Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 3 Feb 1958, p. 4

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4 THE DALY TIMES.GAZITTE, Mondey, Pebruery 3, 1958 WHITBY and DISTRICT Hillcrests Bow 6-5 | 1 To Combines Coming from behind a one gos! deficit, Brooklin Combines scor- ed two goals in the last seven (minutes of the third period, to| defest the Whitby Hillerest {airy Juniors 6 to 5, Saturday, night in Port Perry arena in an OHA Junior C Sul an league game, | Carnegie led the Combines at-' tack with two goals, followed by | Grandy, Won Jones, Redshaw,' {and Germond with one goal | leach, For Whithy, H, Tran net ted two, with P, Tran, Simpson' and Platt getting one each, Whithy led the Combines at the end of the first period, 1 to 0, and at the end of the second, the Brookli.. squad was behind! by a seore of 4 to 3, Redshaw | tied the game at the 1:23 mark (of the third period, but Platt (put Whithy out In front again, | (two minutes later. Jack Ger: mond tied the game again at 13:81, and Bob Carnegie, with his second counter of the night, secred the winning goal for the Combines with two minutes left | in the game, This was one of the best 'games in the Port Perry arena this year, and these seme two clubs meet again tonight in the| NOTED MUSICIAN SPEAKS AT BAND BANQUET Bandmester of three bands, | speaker at Saturday night's | band, Shown In the photo lef conductor of m symphony or- | third annual banquet of the | a McGuire, enestra and director of music | Whitby Brass Band, Above he and Erle Clarke, Whitby brnd. at 8 large London church, | chats with the Whitby band. } master, | Martin Bundy was special | master and manager of the : BY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION J. Bryant, | Jermyn, | Doug, Maundrell, Harold | Fred Fusco, Gord Hawes Is | Brown, and Brick vans, Baek this year a director on the row, sue order, are Ken Cun Ontario Minor Hockey Assos | Htte, Bill Forbes, Fred Ing, | ciation, Jim Reynard, Mayor Harry EXECUTIVE OF WHIT Whithy Minor Hockey Asso that minor | elation last Saturday night | hockey is finished in Whithy were host to a large crowd of any as juveniles, | drell and his executive, In the Rockey fans as Minor Hockey | bantams, midgets and pee wee | photo, front row, left to right, Week drew to a close, That | teams continue their schedules, | are Ron Brock, Tod Lintner, Ask Boards Co-operate To SetUp School Bands Srown above are Whithy asso. | Jerry Gray, Earl Yord Wawes and ciation president Doug, Maun. | does not mean hy means, Robertson, Whithy 'Whitby Men's Major League Whithy Men's Major Fuesday night high triples Keeson B67 (816), M Teenors Aid Dunnies' Fund A teenage to funds for the Whitby Dunlop "Oslo fund" netted the eampeigr $25, Friday night, at Whithy Whitby arenas, Brooklin's night in the Pot Perry arena against the second place New: | market Smokerings, The Com- T El t1 I Br Top Election Issues LINEUPS | OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's vot: members, the CCF 25, Sociallon the other party leaders in BROOKLIN = Goal: Melnick, ers can expect to hear a lot|Credit 19 and there were two campaigning with his speech Sat. Yeagoue Forwards Cornish, Carnegle, winter's election campaign BLAMES LIBERALS {gressive Conservatives, about Grandy, Alternates; Redshaw,| Unemployment and trade--the| Mr, Diefenbaker also blamed three hours after he had an. Mig Jones, It, Jones, M, Jones, seonomic status of individuals, the former Liberal government nounced in the Commons the dis- home game will he Saturday] Unemployment, Ira e bines are still riding Ligh In| {Defense: Me Mahon, Tureskl,| about their own well-being In this| Independents. lurday night to the Young Pro. Slessor B38 Germond, Warriner, Ferguson. industries and commerce shape [or the economic slump, claim: solution of Parliament and the project raise town hall, The crowd cons almost entire of teen tt was evident that Whith youths are intgresied in a teen town function Charlie Babeock from CKLB off, and live sisting of the Hi 1's, a mental group from Su another group made up of Peter Lawren Dave Mosien ko, Wayne "lgg Miller, and Al Balley: and Bill Asling, sang 8 few songs Further do fund n.