Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 3 Feb 1958, p. 3

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"sg... BEIIZEIITESe. HA 2eITO f ' DAMAGE, ESTIMATED at by about $7,000 was caused an explosion and fire Satur- day afternoon at the plant of | ment had a hard fight to bring | and the office. The firemen Chassi THE DAILY TIMES. GAZETTE, -- ------------------ Mondey, Vebroory 5, 1998 § Oshawa LaundryPlan Rocked By Explosion 3 4 for more bringing Re HH Wi Eveleigh Cleaners and Laun- ( the fire under control but | derers, Mill 8t, The members | ma aged to conta' : the flames ! of the Oshawa Fire Depart- | to the .eceiving department os A ---------- battled the flames than an hour before them under control, ~Times-Gazette Photo s Plant Machine Local Backs 'THE LIBRARY WORLD Recent Books Help Give £2 Facts About Space Travel The following bopk reviews were written by a staff mem- ber of the McLaughlin Publie Library, If you have an inquisitive mind about the complex but nonethe- less fascinating subject of space travel, several recent books hy well « informed authors ' should help answer some or your ques. tions, | One of the most interesting is |THE MAKING OF A MOON (The Story of the earth satellite pro-' gram) by Arthur C. Clarke, Be- fore writing this book Mr, Clarke had many discussions with the scientists, techniciaps, and gov- (eznment officials, the men most deeply involved in Project Van. guard, so that he might give to the reader an authentic picture of the amazing universe to which science has opened our eyes, Perhaps one of the most inter- esting chapters is concerned with the eventual use of satellites as space stations, He envisages a time when space stations may be used in the field of meteorology, "When it becomes possible to keep continuous surveillance of the wegther over the whole globe, and to measure all the incoming radiations from the sun which generate it then, and perhaps only then, will forecasting be come really accurate," declares Mr, Clarke, Hundreds of years ing fire ripped through Eveleigh's Cleaners and Launderers 1Ad., 50 {Mill Street, at appproximately 1, 11:30 p.m, Saturday. The laundry from now he has visions of "mile-|eers of rocket research and he! ceiving department and offices of long Inter-stellar arks and orbital is recognized as one of the earli-|\(ho building were completely gut- |space cities," dictions will be realized by the tod Interesting, too, are his opin- year 2000, The cause of the explosion fs fons about the profound effect! A panel of scientists prominent unknown, No one was injured by upon human life, He explains that jn the field of current resesrch!the explosion and fire, The Osh: here on earth the heart, forcing (A, C, Clarke, P, E, Cleator, P, awa Fire Department battled the blood around the body, year after Moore fo name & few) have flames for more than one hour year, has to work against grav- covered many Interesting facets pefore bringing the fire under ity; but on a weightless Space of the subject in the book control, (station the gravitational load SPACE RESEARCH AND EX. The first eqplosion occurred at would have vanished although the PLORATION, This book is edited approximately 1.30 p.m, William heart would still have fo work'by Professor DD. R. Bates ofr. philli pi Visor at the against the friction of the veins Queen's University, Belfast, and | cleaning jw Bs don said that and arteries, Thus it seems rea: jg written for the general reader. | uy employes had left the buildi n sonable to suppose that (his " pavid 0, Woodbury, a gifted g ol pl ves ah ot 1g huni! 8 might have some effect upon the and experienced writer, has con- NERD VIVE H Pv irday expectations of life, tributed an immensely readable, coke he ' These are only 8 few of Mr. hook in AROUND THE WORLD! Me blast could be eard or Clarke's forecasts for the fulure!yN 90 MINUTES (the fabulous More than five city blocks and which a year ago might have (rue story of the man-made brought a flood of phone calls to seemed stranger than science: moons), Completely up - to - date police and fire department When fiction this hook should provide much in the firemen arrived on the scene A theme to fire the imagination fopmation to stimulate the en. & cond, smaller explosion tore is put forth by Hermann Oberth quiring mind through the front part of the in his book MAN INTO SPACE. "| must mention Vanguard by building He proposes the use of a space Martin Caidin which was review-| The Cleaning plant is the larg mirror which could be used 10 