Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 3 Feb 1958, p. 16

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EATON'S GREAT FAMILY DRUG SALE! Our Biggest Drug Event Of The Season ave 2 On EATON'S own br prugs and Gosm 4 beouty need ortial line-up; d here, but pr ands of etics s,..In@ "get- there are many ned health on ominently dis er, Thisis ap not advertise ut the department. py Our own renow acquainted" off items that are played through = ATON'S Cold Cream in types. Apply 5d 178 surplus hen use cream with ni as on over Reg. 60¢/ Sole E-o% jor Reg. 75¢ Sole 1443-085, Jor vitamin Senior f e group: ag 9 essentiol and 1) minerals $0 Hie Especially for the A, he! ! tance 10 common 1%, resistan Reg, 17 95, Sele 250 for 1 0.36 (for children) One-a-day © eral od ON ih 10 Sn "aiding appetite, oge ' EATON'S Vitamin Miner Copules Res. 175. . "Willow Beauty Soap! Specially Imported from England. Creamy lathering soap with @ milk and almond oll content that makes it easy on the skin, Use for toilet or bath, Order for family use, About 3-0z, size cakes, each a9 in an ellover wrapping, Sele, 14 sekes Ll Size obout 7 x White, soft and absorbent tissues, 8% Inches, Handy for removing cosmetics, ote, Sele, 1,000 sheets In box Dept, 312 "yy, TAT, EATON'S Multiple Vitamins Of benefit to adults er children during the long ie Winter days, ip main. tain good health ond build up resisivice , 240, br in hone ; 1.68 3.68 2 EATON'S Cod Liver Oil Capsules Reg. 98, Sele, 18 100 in box Reg, 1.79, Sele, 200 in box 1.48 Dept, 212 Reg, 4.50, 250 In bottle or. Nery, bd 4 EATON'S Vitamin and Mineral Capsules A dietary supplement te aid general health, Reg, 2.25, Sele w 174 Sole w 3:88 Dept, 212 EATON'S fron end Liver Capsules To help to build blood, Reg, 2.25, Sy 100 in bottle ' Reg. 4.75 3.19 Sale, 250 for Dept, 212 Reg. 4.95 EATON"S V&M Capsules A diet supplement for adults and growing children Vitamins and ! minerals in a balanced form for those with low vitamin intake Reg. 4.75, Sele, 100 for [] Reg. 10.75, Sale, 250 for Dept, 212 Hot Water Bottles ! Imported especially by EATON'S from England, Sturdy weight rubber, well made--has 83 hang-up ring, Sele, each hd Pept, 212 Dental Plate Brushes A popular English brand, The sturdy white nylon bristles are set in easy-to-grip handle Each brush in sanitary wrapping For denture 2 59 wearers, Sele brushes EATON'S Tooth Paste! Tooth Brushes! YOOTH PASTE---Reg, 33, With Antizyme action te discourage tooth decay, About 2 Foor fubes. Sele tubes * 'O0TH BRUSMES---Reg. 25, Plain or tufted styles Boft gauge nylon bristles in sturdy catalin handles Fach in sanitary wrapping, 49 Sale for * Dept, 312 Dept, 312 with 3-heat switch! By well-known maker of aches and pains when heat is recommended, J.position switch with slide fastener closing, Comes with about five ? q 89 wa ) mostatically controlled heat, is cotton knit about 11 x 14 inches feet of cord. Sale Dept, 212 About 750 sheet rolls A soft, is in on allover sanitary wrapping 10 rolls case of 100 rolls white and absorbent tissue Each roll Sale 1.23 11.95 | Dept, 412 Du Barry Cleansing Cream for Dry Skin ! A light hypo-allergic cream specially formulated for extremely dry or sensitive complexions, Hos du Barry CLEANSING CREAM OR DAY IN @ softening action to help leave the skin radiantly glowing. at money-saving In manufacturer's special offer, Special, Bon, jor Dept, 312 A treat in fine beauty care. Try it Helpful In relieving discomforts Outdoor Thermometers Know outside temperatures from Inside your home, Metal with clear fgures from 60 degrees below to 120 About 2V4 inches wide Comes complete with brackets above, Magnified mercury tube and about inches tall, and screws oll ready to hang on your window tosh, Sele, esch ' Dept, 212 inine hygiene, Ther. Cover Overall maker. Sale, 48 napkins in pack- age ...... ll Reg. .93! EATON'S Absorbent d Cotton For general uses, in sturdy cartons. Reg, 1.78, . 