Mencken's observation that mest their own kind. M. H Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not hy mail! lor personal interview. Write to Mrs, Donald read the Home Donald and congratulated the gireet in Tripoli, Libya, I was al could have solved, permanently, shows me a clipping of your sand pounds--and going to Eu. can cities look for glamour, but America ponded with a fine man there, lonely until I sojourned in the plantation near Kisumu [I was| In Southwest Africa recently 1 difference to them? FE. A KEY WOMEN FOR VALENTINE individual as to the male-distribu. BRIDG rections, before get ting any {men feel so outclassed hy first her In care of this newspaper | RARY ROOM | HALIFAX (CP)--A record to {tal of 3,068 hables were born at Grace Maternity Hospital here in 1957, it was reported at the an nual meeting of the women's aux illary. The group's main project of the year was purchase of 50 new nursery units for a new Association. wing of the hospital ning in the auditorium at St Gregory's Roman Catholic Church under the auspices of the Parent-Teacher Mrs, Bernard Shaw (left) and Mrs. Roy Jackson are co-con veners for the Valentine bridge to be held on Wednesday eve TRICK OF THE CHEF Add a little lemon juice to a can of Elberta peaches to offset the too-sweet flavor. Then ehill before serving Or leave "as is," fll the cen. tres with half thawed frozen strawberries and top with un sweetened whipped cream Fashion Show and Jea at HARMONY CHURCH HALL Fashions by Millinery World and cdna Ann Hats WEDNESDAY, FEB. (2th AT 8 P.M. HAVING Wringer Troubles? 1 We aie wringer specialists, Our experts will rebuild your wringer as good es new ot reasonable rates ! JACK BIDDULPH Appliance Service Al Rear of 48 Simcoe N RA 5.1179 For Pickup and Delivery gt ra TELEPHONE SERVICE L Ala "I'd certainly like to send my husband's shirts te your loundry == but it costs too much, so | only send cut the «=< ¢ shirts thet | con't do myself," That's e Weigel housewife talking, @nd she's saying Lsomething thet eur drivers and the rest of us here at the plant hear almost every day, And, es painful as it is to hear, we wouldn't mind it quite 30 much is it weren't based on a widespread misunderstanding ebout prices, The misunderstonding has arisen quite naturally, for, as you will notice In the comment | quoted above, It Is cus. tomary for many women to send us enly those shirts which are the MOST DIFFICULT te launder and fron, These women know that the shirts they send ws ere the most difficult to do, but just the same they sssume thet oll shirts cost the same, Apparently they do not realize: that we must charge more for the more difficult jobs, because of the extra' time, skill That's how it is that many women that our price for regular white er and materials involved believe, quite erroneously colored shirts is more than they can afford The fact is that our price for laundering and ironing any ordinary white or colored shirt is only twenty-five cents. The most telling "sales talk" we have is not talk ot all « but the results we can show for this price, which actually amaxes many people whe have never used our shirt-laundering service before. Wo we vr CLEANIT SERVICE /m re mar comm Fw iL oA, emindejict tha 'Tkaczuk-Holtforster Rites | Solemnized At St. Gertrude's | formal bodice was topped with a) fitted long sleeved jacket, and the hooped skirt swept into a cir- cular train, Her finger tip veil of tulle Musion was gathered to an open erown cap of lace and! satin studded with rhinestones| and she carried a cascade of red) roses with garlands of white hya- einth petals, Miss Ann Holtforster was maid |of honor for her sister, and the bridesmaids were Miss Veronica Holtforster, sister of the bride and Miss Irene Tkaczuk, niece of the bridegroom. They all wore Identical street length gowns of claret red nylon velvet, designed with a princess front panel, deep V neckline and long sleeves Their swirl feather headdresses matched their gowns, and they " of ear mums, Mr, William Thkaczuk was best man for his brother, and the ush- ers were Mr, George Thkaezuk and Mr, Stanley Nishta, The reception was held st the Oshawa Airport where the bride's mother received In a dress of navy blue Chantilly lace over tal Yow true self free fets, with a small hat of fuchsia Bi ond om. pink straw, trimmed with shad TREE A RESULTS GUARANTEED Over 12 years' experience MARIE MURDOFF will be in Oshawa of the Genoshe | Hotel, February 4 and §, RA 3.4641 for appointment on thew and ehrysanthe- Superfluous Permanently Removed Eloctrotysis ond the a ol, slectronis . wave thermy, revesiing red velvet hat. Both wore cor. sages of shaded pink carnations, For the honeymoon trip to) Montreal, and Quebec City, the bride wore a mulberry red tweed! sult with black seccessories and) fur jacket, Red roses and) hyacinths comprised fo the y » hone dates, 8) white corsage, On their return couple will live In Oshawa, Do You Want Better DRY CLEANING ? Call MOTOR CITY CLEANERS RA 3.7021 RA 5.6498 184 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH carried pink and white cascades' RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS STORE HOURS Daily 9 a.m, to 5:30 p.m, Except i Wednesday--9 a.m, to 12:3 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M, | DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. §. RA 3-2294 WASH AND WEAR SHIRTS i sn 98. Marvelous selection of wonder fabric shirts in a wide variety of collar styles, They're all selling at this one low price, Neatly tailored. Quick-drying. Cool and comfortable to wear, Make him a gift of several! White only, Sizes 14)2 to 1614, ~=You may o Two delive TELEPHONE DELIVERY LAYAWAY CHEQUES GUARANTEE Merchandis | Our services are designed for your use and convenience, eo DEPENDABLE ~--Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years, ~=For your convenience at no extro cost, Baby bonus ana pay cheques cashed ZELLER'S (=) Vik bak Yen RNR SEA rder by telephone: RA 3.2294, ries dally within city limit, e sotisfactory or money refunded . Vogue FALL, WINTER COATS DRESSES SWEATERS SKIRTS HATS SUITS La Uogue Large Select Wool --- Full Fitted and Box Plain and Reversibies To Sult Every Taste JOIN THE LADIES WHO SHOP AND SAVE AT - JIC yo woke 39.95 To Start From 10,00 3. 6.0 From 4.95 rom 25.00 ion Fashioned Now From Styles Celina Street at Athol OSHAWA

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