oq briefly two weeks ago in this! ©5 establishment of its kind in concentrate the sun's rays and!eolumn, Much has heen written the area, It is located one block bring about many changes ob ahout Vanguard but Martin West of Simcoe street south on the earth, He also discusses the Caidin gives the complete story Mill street, on the banks of the planet most suitable for man's _ gz story he knows well since he| Oshawa Creek, The blaze follow first visit, and explains the physi: has served as Atomic War Spe-| Ing the explosion could be seen cal and mental tests which would: alist for the New be space travellers should under: Civil Defence Commission, and a of motorists, go before attempting Journeys! (opmer consultant to the com-| Deputy Fire Chief Ernest Sta away from the earth, Mr, Oberth mander, alr force missile test cey was In control of the fire is ecogniezd as one of the earll-| sonire, | fighters, bringing all available est and most distinguished pion equipment from Oshawa fire sia LIBRARY BRIEFS tions to the scene to battle the Four interesting films should blaze, My, Stacey believes that delight the children at the Little (he fire may have set off the People's Film Hour on Saturday, | explosion, Feb, 8, The program Includes LAUNDRY DESTROYED York State on Highway 401, attracting scores J Receiving Department Offices Gutted By Fire A $15,000 explosion and follow The Oshawa Police Department regulated traffic at the scene and kept spectators back, BirLoYEs CALLED laundry and dry caning plant is owned by Mrs, B, 1, Eve- (leigh, 584 Glenwood court, The plant is reported to be insured, Immediately after the flames had been extinguished employes were called to clear the premises, Under the direction of Mr, Phil. lips, boards were nailed to the fom roof as a makeshift protee- tion, The fire alarm was turned in almost simultaneously by several persons, most of them neighbors in the area, GM Veterans Are Retired Fight employes of the Osh. awa plants of General - Motors, with a total service record of 258 years retired recently under the firm's pension plan The men and thelr enploy- ment record are Russell R., Craddock, truck paint, 24 years' service; Thomas '. Jones, material handling, 27 years' service; Robert J, Millar, truck chassis, 33 years' service; Bert A, Norris, garnish mould. Ing, 34 years' service; Stanley H, Ogden, nickel plating, 28 years' service; Edward Roberts, plant nrotection, 85 years' serve lee; J, Harold Welr, engineering, 42 years' service and Herbert Is Only One In Canada Convention Successful Year {Holiday In Manitoba, Animules,| The blast set fire to bedding Wilton, parts, 35 years' service, Proposals : {| About Horses and Stone Soup, owned by the Ajax-Pickering| -- or mins er | Both the regular Story Hour "|General Hospital and the Osha-| ev, H, A, Mellow presided] On behalf of the congregation Al A Mass Meeting Sunday of 10.30 am Saturdays and thel o clinic. More than 60 bags of| more than 1000 members of Lo Little People's Film Hour at 2.30 | aundry and other clothes stored cal 222, UAW, in Oshawa's non at the annual congregational J, C, Plath expressed the thanks p.m, on Saturdays continue to be for cleaning were destroyed, The! Was meeting of Northminster United of the congregation to Mr, and given to proposals adopted in De- Church, held on I'r evening, Mrs, Mellow for their untiring Hall, unanimou # ort : " Jat NOUS Suppo Well slides. school children |COMPlete amount of the damage p a IAW' : : |is believed to be in the neighbor. troit last month at the UAW's pyring'the devotional period, Mr, efforts during the past year and in Grades 4, 5 and 6 are begin. |» of $15,000 but could he hgh for the start of 1958 production, of the front of the wheel inwards, There are circuits in the controls Economic Convention Mellow said in part, "The mem: issued an invitation for them to ' This totally new ..achine was Precise settings of these angles'to accommodate any combina! The major proposal was that bers of this church should not remain another year Mrs ning their second term of month. er due to destroyed laundry. devised to improve the setting of are necessary for jroper steering tion of body styles, engines and membership dues be increased be wo:ling for t! perpetuation George Jewel preseni-d Mrs oe ol "peter Pan' er's Penguins, 'Peter Pan', an the explosion, The flames: spread been installed near the stait of went into the machine by Chev: to build up the union's $30,000,000 kingdom c.tensic should be, A vote of thanks was given to sl 'E u ' the