1.30 0 1,00, Sale, vig roll 19 Reg Sale, 4-0r, voll 48 Dept, 212 the skin, freshing. handful of inte the Wb rose or scents Sale, 5:1b, beg Dept, 212 Helps to soften So re. About a these I lavender EATON'S Vitamin B Compound To ald appetite, nerves, eneral health, aw, 0 3.96 Sole, 100 for Reg, 4.35 Sole, 250 for EATON'S Extract of Malt with Cod Liver Oil For children going fo Reg, 1.75, Sole, 4:1b, Jor Dept, 212 1.39 EATON'S Vitamor Tablets Contain vitamins A, 8, © and riboflavin, plus other essentials for good health, Keg, 3.40, 2.12 6.48 Sale, 100 for Reg. 6.85 Sole, 250 for Dept, 212 Petroleum Oil Heavy type, Reg, 1,15, Sale, A0-0x, bottle vers ¥ Reg. 2,00, Sole, ¥3 gol. 1.69 EATON'S Medicine! Pete froleum, lighter weiokt, Reg, 1,00, Sele, 40: 3x, WHI, Reg, 1.75 1.39 Sale, V5 gel, Dept, 212 EATON'S Moth Crystals Paradichlor benzene, i { 5 Sprinkle: under rugs, inte chesterfield suites, ment bags, closets, in vacuum cleaners Sale, 2b, ra h " EATON'S White Soop Flakes ! Reg. 1.00 ! gare Also Dept, 212 Fast dissolving flakes that are se easy en clothes and colours, lingerie, bale, approx, 3:Ib, sarten Use for fine linens, silks, woollens, Dept, 412 Sturdy Bath Brushes A "must" In every bathroom, Nylon bristles In Length about 15 Inches, Sale, each ...cvvvivii plastic back, Hang-up ring Soft and absorbent for fem- Made EATON"S by nationally known for 1.17 the water and scent Dept "Pepsodent" Dental Cream plus Plastic Hair Brush ! "Pepsodent' tooth paste with lrium (5-02, tube) to help brighten teeth plastic-handled hair bristles Speciel, both for brush has push-b STUIY Trash SS So Utton spray contain In handy 9 Bouquet scents rs. Pine or Dept. 212 The sturdy flexible AY UP NIN 154 19 EATONS Ordinarily 7 Phone UN 1-511 As 7 EATON'S Halibut Liver Oil Capsules Teo help to bolster re sistance to common Colas, infeciions, eic Res tor P 81 1.68 3 9. J9, Sele for ¥ Va grain, Reg, 59, Sele Va grain, Reg Reg. 2.10, Sale, 250 for Reg, 4.29, EATON'S Brushless Shave Reg. 1,00, Sole, 15-01, jor LJ Reg, 45, Sale, 36 ' Varor, Wear ube Sale, 3308, tin Lother shave cream. Ammeniated Reg, 45, Sele Dept, 312 ite ua Rit v1 Von, tube 36 Dept, 412 i EATON"S Egg Creme EATON'S Tooth Powder Plain, Reg. 4), Shampoo Acetyl salicylic ocid, To help headache, muscular aches, all by common colds, we 100,23 Shampoo treats for the i Reg Billows of Helps family, cleansing leave the hair soft and suds, Reg, 60, So Sale, 60x, bottle 48 Reg, 1.25, Sale, Vé-0x bottle 99 Fever Thermometers ! About ene minute reading type, Specially imported from Europe, A necessity in every home in case of sickness, Sole, euch, V for ¥ Dept, 212 Half Usual price! Ordinarily gg; Special ; 4 4 each nap these up In two but 8 and "four "Sheer Flatter: In handy push. Containers! button 9 each! 79 overcome bath, odours of Hiah, cobras 50 banishes odoury elec Leava: Sale for Use it 40 or cookin burned foods a BF pets, tobacco Smelling daliatas if "Deep Magic" Facial Cleansing Lotion To cleanse the skin deep down , | fresh, radiant.looking complexion, EATp, easy 10 manage, » ale, ) EATON'S Hond Creom Reg, 50 Sole, de0n, jor English style #oling == relieve common Reg, 60, Sole, 11h, tn , EATON'S Fruit Saline ~~ Reg. 1.00, Bale, 12-01. bottle Dept, 212 , neuralgia end eviate distress soused EATON'S Skin Balm Protects skin from; ping. Reg, .88, Sale, eon, Reg. 1.00, Sole, 16-08, both Dept, 31 x lor Dept, 312 0 g eng, Ascorh, ' lo 4 I, 6 Reg, 4 Avid Tong Sale, 10, Mi : 50 an Ik of M for 3.52 N's 9. 2.60 le, Tog for 2.07 : 37 Reg, "nese Vitamin 1,2 33.0, nd pe 56 Reg, 87s Coprujey Sole, 350 x 4 89 (i = L 0: do " vo Colourful Travel Kits! : oi] Fitted with break-resistant plastic holders for tooth MJ brush, soap, lation and cream, Slurdf, lightwel plastic material in colourful design, Slide # closing and pouch handle, Sole, somplete with fittings .. Dept, 312 er" EATON'S pg Reg, 60, odorant ¢ i ream TATON'S on Reg. 75, Sprey Deodo Sole, 1340, jor bhi , encourages a "Deep Magic" is lanolin enriched to help protect skin from chaps ping. About 214.02, size, Special, 2 bottles for EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DRUG, DEPT, PHONE RA 5.7373

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