¢ Teenage dance Mr, and Mrs, W Miss A, Stockhlill and sisters A. G, Read dise ¥ the nent econ started enteral n instru uffville sons to the Oslo $25.00 H. Brown 5.00 10.00 5.00 APPROVE BILL ROME (Reuters) ~The Italian Parliament gave final approval Wednesday night to a bill ending government-licensed brothels and p steset-walking, The bill, pushed through a reluctant Parliament gives Italy's estimated 4.500 1 censed prostitutes six months to find new jobs, WHITBY CLASSIFIED Isted ind A past president of the Cana Bandmasters Association week-end told members of Whitby Brass Band that they should the co-operation of the town's school boards in set ng up school bands, Martin Boundy, of London, bandmaster n three bands and conductor of the London Symphony Orches tra, speaking at the third annual banquet of the Whitby Band Guests for the evening includ ed bandsmen's wives, members of council and their wives and ther friends of the band Mr, Boundy is bandmaster of he RCA Service Band, the Lon don Police Boys' band, and the Catholic Central School Band, all in London, He is conductor of the sy mphony orchestra there and also director of music for Cal United Church, Last sum mer, he took two bands to the Canadian = National Exhibition and came home with two first dian last las h soek Was vary es, HAVE DONE MUCH He told the members of the) Whitby band that very few could | do what bas been done by their group in the short space of three and one-half years, He congratus {lated them on winning the town's approval of a one-third mil grant and advised them to add interested citizens to the man! igement of the band, LOST w= or taken from trick het Toronto and: Whithy, January 3 earlon containing busine poeipt bills, hooks, document valuahle or a owner Return to Apartment 84 Wi Sherbourne Street, Toronto, Reward veen Quantity 80 meat slicer Street West, Whithy FOR Rent Apartment furnished, tw rooms, large attract be ream, and modern Kit Palace Street FOR Went Completely apartment, heavy duty sto linen, private hath, also Includes was ing, Hghts and water, MO 93602, | Dundas east 26¢ of heds Apply sittin Apply March ive ohen LL] Feb WOURER wanted for elients in Whit For quick sale call W, MoAuley, Re tors RA 3.2512 Far Rent ~ in RBrooklin Ground floor apartment All convenience ed private entrance. Phone 208 RBrooklin, | INT eutfing and alteration Phone MO 82380; 10 r 8, Reason ah 4) Routh ROOM for vent, large attractive roo with housekeeping or kitehey pri Phone MO 84864 after FOR Ront Modern fo ment, kitchen range, lay TV, outlet, Phone Picke Contre Mn -- " He noted also that the Brass Band sponsors a learner's group of young bandsmen, He advised lo form a Junior band, completely epirate from the bund, and in years to draw seasoned players them enor Culne J from that junior band, The trend at present, he said, 18 10 teach more instrumental music in the school, He urged the Whitby group to meet with the Bourd of Education and gel an instrumental program going in. Whithy He sald that such a program wa tarted in London pubiie Chools three years ago, with a band of 65, In Grade 5, Now, he aid, are three such wnds, making a total of 105 public school pupils playing in bends In a very few years, London have tremendous collegiare and then they will ad vance to senior bands in the ' he said Although the public schools have not yel permitied this in ! strumental program to be taught in hours, the separate scho As a result of this ' program, he sald, the separate there school is do so BROC - NOW pLayiNG LAS EVENING SHOWS 7:00 P.M, WHITBY Phone MO 8.3618 T COMPLETE SHOW 8:20 winkingly introduce you CinemaScoPE SOLOR by DE LUNE IT KILLS BUT CANNOT BE KILLED... WARNER BROS, BIE 1 , Dean Jogger, Edward Chapman | Adult Entertainment school band last year won first prize, ufter being formed only tl 'ee years ago He debated statements (thal Russians were better scientisis than the free world simply be. cause they sent up the first sput nik, He sald that they may