shelves, A catch a copy on to the front offices and the receiv: weight to the chassis, thus'the General Motors P ess mands. the Church as the "Body of to Mr, and Mrs, Wiliam Blight fan Iestilg ln CO Rwsortant Wisk ed new collections of books for plant itself in the rear was nol) ---- master plates, When the proper the one here at Oshawa with God, 1 urge .ach family to| New officers elected were . BINGO F proj of eDtroit conference, and a a | all ages from pre-school to teen the firemen fight the blaze, First control arm anc the wp and ing. Men in|t¥ike assistance program, rough te the honed of sievands, dens \ ihert Jack, " meeting of the Oshawa Film of motorists in their wake, Mon. Feb 3at 8 p.m (weight is remo d spection departmen' he 'e had a] Cliff Pilkey, 'president of Local nal's discovery of abundant life ported that net' Baby "and has REHABILITATON. This film was a variety of weights for different|efficiency. hould be a fight for full em- ship == the equally inevitable of the W.M.§ ment of Labor, Briefly, it is the While Galileo was the thers imbalance of productive power Must ever here an inclusive presenting 380 church, standing firm against during 1057, T elders made might co-ordinate its resources,| son to use quicksilver in the . 1 1 ection | ton at the union's Canadian Feo a gap between idea : 4 achieve: |burials, habilitation services for its dis the instrument, nomie Conference at Windsor on yoni co the Church's goal may| Short speeches from the heads One of the reasons for GM's the caster, camber and toe-in of models of cars, For insta..e, | leadership in the automotive in-|the wheels and to set the drive/a certain order calls for a four. dustry Is its constant efforts tolline angle door sedan with an e ht develop new tools and equipment Setting the caster inclines the cylinder engine and Turboglide that will produce higher quality wheel backwards slightly, like transmission, an operator at the cars and trucks, the caster on a chair, The ¢' 1 control panel pushes a series of A recent exampe of this ber is the angle the top the buttons which set t'2 machine development is a raachine which wheel outwards from the chassis in motion, simu! 'ing th weight was installed in the chassis plant and the toe-in is the inclination|of this equipment on the chassis TS NAMED DIRECTOR Frank Grindley of Oshawa was named a divector for West. ern Ontario region of the Royal Canadian Flying Clubs Associa has an tive 679 persons re families, There members received Woodview Communit Centre MONSTER tion at the annual meeting of the Royal Canadian Flying Clubs Association at the an- lv visits to the library, Old favor Firemen believed that cleaning and roadability, ti asmissions from $3 to $8 a month during and glory; of Northminster, but Mellow with a bouquet of carna " / Pi " are ich con . COMING EVENTS Mary Poppins™ are in sucl rapidly after the first blast, Dam the final assembly line estcb-| rolet engineers the 1 iited|strike fund which will back its/done because of God's presence/a n mber of workers for their achers Grades 1 + 8 Many teachers of Grad department, The cleaning J forcing the wheels to slant Development Section for the 10 9 Christ' is constituted by people/who are in charg of reserva | February 3, 7.30 p.m. Important busi Also there was a presentation Oo NEON | touched by fire, angle is attained and operator] But it remained for the men A : arrange for family devotions, ito the Session, Boyce Steele, | statement on the union's revised B agers in our Boys' and Girls' De: reels barreling their way through ' frameset Ss. ot i fernool AT ST, JOHN'S HALL fhracket, The shimé hold the Chassis Tool Engineering, Main. (on the Gnlon's revised strike as-| 'Several factars converge to Council will be a showing of the The main feature of this/hand in bringing this engineer- 222 sald after the meeting: "We which is glad and satisfving-- been formed and- will he spon- 20 one Sa o "decided to urge thal FAHRENHEIT FIRST produced by the National Film 20s = ployment and that this can be Vision of carrving the glad ex. Northminster story of how an imaginary, but! mometer's original Inventor, spiritval enemies never a 1421 calls there were 60 with federal and provincial gov-| tube instead of aleohol In Classified ads are great in abled citizens, nual meeting of the RCFCA Hp Mr P tes like "Dr. Dolittle, M: Pop. fluid could have been the cause of This new machine which has! More than a year of planning March, April and May or longer rather that the work of God's tions and mums f me i t : tant demand that if is hard ? age to the building was confined lishes these settings 1; applying States and then 11 ere built by 1958 collective bargaining de In their lives, Recognizi that faithful service and particularly i Hee "mackiny in chun house, Monday and Grades 7 and 8 have horrow-| Ing 4 , slightly when pres ed against assembly plants in the U.S, and havi a special relationship tions ness to discuss an f g 1ssembly § € f of a complete economic report "AVINE | minded that we have books for! Scores of specalors watched | inserts shims between the upper here at Oshawa to get the using materials suitable to Dwi LTT ¥ogal, and H, G, ain] a x i \ turday I A special feature of the Feb, 8/00 (comer of Bloor & Simcoe) |wheels at this angle when the tenance, Quality Control and In. slstance program. make the Church---the individ: Mrs, Thomas Moorcroft re \ new film entitled CALL IT , , | a machine is its capacity to apply|ing concept into actual working also decided to urge that there|the inevitable pull toward fellow: sored hy the Fvening Auxiliary 5 $40.00 Jackpots I F Board for the Federal Depart. | WITH QUICKSILVER 2 brought about by correcting the perience to others, The Church membership of | LP = rs * omment typical, Canadian community | Fahrenheit was the first per- "We Intend to raise this ques: cp" at vest, There is always baptisms, 28 waddings and 15 ayument aid, to provide full re-| 1714, a great improvement In struments for solving every. and purchasing power of employ: ! lowship, It must he a nm lan'|were 87 new es were heard as BINGO 8 PM, FEBRUARY 3rd More than $1,000.00 in Prizes Including 2-$250.00 JACKPOT 1-$150.00 JACKPOT 20 Games at $20.00 5 Games at $30.00 DOOR PRIZES --- PLUS -- SPECIAL NEW FREE GAME Played on. $250.00 Cards, -- PRIZE ~-- EASTER HOLIDAY FOR 2, IN BUFFALO, N.Y, Return ticket to Buffalo, via Greyhound, double room reservation in first-class, downtown hotel, free time in Buffalo, seeing tour of Niagara a Grand Island RED BARN Turn left at North Oshawa Schec!, one block past A & P Store. Jackpot includes: sight BUS SERVICE TO THE FRONT DOOR $1.00 Admission Includes 1 CARD By THE CANADIAN PRESS Following are excerpts from editorials in representative Cana dian newspapers on the March |31 election announcement | Toronto Globe and Mail (Ind.): | + + « Mr, (prime minister) Die enbaker could, no doubt, have held on till June, But his is a re sponsible government, pledged to policies which will promote ex pansion and work all across Can ada. It wants to push ahead with these policies next spring, as it can do if returned to office March 31--not next fall, as would be the case if it were returned some time in June, It wants, in brief, to get on with the job "By their conduct eight months ago, the voters showed that they wanted the job done, They short, however, of giving the Conservatives their chosen agents--enough muscle to do it, That shortcoming can be, should be, and in this newspaper's opin ion will be, remedied March 31 Free Press (Ind): : A minority government which faces at any moment when Parliament is in session the pos sibility of defeat and which is always subject to pressure groups, cannot carry an with the same efficiency as a ministry with a clear mandate from the people." "'He (Mr, Diefenbaker) will ap peal on the grounds of his con structive legislation achievement in fulfilling in such a brief per. lod his election promises. He doubtless feels that the country has not yet forgotten all the sins of commission and ommission of the St, Laurent administration which led to its downfall rom a realistic political viewpoint, Hon. L. B. Pearson would not London 27b have time to dig himself in or to fell] rebuild and eonsolidate his or ganization." Vancouver Province (Conserve ative): "Since last June the gov ernment of Canada has had peded by the arithmetic of minority position and by the dis proportionate influence those fig ures have given to the two splin ter parties, "The country cannot go on that way, The government must be given the parliamentary stability it needs at a time of both domes tic and international difficulties "That, and that only this election campaign is really about," Is what Montreal Gazette (Ind, Con): "An election has not only heen called; it was called for. The in terests of Canadians cannot be best served by a minority gov ernment, It is true, on the one ' hand, that a government with too great a majority may suffer from an excess of power; but it is true, no less, that a minority government may