hold| a temporary lead but they are no better than any other coun try's scientists On the ery to get back to the 'three R's' in the schools, he urged that "we should mix music and arts along with our science." Canadians now have a shorter work week than In years gone by, he sald, and they must have something to +g nd their spare time at, Music, he said, is a wonderful hobby as well as & profession, systems should and instrumental on the curricy "The school show the wa) music should be lum," he said During the evening, guests en joyed a turkey dinner and laier |a dance to music supplied by the band's dance orchestra, Mery Dale, president of Branch 112 of the Canadian Leglon, proposed the toast the Whithy Brass Band, Bandmaster Erie Clarke responded Mayor Harry Jermyn also spoke briefly, He sald It pleas es us to have you as a beacon to lead us I don't think we could get a better band to pipe home thé world hockey cham pions," Master of ceremonies for evening was band manager McGuire the Bil WEEK IN BUSINESS U.S. Steel Industry Nears End Of Slump NE"/ YORK (AP)----A few rays of sunshine appeared over the business horizon this week The United States steel indus try, a key barometer, gave some hopeful signs it may be nearing the bottom of its slump There were somewhat similar reports from copper producers Things looked up for home build ers Rallroad stocks sparked a brief rally In Wall Street despite the sharp drop in earnings of man carriers Financial markets took calmly the news of the suicide of financier Robert R, Young, who headed New York Central and Alleghany Corporation Roger M, Blough, chairman of U.S, Steel Corporation, and Ar thur B, Homer, president of Beth lehem Steel Corporation, were cautiously optimistic on the im mediate outlook "In the last week or so," Blough, "we've noticed sald orders are not declining, but if anything tion awards for homes in Decem month; are levelling out," Homer sald Bethlehem expects INTRODU of minor in Whitby we At the « ng remonies Minor Hooke Week saturday WEh, Shown above are repre ! teams ponsors hi re intro duced to the fans of % on CE to be turning out more steel by the end of March Any real upturn in steel would have a wide impact on the econ omy, as the industry's products go into items ranging from tin cans to bridge beams Steel mills ran at around 55 per cent of capacity this week, Many of thelr customers have whittled down inventories to "dangerously low levels," Iron Age sald The downturn vas reflected In the profits of the leading pro off to $1.56 a common share from $1.86 a share a year earlier Bethlehem earned $1.02 a share against $1 are the final quarter of 1956 Despite the decline, both US Steel and Bethlehem chalked up record profits for the full vear's operations up at the close of 1957 Construc ber ran nine per cent ahead of December, 1966, On the other SPO sentative wl Mis W p Mayor Har Jer avi ho spok | { From Curtis Bra resenting 'the | Whitby Brass Baad; Lloyd Ae Ny (207), p,| WHITBY Adams 767 foes | H Mew (320), D. Rowden 781 Dafoe 766 (323), D (200), E, Steer 721 (253), B Tran, Alternates: C olt 716 (265), WN, Solomon 715 Price, - Maw, McDonald, (260), P, Bweel 707 (262), ¥, White B. Luke, Martin 728. (200), C, GMI 718 278), J.| SUMMARY Patterson 700 (318), J, Buecklel 4 yup 1 rant 004 (264), J, Ross 604 (270), | (Westtall) Slowsor 666 (202), G, Sweet 605 penalties: Rouseau (2); (208) er; Grandy; Tran, 2nd Period RBrooklin, Grandy (unassisted) . Brooklin, Carnegie (Cornish) . Brooklin, R, Jones (Gi, Jones, Warriner) , Whitby, Sim on (Westfall) Whitby, H (Simpson) , Whithy, P. Team Standing No. 3 Section No, 1, 6 pis,; No, 2, 4; No, § 7: No 8; No, 5, 4; No. 8, 7; No. 7, No, 8 4 4, 8; C-T Bantams Rout Whitby | WHITBY (Special) Oshawa| (Simpson, {Canadian Tire Bantams routed! Pena'ties; [the Whitby Bantams on Whithy Tureskl, ice, Wednesday, At the end of a four-goal third period the score was 6.0 for the Oshawa team, | ° Huoolilh, Redshay | Gutsol, in the Canadian Tire 9. Whitby, Platt nets, was the star of the Oshawa (H, Tran) ihrer Minor Hockey League game. [10 