suffer from an Three Survivors Of Plane Crash Flown To Winnipeg CHURCHILL, Man, (CP) Three of four persons who nar rowly escaped death in a plane from exposure in temperatures {crash in Canada's northland Fri/that dipped to 30 degrees below day night will be flown to Win nipeg today by the RCAF The quartet were lay by the wreckage of a Trans Air plane on the frozen rocky west shore of Hudson Bay 18 miles south of the settlement !most to cused operate from hand to mouth, im-|should never be said to be 3 Tid bob hud f its if he is ready to submit himself higher than the previous .vear; snatched | Yorkton from almost sure death as they an and {weather in the area was bad and Feb, 15 and 16, become even higher as Its|of organizations achievements become greater." [reports were presented Mr. Mellow mentioned some of solidated form, Turing a. , the the material achiev: nents ch!church raised, for all purposes he ac- 48 the increase In givings to the a total of $33,165, An amouat of But he Missionary and Maintenance $3,062 was forw ded to the wrong Fund, which were 31 per cent M, and M, Fund The business meeting wp! and his party to the judgment of the mortgage redu on of $0,000 ceded by a pot Tek supper, with the people," he enlarged Sunday School en: 115 persons sitting dowp to good rolment and the growing intent food with good fellowshin, James Chroniele-Herald to share more extensively in as: B, Reid thanked the W.A, for There have been sistance to others outside the the necessary plenning and doubts expressed about the ad- local fellowship serving of the meal, Following visability of another contest at! A short peried of remem! moe supper the C.G.I'T 1°aders and this time of year when Canada's held for four members who girls provided a ;ahy-sittin climatic conditions are at their were deceased during the past service while the meeting took worst, Certainly there has heen YOar lace no demand for it, And, in many respects, the past session of Pay llament has been, because of the reluctance of the official Opposi & ecor tion to force another election one of the most' productive in 2 long time Y F I ear ror 1cgeds going to he necessary for the voters to be asked to give some Their participation in the plant idea saved materials and result body a stronger mandate and suggestion plan made Christmas ed in an award of $437 perhaps it is better to have it!a happler season for a number An idea of a way now even though it does mean of employes who submitted win campaigning through snow and ning ideas. One in particular, @brasive material on a polisher slush and cold and mud." Al. Mooney of the north plant Drought Ken Jay of the nicke inspection staff, won 1808 He plating department an award of suggested the use of welded $364; while Eugene Trenholme tubing instead of brazed tubing ©f the chassis plant got an a. lon gas feed lines in the cars, ward of $227 for his suggestion | Another large award went to to shorten the wiring harness | Hugh Hicks of th+ south p'ant| During 1957 GM employes earn Ishipping department who sug. ed $36,618 for their ideas, Of the gested a change in the location 3703 suggestions submitted, 1433 of the car c'eaning operation in resulted in awards, Although the chassis plant, He was award. 1957 was not the ton year in the ed $734 sense of total moneys awarded Ford Kelsy ot the standards it brought the largest number of In enn »xcess of vulnerability, "An election is a good A political . leader may of many things thing Halifax (Ind, ): Sooner or later it was to save a fractured collarbone and the girl a fractured hip, All suffered NEWS BRIEFS RITA WEDS Sth TIME BEVERLY HILLS, Calif, (AP) Rita Hayworth and movie produ cer James Hill were narried Sunday in a quiet ceremony in the bride's home here, It was Hill's first marriage and the fifth for the flume-haired actress, Hill is 41, Miss Hayworlh 39, REPROVES PAPERS LONDON (Reuters) Brit ain's "popular" newspapers Sal. urdav were reprimanded by the London Times for abusing their rights by printing trivia and in. truding into provate lives, The Times editorial follows many let ters to its editor complaining about the treatment by reporters of the parents of a young girl murdered recently, The letters sald the girl's parents were ruth lessly hounded by reporters and photographers when the wanted to be left alone SUE FOR DAMAGES CINCINNATI (AP) prosecution against a 22.year-old grade school teacher in connee tion with the paddling of an 11} vear-old fourth grade pupil was dropped Saturday, Rut the end of the assault and battery case against Miss Gayle Graner came a short time after she had been served with notice that the par ents of Roscoe MeGeorge, the paddled pupil; were suing for $2,. 