Brooklin, Germond Masson scored for Oshawa in (Ferguson, Redshaw) the first period, from an assist 11, Brooklin, Carnegie by Goderidge. In the second| (Grandy, Tureskl) period, Kennedy and MeDougal! Penalties passed the rubber to Ryan, who Mahon; Rousseau; tallled Oshawa's second goal, Donald The Oshawa team went to town' Final Tran , Tran H, Tran) Tran, Srd Period Platt; Score; Brooklin scoring agaln from assists by 5, Kennedy and Godfrey, and Mas on scoring his second on an as sist from MeDougal, Smith and! QUEBEC (CP) Kennedy hoth scored unassisted General Massey arrived in goals in the final period, hee Wednesday to begin a The first period was penalty./day visit which will include ac Monday, March 31 "on behalf of ducers, U.S, Steel earnings in the free, In the second, McDougal for tivities connected with Quebec's Parliament and a great Canada' last three months of 1957 slipped Oshawa, and Marchant for Whit-| Winter Carnival, The governor. and so that it could act effectiv- hy went to the sin-bin, In the general's ball will be held third Godfrey and McDougal plok. day evening ed up penalties for Canadian Tire ind Tavener of the Whitby side vas penalized SOREL, Que. (CP) Jeannotte, 19, is to apppear hand, Industrial construction was lagging The department of labor sees wife by feeding her sleeping than 4,000,000 later then declining slightly in! day Mareh and {sharp drop in May or June, more on an _ attempted next week! wpm wo rok HOCKEY TEAMS th: Ro ynard, rep nen Cub MINOR Gilby Jorey Gray, onl'e senting ol representing Mery Rranch Legion; Dale 112 of and Im R Juy Kin representing Back row are | he resen t th Bn | Kiwanis he nadian Jermyn Evans the Club Robertson Goal: Fielder, De- yn ay top issues for the four ma- [ Westfall, Rousseau, For jor political parties to argue over port a year ago from government! Mr, Diefenbaker sald he wants Tran, Simpson, H. during the battle for the March €conomic advisers warning that's new mandate for his govérn Jones 9 vole ment to ensure "equality of op- 41 vole, Platt, Field McMahon, gy Cornish; Tran; Com in the final period, with Ryan bines 6, Whitby Hillerest Dairy Flt MR, MASSEY ARRIVES Governor CHARGE TRIED TO KILL Gaetan jefore "dissolution of Parliament 7 for preliminary hearing on |charge that he tried to kill his Housing already was pleking unemployment rolls at a peak of and setting their home "ee BOWLING NEWS this Jeannotte was arralgned Wednes. | murder | April, followed by 'a charge and was remanded until Er a -- sponsor of Jeiy's 1ePres Mayor » Whitby economic trouble was brewing As | Leaders of the four parties are |r... planning strenuous cross-country campaigns to carry the word on what they would do about those and other issues, Unemployment will be the key word, Even i extent will pro party leaders are expected lo be voke arguments, | made known this week, The government says unem ployment's true measure is an es. hopes to fly to Newfoundland for! 1:81 timate by the bureau of statistics a few days at the end of this whose most recent figure was week, if fog conditions there per. 8:47 386,000 jobless work-seekers at i It is {robnble he "il form. Dee, 14, A figure for mid-Janu. ally open his campaign later in 13:43 ary should be issued around Feb, [central Canada, It 4s unlikely he 2 {will match the hectic pace of his 14:00) But voters are virtually certain cAmpaign fight last year, lo hear about another figure--the LIBERALS TO MEET 16:42 total of registered job applicants| yiberal members of the last 19:03 National Employment Service| parliament were to meet today offices. This was 706,000 on Jan, |i, discuss election plans, Mr, 7 hing JI nment Bi who|earion scheduled a press con: ference for noon, want to switch from one job to! " |another, or who have foun Tobi yaad axpeindio. tratel as Jud 1:98 un Shelr own, witout cancelling | oonditions permit, The 0 year. ' h | der, chosen Jan, to] The Liberal argument on that (04. Jeader. Cho had sald previ-| score already 18 on the record In|, iiv he was ready for an elec: | 13:81 To Pentaon, and Oihore: Tht un ion at any Hine but Would