500 damages day problems, Renting a room, selling a radio or hire ing a repalrman--Want Ads do it! Phone RA 3:3402 for an ad-writer, annual meeting in Ottawa last week, Mr, Grindley ls the first director from Ontario County Flying Club so appointed in many years, reree---- CITY OF as follows: the owner of every s there is a paved side snow and ice from such premises," 10.00 is provided. snow, W.R. SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL Section 256 of By-law No, 2365 provides, in part, "Every occupant, and If there is no occupant of land adjoining any public street where a.m, on every day except Sunday, remove all It is the duty of the Police Department to pros- ecute the person or persons responsible if the above regulations are not complied with and upon conviction, a maximum fine of The failure of citizens to clear snow and ice from the sidewalks adjoining their premises makes walk- ing difficult and dangerous. The co-operation of all citizens is requested to ensure that all sidewalks are cleared of ice and Chairman, Board of Works, OSHAWA hop, house, lot or parcel walk, shall before 10,00 the sidewalks adjoining BRANCH, department suggested that a suggestions ever submitted and magnetized screwdriver be used the largest number of awards when installing horn rings, This paid, mn Ye wr 11. AN Ldnaalan Ioutn iviore zero Fit. It H. McNeill of Sask., who was aboard Otter which took part the injured here, sald nD RCAF in flying the plane's occupants would al certainly have lost thelr 12 KING ST. EAST I i MEAT SPECIALS! TUES. & WED.! PHONE RA 3.3633 {of Chesterfield Inlet, NW.T by lives if the s'ed patrol had not a passing RCMP constable and'stumbled on them Kinsmen Club of Oshawa MONSTER BINGO = Tuesday, BONELESS ROUND STEAK ORROAST TENDER SMALL STEAKS TENDER CURED VEAL PORK CUTLETS cuT-uP CHICKEN his Eskima guide Constable Len Masecatto of the ature Than UK. Teens To be flown to hospital at Win. RCMP and hi: Eskimo guide! FDMONTON M. Canada, said he has heen "'quite nipeg today are The pilot, happened on the crash scene McVay, a Impres ed with facilities for Wiggo Norwang, about 40, a Nor about 30 minutes after the single GutrTey in the county," hut feels wegian with a year's Arctic fly-lengine Trans Air Norseman Clrunnel 84 Is & gap in activities for ing experience; Dr, Jean Charles crashed, It was on a 330-mile Has neither between 13 and 20 years Patry, about 30, resident physi. [light from Churchill to Chester : cian at Chesterfield Inlet, and an field Inlet | Eskimo, Ayaruak, about 40 Rescuers said it was an "ab {turning with his daughter, Annie, |solute miracle' anvone survived 11, to Chesterfield Inlet after a| through the crash, The plane was [three-year stay in a sanatorium|in pieces lat The Pas, Man., where both reated for tuberculosis SKETCHY A TransAir afficial or ( vouth organizer for Island in the English! Youth s rock' 'n" roll music there a good nor a bad in. those teen-agers of age He said he February 4th at Jubilee Pavilion $1,000 IN PRIZES including 2 -- $250.00 Jackpots 1--$150.00 Jackpot (Must be won) 20 Games at $20.00 Share The Wealth Door Prizes Admission In SERVICE fluence on "I have a collection of rock 'n'l a ; moll records and listen to them youths are twa to three years with pleasure," the 49-vear-old ahead of their Hritish counters mathematics honors' graduate of Parts in social maturity but that Birmingham University sald British youths have more *'com here munity awareness I'he Canadian youth apparent sophistication and manner that believes Canadian C ib. | Ib, 5%¢ Ib. 29¢ 2 Ibs. 19¢ Ib, 35¢ has in you don't I'his steady" lo Legs, Breasts, Thighs Wings Backs and Necks Livers Ib, 5%¢ an dress find led to at younger CRASH KILLS FULLERTON, Calif AP) at Winnipeg Two private plane lided n't "Hut when the physical contor ms are added, count me out," sunday night sald de § of the mountainous county east of he added in Britain," he crash were sketchy I'he here Sunday, killing five person M McVay, a Channel Islands' a practice of and Dr. Patry suffered fractured the Orange County sheriff's of education officer who came to an early age 27b'lega while the Eskimo suffered! fice reported, learn about youth problems in marriages. : Q0 BUS $! } card sald TO THE DOOR ludes one pilot A ] going and Giblets |

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