hava] 4 preferred a little more time to a nied 10 ge iv party organiaaion Soin. Me. P reriainty i | Both M, J, Coldwell, 69.year- Me Progresiive | Sonamevative BOV: old head of the CCF, and Solon] Prime Minister Diefenbaker Low. 50, Sucla) Cred jeuder, ote erated his stand In what was, | valEns, \ effect, a campalgn = opener |" afy coldwell suffered a heart speech Saturday night at thei qq in February of last year Sosing banquet of | Ihe doug and Mr. Low was ill for the same POgTeosaly Really I" reason in the fall of 1954, ation's national convention, Yeason in Knowles, deputy CCF foe He asked that his minority ROV- leader, "said Mr, Coldwell now ve: ernment be given a majority on 'iifaels equal to an all-out election | campaign." The CCF leader left Saturday for speeches In Char. De : X lottetown and Halifax and missed Fri Hy Ansel Uemployment and {he dissolution of Parliament, rade difficulties Mr, Knowles sald the party's For a majority it would need donlon pio will 0 dis. | least 133 of the 265 Commons cussed at a meeting of the CCF (veats, Instead of the 118 it held |, ational executive In Toronto Monday or Tuesday, FEELS FIT Mr, Low sald he feels fit and ready for a strenuous campaign. A Social Credit caucus meeting today was to discuss campalgn for the CCF and Social parties, their spokesmen already have said that both Con. servative and Liberal govern. ments must share the blame for economic troubles, 3:27) Feb. 'Saturday, The Liberals had 106 [ pills plans WHITRY LADIES CANDY k The Social Credit leader sald BOWLINC LEAGUE a national party convention plan Gladys Wiles wa« In top form ned for Winnipeg this spring now | this week when she bowled a/Will be postponed until fall, 4 976 high single and 832 (riple, Mr, Diefenbaker got the jump High Triples (over 850): G 8 Wiles 832; I, Mothersill 742; M, Forbes 614; A, Hewis 612; M, EW Rilida 597; TT, Shaw 586; R. Pele: fi 'shok 582; L. Stevenson 877; J.| Roblin 567; 8, Dilling 580; L.| Chizen 855; J, Fowler 552; D, Moore 851, High Sin FOR MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone If you have not received your Times-Goanette by 7 P.M,, Coll BELL TAXI All salle must he Jlased between 7 and 730 pm, (over 200): G Wiles 375, 208; I, Mothersill 280, 236, 226; T, Shaw 243; L. Steven: son 235: M, Forbes 233, 212; J, Roblin 233; R, Peleshok 20; R, Huntley 233; R, Peleshok 230; R, Moore 234; M, Heron 217; A, Hewis 213, 208; S. Dilling 213; M., Bilida 212, 208; L. Chizen 200; 8, Goode 207; G, McEach. ern 200, Points for the day: Gumdrops 3; lollipops 1; Maple Buds 4; Humbugs 0; Life Savers 3; Jelly Heans 1; Peppermints 3, All Sorts 1 { tles \ VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES WHITBY BRANCH Invites you too attend their... ANNUAL MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 8 p.m. Guest Speaker--Miss Christine McArthur Educational Director--V.0.N. Ottawa Cas of Parliament, The 62-year-old prime minister | ~ . ing it ignored a confidential re. election date portunity in all parts of Canada," He replied to the argument of Mr, Pearson =~ that the govern. ment should stay in Parliament and meet current problems-hy saying t he government will be The campaign plans of the four carried on during the campaign as It always Is between sessions irs---- Copies of The Oshawa-Whitby DAILY TIMES- GAZETTE Available ot the following dealers in DOWNTOWN WHITBY ALLIN'S DRUGS Corner Brock and Dundas Streets COURTICE PHARMACY 117 Brock Street North PALM SPORTING GOODS 130 Dundas Street West RIGLER'S STORE Corner Brock & Colborne Streets JURY & LOVELL PHARMACY 317 Brock St, S, SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE 106 Dundas Street East THE TUCK SHOP 159 Brock Street North Or ot any of these dealers in Whitby and Area, ALMOND'S GROCERY Almonds BENNETT'S GROCERY 832 Brock Street North CORNER GROCERY Port Whitby DAVIS SUPERTEST No. 2 Hiahwoy West of Whitby GROCERY Port Whitby NORTH END GROCERY Brock N. For HOME DF! IVERY by Carrier Boy PHONE Or Cell at our office: 111 DUNDAS ST. W. MO 8.3703 WHITBY

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